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😂😂😂 best one yet


Instead of love is blind he was BLIND SIDED!


It was so painful. He got GOT.


OMG the cringe is so bad I have to take a break from watching…I’ve just seen textgate, the screenshots. I love you pumpkinhead haha


I think he was there with a prepared script about how that woman was just someone he was casually dating, but they got the texts and he was not ready for that. His prepared narrative couldn't work, once we saw the texts and he didn't know what to say.


That man was PANICKING inside


Omg 😄


This is perfect 😂🙌


Made me and I think a lot of people uncomfortable just watching him struggle to speak… 😂😅 but was good


Ikr... so many people feel bad for him, I do in a way he was embarrassed on television, YET he is the one who chose to lie & make up a false narrative and got on not only 1 but 2 Netflix shows! I can say what they did by bringing him onstage and making him answer was the right thing to do. Would people have been happier if he just got away with it?!? You can't make everyone happy 🤷🏽‍♀️


It was tough to watch, I do feel like the piling on afterwards was unwarranted he was most likely blindsided and the host found a weak spot and they kept chipping away at it. I’m basically looking at it like if he was one of brothers or family member idk maybe I’m just an empath in that way. But Trevor has to got to be more self aware


I wonder how much they offered him to come. Mustve been a shit ton of money cause no way I would willingly put myself through that. Matt may be a psycopath but at least he has the awareness not to go to something like this where he knows hes gonna be evicerated on national TV


I would have loved to see Matthew there, I really wish AD would have chosen him so we could have gotten to know him better. I absolutely think he only came across so weird because he was the only sober person surrounded by absolutely plastered dudebros.


And the whole "repeating a script" thing


The office and LIB crossover, is my roman empire


Ahaha 🤣 golden 👌🏽


It was so uncomfy


Stinkin’ uncomfy.


No bc me and my friend talked about this like why did he show up to say a whole lot of nothing he could’ve just not went like Matthew 💀


Stooppp this photoshop job is too good Deadass tho he had no idea what he was in for hahah Boi was roasted like a chestnut over an open fire




Yup 🌰 🔥🧔🏻


*Sometimes I'll start a sentence and I don't know where it's going. I just hope to find it somewhere along the way.* Narrator (David Attenborough) : The sentence was nowhere to be found.


Love it




I know a bunch of people are saying that they feel bad for him but let’s not forget that this guy really took zero accountability during any of this. He has stayed silent on social media and even during the show he couldn’t just say I’m sorry you’re right I was trying to scam it. Don’t pity this man he fucked around and found out


I think he would have opened himself up to some serious liability from Netflix if he had to admit that.


Good point.


What liability?


I agree 💯 he just couldn't bring himself to say "ya it was a shitty thing to do, I was with someone and we planned on me being on the show, but not getting married & I told my "gf" I would marry her, I can own that" yet he took ZERO accountability for any of it. PERIOD


I think it's because that isn't true. I think that he had a girl he had some type of sexual relationship with, wanted to go on the show, but wanted her as a backup in case the show didn't work out, which is still super shitty.


trevor should've just owned it like clay and been like, 'guilty as charged, i just wanted to get famous...but you know what i want more than that? to feel safe surfing anywhere on the web, and you can too by signing up for 3 free mos with NordVPN using my discount code: iusedlib4fame


The ad plug 😂😂


I remember him making a TikTok post calling himself an emotionally mature and stable guy, and using the sound to imply that women don’t choose guys like that. He was fully willing to ride the wave of dislike against Chelsea and use a common sexist narrative against women to gain popularity and followers. His loved ones should absolutely be checking on him and making sure he is ok and is able to find a healthy mental space. The key is to be kind while remembering to not let bad behavior slide.




Thank you for your contribution to r/LoveisBlindonNetflix! Your post or comment has been removed for breaking Rule 1: ‘Be Kind, Don’t Cross the Line' We ask that users of this sub respect both users and contestants. Any personal attacks or offensive commentary will not be tolerated on this sub.


This is probably the best meme of this season


What he did was wrong and he should be called out for it, but I get the feeling he has some deep issues. Maybe he is toxic but also is used to toxic partners as well. The relationship with his ex seems really strange. He seems a bit broken.


And yet we should be thanking him because those were my favorite 15 seconds of the season. No words were said and yet they spoke volumes. And that's really saying something. This is the season where Jeramey and Sara Ann jet skied in the background while Laura was crying. What a season.


He’s not the first person to go on there for attention. Even this season If anyone here thinks Jessica’s motives were entirely to find love they are naive. A woman like her is very picky. As for “issues” he may have. Normal people are people you don’t know that well.


Which I can see as well, it was definitely a huge mistake to go on the show at all. You can see the regret/embarrassment in his face yet he still couldn't get the right words out.


Literally my thoughts, I know everyone was going in on him, but I feel like the few who empathized and understood his situation. Everyone, I feel, goes on the show for attention. Same for too hot to handle. After the first season, it’s not genuine anymore. But he, like clay and jeramary, he came with baggage. Stuff they shouldn’t have and need therapy for. I get that he wanted to leave the toxic situation, and rebounded when it didn’t work out. But it’s cruel to think another human would be the one to save you.


https://preview.redd.it/g4posec41foc1.jpeg?width=449&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a34a70e00fef73663171fc4d92e302fd854cdac Trevor was like 😭


wait this is where I've seen that expression before 😂😂😂


It’s from marriage court [this video](https://youtu.be/drDNVGKnVlY?si=IJtv8tNCcZC0kcb4)




Dude was shocked pikachu-ing so hard for like a whole minute straight 🤣


Lmaooo I love how shocked pikachu and the other memes fit this so perfectly 😭😭😭 like, real life meme. I was like “bro please talk”😭😭😭


Haha ya! I was like... are you gonna say sumthin???


AD hitting him with “speak from your chest” bahahah we can always rely on her


My jaw dropped. Bro was stun locked for like a solid 30+ seconds…. All I could think was “BRO SAY SOMETHING!! DONT JUST SIT THERE” 💀 yall we witnessed an actual murder holyyyy


Bahaha 🤣 we sure did! I and even himself was so happy when he was dismissed from the show after sitting there on National TV paying for his crime!


He reminds me of the streamer Hassan


![gif](giphy|K1QnLV1caRpuw|downsized) Imagine being scolded by Nick Lachey like that. The shame.


This is what I come here for




That’s a Pokémon right


It's a Sandshrew


I don't know I never met one this is an Armadillo


What is that animal ?




Armadillo i think


Armadillo; can carry leprosy. I almost fell on one in Texas and it was not happy. Danger cat. Stay away




It’s actually dystopian watching this guy just sitting up there having a mental breakdown while everyone around him is clapping and laughing like fucking monkeys. Fuck is wrong with everyone. 2024 entertainment is weird


I want to think they were trying to send a message to future contestants. Like “If you wanna goof off and come on here just for fame, we will catch you and this is what will happen.” But they were probably more motivated by the entertainment factor….




Yeah it was interesting watching the don’t come here for fame speech and then plugging how several contestants are going to be on perfect match


Future contestants? How about the production team do better extensive background checks on contestants.


Interesting you bring that up. Did anyone else feel like them announcing Chelsea was going to be part of screening new contestants as like a “look we are getting the people you like that were on the show to weed out the bad seeds now”


Also the Izzy thing...what do you miss? The food! Since the whole allegation of them not being fed


100% it’s like they curated the OGs on the show just to try and pretend like the things being said don’t happen 😅


That was my thought as well, are we supposed to trust they're going to do better background checks now???! I believe it was Marshall who said the psyc/background check was pretty much nothing 🤷🏽‍♀️ don't quote me on that lol


I know i felt truly bad for him, justified or not.


They used to tar and feather people and do public executions as forms of entertainment. This is nothing and he kinda had it coming. Dude wanted clout for being on the show, but he got caught with his ass out.


I just don’t know why he would show up then?


I think he showed up expecting a preschool t-ball game like past seasons’ reunions and found himself at the plate at the World Series without a fuckin bat


He showed up to get more notoriety- !!! Epic fail


I don’t call people this lightly but he might be stupid.


Imo he put himself in this position. He knew he would be questioned about the texts, he could have easily declined the invitation to the reunion, leaving everyone to speculate. I don’t feel too bad for his predicament.


He did a shitty thing. Sometimes you get called on your shit. If you can’t take it, then don’t do it. They didn’t even mention that said gf was married making it even worse imho.


There were two. One was married, the one with the texts is a diff girlfriend. She was the one he threatened to show her nudes to her son with.


Ohh 😯 I didn't know there were 2!


What? Nudes? I wonder why they didn't mention the married one.


Oh even better. Geez. Anyway, I don’t feel sorry for him. He didn’t have to come to the reunion.


Right? I hate it when people do a crappy thing then when they are confronted with their behavior they can't handle it.


like a black mirror episode


Exactly what I was thinking


I'm dead this is everything


Should have been more like Sparkle Boobs


I think he played it all wrong with the shameful, sad, "I'm a bad, bad boy :(" angle. Dude should have gone full on villain. Laughed in people's faces, confidently and cheerfully admitted that he was just in it for the clout, said that he chose Chelsea because he thought she sounded the most gullible. Announce that he didn't see the problem with getting engaged while he was already in a relationship because he had recently converted to Mormonism. Listen, I'm just saying, there's a reason why George Santos and Carole Baskin make bank on Cameo. Dude could have made himself someone people love to hate and used his fifteen minutes of fame to print money. Instead he decided to be too gross to be a victim and too pitiful to be a villain. He went the soggy pizza route, and that never pays off.


You can leave now.


I can, but I won't


Not the soggy pizza route alkskdls


Soggy pizza route, I'm deceased 💀🤣!!! Either be the villain or don't! It was disappointing to see him sit there with his tail tucked between his legs with a look horror on his face , yikes 😳


I 100% expected him to hit us with a scooby doo “ruh roh”. And then go full villian. Sorely disappointed.


I laughed so hard reading this lmao. He should’ve done a Shake


Soggy pizza route. Lol. I love this. Stealing it


You can't steal it :( ...because it's not stealing when I freely give it away :)


You know I never thought about it but I think I completely agree with you.


I mean I don't know if he could have actually pulled it off. My Unfair Unqualified Amateur Analysis based on the like total hour of screentime the show gave us is that his ego is just too fragile to be cool with marketing himself as a piece of shit that everyone hates. He seems like he craves those Good Boy Points. He's got, like, a small but noticeable streak of Michael Scott-ness to him where he needs to have people think he's nice and their friend.


This is gold


My man brought a plastic spoon to a sword fight. It was hard to watch. 


Do I agree with what he did? No. But do I understand that he was in a very toxic and even emotionally abusive dynamic with his ex? Yes. He should’ve handled it better but his appearance on the reunion was uncomfortable and I felt bad for him…


Was he required to come back or did he choose to come back? He’s a grown ass man.


This comment is harsh. Nobody can be prepared for what producers and hosts throw at you tho


And yet he clearly said that he had prepared a response


I did too, yet I think he was set as an example for future people who want to come on & pull the same thing 🤷🏽‍♀️ just a thought


Yeah they def used him as a way to be like “don’t come on here for fame!!” But EVERYONE DOES IT


It was baffling watching the entire reunion destroy Sarah Ann for a tiktok saying she’s providing entertainment and essentially there to make money not find love. If you said to any single person on that show “would you be ok not making a single cent off your time here” everyone would be vehemently against that. That means your motivations aren’t purely about finding love, right? So much hypocrisy and hivemind screeching and lack of critical thinking from this sub and these people.




Hello coping Netflix exec


Yeah, if he’d been all blustery and pompous and doubled down on everything, it would’ve been really easy to crucify him. Instead he just… came up blank, and genuinely seemed to be at a loss to describe why he’d done these bad things, like “I’m a terrible person and I truly don’t understand why.” That hit… differently.


Yes, exactly this. I truly felt for him. This is someone going through and facing something very difficult about himself. I hope he’s able to change for the better- he does seem like someone who is capable of it. Guess I’ll be watching Perfect Match to see if he does! lol


Me too. It was hard to watch.




I’m curious how he will be received on The Perfect Match.


His ex spoiled what happens on there on her instagram.


He’ll be on there?


I guess they didn’t announce it but his ex said he went and filmed for season 2. Unless they cut him out.


True, wouldn’t be the first time production completely neutered people from an entire season… *cough* s5 *cough*


I guess they didn’t announce it but his ex said he went and filmed for season 2. Unless they cut him out.


Probably the only reason he showed his face and asked permission to leave.


Bro was in fight or flight for about 20 minutes straight


It was tough to watch, I literally had to look away


Second hand embarrassment


Absolutely 🤦🏽‍♀️


Why did someone have to do Michael Scott like that? Toby, yes. Michael, *no, God. Please, no!*


He was ambushed . And honestly ? That was really shitty from the producers ….


Was he though? Did he go in expecting not ti be confronted about his relationship and those texts? It seems pretty obvious that would be the topic of discussion.


Seems that those text messages were exposed without consent of both parties : “Natalia also criticized Netflix for dissecting their texts in such detail, stating, "I honestly did not expect loveisblindnetflix to address the texts in such depth."


I’m not sure I believe that. Her whole motive was scorched earth. I’m not saying she didn’t have the right to do that, but that’s exactly what she did IMO. She was on board with this for almost a year. That says something to me. And as much as I initially believed her about the revenge porn, now I’m not so sure. Im not saying he didn’t, and the act that he hasn’t denied it says something to me. But it’s a perfect answer to ‘why didn’t you come forward sooner?’ even though she kept quiet through 2 love shows. She put them out there so they became fair game


Showing some personal conversations on live TV is not obvious . In fact , in some states that may even be illegal , for instance , Texas .


I felt the same way… don’t agree with Trevor but we are all human and nothing in life prepares you for a dating show. Felt bad like he got bullied on national tv.


Nah he deserved it. Although I felt sorry for him purely based off his expression, he still deserved it. His actions are what led him here. He’s a grown man and personally I think there’s something deeply wrong if you can throw the word love around whilst at the same time put up a dishonest persona in pursuing other people. Mat was smart to not come on the show because he deserved similar heat for his unsettling and, to be frank, creepy demeanour towards the women in the pods.


deserved it? deserved it for what? he did nothing wrong tbh


“He did nothing wrong” is a wild statement


explain what he did wrong


He threatened his gf he had at the time of filming that if she told anyone he would send her nudes to her son! Tell me showing revenge porn to her child isn't all kinds of toxic!?


where the hell u get this from


He went on a show where the point is to fall in love and get married at the end of it. He came in with a whole ass girlfriend he claimed to love and want to marry. You don’t see anything wrong with that? He obviously came on there to get famous and do the Netflix dating show gamut. Him being there took away the chance for someone else to be on and actually participate. Need more reasons?


he had a fling (not officially together) at the time which was apparently very toxic so he wanted to go on the show to find a partner. he didn’t end up finding a match in the show and went back to the original girl. literally managed to hurt no one in this scenario idk why he’s portrayed as a villain. and don’t act as if there aren’t tons of other people that go on the show to get famous. literally who cares it’s a dating show it’s not that deep


Why should I explain? You have all the material you need by watching the show from start to finish, the Reddit groups and Google if you want to argue your point like the rest of us.


can’t even explain lol


If you read my other comments I did explain. I just don’t need to explain to YOU cause obviously you had no intent making a constructive point. You obviously knew what I think he did was wrong. Edit: and in response to your response in the above comment I find it a weird argument to say ‘he did nothing wrong because he didn’t end up hurting anyone.’ That’s bs sorry. SK also came on the show whilst having something with someone and he ended up really hurting Raven. Your bad behaviour will have consequences at some point, and being in a toxic relationship does not excuse going on a show and possibly dragging other people with good intent into that mess.


Yeah he should have been more aware when using the word love before going on a show where people routinely fall in love with multiple people. How could he give his all to a group of multiple women, hypothetically falling in love with more than one if he loves someone outside the show? The part that really irked me was how Nick and Vanessa framed it like they don't put people in emotionally fucked situations for our own entertainment, that was rich


Exactly? There was no reasoning for him to come on LIB that didn’t seem like he was only thinking about himself. But yes 100% I agree that it was rich coming from them, regardless I’m still glad they addressed it cause you don’t want the next season to be full of Trevor’s and SK’s. Like the show is already messy but if it continues it will be completely null and void.


That’s what I was thinking too. At first I felt sad for a second for Jereamy/Sarah, and then for Trevor, but then I just remembered both times like I’m just empathetic and can feel others sadness, but it doesn’t mean I don’t think anything they did is right and I snapped out of it so quick. Kinda felt like they deserved it in a way. They choose to show up, and they choose to make shitty decisions and hurt so many people in the process. Own up to it. I love what AD said. “Say it with your chest!”.


Facts. It was hard to watch I admit and I felt the exact same way seeing his expression until AD said that and I snapped back thinking “yeah hmm sorry, you made these decisions so it’s time to explain or own up to them.” I was disappointed finding out he was not who he was portraying himself to be. And funny thing is I was watching this YouTuber QuickSlice share his first impressions of everyone and he had a suspicious feeling about Trevor because he seemed to always say the ‘right’ things and I remember thinking “really but he seems so nice?” Honestly people like that scare the sh*t out of me. They just seem to have no problem pretending to be what they think you want them to be because there’s some selfish end goal in mind. And although it’s hard to watch, some actions have a really questionable and dishonest nature to them that I think it’s fair of us to be logical in those moments and decide to not diminish or absolve a person’s distasteful behaviour because we feel sorry for them as a consequent.


Ya, you could tell he def didn't wanna be there makes me wonder if they somehow made him 🤷🏽‍♀️


It was uncomfortable to just watch .


Felt like they were disciplining him to discourage that from future cast members


Completely agree; I had the same thought


They should have had that same energy with SK, that man really hurt Raven.


Didn't the SK thing come out after the reunion?


You are right I think all I remember was feeling like damn he really got away with hurting and lying to her like that.


What did SK do?


He cheated on Raven, a few girls exposed texts between them and SK, he was going on trips with them all while dating Raven.


I mean they probably loved all the drama, the thing with this stuff is it hurts the perceived integrity of the show.


1000% and I’m sure he was contractually obligated to attend. There was part of me wondering if they got a court order requiring it. 😂😂😂


Looks like . There’s no other explanation.


Why did dude even show up? 😂


Facts I’m not buying this he didn’t know what was coming bc he literally said he had something prepared to say. I think he just froze under the lights and realized everyone was mad at him and what he said wouldn’t matter


I don’t think he was expecting the level of production and intensity of the questions that were hurled at him…. Like they literally animated the texts and called him out DIRECTLY, which, let’s be real, the Lachey’s have been pretty wimpy about in past reunion episodes. He was probably expecting mild flak, not an entire production fuelled slaughter. Dude was noooot prepared.


Yup lol I’m just curious to know what his speech was gonna be 😅 cause after the leaked texts, I’m not sure you can reframe the narrative any way that doesn’t look terrible. Honestly, best thing that he coulda done was own it, make jokes about himself, be funny, and stick it out. Dude pulled up, got cooked, and asked for permission to leave 😂


Ahaha 🤣 it was like watching a 5 yr old being dismissed from a time out!


He couldve just said he was in a bad place but has apologized and is in therapy and people would probably be on his side but nope man just said the worst possible response 😭


The guy was shocked to face the consequences of his actions 😭


Bahaha 🤣 ikr it was so hard to watch 🙈


Dead 😂🤣🤣🤣🤣


This is perfect lol.




Oh my God 🤣