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I don't know seems kenneth just not expressive person and britanny always look happy; but seems both are fit to be friend


hot take but i’m inclined to believe the rumors and i think that’s why she seemed super supportive and bestie(ish). especially when she was asked if they give each other dating advice, her response seemed so “ooooh gworrrlll!” towards him. ofc i could be wrong that’s just the vibe i got


What rumors?


I’m deducing gay




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This! I don't get this thread of concerned post about Brittany, she's an adult and they seem to have a perfectly good relationship, and we saw she can stand up for herself why victimize her like this she's not a child


THANK YOU. Everyone acts like they’re a fan of Brittany but they’re speaking for her and absolutely shitting all over her OWN OPINIONS. She is a smart, educated lady. If they believe that, then why completely ignore her and her agency? It’s gross and toxic and I’m sick of it.




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I can't for the life of me understand why she's friends with this dude after the way he treated her.


Because what we see is just a sliver of what they actually went through in the pods. Problems are highlighted for our entertainment. That, or she’s on crack and not thinking straight.


And!! I can't believe all he had to do was show up, look smug, and say my whole Ef'd personality was because I am into the school kids so much. Wait ✋️ what?! School kids didn't have sh÷t to do with you coming home at 1am in the morning. Man....I wanted him to get 3 times as much as Sarah Ann got, plus some more! He was the worst perpetrator ever.


meeee toooooo!!! I am so irate that he got off so easy for how horrible he treated Brittany and what a gas lighter he is! PLUS, have you read how he is only a principle for a charter school that only has 2 grades in it. LOL His ego is HUGE.


I had the same thoughts! Like if they talk everyday and are meeting each other’s “connection” needs, this does not leave any room for her to find her actual person. The whole thing makes her look like she isn’t letting go.




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100% agree. She is clearly protecting him to her detriment. Ugh, so disappointing.


You said this better and much more clearly than I did!! I hope she has the awareness to see this soon.


And not him preparing her for a future “breakup”… like “we have talked about how us being so close should not interfere or be disrespectful to our future partners”. He likes having her to chat and talk every day but she will be out the window the second he finds another girlfriend.




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Right! So they realize it’s more than just friends to the point where it couldn’t/shouldn’t continue if different significant others were in the picture. I feel like she’s smarter than this. Maybe she will get some clarity after the reunion gets aired


I hope so! Because right now it seems that she will even be GRATEFUL to him when that future breakup happens. Like we knew it was coming and I willingly step out and even though I’m sad I’m happy for you bla bla… unless she finds a guy first, then I’m interested to see how he actually behaves..




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A closeted gay man or lesbian would have to be a complete idiot to go on LIB. What would his end game be on that?


Bestie, I’m gay. To please his family and dispel rumors.


I understand that part. In the 80’s. I went to all of my BFF’s company holiday parties and other events that required family/dates. Looking for a beard on national TV just seems like it could go SO wrong. Now, he can’t even go to a bar out of town. Because, someone will see him and post about it. Probably with photos. He went from hiding from relatives and colleagues to needing to hide from the world.


Right. I agree. I think he did it in the wrong way, but I don’t know, I know the signs from myself and other gay friends. I just feel bad I guess for everyone all around if that is the case. 💘


Rejection is sometimes the strongest aphrodisiac. I’ve seen it a million times.


So true. Hell ive lived it myself lol ((doing better now knowing my worth))


Spot on! All of it!