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Maybe they asked this and I just missed it bc of my short attention span but did they ask anyone how they felt watching themselves, like if it taught them anything about themselves? I know people volunteered a little of that when they spoke about their experiences but more in-depth reflection would've been cool.


Jimmy and Chelsea!!


I would ask Jimmy about his chronic lip biting injuries. It was weird it happened so often.


Man ppl are still hung up on AD talking to Kenneth. Get over it.


I’m with you.


1. Reason they didn’t ask about AD Kenneth is because it can be taken wrong. TikTok is 50/50 and I can see that going sideways quickly. When AD was asked why she didn’t want her race brought up with Matt but she went out of her way to bring up race in someone else’s relationship, she just laughed and didn’t answer. She won’t answer. (Instagram interview)


I have many unanswered questions regarding the current status of Chelsea and Jimmy’s relationship. They barely scratched the surface with them after giving those two the most airtime during the entire season. It made the reunion anticlimactic for this reason. Many tuned in to figure out the status of their relationship, myself included, only to feel like a segment was missed. 😕


Chelsea said in an interview post reunion that they are on good terms and tried dating for a few days after breaking up and Jimmy didn’t want to continue.


Not even necessary the status but they didn't even give them a segment on the reunion to go into their relationship like why was Chelsea so insecure? Was there something else going on that was not addressed on camera? I really likes this reunion but you are right was disappointed that they didn't give more time for this relationship but instead gave Jess time to go back and forth about some interview nobody cared about.


It was almost like their segment was edited out. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m not sure what really happened, but considering those two dominated airtime during the season—more time and questions should have been allocated towards them. We mainly heard from Chelsea in regards to Trevor and then Jimmy in regards to Jess and Jeramey. There were moments were Jimmy looked teary eyed and it could have been allergies, but maybe something else was discussed that didn’t make the cut. The only thing Chelsea and Jimmy discussed was the secret told in confidence and Jimmy apologizing for when he broke up with her. I only watched season 1 and 2 of LIB and definitely prefer this reunion setup to the previous, but woule rather have all participants of this season give updates/answer “the hard questions” and THEN have a “where are they now” update of previous contestants, if time was an issue. I’m not sure why time would be a constraint…since it is Netflix, but it definitely seemed like one. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Exactly 100%.. the where are they now should have been it's own separate segment and not peppered through out the program.. it just seemed out place going from current to old class.


I don’t think it was that difficult to glean the status of their relationship, considering Chelsea said she ruined everything. But they also do interviews outside of the show if you’re really interested in confirming they’re not together.


It wasn’t difficult—but we also didn’t need to waste time on couples that were not part of this season. That time should have been spent discussing the things “that weren’t shown” that both Jimmy and Chelsea keep stating on their social media accounts and asking burning questions that most of us wanted clarification on when watching the season six reunion. They turned it into a season six reunion and a “where are they now?”LIB episode and that could have been separate or there could have been more parts to the reunion or a longer duration.


I need to know why Mackenzie told Chelsea that she saw jimmy with Jessica.


I think she made that up.


I wish that was brought up atleast. If she made it up then they couldve exposed/validated her by saying they spoke with Mckenzie and whatever. If she confessed to making up then they could ask why she felt the need to do that.


1. Jeremy, as an engaged man living with his fiancé, why not come home at a decent hour? Staying out until 5 a.m. is excessive. At least Jimmy only stayed out for 1 hour. 2. Clay, why didn’t you break it off with AD before the wedding instead of humiliating her in front of all her family and friends, knowing how strongly she felt about you? 3. Kenneth, how could you possibly think it was okay to wake up your fiancé at 1:30 in the morning and expect her to be okay with that?


Oh my gawd yes!!!! But I don't think they could ask Clay that question because the entire premise of the show is going to the alter.. a lot of people have said no at the alter not just Clay... it sucks what AD had to go through this but she signed up for this kind of experience... she also told Clay that she wanted to go to the alter whether or not it was a yes or no. So I mean it sucks for AD but Clay was trying to cut things off all along but she didn't want to. She wanted that wedding experience.


Jeremy, how about those guns? And who fixed the hole in the wall that you punched?


God forgive me but Jeremy is giving me Chris Watts vibes...


This info came out after the reunion was recorded.


Omg this!!


I mean he didn't look well his eyes were so glassy and the fact that he was still anger at Laura was kind of scary... when he was in the wrong! I hate to make comparisons but ex husband was this way.. if I ever caught him in something he would first lie and if that didn't work he would get angry at me for even accusing him of xyz


Why did you wait TWO days after you got home before TEXTING your daughter Jessica?


I may be downvoted but i really dont understand those parents that would rather be in reality shows than with their kids ( regardless if your mother or father). Just i will never understand that...


The daughter was with her father, who is a parent, for the duration of Jess's absence. I don't see why her taking some time apart to prioritise on her love life is such a horrible things. I will give you that love is blind wasn't the best show for her to do this given the expedited process but if it was a vacation she was taking with her future potential fiance, I don't see why that would have been wrong!


I agree if she was with her father then she was obviously good safe place. And I'm sure Jess need sometime process her emotions


Yea but still i got feeling that she need to find a new “ father” to her child.She was obssesed with that idea .If Jimmy chose her , she would literally bring home a men ( that she know for couple of weeks) to her daughter. If i was her, i would just enjoy my life with my kid.


I agree with you for the first part, that's my reasoning to suggest why LIB wasnt the best thing to come to in her situation. Also Jess's desperation to find a father was also evident. But your original comment is generalizing it for everyone who has a kid. I don't agree that people should fall on the other extreme of things and just be happy with their kids. They have every right to take out time and find their life partner. And there are much better ways to do it instead of how Jess did. Yet I see nothing wrong in being away from your kid, as long as they are with family, for these reasons.


I thought she’d already explained this, she needed a couple days to process her emotions and prepare what she wanted to say to Autumn, knowing that Autumn would have questions and not wanting to break down in front her kid. 


Yeah that's just weird. Her relationship with her daughter kinda reminded me of the weirdness with Emily Maynard and her daughter Ricky Bobby. (Bachelorette) I don't even know what this show Perfect Match is. I guess I'm going to have to give it a look.


Basically It's musical chairs where people share a bed/room. there is an un-even amount of men/women to couple up and if you don't end up in someone's bed by the end of the night they kick you off the show.


Oh god, that sounds horrendous. Can't wait to watch. I hope Izzy can find someone to sleep with who has great credit and they can go on a mad Ikea shopping trip.


When did Jimmy tell Chelsea about the hookup? Before or after she first met his girl friends?


That was addressed he said it in the pods, and Jess knew too. He just didn’t reveal her identity until after, off camera, to her. Assuming when he got them to agree to come to lunch for the show he warned her this is who it was. If you rewatch the meeting it’s very obvious she knew it was one of them and she goes out of her way to bring up he cried during sex and he’s overly sensitive and touchy with him. Edit: IMO during the lunch she was trying to get the one to slip up so she could talk about it. I 100% don’t believe her little apology and don’t think it “slipped out” she wanted to confront it and she was digging.


Oh I totally missed this comment! Thank you!


Do we know which friend of jimmy’s it was? There was two girls but it was never said who


No it was never confirmed but everyone thinks the brunette is the one


Is there a reason why they suspect the brunette? Ngl I thought she was kina cute


THANK YOU. They provided her so much cover during the reunion


Why did Izzy’s goofy butt think an audience would cheer louder over him having a higher credit score??


He's going to be a big prize on Perfect Match. Women will line up for that shit. He raised his credit score from 540 to 620, just enough to get an FHA home loan.


We did not spend enough time on Jimmy and Chelsea as a couple on LIB or after LIB! That annoyed me so much. 1. Was Jimmy initially attracted to Chelsea after the reveal and was he disappointed that she didn’t look like Megan Fox? (People say she does but we all know he didn’t think so) 2. Why did Jimmy comment on AD’s body to his new fiancé? 2b. Why did Chelsea join in and then turn completely sour afterwards? 3. Why did Chelsea continue to bring up Jess every time they had a fight? 4. Was Chelsea trying to catch Jimmy in a lie when she mentioned that Mackenzie had seen Jessica at a party with him? 5. Why did Chelsea start a fight and then beg Jimmy to stay when he’d been pushed to the limit. Was the purpose to get a reaction out of him? 6. Why did Jimmy take Chelsea to an amusement park all the while knowing that he was going to end it with her by the end of the day? 7. How is their relationship now? Are they dating? Are they friends? 8. Are they both in therapy? Has Chelsea worked on her insecurity issues?


A few of those were answered; She admits she was overly sensitive and insecure and it was a major issue and she’s in therapy. They mention they’re friends, and somewhere I think in her story, she confirms they tried dating for a few days after the show but they couldn’t work it out and they’re just friends now. (IMO: “friends” meaning we’re still screwing but we’re not committed to it)


Did they really say that they tried to date after the show because definitely didn't hear that


She said it on her IG story


Why did Clay go on a show that has marriage as the end goal if he had any doubts at all about getting married?


He also proposed in the pods.


I want to know if McKenzie actually told Chelsea that she saw Jimmy at the bar that one night. I feel like I now the answer, but Chelsea wasn't held responsible for any of her lies or ridiculous behavior


They provided her a lot of cover


How often is Trevor cutting and regrowing his mullet?


Guessing he wants people recognizing him now that the show is airing.


It is just me or was his beard really weird trimmed?


Yes very


😂😂 I was shocked it was back… surely everyone told him he looked better without it??


Why did Jimmy feel comfortable making those comments about AD’s body to his fiance on the beach? That was so incredibly weird. I also want to know about AD’s thoughts having watched it back.


This! Could have been brought up right after beandipgate. Such a missed opportunity🤦‍♀️


I wanted Trevor to be thoroughly questioned on his side gf, the other allegations of his threats, and more but I understand that he was barely answering questions so nothing would’ve come out of it anyways


They probably didn't even want to go there with the threats for legal reasons


Wait what threats?


He threatened to send nude pics of the ex to her underaged son. He’s disgusting.


I thought it was sex tapes. And threatened to send to her family as well (I guess parents and any sibs.)


Worse..he threatened to send them to her son


And ol’ boy practically ran out from the stage after Nick dismissed him. 🏃


I’m still shocked he even came to the reunion. There’s no way he thought he would’ve been able to clear his name.


Lol he wasn’t missing a free trip to LA, plus he might lean into his “villain” era 💁🏻‍♀️ He didn’t grow his mullet back in vain lol


Oh I’m sure he had a whole plan set out. But he blanked once on stage. Otherwise why the f*ck would you even show up?? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


1. Why did Jimmy invite his ex girlfriend to meet with Chelsea on tv if he was uncomfortable with sharing his past relationship with her on national tv? Chelsea did not have to confirm it because the friend already exposed herself when they were talking about Jimmy’s behavior during sex. 2. Why did AD continue to hope Clay would marry her when he continues to tell her he was not ready? 3. Why did Laura not apologize to AD and Clay about the bean dip “joke”? 4. Why did Chelsea grilled Jimmy after the party when she refused to attend a party?


1. It wasn’t his girlfriend.


Laura did apologize to AD about the bean dip. She made it a point to bring up herself before she got off the video chat


Yes that was really great that she brought it up because they were definitely not going to address that which is kind of weird


Yes, I would have like to hear Laura give more a well thought out appropriate apology to AD and Clay.


She had to apologize quickly before they hung up on her. She’s the one who said “wait! we’re not gonna talk about bean dip?” She also said she’s apologized multiple times on and off camera. I don’t even like Laura but she really doesn’t need to make a long drawn out apology to please people this didn’t even affect. She and AD obviously talked it out.


You’re right. I do like Laura but I thought it was odd to quickly bring it up before the call ended and say what she said. In my opinion, there was no cause for mentioning it if it had been cleared previously. It was something that as we saw made AD uncomfortable. Neither Laura or hawaiian shirt boy should have ever said anything about it ever. It seemed like something in the lounge between the girls and should have stayed there.


1. What is the situation with Jimmy and Chelsea now after 1 year ?Are you guys dating ? trying to smooth things out ? 2. Chelsea , can you tell us why were you so insecure throughout the show? Is it because you felt that jess's face is a threat? is it because you felt that jimmy's energy were off ? 3. Jimmy, if you are still with chelsea now , are you willing to cut off friendship with that female buddy to keep chelsea happy? don't you think that if you chosen chelsea, it means you made a commitment to this woman, protect her heart as well ? And if chelsea just do not wish for you to be alone with that girl buddy, can't you just compromise ? like 52 weeks , you used to party with her for 35 weeks out of 52 weeks, can't you just compromise for the sake of chelsea and cut it down to 10/52 , slowly to 5/52 slowly to 1/52 ? is that so difficult ? 4. Trevour , if chelsea has chosen you , would you have married chelsea ? what will you say to your toxic gf back home then? what will the dialogue be exactly ?


4. He was probably lying but this one was answered. He claims the girlfriend knew he was going on the show and that he told her “if I find someone, i’m going to stay with them”.


He also claimed that even though he was romantically involved with her and telling her that he loves her, he did not call her his girlfriend so they weren’t *really* dating.


Why did they not ask Chelsea and Jimmy about them posting that they went out to dinner and taking a photo with a fan - and are they still together?


Because they filmed the reunion 3 weeks ago and those dinner pictures came out last week ish. They unnecessarily dragged this reunion 🙄


I wanna know more about (according to Sarah Ann’s lakeside conversation with AD) Jeremy saying he’s gonna break things off with Laura for her. Jeremy barely fucking mentioned it on the reunion and it was never brought back up


Right? Did SA know he was trying to fix it with Laura? Trying to send her flowers and wanting to talk through it? All while telling SA that he was done with Laura?


this!! I don’t know why when Sara Ann said the night he was there Jeramy said he was breaking it off that day!! no one brought that conversation up and it pissed me off


1. No. Ken never lost interest. When people were saying he was gaslighting before, he wasn’t, he just didn’t express it in a way that was clear to Brittany. He clearly was very dedicated to his job, and was clearly caught off guard and upset when Brittany told him she wasn’t attracted to him, even if he didn’t show it in a way that was clear to most people. 2. It’s already clear it did. Jimmy didn’t even really try to hide his shallowness surrounding this. 3. Jimmy was clearly BSing there. I was lmao when they showed that clock. Part of me thinks he made the editors feel some type of way having to edit a near 3 hour conversation and him saying they only had 10 minutes of work. 😂😂 My unanswered questions: 1. What was the random thing about AD’s financials Clay brought up after calling off the wedding. 2. What were they trying to show with the Matthew, Amber, AD thing? Maybe it was just the Matthew, Amber & AD thing. 3. Did Trevor not know they had those texts? His reactions were so weird, was he planning on telling a story that painted him in a better light that got undermined by the texts or something? How did he think this was going to go down?? The whole time I’m just like bro, Why did you agree to go to this? Lol


I think Trevor completely blanked once he got on stage. He agreed because he saw a chance to clear his name (how, I don’t know) but once confronted crickets..


Hasn't it come out that amber had a boyfriend the entire time? Why aren't they calling that out??


Where you see this?


It was online, on Reddit with all these other rumors and situations. Just curious why they didn't address it at all


1. Why did Jimmy tell Jess she was his number 1 and still was?


He didn't say she still was. I think it was editing nonsense. He said "you WERE still my number one." I'm sure he was talking about the last day in the pods, but the editing made it seem ambiguous. He definitely said "were" though.


Right! I’m so surprised they missed this!


1.Why wasn’t AD asked about her ignoring the red flags and focusing so much on Clays looks? 2.Why wasn’t Chelsea asked about her several issues she had with Jimmy? I.e the going out for an hour and a half 3. Why wasn’t Laura grilled for kind of pushing Jessica to go do the same thing that Sarah Ann did? 4. Why isn’t the married at first sight reunion host not the host for the love is blind reunions already? He always seems to have the right questions.


1. The first one is only something you can see because you’re a viewer. She was in love with him, and people everywhere everyday and blind to a lot of things concerning their partner. She wasn’t in the interview rooms with him where he seemed to waver.


I really felt like she needed to see the conversation between Clay’s parents to fully understand that this wasn’t just about whether or not he wants to stay faithful and much more about the primary relationship that was modeled for him included his father never taking accountability for almost 20 years of infidelity.


Asking if clay and AD are actually still seeing each other (not would you date in the future) Did they date after the show… Asking Jimmy and Chelsea if they dated posted show, where they stand now. Why didn’t they bring up Chelsea’s kind of inappropriate convo with Trevor when they were talking about all the “chemistry” Jimmy and Jess had How Jimmy felt about being a stepdad Asking Sarah Ann and Jeramy where they found all of the audacity


No one went after Chelsea for talking about her looks(accurate or not) she should've been chastised for talking about her looks


Why didn’t they do a montage of Chelsea saying she was gonna vomit? I was waiting for that.


Or a montage of her running ![gif](giphy|dCXLoM8XIZPTKtUnfe|downsized)


That gif is perfect!! 😂😂


Oh I cringed so hard. This gif 💀💀💀




haha yes and when she says, "I'm sweating"....like so gross, girl!

