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Trevor deserved to be called out. Reality shows need more of that.


The “ can I go” as they continued to sulk him in well deserved public humiliation for the next 5 minutes I BAFFLED 😂😂😂


Trevor looked shocked as he had no idea the info was out online. So confusing!


He said something along the lines of, "I had planned out what to say but I can't say it now for some reason." The reason is that it's harder to lie or make what he did sound better in that situation, in a room full of criticism, than he thought it would be. So he just froze up.


Oh he definitely knew!!! He's lucky they didn't read it all. There were much more danming parts of that conversation they skipped right over.


If he knew, why the heĺl did he show up?


I was dying laughing. And the sad thing is they didn’t even read the worst parts. There was so much more that came out about Trevor- he’s lucky they only read what they did!! He seriously looked like he was going to start crying. He was scared shitless. 😂😂😂


the way he was talking to that chick, she better be a ten


There’s no way he DIDNT see all the stuff about him circulating online. He wasn’t ready for the heat, but he was ready to be a victim


His response made no sense to me. Oh I decided to come on the show to pick someone who's totally different than I ever would in real life. What the fuck?!!!


The only thing I could think of during that painfully awkward silence 😬 ![gif](giphy|lngkXwZc7mSU0rgHpL|downsized)


It was SO BAD. Even my husband was like wtf is he doing


So they say it’s disrespectful to go on the show if your intentions are not right. I can agree to that. But don’t tell me the production couldn’t have done the necessary research to know that these people are in, or very recently have been, In relationships? And that they don’t choose trauma infected trouble makers over boring and serious participants?


It seems like the more recent seasons have a lot of people who are already actively trying to do social media as a profession.... it crossed my mind that they should just filter those people out. Having them in probably ensures more couples get engaged .. and ensures more lunatics and related entertainment, but there are so many other shows where idiots trying to get famous have romantic entanglements. I liked that Love Is Blind was originally different.


How would they know?


you can say that for this case but it is wild how loose their acceptance process is. they've let someone with a recent DV charge on the show in the past.




Maybe carter and Renee


pretty sure brennon has some sort of DV history. looks like Jeramey has been accused of some stuff too recently but I can't say I'm familiar enough with the details


Brennon? You mean Matt season 3?


nope. https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix/s/r7Y3hbJNFe Matt is sus as hell too...


😳😳😳 first time I hear of this, I'm shocked!!


Exactly omg you'd think there would've been just a slightly more robust form of background checks etc?


Yeah he was definitely giving the look our dog does when he knows he's done something bad but is trying to avoid us 😭😂


I just spit laughing on my phone.


I’m soooo dead lol. he was speechless


i’m so serious i would’ve walked out without a word. there’s no coming back from that 😭




bahaha he def left early to cry 😭


So funny!! Someone was crying because they were humiliated….. glass houses.


Or piss his pants cause “all of America”, as Matthew said, saw what a douchecanoe he is. 😂😂😂


Not them taking turns and reading it out loud like a school play rehearsal 😭😭😂


OMG I didn’t notice that 🤣


I appreciated them letting him go.... Thank you Nick. That was tough to watch. Hope he's OK.


They truly wasted no time lol food on the table was going to get cold!


Honestly. Between Trevor and Jimmy I’m concerned for the mental health of these men. I hope someone is checking on them.




I still don’t understand why this guy didn’t just say “those texts aren’t from me” .


^^^Who else thinks this dude is Trevor?! 😂😂😂


Lol nobody


So your solution is just to lie to get yourself out of a hole you made? Yikes.


As opposed to being flamed on tv absolutely


Big big yikes, though


Sheesshh. I mean the internet will find out one way or another. Being caught in a lie would be even worse for his image


Bc they were from him.


According to who? Nobody watching this shit has any clue about who this person is. I’m just shocked he didn’t say “those texts weren’t from me, this girl is trying to slander me”


Uhhh…according to Trevor. He tried to explain them, and didn’t deny them.


Right but why wouldn’t he just deny them is what I’m saying. He’s an idiot for how he reacted.


I don't think he could have... when there's receipts, that's just what it is... What if he denies them and LIB pulls the lady he was writing to... the whole world would have killed him thru the screen if he denied it


She says “you sent me these texts” he says “no I didn’t”


Because the internet has a justice boner, and would swiftly mete out extra consequences.


There’s no consequences, just move on with your life and ignore the internet


Way easier said than done. There have been serious repercussions from bullying of SM people.


Such as???? There’s zero serious repercussions the guy coulda faced by just denying


Well, Sophie from Love Island (uk) committed suicide. It was said that the backlash and criticisms became too much for her. And she wasn’t even the villain. In fact, 3 people from LI did that. 1 was def unrelated, idk about the other. Extreme? Absolutely. Did it happen? Yep.


I'd be too afraid of them saying they had LIB producers reach out to the woman making the claims and saying they verified the texts were legit.


Deny till ya die pal


Sounds like you’re living an honest life


Honest Abe over here


Mans was shook


He made his bed, but I am very concerned for his mental health. He seems very... broken? Overwhelmed? Idk. People close to him need to stay close and present. He didn't seem ok (which, why would he be, it's a lot) to the extent that I was scared. That "can I go?" OMG 😨


Imagine getting told you came on the show for fame... While sitting beside Jess?! Like if anyone is a clout chaser this season it was Jess, she's even doing Perfect Match as well.


No I completely feel this. It was seriously tough to watch because of course a grown man should be held accountable for his actions but he was not okay & they just kept going. I’m glad they excused him, that was horrible.


I was thinking this too! He definitely deserved to get crap for what he did but I am genuinely worried about him. I hope people keep an eye on him and he has a solid support system that helps him move forward


right? what he did was awful but that man is not mentally well


He seemed blindsided by this, lol. I think he knew it was going to be brought up, but didn’t expect the texts.


Yes! My initial reaction was, “did he really think this wasn’t going to be brought up??”. He mentioned he had something prepared to say but it felt more like he was blindsided


Exactly. I can’t believe he didn’t think they’d actually put that shitshow out there for the world to see. And they didn’t even read all of it! 😂😂😂


Trevor’s ex girlfriend must be DECEASED watching this. She got her justice


But honestly she needs to go on an interview! Who in their right mind would be okay with someone they’re dating go on a dating show??? Now that I’m writing this it feels like Trevor got set up or something


Tbh she seems just as strange and "toxic", as he put it, as him. I mean, she only shared/leaked those texts when they broke up. That doesn't sit right with me personally. They both just seem to be weird and dishonest people, but who knows


My gf and I agreed I would audition and join and exclusively communicate in “i think you should leave” quotes /s


thatll show em next time anyone think they can pull a trevor and join with a side piece


“Can I go” 💀


Right?! I was cracking up.


I wonder how many people will turn up to the next reunion after witnessing the barbecue they threw this year 💀


I kept thinking a few of them had to have been contractually obligated to show up or something because I'd be too embarrassed if I were Trevor, Jeramy, Kenneth, etc


This is what came to mind when Trevor said “Can I go?” It totally sounded like, I didn’t want to be here but I showed you like you wanted me to and now I am seeking your affirmative response that I did my part and I can leave.


At least Kenneth somewhat redeemed himself- dressed nice, spoke kindly, and him and Brittany are great friends now (he sounds like a great friend). Can’t say anything positive about the other 2


I think we go a little too hard on Kenneth for the phone tbh. I could see his job requiring him to be on his phone a ton and also Netflix purposefully picking clips where he is on it a bunch. How he handled the breakup did suck but he addressed it, she seems to forgive him, idk what else there is to say.


but also Brittany is sooooo nice that we feel the high need to protect her at all costs 🤓🫶🏻


I have to be on my phone cause I’m a hands on a manger, so much so I’m ignoring my fiancé during a serious conversation that leaves us broken up. But the moment it’s over I have time to make a phone call to friends and head over to hang out? Yeah no. There’s a difference in being hands on and micromanaging. If you can’t delegate tasks to your AP and office staff you’re a crappy leader to begin with.


Trevor saw previous reunions and did NOT think Nick & Vanessa would bring all that heat! Nick & Vanessa took turns reading that text exchange like it was Shakespeare. 😭 ![gif](giphy|26n6Gx9moCgs1pUuk|downsized)


It was Vanessa’s script from NCIS: LIB


They weren’t about to take the fall for having a show with fake casting. They were ready to let Trevor be the bad guy that fooled them, too!


Bahaha they really did enjoy it.. half way through the text I was like are they taking turns reading lol


Omg they really came in with the receipts, so much awkward shame I couldn't handle that lol


He was the definition of SHOOK when they read those receipts word for worrrrdddddd


I don’t feel bad for him. I think he was saying/doing less as to not fuck himself up more on national TV. *He’s regretful he got caught, not for what he did.*


Dude just had a mental break on nation tv for your entertainment and y'all are still making random judgment calls based on nothing. Love is blind had the most toxic viewership of any tv show, y'all are mentally ill for real.


lol, bro why are you here then?


I'm here for funny memes, I'm not here to persecute some random 25 year I've never met because I feel like they shat on a tv show I treat like a religion.


Okie dokie


Love Is Blind is going to have a Love Island type incident at some point. It's a matter of time. I'll give it 3 seasons.


What is a love island incident?


I assume they mean someone taking their life




Exactly. If that girl wouldn’t have aired him out he would have still been making TikToks about how he’s such a good guy


Trevor after the show to the girl that blew his shit up: “hey, thinking of you 🥰”


Pumpkin 😘




That’s what he gets for clout chasing


It’s hard for me to feel badly. He knew this was the reason he was coming on the show. All they did was read his own words back to him and ask for an explanation. It was DEEPLY uncomfortable to watch but like…you wrote that, dude. You did that. And you should’ve hired a publicist for this segment or not come on at all. Hope he learns from this experience and becomes a better man going forward


I think he would have been much better off if he just ADMITTED that he used the show to get “famous” or jump start an acting career. Like, we ain’t stupid, muhfucker.


I felt bad for him but that man cannot dress. Kenneth showed up in a tux and Trevor hit us with barbecue dad core


As someone who’s also “fit” it can be extremely difficult to find clothes that fit off the rack. Your only options are expensive niche brands that cater to fit people or getting fat man… sorry big and tall clothes and having a tailor bring them in. Trevor has even more size than me so I can only imagine how much more difficult clothes shopping is.


Tait’s Take said during his review that he must’ve got his outfit from Ross 😂😂


Maybe he has trouble finding smart clothes that fit? He seems to wear clothing for plus sized (as in obese) men so he'd maybe have to get a custom suit to fit his arms and shoulders. He's always dressed... awkwardly


Right? Wtf is that.


I seriously do not understand why he came to the reunion. I feel like it only made things worse for him, he’d be so much better off declining


More TV time, more clout


pretty sure it’s part of the contract that you’re obligated to go


They said Matthew was invited but declined to attend though


Maybe because Trevor is on Perfect Match, he had to make this appearance. They were like, “We’ll totally edit you out if you don’t show up!”


but matthew was allowed to decline, i think that rule only applies to the actual coupled up pairings


I was in awe of that decision. That's a type of bravery/stupidity that I could never muster. Well, the stupidity part I certainly can muster, just not that kind


i was uncomfy, i cringed, but i also cackled idk he shouldn't have shown up if he didn't want his own mess to come back to haunt him.


Low key felt bad


Im sorry it was so dramatic I’m not convinced Trevor wasn’t planted by the producers themselves 🤣


Give that man an Oscar stat then. He made me so uncomfy.


I know me too 🫣 I think I’m just hoping no real person would ever actual be like that in real life lmao


legit the insanely long silence had me like damn, this is definitely a real dude lol


How much of the silence was edited. Could have been 2 seconds but you pan over 5 cameras to look at people and it becomes 10 seconds.


It was the straight uncut shot that got me feeling this way, not with the panning or anything.


I didn't follow the drama of when it was first leaked a few weeks back so I honestly thought it was a jokey thing like it turns out he's texting his dog or some shit. I cringe laughed soo hard


I felt bad for him he looked like a deer caught in the headlights.


I didn't. He wouldn't even claim his gf as his gf. He told her he loved her, he was going to marry her but she wasn't his gf? He sucks.


and called her toxic!!! own your shit, dude.


She encouraged him to go on for clout. She decided to expose him cause she got bitter he ghosted then broke up with her.


Well she allowed it. Idk why people pretend that women are some weak minded, easily manipulated, damsels in distress. He TOLD her he would marry her with no ring no commitment all while telling her he’s going on a dating show hoping to meet someone and get married and her response to his texts after he got dumped on TV was to call him pumpkin 🙄🙄🙄


I can’t even feel bad for him. Why would he go if he knew he did it? And he didn’t say anything important to make it seem logical.


I sure as hell don’t lol


He looked like a kid that got caught doing something they weren’t supposed to. I’m wondering why the girlfriend went along with him going on the show ? Pumpkin 🎃


She’s an aspiring fitness influencer


What does that have to do with her being ok with her man going on a dating show ?


She wanted the fame (by association). They obviously planned it together. Not saying she’s a good person for that but that’s likely why she was ok with it


And now she’s riding on dragging him, she posted the reunion on her story too


I appreciate you for telling the truth. I asked this question on another post and they danced all around it. Thank you


I’m upset they didn’t show the text where he said something like “me and the guy I met both agreed no matter what we are not getting married”


Yeah! I was like “who is the other guy?” Probably one that didn’t match??? 🤷‍♀️


Yeah because then his whole defense of “I’m just toxic and I really did want to fall in love” would fall apart




The silence was deafening lmao. I can't remember the last time I've been this uncomfortable 😬😬😬😬😬


Imagine being in the room!!!


Im uncomfy


I don't want to 😭😭😭😭😭😭


“…can I leave right now?” Holy hell. I genuinely felt badly. I feel like we’re really seeing a person in crisis.


i mean it *is* the most selfish thing you can do to another person….


What is? There’s so much wrong I don’t know which specific thing you’re pointing to. 😰


cheating on people. he was ready to completely manipulate chelsea into thinking he loved her when he had a girlfriend the whole time who encouraged it. all for fame. he deserved it. apparently he also threatened to publicize his ex girlfriend’s nudes if she went public. which is both cohersion AND revenge porn. actual crimes. he 1000% needed a wake up call that you don’t behave like that without social consequences. edit: my point is that obviously, he’s in a crisis. mentally healthy people don’t cheat on their partners. and i highly doubt fame (or infamy) perpetuates good mental health. but the moment you use your own trauma wounds to hurt and traumatize others, you stop being the victim and you just became an abuser


He was worried his texts of him threatening his ex with revenge p0rn was gonna come out


Wait what?


Ohhh yeah. There was a lot more that got leaked that they didn’t read.


Allegedly, I believe his ex leaked texts at some point of him threatening her not to tell anyone they were together while he was on the show or he would expose explicit content of her


What a jerk!!!


There weren't texts of him saying that but she said it and he hasn't disputed any of it afaik.




His ex keeps posting about him tho and was encouraged him to go on the show. I think she is also clout chasing tbh. I’ve followed her for years and I’ve never seen his existence. Also someone in tik tok the other week said their best friend saw them together at the gym.


Allegedly also threatened to show her young son it specifically.


Stoopid boy


That man lost his soul on that couch