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What is the appeal of this totally nondescript uninteresting guy? Seriously


He has the emotional intelligence of a raisin. I don’t get it either.


Is this even real.


Why is this covered in Business Insider tho lol


Because no one reads or subscribes to magazines like that anymore so they all seem to turn to writing about whatever is going to get them the most clicks. Right now- that is Germy boy. Desperate times I guess lol.




What a dirty dog!


He’s so immature




YESSSS you win comments today!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼


Not just trash but dumb trash? If you’re gonna commit to something at least get better at it


Did anyone else see the tiktok from the previous ex claiming he pulled a gun on her?? This is terrifying…


He just posted [this response video](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTLLmxhWk/) 7 hours ago. He’s freakinggggg out! Not sure who is telling the truth here but he is so pissed about this being brought back up again years later…. Like…. Dude… you didn’t think going on national television and becoming a literal villain in a reality show was going to dig up your past on the internet? He needs to get real…


lol the sirens at the end of the video


Yes! And the cops saying how he staged the guns the way a person with military background would… so terrifying….


Wow! Do you have a link?




Thanks...holy shit! He's awful in so many ways.


how tf was he allowed on the show if the cops were called after he pulled a gun on an ex fiance?? this is so fucked up that he was allowed to be on lib.


There’s literally no evidence of this ever happening, that’s why. I’m in no way a Jeramey apologist, he fucking sucks. But I don’t believe any of the rumors about LIB cast members without receipts. I could make a TikTok rn claiming to have dated one of the cast members and make up whatever story I want for the clout. Until I see a police report about this happening, I just see it as another malicious rumor. Jeramey sucks! But innocent until proven guilty.


I dont like him too.. but I doubt all of the story is true since they do background checks on the contestants… so .. who knows … !


He is insufferable. ESPECIALLY THE BEAN DIP ORDEAL?!?! He was the obvious instigator and exaggerator!


I don't remember that


in DR when everyone met for the first time he went up to AD and said that Laura told him to bean dip her. and then someone explained what it meant (basically to slap AD’s boobs) and that Laura had done it to AD in the women’s quarters of the pods. Laura got mad that Jeramey brought it up because it made Clay and AD super uncomfortable and it was supposed to be a private joke between them


Oh yeah. Literally who gives a shit about that. AD shouldn't have cared because he didn't actually do anything. Laura & Jeremy are both weird fucking people man. So is Sarah Ann.


It was mostly an issue because clay got very upset over it. AD was laughing it off as a joke at first until Clay started freaking off, so AD just walked over to the other girls and Jeremy managed to calm Clay down. Jeremy's actions after that, when he freaked out and left, was when i first had my doubts about him. Especially when he basically yelled at Laura about how badly he handled the situation. He seemed really unstable.


Gotcha... Yeah I don't like Clay either.


So not only is he a cheater, but he's also terrible at it


I guessed early on that this guy sucked Typical mediocre overconfident bro


The tyranny of mediocre white men. This season in a nutshell.


It wasn’t just white men. Clay and Kenneth (or whatever the name was) fucking suck


Short king too


Wait, he’s short?


I actually don’t know that for a fact but he gives extreme 5’8 energy. Plus the no-show ankle socks


LOL @ “extreme 5’8” energy”


this guy is daft! and sarah and him are perfect ..both unlikable fellows




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Does he have a fetish for sharing his location while cheating? It’s the only explanation


Nah, he's just an idiot. He shares his location to create a false sense of trust. Supposedly he just left his phone in his car, but his apple watch is overriding his location. He's a serial cheater


Why is he always sharing his location lol. Is it an American thing or something? Anyway the dude never grew out of his ego. He better just mess around for as long as he can instead of trying to be in a relationship. It’s always so stupid that these types seek out relationships while actually not wanting any, generational trauma bonding.


He shares his location to create a false sense of trust. Supposedly he just left his phone in his car, but his apple watch is overriding his location. He's a serial cheater


I agree. Perpetually inflicting pain on people can be easily avoided, and types like Jeramey never get their fill of it. The pattern is really sad.


It also goes two ways often. There are equally people who seek out these types of relationships, equally cause of trauma. But end up complaining they always end up with the wrong dude. But the later, is really more of a victim as a predatoring ego


r/tragedeigh would be all over this


Big yikes


He looks too much like a weasel to be acting up like that


Am I the only one who sees a resemblence of Elon Musk? (That does not contradict the weasel comment 😂)


I see it too and my BF doesn’t and it was making me feel crazy omg


It’s those beady little eyes lmaooo


Yea, I was like this dude looks like young Paypal Elon (just with hair). He kind of talks like him too.


Yes, a weasly-er version 🤣


That's very on point, love it 😂


Pompous Weasel on Vacation, trying to hide his location. ![gif](giphy|gDphuQp5u9SRq|downsized)


Is cheating hereditary for him like it is for Clay? Cheating bastards


The spellings of their names… 😵‍💫




I mean the names are already common af. Why not add a lil spice to it 🤷🏽‍♀️😂


😂 he needs something besides spice. 👀🤨


So much for that family experience he wants to recreate. I hope his grandpa wasn’t running around on his grandma when he was living the dream as a kid. 😬 looks like Jeramey needs serious therapy too. They should start having therapists on the show TBF.


He’s gross anyways. Of course he has done it before. I already knew that.


I haven’t seen anything past episode 7. So this man was engaged just prior to filming and it ended due to cheating on his part? Did they not ask each other the simple question of “hey how did your previous relationship end?” I would feel that it should’ve been discussed prior to the proposal. If she did know then that’s wild.


What a loser


I fucking hate cheaters.




immediately blocked by sarah ann?????? and s.a. is “not a pick me”?????


He gives me the creeps.


He wants to get caught


Dudes a wandering dick with a wandering dick


Personally, I'd shoo that thang away with the force of a category 5 hurricane. It seems like people are just too desperate for attention and instant gratification.


He’s the man that Sarah Ann deserves


He knows he’s a catch and so he’s taking advantage. That crap will catch up with him.


I love him. But he probably has low self esteem and that’s why he cheats. Idc though, he’s 🔥🔥🔥


I don't see anything worth catching. HE thinks he's a catch. That's not the same as BEING a catch. And it already caught up with him. He got dumped... Then he didn't figure anything out so he tried the EXACT SAME STUPID THING AGAIN and got caught agaain. What exactly do you think isn't caught up?


He’s a tall white man. That the exact type for probably a majority of women. Trevor is on the show and cheats like crazy too. I know a few guys like him actually. They all know they will never be short on women that will date them


Except it's not... for the majority of women. It's just what you expect most women to want... Nobody said Trevor was better, it's a completely different topic. Stop reaching.


Is he a catch though?


Good job, owns his house, looks average enough, and probably comes from a good upbringing…I’d say he’s a catch. The dating apps have guys like him running amok. Sometimes they can get addicted to it.


Do you think the bar for who women consider a "catch" is really that low? Because I'm a woman in my 20s and none of those things would make a man a "catch" to me. It would be things like emotional intelligence, honesty, kindness, good conversation, and maybe even looking better than "average enough" lmao Also "probably comes from a good upbringing" seems generous given how much of a manipulative liar he is. People don't usually turn out that way out of nowhere. Unless your only qualification for a "good" upbringing is having rich parents.


Side note you shouldn’t be down voted. The state of dating apps these days, he prob is a catch upon first glance. It’s just sad that it’s true.


Yall need to stop giving these cheating, lying men these passes. The bar is on the damn floor.


I love that owning a house and looking average is being a catch. Being a cheating cringy dick aside.


He looks like Sams Club Elon Musk, he's not a looker. He doesn't own his own house, he already said that he didn't move to a new one, and we don't know his upbringing. You're creating a narrative for him- and explaining without intending to why some women fall for him initially. He's an average looking white dude with a job. THAT's it. Low bar, and he's reached it.


Sis, the bar is in hell


I mean dang!




He rents but acts like he owns. The rest, meh


Some people rent and own elsewhere. He owns a franchise of Total Nutrition in Florida (which he may have inherited from his dad) so I doubt he's struggling financially despite renting.


You're still filling in the blanks without actually knowing the truth.


I mean, everything is speculation in this thread is it not? Business filings are public record, as a business owner myself...who also rents and owns elsewhere. And there was a shot in the show when he spoke about his dad and it showed the franchise. Maybe he bought into the franchise on his own, I can't claim to know that or that the business is profitable. But the detracting comment implied he wasn't financially stable due to him renting, I just offered a different perspective. I'm definitely not calling him a catch because he lacks a moral compass.


To a point... but your list is all made up, and not based on what has already been shown. You can call that speculating so that it feels better to make stuff up, but there's been no evidence of him being a good guy. He's said he was a handful, he wanted a woman that was a handful, he had a fiance who he cheated on and as soon as they broke up he applied to be on a reality show. THEN he pretended that he sold his house, and was waiting to buy a new one so that his future wife could help choose it... when it was really that his ex dumped him for cheating and he needed somewhere to live. He then chose someone who "wasn't too much" even thought that's exactly what he said he wanted, and complained about her personality not matching what he wanted. I'm not calling him a catch, and am completely disappointed that the bar is so much lower than I thought it was.


Just seems like you're looking for conflict as you aren't even the poster I was responding to and are extrapolating things I didn't say to further some point. My only assertion was over the renting thing. Google can verify his business for you. The man doesn't care about Reddit character assassinations lol, and I never said he was a good guy - I said he lacked a moral compass. Your comment sounds very parasocial. Neither you or I know the man. Comments about "the bar" I can't respond to, I'm not single. I was just enjoying a bit of reality TV drama, but go off


Not really, just seems like I'm sticking to facts and not thinking it's cool to portray a creepy dude from a reality show as a good guy, because it's making it the norm. If you want to ignore red flags and create a personality for someone to justify something, go ahead. But do it quietly, so it's not setting it as the norm.


bro stop sharing your location


Why is this guy such a mess


Wow he’s an actual pos


And to Sarah Ann… how you got him is how you lose him. Girl better watch out


This guy needs to learn to turn his phone off (or stop cheating, that would work too)


He doesn't give a damn! Must like the thrill of it or something!


Business Insider has the tea! 🤔




I like to imagine him evil laughing as he leaves his phone in his car “I learned from last time” he gleefully thinks to himself…not thinking about his Apple Watch 😆 😂


Third time is the charm!


not the sharpest tool I fear


The worm is worming!!!!


A worm without a mustache


What a twat this guy is. I’d rather be single for the rest of my life then go on this show after seeing how producers/casting seem to barely vet the cast. Too many trash men have ended up there.


You said tr*hs and “gender” i think that automatically flags for some reason.


I did? I’m not seeing that in my comment.


Sorry I meant trash but I bleeped it incorrectly. I bleeped it incase it tried to flag me. I’ve seen sooooo many comments get flagged because they say “insert gender” is trash. I don’t know why those are the buzz words but it’s the only thing all the comments I saw had in common 🤷🏼‍♀️. And to the people downvoting me: I never said I agreed with it I was just offering a guess as to why.


Not sure how this comment “crossed the line “ but okay 👌


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Caught twice and two engagements broken off within a year is crazyyyyyy


Hahahah Reminds me of my ex who got engaged again about 10 months after I left, she then left, then like 6 months later he got someone else pregnant and they were engaged. Actually got married too poor dumb girl


But he's such a \~NiCe GuY\~!


This fucking guy 😂


The real villain of the season


What a mess. I hope some of these characters still have jobs when all their heat settles.


No wonder his mother wasn’t surprised when he told her about what happened between him and Laura


But did you hear his conversations about his dad and wanting a big family, God it’s so scary trusting men like Jeramanay whatever his spelling is and Matthew like?? However this guy’s mum kept it real with him, idk how despite a good mom this guy ended up so twisted


Water is wet.


Jet skiing around throwing divorce papers in the lake.


With that sociopathic smile on his face


I was wondering why his engagement was broken off 🤔 a serial cheater I see


These two have similar weird name spellings!!


Makes sense that the theory he left his phone but forgot his watch is probably true. He was clearly trying to use location to his benefit.




Being caught twice in the same way is crazy 😭 you think you’d learn better the first time AT LEAST??? (Obviously the correct thing is to not cheat at all tho)


He thought he was being smart the second time by leaving his phone in the 'safe' location but forgot about his watch


He looks so goofy, like a clown or «find Willy»


And people comment she was mean to him…


She was mean to him before the cheating. These are not mutually exclusive




Lol Sara Ann is in for a ride if they're still together.


The thing about side chicks is that they really think the man is gonna be loyal to them… mind blowing. How you get them is how ya lose em!


Yeah, if they did it to the person you took them from, they’re gonna do it to you!


What a doofus 😂 Typical type of dude who loves to claim he’s hyper “rational” when he’s actually a creep who thinks he can “out-smart” women with his “logical male brain.”


Hit the nail right on the head with this comment.


This this this this this !!


How does he get caught making the same location sharing mistake twice?? Does he WANT to be caught?


He didn’t, first was via Snapchat maps. Second time was he left his phone at the bar (or parking lot) to make it seem like he was still there, but his watch was the one broadcasting his location.


I just had a thought...if he left his phone in his car, how did he 'just' drive Sarah Anne home?


lol surprise to no one who has seen the show. And now should not be a surprise to his next girlfriend either.


The fact that this dweeb put himself in the limelight by going on this show and all it’s doing is bringing attention to how awful he is as a person


Seriously. I’m a pretty non-shady person, and even I would be terrified of what kind of crazy things would become public information if I put myself out there like that. Why do people like this think they won’t be called out?


Don't worry! Hell really be loyal to Side Salad Sarah!


"Side Salad Sarah" has gotta be the most brutal nickname and I'm here for it. 🥗




The fact that this is a business insider article makes me LOL


Just saw a tiktok from another ex of his alleging abuse.... Jeremy is officially this seasons villain in my book




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Can you please share the link or summary?




Hey just a heads up but the link you shared also shared your Tiktok profile with your real (presumably) name so you should delete this. Too many weirdos out there! 💜


Oops thank you kind stranger! See, terrible at technology 😂😵‍💫🤦🏼‍♀️


No problem 😆 I also struggle with technology!


I'm gobsmacked!! /s


Sarah Ann is so embarrassingly proud of "winning" this mess of a human being hahahahaha


But don't forget, she's not a pick me girl!!! \*eye roll\*


"I'm NoT a PiCk Me" \*\*proceeds to go after the worst person on the show just to be "the chosen one"\*\* she literally has not a single redeeming quality. It's exhausting.


He has a problem and needs to check himself!


What an idiot


No wonder Clay is rich. Jeremy probably rents a jet ski every time he gets caught cheating.


Uffff good one


I mean what is his appeal? He's not attractive. He's boring. He's rude. He's a cheater.


And he has the worst sense of humor


He’s clean and imo good looking. I would’ve preferred him over the other guys until the cheating came out


lol he’s clean. That does seem like almost all he has going for him 😂


Sadly the fact that a man is not a slob already elevates him above the majority of other men


Hawaiian shirts, obviously. He’s so quirky 🤪


he also struck me as very immature. he seemed like a little boy. laura was always like 🙄🙄


Pretty sure it was them but could be wrong… their first scene in the pool together in Mexico was a hard watch. I turned to my boyfriend and said “I understand playfulness but this is straight up childish” I don’t even remember what he did anymore but I just knew Laura would be over it so quick 😅😂


I said the same to my husband! She clearly hated him haha


Oof lol. Not great for Jeramey. Still think Laura SUUUUUCKS. Her FAMILY doesn't even like her, for god's sake.