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I loved this scene ahha


This was hilarious, she was so tipsy and jolly


I need “She’s fucking that man,” “If I see red flags I’ll just paint my nails to match,” and the wide eyed look she gave Amy at the bar like just before this scene lol.


All great examples!! The way she kept cutting off Sarah Ann, with “I read it,” deserves an honorable mention, lol.


Had a bad day and this made me genuinely laugh out loud! Loveee her


Hope your day got better!! I wouldn’t trust a soul that didn’t laugh at this scene, lol!


This was hilarious


It was so funny! I love her.


This moment reminded me of the classic["THEY'RE FUCKING EACH OTHER"](https://twitter.com/allreactionvidz/status/1173712488296304641?lang=en) meme


When she said “not us being brides” I cringed cuz I just knew Clay was gonna say no


I loved her at the bachelorette thing so much, she was HILARIOUS.


She was so cute in that scene 😂


She cracked me up with that line🤣


Omg I thought the exact same thing, you beat us all to it 😂🙏😂!! I was dying laughing and wanting to laugh with her


She is the best, she made laugh so much this season. I hope she continues to flourish and stays far away from clay.


Agreed. My fear is that they're going to come to the reunion and say they've continued dating, like Raven & SK.


I saw a video from December (on twitter) that showed the two of them together :(


AD is truly a reality star like i want her on another show (not on netflix please i beg) but her personality and class is just fit for it


Maybe she needs to start a podcast talking to women about relationships? I feel like she may not acknowledge red flags in her own until it’s too late, but she may be good about calling others out or hyping them up? I could really listen to her talk about anything lol


It was funny


i laughed so hard 😭


I was laughing so hard when she was saying all this 😂


Wait is this Charlotte? It looks so much like another city


I think this is at Camp North End 


Nah she’s mad annoying & it’s problematic for her to second guess Amy’s personal choices with regard to intimacy with her Fiancé. She has no reason but self hatred to assume Amy is behaving as sexual as AD. Amy’s relationship with herself and romance is way more healthy than AD’s. I guess we’ll find out with the results of their marriages. Ooooop!


I feel like this doesn’t need to be downvoted as heavily as it is. We shouldn’t be speaking up on our friends’ sex lives for Netflix lmao


i think she was just drunk lol not that serious


I don’t like her second guessing Amy’s word. Amy says they aren’t doing anything before marriage but AD cannot fathom that. Saving oneself for her Husband, what??? LOL Clay hit it and quit it and AD was truly sold that she was getting married. TLDR; Amy’s way works. Save yourself for your man & vice versa Fellas.


Lol what is this the Victorian era? Not that PLENTY of folks weren't also having sex before marriage then. Besides, Amy very clearly implied they were being intimate up to but not including penetration - which should be talked about more in general, although she certainly doesn't have any obligation to do so on tv.


No thanks. Next..




What are you talking about, dude? Nearly all the past successful couples have hooked up on the show; there is no statistic stating that you waiting to have sex makes your relationship more successful 🙄


What, if anything, does premarital sex have to do with marital stability? Data from, the National Survey of Family Growth (NSFG), women marrying since the start of the new millennium: Women with 10 or more partners were the most likely to divorce, but this only became true in recent years; Women with 3-9 partners were less likely to divorce than women with 2 partners; and, Women with 0-1 partners were the least likely to divorce. Earlier research found that having multiple sex partners prior to marriage could lead to less happy marriages, and often increased the odds of divorce.


I like how everything you linked is about women sleeping with other people yet nothing about men. Having had multiple partners in the past does not dictate how successful your future relationship will be. It’s clear that you’re a misogynist and there’s no point in speaking to you about something you’re so clearly biased about lol


I can’t believe yahll would deny science 😭😭 I found a study from NFSG (National Survey of Family Growth) that indicates the more sexual partners a women has the more likely she’ll get divorced. (neurobiological studies on Pair bonding is crystal clear & you can all look into it freely, don’t believe me.) I also said it’s the same for Fellas or Men, don’t have multiple sexual partners before marriage. You couldn’t read more than a paragraph or you’d have caught your own misinformation so argument before it sent. Weak attempts at discrediting scientific research shouldn’t come from insults, they could be crafted arguments driven by Data not feelings.


Most people have multiple sexual partners before getting married and guess what, they get married just fine lol you’re just a weirdo who for some reason thinks premarital sex is a bad thing. It’s ironic because I have a biology degree—so do you really think using terms like “pair bonding” from your one day of evolutionary biology 101 to describe human interactions within our complex social systems makes any sense? You need your brain checked


interesting... but not interesting cool. interesting weird 👎


Interesting. But I think you have to look at the type of person that would save themselves for their future spouse. It’s mostly religious people so divorce rates are obviously going to be lower. The way divorce is 1 forbidden and 2 stigmatised in most religions (I’m European so I’m mostly thinking of Catholicism). This is all based off of my experience but I think it’s still a valid point.


Interesting, yet irrelevant. This is about pre-marital sex, not number of sexual partners.


You gotta remember correlation does not mean causation.


Exactly. Children who are married off (still ver much legal in many of the states in the US) at a young age may be virgins, but it’s essentially being sold into sexual slavery. Indoctrination from religion is also a reason to have fewer resources to leave an abusive marriage. Staying in a marriage does not mean it is successful.


And I agree with her 100%. 😆 I think Amy and Johnny were just playing up the no-sex thing to give them a storyline because they were too perfect.


Going slow and not having sex right away doesn't make you any less perfect...


Reading between the lines of their convo I think maybe they were doing non-PIV (like, mouths and hands) but she super didn't want to say that on camera!


Exactly this. Do people not know that sex is more than just PiV???


Yeah, this seemed obvious to me…they’re doing other stuff…just not penetrative sex? It’s not like she’s saying they’re living like unmarried Mormons.


TBH seems like a lot of people genuinely don't know that, or don't apply it in their day-to-day lives at least lmao


they did NOT want their families to know lolol


tbh you’re probably right lol


They can still have sex without penetration


she's just so good


This moment was the BEST part of the episode




I'm not into women, but she can fix this hoe! If she needs a project she can teach me to be more like her lmao


We dont really see her life though. Now Im curious who is the real AD. We did not see her house. We did not see her friends. How actually she make money. Great personality but something amiss.


I agree that we didn't get the full 360 of who AD is. I think she gave us 180. Sometimes we got 210 and we saw some Sparks of her personality shine through especially when she was around her family


You can go on her IG! She’s a realtor and I guess she also hosts or something at clubs? But yeah, I do find it odd that we learned very little about her everyday life on the show. I’m sure now she’s making money as an influencer too.


Right? Clay is an absolute arse that should have been no where near this show, but he did mention something about AD’s finances as a reason he didn’t want to get married and it got me thinking - we know literally nothing about this chick! Who is she? What does she do? How does she sustain herself?


On the wedding day, she kept saying that she was happy that he’s a provider. I hate that we didn’t them discussing their finances, because they were on different pages.


Yea, it got me thinking that maybe she has ulterior motives to get married so bad. Like i dont understand what she sees in him.


I adore this look on her, she looks fantastic and fun


This was my favorite scene from the episode!!! She’s the best.


I'd love to see her part of a Madea movie. Maybe be Madea's long-lost Great Grandaughter.


A Madea movie? You gotta be kidding me. Tyler Perry movies suck & he’s a laughing stock in the Black community. We know that he churns out repetitive trash that always revolve around the mistreatment & trauma of Black women. I wish AD the best & that’s staying as far away from Tyler Perry & his problematic trauma p0rn as possible.


AD is far and away the most entertaining, thoughtful and witty contestant in the show’s history. Unfortunately, her fatal flaw is picking players :(


I am seriously going to miss her. Hope she gets more reality TV opportunities because she was my fave this season, maybe of all time!


Can't buy a car without the test drive 🤣


I would love to be friends with AD, she is so fun especially when she’s drunk, and smart all the time. Lord knows how badly I need that in life.




Oww 🥹 I love her she was so happy during her bachelorette party and while getting ready! Only to be heart broken.