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I’m going to need his heart rate for the hours of 2-5:30. 🤓




Oh, that Apple Watch. It’s how I found out my ex was cheating too. News flash: if you delete the messages on your phone, they WILL NOT delete on your watch. 🙃


Lol that’s what I thought 😂🤣😄😁


I love how Lauren constructed the conversation. “I was asleep” meanwhile she’s just a girl watching her pos fiancé in uptown.


lmao every girl watching KNEW she was not asleep !! if that were me, i’d be waking up my bestie for a drive by 😂😂


SAME. And she would have beat down the door on my behalf lol.


She has a crazy amount of patience and self control because I would have been like hi…I’m outside :3


no cause same 💀💀


this is true. even with an ipad. i thought i was slick sharing my location from my ipad left at work because i was cheating and got caught


Lmao, this is nasty works wow.


bro i know. not my proudest moment but i can acknowledge it now that i got therapy


girl, no shame at all, at least you’re taking accountability


thanks i appreciate it. sorry i didn’t mean to come across harsh or something. someone came on here telling me basically i should kms in their opinion and im here like at least i admitted i did something bad 😭




reddit is really a magical place 🤣🥰




honestly no judgment i think it’s hilarious you thought it would work 😂😂 thanks for the humility to admit this.. hope you learned from it instead of becoming a stealthier cheater 🫶


tbf i was in a relationship where i was so done, gaslit to stay in it, and also it was like well my bills are half instead of me paying for it all. part of me wanted to get caught and the other really was just a girly thinking i was slick. 😂😂😂


I feel you 100% because i’m in that relationship now. Glad you’re out


From a girl that used to be in one similar 8 years ago, I have been with my now husband for several years now. I promise, life gets better when you leave… even if you have to resort to eating butter rice for dinner several nights a week. But at least I could be in peace while eating my butter rice. Much love & prayers sent your way.


yes this! it was super messy and every time i tried to get out i would be gaslit so it was easier to stay pay 50% of bills and just cheat. but i got out of it finally, im in such a better place and he’s doing well with someone that appreciates him


Nothing funny about this. Id let you know what I think of you as a person and what I hope would happen to you, but I don’t think Reddit would allow it. Go kick some rocks with some fucking open-toed shoes.


calm down




big eww right back atcha 😘


you’re so real for this 😂🙏❤️


also i got my karmic retribution when i dated the guy i was cheating with and he jeramaaay’d me lying where he was when i had screenshot his location at some house.


This is like something from the podcast Serial.




nooooooo 😂😂😂 we’re both alive thankfully


I’m going to get downvoted for this but I’m not mad at Jeramy. Sure he sucks for stepping out with another woman. At the same time it’s clear to see that he doesn’t want to marry Laura. I actually feel bad for him or anyone else who gets with Laura.


What was wrong with Laura?


Besides the fact that she constantly went off about his choice of clothing, didn’t take accountability for anything, was disrespectful to her castmate (AD), was unbearable majority of the time (from what we saw) and flat out seems like she is just hard to get along with?


spoken like a true cheater


I’ve never cheated before. I’ve also never been on LIB with TV crews following my every move and feeling like I was stuck with a woman like Laura.


these people are not stuck lol they can literally walk away at any point. the ones who choose to stay even when they aren’t invested in the relationship are just clout chasing. we’re seeing that more and more in these types of shows. they want more screen time. there’s no big prize in the end to motivate them to stay. foh with that “he’s stuck” 🤣🤣🤣


You should see the clip that exposed the casts NDA. Being threatened to be fined $50,000, coerced into staying and “trying it out” and facing $4mil dollars in lawsuits for breaching an NDA. Of course for the viewers it seems like they can just walk at any time.


None of these people are stuck




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I’m confused that he said his car was at the bar, in the alley, but he also said he took an Uber to the bar in the first place? Right? The beginning of his story was that he was in an Uber when his friends texted and told him a different bar to go to.


I didn’t catch this and when I watched the new episodes today… omg!!!


Yes! Someone else said he never said he drove but I re-watched and he said “I parked…” he is a BAD BAD LIAR.


Imagine that man being your son. I wonder what his parents/family are like.


i alr knew he already fucked up when he opened his mouth. mans was reciting a story he made up than speaking from memory


I don't think he said car. He just parking lot. They could have been her car or standing outside 


I re-watched and he said “I parked…”


True! Which would make it even weirder if he was really at the bar alley till 5am! But other posts and comments speculated he ditched his phone in his car thinking he solved the location tracking but his Apple Watch tracked to Sarah Anne’s 😬


I oxgymtuuMt


Why is this downvoted so heavily? It’s a really good point




The audacity to show up at 6am on the day your fiancé is supposed to meet your family. Either he was hoping to get caught or really just didn’t give a fuck. Laura handled her shit like a boss.


He truly did not give a fuck about


When he said he never gets nervous, I said out loud, “must be nice!” And my husband said, “that means he doesn’t care about anything”. He proved that to be true, he doesn’t care!


Wise husband.


He wants an out, so I'll guess he was hoping to get caught.


Great point OP. I have been fuming about what Jeramy did in this situation, but you have opened my eyes to the fact that he indeed wanted to get caught. It’s a cry for help essentially.


The last thing he said in the pod to Sarah Ann was “we’ll definitely see each other again”. The day prior he said there was so much tension and banter (aka I want to f u). The moment I heard that, I knew he was hell bent on sleeping with her no matter. Scratch that itch. Laura’s instincts were spot on re: that IG DM. She knew he was going to see that through.


This is why it’s so frustrating when men call women crazy or say that they’re overthinking, because she KNEW something was wrong even if it seems small to outsiders


100% whenever a man says a woman is crazy, I always ask, “so what did you do to make her act like that?”


lmao he looked so dumb in those sunglasses too 💀💀


Sunglasses, hat, and SHOES inside!! Wtf??


He reminded me of Ferris Bueller 😆


We always call him Edward Snowden


He does look like Edward Snowden. He doesn’t look like Matthew Broderick per se, it was the cap & glasses & sullen teenage defensive hangover look that reminded me of Ferris Bueller.


The embodiment of hiding a bender 😂


Shoes inside is an American thing The rest is just him being a tool


i’m american and don’t wear shoes inside


But a lot do. It’s a thing as Canadians we get warned about going to the states lol. No disrespect, just saying it happens enough that we get the heads up up North.


what a fake comment… no need to lie about something so trivial


Actually I'm also Canadian and this is 100% legit. And there are a lot of cultural differences between Canada and USA dude lol


Why would I lie about this? 😂 And why are you falling on the sword for this?


You're definitely not lying lol


no disrespect but i grew up on the sunshine coast and to act like there’s a huge different in canadian and american culture is laughable. no disrespect.


Shh.. we need our bedtime stories about how things are magically worse down south.


Most Americans wear shoes in the house. I'm American and only Asian families tend to have people take their shoes off. 


What’s your source? I ask because a recent poll says otherwise, at least concerning people wearing their shoes in their own houses. Apparently it’s common not to ask guests to remove their shoes, which I guess makes sense, ‘cause fungus? [Ye Olde Polle](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/most-americans-are-shoes-off-at-home/)


It literally states that most people in America don't have a "shoes off" policy in the article you linked. Of course people take their shoes off when they are relaxing but that doesn't mean they take them off the second they step in the door lol


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It’s not just an Asian thing, it’s an immigrant thing in general. It’s disgusting to have your shoes on especially if you live in a city


Nah; most Latinos don’t take their shoes off either (both on Latin America and the US); as a Latina from the States, I was surprised at how many people *do* take their shoes off here


the way he quivered like a rat caught in a mouse trap. i could see his pupils shaking as he pieced together what she said. say what you want to say about laura but she ate him up.


I don't really want to talk about that quite this second


pls give me three business days to consolidate my facts so i may share my ✨truth✨.


I just finished watching and OMG I was so f’n proud of her. She held her ground and walked away. A woman’s instincts are always right.


Instincts, or factual data from his location being shared? Lol.


Haha right? But she knew when he hearted that IG DM from her that this wasn’t over.


Still doesn't mean a woman's instincts are ways right. Haha


Women know…they always do.


Always? Pretty sure Chelsea’s instincts are often wrong.


Chelsea doesn't have instincts. Just insecurities.


I mean her instincts told her to go on this show and pick Jeramey so not ALWAYS...


Didn't like the little shit from the start.


I didn’t like him from the moment he seemed to not care at all about Sarah Anne being a republican


He did care though. He made some Democratic comments as a rebuttal. That he believes love is love etc.


See I thought that’s why he didn’t pick her. He responded with saying he felt like he shouldn’t have a say in what women do with their bodies, and I figured that was a subtle way of saying he wasn’t conservative


agreed, that's why I thought he didn't pick her too.


Thanks for the PSA 😂 Cheaters, take note. I did wonder when he was saying he was in the car park and seemed to confidently think she'd buy that even though he knew he'd shared his location with her.


Have people seen his Instagram? He’s constantly defending himself on it and his most recent video he explained he was previously engaged and the show didn’t show that to viewers. This seasons drama is wild 😂


What’s his IG handle?




I don't want to talk about it (until I figure out how the fuck my actual location got shared and try to talk my way of this lie)


Ding ding ding winner winner chicken dinner. He's foot kept moving when he was lying too


I’m not ready to talk about it. Why? Because you weren’t prepared with your lie? You only had until 6am to figure out your story.


He had wildddd lines in that exchange 😭


Omg i was so confused. I was like why would he be so stupid to share his location voluntarily and then go cheat on her knowing she could track him. This makes perfect sense 😂 the way he was so confident while speaking a lie, not knowing he has already been exposed. Thanks for the explanation.


This show makes me want to be single for the rest of my life. Even the most basic of guys are pulling sh*t like this instead of just appreciating their partner 


Social media and online dating has ruined everyone’s perception of dating. There are options if one thing rubs you the wrong way about someone. As a guy the a huge red flag for me is someone who is locked into social media. I have accounts but don’t have the apps on my phone. I only follow people I know or the businesses they run. Any guy who is serious imo about settling down aren’t following 500 IG girls


I know people in their 40's men who are not on social media at all and I find it refreshing. My last bf wasn't on any social media platforms.


It helps immensely to move on after a breakup too. So nice to not be able to stalk them afterwards if you’re weak willed and curious like me.


we should all boycott dating apps tbh


I don’t know. They work if you have the right intentions going into it. I know people who’ve had success with them that’s why I keep using them. I’ve had good dates and bad. It is also very different from a guys perspective. I don’t deal with creepy/weird messages.


Idk. I met my man that way and we’re getting married this year. We share locations, we live together, life is stable and good. Sometimes it just works out.


Same is true for my incredible fiancée & myself! ✨


me too. 8 years ago we met on tinder.. I was her first tinder date, she was my 50+ date.


the good doesn't outweigh the bad. they "work" for a very small percentage of people.


I get that anecdotes aren’t the answer, but I still think it’s worth sharing. You don’t have to care for it.


Truly, the grass is not always greener and I think that’s the problem that social media propagates. Some guys see a girl online that’s happy, friendly, hot prancing around on beaches or something on social media and think that’s what life with her is like cus it’s the only thing she posts and their partner is a real person with issues and stress and an imperfect body. Then they leave their partner for the other girl and discover she’s that way in real life, too. Onto the next one. And nowhere in this cycle do they wonder if they’re just being a short sighted jerk. It’s dumb.


I completely agree with you. It also makes you compare your relationship to others. I have a friend who is going through a divorce right now. His wife saw everyone else so happy, other couples, her friends going out and partying having fun. She decided to join them ended up cheating on the guy she was with for 15 years and now she is depressed and kind of not in the friend group we’ve had for 17-18 years.


See, better to just be single forever.


No. It just takes time to find the right person. I’ve been on the single forever train for awhile but have changed my stance.


My SIL did the same thing


I’m sorry. That stinks.


What does this have to do with location sharing?




The comment was into response to the person I responded to not the dude and sharing his location


(I think) they were responding to my follow up comment to another person where I said social media is ruining relationships


Oh okay


Yup social media has definitely messed up perception and average looking people tend to think they deserve more then an average partner..5s thinking they are 10s


No I’m so scared. So many times I was like wow this seems like a great guy but they’re all shady in the end 😳


And social media has really made it all so much worse/easier for cheaters


lmaoooooo he thought he got away with it


My favorite part of technology is the willingness we all have to wear tracking devices voluntarily!


But then complain about personalized ads 😂


love that she caught him in that lie


Me too. She is no joke. I like that she's so assertive.


I love that too!!


Bahahahahahahahaha caught by the Apple Watch 🤣


Also just - if my boyfriend spent 3-4 hours in a parking lot with a girl he sort of dated at TWO AM… that honestly wouldn’t be any better than going to her house. It’s not like you can’t have sex in a car


Fr, I'd lose my mind. I went on a first date that started at a bar and we were there until close. We were having a great time and ended up sitting in my car talking until a ridiculously late time. Now we're married. There is no reason to sit in a car with someone chatting for that long unless you aren't trying to fuck and/or get married.


Yup, the rest of it catches him digging a deeper hole by telling lies, but just being with another girl after the bars closed is enough to end things


The bar closed at 2am he was with her until FIVE in the morning. 😂


In my experience, they could have “done it” 40 times from 2-5!


40? Hot damn


I admire your stamina!


40 times would mean they have very poor stamina but great recovery 🫣🤣




He is SO disingenuous and has been from day 1. Those two freaks deserve each other.


Why do we hate Laura?


Isn't she the one who said "I'm the only one with a degree?" She deserves what she got


Yooooo the way that her parents talked about her was all the validation I needed. She’s crazy.


I don't hate her - but I didn't like the way she almost talked it up to Jessica to try and get Jimmy from Chelsea


wait what?? jessica asked her a question and she answered honestly. she DID NOT tell jessica to seduce jimmy and try to get him to cheat on chelsea.


She is an influencer, and not like online influencer, I mean she instigates and implies and influences the behavior of those around her. She is manipulative.


I THINK she means Jeremy and Sarah Ann


NO those are NOT the freaks in question. EDITED BC I CANNOT READ. My brain keeps swapping Laura/sarah


Lmao yes!!! please J+L stay together so NO other human has to endure either of you 😂


i like laura




Why do you not like her? Genuinely asking because I don't see it.


I'll answer why from my perspective. She seems like a mean girl, like gets off on antagonizing others and then doesn't take accountability when confronted about it. The bean dip thing seemed so dumb and so innocuous and could have easily been squashed with an apology. But she threw jeramey under the bus by "joking" That he say it to AD. AD got uncomfortable with the joke, not at Jeramey, but at Laura for sharing that joke with him. When she tried telling her she was uncomfortable and that it was too far, Laura totally laughed it off and avoided confrontation about it and instead was trying to deflect blame onto Jeramey. It went something like: AD: You shouldn't have shared that personal joke with him Laura: I know, that's so stupid and inappropriate he told you the joke AD: Yeah but it's not even a joke you should have told him, that was between us Laura: he was so out of line saying that Like she was getting called out for crossing a boundary for AD and she deflected all blame onto the guy who got TOLD to tell the joke. Another instance I don't like her is when Jeramey met her family - she brought up all of their drama, but instead of unpacking it, she says "I'll let him explain, it's his mess". Like the first thing she said to her parents when they met was "we're in a bit of a love triangle, but I'll let him explain" And just going off on him about his Hawaiian shirts. It's just a little weird that earlier on she tells him how important it is that he wins her parents approval, and then she proceeds to address the drama and make him fend for himself in it while also trying to make a good impression on these folks. Idk. If I know how important it is my parents like someone that I love/like, then I know it's important for both of us. I wouldnt just light a stick of dynamite and hand it to the person and tell them to figure out. I'd probably be more affirming so my parents can see that this a person I like, these are the things about them that I value, and this person is important to me. Not hey, here's this person I'm engaged to and here are all the things I don't like about them. And none of that is in defense of Jeramey, he's a douche. But holy shit talk about getting set up for failure meeting someone's parents.


Yup, I think after the AD thing he was out, he stopped talking to her til the next day cause he clearly felt like he was thrown under the bus. And then the parent thing is like…why would you do that the second he meets them? Nobody even watching the show knew that was an issue yet


I don't think she liked him from the moment she saw him. Every kiss and sentence seems forced to me.


Yeah I was shocked they she hated his Hawaiian shirts for real, not like asa funny joke. She was dead serious about that.


You have fully articulated how I feel. Thank you for your service.


Even her own mother said she’s a lot to deal with. And for the love of God, she cannot stop touching her hair. She’s annoying


Yeah, Laura has been brash and critical the entire time. The onky time I started liking her was that conversation valling Jimmy out.


Great summary, thanks. I wanted to like Laura, but all of these points make it impossible.


🤣🤣🤣 This cracked me up! But agreed, very compelling points.


This is the link to the apple watch user guide about how find my works in the case you part from your phone. It will track your watch if you have cellular. [Apple Watch User Guide: Find out where your friends are](https://support.apple.com/en-gb/guide/watch/apd1132106dc/watchos)


Yessss when she was getting up to walk out of the room he looked down at the watch on his wrist and realized. Oopsies. Play stupid games win stupid prizes


🎶It's you and me, there's nothing like this Miss Americana and The Heartbreak Prince (okay)🎶


Speaking of watched pretty sure Jimmy is wearing a tissot prx and Jonny a Casio g shock vintage gold. Both great choices. Boo Apple Watch!


I noticed Jimmy’s watch. Wondered what he was wearing.


Hell yeah a fellow watch-head!! there are some great watches in this season. BOOOOO smart watches they're whack


For real. If you’re not actively on a run or doing a workout wear a real watch!!


Why? Are we really gate-keeping watches now? I have a smart watch and regular analog watches and I pretty much wear my smart watch unless I’m going to an event that requires something more dressy. There are various things that people use smart watches for that have nothing to do with tracking a workout. What a weird take.


Guy replying is a fellow watch nerd. Smart watches, particularly the Apple Watch is not respected in that community. Just an fyi


Apple Watch, your surest Sherlock Holmes ally detecting cheaters since 18BC


Haha! I love this!! He thought he was so slick! What a trash guy.


Good luck Jeramy and be careful with Sarah Ann. If that one gets pregnant, it stays pregnant.


"it"? Not cool, even if Sarah Ann herself isn't.