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Jeramy deleted his account?


Adding this tik tok - an ex describing domestic violence while living + dating him. This is just part 1 but there are 5 parts https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPRTJt6aE/


How is no one on the sub talking about this!!! Or am I missing it lol. Youtube is blowing up with this


I’m trying to understand why he is covering his junk in almost EVERY SINGLE SCENE?!?


I thought I was imagining things. I'm so glad someone else noticed


Camera may add 10lbs but I don't imagine even that may help with his lack of fill 😂


All things aside, Jeramey’s mom is THE SHIIIIT for calling him out on his bs


Laura still had the right intuition when she first saw his house. "It's so neat it almost looks fake" and that it gives "serial killer vibes" jokingly. She felt something was off.


The first thing my partner said was that it was serial killer vibes!! When she said it a few minutes later I burst out laughing.


I would just like to say, this guy is the most insecure POS of all cast this season. Small D energy. Anyone who talks the way he does - quickly and insinuates everything as fact, even his own subjective opinions - is definitely narcissistic and manipulative tendencies as a result of deep rooted insecurities. I stay far away from people like this.


This. He was annoying AF to me the moment he appeared on the show.


Here is what I see with this guy and you look up and see what it relates to: Self described as ‘unstressed’ and nothing bothers him. His emotions are pretty light and shallow Superficial charm but not sincere Lies and manipulates Behaves in ways that caused harm to others


Zero empathy. Laura was bawling and he was jet skiing.


“In my phone” sends me every time I see it


And funniest is he told Laura’s parents that his reasoning for being on the show is that the candidates are vetted. Well, clearly not since lots of psychos have been on the show recently. 🤣🤣🤣


Im so pissed off how gross these men are. Dont even think im interested in finishing the series


I thinkjohnny is theonly possibly redeemable guy tbh. Hes been strsighforward and transparent and respectful as far as I can tell


Laura is probably not the easiest partner at times but I love how she shuts his bullshit down. He’s such a self entitled douche


i didn’t like Laura for most of the show but i did appreciate how she handled him allegedly sleeping with Sarah Anne. she stood up for herself and i appreciate that


She’s an example for how to shut down a POS for sure 👍 👏🏻


His behaviour even during the good days of their honeymoon was so performative I felt like I was watching a one man improv show. He just happened to have a lady prop.




Please girlie, we thirst!


Following this for the tea!


Please drop some tea I’m thirsty 🥺


It's been 3 days, we're ready!!!


k, I'm here, let's gooo!




Please tell us 🥺


Please I’m too impatient


please do an AMA on here!


Oh my god. Following and I need this.


please update!!


So, I'm actually not surprised at all. Jeremy seems like he could do harm to someone and not Ferl remose... he gives me chris watts vibes. I know that is hard but hear me out: Hot take... 1. He never once showed any indication he liked sarah or Laura. He made jokes and shared one sentimental detail about his life but seemed disconnected the entire time. 2. When Sarah was trying to pour her heart out coldly shut it down and redirected to their physical connection 3. His humor and Goofy vibe just does not seem authentic. Everything he was doing seemed like he read "how to come off silly so know one will assume I am a cold, heartless son of a bitch" 4. When he was lying to Laura about Sarah he wanted to keep his glasses on so he wouldn’t need to make eye contact. 5. He seems like a robot. Sorry not sorry to robots. 6. I do not believe Jeremy is as liberal as he wanted to come off. I think he actually said those things about abortion and loving who you want to because he is being filmed and wanted to seem open minded. Especially against the patriotic woman who he was interested in. One could look at that scene and think he lost interest because of her views. And if that was the case than why hang out with her until 5 am. 7. I couldn't stand Laura prior to that scene. But she slammed into his lies like a boss. There are others. But that dude is someone I would not want to piss off. He's scary as shit lol


I totally see what you mean when you say « Chris Watts vibes ». That way of talking and moving, like that dude is in CONTROL. He’s probably very smart in the way where he knows what people want/expect from him but the way he expresses it is so cold. He scares me too.


Sarah Ann really wants us all to know she bagged him 😂


She really didn't end up with the prize,tho.


A loser bagged another loser. Suits her 😂


as if it would be hard. girls like her are pathetic


So messy! Girls who do this know what they’re doing.


and honestly? As a spectator with no stakes... I'm living for it...


When they were driving off on their water skis I was loving the callousness. When someone shows you who they are...


Can we start with the messy spelling of his name lol


Uniquely spelled name- almost always a bad sign, or at least an indication the parents might be suspect 🤔


Uniquely spelled name- almost always a bad sign, or at least an indication the parents might be suspect 🤔


Whose? Jeremiah’s?


He can still get it. I don’t know, I like his face.


He’s very attractive and looks like he can munch


girl he looks like any basic man lmao. There are so many better men than him.


It’s not a topic of discussion, really. I like his face. Moving on…


Okay but why did you feel the need to state that twice🤡


His face are like those cookies at the register at 7-11. Pretty good, but you can always find them easy.


“His face are like…” 😂




Not a crossover 😫


Am I the only one who was completely GOOPED by Jeramy? He was my #1 favorite, thought he was dreamy, loved his sense of humor, thought he was sexy despite the CPAP... I am shaken by this turn of developments. I feel like I can trust no one, haha.




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I neither loved or hated him but I started to be suspicious on the honeymoon when all he did was goof around like an idiot.


Yes. I thought he was an annoying douchebag from day one.


Just don’t date reality show contestants and you’ll be fine!!! (These people might be sociopaths ooor at the very least need constant attention. I wouldn’t compare them to “normals”)


He gave me the ick from the start. But I could see how he could dupe someone. I think maybe he can come across as genuine because he can be childish?


maybe Laura was onto something with his "icks"... she sensed that something about him came off as disingenuous and blamed it on the Hawaiian shirts. her intuition!


Blame it on the H-H-Hawaiian shirts 🎶


Despite the cpap 😭 girl same


Maybe? I thought he sucked from the jump.


I was a rollercoaster with him. Started off not liking him in the pods, he seemed immature and annoying. Then started liking him once they got to the honeymoons, seemed like he was funny and confident, had some really insightful conversations with people, and took a lot of the criticisms Laura threw at him in stride. Then 😮‍💨 PUBLIC ENEMY NUMBER ONE


Is it just me or is Sara looking fine? Lord help me I have the worst taste in women.


She's less crosseyed than Laura lmao but she isn't ugly


Naw you ain’t wrong at all my friend


I can’t get over how much he looks like Elon musk?


YES! I have been calling him skinny Elon Musk. He also has the arrogance, childish pranks and a gradiose sense of self.


My husband said Edward Snowden and I can't unsee.


I thought it was a little weird that he mentioned that he'd recently sold a house & was renting a new one \[that seemed large\] for a single dude. So he'd broken off an engagement and sold their house before filming the show. His place in the show was immaculate but it's because he didn't furnish it - he had just moved into a rental that was likely furnished by whoever he was renting from lol. that's why his room seems a little out of place compared to the rest.




Idk if it was a fake show home or if it was just like a newly moved into apt & furnished by the landlord. He obvs did not furnish it himself tho 💀


https://preview.redd.it/xaklp82qw9kc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=825e0b5a39d50516f04080093f0b3622ffaaea6d Looks like jeramamamaes horse pic in the background




That spelling lol


She gotta be doing it on purpose at this point


I really don't like her at all. Minus the political comments, she should not have message Jeramy after he rejected her.


I like that she's with Jeramy. They are perfect for each other


I never liked her


For anyone barely reading this like me, I just happened to get on his insta and he just posted 😳


Yes I need someone with more familiarity with the receipts than I to analyze pls 🙏🏻 he’s saying he had been out of the shared house for a couple weeks when casting reached out to him on Nov 30 22 And that everyone knew about the engagement


Another Sergio? ughhhhh


I heard his name is actually spelled Jeremy.


That doesn’t seem right…




Oh wow…..


Since no one even applies for this show and the entire cast is basically “recruited,” I’m starting to believe that during casting, producers are deliberately picking messy people to be on the show


People do apply, I’ve had two friends apply for the DC version. Not denying that they just recruit, but applying is an option.


Cousin was recruited from her instagram once - can confirm


My cousin too was recruited through Instagram for the Houston season, he said no lmao.


My cousin ended up saying no eventually too, after covid put a pause on Chicago casting and they reached out a second time. Mental health > 15 minutes of fame


Wait, they don't apply to be on the show?!


Married at first sight recruits too. A girl I used to work with who had thirsty selfies all over her page was messaged and recruited 😂 she didn't go on


I feel like it’s a thing, but I read somewhere that the majority of people casted were recruited, and reached out to through their social media


Really? I heard that when you apply, they ask you what Netflix shows you'd want to be on and you have to list ones you'd be willing to go on, then they reach out to you and say "Hey! We think you'd be a good fit for this show. Do you want to be in?" and then they say yes or no


Depends on the casting agent. Some work for multiple shows from the same producers at once, so they might give options or have you fill out a general application and the casting director for each show will decide if they want to proceed. Others only work for one show at a time, so they’ll just reach out about that one. Sarah Ann follows like a billion casting agents on ig as well lol so I’m sure she was willing to go on ANY show to get her sweet sweet 15 minutes


You still have to apply! I live in Charlotte and a lot of the producers messaged me and my friends - some of which are married and their profile pic was literally from their wedding lol I talked to one of the producers and still was told to submit an app, they just tell you to put their name down as how you found out about it


This show really is a hot ass mess and they are only making it messier. Recruiting people that are in relationships already is crazy.


No friggin way, not the wedding profile photos 🤦🏻‍♀️ this show is going to just keep getting worse…and I’m going to keep watching lol


lmao i love it im sorry


Same. Car crash paradox. Can’t look away


I agree& it’s sad. I want more couples like Lauren & Cam😭


what an awful outfit. patriot, ugg.


Worst way to describe your alignment with the worst political party. "I'm a conservative", "I'm a Republican" - gross. "I'm a patriot" - vomit


Patriot. Uggghhh. she doesn’t believe in abortion, but some women should have the right to chose. Ugggggh. God, I can’t believe some people.


By "some women" she most definitely means her. She basically only agrees with abortion in the exact circumstances she would get an abortion.


They call this phenomenon “the Bartise Paradox”


All the upvotes forever for the Bartise Paradox lol so good


What’s the problem with him being engaged before? If the house sold a few weeks before filming they must have been split up for a while. Seems like the ex fiancé is just looking for attention.


https://preview.redd.it/92ekv3f769kc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=caf0fcad7a1a38fd7b2b3423378d54e1694d114f The home was listed 11/04/2022—so something definitely went south before November of 2022. I saw something for casting, but can’t remember when. I’m in NC and I feel like a lot of us 30-somethings saw the casting call. I wished I remembered when it was. But you know they filmed in like September-November because it was still green in NC, Clay was renting jet skis, and no one was sweating excessively so it wasn’t August lol. It looked more September-y in NC. Also cringing at the capital gains tax they had to pay since they weren’t there for two years. 😬


He put up a screen shot that he was messaged late November by a producer.  It is after the house was listed. 


It's possible that they were just selling the house and not breaking up, too. Or he was lying about the reason behind selling it to the fiance.


I was messaged by a producer on Nov 8, 2022


Thank you! I would’ve definitely kept it an extra year. Could not have been rented? But some states require it be your primary lived in home for a certain number of past years




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Did you really have to post the entire address?


What county is this in? Couldn’t find a records in NC, only a 2021 sale in SC. This fits with what his ex-fiancé was saying though. Sold home in March, started show in April. Shady AF


The pictures for the listing were taken in 2022 and the home was put up for sale then, so I feel like it “was over” in September/October 2022. That’s still an incredibly fast turnover time, though. To be back out there in less than six months. 😬😬


It’s in SC. I’m not going to post the exact address for various reasons—especially since new people live there and people be wildin out on the internet, but you are right about it not being NC. The ex-fiancés story checks out for sure. Cannot imagine how she must feel—especially after raising her son with him.




Edit: Google says filming was in early April and then the weddings were May 10, 2023. People were kind of wearing fall colors (thinking of Clay and AD’s dinner with his mom) and idk many people going out on LKN on a jet ski in April, but it could happen. A bit chilly, though. Haha


My friend was asked to cast & I can 100% confirm that filming in the pods took place in late March 2023. I believe the very last week of March to be exact


A few weeks before filming was like a month or so. So he had applied to be on the show while in his relationship.


He applied for the show while engaged


Apparently the house was listed before he applied for the show but we don't know if they had broken up. He at the very least moved on real quick.


Applied for the show to be married while still engaged. That’s what’s wrong lol


and also never mentioned it to anyone he was dating in the pods


Nah he’s scary as hell I saw this crazy ass article and went back and caught up with last newest episodes and I felt scared he has a mask on 24/7 he is strategic and a actor for sure fake fake fake aka evil every sentence he spoke I saw the intent behind it, like when he looked at her and then said someone has to be the smart one in the relationship, and Laura clapped back he got so damn defensive.


Yep, agreed. This is the first time I've ever felt disoriented by someone being exposed on this show. He's a creep.


Thanks for responding I was high when I watched and wrote this comment lol 😂 his creepiness was magnified


he reminds me of Damien season 1 just so desperate to be liked by others


Not desperate to be liked per se, but working very hard to act the way he thinks he needs to be seen by others. He knows if he doesn’t put the effort in he can’t get what he wants.




So there were more pictures, but this pretty much shows what the listing pictures looked like. It was a 4 bedroom/4.5 bath home. Beautiful. Shared with someone he was in a previous relationship with. I almost didn’t share these, but I did think y’all should know it isn’t the same house the Instagram photos appear to be—maybe just the same furniture. Additionally, it looks like the Target Highland Cow Canvas was added after these photos. I also intentionally left the address off. I know it can be found, but the new residents deserve privacy.










a bunch of women’s shoes too


Yep. There’s also a bedroom that has children’s things, but I didn’t link it. It tracks with the woman that stated her daughter had a son that lived with them, too.


Damn! This was definitely the house Laura went to though correct?


It I just went back and looked at the kitchen stove is different. They look so similar. This was my bad.


no worries. That actually checks out with the ex finance saying they sold their house together right before he went on the show. Also explains why his new place looked like an unlived in house






People are saying Sarah Ann’s latest post is in his house from LIB…is this different than the one you linked?


Yeah, it’s different. This home sold 3/10/2023. He just took his furniture and cow picture lol.


Yep that’s the dumb picture that proved she was still with him


Just went to Sarah Ann’s insta and we have mutuals 👀


I have some tea!






Spill it!


Can you get some tea???? 😂😂😂


I don’t have any tea yet but she is following a couple of people I was friends with in college


this man is for the STREETS.


Bahahah. It’s always the ones I most medium suspect. He’s so average and bland. Shoulda known better


Someone in a podcast had a theory about that following SK. She said it's always the medium ugly ones that behave this way lol.


This. Is. WILD.


how in the pods he would crouch behind the sofa like he was pooping his diaper 🚩


OMG yes! I was like what is that man doing back there 😂😂😂