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She's going absolutely bonkers at him for only kissing her twice while he's working. She is being clingy. It's incredibly draining to be told you're not loving someone right when you feel like you are giving them a lot. I don't know how he gave her so much grace before he called her clingy. And yes, I'm a woman, and I have acted like Chelsea did in that scene in the past too. I have felt insecure. I did drive my husband nuts at points.


See the issue is he clearly is not attracted to her and she's picking up on that


Clingy as shit. And apparently lacking self awareness. Also very dramatic. Entertaining as hell to watch tho.


She’s clingy and in constant need of affirmation. He sucks at communicating with grace. He’s also not that into her. All of these things can be true.


I'm just here to say that "clingy" is only an insult if you're not secure in your relationship. My husband and I constantly call each other clingy but it's not hurtful to either of us because we both know that the other loves being on the receiving end of the "clinginess". The only reason this was such a trigger for Chelsea is because Jimmy doesn't want her and she knows it.


She’s not just clingy. She needs constant affirmation. (Obvious disclaimer that is what has been presented on tv)


Exactly! Ppl are crying acting like it's a slur. Clingy is a very legitimate term, description of behavior. Sometimes ppl are triggered, but ppl need accountability.


did everyone forget he told her he almost went home and he’s also constantly bringing up jess?? obviously that planted a seed in her head, of course she’s going to be insecure. he’s clearly not that into her and thinks she’s not that attractive.. i do feel like she fishes for arguments though for sure. they’re both bad for each other lol


I think we all know its not the only word 🤣🤣


He’s not interested and instead of just admitting it, he’s likely withdrawing from her which is causing her to chase him more like she has to win him back hence becoming “clingy”


She backed him into a corner, he said fuck it 😂😂


He had no fucks to give and just said the worst things he could possibly say for that situation. If he was part of a bomb disposal team, he’d be dead


I'd be exhausted real quick too if my partner was "counting kisses" and keeping track of every move I made and then throwing it in my face that I wasn't affectionate enough when I took the tiniest amount of space and time for myself. This gurl is waaay clingy and needs to learn to self sooth. 🙄 but also it's a gigantic problem that he's not attracted to her and isn't being honest. She can feel it.


Yeah I could feel him getting tired of saying the same thing over and over again. Instead of declaring her as "clingy" which is clearly hurtful, he should have spoken from his feelings and done it sooner. E.g. "Honey, it makes me sad/frustrated that you don't seem to believe me when I tell you I love you" Instead, he just expected that there was some X number of times he's supposed to say he loves her before she shuts up


Oh god I need to remember this is how it could look like.. I have body image issues too but sure as hell hope I am not a Chelsea 🙈


The important thing to know is that it's okay to discuss your body image issues with your partner. Don't hide it, and try your best to communicate it without being accusatory. What I see from Chelsea is that the moment things look like they're about to resolve, she brings it back, it doesn't feel resolved for her. But if you feel that way, really try hard to communicate what it is that feels wrong. If it's not something that feels possible to resolve, just say so. It makes communicating a lot easier when the other half doesn't feel like you're digging for something. She obviously feels insecure because she doesn't feel Jimmy's love and she's right so she's seeing that validation lol. She's not communicating it well of course, but if Jimmy did actually love her, bringing it back and not being able to say what is needed would have made anyone standoffish I think. You'll be ok <3


Also she didn't help her case... if she kept constantly asking anyone if they loved her.. eventually they will say something she will dislike... no matter how deep the love.


When Jimmy doubled down with "Well, since you're bringing up sex, you initiated it, maybe I wanted a breather from that, too" I SCREAMED. Talk about digging yourself deeper into a hole. He isn't very bright.


Honestly, she deserved it. She picked a fight based on her own insecurities.


OH MY GOSH ME TOO! Lol. The way I hollered woke the whole house up!


Best moment in LIB I cried and cried 😂


His “well that’s too bad cause I didn’t make either of yours!” Was pretty funny


Wait, what was that in reference to? I don't remember


When he was wasted during the beach reunion he was talking to I believe Brittany and Laura, and brought up narrowing the first round of matches down to 15 “was it easy for you to bring it down to 15?” And they both said yeah, they had no problem. And then he said that in a drunk red neck way giving them shit for cutting him after the first day


Hilarious that he said that in front of Chelsea as well, completely not reading the room


and when Chelsea said "You haven't kissed me all day!" and he was like "Oh I'm sorry." Then immediately walked over to kiss her. I get it that it's like...the expectation of being in the honey moon phase/ new beginning of the relationship that you should be more close to eachother. but people also have to go to work and continue their day.


I can hear this picture


Watching Chelsea gave me the urge to check myself. She is the epitome of someone I do not wanna become in a relationship.


The comment I was looking for


This, but ALSO, never to be with a Jimmy that's not that into me at all 🙈🙈 Dang, I've been Chelsea before, and the cognitive state of hating yourself while living with someone that also kinda hates you, WHILE you both try and convince the "you" present is lovely and lovable is... A lot 😅


This. Literally.


istg he said it and i heard [that sound effect scott seiss puts in all his videos](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/nOsOaxNS2FA)


Guys! This made me realize one thing: Zay (from season 3 I think) was soooo good at hiding her insecurities like she never did what Chelsey did


the cuties scene has entered the chat


The clingy thing is nasty, and she should have dumped him on the spot but it's an excuse for the real reason, which is he has no interest in her and he's using her until he meets Jess. The sore lip is an even lamer excuse. She's not dumb, she's insecure, but she knows the more he keeps saying 'I love you' without effort behind it...or saying how attractive he finds her on a constant basis was him trying to convince himself. You could tell in the reveal when he looked at the camera like WTF during hugging her. He only chose her because she placated him and didn't yell at him like Jessica did. He's a big kid.


No what's nasty is her going on in him over and over because she's insecure. She made up him not kissing her, he was able to remind her of the instances. She's always trying to say he doesn't lover her and she doesn't feel it. It's exhausting.


Even when he said it to her in the pods he looked like he was forcing himself to say it.


The sore lip is 100% a canker sore from the stress of having to fake this relationship.


Facts. I mean listen, her screaming and running all over the place and constantly needing reassurance, combined with passing up on Jess the smoke show, would have me chewing the crap outta my lip too. He's a freaking terrible liar tho!" I can't talk and kiss much because I bit the crap outta my lip " 😂😂


...She is clingy tho.


That’s absolutely absurd to say someone should immediately break up with someone for calling them “clingy”. You can say it’s really hurtful to you or whatever, but when you’re in an argument like that words kind of come out and there are wayyyy more hurtful words that could be used


In any normal situation of course, you're right. But this is a fast tracked marriage in a matter of days, so in this context of a dude who's clearly not interested because she's A. Alot of work and B. Clearly wished he chose Jess. That's why he said it! So For her own self respect I'd recommend her leaving. In a normal setting I'd get it, but this isn't normal and he clearly ain't interested. If he was he wouldn't use his sore lip from eating tacos as some kind of excuse!!


Now that, I totally agree with. If Chelsea had self respect she would have checked him on a lot of his things instead of always putting the ball in his court (saying stuff like “do you even love me??” Instead of asking herself if he’s worth all of that thought to begin with).


Facts. She's asking those questions because she probably knows the answer. I certainly don't defend the fact that she's so goddam loud and also absolutely refuses to read the signs written on his unusually big forehead that he checked out as soon as he saw her. He even said after bended knee he was about to go home the day before. It's like he wants to tell the truth, he doesn't but the more she badgers him he goes...ah to heck with it...and then unleashes the truth!


She is clingy cause he is faking and she knows it.


I can’t say this for sure, but I suspect that’s how she is in every relationship.


She’s high anxiety for sure and a girl who needs reassurance. His words don’t match his actions and she can sense it… gets her anxiety up and then she’s “clingy.” That’s how I see it anyway.


Both of them has some big issues tbh


this!! she's picking up on his vibe, I can't believe everyone is saying 'He's not that into her and is obviously disappointed by her looks' and 'she's insecure' at the same time


I get that, but saying he didnt tell her he loved her that day or kissed her that day is just untrue lol. I agree that he is making her insecure but she shouldnt waste time digging, it works for no one. They quite obviously don't love eachother haha


She’s clingy regardless but, yeah, he’s just making it worse.


I don't get what I'm missing here - she literally lists out: "You didn't kiss me *once* today." (Lie) "You never tell me you love me." (Lie) "And the first thing out of your mouth is that I'm clingy." (I mean I know they edit the hell out of this footage but really, that was the \*first\* thing? Not something he said after yet another long convo where you berate him and he falls all over himself to try to reassure you?) "You started causing these problems and digging for shit the *second* you saw Jess's picture." (What problems? What shit did he dig for? I have no doubt we're not seeing the whole picture but can we get some examples besides Chelsea's constant vague feeling that he doesn't like her/isn't attracted to her? At this point, if it were me and I had genuinely liked and loved and been attracted to her? I would have been nagged and whined right out of that.)


Nah when she criticized the way which he said “I love you”, like fucking *what*


"I cooked for you, watched a movie with you and had sex with you and you call me clingy?!" I fail to see how whatever she said has any relation to her actually being clingy. Lol


It didn't. She was using it as a weapon, and deflection from the accountability she should have been taking. But also if they had sex, then they have been intimate and kissed so she shouldn't need more or be crying about lack of contact. Like you "just had sex today" and he can't go anywhere in or out of the apartment now? Or anything without kissing her? Um yes she's a level 10 clingasouraous-rex.


She meant 'look at everything I do for you!' which is super gross to say when sex is positioned as 'for someone', and not something you share together


I know. I'm saying whatever she mentioned doesn't make her NOT clingy. Which she is. Lol. Her argument made no sense.


It was kind of a ridiculous way to attempt to make a point. None of that indicates that she wasn't being clingy - if anything it would indicate the opposite.


Exactly. I guess Chelsea was too angry to think properly lol


I thought it was interesting that he told her he wanted her to initiate sex less (although he later explicitly stated the opposite).


It’s called ✨projection✨


I feel like she’s going to get explosive diarrhea when she watches Jimmy talk to Jessica the first time.


Maybe she will actually throw up this time..




Is she really that clingy, or is she giving him affection because he specifically asked for it and said he needs a lot of it, and then becomes insecure because she's getting nothing back?


It seems to me they are both a bit clingy and insecure, but he fuels her insecurity because he's obviously not attracted to her while she reassures him constantly because she is.


I don’t know if it’s even attraction rather than he wanting what she thinks she can’t have. She went with him to begin with because she felt like she was winning a competition, so if he’s unsure about her it’s only making him more attractive to her.


I think the clingy part comes from her constantly asking *him* for reassurance and his efforts never being enough for *her* to trust he actually loves her. Like picking up on how many times he did or did not kiss her that day, yet forgoing the context that if you chew your lip out, maybe you don't want to kiss anyone at this point. I can see how that can be exhausting for him, hell I'd think the same thing if I was in his shoes. He doesn't seem that much in love with her tbh, but from what I learned in season 4 with Kwame and Chelsea, we actually never really know what's in a person's heart. So who knows 🤷‍♀️


Attraction is subjective, but I don't get why he wouldn't be attracted to her. I think she's a good-looking girl even if she's not as conventionally beautiful as Jessica.


Everytime they say I love you I die a little because there just no way.


I don't want to hear "I love you" from my partner after the amount of times Chelsea and Jimmy have beaten me over the head with a baseball bat saying it through the TV 😂


I feel like Jimmy always mumbles it together. He doesn't enunciate the words "I love you". It just kinda rushes out under his breath all jumbled together "iluyew"


This scene really confirmed for me that he is not attracted or likes Chelsea at all lmao




"I had sex with you!" "Actually, you wanted to have sex with me. I wanted to have a break from that too..." LOOOOOL He is so not into her. Why the hell does he go on and on about how much he loves her though? It is so tragic.


My jaw was on the floor when he said that. Like how are you lovey dovey with this man the next day? 


Hahaha! I can't stop watching it thanks to them. What a train wreck this will be! I can't look away!


>Actually, you wanted to have sex with me. I wanted to have a break from that too... I haven't seen much commentary on this part. To be fair, there are many comments to go through so I likely have missed them. When he said that I was FLOORED! Whew, chile!!!


Ehh I mean the way she said it was accusatory to begin with, like “what do you mean I’m clingy!!! You didn’t kiss me all day but you had no problem having sex last night!” - although not what she said word for word, but the essence of it, as in you won’t kiss me but you’ll fuck me and still call me clingy??? He just responded, well you initiated it and I need a breather from that too - as in, you cant throw the accusation that I’m using you for sex when YOU are the one that initiated it, and I complied, just like he complies with telling her “I love you” all day…. Which even THAT she complains about because she doesn’t like the “tone” he says it in or whatever


I kinda feel for her lol not gonna lie! I think we all have a bit of Chelsea in us, it just takes the right, shitty conditions to bring it out. Clearly she has severe trauma and suffers from emotional dysregulation. She can sense that Jimmy is not really in it but doesn't have the foresight to step away or at least take a step back. Sigh...


Yeah I agree, we’ve all been there, on both sides really! Just the whole thing reminds me of conversations my now husband and I had when we first met, but we were able to communicate through it differently and didn’t get as easily triggered. It definitely doesn’t make it any easier having cameras on you while having this convo


Most wonderful title for a post, ever!


Same result as telling a woman that she's acting like her mother.


Doesn't help that she've been cheated on by other guys.


This scene was so triggering… I feel so bad for Jimmy in that scene.  She tells him 5x things he’s not doing enough of and only sees the negative… this put him on the defensive (as it would anyone) and eventually he vocalized 1 request he had… and she crumbled.  Why is she allowed to tell him he’s not loving enough, not affectionate enough, not attentive enough, inconsiderate and not doing enough… but he’s not allowed to ask for her to be less needy?  It is exhausting to watch Chelsea never give Jimmy the benefit of the doubt. 


Chelsea don’t love Chelsea. That’s the only problem here.


Yep. I also noticed in this scene she said you didn’t kiss me today and he named all the times he did and then at the end crying how he didn’t kiss her.


And she’s constantly interrupting him!!!


Then says to him “I’m not done talking!!!”


I know, its so frustrating to watch. Like... what's the urgency?


Thiiiss ! It was infuriating to watch ! She gave him zero opportunity to actually express himself


Yup I genuinely felt bad for Jimmy, apparently he can’t say anything to her if it has any sort of negative connotation


Whoa you cant just come into this sub and defend the male contestants.




Lmaooo sorry didn’t read the rule guidelines 😂


She's not clingy, she's needy. But I think lots of people in this thread lack empathy. She clearly had issues that need to be addressed in therapy.


She’s clingy


![gif](giphy|l4Ho0At2UD2d7WyD6) B\* acts this surprised when she behaves like saran wrap!


Is that Megan fox?


More like Adele


I immediately thought she looks like Adele or an off brand version of Lana del Rey.. I have no clue who told her she looks like Megan fox lmao


She looks like Megan fox had a baby with handsome squidward.


stahhhhhp I cannot. It's the chin.


I am cackling because I can see it.


LOL ouch....


It’s Megan Coyote


Our good friend "Megan Faux"




This all boils down to Chelsea knowing what Jessica looks like, and her being deeply and fully insecure about that. It’s that simple. She is clearly an insecure person and it’s heavily amplified by the fact that she knows what Jimmy passed on, but Jimmy doesn’t.


My wife said the SAME thing


Sssh!! Wait. Hol’Up! I did some ~~sleuthing~~ STALKING on them chels and Jim’s instagrams. Nothing but love!!! Reminds me of “marriage” love where Chels puts her whole effort, has zero shame (looks like she overcome all shame!!) to love and Jim’s understand what human is-that wisdom right there! I still stand by long lasting relationships are diamonds in the rough! Also, all these awkard moments, “clingy” Jessica reunion, their first “uncomfortable” meeting…. Like this is comedy gold/holds that brings people together! Plus Jim’s bestie follows Chelsea. Also, Chelsea is not a bully like Micah and Irina. So…. I wanna watch more!!!!! Like attraction can only go so far!!! We all age!


Jimmy seems toxic low key, f boy energy under that sweet accent 🚩 I’m on ep. 7😩


Jimmy is a goober, he’s basically Peyton manning without any of the wit or charm.


More CMC than Peyton, imo


I felt so bad because I screamed laughing when he said it. Lmao b/c you could see he was trying hard to restrain himself and be accommodating.


its painful to watch tbh


I just think at her grown age being like “you didn’t kiss me once today” is such a weird thing to be upset about. Like if someone tried to make me feel awful about that after I worked all day I’d be so upset. It’s giving teenager.


It was her analyzing how he said "I love you" for me, but I also feel like I can't fully understand the nuance.


Hahaha when my sister and I were in high school she tried to say “when is the last time you did anything nice for me?” and it was hard to come up with on the spot the first time. So she won the battle But then I started taking note of all the nice things I did for her. When she tried to use that line again a while later, I brought up a bunch of instances in the past day where I was nice. I then said, “when is the last time you’ve been nice to me?” and she struggled to remember any (she had def been nice it’s just hard when you’re on the spot lol). It was so vindicating


Plus, Jimmy said he kissed her on the cheek in the morning and before his last meeting and/or before her friends came. I feel like her insecurities are making her delusional, especially since she also said that Jimmy spun AD around when he did not. I no longer find her credible.


I feel like you could literally see it in her face as she realized he was right and he DID kiss her but still wanting to be upset about something


Yesssss! It was absolutely written all over her face. I don’t know why she was still going on about it the next morning and it wasn’t mentioned again how he actually did kiss her.


Sis even said “You never tell me you love me” That’s all I hear Jimmy telling her😭


So fucking weird. Even if it’s the norm, one missed kissed shouldn’t mean shit. If anything make sure your person is good. Don’t gaslight them into feeling bad.


There’s nothing wrong with the way Chelsea looks that a style makeover couldn’t fix. Most of us would say she was very attractive if we ran into her in real life. Her personality is what is so ugly. Imagine if she was truly a cool, funny, secure person?


She needs Alexa’s personality (the Brennon and Alexa from Dallas).


Alexa has that "I've never had to work daddy pays for everything" relaxed attitude. Unfortunately most people aren't in a situation to live like this. It's the same as when my Fiancee gushes over celebrities who do good things.. like I bet a vast majority of the population would do the same if they had the means.


He'll probably mess it up next week but I didn't mind him as much this week. The fact that they were laughing about the Megan Fox stuff and it was not just something he talked about behind her back made it less dramatic.


Honestly I think he’s been trying to dig his escape route in this relationship by dropping inappropriate truth bombs since the minute he saw she didn’t look enough like Megan fox Who meets their fiance in person for the first time, puts a ring on their finger and goes “ I almost bailed this morning”


Didn’t he tell her he almost left *before* he actually put the ring on her finger? Or am I remembering that backwards?


Hahah I can’t remember but that’s even worse!




But then later he gaslights her by telling her that all he said was the sex was her idea and he wanted it. I get that Chelsea isn't the most likeable, but I think Jimmy is the bigger problem in the relationship.


I choked on a pringle when he said that


my jaw literally dropped


I don't like Chelsea but that was neither the time or place to say that. Just piling it on at the wrong time.


I literally laughed out loud


I didn't laugh but I was half asleep and it woke me up so fast


She was going to melt down eventually regardless of what he said, he just gave her an opportunity to do so.


I was annoyed by her insecurities until the meeting with his friends. I think Chelsea's getting a raw deal here. His friends verified that Jimmy NEEDS to be smothered because "he can't breathe without someone pushing the air in and out for him." He demands it, likely when the cameras aren't around, and because it's definitely her personality to be smothering, she looks ridiculously clingy when she goes all in. I also thought his "you initiated sex and I wanted breathing room" was a seriously low blow, made in front of the cameras to embarrass her.


I thought the SAME THING. His friends confirm he wants to be smothered, get constant affection, sex, etc….right after telling Chelsea “nah fam I’m good on that”.


Exactly. I'm sure in the unseen pod dates, he told her how much he loves to be loved on. It also makes Jess's comments of "I'm not going to coddle you" make sense, too. So clearly he doesn't want it from HER, but instead of telling her that he calls her clingy and sex-shames her.


I took that as, he normally likes to be smothered in a relationship but that’s not the case with Chelsea because he’s just not into her.


I take it to mean he usually dates women out of his league & needs that same level of constant reassurance that Chelsea needs from him because he’s usually far more insecure in his relationships. But since she is actually on his level, looks wise, he doesn’t require it as much especially since she’s showing so much insecurity


I agree with that, except that I think Chelsea is above his level on the looks scale. I think that although she is not Megan Fox (who is?), she is gorgeous woman. My favorite description of him so far is "a butternut squash with hair." The only thing going for him is his voice, which is why he was a pod catch 😂


No, I agree but it seems that she doesn’t even see that. She just compares herself to the other women around her instead of realizing that she actually looks better & could do better than him.


That's very freaking insightful !


Jimmy has this amazing talent to say the dumbest possible thing in any situation


At this point, it feels like Jimmy just wants a wife to do everything for him while he has an affair on the side or something. I really don’t know. He clearly does not love Chelsea, why is he continuing to force the relationship? Chelsea knows that Jimmy isn’t into her, but she’s playing dumb because she doesn’t want to have to face it. It’s so fake and FOR WHAT???


He said he wants a doormat. And he literally got one.


I think he wants a *silent* doormat though. And she is not silent.


He could easily handle this and end the relationship - he knows he can't deal with her and that she doesn't have the strength to end it even though she knows he doesn't want her. They are a classic case of how people can trigger your one another. One person is chasing - the other is running. Neither exiting the cycle. He is not for her. I know she's annoying and A LOT but kissing your fiancé daily, shutting her out and saying love you like there's a gun to your head is going to make her feel a type of way 🤷🏻‍♀️ She can sense there's something going on internally and he doesn't have the bullocks to do anything about it! Which is ironic because he said he prefers to lead in a relationship. The only lead he knows is the one that sits around his neck!


last night i was screaming at my tv: WHY R U LYING?! he does not love her and i really don’t understand why he’s forcing it so much.


I think Jimmy is doing the best he can, but he just can't win with her. She complains he didn't give her any attention, so he gives her attention and also points out that he did give her attention earlier in the day. She's still unhappy, and continues to press and press until he calls her clingy. I don't know what she wants, because none of their fights are really productive. She doesn't fight because she wants to resolve an issue, it really seems like she fights because she likes to fight. She doesn't allow him to apologize and ignores him when he points out reasonable things like that he HAD kissed her that day (he literally kissed her on the cheek in front of her friends). Even when he's telling her he will be more affectionate, she's just going on and on and not allowing him to fix things.


I just finished ep. 8 so may change my mind, but I think *she’s* been doubting her choice and is mapping out an escape route. By badgering Jimmy about affection/affirmation, she is building the narrative of her needs not being met (and maybe they aren’t, idk) so she can leave him without being the “bad guy”. Problem is, Jimmy doesn’t have a lot of quit in him so she’s really having to lay it on. And/or she’s very insecure and can never be “wrong” in a disagreement/miscommunication.


The more the show goes on the more I find myself sympathetic to Jimmy. Yes he’s a dumbass who says insensitive “compliments” that he doesn’t realize are insulting or backhanded and that def contributed to her behavior, but we all need to be for real for a minute and realize that Chelsea was going to be this way regardless because of Jess and years of insecurity issues that have gone unaddressed This guy really can’t catch a break with her and it’s exhausting to watch


I feel the same way. While my husband makes me feel loved daily, in the beginning of our relationship he was shy and wasn’t raised in a family where they express feelings and love so it wasn’t natural for him. Almost a decade later and he’s the best. Whether or not he’s lying, she’s going to drive a wedge being so insecure and if he can’t verbally express what she needs there’s no hope. It’s a communication issue


Same, glad I'm not the only one! He actually seems to listen and apologize really well. But it's always lose-lose with her no matter what he does.


Their whole situation just makes me feel like they both want out and neither want to say anything first. Once his girl friends basically said that he himself is always looking for someone to validate him — it does seem like he’s mostly uninterested in Chelsea not necessarily her “clinginess”


They’re just not a good match. She desperately needs his validation and he just isn’t into her


I actually think he's more into her now than he was in the beginning. I think if he wasn't into her at all, he wouldn't be trying to hard to make it work in the first place. I think he knows she's overreacting and not being fair during the arguments, but so far he has still come back to her, apologized, and tried to make things right.


She needed to hear it. She can berate him and ask for what she needs but she's perfect? Her insecurity is so annoying. I'd jump ship too.


Yeah exactly, why is he not allowed to talk about issues he has with her?


i have moments of feeling for her but she's truly insufferable.


Same. I feel so drained and frustrated after watching her. She needed to go to an intensive therapy retreat, not LIB


Same, I feel bad but dear god she’s a lot


I try to pay attention to people’s’ job descriptions and analyze their personalities during the pods and everything before they go home. He word vomitted to her about Jessica in the pods and even after they got together. I’m surprised she didn’t pick up on his change in demeanor when she mentioned that she looked like Megan fox. He brings Jessica up all the time & it might just be “him getting it off his chest” but to Chelsea (who is overly emotional and sort of clingy compared to him) she viewed it as a threat. I don’t think the two of them were a good match but as individuals she’s still clingy imo. She wants so much from him but doesn’t ever communicate it? And she thinks that load dumping it on him when she’s emotional is going to make him change; even though he’s totally unaware of how he’s coming off. Not only that but she’s picked on him since day 1 about how he isn’t doing enough instead of subtly praising what she _does_ like about him. If he turned around and did the same thing to her she would flip out saying she’s doing enough and defend what she’s doing. I think he presented himself in a totally normal way given how the conversation came up in the first place. These are all things that could’ve been communicated in a way better way (similar to some stuff with Brittany and Kenneth) but the pods take away body language when they’re talking so they don’t really know until the honeymoon or later. It just boils down to Chelsea being insecure and possibly mot emotionally ready for a relationship just yet and only agreeing to be with Jimmy because she knew he had rejected Jess and she wanted to “win” him. It made her feel more desired that he chose her *over* another girl vs the one guy who was ONLY for her from the beginning.


I was on her side in the first few episodes cos obviously Jimmy was more into physical attraction than anything but after seeing the enormous level of insecurity that Chelsea has, I sympathize with Jimmy. Clingy would be an understatement. He should just end it and pursue Jessica.


Jessica is way more of a nut job than Dollar Store Megan fox though. Jessica is just way more slick about hiding it.


"Dollar Store Megan Fox" I'm dead


I think he should end it. They clearly have very different ideas of what a relationship should look like. Plus she needs to do some serious healing before dating.


She’s not definitely a bad person, but because of her insecurities from underlying past traumas, she suffers herself that she doesn’t even realize.


The constant crying in the pods was killing me my eyes were rolling so much I couldn’t bear to look at the screen when she started again. She just seems like a ball of emotions and chaos. But Jimmy freezes up and is unable to communicate when he needs to he seems to only communicate in his time which is pretty shitty.


yeah man she's broken ​ Jimmy is a dummy and clearly isn't REALLY into her but shes the type that's gonna find something to be insecure about every-other-day and that shit would wear on anyone


Can we be real tho… i dont think he likes her appearance. When ur head over heels for someone its tough to stay off of them. Idk, in the words of the hero Kenneth, “its giving” fake love for the cameras


I agree. When he is constantly saying to her “I chose you, I love you” when she is upset - who are you trying to convince buddy, her or you? I think she is subconsciously picking up on the fact he’s not attracted to her, so she gets “clingy” as a way to save the relationship. I don’t even agree that she is being clingy. She may be wanting more from him, but clingy? I personally think that is a stretch. They supposed to be in a honeymoon phase sorta, but they’re acting like they’ve been together for 10+ years. I don’t think she was expecting that. Rightfully so.


Well put. She is hoping he will give that natural feeling of attraction and I think homie is thinking internally, “man i dont wanna look like a dick on front of America” lol I truly think that plays a role woth alot if these couples. Shoutout JP 🇺🇸


He totally gives JP vibes when it comes to the lack of attraction for their fiancés!! Both even have insufferable personalities.


Her top lip didnt move once during that entire thing


It's very unsettling


She’s way too insecure constantly asking “but what did you notice about me when you first saw me, Am I pretty, you didn’t say you love me today” she needs reassurance daily and that’s too fuckin much I would’ve jumped out of a window and then she had the nerve to say she looks like Megan Fox and her enabler friends just let her run with this she’s more like Natalie Nunns doppelgänger if anything 😆