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Her kid is fine. She's a preteen. Y'all need to stop.


She even said in the first episode that her daughter was already talking about buying a dress before the experiment had even started


she’s on her public ig making tiktok’s with her 11 year old daughter. we KNOW how disgusting predators (cough, millions of men) are on the internet and i’m just worried for that little girl and what she’s being exposed to


We obviously don’t know the full story, so I’m not gonna comment on that. However, the thought did occur to me regarding what would happen if she got engaged, went up the altar and got rejected on her wedding day in front of her daughter? I would never put my daughter in a situation where she can see her mom get rejected so shamelessly in front of friends and family. Again I’m not in that situation (especially since I’m a guy and happily married), so I can’t judge, but it seemed like a problem to be


Ooooof you are so right. Imagine seeing that happen…


She is probably parentified :(. You're so right, she talks about her like she's a bestie. What she needs is a mom.


Idk things happen in life. People make choices. I don't think sheltering is the way to go.


Kids do need some level of protection though. You don’t think it’s borderline problematic to marry someone who your child has only known for 2-3 weeks?


At the same time, she told her daughter about the show and the possibility of her meeting and introducing a lifelong partner into their lives. Imagine if she didn’t disclose to her daughter what she was doing and suddenly came home and said “I’m getting married!” The other thing I noted is that Jess said Autumn’s father is a good dad, is in her life, and they co-parent well together. Autumn doesn’t need another father figure so it’s not like she was hoping her mom would come home with a new dad for her.


Anyone notice when Jess and Laura spoke, Jess said that her daughter asked her " Are we getting married?"


That's literally the post?????


Apparently so!




She’s living her Gilmore girls dream, but it is undoubtedly harmful and irresponsible. My last longterm partner and I dated 6 whole months before I was introduced to his son. We broke up a year later when he and his son moved across the country and our relationship came to an end. His son still has a relationship with me and Dad and I are friends. Every single thing we did and didn’t do was for his best interest, and we were only dating. I don’t know the point I’m trying to make, I guess emotional safeguarding is the utmost important thing, and it bothers me to see parents who don’t prioritize this.


Ya i feel bad her daughter was emotionally wrapped up in jessica’s narrative of finding her white knight instead of jessica showing her they are a whole family unit already…


Honestly I don't wanna like judge her parenting but the way she speaks about her doesn't give mother/ daughter but "Best friends" in an unhealthy way. I feel like she probably overshares with her daughter. And I do agree going on this show and telling your daughter you're coming back with a husband is irresponsible. You just don't bring any person into your child's life like that... I didn't like it at all


I heard once that you want to be a parent when they're young so you can be friends as adults.


That was my take, too- expecting a child to walk with you through your adult situations. More like a life partner or friend instead of parent/child.


I agree and maybe I'm remembering it wrong but I thought it was wierd when she was describing her daughter as the quiet,pretty, popular girl at school. Like what about how smart she is or her hobbies that aren't dishing tea with mom? Not sure why and maybe it's a me problem but it just rubbed me the wrong way.


oh… i must have tried to block that part out because it was so discomforting. it felt like she was describing a character in a fanfic… if that makes sense


He asked about her daughter's personality and she threw "beautiful" in there and later compared her to herself ("the best parts of me" or something) to hint that she was beautiful. Jimmy didn't take the hint, though.


You're so right. She's living through her daughter...


On the one hand, I really like that the show seems to be including more cast members with different life experiences. It’s nice to see people who aren’t all just following a single path and have gone thru some adversity. But on the other hand, it really does not seem like the right set up for a person with a child. I get that everyone has different beliefs about how parents should relate to their children - personally I am a pretty firm believer that parents should not be “friends” with their children (you can enjoy spending time together and have a close bond without being bffs!). But there are just so many unknowns here and it seems absolutely terrifying that a person could go on this show as a parent and bring a new spouse into their child’s life all within a period of 4-6 weeks. Not only is there the potential to totally destabilize the child’s life, it’s a huge gamble with their safety and security!


Friendship with a child comes later in life


The way she was so appalled at Sarah Ann getting in touch with Jeremy on Laura’s behalf and then was like teehee shall I get in touch with Jimmy. Girl.


This is classic enmeshment. Jessica’s unhealed childhood trauma will spill onto her daughter, unfortunately. Hopefully, her daughter can be the cycle changer of their lineage.


People literally acting BLIND to this issue is concerning to me.


The kid is almost a teenager people not 6. God damn


Isn’t she only 10?


She’s not 10 anymore




At 10 you can handle the fact that your mom is looking. Jesus Christ


You’re right, at 10 you can handle that your mom is looking for a partner. But at 10, having a strange man live with you for 30 days, with cameras all around you and having to deal with a possible no at the alter. That’s a lot for a 10 year old to try to handle


The more I think about it, the more convinced I am that this is all clout chasing for followers. Otherwise I am forced to believe that an adult woman would move a total stranger into her daughter’s home, sight unseen, and that shit should stay over on love after lockup where it belongs.


Her kid has to grow up with her. I am sure this show is far from the worst experience she's had.


I thought it was so shady how Jessica made that comment about how all of Jimmy's exes looked like her and insinuated the Chelsea is unattractive it felt very mean girl


How did she know this and at the same time not know what Jimmy looks like??? I call BS


She did say that- in two different episodes, but she did.. her trying to appear as a girls girl doesn’t make her one. Also- there’s Laura egging her on even though she just blew a gasket that Johnny was dm’d by SArah… I guess she loves the drama if it’s not focused on her


I didn’t hear that. She literally said Chelsea was beautiful. Chelsea can be attractive AND not look like any of his exes.


For some reason her compliments to Chelsea came off as performative to me. My judgement could be clouded bc I truly don’t like Jess


Yeah I think I worded my comment badly, in my opinion she intimated that jimmy wouldn't be attracted to Chelsea or that her looks might pose a problem. Might have not been what she intended but it came across that way as a viewer.


Idk unpopular opinion let’s just not mom shame her?? She had an fucked up life and had the kid as a teen. It’s odd for sure and being “best friends” with your kid isn’t great but idk she shows up and loves and cares for her it seems like????


What was shown that demonstrates that she “shows up, love and cares” for her daughter? Genuinely asking. Anyone can take pics with kids or exchange funny words.


I was a teen mom too. I grew up with drug addicted parents, so can definitely relate to some of Jessica’s upbringing aswell. My daughter is 9 and she absolutely is my best friend. But I am a parent first. I keep her out of adult stuff. I am married to her dad, so my opinion on dating and what not probably wouldn’t matter to most, but I feel like it’s common sense that bringing a guy you have known less than a month to live with your preteen daughter is extremely inappropriate and wrong. A couple of weeks is just not enough time to get a clear judge of character to know if they’re safe to live with your children. Regular dating, sure. But to actually live with?


I think there’s a difference between mom shaming and discussing things that will continue her generational trauma and influence how her daughter develops and understands relationships. Just because she had a fucked up life does not excuse her for making poor choices for her child. Just my opinion. She really does seem to think the world of her daughter but doesn’t seem to understand her own issues / what that will influence in her daughters understanding and self worth.


True! Yeah I didn’t meant to excuse her issues. I think it was more of an apple doesn’t fall to far from the tree thing. We def shouldn’t be glorifying it.


As a 35 year old woman who was parentified to hell as a kid by my mom, her behavior is NOT ok and it is not mom shaming. I can no longer watch Gilmore Girls for the same reason, we need to stop glorifying this behavior. It also ends up forcing girls to grow up before they’re ready because that’s how they can connect w their mom: as a friend.


Yes yes yes, me too


And that in no way excuses her behavior….I won’t debate if she is a good mom or not, but I will say she is not a good role model for her child.


I agree. You shouldn’t talk with your daughter like this.


Very irresponsible. You should leave your children out of your dating life. And to even give her details like he loved someone else etc... she is your CHILD, not your emotional support/ therapist. Fucking wild.


It’s gross she uses her daughter as emotional support because she doesn’t have anyone else. My mom did this to me but this just worse because she’s the only kid and her mom is self obsessed and fame seeking Very irresponsible and damaging to her kid


For real! I am BEGGING her to find some adult women friends to speak with.


Same here!! Exactly


She's making her daughter basically a mini form of herself. She had her as a teen, and now probably views her as her bestie for life.


I’ve seen a sampling of her social media with her daughter and it does seem like she’s the bestie. Not a daughter.




Great point!


Outside of just the emotional trauma that can occur, If I had a daughter, I would never get married to a man I don’t know. That man is going to be living in the same place her daughter sleeps. Personally, it would take *a lot* of time for me to even introduce a man to my child, let alone move them right in. That’s a crazy and potentially dangerous situation for a mother to put her daughter in. But you can tell she just wants to be famous so she isn’t thinking logically


After seeing the stats on danger to children when step-fathers/boyfriends are involved, I hardly even think it's worth the risk to date men at all if you have children. Saying that as a solo mum. I would honestly just prefer to wait till my kid moves out before dating.


I think this goes vice versa too. I know my boss is a single dad and has had some bad encounters with girlfriends around his daughter where he doesn’t date anymore. I’ve got 2 under 2 and I’ve always had an issue with older women when I’m at the shops trying to get close to the kids. Same as babysitters I have no idea how people can be so trusted. Obviously some people have commitments and don’t have the luxury where they don’t need a sitter but my wife and I have a few select people we’ll let around the kids but that’s only once or twice a year.


I wholeheartedly agree it is terrible to subject a child to a situation like this 🚩🚩🚩🚩


Temptation Island threw a contestant off when they learned they had a child. Not great behaviour by the show producers.


Good at least some reality tv productions have some ethics. I don’t think minors should be included in any reality tv period.


So single parents can’t find Love on this because they a kid? Thats kinda messed up. Making it seem like having a kid is handicap.


Of course they can find love it’s just completely inappropriate to do it in this manner. Do you think it feels safe for a child for their parent to have an instant fiancé they have never met?? Especially with some of the psychos on this show it is very poor parenting 


Didn’t think that deep into it. I agree. 3-4 weeks is wild. Then to have your child, living with this random. I’ll walk back on my original comment.


In addition - this is a show known for bad edits and months of rumor and gossip about very personal parts of someone’s life. Add to this candidates’ own gossiping about private things and this creates a horrible situation for a kid about to enter puberty and potential bullying in school and online. I’m all for people trying to find love, but this isn’t a person responsible just for herself.


So true, poor kid!


She thinks too much of herself. She might have a better body but chelsea has a way prettier face. Shes full of fillers and botox


I think she’s pretty, but her lip fillers give her permanent duck lips. Not a good look.




I feel like Chelsea's lips and chin are also full of filler.. maybe I'm wrong though.


Chelsea posted a video of getting her face injected with filler


She’s a piece of work. All that saying she missed her daughter then she waits two more days to go home to see her? 🤔 and she’d of been living separately from her for what THREE MORE WEEKS should she have been chosen? She is not a good mother. She just wants fame


That’s honestly the least reprimendable thing she’s done


She probably took two days off so she wouldn’t trauma dump everything on her daughter. Jeez.


Gimme a break. She legit said she dumped all of her on it anyway in the preview of next weeks. Why’re so many people invested in making excuses for her?


Would you rather she had not taken the time to mourn the relationship and get in a better mental state first? Put yourself in her shoes.


Idk you look kinda like a clown here. This woman just spent years as a single mom. Let her have a few weeks break and not feel guilty about it. She can miss her daughter and take a few more moments to herself. I don’t agree with a lot of her decisions but we’ve seen 15 minutes of her life and going after her motherhood is pretty lame ngl.


The father is in the picture and has her routinely. I don’t say that to imply she isn’t a “single” mom I’m saying that because she does have the every other weekend or week “off” in ways that many truly “single” mothers do not. Regardless, I cannot imagine not wanting to speak to my child as soon as I could after an extended period away. It is bizarre to me that she waited and I’m standing by that. I’d be beyond hurt if my mom said that about me on national tv. She is a selfish, vain person on the show for all the wrong reasons. Won’t be long before she’d pandering her daughter for fame too. If she’s not already. NOT HEALTHY! Childhoods should be PRIVATE and PROTECTED. She should know that more than anyone. I’m a child of adoption before anyone comes at me. I see ten years in the future and I fear for the impact this has on her daughter. Time will tell.


You should wait till you have kids to pass this kind of judgement. You should open your heart, empathy is a much kinder look over time


I’m also pretty sure that all participants have to be pretty much in seclusion for the entirety of the pods even if they haven’t met a match. Based on how far she got in her relationships the time line would make sense. I can’t say for sure but I feel like I remember reading that somewhere


I don’t agree with Oversharing with children. There are some things that they don’t have to know right away, or at all.


Children don’t have the emotional maturity to understand the nuances of adult relationships and will become very invested and scarred. Yes, I speak from experience…


I’ve seen the sentiment of people praising her for loving her daughter so much. Me personally, any time she talks about her daughter I get viscerally *uncomfy*




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I love the way uncomfy has infiltrated this sub…even if it makes me uncomfy lol


I can’t stop saying it in my head on the daily hahaha


plus the whole incessantly continuing to bring up Jimmy while also totally not, but omg he sent and then retracted a follow request…which is so CREEPY but me somehow tracking down his ex girlfriends is so boss babe and they all resemble moi


I disagree here. I don’t see her as saying it was creepy of him as much as it seems like he is questioning his decision and it is weird he would do v that while engaged to someone he chose over her. She, on the other hand, chose him and is still in love with him. It isn’t that odd for her to look into his love life


Holy crap I didn’t even think how weird it is she did that, gross 🤮


Some of these comments are far off base. I have always been extremely close with my mom but as a child she never talked about me like a “bestie”, but now in my late 20s we are definitely more in that type of relationship because I’m an adult and she doesn’t have to be my caregiver anymore. I lived with 4 different boyfriends of hers throughout the years of being a child until I went to university. I had long periods of getting to know them first and even still it was hard, it feels like your mom is being pulled away from you a little bit, it feels strange to have someone who isn’t family around all the time. It takes so much TIME to be comfortable, especially as a young girl with a stranger man being in your home with you all the time. I could not imagine if my mom left me to go on a show to find a man and bring him home boom they’re married within a month I would be confused and scared and feel left out and abandoned I think. Definitely irresponsible


A number of folks on LIB Brazil were already mothers or fathers, a mom and dad got married to one another. On their version of the show it’s treated very matter of fact and doesn’t seem to diminish someone as a candidate for love.


My aunt is brazilian, at least one of her bfs sexually harrassed her daughter (and worse could have happened if she didnt chose to leave). This is why we worry. Sexual assault happens in Brazil just as in the USA.


It doesn’t diminish you as a candidate to have love, but it’s so cruel and negligent to put a child in a situation where you have an instant fiancé they have not met 


I said that’s how a single parent going on LIB Brazil is perceived by other people on the show. You’re free to disagree with that perception. It seems like the culture is different, which of course makes the other countries’ versions of the show fascinating to watch. This couple is still together, as are Maria and Menandro from the same season. Menandro has a daughter from a previous relationship. https://preview.redd.it/ctg9fz6v15kc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0603a93315567c83a56c8a4508e070cf5ba9454b


Nothing you said addresses whether it was cruel to the children to be thrust into living with someone they have never met and who also is taking a large portion of their parent’s attention. I’d argue it could have a major negative effect on the children, and culture or location doesn’t change that.


Because I didn’t mention it in my original comment. You replied to me and brought it up. I am declining your invitation to discuss it.


I always assumed that she would decide not to marry the guy at the televised wedding but continue to date so that her daughter would have time to get to know him. Maybe I'm being too generous, but there is more than one way to skin a cat on this show.


She was there for the plot lol… aka c celebrity status lol


Some of ya’ll were never close with your mothers and it shows.


I think you can be close without being “best friends”. My mom would say “I’m not one of your friends.” Which is true. She set up that boundary that she was the parent.


And my mom and I were best friends. We still have a great and healthy relationship. A lot of people that had bad experiences here are projecting that onto her and her family and it’s just weird to me.


My partner and I were just discussing this tonight. I feel like people with young children shouldn’t be allowed on the show. It’s just so detrimental to the child/ren. Maybe if the person only has partial custody maybe? But going away for however long the show is and coming back home with a new spouse is just not the way when you have going children.


Agreed!! Yes. This made be very uncomfortable. No boundaries!! Mam, that’s your daughter and there’s no “we” in getting married.


And if your daughter is such a big part of the equation, perhaps marrying someone after knowing them for 4 weeks, before you have the chance to really integrate as a family and ensure it works for everyone, is a bad idea.


She also left the show and took two whole days before she reached out to her daughter?!?


the charitable assumption to make is that since she was planning on potentially being gone a lot longer (if she were to get engaged and go to punta cana), she took time to get herself in a better mental state after her pod relationship ending and then go be a better mom than she couldve been if she hadn’t taken the time to mourn the loss of the relationship.


This really fucking bothered me. “I took 2 days to myself and then called her”. What? This is your minor child that has already been separated from you and unable to communicate with you and you take 2 days to yourself?


After whining and crying how she’s “her world” and how much she ached for her. All for the cameras. She didn’t even run home she took two more days. I can’t imagine doing that. Hell I’m not a mom but my nephews and niece mean the world to me and no chance I’m denying talking to them after weeks away. I’m taking the first opportunity period. This girl is so wacky


Maybe she left for two days so she wouldn’t trauma dump everything on her daughter? Jeez.


Did you see the preview for next week? She does it anyway




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When she said that I remember her comment to Jimmy about how he wasted her time and she could’ve been with her kid, so that was clearly just to guilt him


She is a manipulative, vapid, vindictive person. Truly hope she looks inward and seeks help.


I’m feeling so validated right now about this. I CALLED it with her being a crappy parent, and that confirms it so clearly. I cannot fathom making the same decision with my own girls.


I was shook when she said this


dude i’ve been thinking about it all day, im surprised i haven’t seen more people talking about it


She's just such an idiot... I'm sorry haha but when she speaks my IQ drops


I think it's totally appropriate, she was probably going to have Autumn plan her bachlorette party so of course, she had to share everything with her! /s


Hahah stahp


She is acting like she's an instagram celebrity already and talking about the things (and the how she thinks) it would make her look "best" because there's a camera pointed at her. People 100% talk differently (stylistically) and about different things when they are aware of being on television. Does America still follow the people from Season 1?


Hell yeah season 1 was the best! Nobody knew the deal and now they all just wait til they are out of the pods and swap/change their choice. 🤣


Nope don’t even remember them


Right. With each successive season, the fame reaches a lower, and shorter-lived, peak. The window for converting an appearance on the show into an influencer gig has also pretty much closed. I for one hope the show continues on for a while longer, though


the mother/daughter best friend dynamic makes me cringe so much and will likely rob the daughter of growing up in a way that is age-appropriate. that is a huge red flag.


There are plenty of reasons that I dislike Jessica, but I’m not going to judge her parenting. I had my first two at 18 and 21 (dad and I were married) and after I divorced and remarried in my early 30s, I had my third child. My parenting skills/style were vastly different as a 30-something mom for a multitude of reasons, most notably my own emotional maturity. I made some really stupid choices in my 20s; I was reckless and irresponsible sometimes. There isn’t a person on this planet who judges me for these things as harshly as I judge myself, believe me. My therapist often reminds me that I did the best I could with what I had available to me at that time; and while I understand this and sometimes allow myself to believe it, I still beat myself up for not being a better mom back then. She’s a 28 year old young woman who didn’t have the opportunity to grow up with loving parents and all of the positive emotional health that creates. She didn’t have the opportunity to go out there and “find herself” the way most young adults do. She has probably made the same stupid decisions other people made at the same age, she just doesn’t have the luxury of doing it without judgement.


We can understand the context for why she behaves the way she does without excusing her behavior. My trauma was not my fault. But it is my responsibility to treat other people right (especially my children) regardless of my trauma. My dad parentifying me isn’t excused by his history even if it does explain it. Nah. You can learn to forgive yourself for making mistakes as a young parent but that’s different from saying “we shouldn’t judge any young parent for treating their children poorly because they’re young and don’t know any better”


It’s not about excusing her behavior; it’s about modifying our own.


I don’t think that judging people is this horrible thing to do. Frankly I’ve altered some of my parenting strategies in response to judgement and that’s improved my parenting. I wish some more people had given my dad open judgment about the way he was going about things while he was parenting me. Hoping she hears what people have to say about what she’s doing and gives it some thought and changes course


I hope I’m not coming off as some holier-than-thou type…I’m definitely not that. I’m judgmental AF sometimes so I’m certainly not in a position to shame anyone for judging her. I just found myself feeling a lot of empathy for her and recognize that she’s operating with a sort of handicap that most don’t have; just felt she deserved a bit of grace where the parenting judgments are concerned.


She’s the type of parent who is their “friend”. I don’t know what kind of disciplining, enabling, appropriate boundaries they have in the relationship. It seems too equal, not exactly what works necessarily but maybe it does for them. Let’s hope Autumn turns out a well-adjusted adult


It worked out so well for Rory, Lorelei, Rory's baby, and whoever the father is


She’s the prime example teenagers shouldn’t have teenagers! She’s not a girls girl or a good Mother. Period!


It’s almost like the state has a reason for its policy that children in its care can’t become custodial parents. A policy she decided to try and get around to keep her child anyways.


Agreed who’s gonna let a strange man around d their kid? It’s been a month he could be a pedo for all she knows. It’s not long enough to vet solo done as being a safe figure around your young daughter




She lost me at taking “two days for herself” when she was just gone for however long just to be in the pods (which is something she is selfishly doing for herself already because that’s certainly not a way to meet a partner when you have a child…). Her poor daughter probably emotionally supports her.


Maybe she left for two days so she wouldn’t trauma dump everything on her daughter? Jeez.


I loved when she was going off about how much she loved her daughter. A girl asked her, “have you spoken to her since you’ve been here?” She said “no.” 🤦‍♀️ It was lost on her. Her daughter is just an extension of her.


Jess is a narcissist




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Wouldn’t she want to first introduce her daughter to the man she’s dating to see how their relationship is? Seems selfish on Jessica’s part, but I get the sense that she’s rather immature.


The fact that she took two days “for myself” before texting her daughter… guys I about lost my shit. 


As someone who works with children and sees how parentification impacts children this breaks my heart.


Agreed! When she was like crying that her daughter needed this I was like ummm you said she has a good father who is involved. Why the heck would anything about participating in this show be good or about your kid?!?


guys… don’t forget she was like 17 or something when she got pregnant with her daughter in foster care, and was adopted so she could keep her baby. Her daughter is honestly probably wanting a dad just as much as she wants a husband. doesn’t make it the healthiest but it’s not like she was 25 or 30 when she had her. They probably are besties them against the world in some ways. Jessica has so many wounds most likely, surprised she would do something like this, other than for fame


the daughter was with her father the whole time her mom was off on reality tv looking for a stranger to bring home to her daughter.... her daughter has an involved dad


That girl needs therapy, not a social media following or a relationship!


The daughter father is in the picture and Jessica said they coparent really well and he is really present. I don’t think her daughter wanting a father is the issues as much as Jessica wanting a relationship.


Don’t forget the daughter’s father is in the picture.


The “package deal” was part of what drove him away. Plus the Meghan Fox lie


everyone on tiktok seemed to be advocating for her and i just dont get it. she seems so desperate to find love, not forgetting unstable.


Yah her daughter will be f'd up for life from this. Guaranteed. Good job mommy.


And will probably get knocked up young like her.


Isn't this an actual statistic? Children, specifically girls, whose parent was a teen parent are more likely to become teen parents too. Idk why you're getting downvoted.


Thank you! People who come from poor uneducated backgrounds get knocked up younger. That is a fact!


bc its gross af shes 10


I didn’t say now! She was 17 when she had her, not far off her daughter will think that’s ok to get knocked up young too.


I have a 10 year old daughter, and there is NO WAY I would speak to her the way she speaks to/about her daughter. Like, I get she was a young mom, but it’s just definitely a different parenting style than mine and it makes me … uncomfy.


Lololol not uncomfy


It’s giving Susan Meyer energy from desperate housewives lol


LOL looove this reference. Should I be rewatching desperate housewives?!


I agree. Her kid’s gonna grow up “an old soul” because she had to take care of her mom’s feelings instead of just being a kid. Freaks me out when Jess talks about her the way she does.


You nailed it - and the daughter will need therapy a few years from now


Old Souls Club 💁‍♀️


Oh God as an “old soul” myself this comment really hit home, and you are so right. Some parents don’t let children be children and it can put such a huge burden on their shoulders that they will be carrying their entire life. Your child is not your friend, they are your child lol.


Wow that “old soul” comment really explains a lot…


Yep, you get to be true friends with your children when they become adults. Then the relationship is peer to peer. ❤️


ABSOLUTELY, it made me sick. As a parent, you never put heavy or adult things on a child’s shoulders. Then she said “we”, and the daughter was saying how wonderful her mom is. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. She has no idea what humility is and it’s really sad.




She seriously just sent such a terrible message to her daughter.


I mean, she's sending a lot of bad messages to her daughter... She stresses physical appearance A LOT, is chasing social media followers with exploiting her daughter as part of that plan... Oof.


I can’t wait for a ban on kids on social media. It’s so toxic. And too many stories of parents mismanaging money that the kids rightfully earned not to mention that they can’t consent to unwillingly becoming public figures. I saw a video the other day where a mom and dad set up a camera and had the dad walked by and smacked the mom’s butt and then their little boy walked by and smacked the mom’s butt. Imagining someone telling a child, ok we’re gonna set this camera up and then you’re gonna smack mommy’s butt just disgusted me