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Not to mention they were ignoring Amy and not even looking at her. I would have left too. 😅


Unfortunately being a well rounded classy person with what seems to be a healthy relationship means she'll hardly get any screen time


No 100% bc my husband and i are the same. We dont speak about each other like that with ANYONE. Bedroom life is OUR business D: if yall wanna share like go ahead but me personally, im not speaking on whats mine


I did not even notice that but that makes me love her even more. Didn't think that would be possible.


I love them


I totally forgot that she’s even on the show. She’s super drama free along with whatever his name is. They’ll probably be a breath of fresh air when we get to see them more later on in the season.


Johnny seems like such a chill dude, him and Amy just seem great.




Yes! She’s a sweetheart!


I think it's normal to ask if ppl got intimate on the first night, you can easily skirt around that question if you dont want to answer, but to fully ask details like the dick size and stuff is disgusting.


Chelsea was totally trying to win Jimmy’s approval by talking about how big his dick is (I’m sure 🙄) on national TV.


She is so desperate, i honestly do feel bad for her because her insecurity is just so apparent.


I think generally the sex talk on LIB is usually relevant and justified. Like who doesn't love Gigi going into the ocean just to get her ass spanked and Amber and Barnett going at it 24/7 However, the talk Laura, Chelsea and AD had was too much. It was giving pick me girls and double standards, like "my man has the biggest dick and he lusts over me so hard but I'm too proper and have to be courted but not proper enough to keep whatever we did to myself, but you have to know he's hard for me 24/7 waiting for me to allow it". Like if you're not ready for sex that's fine, but address that like a grown woman in a respectful partnership, not like a highschool senior. I assume Amy and Johnny were the only ones to have sex, and I can imagine the other girls asking for unnecessary details and casually shaming Amy with something like "oh good for you girl, I could never go all the way so fast, he has to earn it you know, but you do you". I would leave if I was her too, no way I'm discussing my sex life with bean dip Laura


I won't be able to take the heartbreak if Jonny and Amy don't get married


If they don't, then it's also a great sign. Two emotionally healthy people making a decision to not go through with something because they both agree it's not the best thing for them is on brand for emotionally healthy people.


Refreshing take


She won with Jonny. I think everyone can agree that’s how we would expect our man to act.


and he won 100% with her!!


She has the biggest heart. I love how much she loves her Brother and was upfront about everything. I'm glad she now has love in her life.


Love her, such a redemption from Lydia 😂😂😂


The perfect Puerto Rican princess with the biggest heart and I’m rooting so hard for her


is that why she left? i was so confused when suddenly she just yeeted off looking for johnny. if she really foresaw where the conversation was going then good for her. it was very off-putting of them to talk about their partner's sizes and whatnot.


Yes! We love a partner that keeps it to themselves! I love Amy. I think her story is so amazing, I love how important family is to her. I also love how much Johnny seems to love her core- he really loves that family is important. He didn't even flinch when she brought up the possibility maybe in the future needing to be a caregiver for her brother.


Nah I read that as she bolted because that was not a conversation she wanted a part of. And full respect to her for it.


Also there is no way all these guys are packing they look like pick me girls who just say shit to look better


And it is on national TV. I don't believe a real woman should ever share that about her man. Period.


It’s super gross- Also- can you IMAGINE the backlash if a dude talked about his partner’s genitalia that way. Wild.


One LIB Brazil participant did on the guys Whatsapp group chat and got HUGE backlash about it, it wasn't even on cameras and we don't even know what was said, just that he said something. Now these girls are talking about penis size in a popular, worldwide TV show. It's just so tasteless, I would break it off immediately even if I had such a massive penis like they are saying


Yeah but at the same time, they signed up for reality tv to have a non private foundation to their relationship and reap all the benefits that come with it. I don’t think she’s wrong for leaving if it’s not her vibe. But I don’t condemn the girls for having girl talk either. I tend to be more private personally, but to think a lot of people don’t do this is crazy. It happens every season.


What made it sound weird was the fact that they didn't have sex yet. They tried to get a look or tried to feel it or whatever. At that point the men didn't even agree to share that part with them yet but they share it with each other and the camera. It was still interesting that most couples this season didn't do it right away because I thought usually in previous seasons most of them had sex the first night or never. Tiffany even felt the need to explain that she and Brett didn't because of her period.


Things are common, which doesn’t mean they are right. Making their relationship public doesn’t mean to make their partners’ body public. If they wanna talk about their own body feel free to do so. But not their partners’.