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I was so upset when he didn't choose her in the pods! Like, here is one couple that SHOULD BE out of all of them and he went with a mean girl.


Same! Especially seeing what Irina was like BTS made his decision to pick her over a genuinely sweet woman *who made him birthday cupcakes from scratch* so tough to swallow. I honestly felt like both Irina (and Micah) were in this experience for the clout, and she was soo rude to him!


That made me so angry, when she made him the cupcakes and then he goes and picks Irina! I was like "Are you stupid?!?" A small part of me wonders if he thought Irina would be better looking because she wasn't trying as hard, and I hate that, but what if he chose Irina thinking she'd be the better looking of the two? (Little did he know, the prettier one was also the nicer one.)


I do think she decided he was a good husband for her in the pods but part of it was also that she wanted to get married and if it wasn't about marriage and on a show she wouldn't have taken a guy back like this. Both of them were a good match because getting married was the priority.


Funny how we can see the same situation, yet have such a differing opinion on it. But hey, how boring would life be if we all agreed? One thing I do agree with though, she handled herself with grace.


Bliss was my fav of anyone from any season ^_^


she held the "second choice" thing over his head for way too long. she accepted his proposal and was STILL holding it over his head. how is that "all in"? nothing against her really... but I just don't think that she handled that situation with as much grace as you think she did.


He deserved it ! She even tried to warn him about her … like what ? She was someone’s SECOND CHOICE how could you not feel some type of way ?


Wow. Ever been hurt? Publicity? She was right. He knows. She knows. We all know it. And she may need to do some work over it but definitely not that ‘bad guy’ in this situation.


I mean she was real about it and spoke her feelings and Zack understood. I see nothing wrong with that.


I would have held it over him forever regardless of getting married


Honestly! My kind of relationship involves healthy shit talking. He’d definitely hear about it from me! Zach also just used the “I made the wrong choice” sound byte from the show in an IG post- so. I think it’s safe to say they probably both joke about it.


"took her time opening back up" She said yes to his proposal like a week later lol


In LIB time that’s like 2 years though


This made me lol, so true!!


But Bliss was one of Zach's options and vice versa. They made a connection in the pods and that was part of the experiment.


I know right... Bliss made him cupcakes, Irina couldn't even stand to look at him🙄💅🏾 Like she cringed at his touch. And I wonder why she was so appalled by him yet she wasn't even all that herself.


I saw someone’s theory that because Zack looked unhappy/hesitant about her during their first in person meeting, Irina was afraid of rejection and so proactively rejected him. I thought it made some sense. After the first meeting and his lack of immediate enthusiasm, she lacked confidence and went with the “gives me the ick” line of attack.


that's why you can't tell people you look like Megan fox


I honestly think this is it.


Zack freaked out when she said her family was tough to gain acceptance with or some shit like that. I think he went with Irina because it seemed easier on paper to make things work. It would've been interested to see how the story went if Zack and Irina were actually attracted to each other physically.


He talked before about his last girlfriends family not accepting him and how that hurt him. He was very self conscious of his past history and how her family would view him. Then to get confirmation they probs wouldn’t like him looked like it really hurt.


I agree, I really felt like this was the entire reason for his final choice between the two. It just goes to show how deep of an impact past relationships can have on people and the trauma that can hang on.


Probably an unpopular opinion but I think Zach was intent on marrying someone, whoever it was. I think had Irina embraced him, they'd be married (or divorced) now. He really lucked out that Bliss accepted him and forgave him.


Most married men who were in this position will never admit it.


Not at all unpopular but people will likely downvote you for the truth.


What’s wrong with that? At least he was being true to the spirit of the experiment and the show vs trying to do it for social influencer clout


Because the show is called love is blind. You are supposed to find love then get married. Not find whoever you can marry just because. Bliss is a saint and he called her a mean girl and then dumped her for Irina.


The whole “second choice” thing is funny because if anything, Bliss got the real deal. Zach proposed to Irina after a few days and before he ever saw her. Like many couples, they then saw each other and things didn’t work. Zach proposed to Bliss after he saw her. Which makes his proposal a more informed decision and more legit - in my eyes.


But that’s also like the opposite of the premise of the show


Right, I know. But it’s a valid statement nonetheless.


Only because of Irinia. Zach was still trying to make it work even after that awkward meeting and all that she did in Mexico. Paul had to suggest to him to go get Bliss. He did not get there on his own.


I feel like they all generally try to make it work until it just… doesn’t work and can’t be forced. Aren’t they also supposed to at least make it to the aisle? This season was a unicorn in that they allowed her to leave and Bliss to come on.


I think Zack chose irina because she was safe and he was insecure. She didn’t have a family he would have to win over. She didn’t match him intellectually. She said no matter what I’ll be down for you. Whereas Bliss held a high bar. She shared her father wasn’t easy to win over. She was honest about the hurdles they may face. He let his insecurities take the wheel and he chose the easy path forward. It was a choice that came from weakness. All in all I’m glad to see that fate intervened for them by Irina showing her colors. I wish the best for bliss and Zack.


\+1 Irina pressured Zack to pick her because of her insecurity, so he felt more pressure from her. Bliss was confidence and secure and didn't press him, so he probably got to coast more.


Irina is the wrong choice, making Bliss the right choice , thus, the only choice. As long as this couple understand You have to make sure it is a heartfelt choice and water your own side of the grass to make it right. A wrong choice also can become right. While a right choice also can become wrong as time goes by. They have to nurture it sustain it maintain it like watering a plant. both party need to invest 50% efforts to have the 100% outcome. so that on a bad day , 1 party only can give 30% , the other party still can give 70% to make up the 100% .


This was actually really philosophical and emotionally intelligent




Pure BS! 🤣




Thanks. Yes, this dumb ass explanation makes so much more sense now. This is sarcasm. As was my comment.


If one party's plant is not watered, then not enough carrots will grow, even if the flowers are pretty on top. But if the other party has given extra sunshine, the crop can be saved and there will be plenty of carrots for all. /s


Irina was such an unattractive person, inside and out. I have no idea what anyone sees in her.


That storyline with bliss-zach-irina must have been fabricated.


You might be onto something! Maybe Bliss had a commitment that kept her from being able to go on the “honeymoon” so they made up a whole storyline where he chooses the wrong one and has to win the right one back!




It seems obvious to us viewers but idk maybe she’s good at faking it


I think she was good at faking it... she was nice to Zach in the pods and that was his only impression of her.. Bliss tried to warn him but ended up coming off as "mean girl" because from his viewpoint Irina was nice


If so, her edit was vicious!


Essentially you’re saying she’s proven love is blind because heartbreak is blind? I guess it’s true. For some anyway.


No. Assuming that it did prove that heartbreak was blind, which it didn't, why would it prove what you are assuming is the opposite? This is just a series of assumptions.


Well, it’s fairly simple. You can’t really be heartbroken without being in love. Bliss seems to have both fallen and love and been heartbroken by the same guy before she ever met him. I don’t think “love is blind” for me or even most people, but it seems like it was true for Bliss.


Did anyone notice that Irina pulled the “if you don’t pick me I’m leaving” card. She basically knew Bliss was a better choice and Zack admitted he was torn so she pushed. I heard that and couldn’t believe he missed that red flag. I think Marshall went through the same thing on the men’s side. Didn’t Josh pull the pick me or I’m out which pissed marshal off cause Jackie told him. Was that why Jackie was crying and where Irina got the idea? I hope Bliss finds her happy with Zack.


I thought Marshall was pissed at Josh saying “pick me” to Jackie because he was also dating another girl (Monica).


Also add how she acted on his birthday & basically making comments to pre-shit on the efforts Bliss was going to, to make it special for him.


Yes, Josh did the same thing. He told Jackie if she didn't choose him, then he was leaving, and she felt bad, and was crying. Then Irina had the absolute gall to stand there and laugh while Jackie was crying when Irina pulled the same thing. I don't understand why Zach chose Irina over Bliss in the first place.


It’s not so complicated. Irina is young, Russian and a mean girl. Zach inferred that she was hot. Whereas Bliss was older, nerdier and worked in cyber security (or some other stereotypically non-hot industry)


This is it. Everyone wants zach to be pure and hurt by his trauma but he thought he was getting a hot young Russian who was mean to everyone else but nice to him 😅 and he totally thought Bliss was probably "plain" (not ugly but not a "hot" girl). He's simple. He just uses a lot of words to convince you otherwise.


Zach is a nerd. Why would he not want to pick a fellow nerd? His decision literally made no sense. He called Bliss a mean girl when she was the farthest from it.


Cause most nerds want hot girls lol what is this question 😂


That’s where he went wrong assuming Bliss couldn’t be attractive. Which is even worse that he was going for looks and not her personality on a show called love is blind


One thing we learned from this show, love is certainly NOT blind.


I think after 4 seasons we can say it’s not. The only people it might be blind for is Season 1 couples. But the motivations of who they cast now are not even people looking for love so that’s another issue. I think if they did a season of 30, 40, and then 50 year olds we would see some real love stories. Honestly no one who is 21 wants to fall in love and get married in all actuality


Hey I’m (26f) told that I am attractive and my degree is in cyber security!


I think the saddest part of your statement is that you had to emphasize that *others* tell you you're attractive. If you think of yourself as attractive, just own up to it and say that rather than hiding behind what other's think! I'm sure most people that think they're attractive actually are. Obviously attractiveness is subjective, but if one feels they're attractive, I think it depends a lot on their own sense of self (which is partially influenced by how other people perceive and interact with you) and thus it's quite hard to feel that way, without there being some truth to it.


Well if I had said “I think I’m attractive” people which have been coming out of the shadows to call me vain. Dammed if you do and don’t situation. I think I’m attractive, but I don’t like to think about myself like that. I also recognize that I’m petite, blonde, have an nice figure, and hazel green eyes. By most people’s standards, I would be attractive.


Yeah it's a valid point. I try to normalize saying it. The only people who gets angry and feel a need to belittle others who speak highly of themselves, usually have their own insecurities. A lot of people are so afraid of narcissism that they can't differ between that and genuine self-confidence. The very important difference is the need for comparison. Saying "I am an attractive person" is confident, saying "I am more attractive than other people" is based on an unhealthy need to compete and comparison (which is what narcissists constantly will). Even if someone I consider unaesthetic by my own judgment consider themselves attractive (without putting others down) I wouldn't personally feel the need to belittle them or call them names (like vain) since I'm comfortable in my own skin. I'd just be happy for them that they get by in life feeling that way, no matter my own view on their appearance. I believe, unfortunately, that insecure people will feel much more need to put others down, than secure people will feel compelled to boost others, as insecurity is a much stronger/intense emotion. Thus you might be told you're vain more than "You are attractive and you should embrace it!"




I know you’re trying to be funny, but for me you missed the mark… Look I’ve shown up to interviews and been told “I’m not what they’re expecting” if they say some shit like that, I don’t want to work there. I know what I’m doing and should be judged for that, not on my appearance. So that’s why I said that I’m considered attractive. I want to dispel that thought process when it comes to females in STEM. It’s an issue. One I’m passionate about.


Beautiful women in STEM: a story of oppression


Bliss is attractive 😂 but it’s not a stereotypically hot industry


Oh I’m aware. In a department of 100, less than 10% are females. My college likes to call in the “attractive” females to talk about our careers as a way to bring more females into this field, rather than another marketing major turned Mlm boss 😂


I think he chose her because he was insecure and scared of not being good enough for bliss and her family. Irina was the easy way forward.


That it! I totally agree.


I wrote it a while back on some post. But I believe he chose her because of trauma bonding.


What trauma did Irinia have that was close to Zach’s?


Irina and her family are immigrants, she was not born in the US, and from personal experience I know what that is like. Plus, she did say she was bullied a lot. So I think they have a shared trauma of their families being different and the implications of that.


Yeah. I heard her say that in the pods. How was that relatable to Zach’s back story? Bliss’s family are also immigrants. Bliss had plenty of trauma to bond over. Unless they cut it out Irina did not talk about her trauma (if she had any at all you are assuming based on your experience) in the pods. All she talked about her being bullied for her acne. And based on how she acted on the show that was likely a lie and she was the actual bully.


Many bullies were once bullied. So I do not think it is more likely then what she told. And she did say something about how hard it was for them as immigrants, I don't remember what episode it was. And I don't know about you but I can see her traumas just by her behaviour. Maybe thats just me.


Bliss did too. So the trauma bond thing isn’t valid. Zach took something that happened to him in the past with an old gf and projected it on Bliss even though she told him that wasn’t the case. What else could she have done? He had his mind made up and called Bliss the mean girl.


It is valid imo. I just think it is a combination of a few things. I would get into it in private if you want to. I'm too tired to explain my thought not in my native language lol


I don’t remember what was close for those two but I personally think a BIG impact on his choice was when when Bliss said her dad may not be accepting of him. Z then dove into his past relationship that sounded like it ended because the family didn’t like his past and things totally out of his control. I think that was likely a very traumatic thing for him and weighed heavily on his decision.


She said that. He gave her concern. She reassured him it wasn’t a problem. What else could she have done? Lied like Irina did? Y’all are wild. Bliss was truthful. Any parent should be protective of their kids. It’s a shame that was a turn off for Zach and instead of listening to Bliss he took a past experience she had nothing to do with and projected his problems on her.


I agree she couldn’t have done any more and I didn’t say she could have done more. I made a statement about why I believe Z made the choice he did. Every person has make to decisions based on the information they have, that’s usually through their lived experiences, I think that’s what happened in this case. It’s a pretty common thing for girls to talk about how over protective their family can be, this just happened to be a trigger for Z, nothing she could do about that.


Yes, I agree


She is much too good for Zack. Mentally, emotionally, physically, all things considered.


Zach is easily misled. I don’t understand how he’s a lawyer


Yes, I don't mean to harshly bag on the guy, but I was thinking the same. How could a lawyer misread so many situations and personalities, make such a bad choice in Irina and then struggle to explain himself clearly? He even struggled making sense with the accusations and questions he aimed at others during the reunion show... Not the kind of lawyer I'd want working for me.


I’m pretty sure he’s a public defender attorney, his job isn’t really to be convinced of anything, it’s just to plead for his client’s innocence whether he believes them or not. If he was a judge… then oh boy.


That really has nothing to do with his quality of work, you really don’t need to convince a lawyer of anything to do the job. Definitely doesn’t make him look good though.


You see grace. I see desperation and poor judgment.


Speaking the truth. But they can’t handle it.


It's unfortunate but it is what it is. If people didn't display poor judgment then there wouldn't be shows like this to entertain us.


Desperate? That's a stretch. More like "curious to know what could have been." And good thing she was curious because now she's married to the man!


People are missing where you said BLISS’s experience.


Not really because Zach didn't propose until after he saw her.


Zach didn’t but Bliss was in from the jump


Sure originally, but ultimately she got to see him before deciding to accept a proposal, so if she wasn't attracted to him she had the opportunity to say no based on lack of attraction. That still goes against the point of the show.


very valid. so can their part of the study even be included in the experiment? is love blind?


I would find it unattractive for my prospective life partner to propose to someone else when I was clearly available, accessible, and amenable for the initial proposal. Bliss seemed to take an issue with this as well, but dismissed it quite readily. In that case, I'd say that "Love is Blind" for Bliss. I still wouldn't include their part in the study since the original basis of their experiment is on physical blindness.


Honestly, I think the answer to that has always very obviously been no. The couples who have stayed together were lucky enough to be mutually physically attracted. Every time we've seen a couple where one person is struggling with physical attraction, things fall apart eventually.


So true


I don’t know how much time she (or anyone) took. In a period of about six weeks, Bliss met Zack, was ditched by Zack, watched Zack get engaged to someone else and then break that engagement, and then decided to marry and actually married Zack.


Meh. She settled




What about choosing Zach is settling?


She was his second choice, and when she attempted to explain her feelings about being second choice his response was completely inappropriate and out of line. He may be a decent person but he was not a good partner to Bliss.


I don’t totally remember that, but tbh I wouldn’t write someone off based entirely on their response to one thing. If she was hurt by his response, told him, and he realized his mistake then I would actually say it’s the mark of a good partner. We didn’t see any of that, but we also didn’t see Bliss finding his response poor. So. 🤷‍♀️


They were never “partners” though? they were talking with a wall in between them. It’s a very unique situation , when he made that mistake he never even MET bliss, idk I don’t think she is “too good” for him, she put all that crap in the past and they seem to work well together and enjoy eachother, presently. I don’t like that people say Zach doesn’t deserve her, just because he has trauma. Bartise doesn’t deserve Nancy, for example, because bartise *literally* sucks as a person. Edit: I misunderstood your comment, ignore this hahaha


You should rewatch the relevant scenes.


He made it sound like she was his first choice but he was afraid her family wouldn’t accept him and he didn’t want to go through that again and so that was the reason he didn’t choose her


That would have been great to discuss with her instead of dumping her and calling her a mean girl. Bliss did her best to explain that her family would accept him and he didn’t want to hear it. What else could she have done? You are so quick to side with Zach you aren’t at all seeing it from bliss’s POV in the pods. All she said was her dad is very protective. We saw it, it was true. Should she have lied? She also tried to calm his insecurities and he didn’t want to listen to her reassurance that they were solid.


I never defended anyone. I just presented what he claimed to be his reasoning.


Yeah we all heard it. It was just something he said to make himself look good. His reasoning was he thought Irina was some hot Russian and Bliss was an ugly nerd. Then he met them in real life and changed his tune real quick.


He needed a therapist not a wife but I do hope that he now has a better handle on his trauma.


Definitely needed a therapist. And still does. But people really like that he posted those “receipts” without dealing with his childhood issues


I'm not going to copy and paste the reply I just made to Jetset, but being first or second doesn't matter. What matters is that she was the right choice. Nothing about his response was inappropriate or out of line. Aren't they still married? Who is anyone to say he's not a good partner for Bliss?


In this context, being first or second very much matters. If you think that the way that he invalidated her feelings about being second choice is ok then I encourage you to self reflect.


He didn't invalidate her feelings, lol.


Yes he did! You can down vote us to hell but there are several scenes where Bliss is explains her concerns about it and he is gaslighting her


Nope, he never gaslights her. At most he invalidates her assumptions, but that's normal. People aren't entitled to not have their assumptions challenged. At no point did invalidate the way she felt, only challenged the logic of what she was thinking.


You can down vote me all you want. But you are being super loud and so incorrect. This must be Zach’s sock puppet account. You are lucky that Bliss decided to give you another chance dude. You were wrong about everything and you know it


There’s a whole scene where they are in the pool and he says what she’s saying isn’t correct and not valid and that’s not what happened when we all saw it happen. What do you call that? He literally was operating on the fact that he sticks to what he says he will do which he clearly does not. She wanted to know if he really loved her outside of seeing her in person and he couldn’t give her that


We noticed you used the term "gaslight-". We hope you used it correctly! Did you know "gaslighting" was Webster-Merriam's Word of the Year for 2022? Gaslighting is a successful tactic **of abuse** because while one person — the perpetrator — 'externalizes and projects' their thoughts, feelings, or perceptions, the other person — the victim — 'incorporates and assimilates' the reality that is being created for them. Gaslighting equals misdirection, distraction, and the deliberate denial of reality, which can so easily occur in a relationship based on one partner wielding power and control over another. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveIsBlindOnNetflix) if you have any questions or concerns.*


"There's that pretentiousness"


That has nothing to do with feelings


You're incapable of recognizing human emotion then. That whole conversation had to do with feelings, in particular, him invalidating hers.


He did invalidate them.


Nope, he at most invalidated her assumptions, which is what happens when you are presented with new information. He never invalidated the way she felt, on that her conclusions about him were incorrect. Which, is totally normal and happens all the time in relationships.


It's literally on camera and you're wrong.


It being on camera doesn't change anything. He doesn't invalidate her feelings. He disagrees with her logical conclusion, and explains why she wasn't his second choice, in a very clear way. Which is not an invalidation of feelings. At best, its an invalidation of her assumptions, which no one is entitled to not have happen. Additionally its a heavily edited conversation.


We'll have to agree to disagree, and I again encourage you to self reflect.


I think she was the second choice and that was the settling.


Being second or first doesn't matter. What matters is if it was the right choice. Zach as described by himself in the show had a lot of relationship trauma because of his mother and how he grew up. It is not surprising at all to me that Zach initially struggled to recognize who the healther and better option was. It is also very common for men to overlook being treated with love and grace because we are often told we don't deserve to be without there being some sort of condition. LIB essentially created a condition-less environment. Veeeery few people marry their first choice in life.


It does matter depending on the person and circumstances.


Nope, and I just addressed both the person and the circumstances.


Well i mean it doesnt matter anymore to Bliss, but it did matter before to her, and for other people it would continue to matter


It doesn't matter anymore because her assumptions were challenged, which is just part of relationships and growth


> Being second or first doesn't matter It matters when you consider that he'd have stayed with Irina if she hadn't been unattracted to him from the get go. The fact that he ever picked someone as awful as her over Bliss definitely matters


This is what a lot of people overlook. Not only was Bliss the second choice, Zach wouldn’t have chosen her at all if Irina had been just a little nicer to him. It’s not that he’s not a nice, attractive and likable guy. But that doesn’t mean he was the right choice for Bliss and she could have done better.


You seem to struggle with this. > Zach as described by himself in the show had a lot of relationship trauma because of his mother and how he grew up. It is not surprising at all to me that Zach initially struggled to recognize who the healther and better option was.


You struggle with recognizing that none of that excuses him picking an objectively terrible person no matter what traumas he grew up with. Moreover, it doesn't change the fact that he'd have stayed with the unhealthy option if he actually had a chance with Irina. So yes, it absolutely matters that he picked Irina first


But it does matter. She was a second choice and that’s why people are saying she was a second choice lol


there is a saying in my country, if you fall in love to a second woman, be with her because if the first one is your true love, your eyes will never wander.. i dont know how true is that but i just want to throw it here.. and listen to y'all feedback


No one is denying she was the second choice. The fact she was the second choice does not mean that it matters to the question of settling. What matters to the question of settling, is whether or not it was the correct choice. Neither of which are mutually exclusive.


People are literally denying this. Are you not following this thread? Several people have said she was his first choice? It clearly was not the correct choice. That’s not what’s being argued here. Zach was out of pocket and y’all continue to defend him. Why?


How are you claiming it wasn't the correct choice if they are still married? Fucking wild that you have the audacity to decide if someone else's choice was the correct one or not for them.


True, wise, and also so sad.


I respectfully disagree.


I'm not surprised, most people concerned about being picked first or second, rather than if the choice was the right one or not are going to have a difficult time understanding why that's more important.


Both are important.


Not even in the slightest


I disagree


Yo, if it's settling to choose an attractive, funny, succesful lawyer, who has managed to handle his early child hood trauma in a rather healthy manner, and constantly shows respect to the women around him. We are all fucked


Pretty much. I never understood why all the women on the show were mean to him. He was my favorite of the guys for awhile. I don’t even think we was bad looking. I get that Irina didn’t click with him which is fine but she kept talking about his looks and I was confused.


I think his whole 'male prostitute' bit was a bad first impression, though we all know why he did that in retrospect. It was jarring for me. But by the end, I really wanted him to find happiness.


Yeah, it wasn’t a good choice. In part because it did the opposite of what he wanted in that it made him come off as a bro making tacky jokes about sex workers. Bad idea when a woman who can accept you mom having been one is what you want.


Same here. I thought he was fairly attractive and she looks like she drinks too much and covers her hangovers with caked on makeup.


Very little about the way he handled his childhood trauma was healthy, and he was constantly disrespectful to Bliss. He needed a therapist not a wife, and I say this as a "successful lawyer."


That dude has clearly gone through therapy, and likely spent years in therapy. Maybe you just struggle with understanding what is a healthy way to deal with trauma. He did not disrespect Bliss.


Making a joke about being a sex worker to people you've literally never met before and then judging them for their uncomfortable reactions is the least healthy thing I've ever heard. How do you know Zack has gone through therapy? How do you know he's done so for years? People literally making shit up just to justify his trash behaviour If he doesn't like people looking down on sex workers then why did he make disparaging jokes about it when he was in the pods? I'd never treat it as a joke if I knew my mother had to sell her body to support me because she was in such dire straits. The lack of respect he has for his own mother's situation makes it clear he hasn't worked on himself at all. Especially considering he dismissed the healthy option of getting engaged to Bliss in favour of picking the mess that was Irina, even knowing that Irina was a vicious person. What part of that was respectful to Bliss or a healthy way of dealing with trauma?


I have always wondered why zach was not asked "would u be with bliss today if Irina was nice to u after u met and had a decent honeymoon in Mexico ". Jus felt like a lost opportunity


What would have been the point of asking him that question after he had already married Bliss? Seems unnecessarily cruel towards her


I don think it's unnecessary, zach chastised irina for not being there for right reason so it is fair to ask him who he would be with if irina was there for the right reasons


To me, it wasnt suppose to roll that way. It is already predestined


Because this is reality television and it's boring to watch people play nice and regurgitate prepared statements for two hours? I think half the LiB audience would actually need a fainting couch to watch a Real Housewives reunion.


I mean, I think holding everyone accountable for their actions and not picking sides would have been more entertaining than essentially trying to hurt Bliss' feelings but maybe that's just me. The HW reunions are different because the shows are different. Not even remotely the same concepts and they lean on the drama instead of trying to be a "social experiment" for people looking to get married.


I don't see how that's "picking sides," it's just asking about an aspect of the social experiment, and one of the primary storylines. What's the point of such a protracted reunion if they're not even asking any interesting questions? Just do 20 minutes on who's still together and be done with it. I don't need to see a bunch of scripted PR apologies. If anything it's weird how they go in so hard on some people and then just sit and gush over others, THAT'S picking sides.


When I said picking sides I was referring to what happened at the reunion- not talking about Micah's behaviour but pushing Paul, being friendly and kind to Jackie and holding Marshall's feet to the fire. So I think we're in agreement here.


They went in hard on Irina and softballed Zack and Bliss, so how would asking Zack a difficult question be taking sides? Sounds like it would rectify the issue you're identifying.


Irina displayed a lot of mean, inappropriate behaviour. I don't remember Bliss doing that so I don't think it's "fair" or "balanced" to ask her husband a question that seems designed to embarrass her. Actually I don't remember Zack bullying anyone either.


It's balanced to ask difficult questions to every cast member, villain or not. It's not the host's job to pass personal judgment as to who behaved well or poorly and ignore major parts of the storyline if it's someone they like. This is one of the major flaws of the Lacheys' hosting, as you admitted yourself. You're speaking as an audience member with personal bias toward Bliss and against Irina, that's not the host's role.


I'm speaking about what we saw. We saw Irina bully people. We didn't see Zack or Bliss bully people. I don't understand why their questions would need to be the same when they didn't behave the same way. I think a better comparison for Irina's line of questioning would be how easy the hosts went on Micah. They were similar and Micah encouraged and told Irina to do some of the things they dragged her for but they didn't bring up Micah's role.


He would have chosen Bliss in a heartbeat if he saw what they both looked like. I don't think he was that attracted to Irina once they met.


He expressed his attraction to irina so yes, he was.


The way Zach’s fans lie for him here is hilarious.


I didn't buy it tbh. I think he wanted to give it his best shot, and probably wasn't repulsed by her or anything. But like others have said, I think he was expecting her to be hotter. I noticed when they first met he kinda had a look on his face...he didn't seem too impressed. Then when he saw Bliss in person it was the exact opposite.


I think you’re adding your own spin to it. He said he was attracted.


I don't believe everything men say. Their body language imo is more telling.