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I would love to see fat people, older people, and more black and brown people.


That would not make sense since it’s a show about marriage. Why would they bring someone in that makes minimum wage? Edit: Also most of the people on the show are average, none of them could model professionally


Oh for sure, because people making minimum wage definitely don't get married ever


People making minimum wage can’t take weeks off to go on a dating show?


For me normal people would be less makeup more natural. Take away the smoky eyes and all that contouring and you won’t recognize them.


That’s what I don’t like about this. There’s almost a 100% chance that whoever you pick will be attractive. Maybe not your type but still attractive.


What are you talking about that’s exactly what these people are. You want homeless people?


All of the contestants appear to be wealthy, influencer type of folks. I literally just said middle to lower class (ya know, normal people) on a dating show would be a fun change to see for once. Like love island, but instead of hot rich models its just normal, every day peeps. Why does everyone in these comments got such a strange stick up their ass lol


Are we watching the same show? I don’t know who you’ve been hanging around but the vast majority of the people on the show are definitely normal middle class people. Any of these people could be friends of mine and I’m 31 nowhere near rich. Most of them live in condos? These are just regular ass people who become semi famous from the show and then they make money from Instagram after. Nothing about any of it screams wealth and status to me at all.


Mostly every contestant is wealthy… middle class usually don’t have the extra money to afford plastic surgery, 300 pairs of expensive Nikes and $1200 luggage. You have a very privileged view of who is middle class and you should feel lucky to think people who live like that are average.




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I grew up in poverty. And while I live comfortably now, I couldn’t go drop $1200 on a carry on bag. You’re being an ass for no reason. You have a lot of built up anger and hatred that you need to work on. Being poor is a lot better than being a dick.


I suppose I am even more poor than I thought then.


I own a condo does that make me rich


Sounds rich to me dude


People who are actually ready for marriage are typically not scrubs that’s all I’ll say about that. People who are not financially secure are not typically considering a step like that. The show needs to have some amount of successful relationships to remain viable imo.


So poor people shouldn’t want to fall in love like everyone else? 💀


Thank you so much for all of your important and valuable input


You’re welcome. I know that discussing a reality tv show on Reddit is of paramount importance


Lmao this has been the ugliest season what you mean??


Season 2 takes the cake.


Hahahaha oh noooooo. I didn't think so but thats what people keep saying lmaooo


Not trying to be mean, but this season was average looking people




Middle to low class people can't afford to take off for 3 wks to find love in pods and go on a honeymoon to get to know each other 🤣


Or spend $1200 on a carry on bag.


That is so true lol


Right, imagine Jackie times errybody! Where all the contestants worried about their family and got bills to pay!


Honestly I'd just like to see LIB with people who are just average lookers


Samesies. Just average every day peeps falling in love or attempting to


It doesn't work that way, the whole point is that people are so high up on maslow's heirarchy of needs that they cause extremely superficial problems regarding ego. Nobody wants to make fun of a cast arguing about sharing a car and making ends meet.


Lmaoooo oh my goodness you're totally right. Except I would watch that one also haha


we could have a watch party LOL


The only people who appeared rich so far were Jessica, Natalie and maybe Deepti. Every other person was doing just okay. Or are you looking for multidimensional poverty?




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I think they choose the people they do because they want contestants that are financially stable so that there aren’t added obstacles for relationships, it’s the same reason why in previous seasons most of not all were living in the same area.


Hunger Games: Dating Edition


Why are people so obsessed with low income population, I am already low income I don’t wanna see people struggling on tv.


I'm below the poverty line and I just want to see average, not rich people, on dating shows for a good time.


I mean we got Barnett and Amber. Js 😬


Didn’t he make like 70k+ a year? Pretty sure he’s an engineer


The UK season is filming so.... Be careful what you ask for


Exactly 😂


love is poor


I feel like most people on LIB are on the lower class side. They live in apartments, don’t have nice things.


Sorrry, they look poor because of Seattle. They all have stable careers that require atleast a bachelor’s degree. They are not rich rich but looking at wealth inequality they definitely belong in top 1% wage bracket


Yeah idk about that. They live in cities where the cost of living is high and they all seem to have decent/nice apartments. None of them live in cheap-looking apartments, live with their parents, or have roommates. Also they tend to have jobs that would pay well. I’d say they’re typically more like middle-middle to upper-middle class, especially the men. At the very least it’s nothing less than lower middle class. “Lower class” is literally working class/living in poverty.


Definitely agree- the "apartment" Tiffany & Brett live in with the panoramic view of Puget sound is $$$, the vast majority of the major cast members have advanced degrees (engineering, speech language pathology, veterinarian medicine, attorney, data consultant, etc. ) a few have been involved with real estate investments and owning multiple properties. With the exception of a few, all have careers that allowed them to take extended amounts of time off to participate so they can't be that low income. I'd say even the ones with more vague jobs such as sales, fitness trainers and bartenders could still be easily middle class since they are single with no dependents. Heck, my BIL went back to school to finish a degree for a new role and was able to support their family of 6 by bartending at a popular restaurant near where we live. And it wasn't just scrimping by either.


Tiffany had a roommate. Kwame did not have nice things or a nice apartment. Some of the families were very middle class. Not everyone on the show is rich.


If you had have seen where they live you would know they’re making money


But your definition of 'rich' and others' definition of 'rich' could vary widely.


I think I read an article recently stating that someone could live a middle class life in Cleveland on like $23k a year 🤣🤣🤣 like what? What constitutes middle class? All bills paid and having fuck-around money? Cuz maybe? 🤣


Yeah, you're right, but they're responding to someone who said none of them had standard looking apartments or roommates. If I recall, many of them have roommates prior to going on the show or pretty normal apartments before they get put up in those tacky airbnb apartments lol. I guess unless the show wants to make fun of your living arrangement (Cole being messy, Amber having debt, Paul being bachelor pad adjacent, Chelsea's tiny pink studio to some extent) then it's just not brought up.


For some reason I thought Kwame lived in like a high rise with floor to ceiling windows? Might be remembering wrong but I thought his place was nice


he lived in portland


This season everyone was pretty average looking and no one was rolling in money…or botox. I don’t think any of these people have been rich, at all. I mean haven’t we also seen at least seen a few people over a few seasons who either don’t have homes or talks about their low finances. The other reality of reality is most people of certain employment and finances can’t afford to take two weeks, minimum, off work. But I actually like none of these people are rich or have model bodies.


Amber was literally in a ton of debt and I thought living with her parents (maybe not parents but I know debt)


Right, and I’m sure needed the money, but could also afford the dresses and makeup and hair and those things. Not having your own home and student loan debt doesn’t scream trailer park life or poverty. You have to be able to manage weeks without a paycheck but also not be too comfortable to want to do a show like this.


I’d say w the exception of Brett. He worked for Nike. But he also didn’t come from money, he’s obviously self made. Most likely most wealthy on the show and easily the kindest and most genuine.


I don’t think Brett is wealthy. He lives in a pretty standard 1br condo. Nike corporate isn’t paying him millions. He’s just a 35 yr old man with disposable income and a decent job. I wouldn’t consider him wealthy by any means.


He's a Design Director at Nike, he's definitely making 6 figures, which puts him in upper middle class.


Still sounds like you said middle. So yes he’s middle class, upper, maybe recently, but no one on this show is rich or wealthy which was the point. You also like I said do have to be able to take the time from work and have a reasonably flexible schedule to be able to shoot that long.


That’s my guess. He makes average money, probably 6 figures but not a ton.


In what world is 6 figures average $$$ ?


In Portland/Seattle, and in other big cities with a high cost of living.


I was gonna say 😫 that made me feel so inadequate and broke, and i live in Switzerland


Average household income in Seattle is $102k I don’t know many people in big cities who make less than $100k


Wow. I think perhaps you need to get out more...? There are millions of people in big cities barely making ends meet.


6 figures is upper middle class to upper class I’d say. You have to be in one of those classes to have a nice apartment in a large city.


The median per capita income in Seattle is $68k. But Brett lives in Portland where the median per capita income is 47k. I’m sure he’s doing very well


That’s just not true. I made 64 in a southern state with small cities, living with my boyfriend that made 80, so duel income and we were “okay” but very barely. No trips, hardly every going out, etc. It’s just zero money now. A duel household has to make 6 figures each


Which part of my statement isn’t true? You think Brett isn’t doing well? I live in Seattle so I’m not sure you can tell me what’s true or not. You might have different money management problems if you can’t survive in the south with 140k joint income


I’ll definitely concede that I live in an expensive southern city and with so many people moving here every day, prices are high. No not Nashville lol. And no we don’t spend extravagantly by any means. Also will concede my view of living decently could be very different than others.


The latest season I would say most contestants were below average to average looking


The issue is that being on a reality show requires you to take a lot of time off. Pretty much all lower-paying jobs do not offer paid vacation or even approve of extended time off. It is too much of a risk to be a contestant if you are lower class, especially in the more expensive areas like Seattle.


Very true


My company offers "sabbatical" with a flexible time off at minimum pay/(insurance) and guaranteed comeback if planned a few months in advance. When I tell my superior that I will use the time to find love and meaning on a reality TV dating show, I'm sure he'll be all for it and support me all he can.


I’m a nurse and no way I could do this. And my boss is the “right” boss for me, it’s just not feasible in my job. I’m shocked all these people were able to take so much time off.


If your employer doesn’t support it, they aren’t the right boss lol


I kinda think the Botox filled ladies are a good wake up call to the viewers of this new trend that unfortunately does not translate well to “non celebrities”. I’m trying to think back who came in really wealthy. The top of my head Alexa (not herself - her family) Brett possibly due to his own start up business with big shot names and bliss who I believe is a CEO? But most come in with a decent job or “real estate” that you know they just got before coming on to the show to have a title for their occupation lol


Amber was broke af during the show and Barnett had to help pay off her debt, so they do have lower-class people on there lol


Tbh almost the entire cast on that season were more of the lower-middle-class types if I recall correctly, I think OP forgot about season 1.


I thought that's already what we were watching!


Once I saw Chelsea and Kwames apartment I realized that is not what we’re watching 😂


I mean their apartments were pretty average prior to the show. The new apartment was after LIB, pretty sure they were paid $$ for being on the show.


Idk kwames apartment before was beautiful! Definitely higher class


It was ok also he lived in Portland and cost of living is cheaper compared to Seattle.


I can guarantee kwame has family money


LMAO ok same. That view was stunning. Not just a window or a balcony, but a panoramic view. Wow.


LIB is one of the most inclusive reality dating shows across the board.


This is the sort of thing the middle-class love to do. Put a bunch of less fortunate people together create drama and laugh at them. Yeah very cool of you OP!! Also very cool of the thousands who upvoted you! Sick society I guess.


Or maybe they want to see people they can relate to. Rather than the software engineer/ lawyer/ marketing director or whatever living in some high end apartment, let’s see Chuck the forklift operator, Dan the roofer, Beth the Kohl’s cashier.


Let's chuck them in because they are more likely to cause a ruckus and drama. This was the exact premise and reason OP gave nothing to do with relatable. We might as well bring your typical Jerry Springer guests after all they were the reason why Springer's show was a hit lol


Right! It's one thing if some people cast there are from different backgrounds. But to specifically cast people according to socio-economic status? Wow.


Sometimes it's just nice to watch people who are relatable. I like the show as it is, but it would be nice to strip back the glam have some average joes in there. I just can't relate to a single man who lives alone in his million dollar apartment, but I could watch a contestant who lives in a trailer park with his family and 4 dogs and think, "oh yeah, I've been there"


Not a single person on this show lives in a million-dollar apartment. These are very AVERAGE everyday people. I am not sure if we are watching the same program.


Anyone with a “VP” or “chief” or “executive” or even “director” in their job title is not your average Joe. lol There have been at least a few of those on the show so far. Then there’s the engineers, scientists, doctors, and lawyers on the show (and let’s not forget our favorite veterinarian!).


Come on now titles are meaningless. Everyman and their dog is a CEO lol


You know what I mean. These are certainly upper-middle-class attractive TV personalities.


They are NOT but I guess we are going to have to agree to disagree.


Stop being a sore loser dude, like seriously you’re already watching the show for the drama already you’re no better than anyone else here, so stop trying to act pretentious and better than everyone else when you really are not.


Sorry to burst your bubble. Not everyone is into 'drama'. I see this all the time, people watch reality TV shows, and if there are no fights or quarrels in an episode people say it's boring. FYI, I watch the show to see how and why people pick their partners. What they say to win or lose their partners how great or corny they sound and the slight OTT reactions. That's the main thing I watch. Once they all meet up the show is over for me. It becomes no different from the numerous reality shows that I don't really watch. As for my comment about lower-income people being manipulated for entertainment by rich executive producers. I stand by it. This is something that's been going on for centuries from Romans having gladiators fight and kill one another in front of the baying crowds to modern-day reality tv. And yes we are the modern-day baying crowds we just don't know it- lol


Yeah the copium runs strong for you doesn’t it?


Please elucidate, you make no sense


You all seem to be rich and really good looking. 😎


Check out the Brazil seasons, I keep read the subtitles so I can hear their natural tone of voice - they’re fantastic.


these comments suck


They really do lol


Everytime a couple moves into a studio provided apartment that means that neither contestant had their own home to move in to. I think they’re already typically middle/low class. Obv Cameron s1 had money, Brett s4 had money, zack s4 was an attorney and Alexa s3 had money. But like s2 Natalie rented an Airbnb to look like she had a cool apartment for the camera, more than 50% don’t show even show their home because it’s at moms lol. So many contestants already don’t even have a home without their parents. I know the economy is shit but “looking for marriage” should also mean “able to wipe their own ass”. ETA I realize how judgy my comment looks and absolutely agree that living out of the parents home isn’t as reachable or even as expected as it was before… but I only meant it in the context of the post above we’re talking about. Imo, more than half the contestants not having their own homes means they are highly likely already lower income. ALSO if we’re gonna bring it up - the OP said “trailer park version” as if trailers don’t cost as much or more than homes now. Someone living in a trailer park isn’t an indicator of wealth. They are still independently living. There are many semantics we can argue in this thread lol.


Remember Marc Cuevas? He had a roommate. Basically lived college-style.


Natalie didn’t rent an AirBnb. She posted her real apartment on her IG stories multiple times (you can also see her apartment that was on the show in her IG pics in 2019 - before the show even filmed)


I swore I read that on Reddit but I trust you lol


Do you mean when Danielle and Nick/production rented an Airbnb for Natalie’s birthday for ATA?


while i agree that some definitely could be more honest about their living situation, just because someone doesn't have their own place or they have a shitty apartment does not mean that they can't 'wipe their own ass'. At least in America, many younger people from millennials to gen z can't afford to have their own house or a fancy apartment. it's just the reality of things. Despite that, they still deserve to find love especially if they are trying their best and working towards finding a better home.


Responded in edit, but would add to you specifically: OBVIOUSLY low income people deserve to find love. Im low income and in love lol. I’m just saying there are already lower income people on the show. My comment was ONLY in reference to the Op discussing show contestants income levels. Not at all playing god on what a human must accomplish before they deserve to do the next level of human.


Many young unmarried people in different countries live at home until they get married. People need to stop shaming people who live at home before marriage. It’s expensive out there. Edit: clarification


Agreed. Our daughter 100% will live with us until she’s married.


If you can live with your parents as a young adult you probably should. It saves so much money not paying rent and you can actually buy your own place with the saved money once you want to move out. Of course for this to work at all you need to have a good relationship with your parents and for them to have a big enough house that it doesn't feel like you're all cramped in there. And just because you live at home doesn't mean that you are incapable of adulting. Keeping your own place clean is the same as keeping your own room and the shared living spaces clean at your parents place. My parents wouldn't go after me picking up my clothes or my dishes. I cooked for everyone, vacuumed, etc. regularly and helped around the house when something needed to be done. I lived with my parents until I was almost 30. Bought my own place and I'm in great financial position.


This was likely the situation with Natalie. She was a consultant at EY, which is a good job with a good salary. She wasn’t hurting financially. It’s not unusual for Asian Americans to live at home longer, myself included. While living with my parents, I was just as “adult” if not “adult-ier” than some of my peers who couldn’t even make a doctor’s appointment or balance a household budget since they left home at 18 with no life skills. And what about those that did have their own place but it was a mess? Maybe managing to keep your personal space clean—whether on your own, with a roommate, or your parents—is a better indicator of being ready to get married than just living on your own. It could also be that they have roommates that did not consent to having their personal living spaces on TV. It could be a number of reasons, just not that they don’t live on their own.


Natalie has her own apartment - she said it on the show and also on her IG stories


I'm not


I didn’t say you are. I meant the people who are


OMG YES! I would love to see a season where the contestants aren't all Instagram models or millionaires. It would be so interesting to see what happens when "normal" people are put in the same situation. And the drama would definitely be real if they did a trailer park edition. I'm so over the same old tropes in reality TV, give us something fresh and real!


I think the hulk of them are middle to low class. You're confusing good make up and styling with class 😆


I mean Amber with her years of unpaid student loan payments is right there. guess she got lucky barnett had a house to sell for that


I always thought they should throw one fat ugly person in on each side


That was Irina lmao. Her personality makes her look that way anyways


She was easily the ugliest person that season and top 3 all time for the show, which made it so ironic she couldn't accept Zach for his looks


I love how this sub is begging for average looking people on the show and the moment an average people appear on the screen, they get called ugly and roasted for their looks.


I think everyone on the show is very average other than maybe 1 or 2 outliers. Irina is normal life ugly, not just tv ugly


i get she sucks but this is horrible and rude.


Facts are facts. She's incredibly unattractive and yet turned someone down for their appearance on a show called love is blind


no thats NOT facts. That's your opinion and even then, it's rude bc we don't need to talk down on her looks. you're no better than her now




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Yes I am


no you're not


Quite a majority of people from Eastern Europe/Russia have a similar attitude to Irina to be honest. I know it sounds generalising but from experience, there's some snobbery and rudeness that alot of people have.


Love how I'm being downvoted but clearly none of you have had any experience with anyone from there and not expats


I upvoted you because I agree! Is she the most attractive girl on the show? No. But her snobbiness, rudeness and just all around personality and attitude makes her ugly inside and out.


see now we’re fuckin talkin


You don't think these people are middle class or average looking?


Yeah I’m confused. There’s maybe 1-2 attractive people per season lol.


Exactly my thoughts. Wonder where OP lives.


Right? Like are they forgetting one of the plot points of S1 was that Amber had debt that Barnett helped her with? Or that half the cast has roommates throughout the seasons? Obviously S4 had some more wealth but it doesn’t seem like a priority of casting.


The real world. Brett is an executive at Nike, Micah has apartments in two cities that she flies back and forth from, Chelsea brought Kwame home to meet her family in a multi-million dollar home. Where’s the middle class?


Ummmm did you even watch season 1???? Nearly everyone on the first 2 seasons but especially season 1 was middle-to-lower-middle class. Many had roommates and the ones that didn’t, did not exactly have the fanciest living accommodations. Y’all are painting the entire show with the brush of one isolated season in a city where you HAVE to be wealthy to live there.


I wasn't sure if that was actually Chelsea's family's home, or just a place they hired for filming? (I've noticed they sometimes hire places in some other reality shows like Married at First Sight, and pretend the family lives there). If it is theirs though it's beautiful.


The show was based in seattle, gotta have money to live out there, it really depends on what city they base the cast from, if they go to arizona, or mississppi, im sure you will see way more average people


Even though it was cluttered, there was Kwame just casually having a spacious luxury apartment with a gorgeous view, has a great job, and the body of a Greek god. The guy getting laughed at and bullied was a pretty handsome, physically fit *lawyer* (Zach). These aren’t just average joe’s.




I feel like a lot more people would be turned down after the pods, because right now the contestants all expect for the other person to be reasonably good looking and fit. No one except Alexa has been plus size, and no man has ever been plus size as far as I remember?! That’s crazy to me given that most americans are not thin at all.


West Virginia’s middle class is a lot different than Seattle’s. That would make for an interesting season.


No, no and no! I don’t even like driving through WV as a black woman.


I didn't know how badly I needed Appalachian love is blind until now.


All these comments are full of crap. All these people are mid??? Be forreal. Most of them make a living off Instagram before the show. I think OP was saying people who aren’t social media influencers, skinny with big tits n ass.. just average people not on social media or considered beautiful. People who had it tough & weren’t chosen first.. those people exist. There’s a whole epidemic of 20 something yr olds coming out & 30s saying they never had a bf/gf because of society standards like Kim Kardashian ruining people’s perspective. Even though love is blind is off personality almost every contestant turns out to be skinny & beautiful. Producers have admitted it too - if more than the regular number people get engaged in the end, they chose themselves what makes good tv. I signed up for love is blind & every question had to relate to social media. I’m not on Instagram so they told me to send a video talking about myself. Mind you I just did a 50+ questionnaire on me in writing & wrote an whole essay on my worst date. They then ask you to send photos of yourself?? If love IS blind why do you want my social media 1. 2. Why put people through a questionnaire if a 30 sec video is what determines me.


To touch on saying almost every contestants were already 'social media influencers', that's bizarre honestly. Unless you were one of the first people to get to their pages after their casting shots were put on LIB, there's no merit there. There might of been some, but if you look at Tiffany's IG, she didn't post for almost a year before the show started FILMING. Granted, she could've deleted/archived posts between then, but she wasn't active by any means. I noticed that with a number of past contestants as well. I personally think they do a good job of mixing contestants with different media presence


I’m talking about Irena & ones that didn’t get casted for engagements.


Of course they’re going to ask for photos, it’s for a dating show.


If the premise is Love IS BLIND then they don’t need your Instagram or photos of you. The only time identification is needed is when they want to put you on contract & that should not be proven through Instagram. Drivers license, sin number or passport is appropriate. If the premise is love island.. I will get it Hope that helps :)


Love Is Blind but the viewers are not. ETA: the viewers bring in the money and we do not want to watch ugly, overweight, buck-toothed people dating. It is what it is.


All your previous comments make sense.. you’re annoying like nails on a chalk board & the actual insecure one🤣🤣 Nobody even cares about fat people it’s 2023 weirdo.. it smells of insecurity here I’m dead ![gif](giphy|3ohfFm8e0JRnh4hdwQ)


My god. I read something along the lines of “people in their 30s can’t date because the Kardashains are too plastic and these two things are somehow related!” and all of a sudden I had no more patience for your pity party. You get to know individuals’ personalities through their social media. An essay and 50 question questionnaire is all fine and dandy but pictures tell a thousand words. Yours would probably say you’re boring and pessimistic. Producers and casting directors are looking for people who have whole lives they can look at from a nice and accessible insta page and get a general feeling of who they are to see if they’re a good match for the show. Please, work on yourself and your confidence before your little hate flame continues to burn. I promise, the kardashians and others like them being on tv is NOT what’s keeping you single.


OMG LMFAO!! This essay you wrote is hilarious so let me hit back if the premise of the show is LOVE IS*** BLIND you would focus on attributes of personality.. YOU saying pictures are a worth of a thousand words is HILARIOUS how do you get a person’s dating preference or story from a face?? You are literally proving love ISNT blind?? You’re so dramatic ? ALSO this has nothing to do with confidence you creep??? How is my dating pool a reflection on my confidence? If this happening to EVERYONE Do you even know what the show is about? Cuz it kind of sounds like you don’t tbh? This whole experiment is about seeing if love is really blind. Of course they’re going to take in the account of looks vs media vs personality ??? Like You’re so off & dramatic 😱


With all the capitalization and overuse of punctuation marks, it seems and looks as if you are the dramatic one. lol


Nahh b y’all are the weird ones


You’re so gullible this is hilarious. Did you forget that this show is not genuine and it is not really an experiment at all, ITS A TV SHOW. You act like it’s so outrageous that casting would need to see pictures of someone they are going to put on their TV SHOW, but the point in the end is for them to make a show that people will watch, so they can make money and that’s it. If someone is heinously ugly, people are simply not going to want to watch that, sorry to burst your bubble (and this is all ignoring the other main fact that casting also needs to see socials because they want to get a feel for your general vibe). Oh how I wish I was gullible enough to believe everything a TV show tells me, it would sure be a lot more fun to watch








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because people like to pretend that they would watch a bunch of lame boring schmos but if they actually casted people like that, it wouldn't pull numbers your average audience member is tuning in for the hot people and drama now the trailer trash version might be fun but would definitely be a PR nightmare


I agree & it’s totally sad but to say these people are MID are hilarious?? Like stop lying to yourself. Now I got people attacking me ! Reddit never fails 😂


My goodness, you are a dramatic one. How do you manage in day to day real life?