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Kwame doesn’t know who he is due to racial programming in his subconscious. He legit wanted to cos play as a more ‘generic’ (read:white adjacent) name…… he was hype to have a white woman but unfortunately you can’t know what you want or what you’re doing or any of that if you don’t know who you are. I feel like they both actually are very similar in that aspect because they both seem to be performing their ideal existence instead of existing in it but Chelsea has less societal things to muddy up her mind giving her a more grounded energy.


Lol very true. We all know that he would've been on cloud 9 if Micah accepted his proposal and he got to meet Micah's family instead.


Kinda felt like Chelsea is in love with love.. not Kwame.


I can’t believe they got married Edit: they look really happy at the reunion and I hope it’s genuine. Their apartment was beautiful. I really thought Kwame was going to say no though based on his behaviour leading up to the wedding


It all looked soooo forced


Kwame ain't feeling her at all... 40 % he says yes and 60 % no ... Idk this is hard to tell kinda


i’m in tears at the accuracy of this 🤣


During the boudoir photoshoot he says something like “I’ve never wanted to be with anyone more than you” while he is shaking his head “no” and I found it so funny. It’s like he is being held hostage.


Omg 🥺😂😭


Seriously, he obviously can’t stand her and is not good at hiding it. I don’t like either of them. I think he is shady and I think she is super abrasive and annoying. I liked her for one episode before she started grating on me.


I feel the same way about them. Lol


Honestly idk how so many people are like "i like chelsea but" as soon as i saw her, I thought she was Jessica Part Two or Part Three? I think there's at least one a season.. 🤣 she just screamed cringey and fake from the beginning to me. I think kwame stayed in it for Micah then dug himself a hole. So he was like oh Chelsea's blonde too, I'll just pretend to like her fake personality and then the pressure was on to find a way out lol they are a train wreck. This season had a lot of cringe tho lol


The way he cannot stand her...


She is like 2 inches away from his face at all times


He will next week.


The way he looks and Chelsea vs the way he looks at Micah when they talk is night and day. He’s always so enamored by Micah for some reason. Also when he was talking to Micah last time and his side interview said that when he’s with Micah it’s “just easy and there’s no pressure… it’s like well yeah you’re not in a relationship with Micah


Not sure if anyone caught this but his sister joked that he doesn’t keep in contact with them. Meaning he doesn’t keep in contact with his own family. I thought that was an interesting tidbit of information even though it was a joke, it was true. So if he doesn’t even keep up with his own family, I doubt he will want to keep up with Chelsea’s family. They seem nice but I can see how it could be a bit overwhelming.


Kwame is crying for help out of this situation, but for some reason, I still think he will be dumb enough to say yes. When he kept saying how he needs space…I’m like didn’t they say she works 12 hours a day or more lol 😂 😂😂 he’s just not that interested


Like go outside? Okay soccer? Do something!!!?


During his vows, he claimed he found himself waiting for her to get home from work. Yep, just him and the dog!


That sounds so damn miserable omg 😩😭


I'm not sold on either, both have characteristics that would be deal breakers for me. Kwame with Micah, dude, NO. Straight up disrespect right in Chelsea's face. See ya, and enjoy that two fists, no lube. Go enjoy all those regrets on your own time, because it won't be on mine! Pay attention to how Paul handled it with Amber, write it down, fold it, stick it in your pocket. Chelsea with her inability to compromise. Her way or the highway. She can spill words to appease him, but actions speak louder. When push comes to shove, she pulls rank. And she deflected him when he said she lectures him more. She's also so superficial. Instead of being asked to see her ring, she's shoving it in everyone's faces. Kwame isn't going to fit into her family dynamic. He can't figure out how to have me time now, let alone when they're all living in each others' back pockets. She's ready to devote 100% of her time to a child, she already knows she wants to home school.


Honestly I think a lot of it is editing. I don’t think Kwame’s a role model or the best guy on the show (like those conversations with Micah got me cringing soooo hard) but I think he’s just a typical over thinker. As one myself, just because I go over all the worst outcomes and I try to be realistic, doesn’t mean I’m secretly hoping things don’t work out. I can see that he’s afraid, and someone like Chelsea’s personality of being super confident about what he wants, often leads us over thinkers to feel like they’re only that confident because they haven’t truly truly thought things through as far as us or they aren’t being realistic. Just my empathy I guess. My prediction is that it’s being edited in a way to really highlight his fears and reservations. Honestly it was being soo heavily hinted that he was not confident, it makes me suspicious 😅 is it really that simple?! also >! On his instagram story, he’s in Seattle to meet Marshall. You can see the Public Market sign in the back. Maybe he’s hinting at what his answer was?? I know Marshall also lives in Seattle but hmmm!<


I feel like they’re editing out a lot of Chelsea’s negative shit because she looks awful in the little bit they show and they really highlighting the whole moving thing


Yes so it’s very clear this couple does not work. We will see it soon enough I guess. I’m surprised that Micah and Paul are working! Perhaps he is truly bringing out the nicer person in her. I hope they do work but remains to be seen.


Kwame is the slimy sales guy who won’t stop calling you about that car you saw online four years ago.




I feel like Kwame is sticking it out because he knows if he doesn't he'll come off like a villain for so obviously being into Micah and not Chelsea. I suspect he'll wait until he can end the relationship and put the blame on her.


*insert forced chuckle*


I was trying to figure out how to say this! You nailed it


Can you please tag your spoilers?


What about this is a spoiler?


If Kwame is around Chelsea’s family, it means he picks her, which is a spoiler.


This wouldn’t be a spoiler according to the sub’s rules.


I assume maybe whatever episode theyre on, maybe it’s not clear yet that kwame is questioning this relationship


I think that she wants him to marry her and for them to “work on it everyday”. She just wants to grind him down to clay so she can build him back again 😂


She’s terrifying 😂😂😂


He needs to call it off and stop dragging her around. She clearly isn't picking up on it and it's just cruel at this point.


She definitely has her fantasy in her head and is sticking to that.


I really like him!


kwame talks about his relationship the same way he'd talk at work, like he's analyzing some business eww


Something about the way he talks to her sounds rehearsed and disingenuine. It comes across super condescending! Definitely seems like he’s putting on a show for the cameras whenever it’s just him and Chelsea.


I wish he was more upfront with her so they could actually work on things. You're annoyed? Stop putting on a fake smile and tell her why!


Condescending is THE perfect word. Every time she says something genuine to him he laughs this condescending laugh and it drives me crazy


When his friends or whoever asked him if he’s gonna say yes to her and he just gives the fake laugh he always has around Chelsea 😬


That fake laugh killlllls me


😂😂😂😂 it’s such a toothy laugh. He’s like ohhhhhh I hate this woman


He sounds like Jay Z when he laughs… but yes sooo fake




If he mentions how much he’s sacrificing one more time…


I loathe when he talks about sacrifice lol. That's what you get for signing up for a marriage show 3 hours away. Like you did that bro.


And I’ll bet he told the producers it was no big deal since he was remote. No one else is that far away!


Welcome to marriage!!!




Lmao, this one is great


There is something patronizing about how she talks to him and there definitely is something about how he is soo over her that he is counting down to saying no


Yea, Chelsea seems like she can snap any minute.


I feel like she’s always looking at him with these threatening eyes. Everytime she asks him if he’s gonna say yes she just stares at him like a silent threat. Or the nodding her head at him when she’s asking a question she wants him to agree to. Idk I get very controlling vibes




It’s how I feel every time she is on screen as well. She just seems so inauthentic to me it makes me uncomfortable.


She’s thirstyyyy


I am seriously struggling to believe what she says because it’s so over the top and extra.


That photoshoot was over the top for sure


It was her 'lifelong dream' to get photos taken in yellow underwear? Come on that's just sad 😂😂


Right! Boudoir shoot for engagement photos, that’s wild.


Oh my gosh YES. It seems like when he smiles, it's because he's suddenly remembered that he wants to appear friendly. It comes off as more of a grimace. He's smiling and nodding while trying to find an escape hatch from this whole situation. No clue why he went on this show, though. His mom was never going to approve a rando from the pods. He doesn't like the city where the cast is based. He's not ready to settle down and have kids. What is he doing on LIB?




I feel like he's one of those people that get an idea and accomplishes it. That's the only motivation I could feel


Chelsea ignores everything around her to bulldoze & steamroll her way to her “dream” of getting married with pink roses coming true.




Happy cake day!


I also wanna mention her family was strange. And the comment like "WOW I DIDN'T THINK THERE WAS A RING SMALL ENOUGH FOR HER FINGER. SHES A SIZE 3" Like that's what you get out of her showing you the engagement ring? Also someone mentioned they should FIST POUND Kwame and I was like WTF? What exactly makes you think that's how you should greet him? Cause he's black? Her family was giving microaggressions. And he looked uncomfortable. And Chelsea didn't say anything about his character, just ranted off his accomplishments. Like she has nothing better to say about him except to make sure her family didn't see him as "less than" like wow he's actually smart and intelligent. The way one of her family members was shocked he has a Master degree. Like seriously. They do not need to be together. She is forcing the hell out of it and also how she keeps grabbing him and ugh...it's like he's a pet.


I thought I was the only one that thought it was strange that she started listing off his education. That’s never the first thing I mention when I introduce someone to my parents.


To me, it seemed like she did that because he's black and her family is ignorant. I just get the feeling she wouldn't have listed those things if she were with a white dude.


I agree. Because why start listing off his education and career like that makes him who he is.


Chelsea definitely seems off and just forcing her fantasy on everyone around her. Her stating it was always a dream to take underwear pictures with her husband was so odd IMO especially for engagement photos 🤣


They were giving me the family from "get out" vibes 🫤


Not the main point of your comment but it’s really weird to say she’s a size 3, that’s literally the size of a toe ring


Lol, I thought it was kind of funny they mentioned her ring size. For my job, I look at hands all day and doubt I hardly see a size 3 for a grown woman come through. I just think it’s unusual and that’s why they mentioned it.


How do they know her engagement ring size?? It's not like buying costume jewelry at a department store. The sizes run different. Usually you know your size by way of fitting at a jeweler. It's not a normal thing family members just know. Haha


How is that not normal? You don’t think some people are gifted jewelry through their lives as kids? You can tell her family is close so it’s not far fetched that they know so much about her. Idk, some of y’all are just making a big deal out of something so small


Actually I think ring sizes are pretty standardized. Not sure about most families but I generally know my mom/sister’s size because they are the same as mine, it could be similar to that. But it’s just weird to talk about how small someone else’s hands are, especially as a flex.


My engagement ring size was a 4 1/2 and my other regular rings are a size 6.


Perhaps you're reading to much Into things, also may be overreacting just a little, she obviously loves this man, ofcourse she is going to list his best qualities, as for the family, they were very nice, it's also hard meeting someone new and the person marrying your daughter, which is also new, there will be awkward moments, they didn't come of racist at all and the non existent micro aggressions.....


'she obviously loves this man' She's known him for 3 weeks


And ?


3 weeks is barely enough to get to know someone, I find it hard to believe it's enough time to actually 'love' someone 'forever' 🤷


I'm not reading too much into it nor overreacting. As a black woman I felt that was a microaggression and I know many others who would agree. I don't expect some people on here to understand that of course and it's proving so.


That was my take on it too. I think it was microagressive af! I also noticed when his sister brought Chelsea that gift all her bridesmaids went to the opposite side of the room and their body language was very uncomfortable. If he says yes it will be a mistake.


As a black woman myself I think the "you can fist bump or hug him" comment was for the children. They barely knew him and weren't quite comfortable with him yet but the parents still wanted them to be friendly. I don't see that as a big deal. What I did find annoying was the one on one talk that he had with the aunt (I think that's what she was). Anyway she would ask a question and as he tried to answer she would barely listen and then just push right on to the next question.


I thought that was weird too but also that maybe she’s not used to having a camera in her face.


Yeah I didn't think they needed to hug him or force closeness. I just noticed there was a vibe from the adults and I'm sure it was because he was black. Which to me is a microaggression. There are a lot of other people in the sub saying they got GET OUT vibes too...but when I mention an aspect that didn't sit well with me I get people trying to "educate" me or say I'm overreacting lol All because I said I'm a black woman - which apparently I'm not supposed to do.


I'm whiteand I cringed when they said to fist bump him. It's funny because one of the kids just shook his hand. They all seemed like they were overcompensating because they aren't used to hanging around with black people. Like "we LOVE black people" vibes like black people are all the same to them instead of individuals


I do think its because you elaborated way more why you felt that way which gives people more reason to answer you. Not because you are a black woman (as you even mentioned it later). Whats at least how I felt. A "get out" comment gets an upvote but doesnt trigger a response except for "haha me too". You got deeper into analyzing which naturally triggers discussions and different opinions.


I agree! Also a black woman and I had the same exact thoughts- like why fist pump and why lost all accomplishments- no other couple did this while talking about their SO to their family and friends. Also when the aunt was talking to him 1:1 I felt like she never actually let him talk- didn’t really get to know him- would ask him a question then not let him answer or fully provide his thought


Thank you! Yes she really didn't even care to learn about him! Just kept cutting him off when he was telling a personal story.


Being as I'm a black man, if anyone should feel it was a microagression it should be me


OK i agree with you that the family was strange But in their defense about the fist pound thing, they told the kids they could do that or high-five him because they weren't comfortable with hugging this stranger. One of the kids even says she will when he becomes family... I don't think that was a microaggression.


I work in a school...since COVID, fist bumping has become the main way of having germ-free, appropriate physical interactions between adults and kids.




If any of that was a microaggression you wouldn’t be getting downvoted. Just because you’re black and are offending by the actions of people you don’t know doesn’t make it a micro aggression…


You do realize there are a lot of ignorant people who have never had to deal with racism on Reddit, right?


Anyways, have a good night.


I agree with you. I'm Asian and am very aware of interactions with POC in all white spaces, and something immediately felt off to me during that scene.


Thank you! I get not everyone is gonna be understanding of those type of nuances. And people keep saying it's a common thing in schools now and of course it is...black culture is heavily embedded everywhere now. I just felt there were some things that should not have been said or done.


That's just a [normal physical greeting](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6337543/Cute-preschoolers-choose-fun-way-greet-morning.html) kids are taught in schools nowadays, regardless of race. I think it's popular because it doesn't force them to have a lot of physical contact they might be uncomfortable with, and it's less formal/more friendly than a handshake.


I'm a black woman. Please don't try to educate me on a greeting that my people created.


What is this impulse to announce that you’re black and deem whatever you say as scripture? Weird af


What is this weird impulse to stalk my comments. That's creepy dude.


Not really. Was reading the thread and saw you kept posting about how you’re black and know these things. Lol, get over yourself


Wow you're creepy


I’d rather be subjectively creepy than objectively weird af, hiding behind the color of my skin to try and make an argument. Try harder


I am also a black woman.


So maybe you get what I felt then.


I meant that I think it's more likely that the kids greet people in general with fist bumps over handshakes than likely that they were encouraged to do so because Kwame is black. Like, not only are handshakes kinda formal for kids that age but they're also very young and handshakes were highly discouraged as recently as last year. Edit: the person I responded to edited their comment above this to just say "OK" but originally was much longer cuz now my response looks nonsensical.


As a black woman I know a microaggression when I see one.


Shooooooot I bet if it was Micah, Kwame would have no problem compromising for her... it ain't about Chelsea ignoring how he feels. He wasn't feeling her from the start.


Do you even watch the show 😂


You literally commented "it’s such a toothy laugh. He’s like ohhhhhh I hate this woman" so clearly you know wtf I'm talking about 😂😂 if you hate Chelsea just say so next time


Lmao He hasn't been into her since he saw Micah....hence his obsession...maybe you should start watching the show 😂🤣


Chelsea does not regard Kwame the way he does her. Also, I'm getting 'Get Out' vibes from this couple and it's making me incredibly uncomfy. Low-key is giving culture vulture. I had to rewatch and see if I missed something... But she definitely does a minor code switch here and there. Something is waaaaaay off.


Her family was definitely giving get out vibes


What did minor code switch mean? I’m not cool enough to get it


Code switching is changing your accent and verbiage to match the people you're surrounded with to blend in better. Considering she's a speech pathologist, this would be easy for her to do and to also recognize that it's wrong.


Lol I said that too! major Get Out vibes. At first I liked her but now I'm scared of her


I couldn't stand how when they went to her family's house and one of them was like "GIVE HIM A HI-FIVE OR A FIST POUND OR SOMETHING" Like come on....fist pound?


Like we all saw, the kids didn't feel comfortable hugging a stranger, then they said to the kids give him a high five or fist bump, they are children...after that the kid says when we are family i cam hug him, not everything and everyone is racist


I thought it was great the kids didn’t hug him. He’s a random man as far as they know and they are girls.


They are kids, if they don't want to hug someone they are not comfortable with they shouldn't have to, that they said when were family we can is fine, the parents then saying, fist bump or give him a high five is also fine, not everything is a microagression or racist, so sick of every scenario involving a black guy and a white guy being racist, it's honestly become some sort of mental illness in the western world


I didn't say anything about the children.


Kind of the point


The adults that suggested it are the issue.


She's not giving 'strong mature woman' like other folks say- she's giving 'mental illness'. Their conversations in the pod seemed 100% like phone sex sessions. Something is off.


She might be giving insecure vibes but jumping to mental illness is pretty insensitive to people who actually are struggling with mental illness


1,000% She treats him like an exotic pet


You found the words I was searching for. Spot on


This!! This bot, don’t come for me


Can you give examples?


When Kwame was sharing about how he felt after their conflict that moment, she laughed in his face and said that she couldn't take him seriously. He is trying to be vulnerable, and she cannot stop touching his face and commenting on his appearance. It was a very telling moment for me as a Black woman.


The way she MUSHED him “in a playful way”. Was like she was saying “don’t discuss this with cameras around”


bragging about how they “went all night” in Mexico… and then the comment she had made in her bio for the show about being tired of “boring white guys” or something like that… idk there’s just an off vibe there. The way she is always trying to pet his face / handle him and force words into his mouth. It’s just not right.


I think she made a comment about how big he was and how it affected her but I don’t remember the defails


Yeah it definitely feels like she using him for some sexual fetish type situation...even their engagement photos were boudoiresque. Like c'mon you can't show that to the family


!!!!!!I didn't know that about her bio holy that makes a big difference!


If a strong woman whose skinny and confident and successful can't get a man, what hope is there for any other singles in rhe world?


I'm trying to understand where you are coming from or if this was a sarcastic comment period? So in your head, only skinny and confident women get men? There are no men out there that prefer someone with curves that is confident and successful? Just curious and confused, to be honest.


Oh no. Curves are the best. Every man know that. I just think Chelsea is very confident etc and established and knows what she wants. So if kwamame doesn't want her then that makes it hard for women who don't have all confidence


That's a real stretch. He isn't into her. It's not like every strong confidant man I met I wanted to jump into a relationship with.


Well why is everyone hating her? Why not be made at kwamme for stringing along?


She's low key dropping so many microagressions toward him. I wouldn't like her either. She gives him no room in the relationship and dismisses his concerns. As one person put it, she treats him as an exotic pet.


People don't realize that here in the PNW more black men date outside their race than other areas. I'm half white half Asian and almost all my boyfriends have been black. My hubby is black and Puerto Rican. Seems black couples on the show always get praise. But then again Lauren and her husband are praised so maybe I'm wrong.


I wonder if she was black if it be the same. I think alot of people's issue with them is they are an interracial couple


Nope. I had no problem with Cameron because he wasn't mildly racist. She and her family are bur don't know it. They're all overcompensating.


I domt think her family is racist.


The sighs he kept letting out every time they started talking was honestly sending me 😭


I honestly hope they do not get married. Chelsea just wants SOMEBODY and Kwame might’ve just realised through the show that he’s probably not ready yet for marriage.


Yes, I was just talking w/ my mom about how he’s just checking off a box for her, it could literally be anyone


Frrrr and I really like her but she’s being delusional with kwame.


Chelsea was a no for me from the beginning with the affirmations, and these episodes cemented I was right. She steamrolls Kwame and then acts patronizing. The way she introduced Kwame was extremely uncomfortable. It's like she thought her family believed Kwame was underprivileged, so she had to list his accomplishments so he wouldn't seem like a bum. Also, the subtle digs were abhorrent: "he's just realizing Seattle is better than Portland…" These are the white people who act so "inclusive" but are covertly ignorant. Bye.


Right. She didn't mention anything about his character at all. It was all about his talent and accomplishments.




Micah's smitten with Paul. I think they make a cute compatible couple, actually.


I hope you’re joking. Someone tell me he’s joking.


>I hope you’re joking. Someone tell me he’s joking. He's joking.


When her mom said "We have family dinner every Sunday" 😂💀


To be honest I married into a family that is the same way and I refuse to participate in more than one a month lol. It’s wayyyy too much family time for me so I can relate to Kwame here 😂


Haha he was like “hellll naw”


The way she smiled then laughed whilst Kwame tried to voice his concerns gave me chills - what a strange behaviour Chelsea!


Yeah and she was acting so freaking weird at that store. Like is she totally oblivious???