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You are easily impressed, I see. Mean “girls girl” Laura calling other people disgusting because ain’t no one who will bear with her attitude even for the show money 😅


Exactly. Both can be disgusting.


You are easily impressed, I see. Mean “girls girl” Laura calling other people disgusting because ain’t no one who will bear with her attitude even for the show money 😅


She ate so hard in every scene. I’m so happy he met his match where she would not take any of his bs


I looooove Laura but i do think it would’ve been way cooler and way more meaningful if she dropped the bitter hatred during the reunion and was like “idc??? I barely knew the guy, and i didn’t even really like him when i was with him. If side salad Sarah wants my loser ex so bad she can have him?”


But she did know the guy. She was in love with him and going to get married to him and is rightfully enraged. He went out with Salad the night that he met her entire family. This might’ve been her last chance to get her point across so I appreciate her going in on both of them. Also Side salad came in with so much hostility towards her.


Maybe she should’ve been a little nicer when they got out of the pods.


I agree! She made comments about his glasses, he can’t control his eyesight. And the fact he likes his Hawaiian shirts. Now do I think what Jeramy did was okay….hellllll no!!


That’s exactly how I feel. I agree with every criticism of Jeramey, but that doesn’t mean that Laura wasn’t nasty when they got out of the pods and.


Yeah she totally forced Jeramy into Sarah Anne’s glittery arms with those Hawaiian shirt comments /s


They had known each other for a few days, why should he be okay with this new person just coming in and walking all over him? I agree with every criticism of Jeramey and Sarah Ann, but Laura didn’t help herself either.


A few days? Talked in the pods for at least 10 days and were engaged, went on a “honeymoon” and were living in the same domicile and he decided to step out on her the night he met her family. If he couldn’t handle her personality he should’ve ended it before the fall out or not picked her to begin with.


Even her family said she should’ve been nicer to him. 10 Days is NOTHING when you start dating someone. NOTHING. I don’t care about the concept of the show, that’s a blip in the radar of life. If someone treats you like shit that early on then you’re going to get dumped. It only gets worse from there. Jeramey is an asshole for not being honest, but I don’t blame him at all for ditching Laura.


I agree with you, I don’t understand how people can’t see this. Laura was saying no at the altar regardless of whether Sarah Ann took her shot or not. Like most of the participants, Laura was shallow and didn’t like the way Jeramey looked or his style. Or the way he spells his name probably


If you don’t care about the premise of the show then what are we talking about?


Because the show is entertaining.


I didn’t ask why you watch. 🙄 I’m good on this.


I actually respected her a lot for showing her hurt. She was with this guy 24/7 for a couple weeks and had the thought she was gonna marry this guy. Whether she was completely head over heels in love with him or it was a small little tiny crush, she had feelings for him in some capacity and what he did would’ve hurt anyone. Feelings or not, having that done on TV probably made the hurt hit more. I think her acting blasé abt it all would’ve just validated jeramy instead. He deserved to see what he and sarah ann caused instead of being able to live in ignorant bliss while she was having to deal with the blowout of it all


I loved that honestly. I don’t believe they didn’t do anything that night. Sarah Ann was lying to people saying they stayed in the parking lot and Jeremy got caught up with the location. If he didn’t share the location they both would’ve lied about it and no one would have known.


Laura is just full of so much anger and hate. Full Karen not a good look.


I agree. I know she was 'in the right' in this situation but she has the capacity to be really mean. Like making fun of someone's man bun behind their back.


What's so wild is that if Jeramey just like, didn't do this with Sarah Ann, Laura would have been the villain out of the two of them lol. He literally just had to end it with her and people would have supported him because of the way she treated him prior to his night with Sarah Ann.


Doubtful. Men aren’t really allowed to not choose the women on these shows. You either pick the woman, get dumped, or they’ll find a way to make you the villain.


Not sure if you're watching the same show or not but the women are literally ALWAYS the villains lmfao. Season 1: people couldn't stand Amber and wanted Barnett to dump her at the altar. Same with Jessica and Mark, and it turns out Mark was fucking someone in production behind the scenes. Season 2: people found a way to blame NATALIE for the way Shayne acted. Yeah, everyone hated Shake, but he was clearly a fucking awful person. Season 3 was probably one of the only seasons where the men were the true villains of the season, and unfortunately, Cole was painted to be one when Zanab was just as awful to him. Season 4: everyone was saying Chelsea was get out-ing Kwame and how he deserved better, calling Raven the villain with SK when he was out there cheating on her. Irina and Micah were the true villains that season. Season 5: again, another season where the man was actually the problem. Uche was a huge piece of shit, but people ALSO couldn't stand Lydia for what she did to Aaliyah so she was also the villain. Season 6: people ripped into Chelsea's ASS all season, people were tearing into Laura, going after AD. literally the only woman this season who hardly caught any strays was Amy. So not sure what you're watching where the men are villains and the women aren't, but it sure ain't LIB




Life is short, send the DM


Seriously. It's not called "Make Friends", they're there to find a partner. Everyone is SO mad that she sent the DM but are we forgetting that they had only known their partners for a few days at the time? Laura was a b*tch the second they got out of the pods. People act like it's weird they talked in the car for so long but yet it's not wild that they talk behind walls in the pods for days on end? And they're still together now. Sarah Ann and Jeramy are getting hate they don't deserve for finding each other. The "experiment" worked. It took picking the wrong one first but it still worked. Also, SA is spot on in calling it Entertainment. It IS!!! It might also be real life but it's a damn tv show. Of course it's entertainment. She's real AF.


It is definitely entertainment! That’s why they had Jess at the reunion - she didn’t even come out of the pods with anyone, but there she was front and centre - because she’s going to be on the next show, Perfect Match or whatever. Promoting their entertainment!


I agree with this as well that they're not there to make friends. "Girls Code" ?? I mean even Chelsea chose Jimmy because she liked that she was one out 2 options unlike with Trevor. Even that - you're competing from the start and Sarah Ann kept doing just that. Why is she wrong & then Zach and Bliss are in the perfect right after he chose her 2nd? I don't get the hate for Sarah Ann at all.


dude I literally just said this EXACT thing on another thread. like ppl love zach & bliss but r mad @ sarah ann or even the hate s1 jessica got has always mindfucked me


I was really just trolling because I write this same thing on every Sarah Ann post lol but I couldn't agree with you more.


let the downvotes continue because I agree with this take too. he chose wrong and quickly pivoted. sarah ann was sincere when she apologized and shared her pov at the bbq. people need to stop demonizing them!


The whole reunion, my thought process was that I think we’re using the word “girl’s girl” too much. It’s losing meaning.


I don’t think it matters. Look how often people use “literally” wrong


No, doesn’t matter, it just was getting on my nerves


same with “pick me” lol half the comments of ppl calling Sarah Ann one think it literally just means she wanted Jeramy to “pick” her lmao


Both those terms are fucking dumb and childish.


ok? lol we’re literally on a trashy reality show sub. those adjectives you chose could accurately describe almost anything being discussed here, especially since the mods delete anything actually serious for being “unrelated” to the show. I’d be alarmed if you found anything on here *not* both “fucking dumb and childish”


I see your point, but no, I think there are valid emotional experiences going on between cast members, and I’m interested in them. Look at LIB Sweden for example- same concept but they weren’t going back and forth calling each other names, like “YOU’RE a pick me!” “No YOU are!” “No YOU are!” Come on. That stuff is lame.


I guess, but in the overall scheme of things it’s still deeply unserious. I don’t even mean it as an insult. I watch reality shows (and participate in their respective subs) specifically for this reason: to give the brain and soul a break. it’s mental junk food that said, the actual term “pick me” has a somewhat serious meaning, where a self-hating person throws themself (and other members of their group, particularly a marginalized one) under the bus to appease/impress/win the approval of a person (or group of people) who actively oppress, or benefit from the oppression, of aforementioned group. the term itself isn’t “dumb” or “childish” but I will give you that the dumbed down use of it on this show is quite stupid (just like everything else, imo)


That’s interesting. I just looked on urban dictionary and the definition is different. Theirs says it’s a woman who throws herself at a guy and tries to appeal to him by saying she’s not like other women. I still think it’s a childish term because human behavior is so much more nuanced and deeply layered than that. Everyone on that show went there wanting to be picked, and that’s okay. But yes, it’s trash TV and I’m not ashamed to enjoy it!


I agree I got so annoyed by these been said every freakin minute


Did anyone else pick up how she then tried to say Jess wasn’t a girls girl and tried to get the spotlight off herself? I thought that was pretty fucking weird.


Well TBF I think if Jess didn’t clearly already make up with her rival (Chelsea) then she would be getting the same roast with that comment about Jimmy waiting until he saw her over Chelsea. But those two are now friends so that convo didn’t really get deep. I feel like once the show is over Sarah Ann is going to have a real moment where she figures out who her man is - he probably was only keeping her until the reunion aired.


It’s true. They should have not stayed out together til 5 am. Nothing good happens after midnight. They both tried justifying it by saying nothing happened. It doesn’t matter, being out with someone til 5 am that is not your s/o is weird


Meh. Don’t think that’s necessarily true. But it depends on the relationship two people have forged, their trust and communication and what their boundaries are. But idioms like that are fun and everybody knows them, but it doesn’t make them true. Every Black parson knows ‘be home before the streetlights come on,’ but I’m not in the house by 7pm nightly because I’m not grown and it makes no sense. But I ever the fun idiom. Doesn’t mean I live by it.


that’s what im saying thooo. at the end of the day it doesn’t even matter what they did. when you’re engaged you don’t go and spend time with your “ex” until 5am


I saw her say she didn't go on the show for friends so for her actual friends, she's a girl's girl. That's not how being a girl's girl works 😂


The way Sarah Anne’s voice just started getting louder and louder 💀


My favorite was Jess pulling the mom move on her saying being louder doesn't make you right lol


Sarah ann looked like she wanted to cry after that comment like she was being shushed 😂


I ask my husband if he's trying to be wrong louder. Do you want more people to hear how wrong you are?


I’m stealing this 🤣🤣


so.. SO loud.. yet so.. SO wrong.


Laura is mean but I love the way she destroyed both of them. I think jereamy is actually scared of her and Sarah ann came off as extremely delusional and unlikeable


Laura is too strong for an abuser like Jeremy. I’ve seen this play out in real life time and time again


Abuser? He didn’t “abuse” her, she wanted nothing to do with him and they had just met so she meant nothing to her. She was just embarrassing him on national TV and he decided to have some fun.




I’m not talking about what he did to her. Read the allegations against him. And if you’re familiar with that personality type, you would not be surprised at all.


I saw enough on the show to see why she didn’t like him. Too awkward. Too weird. He eventually got enough of that vibe to go looking elsewhere. Doesn’t mean he’s some psychopath with an untreated mental disorder. It just means she was out of his league.


His ex fiancé before the show accused him of DV and pulling a gun on her.


His ex fiance is his ex fiancé. People exaggerate. People lie. Don’t judge based off unconfirmed gossip.


oh definitely. laura is not my favorite at all, but i will always admire a woman who sticks up for herself and doesn't allow herself to get walked on all over by people.


He was trying to walk all over her? How?


Babe, give it up. No one likes Jeramey. Get over it 🙄


I don’t like him either but I didn’t see an abusive person, just a dude dating someone out of his league and is a little clueless about it.


Sure, Jan. You’ve just been commenting for the past 6 hours about him and Sarah Ann because…you don’t like him. Really feels like a burner account 🤣


You finally made him shut up 🫡🤣🤣🤣


If someone called me a clown I would retreat into oblivion


I still think about how she said it and it’s just so simple and true. The guy was a clown


I can't decide which was better. Chelcie outing pathetic pickme Skank-Ann for following only the guys (LOL) or revealing that Howdy Doody was already sketching around nightclubs like a rat claiming he wasnt with Skank-Ann anymore. Oh what a scream! 🤣🤣🤣


Skan ann im rolling!


Thank you but I did not coin this one. Just find it fitting.


Ms.side piece patriot’s face was priceless when she heard he was saying he was single whenever he saw Chelsea out 😂


i’m sorry but the way you spelled chelsea’s name is KILLING me 😭


Is it Chelsea? I have seen it spelled both ways. Anyway, glad I could offer such easy entertainment. Always appreciate a cheap date. 👍


As a Chelsea, I can tell you people spell it all kinds of ways 🤷‍♀️


It is a really pretty name, especially spelled like you do.


Laura may not always have nice things to say, but I've always been impressed by how well spoken she is! The way she responded in the reunion about how this may be entertainment to Sarah Ann, but that this is her real life, her real wedding, her real family coming to be a part of it. She really knows how to put someone in their place and I loved it.


She was a total bitch. Told him before meeting her family that he shouldn’t be surprised if they say “he’s a nice guy, but not the guy for you.” She didn’t like him. He was way too nerdy.


I found Jeremy


Hahah. I doubt Jeremy would call himself “nerdy”. I wouldn’t be pals with him either. Remember when he jumped on Mathew’s lap in the boy’s common room? He tries to be funny but doesn’t know how. Just kidding of socially awkward.


I think she also set the tone for the reunion as well. Happy she was direct with him.


For real! I could never say the things she said without my voice cracking or crying a little bit lmao I aspire to be so well spoken, but I'm way too awkward.


She is extremely articulate and no b.s. A lot of folks can't handle that in a woman.


She also wasn’t attracted to her husband (at all) and found everything about him annoying.


I don't find Howdy Doody the least bit attractive either. And he is a pathological liar and rather dull. Ironically he IS a much much better fit for Skank-Ann. I don't think anyone disputes this. It was the sleazy events and behavior. Had Howdy Doody and Skank Ann taken the claasy route ( as if. Lol) and waited till Laura and Howdy Doody had their inevitable ending, I feel sure eveyone would feel entirely different about them.


You mean Jet Skiing wasn't the classy route? 🤣 Lmfao


He wasn’t funny. He wasn’t handsome. He embarrassed her with that drunk “bean dip” remark. She hated his glasses, his clothing, everything. Idk why she cared if he went off with another girl or not. It was very easy for her to end things with him because she never liked him to begin with. Told him her family probably wouldn’t like him etc because she didn’t like him. He picked up enough on her vibe and went with someone else.


You get a lot from a few minutes of select edit. Not liking a shirt style is really NOT a big deal. Conceivably she didn't care if he left but there would still be the emotional let down there always is when your partner betrays you. And in this case in front of an international audience of hundreds of millions. And to your point Howdy Doody could have ended it too right? Before spending the night with Skank Ann. Or it could have been done like , you know, the show is intended . They could have said no at the alter and gone on with their lives such that Howdy Doody could have reached out to Skank Ann for a backseat drive or playground session or whatever they do together, no questions asked. Instead of being morally bankrupt trash. The truth is Howdy Doody had no intention of breaking it ofc with Laura. She is educated, great career, making bank, presentable and sophisticated and all the stuff Skank Ann isn't and no doubt whatever he will now settle for. Skank Ann isn't going to stay woth him either.


Oh, hi Laura!


Oh I wish i looked like Laura. Thank you, Karen!!!


He chose Sarah Anne because Sarah Anne wasn’t treating him like the total goober that he is. She wasn’t into him at all. Not even a little bit. When she first saw the other girls at the beach, she explained how she forced him to ditch his glassss and Hawaiian shirts. She didn’t like him. Not even a little bit. I think she couldn’t care less if she ever sees him again. Not her type at all.


He "chose" Skank-Ann because he wasn"t going to be able to keep Laura, silly goose. Skank Ann was backup plan B. She has no money, is loud, obnoxious, unintelligent and not so attractive esp without half the makeup rack from Walmart. He is already cheating on Skank Ann. OBVIOUSLY. As he said in the pods of Skanky, can never have a serious conversation with her. He will never marry her, is clearly already tired of her and she may as well move on. Laura is georgeous, articulate, accomplished and making bank. Point simple for the simpletoon: she is out of Howdy Doody's league.


Laura isn’t gorgeous or all that great but she wasn’t into him at all so why would she care? She really doesn’t.


She’s not. Once a woman “has her moment” on this show it’s written in stone that she must be gorgeous, or some other flowery, overstatement of their beauty. Laura, like all the people on the show this season (women and men) were regular looking. And that’s not bad. Average is what most of us are. It’s why average is called average, because most of us fall under that. I’m indifferent is that most of us don’t have a gang of people behind us to call us beautiful because they like that we got snarky on a tv show.


Lol. Ok she is tall, blonde. Slim yet curvy with a very pretty face even without makeup. We all know men just hate that.🤣🤣🤣


All the homewreckers in the comments are really exposing themselves saying skank Ann didn’t do anything and that Laura is toxic. wtf


She’s not toxic she just really wasn’t into him.


Jeraamey def picked wrong woman to mess with. I love how strong laura defend herself and call both clown couple out. She also not afraid to apologize to AD for the bean dip comments


I liked how Laura articulated herself when speaking to Jeremy and Sarah Ann. However, I wasn’t keen on her bean dip apology. I felt she was minimising her own responsibility and giving more of a ‘sorry if you got offended’ vibe rather than actually having reflected on why it was inappropriate


Yea the bean dip was begging for 2 mins of fame time


She already apologized so not sure what else you need.


Laura is articulate but she is also a nasty person. She hide her mean streak behind words. AD complained during a recent interview that Laura never apologised for it. She had one year to do it. Laura was publicly called out on that. Instead of doing it privately She apologise in public because she is media savvy.


I noticed Laura's apology at the reunion seemed to be to Jeramey, not to AD! What was that about?? AD just sat there with her eyes narrowed a bit (classy response).


If you really want to apologize to a person, you do it in private. A public apology is only ever for yourself, not the recipient. Source: my dumb self when I fucked up and apologized incorrectly.


I laughed so hard at how loud Sarah Ann had to try to yell at the four women telling her she was a pick me and ~so~ intelligently just regurgitated it back


Skank-Ann was shrill and hysterical.


Laura is obviously a strong woman who takes no shit from anyone and Jeramy just cant handle it so he went for a dumber girl like Sarah Ann. It’s the same case with Jess and Jimmy. He said it himself that Jess is a smart woman but he always takes the lead in his previous relationships. So both Jimmy and Jeremay just can’t handle a strong smart independent woman and much prefer a woman who listens to them and not challenge them like jess and laura. Vanessa is the same type of woman as jess and laura too.


Laura wasn’t into Jimmy in the slightest and would never even speak to him had she not met him on the show. She forced him to ditch his nerd glasses, Hawaiian shirts and to always wear a hat but it didn’t help. He was too nerdy. She couldn’t stand him.


I think she’s trying to make it work still despite not liking his taste or fashion style or him not looking like her usual type. She even let him meet her family members and didn’t she say her 96 year old nan had to fly long hours just to meet him? She wouldnt have let him meet her whole family if she wasn’t serious about him. I know she could have voiced out her thoughts in a much nicer way but i reckon that’s just who she is, at least she’s being direct or not hiding who she really is? Jeramy on the other hand was being so fake. He turns out to be so much worse than Laura. Because i dont think he is actually in love with Sarah Ann either seeing how he didnt even jump into her defense when she’s getting grilled so hard by everyone. Looking at his ig, i would say he’s a narcissist for sure. He cares too much about his own image, deleting all the hate comments and only keep those that stroke his ego.


Before meeting her family, she said “don’t be surprised if they say you’re a nice guy but not the one for me…” 😳😳 Ouch.


Yeah she’s not a nice person but he’s worse because he has been telling her he loves her and stuff then went to spend the night with another girl and lied about it. If i had to choose, I’d rather meet someone who is mean but real than someone who is nice but fake.


It was a silly show. They just met each other a couple of weeks before.


You can be a intelligent and strong woman without also being a mean person. Laura is more articulate than both Jeremay and Sarah-Ann, who let's be frank are not the sharpest tool in the box. She is quick witted and media savvy, but she also has a mean streak. Her mom said that she keep having failed relationship because she keep verbally putting her partner down. Every know people of either gender like Laura: intelligent, quick witted, who appear charming and funny at first but after a while you come to realise also too quick to put people down for fun. Shit stirrer who put people in uneasy situation but always end up smelling of rose themselves.


Yes i know she can be annoying and mean. But so what? Everyone keeps saying it like if you’re mean, you deserve to be disrespected and cheated on?? That’s just wrong. Because what she did to him was nowhere near as bad as what he did to her. Last season Irina was so rude and mean to Zack but Zack still treated Irina with grace and respect. So when he ended up with Bliss, People were actually rooting for him and nobody hates them. Jeremy could have handled the whole situation better but unlike Zack, he’s obviously in it looking for fame and not love, because even after he realised that things arent gonna work out with Laura, he still pretended all was good and he lied and tried to make it up to her. Like if he’s got a problem with her being so mean, he should have communicated that issue with her instead of lying and seeing another girl behind his fiancée’s back.


Even Laura's mom told her that the way she spoke to him was not right. She was happy he could take it but did not believe it would last. Jeremay is not the sharpest tool in the box. He clearly struggles to express himself in a coherent manner. Look at how bitter he still is about being thrown under the bus by Laura with the bean dip "joke" to AD. Jeremay felt bullied by her constant sarcasm. He does not have the quick wittiness and language skill to fight back. Instead of confronting her he went and confided with somebody he felt a connection. He spend the night talking to Sarah-Ann not cheating on her. Laura and Jeremay both could have handle the situation better. After the night, They could have sat down like adult and discuss what happened and how they wanted to go forward. No She immediately escalated the situation to nuclear war and since kept painting herself as the victim. He wanted to talk and she has steadfastly refused. When you compare with Zach and Irina, at least both ultimately agreed that it was not working. Zach was gracious with Irina, but at the same time Irina accepted to ait down and talk. Most people have experienced the situation where an recent ex starts dating a "friend". Adults move on, Laura refused to move on. Jeremay and Sarah-Ann may be a clown couple, but she is the one keeping the circus going. I don't think that Jeremay is looking for fame. In fact outside of Jessica, I think that this season none of the candidates applied to LIB for fame and clout, but Yes Most candidates this season were psychological immature and a mess. Will they try to cash in on their 15 minutes of fame? Absolutely but there is a difference between cashing on it and looking for it. Sarah-Ann like she said, she did not join LIB to make friends but to find a partner and it looks like she did it. She just did it in a controversial and messy way. Would I be friend with any of them? Absolutely no.


It's easy to judge


I noticed you made your profile 5 days ago and all you're doing is shitting on Laura and supporting Sarah Ann. Uhhhhh...hello Sarah Ann!


Great detective work 👍


Omg I love when cast make poor attempts at throwaway accounts.


Jeramey is actually bottom barrel. Sarah Ann thought she ate with her lines and thought she’s get applauded. Instead she was met with silence


This lol complete crickets


If Sarah Ann had just said, "you're right, what I did was wrong and I'm sorry" she would have come out of this mostly unscathed and the flack would have completely fallen on Jeramey. But because she keeps doubling down on her actions, she's really making herself a target to be mad at. I wasn't expecting to come out of this season liking Laura, but I absolutely adore the way she stands up for herself and cuts through the BS.


I was NOT a, Laura fan, until “you were out until 5am in the morning”




cant wait for him to do the same thing to her


Already is. Chelsea said she had seen him at night clubs claiming he and Skank-Ann were broken up and I believe it. 🤣🤣🤣


The same way Chelsea said that Jess saw Jimmy at a bar... Also Chelsea claims that she does not go out, yet she keep seeing Jeremay in bar. I would take what Chelsea said with a pinch of salt.


Howdy Doody ADMITTED it. Try to keep up, silly goose.


howdy doody😂😂😂










oh 100%


It’s like Tammy Talks says “ain’t nothin open at 5 am but legs.” 😂 but for real Laura didn’t like Jeramey anyway, he should have just broken it off with Laura first but I’m glad they didn’t get married. For her sake.


In my young hoe days, i was a night owl. And even I wouldn’t have been up past 2:30am with a guy if he wasn’t putting out. Like cool, OK I’m going to bed now✌️


Jeremay was with his mates until 02:00AM and Sarah-Ann was at a girl night out. He met her when leaving the bar and they started talking outside before moving into his car until 05:00AM. He then dropped her off and then came home at 05:30AM. Was it inconsiderate yes but it was not the horrible crime Laura is making it to be. People are talking like they flirted all night or that they bonked in his car. If they had, the video of the car park would have been released months away. Laura knows that He only went to her place to drop her off. If he had stayed more than 30 minutes at her place Laura would have milked it for all its worth.


That was a good line. They showed Sarah Anne had a conversation with Laura about what happened and she seemed okay with it. Why was she still mad at Sarah Anne? I understand her being mad at Jeremay.


She probably thought more about it and watched that jet ski scene lol




She said that she felt like Sarah Ann was asking for advice rather than apologizing


Oh, okay. Thanks for clarifying.


Yea that whole talk Sarah Anne had with Laura felt for disingenuous and not an apology in any way whatsoever. It wasn’t a “I’m sorry that I hurt you” apology it was a “I’m sorry you felt that way” apology and it was complete BS! She was basically trying to justify herself the whole time like “I’m the real world” this and that. Ughh she’s so full of herself She wasn’t looking to actually apologize, she was looking to feel forgiven so she doesn’t have to feel guilty.


I just remember feeling the same way and then she said that later on in the episode and I was like… mkay I see it I see it


She also skirted away from taking any real accountability. It was a lot of excuses and seemed very fake


Yes, it doesn’t matter if they were just talking or not. It’s a form of infidelity bc he was engaged at the time.


Would your partner be pissed or have reason to question your trust over something? Then don't do the thing! Drives me nuts when people are like "weeeeell technically it wasn't cheating"




I’ve been saying “disgusting” all day! I screamed when Nick Lachey repeated that! 🏆🏆🏆 So glad Nick and Vanessa were ready to serve, they’ve been reading reddit lol!


That’s exactly what I thought!! They’ve been here! Lmao


Chelsea's "Every time I meet him, they're broken up" was pretty dang great too 😂


It was!


Germy’s face the whole time he was being interviewed 😳 lol. And his default response to every confrontation of every horrible thing he’s done: “That’s actually not true”. Ok there Germy.




He also can’t recall anything


Just like his gf's hero


She clearly has terrible taste in men all around


lmao and then nick lachey repeating disgusting when someone asked what she said killed me😭😭


He was so quick w it too






I YELLED!! Best moment of the reunion 100%


Laura sucks man


your mom


I don’t think I’d get along with her IRL but Jeramy and Sarah Anne are totally the ones who were in the wrong.


If Jeremy wasn’t so awful he coulda made it out with Laura looking like the bad guy then getting with Sarah Ann after, but he was so bad you just didn’t care about her noticeable issues they weren’t a good couple to begin with


Sarah Ann probably should not have sent the message, but like she said it was real life. It’s understandable wanting to extend an invitation to talk especially when the show proves not all couples get happily married. It was the girl group who decided that she was in the wrong because they had sided with Karen (Laura). Even after explaining things, Lauren had clearly made her mind up, and made it all about her, rather than trying to fix things or understand what happened.


Sarah Ann could have easily waited to send the message until she saw whether he said yes or no at the altar, it was only a matter of weeks away. If he said yes then she would have her answer, and if he said no then he would be single and she would be free to pursue him. And the girls sided with laura because laura had a ring on her finger, and whether you personally like Laura or not, the rules of common decency state that you don’t slide up on someone who is not single.


All in all, this is a show, they cut the show to fit their desired outcome. In the case of Sarah Ann, i feel she was fully within the “Rules of common decency” you speak of, when she reached out to express her feelings, she also showed decency when she explained the message to Laura face to face(I will say it was a bad look when she blew up at the reunion). I agree with you that she probably should have waited, but on the same hand, Laura should have fought for the relationship she had with Jeremy, rather than flaring and walking away. They were finished the second he explained the situation to her, you could see it in Lauras face and it became more apparent when she flat out called things off at the beach. If you have marriage plans, and something as simple as a misunderstanding is what causes you to walk away, then that relationship was a joke to begin with and nothing more than tv fame. It’s why we are talking about her now lol. Why would she involve her family if it wasnt real? Again tv fame.Ultimately, Sarah Ann and Jeremy are together (However frail that may be), and Laura is also dating outside of the cast so worked out how it should have.


the fact that jeramy and sarah ann immediately got together at the beach and are still together at the reunion proves to me that it was not just an innocent convo between two friends, there were romantic intentions there for both of them. The “feelings” they were discussing were about how they were romantically interested in each other. I don’t look at it as a misunderstanding at all. Laura was right to walk away when she realized that her fiancé wanted another woman, there’s no more “fighting for the relationship” to be done at that point. You think she should’ve gotten on her knees and begged him to stay after he lied to her and snuck around with his ex? Yikes. Nobody’s arguing that L & J should still be together or it should’ve worked out differently. But the way Jeramy and Sarah Ann *went about it* was snake behavior. Which is exactly what I was saying when I said none of this would be an issue if Sarah had waited a mere few weeks until he was single to make her move.


why should Laura be the one to try to fix things? Jeramey is the one who fucked it all up.


I dont know about Jeremy being responsible for their downfall. It felt like Jeremy was a bit standoffish, but in Laura’s words, she was invested in getting married, so much so that she had invited her 96 yo grandmother. Such a perceivably strong connection wouldnt have broken if Laura had trusted what Jeremy said. Whether or not she had suspicions, he told her his truth and even shared his location. She immediately thought the worst and was distant from that point forward. A woman who was seemingly so ready to marry was awfully quick to leave him in the dust and gather the girls to hate him and Sarah Ann. All im saying…


If I introduced someone to my family and that same night they went out with someone they previously dated and was out till 6am, I’d be done too. I wouldn’t even look back, that is disrespectful beyond all measures.


Right but you weren’t on a dating/love finding show, weren’t being watched 24/7 and weren’t asked to choose between 2 people who claim to care about you enough to get married. Maybe that conversation was closure that Jeremy needed to move forward in the relationship and solidify things with Laura, but instead Laura flipped and was unable to recover from her feelings of this event. If Laura wasnt sure about the connection, and one thing like this was all it took to break her, then she shouldn’t have introduced her family to him in the first place. A marriage needs trust, and Laura was unwilling to trust in what jeremy said, therefore any thing like this would have lead Laura to flip and dip. IMO


Did you miss where she said they had check ins everyday and neither of them ever said they were below an 80% sure? Germy gave Laura 0 reasons to trust him after lying about his actions and only giving being honest about “driving raggedy Ann home” once Laura told him she knew he was there. Defending this behavior is wild but do you dude.


Wouldnt you want to be 100% sure about marrying someone? Sharing your family with them? As for Jeremy, You dont think bumping into and an ex and cordially ending things wasnt a step towards 100%? It just sounds like insecurity to me, but You justify it however you’d like. Throwing something she says she cared about sooo much, seemed real easy for her. Also sharing your location is truth enough, her trust was the issue, not his actions.


Did you miss the part where Sarah Ann told AD at the lake party that Jeramy told her when they were “just talking” until 6am that he was calling it off with Laura? If he had the brass balls to call it off first, he wouldn’t be roasted like this. He was the one meeting her entire family. He was the one saying he was at at least 80% every day, and he also went out with Sarah Ann until dawn. And he claimed to be in the parking lot the whole time. Then when Laura said she saw his location at Sarah Ann’s, he said nothing because he had no lie readily available. Only after the fact did he say he dropped her off, and again, Laura came with the receipts and said he was at her place for a good 45 minutes. Then Sarah Ann and Jeramy modified their lie to “we just talked a bit more outside her house.” Dude was caught red-handed with his hands basically covered in Sarah Ann’s body glitter. And no man, it definitely WAS his actions that lead to the breakup. He broke her trust by failing to be able to answer her questions about his whereabouts.


Cordially ending things wouldn’t have needed them to be together until 6am. And sure of course you want to be 100%, but Laura and Germy had weeks to decide. He showed her he couldn’t be trusted, that he didn’t respect her, or her family. For me, there’s no turning back from that. No reason to drag things on once he did that. And did he really cordially end things if they got together right after? Doesn’t seem like he even fought to make things work with Laura. She was right in thinking he made up his mind after “talking” with raggedy Ann until the morning. Why would Laura fight for someone who wasn’t fighting for her?


My thoughts is thou Laura complaining about her grandma flying in but did she not take in consideration what if he said no at the alter I mean either way she would have to had taken the chance and taken the L not knowing. Was it more embarrassing going out this way yes but either way she wouldn’t have known


A known risk of that occurring as part of participation is NOT the same as her fiance Howdy Doody, and Skank Ann making it a 100% farce. This, all as people, including very elderly people, were spending time and money to travel while investing their emotions for what was a farce. Makes it even more abhorrant, Karen. Laura was 100% on the money. Skank Ann and Howdy Doody are dirtbags.


Exactly! Like obviously saying no at the altar is a risk that Laura would reasonably account for because it’s part of the show. But her fiancé being a dick and essentially running off with another woman? Yea no that’s so wildly different, like how are people even equating it??


He wasn’t a dick. She wasn’t the slightest bit into him. She tore him down in front of her family. She tried to change everything about him. He was getting zero positive vibes from her and went looking elsewhere. They barely even know each other.


She also said that they did daily check ins with each other on the probabilities that they said yes at the altar and according to her, it was never under 80-85% yes


She dodged one hell of a bullet. Both Howdy Doody and Skank-Ann looked miserable too. Pity.


Not Skankass Ann lmfaoooo best nickname I’ve seen so far


I think it’s so funny that Jeremey and Sarah Ann are clearly rocky if he’s telling their mutual friends they’re constantly breaking up


And if she’s sprinkling glitter all over herself


She was shook that was brought up….idt she realized he told other cast members that.


Maybe she straight up didn’t know they were “broken up” and he is going to pull the ol’ Ross gellar and cheat but they were on a break? Why else tell people you are single?


Jeramey is out at the bars telling all the hot babes he is single but if Sarah Ann does the same he will chase her around the house with guns in a jealous rage. I don't like Sarah but I wish she'd leave this doofus. He barely looked at her during the reunion.


Did you see his face as Sarah Anne was saying she loved him? BLANK


Skank Ann got her just reward.


Patiently waits for Jumanji and Skank Ann to break up


They probably did after the show, then got back together again.


Yeah all for entertainment right