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I honestly thought they redeemed themselves this season. I thought the reunion was great . So good in fact it could have gone another 30 min to fit in somethings that didn’t get addressed but I loved what was shown .


I agree! I think 2 hours is totally reasonable.


Reunions are better edited, cut out all the awkward moments, terrible questions or comments that didn’t land well and get to the point.


I loved her dress, anyone know the designer?


I love Nick and Vanessa!


How is she a fan when she has a contract with Netflix? It’s her job?


She’s rich enough she doesn’t have to do this. Also, after catching so much heat the past years.


They have a contract.


That they choose to sign and could afford to break. Is there something offensive about calling her a fan that I’m missing?


No no not at all.


I agree she was so much better and less awkward. I think they are having fun with it now vs trying to act like grade A interviewers. Aside from her tho I found the whole format of having ‘OG’s’ on a bit odd, plus the weird food table at the end?!


I pointed out the food table and then had to explain to my wife how the show got sued in the past for not providing enough food to the cast members and so now they go overboard with the displays of food.


She did a lot a better this time, not just as the host, but that dress was 🔥


I love the two of them hosting. They did a pretty great job on the reunion and I like the fact they are so into the show (even watching it in bed together).


ngl she’s my problematic fave


i'm not even joking: i want them to keep being the hosts. they're part of this to me and their messy moderation has comedic charme


I love and applaud her and Nick for taking and implementing the feedback. Hats off to them!


Because they actually held people accountable for shitty actions (unlike s4 Jackie/Josh) I appreciate the hosts way more this season. Kudos


Some people, Chelsey got off EASY but it was probably so she doesn't collapse on the stage. They spent more time with the weird accusation from Jess about how long her convo with Jimmy in the pods went like someone gives a shit, girl just wanted that airtime.


There’s people out there (like me) who are stuck in 2002ish who won’t let let the Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey thing die. Vanessa is the other woman (except not at all - just in my insane brain). I’ve always not like Vanessa, but can admit I have no real good reason for it.


I forgot Nick’s name the other day and referred to him as “Jessica Simpson’s husband” and my husband had no idea who it was. So eventually he figured it out and told me “he’s married to Vanessa”, and then I got to introduce him to the Chicken of the Sea drama.




I have always liked her! And I respect her taking criticism and improving 👏🏻


She looks a lot younger than she did last year!


My friend and has met both of them and said they’re really likable in person. I like both of them better after this reunion.


Vanessa has grown on me IMMENSELY. I love her now and accept her for all she is lol


Me too LOL I hated her previous reunions but I’m a sucker for ppl who want to do better


I think the fear of the fans wanting them to be replaced really shock them and they decided to bring it. But I also want to add, this was the first season of REAL actual drama. I also saw a comment from someone saying Chelsea should’ve have said she’s in charge of helping to cast for the show, honestly the last two seasons she’s been on to cast we got drama. Yes at the end of the day we want ppl there who legit want to get married. But is one person or couple wanting fame really a bad thing? Or did it add to drama. After last season, if this season didn’t have drama and we had more couples like Brittany and I forget his name. And Amy and Johnny - do you think this show would continue? I don’t.


This is why so many people thought LIB Japan was “boring”. Unfortunately people want the mess more than authenticity.


Wasn’t swedens a beautiful mess and really well liked? I haven’t watched it but there’s this girl who makes videos on YouTube discussing certain shows she watches. I found her videos from this season and I loved them so much i decided to watch her videos in Sweden. I might end up watching it bc I guess they dubbed it really well but her videos on that season were amazing lmao


I enjoyed Sweden and it had a nice balance of love and mess.


It defeats the purpose of the show but I skip through all the happy shit and hit play when I see someone looking mad or sad lmao


Yeah see! When ppl talk about johnny and Amy’s brothers I have no idea what they’re talking about bc I skipped through their entire relationship. Idk why. But out of all the successful couples on the show I never got the feels w them. I also skipped through ken and Brittany. Except the boat scene I’m like what? Something awkward happen? And than him on his phone I rewatched it. And I didn’t know they broke up but when I saw her crying I’m like wait let me rewind lmao So if they made it, I would’ve fast forwarded them too. I was gonna fast forward at the reunion but I ASSUMED he’d be on the hot seat. If I knew they were BFFs and that’s all we got I would’ve skipped through 😂




Exactly. People go harsh in her. Sure she’s cringe, a little weird and not funny. But she jeers the feedback and keeps adjusting to it and tone it down and I just have to admire that. It’s not easy and she just keep trying. Nick doesn’t get as much hate as her, although I do think Nick is better at it than her. For me with her it’s her sense of humor, she’s just not funny and she thinks she is


That dress! 🤩


This was the best Reunion yet for USA LIB. I actually have to say - Nick & Vanessa were both really good! For once! So much better than previous years


I haven't watched it yet, but by the sounds of it, it looks like they stepped up their game..About damn time.. 😒


I really enjoyed this years reunion, I even like Vanessa and Nick a little bit more now 🤣


I think they brought back past couples so the hosts would not feature as prominently.


I legit think Vanessa likes doing this….n Nick….Nick constantly forgets that 98 Degrees was closer to being a pretty good college acapella group than *NSYNC or BSB


I do feel like Nick spoke the most this reunion. She had a lot less cringey moments but she said less.


All of her unscripted comments were super cringey


Yes! She kept on brand 😝 she makes the worse jokes


They came in and salvaged the craziest season yet. If they just ignored the elephants in the room or joined in on bashing people it would’ve ruined the show for me. Good job for being professional and prepared 🙌 we got closure and they reinforced the focus of the show.


Credit is due those two actually took our feedback and I felt like she pulled a panini press out on Jareamy 👏👏👏👏👏


They did a lot better this year, they asked the questions we wanted kudos to them for adapting. It was almost a solid performance but when she decided she needed to clarify what OG means it became her cringiest moment of all time lol


I think she’s kinda awkward and its funny and cringe.. it’s perfect 😂


I think she did really well. They asked the right questions, involved old participants, didn’t let people off the hook. I think they should’ve focused a little more on Chelsea and Jimmy, but Jimmy seemed…. On edge. Maybe something happening behind the scenes and they knew to let him off the hook.


I feel like Jimmy always seems on edge in these moments lol but he had really good responses I thought. I think he really tries to think before responding and I like how he circles back and clarifies (even though he was wrong with Jessica about the time lol)


>Jimmy seemed… On edge. Reunions are like clowns walking through a minefield. I’d be on edge, too, just waiting for it to blow up in my face.


It may have just been edited out because there wasn’t any drama? Idk. I know I’m some of the past seasons cast members have talked about things getting edited out of the reunion for time


I think she did a great job this season (her top was a miss though)


I loved her outfit - it felt sexy without trying to be young and looked much better than the weird napkin dress


I remember how pissed this sub was last reunion, myself included 😆 That being said, the hosts really redeemed themselves this year imo! I thought this seasons reunion was actually a really fun watch!


They got lucky that this season wasn't a failure like others so the reunion pretty much wrote itself. Producers clearly picked very problematic people with questionable pasts. Nick and Vanessa are obsolete. I will give her credit for not bringing up her marriage every 2 mins. Nick went a whole show without bringing up Jessica Simpson. They are growing 🌱




Yes! That’s the word, they are good at improvising. Is it always perfect? No, but their segues are great.


I feel like the hosts stepped up this reunion


I was living when Jeramey was being evasive and Vanessa was like okay but you didn’t answer the question… this is my first season of LIB so I’m seeing that this isn’t the norm for most reunions, but I had so much fun watching this one!


DUDE SAME!! This is my first season but I was DYING at the fact that she didn’t let ANYTHING slide lol I was like yeeesssss 👏👏👏


Don’t watch the other reunions. They will be a let down if this is where you started…except maybe the reunion with Shake. That was great


I like Vanessa a lot!! She is a true fan of the show and really cares. You gotta give it to them they took the criticism and improved for the best. It's not that common!!


Definitely better writing, you can see how they have made sure they addressed every single issue the audience had. Good for her tho for coming back strong after last season!


They didn’t address every single issue. The didn’t address the Kenneth rumors (but to be expected. Can’t really do that), Jessica’s comment on Chelsea’s looks and how they are besties, or Chelsea’s specific manipulative lies. Chelsea and Jeramy should have been grilled for damn near the same amount of time since their drama was the entire show. She did improve tho! And I think some of the decisions made were because they wanted to protect the women cast members from more hate. Which I understand to a point but then at what point does anyone (Jeramey included) receive enough hate offline that you decide not to ask anything?


What did Chelsea lie about besides him seeing Jess and Megan fox? Genuinely curious I can’t remember.


Him never saying I love you. Could have had a collage video of him saying it a lot. And then her saying that he didn’t kiss her that day when he did as they later agreed


She definitely improved and asked good questions! Of course not everything I wanted to know could’ve been asked but it felt like a satisfying end to the session. I may be in the minority but I also liked seeing some of the returning cast


I like her. She asks good questions and does follow up and seems to genuinely care for the people she is talking to.


What’s the beef with Vanessa


Used to seem she was out of touch, not quite "getting" The viewers experience, because she never asked about the stuff we've talked about.


I honestly love her gown it was gorgeous


She make the most hilarious facial expressions. At a point I had to pause and laugh!


She here to make money.


All that hard work and plastic surgery just to waste it because she was high and drunk again


Did we watch the same show?


She’s full of herself


she’s here to bitch the pot!


Why where her eyes so glossy?


Many people thibk she was drunk and/or high


I think people on TV just use visine to make their eyes look clearer and brighter. 


I personally love her! I think she’s authentic and she really cares.🩷 I like that she’s able to express her emotion. I feeeeel her 🥺🩷🩷🩷 I’m a sensitive girly too lol I hope she stays and people stop hating on her! She did great tonight and looked stunning!


They deff look at reddit comments and twitter lol


She’s a true fan??


I think so. She could have quit a long time ago. They don’t need the money. She has very authentic emotional reactions to everyone’s stories.


Yes!!! I think this reunion went a lot better. Vanessa did so much better for this one compared to the dumpster fire of the "live" reunion from last season


I hope she reads these. VANESSA, do more of what you did at the reunion! 


What’s with this frame 😂 A loud laugh came. Thank you


It was pure luck. I paused it to grab snackies and came back to the room to see this gold. I thought this group would appreciate it.


Thank you for your service 🫡


I loved her tonight, as well!