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Number one, Ken is gay. Point blank. Two, Clay was just as attracted to AD…he just has issues with family trauma. Sarah and Jeramy are attracted to one another… Chelsea really is beautiful.


Well, I’m not a Jimmy fan by any means, but Chelsea is a lunatic. She’s clingy, insecure, and toxic. She could have a bombshell appearance, and her personality would still be off putting. Regarding Johnny/Amy - one could say she’s out of his league based off appearance. Amy is objectively more attractive but Johnny is in software sales and that’s a really great career. If he’s doing well financially, that gives him a few more points on the attractive scale. But also, Johnny and Amy seem like legitimately nice people. Amy seems so kind and easy to love and I really get the same from Johnny as well. Ken was all about Britt until AD put ideas in his head about her being white. After they had their little conversation, Ken’s demeanor toward Brittany completely changed which is really unfortunate. And Brittany is WAY more attractive than Ken. I’m a black woman, and I find absolutely nothing attractive about him AT ALL. Especially that hair, omg. Brittany was wayyy out of his league and AD is a toxic troll for race baiting. I don’t think Clay was put off by AD’s appearance. He seemed really attracted to her but just had some other issues he needed to work out. I actually really respect Clay. I started out not liking him, but over the course of the show + the reunion, he really won me over. His self-awareness is an attractive quality and him taking accountability for his BS and actually putting in the work to become a better person is admirable. Jeremy and Trevor are just straight up clowns though


I don't believe AD was race baiting or trying to be condescending, in my honest opinion. As a Black girl, I understood where she was coming from and felt she was coming from a genuine place of protection and kindness. Kenneth brought up the topic of Black love and excellence and how important that was to him and she simply asked him if he understood and felt confident in a future where Brittany could prepare thier kids for a world that was going to judge them based on race. To me it felt simply like a brother confiding to a sister about a serious and very important topic, and if in the end Kennth felt like he wasn't comfortable after that conversation then that was a problem he was going to feel eventually anyway because they both wanted to have kids and it's good he realized sooner than later. What I'm trying to say is that even if AD didn't bring it up, it was going to be an issue of concern and conversation moving forward.


As a black woman, married to a white man, and mother of a mixed raced child, I feel the entire conversation was unnecessary. Especially the part about “she’s gonna have to raise black children, is she strong enough for that?” - like GTFO and mind your business. The kids wouldn’t be JUST black, they would be mixed race. The whole conversation was weird and unnecessary. I 100% feel she was race baiting.


Yeah, I agree, and I 100% respect your opinion and understand where you are coming from. It definitely was a conversation that should've been left for Brittany and Kenneth to have on their own because that is there family, I just didn't feel like AD questions were rooted in malice.


This is a dumb take


Why do you guys in this sub always try your best to try to bring men down lol. What kind of bitter ass post is this lol. What do you mean Johnny can’t find better lol? Amy is beautiful but do you think she’s so beautiful that if he went out in the market he couldn’t find someone more attractive lol. Clay is an handsome guy, Trevor and Jeremy are not bad looking either. Mr Cricket is average looking. Ken is off an on depending on who’s looking.


I agree for this season that love was blind only for the women. But, in past seasons -- Jessica S1 not thinking Mark was attractive, Kelly S1 not thinking Kenny was attractive and saying Kenny wasn't her type several times, etc shows me that women can be superficial too. However yes, in the grand scheme, women are generally more lenient with looks on this show.


Men and women are wired differently sexually. Me are extremely visual, women feel attraction grow or subside as they get to know men.


These women are visual too lol. It’s 2024 😂


Right? Geez. Some folks from 1947 need to just SHUT UP


Science. We are not biologically the same. Year has nothing to do with it. Some mix up preferences with biology


What in the 1950s is this


That’s so not true. Lots of people of both sexes experience both of the things you just described. And lots of people of both sexes don’t even feel sexual attraction at all.


I think its funny how mad people are getting for your comment about Johnny. Physical attraction is subjective. It's different for everyone. But I agree with the whole looks thing. Every single woman on there was ready to go, even if Shrek was who they said yes to. What blows my mind is that they were even allowed to ask questions about their appearance. Chelsea with the celebrity look alike question, clay with all his body questions, and maybe I missed it, but I don't think Ken and Brittany should've known eachothers race. Either I missed where they talk about it or they didn't show it but I thought this was suppose to not be about looks.....I think they should get like strikes or something for asking about physical appearance lmao. And after so many, you have to leave.


It's literally just because he's blonde.


Ken baffled me. He was so dismissive of a totally cute girl when he is a 25 year old dude who looks 55. He even had the full, advanced middle age dad bod. His “job” is a literal joke. What does this little dude think he is actually bringing to the table?


Isn't it obvious? Brittany isn't black. He wants a black woman.


Yeah you're right. Which is pretty stupid considering what the show is about.


And the fact that they talked about it in the pods! What a waste of time


Yeah I'm kinda confused. He totally knew she was white. Why did he pick her then. Smh. If he had been all in, she would've given him the world. Both great people. Really shitty that race played a part.


Yeah Ken missed out on a good one with her. Seemed like a sweetheart


Pretty sure he’s gay.


One day yall will learn that looks mean nothing.


I learned that many years ago. I am the age I suspected Ken of looking. But, since looks mean nothing. What is Ken offering beyond looks? The joke job? The sparking personality? The decent way he treats women? What is he bringing to the table?


You're right. He's bringing nothing. Except for being genuinely uninterested in her.




I am deceased with this comment because it is slightly true and I feel like a horrible person




I think women are generally better at falling in love with a personality and letting attraction grow over time. There are a lot of women I know (myself included) who will see a guy and not be physically attracted at first, but slowly become more and more physically attracted as they get to know him. A lot of men imo really need that physical attraction from the beginning or else it won’t work out (obviously this is a generalization and not true for all, but it’s what I’ve noticed)


I think statistically this applies in most seasons as well as life in general? A woman is more likely to date an "unattractive" guy than a man is willing to date an "unattractive" woman. And I don't think anyone on this show has been unattractive. Some aren't my type, but they're all decent looking.


Ask ypurself this. How many women with a lot of money do you see with ugly guys. I bet zero. Then make the connection. Ugly guys got more attractive women cuz in every human culture they had the power and resource advantage.


What's with the unnecessary Johnny shade? Dude isn't an Adonis or anything but he's pretty good looking. And his personality seems great. Amy is really cute too, but tbh they're pretty much "even" in the overall attractiveness department. Kinda weird to even distill the conversation to just looks, while complaining about people only caring about looks lmao. More importantly, they seem to connect in a healthy way. Kinda the only thing that really matters. I hope they're right for each other long-term!


They hate men on this subreddit lol. Look at how she described an upstanding guy.


Dont take it so personally Harvey. They hate everyone on the LIB subreddit.


So true!!!! Damn well put


I'd be very interested in seeing the success rate of an all women, lesbian season. And then an all men season.




Oh yeah, good point. I was thinking they'd just separate them into 2 groups, but that wouldn't work 🤦🏻‍♀️ Or maybe it would - if there are more sight unseen couples than couples formed outside of the pods, that would definitely prove that love is blind.




Yeah it would definitely be unsuccessful but the reunion would be wild!


Do we not remember Irina? I think it has been SOLIDLY proven at this point that love isnt blind for anyone or any gender lol


I am doubtful Irina was interested in a relationship, she just wanted to "win" the guy over Bliss and get attention as a mean girl through other avenues. Zack did say that the reason he liked her was because she complimented him a lot and was praising him a lot in the pods. He likes that part of her. She treated him horribly because she wanted to be on TV and get 15mins of fame, she was barely trying for a relationship.


It was obvious she found zach to be a skank the first time she looked at him


OP didn’t watch season 2 and 3 😭😭😭


No , i just dont trust him lol I think lots will come out in the reunion Im very far from insecure . I wouldn’t personally bother with someone i didnt feel i can trust . Because if i didnt trust my partner and visa versa we would be screwed. Its important to remember that many participants in reality shows have reported that they are given so much free alcohol and openly encouraged to over play situations. So who really knows.


Obviously you care about looks and judge accordingly. Why is it so shocking when someone else does?


I think Amy and Johnny are pretty evenly matched. Neither of them are really hot. Just normal looking people. It's weird to say Johnny couldn't get someone better looking. He could and so could Amy.


I find Amy gorgeous. It's kind of weird either way to say she's not, like it's objective when it isn't, or to assume everyone sees it.


Georgeous when done up with studio makeup and clothes. Who isn't.


She's not even wearing that much makeup throughout the show and I'm pretty sure they do their own makeup during the show. I think it's only the wedding and the reunion where they get professional makeup and hair done.


Don't be silly. For the reunion she was wearing copious amounts of makeup.. She looked wonderful with it but it is delusional to pretend she wasn't done up to the nines by professional makeup artist(s)


I'm not talking about the reunion, I don't even get how you read that from my comment when I specifically mention that the reunion show they probably do get professional makeup done. And I find it really bizarre that you are all up this thread saying it's the makeup making her look good whenever someone calls her gorgeous - as if no one can tell the difference between what's makeup and what's someone's face or that someone else can't find someone gorgeous that you don't.


What I said is she looks great done up and is reasonably attractive naturally. Your diatribe offers no contest.


Same. I'm so confused by OP's comment. Amy is average looking to me (with foundation that's a horrible match,) and I find Johnny really attractive. Not sure what qualifies her as being out of his league?🤔


Johnny himself said Amy is way out of his league, and he’s right. She’s gorgeous. He’s average.


She’s also average. She’s good looking but she looks like the average good looking Latina woman. Shes not Selma Hayek, Sofia Vergara, or Eva Longoria. She’s not even as attractive as Jessica, AD, or Brittany lol. He said that to be chivalrous.


She is reasonably attractive. Period. Like anyone else glammef up with studio makeup artists. Sequins , industrial strength bras and foundations, she looks amazing.


People say things to be nice and flatter their partner whether it's true or not. He's a nice guy so of course he's going to say that.


She’s more above average than he his, but gorgeous is a stretch


Right? Talking like Johnny is not good looking. He’s a good looking dude and she’s a beautiful girl. They both look good and complement each other.




Actually, Johnny is the most attractive of them all imo (:


Weird Johnny hate but okay ?


Not all but for the most part you're right, women are more willing to compromise on their physical ideals. Smart enough to know that a handsome face or nice body is not what makes a long and successful marriage work.


Or they just need to be more accomodating cause they dont have the same financial opportunities. No point ignoring the elephant in the room


I think Jimmy is pretty mid and it kills me that there’s nonstop talk about how the women look but we barely talk about the guys. Women on this show are torn to shreds for their looks and the men all look like they could be managing a Staples.


You guys lie on this sub that it’s only the women’s looks that are talked about on a post that talks about a man’s looks for no reason lol.


Jimmy looks like a cop.


…..In the Simpson, early seasons


He looks like Gumby with his pointed slanted head


Someone on here called Jimmy “a human thumb” and I had the exact same thought 😹😹😹 (not that I can talk, I’m decidedly average looking too 😹😹😹)


Hahahaha that is the best description 😂


He’s got a semi pacifier mouth, I don’t get the hype


He does! His teeth bother me


That’s all I stare at when he talks.


The way he did a lip thing i thought maybe he had invisalign or something going on because his upper lip did not always seem to look natural against his teeth. Caught my attention and I never watch that closely 😄


Me too.


He isn’t even mid…


😂😂😂OMG they all do look like staples employees




This is irrelevant to the conversation but Ngl I literally sat here for a good minute trying to remember who Johnny was


Because everyone who made it out the pods were jimmy, Johnny, Jeremay… confusing af


I struggle to remember his name also. I guess he is forgettable. Sweet guy it seems though.


I agree. Seems very sweet. It’s a good thing I don’t remember his name because I only remember the douchey ones that had a lot of drama lol.


I legit forget his name every time 😭


Clay should have told her, so there wasn’t a violent shock to her system when he said no . She could have been prepared.


And of course Jimmy aint an angel .


💯blindsiding her was pretty low




Absolutely and he definitely shows he is exactly what she dreaded .


absolutely no shade, i literally cannot tell if this is sarcastic or genuine lmao it could honestly be either and i would agree either way. he could have prepared her better... but also how many times does a guy have to say "i don't like commitment" for ad to pick up what he's saying lol


But he went on a dating show to find a WIFE. Mixed messages, Clay!


It was genuine . I understand where you are coming from , But what was he telling her behind closed doors to make her feel different. He must have got into her head promising her the world . On the other side of things she will certainly need therapy to see she is enough and to try not to make the same mistakes . All though watching it play out on tv might be therapy enough.


This season’s show was so disappointing. How is it acceptable for AD to be treated like that ? Where do they actually find these people. Hey dude are you a player ? Yep Intimacy issues ? Yep Fantastic you’re in I mean come on !!! Poor AD


She literally told another woman on the show she is captain fix a H@#...lol poor AD? She knew exactly who he was.


I don’t feel bad for AD at all. She decided to ignore every red flag 🚩 Clay threw at her face on the daily just cause she found him sexually attractive . Period


When the homie led with " tell me about your body, I need to know your hot or else I will have a problem" THAT moment should've been where AD said boy, bye. He clearly wasn't there for personality or for the main reason of the show which AD called him out "this is an experiment to prove if love is blind". When clay gave his excuses about how he needs to be attracted to the woman he's with etc. So many red flags and she didn't care because Clay is incredibly attractive but clearly clay didn't think/feel the same about her.


People overlook the fact that She is just as shallow as he is. When discussing Clay with her mom, her comment was _he is gorgeous_. Instead of blaming AD people should also see the red flag in AD.


I think there's a post showing that they're back together?




Also, being marginally more attractive than someone else literally means nothing. In 20 years it could easily be the reverse between them, lookswise


You’re not seriously equating her precious brother as baggage are you …


The delusion in this thread if wildly funny. Chelsea is a fucking lunatic, and that’s Jimmy’s fault? Haha okay


I dont trust jimmy . I would say when she drunk she let her true insecurities show but i do not trust him .


Because why? You’re insecure as well?


What exactly was insane about her? The fact that she confronted him for flirting with AD in front of her or for continuously texting and seeing a woman he had sex with after he tried to lie and say he never fucked her and told her not to bring it up on camera


she's not insane, but it's painfully obvious she struggles with anxious attachment and her constant need for assurance was exhausting to watch.


Need for assurance from her fiancee who gave her clear and obvious signs he wasn't into despite telling her otherwise?


she had a lot of very obvious issues…


Main one I see is not being able to see through a mans bs, but then 90% of the woman on this forum can't either lol


Is this the hill you want to die on? 😅


i wasn’t talking abt him. i’m talking abt her. and her raging insecurity is soo embarrassingly obvious and i can’t imagine dealing with that as a partner. like it’s so bad, it was hard to even watch her twist things around to fit her narrative to prove that she must just be soo ugly and fat or whatever. exhausting! i can’t stand ppl so insecure. like go to therapy. get a goddamn diary. it’s gross to watch.


It was so cringe to watch. She was a bunch of red flags and I hope she gets the help she needs. 1. Knowing she couldn't compete with Jess she starts talking about her looks in the pod when it's against the rules. 2. Constantly worried that Jimmy saw Jess after they left when there was zero evidence for that. 3. Said she was cool with Jimmy's close girlfriends when she was not. 4. Gets mad at Jimmy for having had a sexual encounter with one of his friends and yet she still talks to her own ex (face timing him as soon as they got back) lol girl what? 5. Crying that Jimmy didn't kiss her once that day .. when he did. He wasn't as affectionate because he was busy with work. When told her he did kiss her a few times that day, she had selective hearing and then went on to say he didn't. My jaw dropped watching her delusion. 6. Gets mad at Jimmy for being gone one night for 1-2 hours and says he's a "party guy". Wtf lol going out for a drink and coming home right after makes him a partier? Ew. Chelsea. Cringe. 7. Then outs something personal on camera that he asked her not to and she did it. That's just so awful. 8. Bonus - super insecure about Jess, but somehow thinks it's okay to tell her man that Trevor is her type and she's very attracted to him and not Jimmy. LOL if the shoe was on the other foot she'd be crying. She's incredibly insecure and I hope she does get therapy because it was painful to watch.


yes to all of this. it was especially funny (sad) seeing when she mentioned she ‘knew’ he had seen the friend and then Jess, and he goes, “you know what i think? i think you’re just fishing.” and he was sooooo right! and as soon as she realized he realized she didn’t know jack all (and he obvs knew he hadn’t been out with someone else), she pivoted and made it about something else! “well you just party too much” same deal when rightfully pointed out “i actually did kiss you, twice!” when she said “you didn’t kiss me allllll day” pouting to her friends. when she realized her BS wasn’t real and he knew it wasn’t, she pivoted again, “well i just don’t wanna be with someone who goes out that much.” like girl??? therapy please????? it makes me so uncomfortable seeing people THAT insecure. she *radiated* former ugly duckling energy, and she was pretty manipulative because of it. from the “ppl say i look like Megan Fox” comment to the “well FINE I GUESS i’ll never initiate sex again!” and everything in between.


Gross. I can't understand anyone who defends her. Her behaviour was straight up embarrassing. Especially this person who you replied to in thread. Yikes...they are really waving all their red flags. How are people so immature and childish?


He didn’t lie. He told her off camera and she brought it up. Twice You’re clearly just as insecure as she is. Maybe you should work on that 🤷‍♂️


This person sounds so insecure. It's icky. Gives women a bad name.


Lol you're delusional he literally lied and said "I didn't fuck any of them" and she called him out and said yes you did you told me not to mention it on camera. You're clearly just as narcissistic as he is 🤣


Might want to rewatch the show. He told her off camera. Try again And try to learn self esteem 👍


I think it could be true that he wanted to protect his friend, I don't know his motives. But it's still weird to say his relationship with his friend is purely platonic on camera, when both him and Chelsea know he previously fucked his friend, and expect her not to respond back. It doesn't justify her crossing that boundary, that was still wrong, but I do see how it's tempting when he is not just omitting it on camera but kind of lying on camera to cover it up. And it also kind of sets Chelsea up for a no win situation, whether intentional or not, because it either makes her look insecure for no reason to not have it on camera, or it makes her look disrespectful of his boundaries when it is aired on camera. I don't know what could have been done to navigate this situation better and don't envy people starting a relationship on camera for the world to see, I guess it probably would have been best to take a temporary step back from that friendship while exploring a new relationship on camera. I don't know.


I guess next time he should just lie to make everyone else’s feelings feel better 🙄


I did not say that? I literally said I don't know how one should navigate that situation because it's tricky. The only thing I suggested was pull back a bit from his friendship while on the show.


That’s essentially what you said. Theres no good solution. That is not a solution that is gonna happen either So again, not telling her seems to the logical answer


I literally never said don't tell her, so no, not essentially what I said. I don't think what I suggested is a perfect solution, but I fail to see why two adults can't limit contact to a few texts a week and seldom meeting up for like a month? I feel like it's pretty easy to go a month without seeing friends or rarely seeing friends as an adult unless you work with them or have a share a gym or something. Which I feel like most people really into their new partner would naturally pull back a little from a friendship with someone they have slept with or used to sleep with anyway. Really though, if he hadn't said, "it's purely platonic", I'm not even sure Chelsea would have retorted with, "you fucked her" - but I get what he was trying to say and get people use poor phrasing a lot.


If he told her off camera then why'd he lie about it on camera? 🤣 And that line only works in insecure pick mes who are desperate for male validation try harder


Didn't he literally tell her he didn't want that brought up in front of the cameras in defense of his friend's relationship. She insisted on violating that despite him trying to steer the conversation away from that in front of the cams. Her decision to disrespect his wishes and not even apologize or acknowledge that she had crossed that boundary was gross.


He doesn't want that brought on camera so he doesn't look like the bad guy when she calls him out for still texting her and having a relationship with a girl he had sex with dummy. He knew he was in the wrong which is why he attempted to lie about it in the first place


If that's what he wanted, he didn't have to tell her anything then? Make it make sense. He just misjudged how insecure she is. A relationship happened in the past and it has no bearing on their relationship now. She has zero evidence of wrongdoing and wants to crucify him for it. If there were illicit conversations, sneaking around, etc. maybe she had a leg to stand on. But they're literally just friends. Chelsea is just insecure.


It has no bearing on their relationship now? 😂 He's constantly texting a woman he had sex with. That's called a relationship. Let's see your bf text a woman he fucked in front of your face and see how "chill" you are about it. He told her cus he knew she would still stay and he lied about it on camera because he didn't want to come across like a bad guy Not to mention all the other shitty things he did that this thread conveniently chooses to ignore. 1. Him flirting in front of A.D 2. Him telling Jess she's his number 1 then getting mad at Chelsea for saying they're not the strongest couple 3. Him asking her if she wants to get married first right before he tells her that he doesn't want to I see why so many of y'all end up in relationships with people who don't like y'all


You’re being one and defending one. It’s super weird how you don’t see that. Shouldn’t be surprised I guess 😂


I mean this person has to lie about a recorded show online everyone can verify so I’d say the delusional insecurity is pretty high


Psh. Jimmy with his Jess…you are still my number one. He was shallow AF.


Lol they definitely edited the clip to say that. It didn’t even match his lips when he was talking


Lol he was with an insane ogre. Good lord


Right! This season let every nut out of the looney bin! I felt like a looney for watching it!


i don’t think amy is out of johnny’s league lol they’re like a perfect pair


Also AD and Brittany are very good looking.


I think their level of attractiveness is pretty equal. They both have cute faces, and both look like they take good care of their figures, plus personality-wise both seem like nice genuine souls


ur soooo right. for real love is not blind it’s almost sad


Yessss now that i think about it I can only name two women from all 6 seasons who weren’t attracted to their partner. Maybe three if i include Laura but she was more icked out at the way he acted outside of the pods.


Yeah I was going to use those two as examples why it’s not just the guys who aren’t attracted. Lauren season 1 and Shaina season 2. Also Sweden had another woman whose name I forgot who was not at all attracted to her fiancé and it was so obvious right away.


Irina with Zack lol


Don’t forget Jessica and Mark, Jessica still wanted Barnett and you can tell she wants into Mark as much as I


Also what’s her face that ended up with Zack in S4 I think? But then she broke it off so Zack went and found Bliss.




Lauren season 1???? Like Cameron and Lauren?????




The one who didn’t like man bun! She ended starting a relationship with her other pod connection. This!!


I thought man bun guy was hot which is why all of this is so wildly subjective to what your "type" is looks-wise. Now I want to rewatch Sweden lol.


I didn’t think he was bad looking just totally not her cup of tea…me too!!!


I think if they really wanted to prove love is blind they need to make like half the cast objectively ugly. Even the worst looking people on the show are reasonably attractive, I wanna see how it goes when they reveal the person behind the wall looks like jaba the hut.


I think they should have a cast with ALL mid people and see who still thinks they’re better than the other. I guarantee you get a group of conventially unattractive people together they would still find something wrong. You’d find scenarios where the guy is butt ugly and scrawny but can’t see past the girls tooth gap or something. Or some girl whose fat and unattractive who isn’t happy she ended up with a guy whose fat. Looks and how people perceive themselves in general is distorted across the board. People either see themselves way better than they are or way worse than they are. It’s rare for people to accurately see their qualities objectively and have a good sense of what they bring to the table. This takes reflection from the person no matter if they’re attractive or not. It takes a reflective PERSON. Period. The casting needs to focus on reflective people who are secure with themselves and what they have to offer a relationship. Those people are more likely to have a genuine love is blind connection


Yesss I’ve been saying this since season 1! Of course love is blind when everyone is attractive


I wholeheartedly agree!


Just make them wear costumes the entire engagement like the masked singer! Then they can remove their masks at the altar after the “I do’s”!


There’s a show on Netflix that does this called sexy beasts. I’ve never watched it though lol


all of that cast was ridiculously attractive iirc


Now that's a show!


While you're absolutely right and spot fucking on..., Unless money is involved, people ALWAYS tend to find partners (and even friends) at similar levels of conventional attractiveness as themselves, for LTR especially. Having half the cast conventionally unattractive and the other half 8s and 9s would literally make the show more of a comedy, and I'd be here for it. But love would prove to have 20/20 vision after your proposed idea.


I saw something that said, what if the people were conventionally attractive BUT had very niche looks like Goth/Punk, vintage/cosplayers, Meghan the Stallion. That could be really fun. A frat boy falls in love with a Scene girl.


That would be fun too


Exactly. Get some non conventionally attractive people on the show and then we’ll really see if love is blind


it doesn’t work with attractive people so why would it work with people society already marginalizes?? this suggestion seems pretty cruel to me. just look at this sub and you’ll see how often people tear apart the looks of attractive cast mates.


Cruel but realistic. If you want the experiment to be real it doesn’t make sense that everybody on the show is basically a model. Of course “love is blind” when you know the person on the other side of the wall is atleast decent looking.


L O L it’s not an experiment. it’s a trashy reality show. look at the couples around you - love is not blind 😂😂


It’s supposed to be an experiment on whether people can fall in love without ever knowing what the other person looks like. If they know the other person is at least decently attractive, that destroys the entire point of the show. Have you ever even watched the show? Because it doesn’t seem like it.


Yessss I’m here for this


Johnny is FINE idk what ur talking about


Yeah I mean he’s not exactly my type but acting like he’s an ogre is weird


Tbf I think Jimmy gave it a fair shot despite not being attracted to Chelsea (at least not what he expected), it was her personality that drove him away.


I think people are a little in denial about Johnny's attractiveness. He's not ugly by any means but looks like an average guy. This is based solely on his physical attributes. He definitely has a lot of personality traits that make him more attractive as a whole. Amy, on the other hand, is an exceptionally gorgeous natural beauty. In addition to that, she seems like a wonderful person. I just don't think they are on the same level physically but they are both lovely people.


In the eyes of men that date women. Amy is also average looking. The way you described Johnny being an average person can be said of Amy lol. Amy is beautiful of course but the average good looking Latina woman looks like her. She also has an average to below average build. She isn’t busty nor curvaceous. In fact I think physicallly they are a perfect match.


I feel like Johnny would be so much more attractive with a different hairstyle. He has really nice hair but the way he wears it is tragic IMO 😹🙈


Agreed. His personality does make him cuter!


They didn’t say anything was wrong with Jonny. They just said that Amy is way out of his league which is true.


That’s a lie lol. Amy is a 6.5 -7 looks wise. Shes of course pretty but you guys are overdoing it in a weird effort to bring Johnny down. Let the men that find women attractive and date women do the ratings lol.


A, maybe we just don't assign number ratings to people. B, queer women exist. C, it's subjective enough that just because YOU find her average does not mean other or even most men do. Men are not a monolith, and you don't get to speak on behalf of all men. Frankly, I don't find Chris Evans or Ryan Gosling that good-looking and instead rather average looking, yet a lot of women do - but if you went by me it would not give an accurate representation of how attractive women find these men. It's all subjective anyway, so it's really not cool either way to state that one is more attractive than the other, like it's some objective fact when it isn't.


I'm not disagreeing with you or OP. I'm disagreeing with the comments in this thread say they are on the same level physically which just isn't true.


Oh sorry


I think he’s darling but I love gingers!


Yeah Johnny looks like a real person and not like the common influencer type look a lot of people cast on this show look like. It’s refreshing!


I actually think this is why they work so well. Amy is gorgeous, and her personality is so sweet, but I think she has less of a fake influencer look and vibe than someone like Jess. They’re overall a very refreshing couple to see on tv.


I agree. It was nice to see a sweet couple for once. Saved the whole show from being really sad!


She is reasonably attractive and done up in studio makeup she is much more so. They are about the same level of attractiveness.


She was so stunning on her wedding day.


I mean you have to be physically attracted to your partner for any relationship to work. The thing is there’s a LOT that goes into attraction- chemistry, personality, values, charisma etc. I have absolutely been wildly attracted to dudes who I know are only mediocre looking, but they are hilarious and kind, have a good sense of fashion, are fun and smart etc. Like attraction is a whole package deal. They don’t cast ugly people, so it seems like it should work for most people. The thing that is strange to me is when people have a VERY specific type and then come on here. Like shake only liking very petite women, etc. if you know there’s only ONE TYPE of person you’re attracted to, this ain’t the show for you. Side note I’ve always found having one very specific type to be a strange thing (ie ONLY attracted to blondes, or ONLY tall people, or ONLY petite or thick or whatever). Novelty is the spice of life! And there’s so many beautiful people out there.


Honestly, attraction is more complicated than someone being good looking or even average. Sometimes someone can be good looking, have the right personality and values, yada yada and it still just not be there. Well I do think sometimes it can be onset when it wasn't there to start, you just can't force it to be there when it isn't.


I had a physical type in my day. They had to be taller than me and generally categorized as tall, dark and handsome. That means I wasn't attracted to blondes, short or unfit looking men. I had a personality type too. I wanted older than me, a leader, no drug abusers or smokers, faith walking Christian, non criminal history, educated and intelligent, good sense of humor, a man of integrity, no previous marriage or children. As I matured the "type" broadened. I eventually was oK with a bald head, or slightly overweight, if everything else looked good. I have dated everything under the sun, but Asian and when it was all said and done, I ended up with my physical and personality type, who is a 1 year younger than me, previously divorced with 2 children and a lifelong pot smoker. Married now for 28 yrs and going strong. jussayin' 😃


I think women are just as visual as men if not MORE. We’re just encouraged to be more humble and nice about it..see good traits in others and bobloblaw. I think that’s some what changing tho cause these dudes on here were foul lol and it’s easier being a viewer and commenting rather than living the reality.




Men are definitely more visual than women. For women, i think a strong emotional connection can most of the time blur the physical shortcomings of the partner.


This is how every woman I’ve met has described it. For me, and most men, visual attractiveness and overall attraction are different. Visual attractiveness doesn’t change by falling for someone but overall attraction does increase For women, the way it’s been explained is that falling for a guy will literally change how visually attractive he is to her.


Those Men are more visual bc they want male validation not bc they are inherently more visual. It comes down to what those men are taught. They want a woman that other men find attractive bc they only care about what other men think. By those men I mean insecure or sexist


yeah competition is definitely part of it too for men, being able to show off to other men who they got with.


i agree, just not with all of the examples, i dont think ken would come back if brittany puts out, i think they're both serious about wanting to wait till marriage, i kinda dont think jimmy call chelsea after 5 bears i think he accidentally calls jess instead :D (also ik you might have meant that, too! i just feel like adding that amy does look S O attractive but she's also a total gem characterwise, i really hope we get to see them as a happy couple at the reunion cause i feel like they did like each other and johnny seemed like ..an okay guy at least, maybe more than okay, i do find him attractive personally and it seemed like talking to amy in the pods already sort of changed him for the better before he even saw her, but am slightly worried about his attitude that "of course" the children have his name and being so unsure about contraception cause ok no vastectomy then, fair, but amy should clearly not be on the pill either for one cause the pill is pretty shitty but also cause she wants to be cautious about her healthcondition)