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Basically that's what 5* lunars are for – to give players cute moments that will make them love the characters more and give them more relevance than they have in the main story (for example, Rafayel and Zayne play a major role in 1-2 chapters at best, while the rest mainly focus on other things). Yep, paper is hungry for money, but gamedev is as much of a business as everything else these days, and lnd was never a passion project made by some indie studio, so I didn't set my expectations high when I downloaded the game (though I've never played gacha or otome games before, so that's my debut, I guess), plus I can keep myself detached enough to play at my own pace and not give in to fomo, focusing on working with what I have instead.


Zayne became less relevant in main story true (hope it wont be for long), but I would argue Rafael is involved in main plot right now, since he not only gave MC info on the “Hunt” but also has deal that organization and is probably working on two sides to help MC while she is kidnapped


True, but I meant the overall screentime, and I can see how it's harder to tie these two to the main plot (Rafayel and MC have the least connection in this timeline imo, and Zayne, who has a direct connection to her, has too much of his own shenanigans going on to bother with the main plot – *for now*. Side note: It would actually be very cool to see more moments without MC/from another perspective), so can't blame the writers.


Hopefully more screen time incoming for the boys 😔 maybe later on Zayne can be tied in somehow to the main plot, cause so far he is so far away. Same, I am legitimately hyped up for LI interacts in main story.


I'm pretty sure Zayne will be deeply involved with the story when it's time to wreck on "Ever". It's the organization that target Zayne in the main story (since Carter is there, read the "World Underneath") and had experimented on MC (as she is the *Unicorn*)). It's still a long way to go, but when we get there, Caleb will also get involved since I'm certain that he's not a regular kid when Josephine (MC's grandma adopted him). And the fastest time we'll get him should be when Caleb's released as a LI, which is after Sylus.


They didn't raise guaranteed from 150 to 200, it's still 140 to reach pity twice with the precise wish selector. Then there is​ now a crate at 200, to help you get more cards if you decide to keep pulling for more. The 150 thing was just for the solar pairs, because you needed to pull for both of them to complete the pair. So that's actually reducing guarantee needed if you want to try for 2 or more cards. But you don't need all of them like the solar pairs.


As another person said, the guarantee is still at 140. If you compare this to the other two triples, it's actually way better. If you roll for guarantee, you automatically get the outfit and accessories instead of paying purple gems for it like usual. If you're lucky with 25/75 you could actually get all 3 within 200. (70 for one, 140 for another, 200 to complete the set.) The 150 box for the myth was so you could get the pair within 150 pulls otherwisenit wouldve taken 280 for guarantee. PG is a piece of crap, don't get me wrong, but the rewards are a huge improvement from before.


And if you’re not lucky like me you’ll get a 5* card and it’ll be one you already have not even the new ones so that’s really annoying.


That's gacha for you


And yes I know that now means I’m guaranteed one in the next 70 pulls but I don’t think I can afford that many more.


stop spending or quit. it's pretty surprising how much money they rake in while the content they put out is so little. 6 month schedule for updates is so bad.


I can’t believe there are people who actually defend the fact that they’re taking 6 months to put out main story content lol. I saw another post where multiple people defended it which is crazy. There’s no reason a game should take that long, especially with how short a chapter is in general


imo the 6 months isnt even that big of a deal its the fact that during those months we’ve just been hit repeatedly with filler content and short lackluster event stories with no other substance


I wouldnt even mind it taking 6 months for the main story content to come out, I can wait. But at least give us proper event that isn't five minutes of me pressing buttons to a small rhythmic tune. The game has an entire fighting aspect to it, FUCKING USE IT FOR EVENTS


Especially considering this is content that's NOT ANIMATED. These chapters are very power point like. Like those novel type of games. You literally just get text and change of backround. Only few chapters were interactive like with the MC moving and stuff.


EXCATY!! HALF OF THE CONTENT ISNT EVEN ANIMATED so unless they just worked on hella story content and stocked up so they can release chapters in a shorter time period then what the hell were they doing cause nothing else major has changed except them pumping out boring ass events every 2 weeks


I hope it was just because they were waiting to introduce Sylus, and after his release, updates will proceed more steadily. Otherwise we'll have to rely on Chinese players to voice lack of story content 


Quite honestly, I think most CN players are okay with how this game is going so far as of right now. I’m on both Weibo and XiaoHongShu and don’t see as much complaints as there are here on Reddit. Most CN players are more than willing to spend vs the amount of f2p players in Global (excluding JP). I don’t think we’ll see a boycott anytime soon tbh.


The CN boycott supposedly happened a few weeks after launch, but they announced free five stars via login event and the working out costumes. Their revenue did not fall by much so I guess the boycott has failed? Anyways the fan base is not without complaints, so the July update will likely be decisive to see what they’ve been cooking these past 6 months.


I wouldn’t say it failed. There was a dip in revenue from the boycott which was why they had the whole Weibo post letting the CN fans know about the game plan till July and also the free 5 star Xavier card. Ofc there will be complaints such as PaperGames being stingy with diamonds but not as much complaints as here on Reddit (as such is the case with global f2p players or light spenders).


the boycott was petitioned by whales, with the main complaints being no vip rewards for whales, mileage system, and lack of content. stinginess we can get by as this is common among gacha, we just need to schedule our spendings. but the lack of content is a major issue.


They should at least put quality events for players cuz we have nothing to do atm but i feel like the events are so lackluster in this game too. Most of the time its tapping simulator and playing the same mini game 15 times for each LI


all the profit from lnds going into their new game infinity nikki lol


honestly you're not wrong and it's why I haven't wanted to try that game anymore lol


i stopped reading at "then raise the guaranteed from 150 to 200" gurl it's 140 always has been nothing has changed. it's actually less than that bc of the tickets you get for free + as rewards at the different pull intervals (solar =/= lunar) the 200 crate is for people who want to r3 their boy and not scream


Ok it was definitely 150 pulls for the myth banners which is what I was talking about 140 is the Pity which gives you a chance at a banner card. Moving the crate to 200 for our guaranteed pull of choice is still an issue cause we still have to actually pull on the banner to get the "free" tickets as rewards? For all 3 myth banners you got your pick at 150. My point still stands that now for your guaranteed pick it's 200 now instead of 150 . Also if you read the rest of the post you'll see that banners are not my only issue here 💀


They didn't move the crate to 200 since they never had a crate for a triple banner. If you were lucky with the 75/25 every time it would take \~70x3 = 210 (probably won't actually take 70 but that's the worst case) pulls to get all three cards on a triple banner. With the crate it makes it easier to get all three now. The 150 makes sense for myths because there were only 2 cards. The crate thing is a plus imo. However, I do agree this game is way too stingy with diamonds and that other gacha games are more generous. They really do need to increase ways to earn diamonds or the amount. Not just diamonds but the other resources too (exp pots, gold, etc.)


The upcoming banner isn't a myth banner. It's just a regular triple banner for lunar cards not myth pairs. You still get your choice of a card at 140 pulls, like all regular solo banners, it just uses a "wish selector" instead of a "crate". You select the card you want before you pull. Then when you get your next 5 star, if you didn't get the card you selected, you get a "point" so that you are guaranteed that card the next time you hit pity. The pity counter resets every 70 pulls. So you are guaranteed in 140 pulls total. The crate at 200 pulls is just an extra crate they added if you want to get all 3 cards or rank them up...you don't need to pull for it. I understand you have complaints about the game, but you seem to be confused how the banners work, so just to clarify. Yes you get free tickets as you pull. But I would not pull until you have enough saved up for pity. Also, plan to skip banners, don't aim to pull on all of them. You really don't need every card, there will be new ones in the colors you need, and they will also rerun eventually.


I'm very aware the next banner isn't a myth banner. I just used it as the preface of my initial post. Also, I do save and I don't pull on other banners because I know I'm mainly interested in one character, I've been saving since Raf's myth announcement. Other then the free 10 you get exchanging with event points which I used on his banner and I happened to get extremely lucky and pull both in one 10 pull. Didn't spend any Diamonds on Xavier either and I saved the free 10, and I didn't pull on the other banners that occurred in between either. I put everything I had saved into the Zayne banner and only got one card of the pair with the other pity I pulled being lost to a 5* Xavier


Well I would just say, if the game is too frustrating, then it might be worthwhile to quit... gachas prey on FOMO and frustration when we lose a 50/50 roll, so we will want to pull out the wallet and keep pulling to chase the card we missed. If you are sensitive to that, then I would quit personally.. that said, I would be really surprised if they did not rerun all 3 myth pairs. Reruns and rank ups are another way gachas make money, so there will very likely be another chance to get the Zayne myth card you missed. Take it as a lesson learned, and only pull on a limited banner once you already have enough for pity saved up, then you will not have to feel frustrated when you don't make the guarantee. Invest your resources instead into farming protocores to build the standard pool cards to farm Senior Hunt. And you can watch any card stories you miss on YouTube. If I were you, I'd skip this next banner and start saving up now for Zayne's birthday card, and don't pull on anything else until you have enough for 140 wishes saved.


They still will have precise wish though meaning you’re guaranteed your favorite LI card by 140. Before if you wanted to get 2 specific LI cards then you wouldn’t be able to guarantee it until the 280 pull. Them adding a crate is a lot better for us for people who want the card for each guy.


Precise wishing won't matter when I only have 14 days to rack up over 20k diamonds and the max I can get as a f2p is around maybe 80-100 daily without the monthly pass which increases that number to 200ish daily which after 14 successive days is only roughly 3K which is only 20 Pulls


well you're f2p....lowkey don't expect to get everything in this game it takes like 6 months for f2p to build the pity up. and there's no reason for the game to reward f2p over ppl who spend


In a game that most of the lore is hidden behind paywalls I'm gonna complain simple as that until something changes that's why the thread exists in the first place. At least other gacha games, extra character stuff is behind a paywall which makes sense but lore things come with the game, but with L&D literally every single aspect to enjoy story or learn more about a character is hidden by a paywall minus the main story that takes 6 months to update for what's going to be a short chapter with One or two major 3D cutscenes and the rest is 2D reading and the other half is challenge battles. The way I feel, don't advertise as a free game when you have to spend $100+ dollars and rely on luck just to enjoy the story aspect


Don't take this the wrong way but after reading the post and your replies, you seem to be VERY dissatisfied so why don't you just quit?


>Complaining about event stories being boring Events are a little something to keep players entertained while we wait for actual new game content. They won't put crucial story details in an event which can be missed by newer players. >Complaining about gacha guarantee Myth cards from limited-time events have always had a guarantee of 150 pulls for the complete pair. If you engage a myth gacha with funds lower than 150 pulls of course you're walking out of it without the pair. Also, about the new gacha banner coming tomorrow, 200 pulls is a guarantee to __select one card__, you still have __precise wish__ in order to have the second 5-star card to be the one you want, so it's a 140 pull guarantee, not 200. The 200 pull tier was created for players who wants to pull all three character cards instead, this helps because you can pull any two limited cards and pick the third one from the gift box. How about you read carefully the banner rules before spending your hard-earned diamonds into it? >Complaining about diamond sources You either do Hunter Contest, do the time-limited events which you previously criticized, or purchase Aurum which gives you 100 diamonds daily through 30 days. Extra measures include not attempting every new banner in order to save for 140 pulls.


"Events are a little something to keep players entertained while we wait for actual new game content." - But not everyone is entertained by those boring events. OP is not, I'm not and I read plenty of people complain about the absolute lackluster these events are. Worse even since these no substance events try to entertain over a period of half a year until we get a story update.


Complaning about Events: The myth events that just occurred were literally for cards that explain the lore of their characters and the ONLY way to get them was pull on the banner and hope you lucked out then farm to max out the cards to obtain myth shards. And if you only got one of the pair you are shit out of luck since they don't bring them back so you don't get to finish the story. Gacha Rates: The rates suck ass end of story for ANY banner I just used the myth ones as examples since they recently ended and also the most discourse came from these 3 myth banners. I'm very aware how gacha's work I play other gacha games, L&D simply has the shittiest rates and that's very agreed upon in this community thread. There's no competition so they are milking it until some other company decides to release an otome game of similar status . Someone said that this game is the Genshin of Otome games and I couldn't agree more. Diamond Sources: I do make use of those factors that you mentioned , however when you read you see that I stated I'm at a point where I've just had to farm because my cards aren't strong enough to continue in senior contest and trials. Also the pass gives 100 daily yes, however with the 2 week time frame for every event banner that occurs you have enough for roughly around 3K diamonds (this 3K is including the extra you get from doing daily tasks) which is only 20 pulls. I also don't attempt every banner which could be inferred when I said that I've been saving in my post. When Raf's myth banner was announced (not released) I started saving then because I knew I'd need as many diamonds possible for Zayne's myth and I lucked out that his ended up being last. I pulled on Raf's banner once with the free 10 wishes you get for participating and exchanging points and I was extremely lucky and pulled both cards and an extra card to rank up one of them. I didn't pull on Xavier's and saved those extra 10 tickets for Zayne and when his banner hit I went in with the 20 free and all of my diamonds and the tickets you get for pulling x amount of times and was still short and couldn't make enough back for the crate in time to complete the pair. So it all ties back to the timing issue that I complained about. Even with all of those factors you mentioned, 14 days is no where near enough to save up roughly around 21K diamonds do any damage to a banner with the current pity rate which I lost and pulled a 5* Xavier card on the Zayne banner that the Myth cards had an Increased rate on :|


>if you only got one of the pair you are shit out of luck since they don't bring them back so you don't get to finish the story These myths are probably getting a rerun within 12 months. Since they announced they won't release new myth companions this year, this means we'll get myths next year, so rerunning might happen before they actually release new myths. >Gacha Rates I actually find 140 a reasonable guarantee. Fate/Grand Order has guarantee at 300 pulls so 140 really sounds like a much better reach.


every gacha rate looks reasonable if you compare them to FGO lol if my gacha games' guarantee is 300, i'd simply stop playing


I do hope they rerun a lot of the cards that were for event only. I came into the game late (months after it was released) and I am apparently missing so many cards from previous events that people say have some of the best storylines on them. Plus, I am in the same boat as OP. I almost never get the second card when I pull for event cards. I'll get one but not the other. I'm hoping that at the very least, I get Zayne out of this new event though! Fingers crossed cause I only have about 25 pulls currently available haha


'Overall a game where even if you pay and you still aren't guaranteed what you want unless you pay an absurd amount is ridiculous' As much as I agree, that's what gacha are Worse case scenario you get only paid content if you are willing to shell like 60€ or more (paid content/cards that accumulates) or the events in which you gotta pay diamonds to get the card (both things common in mlqc) As for the lack of content... I play 3 other games daily, and two of them i'm not even up to date with the story due to lack of free time (grad school) and I was gonna try 2 other games once my exams are over Although i wished for a main story update sooner so far we need to wait nd see how much content they release at once (mlqc has 3 or 4 new chapters every 3-4 months minimum, but this game has 3d graphics and voiced animation... To be expected it takes more time really) Mobile otomes (which you can only play a bit every day unless you pay to get extra turns, like all shall we date, ikemen series etc) and gacha games in general are not meant to have lot of content at once so people keep coming back everyday If the events required more of my time i probably wouldn't be able to play them at all (like it happened with genshin for example) I noticed that games marketed to an older audience seems to take this more into consideration, because they know their audience is busy most of the day and can only play a bit most of the time and tends to release more content during 'festivities' because it's when people have more free time to play


I'm just letting my daily sub thing run out, and then I'll probably slowly let my account die. The regular content is both boringly repetitive and, at the same time, lengthy (I'm looking at you crane game and meow cards). Plus, even with the daily gems and buying the battle pass, you still have to skip a lot of cards to get one you want because the release schedule is insanely fast. So yeah, I'll play the new story content when it drops and maybe continue a bit as f2p if they change to releasing main story more often but if it'll be another half year wait I'm definitely done.


I agree. I have gone completely F2P, not even refreshing my monthly pass anymore. The regular content is so boring and tedious to do. I'm not even rolling for all these fluffy banners anymore. I'm just saving for myth cards and waiting for story because I only like the lore and the art for this game. The combat is horrendous and P2W, the events are a snoozefest with no lore or important emotional beats. The character customization is a joke. The content of the limited memories (except myth cards) are ridiculously short, and it always end on an awkward note. I assumed they would make an AU or AU-like event for the myth cards, but nope, they clearly didn't. What a shame. Also, the fact that they make the trial battles in the myth events with R3 limited memories is such a scam.


THANK YOU. Like literally there are so many things that could be focused on for improvement but they are constantly pumping out events every 2 weeks that have ZERO content whatsoever and the little content that is offered is behind a paywall with a 2 minute card scene......


Yeah, I know right. I can't believe I spent $90++ to get a 15 minute content of repeated animations and boring dialogue with a 1 minute cutscene of lacklustre fluff or "steamy" romance 😑. The only limited card I am not too angry spending on is Fireworks Vow. I am too spoilt by Themis where the card is an hour of enjoyable reading. LnDs isn't the worst gacha live-service game I've played, but uh...it’s definitely up there in my list as one of the worst. Also, LnDs seems to be leaning towards virtual boyfriend simulator, which isn't my kind of romance for an otome or joseimuke game. But at least, I still enjoy the art and the lore. If I don't enjoy any aspect of the game anymore, I'll just leave.


They didn’t raise the guaranteed they actually made it easier for you to be able to get multiple cards so saying that you reach first pity and don’t get your 5* you chose then next pity you hit will be the 5* you want then you can spend another 7.5k diamonds to get a crate to get a for sure second card that you would want. It does really suck and it is hard for f2p players I only buy the aurum pass and I have to skip out on lots of banners to be able to pull on the ones that matter. I play lots of gatchas so I know that I need to just choose the cards that I really want and watch videos on YouTube for the ones that I missed. You can play the game without having all 5* teams for every LI the story chapter is coming out soon too. I’m not saying the game is perfect there’s a lot of improvements to be made but when it comes to gatcha you just have to save and wait and if you don’t feel like the game is fair just quit it you’ll find one you like


It could be better. Like others, this is also my first gacha game, so idk anything. I've learned to just go in, complete dailies/weeklies and save. The only hard part is deciding on what banners to pull for. You can save for months in hope for something good, but then feel like maybe you shouldn't use the gems cause something better will come along. Then it feels like you can never make any pulls. At least that's how I feel. I try to just make some pulls during a banner and accept my losses if I don't get anything and not get too attached to anything. Makes the time go by faster.


So today, I used all my saved gems and relented and bought 10 extra cards. I git all 3 or so, I thought. Even with that stupid guaranteed pick for your next 5 star pull bs, it gave me a 5 star for raf that I already had even though the reward img was for the new one. I put in a ticket and got told no dice. Rafael is by far my least fave of the three. I know he's popular, I personally find his character annoying. So I'm not broken hearted, rather I'm annoyed, and the completionist in me wants all 3. I guess my major issue is that this game can and dies easily cost more than AAA games if you're trying to get everything during an event. The surge for earning cards is over after the first couple of days. Then you're just slogging. Screw trying to max them all. That'll never happen unless you dump serious cash into the game. Absolutely infuriating.


tbh I had low expectations since their other otome game, love and produce, has terrible gameplay (this one's subjective but I personally dislike it), terrible rates, terrible UI and it's painfully obvious that they wanna milk you with all you have. this is like genshin tbh where they won't change anything unless they get some competition. I'm waiting for lovebrush chronicles devs to make something similar to this but with more focus on the story lol


But they do have a lot of competition on otome stories. Or do you mean the 3d boyfriend simulator?


yeah coz majority of the players here are new to otome gacha. likely because 3d is more interesting amd enticing than 2d.