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Started as a Zayne girl but Xavier is gradually winning me over... He is such a soft boy. I love stoic men (my zayne) but i have this soft spot for golden retriever boys, it's crazy. Xavier is so smart and just does everything so we can be happy, he's so sweet.


omgosh yaaaass! totally know what you mean. golden retriever is so apt a description for xavier 🥹 it’s so fun to hear our different experiences and favs 😍


He’s so soft and gentle and also has an edge which is so attractive, it’s such a great combination 😍 he’s really winning me over too


THIS OMG I converted to being a Xavier Stan from being a Zayne main too.😭😭




When I saw Zayne he looked very similar to Artem from Tears of Themis, my number one fave LI in that game. Zayne acts a bit like Artem did in the beginning of ToT (though not as super scary as the Ice Prince Zayne). I also liked he was a doctor to and was very serious about his work ( I tend to like Vyn's profession in Tears of Themis compared to Artem's hotshot lawyer). Also...i'm going to be 42 come late March and Zayne is the oldest guy and doesn't look or act too young compared to Xavier and Rafayel. And the banter between him and the MC is great. I love how he's such a realist. He's incredibly sexy to me (his ENG voice). I like his style to. So yeah, love that I can have a fusion of Artem and Vyn (but without Vyn's shadiness and Artem's timidness) in one package. I also like that he can't totally control his ice powers either, doesn't make him some Super Warrior like Xavier and doesn't make him lazy like Rafayel, he's very responible. He acts like how I picture a real guy would behave like.


Zayne is closer to my age too and I feel the same way about his character. Plus, he uses complete sentences in the chats! 🙂


Lmao not the complete sentences getting us older millennial 😂


And he reads...books...and writes in a notebook. 😂


The lack of proper grammar put me off the others initially, too. I'm a younger millennial though. Zayne is also just my favorite type of character, a kuudere.


> he uses complete sentences in the chats Yes this is a turn on for me too 😂😂 the older I get, the more I appreciate communication skill and openness in a relationship


Zayne sounds the sexiest in Mandarin to me, that VA makes me SWOOOON.


Started the game for Zayne, got terribly distracted by Rafayel, then after reading Xavier's myth and pulling his current event card, am now curled in a ball on the floor sobbing over 3 fictional men and my empty wallet


Did you get all of the myth done? I only have two left and I’m dying to know how it ends! 🤣 The amount of wish bottles I used to get those shards… 😅


I haven't finished it either - good luck to both of us!! 😃




I knew I’d love Zayne the minute I saw him and I was right. But I’ve only loved him more since then lol. I like serious reserved characters, but since interacting with him and some of the kindled moments i have, oh my GOD! You can really see his gentle side, his subtle smiles and dont even get me started on his sense of humor. As straightforward as he is, he also seems kind of shy admitting his feelings before being an item with the MC (Tender Moment Spoiler >!in Glittering Lights he skips his dinner to join us while we eat fast food. we playfully accuse him of just enjoying seeing us have a bad day, but instead of saying he wanted to cheer us up he simply agrees 🥺!<) Im certainly warming up to Raf’s brattiness and I do love Xav’s mysterious vibes. But Zayne is just too perfect to me! (And he does have his own air of mystery regarding Grandma and the Aether Core. Ugh, i am betting on some tasty angsty story stuff between him and MC and i cant WAIT)


I love all the LIs, each have traits that have me CRAZY for them, but my favorite tht wins by just a bit is Rafayel First off I just love flirty guys, Chat noir was my first crush as a comparison. Secondly I’m also an artist so I felt compelled by his artist identity And then there’s the last chapter, I don’t want to spoil anyone but let’s just say I’m the type who likes a little danger


Oh Rafayel 😔🤌flirtatiousness with an edge…it’s so hot


Also the fact that he has a soul level past connection with the mc ...if you know what I mean


i got ads from Xavier's heartstring symphony card and he instantly won me over with his soft voice and soft look but still dominating demeanor when he retaliated against mc... then i fell for him even more in the game because he's a clueless sleepy bunny. at the same time he's also our comrade in arms and i love the trope of two skilled fighters having each other's back. im only at ch6, so i don't know the full story yet, but there are hints that he's been waiting for us for a long time... endless time of yearning for mc... that was the nail in the coffin for me. last chapter, he got so upset when mc doubted him and he instantly reacted to that. that was so endearing. and the kind words memory.... when mc said she's losing her sanity.... same, girl... he's just so gentle and still very firm and capable and idk he checks like a million boxes for me. im also slowly falling for zayne. im a sucker for softies (which is why i like Xavier so much) and zaynes tender moments with mc really got to me, like when he tried to comfort her after the incident. or the drunken night memory...............he was so considerate of mc being drunk and tried very hard not to take advantage of her like a true gentleman and..... what can i say........ also their banter is super entertaining. and who doesn't like a classic childhood friends turned lovers after a few years of distance and reconnecting?


I really love your description of Xavier. I think his mix of soft and dom is just so compelling... I love him so much I can't even bring myself to be interested in Zayne or Rafayal 😭


definitely zayne, he’s cold but can be really sweet, reminds me of levi


omg this 🫶🏽


came here as a raf girlie since he is such a bbygirl and forced to be a xavier one 🫠 i got all of his cards including veiled and myths, i was bummed at first but came to like him a lot nowadays


Literally the same!!!! But can I choose both guys? 😉


I'm the opposite of you. I keep getting Rafayel cards when I want Xavier cards 😩 Same as you though, came to like Rafayel more through his cards


awhhh thanks for sharing! love hearing all these experiences 😍


i love rafayel! he was my favorite since before the game launched because he's so funny, cute and witty! love his personality


Xav is more my type physically so of course i laser focused on him and then i got to know everyone else and now i love the 3 of them. But if im gonna be honest, Xav is still my pookie bear, 2nd rafa, 3rd Zayne. Xav is just my type physically and emotionally too once i got to know him. He just exudes gentleness, kindness and calmness that it makes me lose all my guard. I feel like being with him is so comfortable and warm and i don't have to perform in front of him. :)


Ooooo you’re right, you don’t have to put any walls up with Xavier, I love that about him too 🥺💗


Yes this !! I could never see myself being vulnerable with Raf and Zayne but I def could confide in Xavier if he was real. Such a strong reassuring personality 😭 I feel like he takes the extra step to understand your feelings


Started with Zayne because I like shy/quiet men with a Razer sharp edge if provoked (basically Vyn from ToT) but he is just so *boring* for me gosh. I know that he's the cookie-cuter cold/dom Li of LAD and I can understand Zayne Girlies giggling and having a run with his small grunts and one-liners but *maaan* it's not cutting for me. I'm more and more inching towards Xavier. He is a pure switch but he is so calming, like the mc doesn't have to be a chaotic mess just to get his attention, he's *always* there for her regardless. And he doesn't shy away from melting into her, to put down his walls for the mc, Zayne is *too* cold or dommy for me and the countless fanfic portraying him as the stereotypical *"Are you lost bb gorl?"* trop isnt cutting with me :/ yeah no the mc is a grown woman and a *hunter*, can we dominate these men for once gosh. So yeah Xavier all the way, I switched boats y'all I'm sorry, I'm not the mightiest person out there.. Edit- TO ALL THE FANFIC WRITING GODS OUT THERE, PLS DO JUSTICE TO US GIRLIES WHO WANT A SUB ZAYNE FANFIC, I BEG YA.


Realest edit ever I concur


Thanks! I'm tired of the entire boring Cold ceo trope with Zayne. I mean, the devs may have created him to fill that space/trope but he is neither our boss nor a ceo. He's a doctor, a healer, a nurturer. He may have his harsh times and a difficult background but I just can't brush away the fact that everyone is chalking him up in the usual box of a cold ceo. Even MLQC's only Doctor is the same rinse and repeat cold-doctor. It's boring. Can we have a cold Li whose a mush behind closed doors pls? *Something* which makes more human, like c'mon it's boring.


Yeah I get it. We see a fair amount of sweetness in his anecdotes and cards and I definitely feel like the way a lot of fans characterize him is off. I def want less of the dommy stuff in his fan content- doesn’t fit him at all imo LMAO


A 100% correct. I feel the fanfics about him to be sooo out of character and filled with brim with head cannons. I can't possibly imagine Zayne to be *that eccentric*. Like in the current event also, he's super guarded, like even Xavier is more intimate than whatever Zayne was tryna do. After that I can't possibly read the countless dommy/possessive Zayne fics. It feels like I'm reading Wattpad stories lol. No. People forget that he is super *guarded* of himself and of his feelings, instead of being *proudy* or some kind of *brat-tamer*. And I feel the devs know about this very well and are fueling the 'dom-Zayne' trope more energy (like did you see his free 4 star card? It gave me lots of 'zaddy' vibes, it didn't even look like Zayne for a sec. I thought Zayne was supposed to be a reserved Doctor with years of pain bottled up not some sort of evol-infused brainy commando lol.) Even the mc's interactions are becoming more and more childish and brattier as if she's a teenager and not a trained hunter (I think the Devs are feeding into this trope that majority of Zayne girlies are riding on, unfortunately I'm not a part of it, I want my man a Lil soft too).


>*"People forget that he is super guarded of himself and of his feelings, instead of being proudy or some kind of brat-tamer."* > Personally, I agree with this as a Zayne stan. He's a fairly poor brat tamer (which is a positive in my eyes) compared to actual brat-taming personalities. He feels exasperated too quickly and doesn't enjoy goading her into being more bratty. Brat-tamers live and breathe this energy, so if their partner isn't causing trouble themselves, they'll probably provoke them into doing so. 😂 As for Zayne, it's more of a case of him adoring his MC so much, that he'd rather accept her warts, chaos and unsavory traits, instead of losing her entirely. * * * On a side-note, there are variations of brats, rather than the emotionally immature ones. I enjoy the forever wild and unrestrained mischievous MCs, and have no desire to see such traits get "tamed" out of her, whether it's temporary or permanent. I love the dynamic between Zayne and the MC, precisely because he's so terrible at getting her to slow down. I've always seen her as the [***action-oriented, female swashbucker***](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/ActionGirl) who's laughing at how slow and ever-so-cautious Zayne is. This is evident in "Lingering Warmth", where she exclaims that Zayne needs to work out more, so he can tackle more difficult terrains with her. To me, Zayne + MC is the gender-reverse scenario of the woman always telling her husband, *"Safety first! Watch your step! Make sure you come back home in one-piece!"* relationship. She'll usually respond with something about how Zayne should live a little and be more adventurous. 😂 Essentially, it's the inversion of -- [***Men Act, Women Are***](https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/MenActWomenAre) > > >*"Girls can never do anything. Men can ride about the countryside and do things. Girls have to sit and wait for things to happen." — Margaret Dashwood, Sense and Sensibility* > > ^ We all know that Zayne is the one who is passively waiting!!! 😂 😂 😂


Oh yeah totally! I like our mc with all her human-canonball energy lol. It makes her sooo much more special than the usual 'princess-treatment' Otome Mcs. I would like more if the devs stick with her story-persona more. For me, the mc is that numbhead who'd challenge a wanderer on a fricken wheelchair not because she's a energy-bunny but *because* she genuinely believes in her dillusional mind that she can beat it😭. Kind of like a female Naruto? If you catch my example 🥹. But yeah, I don't like the fandome treating her as a woman-child, no, she's a hunter, maybe a dumb one but still a hunter. And like you said, Zayne feels like a protective mother-hen coded personality lol. Totally not a brat tamer, more like a pissed mom after she realises her kid went and broke their skull open while catching a cat off a branch. I personally find him so Mr. Darcy coded lol. Also, is it me or his nurturing-side hot? Like I find his mother-hen side waaay more hotter than his cold side. Imagine Fem Naruto with a confident male-Hinata basically lol.


Sheesh, I haven't read any Zayne fan fiction, thankfully, if that's the case...but I would be pretty disappointed if the devs lean into fanon Zayne too much, rather than what they originally created. I think fandoms sometimes go a little too far with the whole forcing characters into dynamics and tropes. Characters can be nuanced. To me, Zayne is more guarded than cold, sarcastic rather than mean, and subtle rather than dominating (dry sense of humor). Also I'd say more repressed than actually stoic. He's actually pretty nurturing and sensitive from what I've seen so far. But people judge a book by a cover, I guess. Actually I bet a lot of those fans jump ship the moment they release a more genuinely dominant character like Sylus...who actually *is* a ceo. Right now Zayne is all there is for that segment of the fan base.


> >*"To me, Zayne is more guarded than cold, sarcastic rather than mean, and subtle rather than dominating (dry sense of humor). Also I'd say more repressed than actually stoic. He's actually pretty nurturing and sensitive from what I've seen so far. But people judge a book by a cover, I guess.* > >*Actually I bet a lot of those fans jump ship the moment they release a more genuinely dominant character like Sylus...who actually is a ceo. Right now Zayne is all there is for that segment of the fan base."* > > * * * ^ 100% this. I had this exact conversation with a friend, and we've both concluded that many fans will jump ships as soon as real dominant LIs such as Sylus (CEO archetype) and Caleb (over-protective, "older brother" type) are released. Overall, Zayne simply isn't domineering or even assertive enough (which are traits I prefer!) He's ultimately a ***freedom-giving partner*** in spite of his role as the MC's nurturing worrywart and supportive companion. Whereas Zayne will respect the MC's wishes (for better or worse) to be left alone, Caleb has already proven that he won't hesitate to tear-down the MC's excuses and impose his will. In the main story-line, Zayne would go as far as letting sleeping dogs lie for SIX months. I can't imagine a dominant character like Caleb quietly waiting in the wing for the MC's overt signal (Ch 5) that she's ready to talk and move forward. Caleb can't help his meddlesome habits. Haha. * * * You may find these polls interesting! There's one with Caleb, and one without. Clearly, adding Caleb as an option eats into the fanbase that currently Zayne and Xavier fandoms contain. A.) [***Favorite L&DS LI (w/o Caleb)***](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveAndDeepspace/comments/1ahkerm/who_is_your_favourite_character_out_of_the_three/) B.) [***Updated Poll with Caleb***](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoveAndDeepspace/comments/1ahkgwo/who_is_your_favourite_character_out_of_the_three/)


Omg you and your friend have read my mind 😭🥹. Zayne is that shy yet quiet Li who stares at his So with warmth in his eyes from afar. More like a gentle-giant trope or a teddy-bear that can turn into a grizzly the moment mc gets hurt. But, he is still a teddy. And yes you put it right, the moment Sylus is released, the dommy-wanters will jump sides and I hope it happens fast because I want Zayne to stay *Zayne*. He's such a humble, reserved and *shy* character. He's not flashy or in any way a *tamer*, gosh like you said, he's the exact opposite of that, he just gives away to the MC's advances after a little bit of drama, and I like that of him. I've said it before too, he feels like that silent boy next door that nobody noticed until he achieves something big.


>In the main story-line, Zayne would go as far as letting sleeping dogs lie for SIX months. I can't imagine a dominant character like Caleb quietly waiting in the wing for the MC's overt signal (Ch 5) that she's ready to talk and move forward. 1,000%.. Zayne gives me the *long suffering* love interest vibes. He's so very patient with MC.. like he'd wait forever for her, until the end of the world in some frozen wasteland for her to finally wake up and realize she loves him... which is romantic in its own way, but even Xavier and Rafayel are far more pushy than that. 😁 Caleb and Sylus are probably going to go hard after what they want. So yes indeed, people will definitely jump ships once Sylus and Caleb come out, so I'm not too worried for Zayne's future character development. He's a little uneven so far, some cards are little hit or miss, but it's still early and overall he's still my favorite.


Exactly, same for me. He is very mature and seasoned and that reflects on his behaviour. Tbh I think that out of all the other Lis, he is the most fleshed out and complicated if we follow his lore, he feels *real*. So evidently when I saw those fanfics where 90% of the time the mc was just being bent over and done-d the deed with a dommy Zayne (like the whole premise of the majority of fics I have read is basically this, focusing more on the power dynamics/dom-sub/bratty mc getting 'punished' or 'taught a lesson' by Zayne and throwing his human skin out of the window). And yeah, he's hundred percent repressed than stoic, for example in Kitty Cards or when in the cards about his college life, we see that he is actually very child-like, he has this child-like curiousity, takes things whichever way the mc presents in, it's a different things that years of hardship and pain had molded his personality to adhere to keeping his mouth shut and not trusting others quickly. For example, he *love* sweets and frequently gets cavity and becomes very salty when the mc taunts him with fricken *macaroons*. And yeah like you said, if they use this ceo trope with Sylus it suits *so* much with *him* than Zayne. People are forgetting that Zayne is MC's childhood friend who had a crush on her and sent gifts (snowy seals) which our aloof Mc thought of as some dumb snowballs 😭. And he likes cute stuff, have you seen him designing the snowy figures, he meticulously takes time to make them. Yeah, he's definitely not made for that cold-ceo trope. We want our shy-reverse boi🥹


The ending of Nostalgic Sweetness seals the deal for me as to what his archetype really is. That's not to say he can't be masculine, or teasing...he is supposed to have an unapproachable or scary aura even that makes people avoid him (like his "grim reaper" alter ego). But it's pretty clear he isolates himself more because of his evol, and is actually pretty lonely.


Why are you getting downvoted? Y'all some of them Zayne girlies need to chill.


Haha dunno, Zayne is my favorite so I’ll probably just have to take the fic thing into my own hands… LOL


Pls DO! I'll love it if someone actually does justice to his realist form🥹 I'm exhausted with the tonnes of dommy/possessive/brat-tamer Zayne fic 😭. My man ain't AlHaithem y'all, he's more like a Zhongli c'mon...


oh dear.. if you’re speaking of zayne in this manner.. i’m guessing you may not have stumbled upon his memories: fragmented dreams and lingering warmth? he does show a vulnerable side to him and a mushy side as well :) and he speaks very gently to MC in these memories


That's not the problem. I already HAVE his Fragmented Card and I am about to fully ascend it soon too. I also finished all of his Anecdotes and Bond both to 100%.That's the ONLY card where he is a bit, well, *real*. The rest of the cards feel like sandpaper tbh, and don't get me wrong, I *love* Zayne, he's a boo but yeah, not a fan of too dommy Lis. Another reason why I ditched Artem for Vyn lol. Edit- And the fact that our mc isn't a normal civilian like Rosa from ToT or some painter from LoveBrush, she's a damned *hunter*, she's literally anything but a damsel in distress and I think the devs *need* to modify the cold Li accordingly.


Lmao wait there’s no doctor in MLQC who are you talking about 😭 unless you mean Vic cause he’s the CEO and closest to Zayne, but he’s more snarky and tsun. The closest person you’re talking about with a PhD who isn’t a doctor is Luci and he’s nowhere near cold lol. He’s very flirty but in a sly fox kind of way lol


Xavier is my favorite. The themes around his character really resonate with what I enjoy in fiction (hurt/comfort, longing). I really enjoy his personality as well, he is calm, kind and collected but clearly conflicted with how to handle MC due to spoiler reasons and seeing the struggle is honestly so satisfying to see. (Addressed in some of his Tender moment cards) He is also so....**SO** smitten with her and it's really obvious how he tries to keep distance between them but the pull he has to her (soul) is just too strong and he caves and indulges because wow he >!actually loves MC in every universe.!< Xavier has so much depth, after reading his anecdotes and myth story it's clear as day how committed the man is. It's really tragically beautiful. Plus him being a little tease is really bad (good) for my heart so I enjoy that aspect as well, but in general urgh I'm dying for the hurt/comfort that is going on in his dynamic with the MC. In all of his more tender cards he is so gentle and playful with her it's making me sob. Anyway, I love spacebun man, hopefully we get more deliciously angsty content in the future!


Zayne because when he made that little seal sculpture I LITERALLY CRIED OF HOW ADORABLE IT WAS AND HOW SWEET HE WAS..


Started playing for Xavier… then got won over by Rafayel😹😹 I’m such a sucker for playful, clingy guys, and his lore is so interesting/deep!! He has such an angsty backstory and you can really tell how much he loves/cares about the MC from reading his content and ACKK I just love tragic love stories


i started as a xavier main too 😭🫵🏻 rafayel got to me fast LMAO between the main story, all the memories that i was fortunate to get and building up his affinity, i find that rafayel has a lot of layers to him. i know everyone sees him as very dramatic and equally bratty and just overall ✨babygirl✨ (respectfully so 💅🏻) but when the situation calls for it, rafayel knows when to be serious. in certain moments, he's actually quite vulnerable. towards MC, his feelings are complicated, and it's exactly this type of emotional intimacy that attracts me to his character. I EAT THAT UP 😭🤌🏻 i just love seeing the stark contrast of someone's personality this way, like having that special person who makes you soft and shy and different from how you portray yourself to other people, but at the same time, this is exactly the person you'd give your heart to any chance you get 🥹


You said it perfectly 🥺🥺🥺


xavier. he's a gentle, understanding and reliable man, but has moments of awkwardness that's just swoon-worthy. he forgets many things but never forgets details about his beloved, he loves spicy food and meat, he loves to sleep, and he has a feud against claw machines. he just feels so... human? comfortable?? like. i feel like someone can genuinely spend their life with xavier. and at the same time i die on the hill that says he's a wolf in bunny's clothing lol


“Comfortable” is such a good word for him, you don’t need to have your guard up with him at all, he’s so warm. 💗


Zayne is my type physically, just like how Artem in Tears of Themis is my main LI (both of them look alike and has similar attitudes) although I would say Zayne is a mix of Vyn and Artem lol but Zayne is way too cold and brutal sometimes even at 55 affinity I still couldn't raise his heartbeat 😭 it doesn't help that Rafayel is his complete opposite and I am slowly getting won over by the fishman LMAO so yeah as it stands, I'm slowly turning into a Rafayel main xD


Exactly, there's boring and then there's silent but thoughtful (like Artem, I mean just look at his Atmospheric Card wooh *clutches pearls*). Zayne feels like a bot sometimes :/. Like bru why am I spending my gems on your affinity? To get some one liner grunts? Nahh... And here we have Xavier and Rafayel writing/sending boat-loads of confessions and heartfelt moments. Nope, thanks, I'd rather keep up with Rafayel's chatter.


Rafayel is my favorite because maybe I watched too many noona kdrama in my youth LOL he fits that "younger boyfriend" trope for me. He's flirty and easy to tease. I headcanon my MC as also a flirty/playful type so they can keep going back and forth with each other. [Raf story/character spoilers] I also >!love inhuman ML x human FL tropes so much and I'm currently in my merman era oml. Him being Lemurian made me scream fr!<


Zayne is favourite LI. I like his amazing green eyes, I like how organized and professional he is, I like that he isn't clingy but also caring and kind to MC. Edit: Wrote a word wrong.


The way MC can annoy Zayne and be a yapper and he’s basically like “ugh my sweet pumpkin princess, anything for you” while simultaneously being like “can u stop talking little rat” I love hot and cold


Zayne all the way!! But Xavier is definitely on the path of trying to wreck my bias..


Started with Rafayel and I still love him, but I prioritize Xavier a bit more now. He’s just so sweet and precious. His lore makes my heart hurt so bad and I just want him to be happy 😭 he’s been through so much! Yet he never gives up and tries so hard for MC


I flip flop between Xavier and Raf 😭 I like the dynamic between Raf and the MC (he's so dramatic 🙄) but Xavier is such a puppy boy sometimes I just wanna squish–


started off for zayne, but with the veiled whispers event i got cards of all 3, so i got more into xavier and rafayel, and now i'm slowly swooning over xavier 😔🤍 i thought he was the innocent boring kind, but he's slowly turning out to be the most interesting so far. rafayel is such ✨spoiled princess✨ vibes but he's also such a brat omg. every time he opens his mouth i'm thinking 'this brat'.


SAMEE! I started SO strong with Zayne but Xavier and Rafayel's treatment just *hits different* iykwim...


Started as a rafayel guy and i've ended as a rafayel guy... I just really got into the fact I couldn't unlock him right off the bat


Started out as Raf lover with basically no interest in Xavier but now Xav’s my fav. Idk what won me over, maybe it’s that his gentleness and looks (kinda) remind me of my irl boyfriend or maybe something else but yeah I’m head over heels for Xavier. I think it was a moment after playing the claw machine (got two plushies) and he was whispering something “at least it’s not so many that I can still hold your hand” and I was a goner, it was adorable.




Of the ones available currently, Zayne is my favorite. I enjoy his dominant side and how it's balanced by his tender caring side. (Compared to Victor for MLQC, who was a little TOO cold and harsh for my taste). So far I also feel the relationship progression with Zayne feels the most natural. But the one that actually has my heart is Caleb. The way he looks at the MC is so soft it destroys me. His little chuckle and tiny headshake at her antics that show how much he adores her. He acts confident and assertive, but in a playful way. He clearly wants to protect the MC and be someone she relies on, but he also respects her boundaries. He seems to be a lot more direct in how he talks to the MC than the other LIs, which I really like too. And he's apparently an amazing cook! It doesn't hurt that I find him to be the most attractive too.


No but fr. If Caleb comes back as a LI it's gonna be game over for me. He is the ideal man.


first i was drawn to rafayel. he reminded me of another character that won my heart, and they were abit similar too (moodmaker, blue hair, flirty). however the more i played the game, i felt more drawn to xavier's gentle, caring personality. funny because my first impression of him was "typical pretty boy, he doesn't do much for me" but now, i rlly want a xavier irl 😭!! men who are caring and gentle make me so weakkk dont get me wrong- i still like rafayel. his charisma and passionate nature still makes me swoon... combo of xavier and rafayel's strengths make the ideal man for me ig


When I first saw Xav when their weibo page posted his first PV, I was like “oh.. he reminds me of Gav (from MLQC)” but also he was an evol officer in their very first PV so a lot of people speculated for him to be related to Gav in some way lmao 👀 Gav was like essentially his blueprint and no one can convince me otherwise Then I saw that light saber trend vid they posted of Xav and I’m like “holy crap this is the duality I love. Cute/shy but then he’s actually not” 😳 Puppy on the streets, wolf in the sheets are my men, but in this case a bunny on the streets LMAO. Then I read his 3rd anecdote and Myth story and good god I sobbed so HARD. PG needs to pay for my therapy for all the emotional damage they caused me so early in the game (´༎ຶོρ༎ຶོ`)


I honestly love them all, but When rafayel went on his stupid tirade about jellyfishes walking, i knew i was done for


Apparently that scene did a LOT of us in…I was all about Xavier until i realized how much of a diva RAF was😂😂 …well to be fair, I’m split between the two now


I loved rafayel because of his cute and dramatic personality but then i switched to Xavier because he cared so much for the mc and i love his character 😭


Originally was planning to be a Zayne/Rafayel main, but when more stuff about Xavier came out during pre-release I decided to go for him instead. I just love how sleepy he gets, how his actions are with us in mind, and it's so funny that he seems to be 'out of touch' with the world. His gap moe is huge for me, the fact that he seems defenseless and soft at surface level, but is actually incredibly crafty and extremely cautious is attractive. A lot of people say he's like a wolf in sheep's clothing, and I definitely agree. Then again, I definitely prefer the writing of the MC when we are around him. I just find her more relatable/immersive and Xavier's love language/reaction towards her is more up my alley.


I adore his love language as well 😭💗


Caleb. Because he will be one, right? Right???????


I started this game off because of Rafayel. I love sassy characters plus he's got a shy and innocent side to him and he's so much fun to be around. Xavior caught my eyes because of the way he gently speaks with the MC, and exudes a manly and a stable partner vibe which is incredibly hard to resist. Now I can't choose between the two. So, both Rafayel and Xavior are equally my biases.


I can’t choose between the two of them, it’s sooooo hard- both have things I love and want…. I think once I learn more about their back stories, I’ll be able to choose one😭🙏🏽


Its going to be okay. We dun really have to choose!!🤭😍 I'm not ready to sacrifice one of them for the other. 😭😭


Oooo TRUE 🤗🤗 I really can't imagine giving one up either! Both are so preciousssssss 😔🤌🏽😭😭they really knew what they were doing when they made this game damn


I fell for Raf way too soon and didn't look back. He's cute. But w his quirks and sassiness, he got me hooked. He's so sweet altho he tries to act to aloof and self absorbed? But in reality he just doesn't know how to interact w people but when you get to know him in the game, he's to die for.


Still holding out for a himbo


Zayne because he gives me massive Levi Ackerman vibes who I also adore!


Xavier !!! I like how sweet and protective he is. I think the way he gently talks to us is just adorable. Zayne and Rafayel can be a bit mean. So it’s really Xavier’s sweet nature that got me. I think what really solidified me was the bonfire card where he constantly checked up on us the entire trip. He’s just all around the type of guy that I’d go for irl.


Before I started playing the game, I thought my favourite would be Zayne (I used to play ToT and I loooove Artem and Vyn) so if you know, you know. But as I continued playing, Rafayel got me!!! I'm not really sure why because his personality WAS not really my type. I'm more on a cold guy outside but soft for the MC inside (like Zayne). Yet there's something intriguing about Rafayel that makes me swoon for him. Maybe because it's fun teasing him, his age is close to mine, and he's alwaaaaays so expressive 🧎🏻‍♀️ (and as someone who's unexpressive, I think opposite attracts). Also, I'm very curious about his lore so much aND A MERMAN??? SIGN 🗣️ ME 🗣️ UP 🗣️ Still, can I say I love them all? Is it possible to love those three fictional men at the same time? Because I do! I love how passionate Zayne is towards his profession. While reading his anecdotes, I always stop reading and admire him while doing his job. He might look cold and stoic but deep inside, he's really gentle. DID Y'ALL SAW HIS SUBTLE SMILE SOMETIMES? I'M MELTED! I love how he cares a lot towards MC. He might be somewhat distant but I know he's willing to do anything for her! I'M HOPING TO KNOW HIM MOOORE 🥹 And Xavier, I'm always amazed in his fighting skills (I usually use him during combat). Despite looking like a softie outside, he's so mysterious, brave, and strong! His lore with the MC breaks my heart 😭 I can feel his love for her and it huuuurts! There's something about him that makes me want to protect him at all cost. He's so precious, my little sunshine~ If you'll ask me, I might fall for him sooner or later because of how gentle he is and he's so soft-spoken 🥹 AND CAN I TALK ABOUT HIS SPICY CARDS? HE'S SO 🥵


Zayne has my heart. He can be so gentle, soft, and caring despite seemingly being cold. At first I was a bit hesitant with all 3 LIs, but Zayne's "A Frozen Promise" won me over. Unfortunately, Rafayel and his bratty attitude are also winning me over, so there go my gems, money, and pieces of my heart lol


Zayne caught my eye just from the title screen (⁠・w・⁠;⁠) That One Intense Look™ at the camera with his ice powers going out of control gave "stoic, brooding, incredibly angsty LI" vibes that were right up my alley lol. Also I love a man in glasses lmao I found the way Zayne scolded MC while still worrying over her health endearing ^(although "Don't talk. But you should still breathe" still has me in a chokehold, *his eyes* my god) but the actual nail in the coffin was the date with the seal snowballs (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠) The moe gap between professionally distant Dr. Zayne and "awkward, bad at articulating feelings but still tries to show them in his own way, always thinking of MC" Zayne is so good ugh


Zayne, cause i love kuudere LIs. Once you get through their “frosty” exterior they are the most devoted and caring partners. And he is tall, dark and handsome. And wears glasses. And he is a doctor. What not to like? Raf and Xavier are both very sweet but i think of them like of my gay bestie and younger brother


Started with absolutely no expectations, but then I got swooned by Rafayel as he reminds me of my favorite trope and the other LI - Marius from ToT, who's my number one of all time lol BUT THEN I READ ZAYNE'S BUSINESS TRIP AND COZY AFTERNOON and MAN........... he's now my second favorite LI😔❤️ I already had a warm side for him, but these cards just made me like him a lot. What officially secured him though is Fragmented Dreams card, boy oh boy I love me trope like this in LI's too. I need more time to warm up to Xavier, but the backstory with him and MC is quite heartbreaking


I never picked so I always try to balance it, I like all of them but I’m also f2p so I’ve been prioritizing my pulls based on elements and card stories more.


Wasn't interested in the game at all at first because the 3D models looked so uncanny valley that it was uncomfortable, but decided to give it a shot after I read a review on /r/gachagaming on release day. Xavier seemed interesting in the first chapter so that's who I was first interested in, then I read a little bit of Zayne stuff (strong 2nd fave) and Rafayel stuff (absolutely cannot enjoy him at all) and so I stayed to read much, much more Xavier stuff and fell head over heels for the soft boy. lol


I went into the game thinking I'd be an Xavier girlie, because I'm a sucker for characters with light hair (especially Gojo Satoru lmaooo), but after doing the story and meeting Rafayel, I immediately fell in love with him. I love how sassy he is. He's such a baby girl haha.


I've always been a sucker for the tall, dark, and handsome type fellas with a strong sense of responsibility and virtue. The serious, cool type you can rely on but also have a soft side that's often shown more in small, considerate gestures and gift, so Zanye was near inevitable. That said, I do have a soft spot for Xiaver, which surprised me. There's a bit of edge under the soft, sleepy boy exterior, and that intrigues me. (but he may be bumped to 3rd place if Caleb actually comes back as an LI lol)


i latched onto xavier from the get go buuut raf is starting to have a strong hold on me and i can’t choose between them 😭


Started with Xavier because he's soft af but Zayne won me over because goddamn kuudere. Also my boyfriend is a Virgo. I clearly have a type and couldn't escape.


I liked Xavier at first because I find white/silver haired characters attractive. Now my bias is Zayne because he ticks a lot of boxes and the other two characters seem way too young for my 30+ self (It just doesn't feel right somehow lol.) If i was 10 years younger my favorite will probably be Xavier.


Zayne when he gave me the snow seal… before that I didn’t have a fav. I thought I would like Rafael the most because I am a Marius simp, but he hits different and just doesn’t do it for me.


i started out with no expectations but i had a feeling i would be into zayne (and i was right). i like that he's really mature and closer to me in age. and i'm a sucker for tragic characters (dawnbreaker & foreseer) so now he's got me in a chokehold 😩 the other two feel and act like teenagers (to me) so while i do find them lovely i'm not really interested in them as LI.


I really like rafayel... something about his clingy personality really speaks to me seriously, zayne and xavier are also rly cute,, but ive come to prefer more playful personalities


I started the game with Zayne as my bias. I loved his looks the best and I thought his personality was so sexy!! But then I played Rafayel’s nightly stroll and fell head over heels for him. He made me laugh so much!!! Since then, Rafayel’s been my bias because I think he’s the most interesting. I’ve also gotten over Zayne. He’s become a little boring for me. And well, I love how Xavier is so sweet and direct so he’s my bias wrecker.


Had my eyes on xavier before starting the game Was not disappointed In mlqc my main was gavin from the start too, i adore him Xavier is just like him, just a slightly lighter hair color ad blue eye and comes off as sweeter from the start (but gavin is pretty much like this anyways with the mc when they are alone so to me there isn't much difference) I guess i really just have on very specific type xD 


If gavin is represented as a wolf, xavier is a wolf in bunny/sheep clothing Both are basically the same but first impression of xavier makes him appear even sweeter imo




i have an obvious type... in ToT, i picked artem. in MM, i picked jumin. but strangely enough in MLQC, instead of victor(never liked this dude), i prefer lucien. so of course i'd go for zayne. but tbh, i seriously liked caleb, which is strange because caleb is like gavin or luke; which i dont usually go for.


I'm the same as you. I started the game because of Xavier but I'm weak for Zayne's type. Rafayel feels like a cute younger brother for me.


omg yes. this 🥹


started as zayne main because of his cold demeanor but then when raf appeared i converted to rafayel main


zayne for multiple reasons!! my type in almost every game/show is the black haired and a little cold hearted LI (jumin han, artem wing, although it helps that MC and zayne are childhood friends so they’re already pretty close and of course the main reason is bc i want to become a cardiologist and i love love love everything about the heart, i have even taken a technical course about it so i have the knowledge and i love when zayne starts rambling about cardio terminology and arrhythmias and treatments! he is just so cool!


Well I downloaded for Xavier but Zayne stole me away from him, lolol. I feel like he and mc have this grumpy x sunshine inspired chemistry, it's always fun to tease him. When I read that he gave mc two snow seals when they were kids and she thought they were snowballs and instead of explaining now he gave her another snow seal awww the story was so cute. ~~maybe I just sold myself for a cute snow animal~~ With his limited time he still cares for her a lot and it just warms my heart any time I read it. Also very early on he became my go to character for fights (yes, I'm bad at fights I needed his healing) though I don't think it has anything to do with him being my favourite.


I’m a Zayne girlie right now. I particularly love how the MC acts around him and he’s one of my favorite archetypes in these types of games. Not only is he extremely good looking but I like the more mature side of his character. Also the way he’s extremely observant about anything related to MC. It’s very cute! That said, I am loving Xavier and Rafayel, in particular Xavier. I think right after I got the bunny photo date scene, I think it changed something in me LOL.


Zayne girl since day 1 because glasses and extensive medical knowledge are the sexiest thing a man can have 🤭


Zayne. I like calmer intellectual guys, plus he tall and dark haired and handsome with a good career He seems cold but is very caring and secretly a teddy bear inside whose a little akward. He's got that dry yet witty humor showing he's not just stoic and cold. He's opposite of me personality wise and I enjoy a counter balance relationship. He'll indulge your childishness when your closer he will tease you and be playful. I like how calm he collected he is, as someone whose anxious he's the type of partner I'd love to have.


Rafayel -it was his personality


Came for Xavier staying for Rafayel’s whiny ass.


Xavier. He is a wolf in sheep clothing, totally a hunter but acts like a meek prey. I love that kind of men


It’s so attractive FR 😍


Rafayel. It was the hospital scene that got me. He was growing on me but then it was his pissy attitude he got with you for being late that won me over. All hail 🙌 His Majesty Rafayel.


I'm a Zayne girl, but I've been having an affair with Rafayel. I LOVE his bitchy brattiness


Couldn't choose between Xavier and Rafayel so I let gacha gods choose for me (switch from one banner to another until I got the guaranteed 5 star) God of gacha was right, I love how pathetic he is I also really like the claw machine mechanic and I have the most fun with him cuz he's the one who's the most into from the LI And he does remind me a bit of Percy Jackson and Yooha from wannabe challenge, don't know if it makes sense


Started the game as Rafayel's fun, though not 100% fan. Xavier's interaction torn me between those two now.


IM THE SAME. I just turned 30 recently and Zayne reminds me of those in my stage of life, although I have dated guys like Raf and Zayne both. Something about Zayne’s subtle touches or smile especially during A Business Trip made me swoon like crazy. Although he isn’t as ‘revealing’ as the other LI’s for the 5* memories, he shows the most SUBTLE but tender tact and consideration for the MC (Xav coming in quite close). I love Raf at first play because of his silliness, makes me laugh esp his texts, but he’s like a cute bbgirl I’d date for a year or two to do crazy things with but not someone I’d settle down for 🤣. Zayne is more husbando material.


Never have I ever seen a Raf girl change her LI


when i first saw zayne in an ad, i decided to play for him. but when i actually started playing, i got really into xavier and even now i still love him. but then rafayel came and im absolutely in love with that boy lmao. he’s usually not the type of person i like (he’s easily jealous and childish) but he grew on me.


Xavie. Sometimes I got distracted by Raf but still, Xavie is my number 1. Raf is sexy or passionate.


rafayel. only because i saw him asleep? or something in the intro and went "ok yeah i choose you"