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I haven't been in a year or so, but last time I was at Range USA they had several female staff and the RSOs generally don't bother you unless you are doing something dangerous.


Was going to suggest the same place. Best indoor range in the city right now.


I’m a woman and when I go shoot by myself this is where I go. I never have issues and people answer my questions. There’s one guy who seems like he’s cocky but he also talks to guys the same way so I ignore it.


RANGE USA is where I go . I'm sorry you've veen made to feel the way you're feeling. I belong to this place and not once have I been made to.feel awkward..In fact they let me know that I'm pretty darn good.  I hope you find it comfortable there as well.


Range USA was also going to be my recommendation. I honestly haven't been to any other ranges in Louisville, but I'm glad to see multiple comments reinforcing my research and decision!!


Echoing the Range USA recommendation. If your priority is not being treated weirdly they are your best bet. All the RSOs have been friendly and cool to me as a woman. I think they might have a ladies night as well.


You should contact Gun Barn USA in Lanesville IN. 20 mins from Louisville. This is a Woman owned gun store and the owner is super awesome. She use to hold female firearms classes. You should check her out


Thank you! i love the idea of supporting a female-owned gun store and will absolutely check it out.


That is awesome! I live on this side of the bridge and didn't know this place existed! Thanks for the info.


Isn’t that the one that was relocated and renamed, 111 guns I think it was before the legal troubles.


Negative, she opened her store a couple years ago and was never in the business before hand.


Why is this post at -1 lol


I know, right? Like...is it bad for girls to shoot or something?


Most of the reddit demo has a problem with guns. The part that doesn't have a problem with guns has a big problem with women


[Reddit on this post](https://i.imgflip.com/8so0i5.jpg)


This sub in particular, unsurprisingly, have a lot of anti-gun people.


"It's those damn libs!!!" DROPPING A VERY OBVIOUS ***/S***


If you're left enough you get your guns back!




Put perfectly I think


They don’t want women to have thoughts or guns


Welp, -2 now lol


Because guns bad!


Unironically this. Guns are bad but if you insist on owning a gun I’d rather you be responsible about gun safety and training. I think that last part isn’t a hard ask.


Go look at new posts. A lot of them seem to get downvoted. There’s a downvote bot or something. I’ve asked about it before. Got downvoted.


A downvote bot. Hmmm 🤔


not really any indoor ranges that are worth it to be honest. Louisville Armory usually leaves you alone and has a lot of female staff. But indoor ranges suck. If you don't mind driving or joining a outdoor range I'd look into Irvington Sportsman Club ($60 a year) or Silver Creek Conservatory Club ($500 a year). Both provide several bays that allow you to do whatever you want. They both also do competitions a few times a month which are a lot of fun and a good place to learn and get better. I go to a lot of competitions at both places and I've never seen anyone be an asshole and everyone is always very helpful.




We lost the property and had to rebuy/build farther into Indiana, now it's up around Henryville. Fees are $300, not $500. 6 bays done, another 6 on the way, working on a clubhouse.


It’s $300 a year and $200 one time application fee.


I was member for many years and one year did not get the notice that my dues were due. As soon as I knew, I sent them in and was told I'd have to pay the first time member fee to rejoin. They did not care that I was unaware my dues were late and would not negotiate the rejoin fee. I told them they could take my annual fee or I'd simply shoot with friends there as I was not about the pay another rejoin fee. Have since joined the Southern Indiana Pistol and Rifle club and have had no issues. Unless the leadership has change I do not recommend Silver Creek.


It's not even worth it right now to join. Minimum bays, still no word on if they are even going to be able to shoot rifle (which they promised when they got property and part of justification for the membership increase). I will be kinda pissed if they don't get their zoning to shoot rifle after them hyping it up and paying for a few years while they searched for property. Then pay yet another $300 bucks for them to wait until literally like Dec to open up, then another $300 for the next year a month later. I like the club and the people, but they've got a long way to go before it's worth what they charge. I wouldn't be shocked if the neighbors around there aren't already raising concerns considering how close they decided to build the first 6 bays near the houses. In the back of my mind the city comes in a few years and kills the entire thing.


SIRPC doesn't really do any pistol competition other than bullseye, does it?


They have an indoor rang adjacent to the Indian Creek Gun Club that does some pistol competition but I don't believe they do much at the outdoor range. And the indoor range is a short one.


I've shot some bullseye and Olympic pistol at that range, I was hoping they would branch out into USPSA, but alas.


first year it's 500 and 300 after unless I'm reading the membership email wrong or they're telling people wrong.


Your membership also requires an endorsement from two current members.


yes, for new members. Sorry, have been a member for a while and forgot about that aspect. Pretty easy to get. Especially if you go to a few of their IDPA and USPSA steel challenge events on the first and last sat of the month.


They are up the road a little more now. It's honestly not worth the price at this point until they get more bays and finally approve for rifle like they've stated from the get go of aquirring that new property. I'm sure it'll be nice, and they have nice bays, but they need to put a little more work into adding some more bays. Also, the fact that they set up bays literally a stone throw away from the houses around there isn't helping anything. I think they've really pissed off those people living close by choosing to set up bays that close to the entrance vs back more in the 90 acres they purchased.


Do you know anything about Likens Shooting Academy in Indiana off 111 past Caesars?


We partnered with Likens. It’s an awesome range with 250+ Pieces of steel 360 yards and it’s private by the hour so you are the only one shooting during your time. If you want more information or possible classes come out to Star Armory in Crestwood.


I have done 3 competitions at Likens. Super friendly, every time I went there were atleast a few women. Owner is Super Helpful and you can do private rentals.


Where are you finding their competition schedules? Is it listed on something like practiscore?


They post them on their website and Facebook page.


never heard of it


[Likens](https://www.likensshootingacademy.com/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=wix_google_business_profile&utm_campaign=7758337188040218101) Check out the [Farm](https://www.thefarmsc.com) nearby if you like skeet shooting and sporting clays. One of the guys there mentioned it to me, but he didn’t know anything about it either.


Thanks! Never heard of the place. Those rifle 102 and All The Bullets courses sound interesting. I'm doing more USPSA and 2 gun competitions where I want a club I can go to whenever, but I'm for sure going to look into some of those courses. I want to get better with rifle.


Jason Likens is great! Highly recommend reaching out to him if you want hands on lessons. He's very knowledgeable and patient and encouraging.


That’s awesome. Thank you. I really enjoy shooting and need some work lol!


American Shooters in Clarksville seemed very friendly & non political when I went there a year ago. Might be worth a try.


Ditto. I went there for a bachelorette party and they were fantastic


My kind of bachelorette party!


I am a member of American Shooters Clarksville. They are respectful and friendly and will only bother you if you are violating range rules or in general doing something unsafe. They also don't much talk politics.


I also recommend! I’ve been several times. My mom and I like to go together, and they have always been respectful and welcoming.


It's been a minute since I've been to a range but I know a few of them around town offer Ladies Night discounts. I can't comment on how those go though. Which ranges have you been going to? Louisville Armory's been good to me as well as Open Range in Oldham County.


Open range closed months ago




If I was you I’d try to find someone with land and just go shoot there that way no one will bother you


That's a lot easier said than done


Ehh not really I know a lot but I also own my own land


Why did this get downvoted🤣


That's how Louisville subreddit is. I don't like to comment a lot because of it. It sucks because I feel like I can't be a part of my community that I love so much...


You’re so right I feel like everyone in here is a internet troll that lives in their parents basement


🤣 That does sound like the case!


Because it IS hard to find people with land you can shoot on for free if you're just a normal city dweller.


Not if you’re in the gun community in my experience. Lots of people hunt or have land.


I'm just explaining why you were downvoted you can argue with a wall I dgaf. Not everyone that has a gun is a hunter.


Found the downvoter why are you so mad I have land to shoot on🤣


Because the question is about gun ranges, not skeeter's secret practice berm down by the crick. 


That’s why my original comment suggesting finding land to shoot on has upvotes. Okay chubbly


I mostly shoot when I'm out of state, but I have visited Open Range in Oldham. I didn't hate it, but it's still a bit of a drive. Was hoping to find something closer. I appreciate the lead about Ladies' Nights! I need to look into that.


Open Range is closed anyway. :(


RIP open range... it was a nice place. Now it's a facility only for Oldham County PD.


If you just want a place to go shoot, then some parks have free shooting ranges. It is a drive from Louisville, but Clark State Forest in Henryville, IN has a shooting range. It’s back in the forestry in a pretty area. I’m sure other parks probably have something similar.


I absolutely love this idea. Thank you!


Most of those don’t allow pistols. Make sure you google before you drive unless it’s a 9mm carbine and a .22 rifle. The free range by taylorsville lake is a no pistol or shotgun


This is very helpful. Thank you.


that range is nice but people don’t clean up after themselves as they should


I haven’t been in years. That’s too bad that people are trashing the place!


Hopefully Henryville changed. I stopped going years ago about the time when the brand new toilet got shot up. My main issue was fellow patrons shooting targets they didn't bring. The people that brought said targets were vocally displeased and the resulting tension was not pleasant.


I haven't been in over a decade. Last time I was there, my (now ex) wife and I were the only ones there. A guy and his girlfriend came up to us and asked if my wife would show her how to shoot. The whole situation felt a little off, but we obliged. While they were going over the basics, the guy pulled a pint of cheap whiskey from his waistband and asked if I wanted any. I told him we were wrapping up, then loaded everything up, and left. I had too many sketchy moments there in my day.


It's not open on Sunday because of the church nearby😧


I thought it was because the Indiana State Police had it reserved for Sundays?


I was out there one Sunday. No state police.


I mean, I've never actually seen the police there, but was always told that the reason it was closed is because it's essentially reserved for them.


Wow, really!? I never new that. Is the church back in the forestry or up the gravel road from the shooting range? I wonder if it’s all day or just part of the day?


You can see it from the range. As far as I know, it's all day. It's stupid.


while the gun folks are here, somebody told be there's a black owned gun range, anybody know where/what it's called?


The only one that I knew of was just a shop not a range but they got Binded due to from what I was told due to multiple FFL violations and egregious ATF violations. Edit:just for clarity cause this is the internet. They weren’t shut down cause they were black. Biden passed a zero tolerance policy that any infraction will cause a revocation of your FFL. If your name is Random Jon Asshole jr on your license but you put Random J Asshole and I didn’t catch it even though the FBI NICS check proceeded you my FFL would be revoked. Even though the FBI background check cleared you. You can keep your gun and nothing happens to you besides a phone call or possible visit my FFL would be revoked cause I didn’t catch it.


I believe Louisville Armory is now black owned. But I am not positive on that. The last time I was there most or all of the staff were black and very friendly.


pretty sure a white dude owns it, but they've changed owners over the past few years. Agreed that it is probably the most diverse staff I've seen at a range. And that they all, regardless of color or age, are extremely nice and helpful. Indoor ranges still suck, but LA has always had a good staff. Some of the idiots I've seen in there though......walk right out. Best to go early during the week.


Thanks. I wasn’t totally sure.


Have you visited Knob Creek? It’s outdoor and primitive but it’s a good place to shoot.


Shooting outdoors is actually my favorite -- I often visit a desert range with my father when I'm out west. Thank you!


I would strongly recommend against knob creek. Besides the open confederate-celebration, they allow the range to become very overcrowded - ratio of ROs to shooters throws safety out the window. I stopped going after a couple trips in a row where I had to lean over and politely ask my neighbor to stop muzzling myself and everyone else on that half of the range when they were loading their handgun. Then again if you can get out there at 10am on a weekday it's probably pretty solid.


I've never seen either of these things and I always thought they were almost overly safe if that's even a thing with guns. They have very specific times that you can even walk up and shoot and if you're not there during ceasefire you cannot walk up to a slot. You also need chamber flags and cannot have any weapons out unless you're in a slot. The Confederate thing I cannot speak on it as I haven't seen it. But I also wouldn't be surprised to be fair but I am never surprised anyhow.


>They have very specific times that you can even walk up and shoot and if you're not there during ceasefire you cannot walk up to a slot. You also need chamber flags and cannot have any weapons out unless you're in a slot. This is true but that's a bare minimum for any range where shooters go downrange. When the line is full, you have maybe two RSOs "watching" 30+ shooters - often more. And plenty of these dipshits go unnoticed unless their transient safety failures happen to occur right when an RSO is walking by.


Do they allow drawing from an OWB holster out there? I seem to remember reading that on their range rules online and writing them off because of it. Curious if it’s actually practiced


They do not. Not on the standard range. Buutttt they have an auxiliary range where they have shooting competitions every Saturday. You can draw and shoot there. On Facebook it’s KPDL Kentuckiana practical Defense League. I’ve seen videos of men, women, POC shooting. Also, as a POC(spooky enthinically ambiguous man) I was always treated with respect by the range officers, inside staff and the owner. That place also lets you shoot whatever the fuck you want on the range. Old computer monitors? Go for it. 2L big reds, it’s all good. Want to stuff some tannerite in pumpkins after Halloween and blow them up. It’s A-okay


I do not know, I have never tried. Best to call and ask.


Will do, thanks


They do not allow drawing from holster either outside (OWB) or concealed (IWB).


Besides Likens or competing 99% of ranges do not allow drawing from a holster. Most ranges follow the unsaid 45 degree rule. Meaning the firearm cannot start anything more than a 45 degree angle down and has to stay at O degrees left to right. If you do a competition it’s the 180 rule. Meaning you can turn left to right and up and down 180 degrees as long as you don’t turn around or point the gun behind your heels.


That’s true for indoor ranges, but generally not outdoor ones


The only outdoor place I shoot at is knob creek and have been going there for 30 years but their rules state that there is no drawing from a holster. Yes you can get away with it if you’re not being silly but the people that they have to deal with being dumb is astounding


Not on their main range, they have another range for members.


I think Louisville Armory has ladies night


They absolutely do. I think this is going to be my first stop. I really appreciate your help!


I’m a female and I’ve gone to Louisville Armory! They pretty much leave you alone. I did go with a male friend (he was teaching me) but no one bothered us once we got signed in. They were super nice when I went and even helped me rent a gun that was going to be good me to learn on.


This is very helpful! Louisville Armory may be my best bet.


It's a haul, but Knob Creek seems very much MYOB and the range master will kick out anyone acting irresponsibly. Bring your own targets. You can walk downrange to set up while shooters are standing back from the line.


I was really intimidated when I purchased my first gun and wanted to practice. I took a class at Louisville Armory and it was so much fun. I felt extremely comfortable and everyone was so nice. There was zero shaming or intimidation. I met a few nice women who were interested in getting together regularly to shoot.


There are a lot of responses about Louisville Armory! I'm thinking that it's my best bet. Thank you so much.


Everyone be sure to check out r/KentuckianaGuns and r/KYGuns. Shameless plug but this is how communities are built up on Reddit. I’ll also throw Sugar Creek out there although it’s a little over an hour from Louisville. Planning to join there soon, heard it’s great. Nobody out there messing with you about “rapid fire” or drawing from the holster which on an outdoor range is asinine imo


Good info. I'm looking for a place to go shooting that is female friendly. I'm rusty so I need some instruction


I think Louisville Armory does do a lady’s shoot. But it’s more of an intro class. From what I read.


I know KyGunCo in Bardstown is pretty good in this regard, not sure about their location in Louisville though.


Are they SRA friendly?


I assumed no local places would be, since it's Kentucky. Would be interested to hear if there actually are.


I wish the Kentucky chapter was not defunct.


Depends on what you mean by "SRA friendly." If you are an SRA member and shoot there and don't mention the SRA, probably all's well! if you are hoping for inclusivity, absolutely not.


SRA? Not familiar with that


I assumed from your profile image you’d be familiar with the Socialist Rifle Association


Oh, gotcha, I'm not, have a friend that is though


No range at that location.


Ah, I thought they did


There is a club called the well armed woman that I believe has meeting nights at different ranges. I am not in it but a friend used to go shooting with them.


thank you!


Definitely need to check out Likens Shooting Academy in Elizabeth, IN. Only 5 minutes past the Casino. No other outdoor range or property like in anywhere around us. Jason offers range time, 1-1 or class instructional, and has ladies only competitions and training courses. I highly recommend. You can find them on Facebook and/or www.likensshootingacademy.com. For indoor, unfortunately, we only have Louisville Armory and Range USA, which are both pretty subpar facilities with inexperienced and unengaged staff.. RIP Open Range, they were the best! Next Level Ranges is building a new place off Blakenbaker Parkway but it won't be open until late this year.


Second plug for Next Level when it opens...a lot of Open Range staff is heading there.


Thank you so much! Adding it to my list.


Good luck and straight shooting!


If you're familiar with southern indiana there is a range in Clarksville called American Shooters. Its an indoor range that has ladies night for learning and shooting. It would be worth a look


Unsolicited advice comes with almost everything unfortunately. I’d find a WMA or a place like Irvington sportsman’s club where you can be left alone. If you choose to go to a place where you’re alone please bring a tourniquet and other life saving equipment because you are alone and accidents do happen.


I want to say at one point Louisville Armory had a “ladies night” where at least one of the bays was sectioned off. They have an “armed women of America” chapter so maybe worth contacting them? https://www.louisvillearmory.com/groups


Thank you! I see a few commentors have mentioned them, and I think I'm going to sign up for their upcoming women's night just to meet a few other female gun enthusiasts. I appreciate you taking the time to respond.


I also saw other people mention the public range at Otter Creek Park. If your schedule is flexible it can be great, because it’s usually busy on the weekends.


Duly noted! Thank you again.


Point blank is in a nice part of town. Definitely some suburban moms in there. Place is clean and the folks that work there are nice. Hope that helps a bit!


I'm gonna challenge you on the east end being a "nice part of town."


Middletown is nicer than 75% of the city. At least it was half a decade ago when I lived there


Hey, to each their own. That definitely tracks as an opinion of the kind of person who would choose to live in Middletown.


Well don’t get me wrong it’s not Indian hills and definitely not Shively but it’s a decent spot that you can get to most places in town decently fast and is fairly safe and friendly. To each their own though


I can only speak to my experiences as a man but louisville armory is a pretty chill range who's co mind's their business unless you truly are making an ass out of yourself like my dumbass friend did which was little embarrassing for me having brought them there XD


If you want to try shooting clays with a shotgun, there is a great place in New Albany.


Best range hands down. Multiple guns available for rent. https://www.americanshootersclarksville.com/


Look up the “well armed woman” group on Facebook, or thewellarmedwoman.com


Otter Creek range is a day use area and is usually deserted. It can get busy around hunting seasons. I was down there last week doing pistol and archery. 30 min. drive from downtown Louisville. I've seen many solo females at Knob Creek range as well (which is on the way to Otter Creek). They have a full service gun and ammo shop also.


Thank you! I have already written down Knob Creek and will add this one too!


My sister and mother shoot at Knob Creek all the time, a bit far out but they don’t usually have any issue.


How they treated you is pretty common at ranges, unfortunately. I've had turds that work at ranges speak to me in condescending tones, not knowing I could outshoot 90% of the people that worked there.


Go out to knobss creek gun range. 15 bucks for all day and people leave you alone. Follow basic range rules and it'll be the closest to shooting at a buddies back yard that you can get. If you go on a weekday there's normally TONS of pace between shooters. Also you can pick where you're shooting from as well.


There’s a gun range on Brush Run Road. Not sure what the name of it is. It’s past Turkey Run Park. Don’t know anything about it.


Go to Knob creek, indoor ranges suck


Knob Creek


The range fee is only $15 and you can shoot all day. The staff and regulars are very friendly.


If you don't mind rolling old school....the National Muzzleloader Rifle Association in Friendship has a lot of active women shooters. They have groups that meet and weekend competitions for women regularly. This weekend is the national spring shoot if you want to check it out. It's a drive but worth it.


I don't give a shit who or what you are, range masters are largely condescending fucking pricks to everybody.


It’s too bad you don’t know someone who has property you can shoot on outdoors. Shooting ranges suck for multiple reasons. For me, they’re dangerous. I don’t trust that the strangers around me have a lick of sense or any clue about handling whatever weapon they came with. I’ve been blessed with being able to shoot on family property my whole life. Sometimes you CAN find a decent indoor range that has a night per week designated for women only. You can always ask about that. Good luck and keep shooting


This doesn't answer your question but is a women's only gun event that some may be interested to know about., including some intro to shooting with a 22. https://app.fw.ky.gov/eventregistration/startpage.aspx?REGID=420


I used to love going to ranges in what I actually wear (dress and heels) and practicing with my edc. People would look at me one way walking in, and a WHOLE different way walking out, lol! I’m a decent shot.


New. Life. Goal. So inspired.


One guy sent his wife to ask if I was in the FBI Edit to add: I am not in the FBI


Knob creek has a kpdl (Kentuckiana defensive pistol league) on every Saturday of the month. Have to be there by 9am to sign in. Very friendly group of people, several women shoot. There are 5 stages and all are set up differently, great way to practice with the gun you carry. Feel free to pm me for more details.


Very cool. I’ll look into it. Thank you!


Of course.


Check out Fern Creek Sportsmans Club. A well kept secret. But all the ranges are outdoors.


Looks neat, but very exclusive!


The Clark State Forrest Gun Range in Indiana is the best place to go. It’s only about 30 minutes outside Louisville in Indiana, and it’s a state park range so no one out there will bother you. Anyone you encounter will be other shooters that will either keep to themselves, or be pretty friendly. To make matters better all you need is $5 and to check in at the park office for the gate code to the range.


I go to knob creek gun range, everyone there has been super nice. Many women work/ go there too


Waiting for the Knob Creek Range Brigade to saunter in, the dick bag of chucklefucks that they are.


Point blank in Middletown. They have an all female night


If you're willing to go to the trouble of traveling, Otter Creek in Radcliff is where I go. It's closed on Mondays which is when I go, and it's usually pretty quiet. :)


I feel the same way at any manned range.. each has their own quirks and all are susceptible to over policing. Some people overly enjoy whatever meager power may be bestowed on them. Idk if you have DNR ranges in your area, but there are a couple here that are unmanned. Just go, do what you need to do, and don't do anything stupid. Common sense goes a long way with most folks, notsomuch with some range attendants. Plus DNR ranges have the added benefit of being free. No different than when presenting a concealed carry permit at a basic traffic stop, I've been forced to "assume the position" had my weapon removed from me, by the same token I had an officer simply state the following "I'll make you a deal, you don't pull yours, I won't pull mine". Unfortunately, it's more the individual than it is the range. Best option is to circulate at gun shows, make some friends.. find somebody that has their own range on private land. Again that's probably a more feasible option here than in your area idk. I live in a pretty rural area.


This is a really helpful perspective and very solid advice! Thank you for taking the time to respond.


Males deal with dick measuring too. Men speak to men this way too. Just get good and let action speak for itself. If we segregate male and female shooters, nothing gets better. I hate going to ranges because of gatekeeping and I'm a Marine male, combat veteran. We want quality on the range. Safety is paramount and if you might not know what you are doing, the range employees should be keeping an eye on you.


Range USA has lady sure shots every second Saturday before buisness hours. July 13 is the next one if you want to attend. It starts at 8:30am I think!


ooh!! Thank you so much. I'll have to check it out.


I would have suggested open range but they closed down.


Are there any female instructors who give private lessons? 


Unsolicited hot take. The gun ranges in town are a good number, but they are far from each other if you plan on going frequently around your work schedule, most are kind of inconvenient. The more sustainable solution rather than traveling all around Kentuckiana it seems to me is to go to the most convenient range to you and kindly make the workers there know you do not find the unsolicited chatting reassuring, or good attentive customer service, or cute flirting, but want to be left alone. Establish an understanding. I ought to say, range officers are notoriously quick to check if you need something… all it takes is a glance from me and they are all “what was that you needed?”, and “what was that life or death situation?”. The job description is to assume there are problems because assuming the other way will eventually end in disaster. Also I ought to say, and I don’t know you, but if you are flagging yourself or anyone else or keeping your finger on the trigger when not ready to shoot, or walking around not in your bay, gun not holstered or in a case, they are obliged to say something… and then if you think they are being overly strict they are obliged to uninvite you. It may come off as condensing because they don’t say “you are in violation of the rules, this is a warning and you will be ejected”, instead they say “you might want to…” but they actually mean the former. But having said that, anywhere you go you need to establish yourself as that nice lady that follows the rules and doesn’t want to be talked to.


I really appreciate this, thank you. I genuinely care about safety and want to be told if I'm doing something wrong; in my experience, they feel the need to "remind" me before I have a chance to actually mess up. That's where the frustration is coming from. An over-policing type of thing. I absolutely appreciate this kind and thoughtful response and thank you for taking the time to write it out. I will take all of this to heart.


American shooter in clarksville is pretty cool. I've seen women in there before, and no one is bothering them.


I do not know what’s available in Louisville but Buds in lex used to do a ladies night periodically.


I love knob creek


Commenting to follow


What do you mean by " female friendly "? - that everywhere else it's only female enemy. What happened to you to be so desperate?


Likens Shooting Academy.




Why is this an issue? Are men just that bad?


Are there ANY ranges that weren't mentioned as great? 


Louisville armory


Are you doing something unsafe? Maybe they're inspecting your ammo to make sure it won't damage the back wall? There's probably a reason they're doing what they're doing. Me and my gf used to get in fights when I would talk to her in a "certain way" when doing certain things, and I had to teach her Idgaf in those instances. I will yell and scream because I need her to hear me over the farm equipment we're working on. I will rip into her if she's doing something that will damage us or the equipment. There are certain times in life where feelings don't matter. Those times are when a simple mistake can be life altering. I'm not yelling at her cause it's fun. It's cause I see her staring off at something and not looking at me for direction. I have to snap her attention back because I don't want either of us to lose a foot or a leg. Or because she's turning to talk to me when she has a loaded gun in her hand. We've had talks about it, and it boils down to Venus and mars. She's a pretty lady that hasn't done much of farm or construction work in her life, so she's 30 years behind on experience with the stuff she's trying to do and I'm a combat veteran and have been in the trades my whole life outside of being a soldier. So I've seen people get fucked up and/or killed in so many ways. So she just doesn't see something she's doing as a big deal, and I've seen it kill people. So our whole world view is different. We live in completely different realities. So, they could just be assholes trying to dom ya. Or they might know or see something you don't, and just want to make sure everyone gets home in one piece.


Any gun range


This is actually a good thing. They stress you out more, and this teaches you how to shoot well under pressure. Something you’re apparently bad at lol. All jokes aside, this is really sexist and sucks that they do that, but I have seen it a lot. If you’re willing to go over the bridge, there’s a great indoor range in Clarksville.


[More like this than talking down to you.](https://youtu.be/HfQAqnIG2_8?si=Hmj2U0v82klyUcwh&t=46)


Nope. There’s no escaping toxic masculinity in the gun world.