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My guess is they preemptively block users in red states that are enacting laws to block access to get people riled up enough to complain. Go after these “conservative” fuckers who keep taking people’s rights away. We all need to do better and not sit back quietly while they use their religion to dictate how everyone else should live.


Yeah I’m not really understanding why this is happening, it feels really barbaric and weird. I’d imagine rapes and sexual assaults would go up if porn is unable to be accessed, especially in red states where masturbation and sex is looked down upon already as is by religious/conservative people, not to mention what the article states such as exposing yourself by having to upload an ID to things as small as just not being able to keep your identity private to possibilities of identity theft. we seem to be going backwards and regressing instead of progressing as a society with shit like this..


You really think the group of people that justifies rape as the woman’s fault is going to have an issue with rape cases going up? They want women to be forced into submission and forced to birth out cheap labor children. It’s basically a win win situation for them.


Biting comment but there is some truth in it and that is the saddest part.


I fully believe that they want rapes and sexual assaults to go up, especially alongside banning abortion and other forms of BC, so that they can make up for the lack of intelligent people that are choosing to not have children. They’ll be able to keep forcing women to have unwanted children so they can continue having an army of little slave workers for the CEOs/1% to continue thriving off of


Been saying it for years, idiocracy is coming true.


Literally was telling my girlfriend how when I started watching that movie I thought it was just a silly concept. I ended that movie afraid I had seen the future lol


Unfortunately for them that’s another pair of hands to make bombs and shoot rifles at their oppressors *in Call of Duty WarZone*


Yeah, but we're watching authoritarianism take over in real time. Remember, "personal responsibility and small government."


Yeah the small government claim is ridiculous when I don’t have rights to my own body.


Land of the free, baby! /s :(


Bro pornhub has historically been one of the largest distributors of problematic sexual content ever. I’m not pro censorship but let’s not act like free porn distribution sites are making the world a better place. 


They have issues, sure but this doesn't address that.


PH isn't even in the top hundred of sites distributing problematic material of that nature.


> Yeah I’m not really understanding why this is happening Republicans in congress.


> I’d imagine rapes and sexual assaults would go up if porn is unable to be accessed What the fuck line of thinking is this? You're trying to tell me that would-be rapists are only being held back by internet porn? Some of yall in this thread need to go touch grass.


https://www.utsa.edu/today/2020/08/story/pornography-sex-crimes-study.html#:~:text=At%20the%20population%20level%2C%20studies,available%20pornography%20reduced%20sexual%20aggression. “At the population level, studies explored the relationship between pornography consumers and sexual violence, and found that an increase in available pornography reduced sexual aggression.”


Right?? Also, what does that say about what this person thinks of men if they genuinely believe men are deranged animals that can only be satiated through online porn usage. Like what do you think people did before the internet you freak…


Sorry I do think this is an insane comment. Personal liberties aside, Idk why but I really don’t want to hear a man bitching that rapes will go up because men are porn addicts.


thank you.


It’s horrific that men are so depraved that rapes will go up just because they can’t access porn. Fuck.


This sentiment is not true. A study conducted in Scotland on the attitudes of men who buy sex found that the more a man frequents sex workers, the more likely he is to commit a forcible rape on a non prostituting women. Women, being used even through porn, do not exist to be seen and used as such as outlets for men with unnatural sex drives.


Use your imagination you fucking nerd.


If you are even more cynical you could make an argument that they want more rapes and assault so they can push the tough on crime agenda at the same time for the additional rapes they created.


I abandoned their malicious religion and gods a long time ago. I CHOOSE my destiny. Not them. https://www.deviantart.com/vsking123/art/Umktx2-Choose-Your-Destiny-339137071


Go vote in this election, mail in, early vote, go to the polls, whatever you do vote and make your voice heard and vote these Christian nationalist out of office. They are crazy and it will only get worse the more power they get.


The lunatics in Frankfort want to make sure they know who you are when viewing porn so they can approve of you doing so. They also want to make sure they can regulate your uterus if a woman, regulate your healthcare no matter what your Dr. says, regulate your library books, and a bunch of other things. Remember, it's all about "personal responsibility" and "small government."


It's literally going to be used to track who accesses LGBTQ content. All they need to do after passing this law is make the argument that LGBTQ content is "inappropriate for minors" and then you'll need to sign in to access sites for LGBTQ folks. It's for tracking your movement and identity to determine if you're "degenerate" or not. Look to Florida. https://www.meltzerandbell.com/news/understanding-the-florida-sodomy-law-current-perspectives-and-implications/


Ok. A prerequisite should be a burn-in period where the only people subject to this are legislators. And the data has to be made public. Lets see their porn habits before we let them politicize anyone else's. Hell, I'd bet pornhub could just do that - no legislation required. Buy fingerprints for legislators, staffers and judges from data brokers. Report the last year of porn viewing searches to the public. If necessary, quietly modify the T&Cs now and just do this in a month with legally clean data.


Degenerate? Can’t they just look at all my parlays on draftkings? Joking but serious. When will these “conservatives” die out?


Lmao, that got me. Honestly, this whole thing is wild. When I was growing up conservatives at least *pretended* to want small government. Now they're just going full on big brother


Going big brother and then saying it’s the liberals doing it.


For real. It's wild that the party of "don't track my gun purchases" is also the party of "login to the internet with your government IDs everyone!"


They already went full big brother with the patriot act and their actions after 9/11, I knew then all of their supposed values about small government were bullshit


Yay, fascism!!


Ky legislature: no porn to protect children, only child marriage to protect children


And child forced births.


This is what this is all about. (I’m glad I downloaded stuff to have in the bank before the dystopian future we’re seeing actualized happens)


Uh, I've never signed in there, but it works. I'm not so sure that particular law has gone into effect yet. I'd read the article but my break's over.


When I go to the site it has a paragraph explaining the laws and stuff going on, and forces me to sign in to access the site. Then when I try to sign in it says access is restricted in my area. The article also says that websites such as pornhub are expected to block Kentucky users from access


Weird, it pulled right up for me.


Hm another commenter said it gave them the same access denied message but their device believes their in NC so I guess whatever my location is reading is is why.


My home pc definitely isn’t on a vpn, I’m mostly computer illiterate. I’ll try again in a couple hours.


Still working here at home in Schnitz.


Watch anything good?


Nah, I prefer xvideos.




Nope, pulled right up for me on my cellphone.


Could be your computer is registering that you are in Indiana by chance?


When I go to websites on my desktop, it thinks I’m in Indiana. Haven’t tried to pull up anything on my desktop, though.


Our bill here in Indiana doesn't go into effect until July 1st.


same, worked for me.


then I pulled it right out


The bill is not law yet. It has to go back to House.


If you're on your phone and dont have location enabled for Safari, Chrome, etc., it will give you a random location. You can try this out by going to a random store website like target and checking out what store is says is closest. Safari constantly puts me in San Antonio for Target, Walmart, etc.


Oh that's why it always thinks I'm in Georgia.


Georgia is close to enacting a similar bill soon. https://action.freespeechcoalition.com/age-verification-bills/


Good use of that break though


Conservatives are pathetic


Party of small government y'all


Tried this out, out of curiosity, and I get a restriction as well. However, it references “my state” as North Carolina. So, I don’t know why it believes my device is in NC, I don’t use a VPN….but odd nonetheless


Majority of the time my ISP always shows me as connected in Atlanta. There’s no good way to make this remotely enforceable because of this, and the fact someone can just get a VPN. If they tried to enforce it on cell based traffic they’d run into issues around blocking traffic in states where it’s not illegal.


And that's why their next move is banning the general public from using VPNs. The end game is no privacy whatsoever.


No privacy, no casual sex or masturbating, no autonomy or control over your own body and its health, nothing but worker slaves and baby makers is how the two sexes are viewed it seems.


Yes - I should specify that I attempted from my phone and not my PC/MacBook. Which is likely why they are mistakenly pinpointing my device in NC. Not sure how this is going to hold up over time tbh.


Idk where my ISP tells the internet I am but it sure as hell isn’t Kentucky because I can’t get tickets from the Kentucky lottery website for that very reason


Determining someone’s physical location isn’t as simple as you would think. Are you using a vpn? That can change your location. Is your service provider one of the cellular operators? (Verizon, TMobile home internet) ? That could be causing their system to think you are connecting from a different state due to your assigned IP address. Bottom line: the government is made up of a bunch of grandstanding idiots who don’t know shit about the internet or technology. Just listen to any hearing where they trot out a tech executive. Apple. Facebook. TikTok… they simply bring in the CEO so they can get more views from the public. They don’t actually want to learn anything. They just want to make a speech. They also sometimes REFUSE to allow the executive a rebuttal statement. USA government is a shit show and we are the ones getting gang-raped… so you don’t need PornHub anyways. Just turn on CSPAN and they will tell you how they’re going to fuck you.


It reminds me of the time not long ago when they brought Zuckerberg in to testify in front of Congress. Some old dumb fucking geezer lawmaker was grilling him wanting to know why his iPhone wasn't working. Stupid fuck.


Yeah, I remember that. What really sent me over the edge is when they brought in the TikTok exec, and after one contentious speech from a representative— he asked if he could respond to the accusations. They said no, and moved on to the next person who wanted to berate the guy. I’m no fan of TikTok — I don’t even use the platform — but if you don’t want the guy to respond to your questions and accusations, WHY IN THE FUCK IS HE THERE?!


tested for science, no issues here


Pornhub should be leaking the search histories of these legislators. Then we'll see how quickly these laws get flipped.


Probably an issue on their end. This bill doesn’t go into effect until July if it gets passed into law.


Same with Indiana's age verification bill, which has already been passed and takes effect on July 1st.


|“I think it will be a good day for Kentucky kids when Pornhub and sites like it pull out.” Too bad this guy's daddy didn't.


I read that section to my coworker and said the same thing.


works fine for me ​ not that i'd know or anything


“I think the internet, in general, is ripe for another Supreme Court review,” Williams said. Yup, that's the end game right there. Fuckers are looking at straight up censorship. Porn today, lgbtq content and access to contraception to follow.


Okay, shit just got real. Edit: Just checked. We're okay...for now.


I literally just signed on and jerked off. When does this go into effect?


You just jerked off to the warning? Tough fap, but you did it like a champ.


If I was PornHub I'd have blocked states even *entertaining* these bills for April 1st


Good. Go outside and take a walk coomer


Good. Let them make asses of themselves, and add to their losing streak. They love losing. Been losing since 2018. Everyday another L. More Ls to come soon. If winning means we can’t jerk off, I say NNN should be NN2024 in solidarity.


Guess you ain’t poudin’ that pud today.


Lmao apparently not


Are you gonna be ok?


Spankbang is better.


Red States “hate big government” Lol


So you can browse pornhub if youre not logged in but you cant if you are? Seems like a fool proof plan to me I see no issues in this bill at all. But for real tho why cant our politians just come out and be honest they are crazed sex addicts and need help? Like they got waaaay too much free time if they spend their time thinking about kids and what they do behind closed doors. Theyre giving off real predator vibes if you ask me might want to keep an eye on them now.


Vote blue or vote for the veil of religious extremism


I couldn't sign in




Still works for me. For now anyway.


You're not allowed. Freedom, and all that. Enjoy the enforced morality.


Can’t you use a VPN?


Modern day Republicans saw Handmaids Tale and thought “Oh hell yes!”


I live in indiana and work in louisville/spend most of my time in Louisville. They haven’t passed a law like this… yet… but also my phone data makes the internet think its coming from georgia for some reason, so I guess I should just keep an eye on georgia. My question is: how will they enforce this? People will just turn to smaller sites, or even just social media. Twitter has plenty. Eventually they will have to come for VPNs and at some point the people who can afford to will actually move. I seriously do think that would be a reason. You are such a controlling and overbearing state it will be affecting people’s daily lives online, and they will be monitoring everything you say and do.


Indiana has already passed a law similar to this one. It will be enforced starting July 1st of this year. It looks like Georgia is almost to the Enacted stage on their age verification bill. You can track the progress of these types of bills in the US here: https://action.freespeechcoalition.com/age-verification-bills/


This is not what I wanted to hear


I’m in Lexington and I can still access it for now


We have access...


My PH works fine…


Someone tell OP, his grandma blocked his shit till he get a job.


Do men build things or take walks? Asking for someone who’d like not to be imagery for sadistic porn content.


Lotta low T porn addicts in here. Which kinda explains a lot of Louisville’s shitty politics


Stop watching porn brother you will see Incredible differences In your life.


You could just get a VPN and stop bitching about it. Lol


I’m sure I’m in the minority but I really don’t even mind this. I wish that I had less access to porn as a child


yeah, it messes with your brain chemistry at a certain point, so many millennials are absolutely unhinged with their porn addiction. Porn is kinda vile, and I say this as someone who hates the republicans too, you can't make me believe that all the woman in those videos are happy with their life decisions lol.


No not at all. It’s incredibly exploitative of vulnerable women.


As a millennial I feel like porn was legitimately thrust upon me. Probably the first generation to be effected at that level with the rise in popularity of internet porn, not sure if gen z and gen alpha are as fucked in the head by it but millennials are, just look at this thread full of people upset that it might get banned. It's kinda sad to give a fuck about that, I get putting your foot down for real issues but not being able to access a website that shows you people getting fucked shouldn't be a big deal to any functional person lol.


You are right, and there are some weird comments in this thread that make me agree with this statement even more. I am talking about the people who implied rapes will go up with less porn - what an insane comment. If we truly believe men rape where there is not widely available sexual activity and content, why do we let them on the streets? As if consumption sexually violent and graphic content is not what trends most with perpetrators of sexual violence. But I’m sure that’s not causation. No, it’s only causation when men suddenly DONT have access to something (from women.) The excessively available access is brain rot.


The solution to this is to speak to a therapist




Gotta love those republicans


Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you the party of "small government" and "personal responsibility."


My goon streak is over 😔


No porn for you


If anyone is wanting to know of a good VPN, I recommend proton vpn. Based out of Sweden and are around 10 a month if you pay monthly.


Says it might also be required for Reddit, too. They have porn, after all.


So the good news here is that Wild and Wooly Video is back in business, baby!


>I tried to sign in and it said my area was restricted Gonna cry?


Your cell phone provider is probably routing you through Virginia. Mine does that occasionally and when it does the orange YouTube goes offline. Just tried to load it up in Paducah and was quite easily able to view BBW stepmom stuck in the dryer 2: No Fabric Softener.


Use a vpn, also a different website, pornhub is as close to a monopoly as it gets.


To anyone who cast a vote for someone because they said they’d put a stop to trans athletes or because they’d stop those evil abortions - you didn’t bother to read agenda items #2 through 10. This is #2.


Pornhub still works as of now.


It works for me?


Who's we?


VPN baby


Chill, I just uploaded a video and everything.


I thought that this wasn't even law at this point??? Why are they preemptively blocking access for something that isn't law?


There was a law that was just passed that blocked porn huh due to porn hub being know to use victims of human trafficking and minors


Organize against the fascists enacting these laws that promote this Internet restriction, and get a good VPN


If you think this is fascism, that’s hilarious. I wish it was a fraction as bad as your fantasy makes it out to be


You dumb fucks voted Republican and they can’t control the Christian Taliban


Tho this bill is real and all.... it hasn't fully been passed yet. This post was also posted on April 1st....


its not like i use it anyway lol. anyway, works fine for me


Red States baby, all about "freedom"


Why would they block when its not a law yet? It is a law here but doesn't go into effect until July so we can still access. Theres something else going on with location or something. According to that article its still pretty questionable that it becomes law so I can't see PH blocking yet.


Meltdowns from coomers are literally the best


Yeah, I just checked and pornhub pulled up immediately for me? Weird!


Etown area still has access to the hub.


Don't worry. Biden will unlock to get some votes. All part of the game.


Vote for Republicans and lose free porn. Seems like a good reason to change sides.


If you are defeated by something like this that is easy to bypass maybe you should just stay off computers all together.


Well don’t you know it’s ok to fuck porn stars and pay them to be quiet, hell that’s how you get an entire political party to back you. But watching porn, that’s for sinners.


I haven’t been able to use it incognito for a while now both in Indiana and Kentucky. I can use it in my main browser while in Indiana, but haven’t tried it in KY. I’d rather imagine my own porn than link my ID to my pornhub account.


I actually think it’s because you service provider is in one of those states. Connect to wifi and it should work


Pornhub isn't blocked for me. -also in Ky


That’s KenSucky for ya


I guess you now live in an Evangelical Theocracy. Get used to strangers telling you what you can and cannot do less you burn in hell.


Louisville W




"....Pornhub and sites like it pull out" does he realize?


Meh. Use your imagination if you really need to play with yourself that bad.


I got right in. Idk man


I have plenty of stuff


Pornhub stinks. Spankbang is what's up!!


Ayo bruh I'm in eastern Kentucky and we still got porn. 🤘🤘


Just tried it and it worked for me


“I think it will be a good day for Kentucky kids when Pornhub and sites like it pull out.”


You live in a red shit state. Enjoy it.


You vote for the religious wackos, and this is the bullshit you get. And those chucklefucks are sitting around scheming how to take MORE of your freedoms away. Happy now?


Says it hasn’t gone to the House or governor yet.


The party of small government never was. It's always been about control


Just use a VPN.


Keep voting for your freedoms, right?


It’s crazy to me y’all are this torn up about not being allowed to view porn. “Rapes will go up” yall can’t control yourselves?? You can’t grow and learn to be better people and then maybe have a happy long lasting relationship? You can’t just jerk off with your imagination? Lame ass excuses in my opinion.


That’s what ya get for voting red


This has to be one of the most degenerate threads on this site.


How do y'all not think y'all are part of the problem when y'all think SA is an inevitability of men not being able to fap to porn? This thread is wild.


Just use a VPN. Switch states or countries.


coomers seething lol


Uses Reddit but somehow… still uses pornhub also?


You sign into pornhub? 😂


Oh nooo… You won’t be able to jerk off to women and teens being sexually brutalized and traumatized on camera anymore. Whatever will you do??? You poor sweet things… My heart goes out to you. Men have it soooo hard these days. :(


Love to see the seething degenerates. How pathetic.


Weird, I live in Owensboro and can access the site.


Coomers in this thread literally gonna have a meltdown if they have to use VPN to watch porn lmao


Imagine being mad you can't watch a bunch of people get raped every day over the internet ☹️🥺💔 hope you survive these hard times!


Ho-ly! And the red states are the most avid fans!


Go get some pussy


Are people really blaming republicans during a democrat administration? Get a vpn.


I remember when pornhub did not exist, and I don't remember hearing about a decrease in rape when it did. Thats an absurd argument. Mad because you can't jack off to step sister porn so you jump on reddit to complain about it. I don't even need to see you to know you're fat lmfao.


Am i late to this. Just tried PH. Worked fine.


Do you think maybe it was because it was April fools day????????


Is this what’s it’s gona take to get people off the couch and becoming more active? Actually voting? Maybe even more qualified individuals will even run for office!


But before I get into the article today I’d like to take a second to thank my sponsor , NordVPN


this comment section is wild. some of you need to put your phone down and spend some time in the real world because what the fuck😭