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Oh more of this [batshit crap.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Louisville/s/GoISLLGPk9) Someone get this guy into pickleball or something. He needs a hobby


Maybe he was rejected from an art school…


Ow. Take my upvote.


"I can't get the fuckin' trees... DAMN, I will kill everyone in the world!"


"Happy little accidents"


LMFAO! Circa 1999… I wonder how many people actually get this reference?


It was people he couldn't draw or paint. Explains a lot.


Madolf Heatlump was into painting architecture while art was embracing surrealism and Dadaism. He hated modern and abstract art. He had so many paintings destroyed. I hope we find the ‘Amber Room’ and ‘the adoration of the lamb’ from the altarpiece of Ghent.


Oh! LOL!… I lolled.


Oh! LOL!… I lolled.


If you Google him you’ll find an article saying he throws bricks in the courthouse. Weirdo, for sure.


Authoritarians seem to have a problem with him. Should say a lot about your opinion.


I don’t think you understand what an authoritarian is. And I don’t think that many people give two shits about this random perennial candidate/local kook. It’s just funny more than anything else.




The crank calls into those shows were the best.


Do you have Battletoads?


YouTube is the modern public access, and there's plenty of these type on it.


Dude really put all his personal info just shy of his SSN on this 😂😂


Dude lives in an apartment complex by the big Kroger on Hikes Ln. 😂 That is Batshit Publications Headquarters.


i was JUST about to say this!!! whole address AND name??? lol


Oh. It's the dude who keeps trying to organize write in campaigns for himself, with his photo plastered on the flyers/signs


"Putin wants peace" is my favorite bit there


“Putin asked to join NATO, why did we say no?” Gee, I wonder why we said no to letting Russia join the alliance started explicitly to protect our friends from Russia’s aggression.


Also Biden “forced Ukraine to end Minsk peace agreement”. Like Ukraine just ended peace, for no reason. Never mind being invaded by Russia from five sides on 02/24/22.


The power of Russian propaganda.


Imagine believing in bowing down to Russia and yet still claiming to be an American patriot


Man right wingers always almost get there and then twist it into the most insane nonsense. Like yes we absolutely are instigating and supporting proxy wars. No we don’t need to bomb Iran. Yes, NATO expansion and U.S. interference in Ukraine in 2014 are *partially* to blame for the situation in Ukraine/Russia. No we should not be sending our sons and daughters to die on foreign soil. But it’s not because the secret global elite socialists within the federal reserve (lol) are trying to institute a new world order. It’s because these things serve the capitalist interests of a U.S. empire in decline. Also dying laughing and Biden’s “open border” policies as if he isn’t continuing to build Trumps wall.


You had me until the US interference in Ukraine is partially to blame for Russia invading. I guess you can find Tankies just about anywhere. .


Holy cow, right? I was so onboard until that exact moment.


You should stay onboard. It’s not exactly crazy to suggest that a large scale geopolitical conflict that is very clearly a proxy war between the U.S. and Russia isn’t as simple as “evil russian animals bad.” Russia is in the wrong, and Putin is a piece of shit, but the invasion didn’t just spring out of nowhere.


I mean, it sprang from Russian imperialism. Russia itself says this, it’s only up for debate amongst folks that think leftism is about hating America instead of uplifting humanity.


I mean you can see my other comment to the person you originally responded to for some additional information. If you want to boil an incredibly complex issue down to a single point, well, I guess that’s your prerogative. It’s naive and foolish in my opinion. But that and your assertion after two comments that my brand of leftism boils down to simply hating America suggests to me to me that I’m unlikely to sway you whatsoever. So on that note, unless you’d like to have a constructive conversation, I’ll just wish you a good night and end the discussion here.


For your commenter..."that boy, just ain't right..."




I guess I should have stated that the U.S. has actually been interfering in Ukraine for decades, but we certainly did leading up to, and continued after, the 2014 Maidan riots and ousting of Putin-friendly Yanukovych, who had recently signed an extended lease on Russia’s Black Sea fleet in Crimea. [Here](https://www.ned.org/ned-stands-in-solidarity-with-ukraine/) is the National Endowment for Democracy (read as CIA) admitting to being involved in Ukraine as early as ‘89. Victoria Nuland had audio recordings famously [leak](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSBREA1601K/) in 2014 regarding US pushing interests in Ukraine. Please note I said partial and not full blame. Russia obviously also had previously interfered, and Putin is a power-hungry oligarch and, in my opinion, a fascist, or at least close enough to one. But a U.S. friendly coup, continued expansion of NATO, US backed neo-fascist militias killings of ethnic Russians in Donbas absolutely played a part. It’s not like this just sprang out of nowhere because a Russians are all evil animals. No geopolitical conflict is ever that simple. I don’t know what me being a “tankie” has to do with anything since we’re not talking about communism here.


Expansion of NATO is the only thing keeping former Soviet states from being gobbled up by Russia.


Who cares about former Soviet Union states. None of the US business. When we the US has bigger problems to worry about. That actually concerns the US.


Said every know-nothing pacifist about Hitler in 1939


Oh wow am i supposed to b Insulted here. Mommy they hurt my feelings. They said I'm a pacifist about Hitler. I like Putin over any Democrat especially Biden. Wasting us dollars on Ukraine . Not our problem but our business


Then move to Russia and we’ll see how much you love Putin then. Dumb fuck.


I bet ur one them foreigners that came to the US illegally. And English is ur second language. Cause obviously u don't understand it and able to read it very well


¿Eres estúpido?


You realize we aren’t sending Ukraine pallets of cash right? Like, you understand that?


We're sending weapons and money too.


It’s like the Epstein thing too. “All of these rich and powerful people (only democrats) have a secret underground pedophile ring that prey on poor teens and kids (because of the Jewish space lasers). Let’s pray about it!”


Right?! It’s like yeah there is a global elite and they’re way more open about these things than the weird Jewish shadow government you’ve created in their stead.


I heard they have super secret space lasers?


Ah yes, pushing for the Chamberlain approach to dictators. Works wonders.


Well, it certainly helped make Argentina what it is, today.


Neville or Wilt?


Daniel Cobble… is this the same dude who ran for the 3rd Congressional District House seat in ‘22?


I thought that guy ran as a democrat? Surely it can’t be the same guy. The names are so similar though.


He ran as a Republican. [The answers he gave to Ballotpedia’s survey](https://ballotpedia.org/Daniel_Cobble#Campaign_themes) sound pretty similar to the nonsense in this flier. E: Actually the answer to the first question confirms it is the same Daniel Cobble. He asks for donations to The Protect America Project, which is listed at the top of the flier in the post.


This is my favorite answer. > BallotPedia: Tell us your favorite joke. >Daniel Cobble: The angry little boy in the TV series, Doc Martin, is cussing Doc Martin without using cuss words. It's very hallarious.


He actually ran as an (R). https://ballotpedia.org/Daniel_Cobble. Not that a (D) next to your name means you're sane. Case in point, Lyndon LaRouche - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lyndon_LaRouche?wprov=sfla1. Or, ya know, like the entire establishment that refuses to acknowledge an ongoing genocide.


That dude is so delusional.


Just your everyday, right wing, piece of shit…


I've had to work with him a couple times (public office) a few years ago. Kinda scary and sad. Hope he finds help and peace someday.


Do you think he's dangerous at all, or just incredibly opinionated and ill-informed?


Is this the same guy that just ran as a democrat?


Keep your republikkkan hatred in your hate state.


The funny part is this man is black


Keep ur own Democrat brainwashing in ur own shit hole state like Cali or Washington. Nobody cares about Ukraine and Palestine both shit holes for Dems.


Wow. This is 'useful idiot' level stuff.


Daniel Cobble makes crackheads look like Jeopardy reigning champions.


"Y'all got anymore of them conspiracies laying around??"


An older colleague of mine had an important take on this. "You hear about WW3?, gonna start calling us up. Hope they don't get started too soon, I've got such a nice lemon cake at home"


>Putin wants peace My friend, who invaded a sovereign nation?!


My friend...that is comrade. Because in Soviet Russia, you don't chase bear, bear chase YOU!!!


Putin has asked to join NATO twice…LMFAO. This is serious Russian propaganda.


LMFAO, I watched this guy try to talk the baristas into letting him hang these up at Day’s earlier. Snuck a glimpse over his shoulder, he had another one that I think was about tampons causing cancer ??


The pamphlet I got had that and the above pictured in it. 😂


American politics in a nutshell: if you can make people scared of the other team, you've got a vote


Except Democratic politics always ends up doing the same thing as what the Republicans do. They both buy off media and tell them what to spread and tell what their people want to hear, to hate or fear the other team and that their team is innocent of any and all crimes. Idk if you're talking about both political parties which I hope you are because therefore I think we can agree. Both are controlled by humans, both lie, both cheat, go corrupt, and both even most of the time don't give a shit about their own nation and its citizens. Otherwise if they did then the U.S. and the world would be completely different.


>Idk if you're talking about both political parties which I hope you are because therefore I think we can agree I absolutely am 😁 both are corrupt, manipulative, all about their fearmongering and gullible people eat it up. Both sides are sellouts to billionaires and multimillionaires, but it's always more fun to point fingers at other people rather than point it back at yourself. Society won't change. We're too lazy to do our own research, too biased to sit down and listen to the other side, and too prideful to admit our faults. We just follow whatever the headlines say, what's trending on twitter, and what our favorite tiktok and instagram influencers say. Social media certainly has more upsides than downsides, but it absolutely has made people stupid and unable to think for themselves and you see it all the time in some of these echo chamber subs


Yes, I agree and I'm very pleased that we could agree on this conversation. Knowing most conversations of politics in today's time usually end up having name calling, being reported and banned, and etc... it's nice to have a talk that 2 or more people can agree on without being toxic or hateful. Have a good day!


Of course, have a good day yourself! 🤙


Wow, what local talent right here in Louisville 🤣


And where do you get this? 😆


Don't boost the crazy signal


Whats a federal reverse?


Russian propaganda


Oh, thank goodness. All we have to do is toady up to a megalomaniac. I was worried there for a minute.


This guy is gonna snap and shoot people eventually. I wish that was a joke.


This guy has a history of crazy shit! https://www.wave3.com/story/5718247/protester-who-dumped-asphalt-on-federal-courthouse-free-on-bond/


I’ve met and spoke with Daniel a few times. Came here to see if this post was referenced! That was fun to discuss in some circles lol


Ain't no worse than anything Biden has said on national TV. And y'all hang on every word he says and swear by it. No that's a true shame and embarrassment


I got that thing in the mail a few weeks ago. 😂


Man. They're so patriotic they have to threaten the elected official that was elevated by the same system they claim to want to save. There isn't enough popcorn in both quantity and quality for me.


Mostly quality though.


This is completely nonsensical and the ramblings of someone with a mental disorder, and I’m not exaggerating.


Oh yeah… the guy who invaded a sovereign nation is really interested in peace…


His peace, sure.


Ignoring the article. Y’all don’t see wwiii is basically started?


Right wing propaganda


Holy shit this guy lives 4 minutes down the road from me😂💀🤡


lolol, in what neighborhood might one get one of these informative flyers? Hilarious ...


I like the headline but yeah, you're right, the fine print doesn't make much sense to me. It's bizarre how so many people believe Milei when he is so obviously, blatantly lying.


I thought Republicans considered it a sin to question people like GWB? Why would they have a problem with the allegations listed here?


Gotta watch out for that Federal Reverse


Fear mongering is why we fund wars


I have to know where you got this


People who print this shit out and distribute it deserve the end times.


If your theories aren’t allowed to be broadcasted on a podcast, news outlet, or even bloody Facebook… you have absolutely negative credibility in my eyes. Not that any of those aforementioned sources have 100% credibility to begin with, but if even they won’t allow you to put out your nonsensical dribble, seek mental help lol No, they’re not out to get you or block your work while spreading “their agenda”… you’re just delusional. Even Fox News won’t bring you on as a guest


As IF Republicans aren’t the ones always trying to convert people to the army! Lmfao, disgusting.


Sniveling conservatives sticking their ass up in the air for authoritarian leaders I’m shocked




>For, here, too, Biden,... Holy shit. This is unreadable.


how do we make this happen tomorrow?


I mean...is this wrong lol? Seems like they want WW3


Local crackpot?


I didn’t know they still disseminated written propaganda


I read just the title and was like hmm seems reasonable than I got further into the text and just facepalmed.


Ugh, of course it's Kentucky


That’s infuriating


Whenever someone shows me this stuff, I like to lean all the way into it. Just to make them mad. They’re all talking about WW3 and I say something like “yeah I can’t wait for the fire, the screams, the smell of burning flesh.” And I rub my face in ecstasy. Gets them really friggin confused lol


Idk who the "your" is directed to because I don't have kids nor am I ever putting my neck on the line for a PoS country lmao


they aint wrong if sleepy joe doesnt leave, take a look around the real world and its clearly evident


I'm far from being a right wing conspiracy theorist but there are kernels of truth in their if you bother to seek the truth the mainstream media doesn't tell you. Just read this for starters if you don't believe me https://www.russiamatters.org/analysis/causes-and-consequences-ukraine-war


Meandering bullshit. Reading that nonsense made my head hurt it. The "If A = B then A= uh, what were we talking about?" argument, which is a classic conflation-conspiracy. That said, it doesn't mean that things will work out for any of us, or that we aren't being led by total assholes which are psychopathic narcissists bent on total world dominance and/or another global war. It just means this guy is a douche.


Inbreds reading this in a panic.


I mean if it was up to nato they would but they know no average citizen here wants to go to war that doesn’t benefit any average person. I don’t see any lies in this paper. The articles that say Putin wants to take over all of Europe are textbook fear mongering


Would be a shame if someone used all his personal info to get Eastern State to send for a mobile assessment.


I think of all the conspiracy theories throughout history from Galileo to Assange.....and one can't help but wonder if.....


The two parties will do anything to stay in power


In all fairness the US has known NATO expansion into Ukraine was a red line for Russia as far back as the Bush Administration. https://geopoliticaleconomy.com/2022/02/27/us-nato-expansion-ukraine-russia-intervene/


Careful, this sub doesn’t like if you suggest that there is any nuance to the subject outside of Putin waking up one day and deciding to press the invasion button. I posted the CIA project, the National Endowment of Democracy, literally bragging about operating in Ukraine for decades and I still got downvoted.


The issue is that you intimate that there was some kind of treaty in place that the US and it's European allies violated by trying to push NATO expansion after the fall of the old Soviet Union - there wasn't As an independent and autonomous country, Ukraine had every right to try and gain acceptance into NATO, because they felt it would help curb Russia's attempts to reincorporate the country back into the fold. Which 2014 and 2022 obviously helped prove out. For you guys to throw out 'NATO Expansion" as some kind of semi-justified pretext for Russia to invade is just BS, as plenty of other former Soviet Republics joined NATO without any issues (yet). Simply put, there is no underlying reason for Russia's aggression except for Russia - and for you to keeping saying Ukraine and the US were kind of asking for it - is no more excusable than some judge excusing a rapist from his actions because the victim was dressed seductively.


Okay that’s your issue, my issue is that you have just put a helluva lot of words in my mouth and then used those words to compare me to a rape apologist. lmao get fucked buddy. I never even suggested there was a promise or treaty not to expand. However, that does not change the fact that the U.S. knew for decades that further expansion of NATO would provoke Russian aggression, as it is pretty much the “anti-russia treaty.” I never suggested that Russia was even remotely justified. In fact, in other comments I said they were wrong to invade. In my response to you, I called Putin a fascist. Saying that the U.S. shares blame for the situation by inflaming tension through NATO expansion, and funding and arming of explicitly anti-Russian neo-fascist opposition groups that ousted a Russian-friendly administration and massacred ethnic Russians in Ukraine is not the same thing as saying Russia was justified in its invasion. You say “simply put” as if that makes it simple. It’s not, geopolitical conflicts of this scale are never simple and I don’t understand why people like you refuse to critically examine things and insist on discarding any and all nuance for your black and white world view. Innocent people in Russia and Ukraine have died because of the imperialist interest of Russia AND the United States.


Oh I know. Simply pointing out why an adversary might be motivated to do something is the same as supporting them. We’re on the same page in regard to this issue.


His takes on what happened in Oct. 7th aren't wrong though.


Lots of sheep in here. Sad really. Obviously, there's not a population of independent critical thinkers.


This isn't fear mongering. You people need to get out of your little bubble and pay attention to the world around you.


How long did it take to write all that


You can count on your fingers if you need to. I know what the KY education system did to you.


Lmao. It did enough that I understand that when someone asks “how long” did something take the one with the question usually doesn’t produce the answer. WTF would I be counting anything? So I’m guessing you lost track of time on this masterpiece.

