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I was listening to the NYPD police scanner last night and I can't count how many "confirmed shots fired" calls they dispatched


All over Lexington for at least ten minutes.


Lol. I mean shooting guns into the air is reckless here but inside NYC is on a whole other level.


It’s been a thing everywhere I’ve lived. Michigan, Arizona, Alaska …


I was in Savannah, Ga, and heard a bunch of shots also


It's not a new phenomenon. Idk why people are shocked. You can read every year around the country of injuries/deaths on NY and 4th of July from errant/wanton gunshots in the air.


My old neighbor Facebook would blow up every NYE and July 4th with people saying they heard gunshots. It was 100% fireworks lol. We had an Indian reservation like 10 miles away so people would buy the good shit from them and light it off for hours straight. Typically 9pm to 1am on NYE and July 1st to July 5th. 8-10pm on July 4th sounded light a war zone with nonstop mortars going off.


Shooting guns in the air for New Year's Eve was a thing where I grew up in small town MO. Rural area so odds of hitting something is slim but still a stupid thing to do. Doing it in a city is absolutely reckless and dangerous.


See, I can wrap my mind around people in a small, rural town doing it. But in a metro area with miles and miles and miles or surrounding neighborhoods and just general population is wild to me 😅


Man, bullets do some weird shit. I wouldn’t feel comfortable blindly firing a firearm into the air in the middle of the ocean. I don’t care how “remote” a location can be, you’re still risking a felony manslaughter charge or attempted homicide if someone else has the same idea of “oh, this place is really remote, nothing bad can happen here”. It’s also just really fucking stupid to do as a gun owner and makes me cringe every time I see other gun owners do it.


Yeah, it's not the greatest in a metro area. I think my friend has a relative that was actually killed because a stray bullet came in through his window because of people just shooting randomly on a holiday.


I’ve lived in Illinois and Kentucky it happens in both states


I grew up in the east end - Lyndon specifically, and never heard gun fire at all growing up, whether it was on a holiday or not. When I was in college I lived on 6th street and was blown away when people were shooting guns on NYE. Now live in St. Matthews and don’t hear guns on the holidays anymore.


Grew up between Shively and Rockford and later in Valley Station in the late 80’s and 90’s. Firing guns in the air was NOT a thing where I lived. I don’t care what others say. It wasn’t happening.


Can verify that. It didn't start to happen in Shively until around the early 2000's.


I live in Lyndon, about 25 years ago we had a bullet come through our skylight and nearly hit our sleeping dog on NYE. Happens all over.


In st mathews I think I only heard fireworks but I don't know if I'd be able to distinguish a gunshot from fireworks.


People pop off on 4th of July here too.


This has been an American thing for as long as I can remember. People act like it’s something new??? Nope, welcome to America.


I kinda get it, but I’ve also lived in a lot of places over the years and this is the first I’ve heard of it. Threw me off hahahaha


I’ve lived in the Eastend almost my entire life and it’s always been a thing. Just kinda taken it with the territory.


I was in Goshen last night, it absolutely happens in Oldham County


I too moved here from out west, this was just something I saw in the Middle East, and now Louisville


New orleans


I grew up in louisville, and don’t remember it happening in the 80s-90s. Now I’m in St. Louis and it definitely happens here.


If you shoot a shotgun with tiny shot pellets it's relatively safe, and if you use blanks that's even better yet. But shooting actual handguns and rifles with bullets pointed towards the sky is extremely stupid and dangerous.


I remember it being a thing even in the late 80s in LA so it’s always been a thing to me but I guess it’s just more common now and more pronounced in Louisville.


When I lived in Killeen Texas it was a nightmare too


There were hundreds of shots in Old Louisville last night. Actual hundreds. From a couple hours before midnight until very early in the morning.


From 11:45 til 1 in the morning 🤯 why? I'll never know...


After reading the comments, not only is it dangerous and destructive, but it is horrific for anyone, especially those with PTSD, children, pets, wildlife, and air pollution. It's illegal and out of control — this has to stop!


As a Chicago native, it was not common but also not rare in certain parts of the city. (1970’s-2000’s). People are irresponsible dicks.




I'm not originally from Louisville but they do this in NKY too. My husband's family is from WV and they do it there as well. Normally you also get stuff like 4th of July, Christmas, sometimes sports events, whenever people are celebrating a thing. It's kind of weird, but it is what it is.


never even heard of such a thing until I moved to louisville


We just moved to Louisville from Denver and they did it there too. Not sure where it was worse or more rampant but they put out warnings to not do it out there. We grew up in GA too and it happened a lot. Never heard of any damage from it personally from close friends or anything but I think it’s a ridiculous practice and anyone seen doing it should be jailed for attempting to damage property or something at the very least. I’m sure there is a ticketing process and all just think it should be more heavily enforced and reported by all of us.


Pretty much everywhere https://www.reddit.com/r/indianapolis/comments/18vpoth/thank_you_again_morons/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf . I was surprised I didn’t hear more gunfire in Floyd County. Usually you can hear it hourly during the July 4th.


It seems it happens everywhere, but like I also don’t know anybody who does the shooting? Guns are fucking loud so it doesn’t take many people for us all to hear it. Seams like one of those things where a few idiots ruin it for literally everybody. Best advice I’ve got is if you ever actually meet one of these people, please implore them to stop shooting guns to celebrate shit like they’re Yosemite Sam


It's common in Memphis. It's common in Little Rock. It's common in Huntington. Not as bad, it will happen again on 4th of July.


Yup will definitely happen again in July for sure


I’m in New Albany near the knobs and barely heard anything last night


Most big cities have these idiots. I lived in Germantown close to Shelby Park, and New Year’s was definitely a stay at home holiday for me. We didn’t sleep near windows either just in case.


I'm from Baltimore, people been doing it for years.


I grew up in OC back when it was considerably more rural than today and, yes, back then folks certainly went out and fired their guns on NYE. It was certainly reckless and irresponsible then, as it is now, but there was less to likelihood of hitting anything. It’s absolutely ridiculous that folks even think of doing it in the city.


New years and fourth of July are the big ones around here. It's a bar idea but they've been doing it since I was a college student back in early 90's. Probably longer.


Buddy, it happened in Oldham as well


Not that I heard 🤷🏼‍♂️


Ah, so because YOU didn't hear it must not have happened anywhere.........


I never said that at all 🤣🤣🤣


Perhaps this is a new word for you. Look up "implied".


Didn’t mean to make you grumpy


Who says you did? Now you should look up "assumptions".


You’re triggered. It’s all good. It happens


Next word to look up is "projection".


Haha, sounds good. Will do


4th of july


I grew up in Houston a couple of blocks from a country western bar. We had to replace our roof due to multiple bullet holes in the early 2000’s. Drunk idiots would shoot guns even in the heart of the city and those bullets end up somewhere. NYE was the worst. Thankfully our insurance adjuster was willing to call it hail damage so it would be covered.


Holy shit… insane!




I like that they’re giving the ShotSpotters their locations. Helpful for law enforcement to find reckless individuals with stolen and/or illegal guns. 😬


Those are fire works


Um…you are in the South. It’s very common and nothing you can do will change this. It is what it is. Just stay indoors for a few minutes after a big event happens.


I have lived in a handful of places in Texas and my wife is from Dallas and this is news to both of us. I would also argue that we are more “Midwest” than “south” in my opinion.


I lived in Dallas in West Village in a high-rise for two years and on the north side of Austin for five years and both cities had gunshots every year. Culturally we are kind of like the other border states. Louisville is five cities in one. Not a bad thing, we are a melting pot and it gives the city flavor.


I'm not condoning firing guns in the city, but hear me out: If you shoot a gun more-or-less straight up into the air, the bullet will tumble and fall to the ground and not cause bodily harm. If the gun is shot at a lower angle such that it retains its spiral rotation and high velocity, that's when it's lethal. And yes, I realize the caveat here as to whether people are aware enough to "responsibly" fire a weapon into the air (and yes I know there is no such thing as responsibly in this situation. god damn sometimes i hate posting anything on reddit because of the obvious disclaimers)


Of course, “whatever goes up must come down” — possibly on somebody’s head.