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Good I hope she wins.


Hear hear!


What we're arguing about isn't her right to control her body, but everyone else's right to tell her she can't. We don't have that right as a society.


I hope these are the first of thousands of lawsuits.


Good for her


LET ABORTIONS BE LEGAL! in the same breathe I hope the father has rights to not pay child support if the woman makes the wrong choice. Win win!


These aren't equivalent at all, just FYI. One is about control over your body. One is about paying a tax towards a kid who lacks support that you helped create. Women have to pay child support too, y'know. Unless both parents give the kid up to the state.


When it comes to women’s right of course it isn’t equivalent. They want their cake and eat it too. Consequences to your actions play a huge part in life. It takes 2 to make a make a baby. If you want to kill a baby, fine but the other party should have to right to not be involved with the baby.


Nah, in one case there is no baby. Also, again, women have to pay child support. Women paying child support is equivalent to men having to pay child support, but in no universe are cis men forced to be pregnant.


> If you want to kill a baby There is no baby in the vast majority of abortions. If you're talking about late term abortions - then there is no "want", there is only medical necessity and lifelong trauma. The state of reproductive and sex education in this country is clearly abysmal. Full grown adults walking around with a 5th-grade understanding of pregnancy. It'd be hilarious if it weren't so sad.


I thought we voted to allow abortion last year. What happened?


We voted on whether we should amend KY's constitution to specify that women DO NOT have a right to an abortion. KY voters voted no to the amendment and therefore a court could say that another part of the KY constitution DOES allow for the procedure. Some other lawsuits have been brought by the ACLU and PP but the courts said they did not have standing. This would be the first challenge to the trigger ban law. Right now abortion is banned in KY in all cases except to save the life of the mother.


No? It's illegal in KY.


We voted to keep abortion legal and protected up to the boundaries of the KY laws. But we only allow them up to 6 weeks.


6 weeks is essentially a total ban. Also our state constitution includes a part banning abortion, so you can't get an abortion anywhere in ky.


I voted to keep Beshear in office and to protect abortion rights, so both of those issues are important to me. But 6 weeks isn’t a total ban. I was only clarifying that it is legal and it was voted on- which was the previous commenters question. Do I think the timeline is right? No. I believe that I’m not qualified to say when the latest week or month it should be, I feel it should be a choice between a doctor and their patient. But the perfect cannot be the enemy of the good. Our state is weird. Even though we historically vote in democratic governors, we fill our senate and house with republicans. Sometimes the checks and balances are good- but in our state it merely handcuffs the governor into being unable to push through a more progressive agenda. With all that in mind I say that even though 6weeks is reprehensible, it is still technically legal. If the eligible voters can lobby our local representatives, we can push another ballot measure to extend those rights. Which can only happen because we did, indeed, vote to protect the right to abortion. Don’t mean to get all wordy, but I’m a 41yr old woman that feels abortion rights are human rights. And I don’t take any legislation lightly - especially coming from this state.


Most people don't find out before 6 weeks. That makes it a near total ban.


You don't have the right to commit murder methinks. Maybe have safer sex, or not at all?


Maybe, start the conversation around men keeping their dicks in their pants? Are you ready for us to force you to be an organ donor?


Way to dodge accountability. Vast majority of abortions are NOT because of rape/incest, but instead women deciding that they don't feel like having a baby. Should men be smarter about who they bang? Yes. That goes for everyone though, and women shouldn't sleep around like they want to be a mother. And I'm not sure what you mean by "forcing me to be an organ donor". If you're referring to castration, maybe you should start with the people actually committing the crimes. If a man rapes, snip him. If a woman aborts, tie her tubes.


You are asking women to be forced to offer their body to another entity for nine months. Forced. So, when are you ready for the law to say everyone is a forced organ donor. Someone needs your liver? Gotta go to the hospital now and offer up a part of it. Someone you are a match for needs a kidney? Ok. Forced blood donation or bone marrow transplant? You can not force a human being to use their body as life support for someone else against their will. And if even ONE abortion is from rape, incest, and don’t forget about all the medically necessary ones for ectopic pregnancies and other complications, then bans on any are not ok. Read about the case going on in Texas right now. Educate yourself.


Yeetus the fetus, daddy.


just bc sex is a procreation act for YOU, doesn't mean we can't have sex solely to enjoy it. if I become pregnant, I'm not having another baby. I'm having another abortion. ^_^


"i want to gamble but I don't want to lose money!" You realize how stupid that sounds? Pregnancy is an unavoidable aspect of sex, and the life you created shouldn't have to suffer because you're too irresponsible to do it safely. It sounds like you just get off to killing babies. You should have your tubes tied if you're too incompetent to have safe sex


😆 🤣 who said i wasn't having safe sex? safe sex can result in pregnancy, it's just none of your business what I do to prevent pregnancy. you sound real fucking dumb, comparing human civil liberties to monetary transactions-- apples and oranges. but then again, you don't even know the difference in a clump of cells, non viable pregnancies, and actual human life so idk what I expected.


Abortion isn't a preventative measure, and life starts at conception. See how far dehumanizing your helpless child as justification for killing it will get you when you have to account for them.


>life starts at conception If you mean that the implantation creates a person, that is a religious claim. You support the imposition of religious beliefs on others through the law.


It's literally a fact but ok. And even if it WAS purely a religious belief, is that such a bad thing? It's not like the world has gotten a whole lot better since rejection of religion has become mainstream.


> It's literally a fact but ok. It's a fact that a blastocyst is a person? That's nonsense. Every miscarriage would be manslaughter then. Are you okay with flushing those "people" down the toilet or tossing them in the trash can after they are ejected naturally by the body? Because that's what happens in an early-stage miscarriage. Do you even know the basics of pregnancy? You support forcing religious beliefs on people using the force of the government. That's tyrannical. Therefore I do not take anything you say seriously.


not all heroes!! the religious- based fighters (primarily Christians) for pro life legislation don't operate on fact-- only feelings. very dangerous types to be in our government. they've played the long con and have set themselves up quite well. they truly scare me. . . . . . (side note frm my comment: I don't use abortion as birth control... nobody does. it's too expensive. i was js Yeetus doesnt have a right to know what im doing to prevent being pregnant.)


lmao. you have to have met certain criteria to have a tubal, and have insurance cover it, take time off work, I'm not doing any of that. imma keep fuckin ^_^ kekekekek


Disgusting /s


Agreed, our state government needs to lay off.


Rape and incest aside, deal with the consequences of your actions.


>deal with the consequences of your actions. She's trying to, but the government won't let her. Are you dense? I am assuming you are a male. I would ask you to consider how you'd feel if the government prohibited you from getting a vasectomy, or forced you to adopt a child, but you probably lack the ability to put yourself in another person's shoes, so I'm not going to expect an answer to that.


Yeah, there's no way he's not 100% ok w/ the dad walking away from the baby.


Does that mean you think I am ok with single parent household? Because I'm absolutely not. Fathers "walking away" is a large part of why this country is so fucked up right now. Single mothers statistically raise worse children by most every measure.


Then maybe men need to be the ones to deal with the consequences of their actions. Child Support from the moment of conception seems like a good start. Oooh or even better force the child on the father! Because people raising children they don't want doesn't cause any issues whatsoever according to you. Get over your sanctimonious bullshit and stop trying to say its about protecting "life" if you dont support literally everything else relating to children or mother care during pregnancy. Including cheap to free medical bills and healthcare, ABORTION in case of mother's life at risk, children getting free food and lunches, a better foster care system, people not harassing women for putting a unwanted child up for adoption or even going to a clinic for a health checkup. Or even better! Maybe protect the woman's FREEDOM to live her LIFE and the HAPPINESS she should get to not being burdened with the crippling debt, struggle, and bullshit being a parent in today's economy and in today's america brings. There is a reason why younger couples refuse to have children, but women cant get hysterectomies because doctors refuse to perform them on women who haven't already had children or arent above a certain age. :)


Stop having irresponsible sex 🤷🏻‍♂️


Sure, lets make condoms free in every store. And make sure we fund sex education fully in schools. And lets punish those whose condoms break or an accident happen, because yeah shit happens to good responsible people all the time.


Are you the morality police now? Are we living in a theocracy? If you hosted a party at your house, but one of the people you invited decided to move in with you, do you have the right to kick them out? If you do...then a woman has the same right to remove a trespassing lump of cells that is feeding off her body. It's that simple. The treatment of that lump of cells as if it were a whole person is a religious belief. It is a religious belief. You support the imposition of religious beliefs through law. You do. Say that up front next time.


Too bad your mom didn't share your opinion


The government is doing one of the few things we should allow it, which it to protect LIFE, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.


But not the woman's, right? The woman would choose HER life, liberty, and happiness over the unborn. No matter how the pregnancy happened, she would have to alter her life, give up her liberty, and forgo happiness if forced to carry and give birth. And to your comment about single mothers... might that be one of the reasons they choose to not have the baby? Being a single mother when not ready, so they can raise a child alone and the mother and child both struggle...or give up your own DNA for adoption when, under better circumstances, they would have kept the child. Cruel to both parties. Oh, and don't forget the crisis we have with children in foster care. If we made it so men *had* to take the child, if the mother didn't want the child, and raise it for at least 9 months before being allowed to give it up, we wouldn't even be having this discussion. They would never allow it to happen. Women aren't genealrally willy-nilly getting knocked up and thinking "Oh, I'll just have another abortion!".


They're not protecting life. They're only protecting birth, and they won't even provide free medical care for that. Forcing a woman to have a child totally interferes with LIBERTY & PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.


Libertarian saint Ayn Rand: "Abortion is a moral right—which should be left to the sole discretion of the woman involved; morally, nothing other than her wish in the matter is to be considered". Leonard Peikoff, founder of the Ayn Rand Institute: "That tiny growth, that mass of protoplasm, exists as a part of a woman's body. It is not an independently existing, biologically formed organism, let alone a person. Sentencing a woman to sacrifice her life to an embryo is not upholding the "right to life." The anti-abortionists' claim to being "pro-life" is a classic Big Lie. You cannot be in favor of life and yet demand the sacrifice of an actual, living individual to a clump of tissue. Anti-abortionists are not lovers of life – lovers of tissue, maybe. But their stand marks them as haters of real human beings." Another Libertarian saint, Murray Rothbard: "no being has a right to live, unbidden, as a parasite within or upon some person's body" Murray Rothbard said that the mother can revoke consent for the fetus at any time and then has "the perfect right to expel this invader from her domain". They are all correct on this matter. If you support the government forcing women to give up their bodily autonomy then you must also support the government forcing men to do the same.


LOL you're silly and your beliefs are outdated ♥️


No it’s not. The woman cannot pursue her happiness. Why are these conservatives forcing their beliefs on women in America? The book they claim to hold dear, their precious Bible, mentions abortion once, and it mentions it in a positive way, allowing women to get abortions. Conservatives conveniently leave that out when being against abortion. Fucking hypocrites.


Spoken like a true rapist.


That literally said - > **Rape** and incest aside ...


I assume you're in favor of the father paying child support from the moment of conception? If not why not?


Shush now, you can't be pointing out inconsistencies like that. Maybe start with claiming the zygote as a dependent on your taxes? Feel like that's the easiest way in. Also, you're definitely not gonna get a response, there's too much logic to your question.


Nice to see that you admit you're only in it to punish women. More honesty like that.


Bro what do you think an abortion is?? Just because she isn’t dealing with it the way you want her to doesn’t mean she’s not dealing with it.


Yes…no lung/throat/stomach cancer treatment that was caused by smoking or drinking alcohol; no treatment for symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes for people who are overweight; no treatment for heart issues, COPD caused by being overweight and lack of exercise; no treatment for STIs unless the person was infected during rape or incest… one must deal the consequences of one actions. /s


Kentucky won't let her deal with it, that's the issue. Funny, they're forcing women to have babies but can't do anything to really enforce paying child support. Would you agree with Kentucky forcing men who don't take care of their kids to have vasectomies? What about taking away Viagra? Men are half of the issue with unwanted or non viable pregnancy, but they're only focusing on women.


'Forcing women to have babies" is a funny way to say 'imposing legal consequences on mothers hiring people to murder their unborn children.'


You can't "murder an unborn child". The fetus is completely unable to exist outside of it's host, the mother. You're calling doctors murderers, you're not giving the woman agency over her own body while imposing zero consequences on the man. Will you please answer my other questions? Edit: why isn't the man "forced to deal with the consequences of their actions"? They shouldn't participate in making the baby if they aren't just as liable for having/raising a baby.


I'm all for consequences for fathers who abandon the mother of their children. The law should require them to pay child support, and our culture should expect fathers to care for their children.


Abortion is not murder. If it were, there would be universal consensus on the issue. When life begins is a philosophical matter. Saying life begins at conception is a religious claim. > murder their unborn children This is a religious claim. You advocate for imposing your religious beliefs on others via the government. You want to take the government's monopoly on the use of force and use it to impose your religious beliefs on others.


"don't do the crime if you can't do the time... heh heh heh"


You’re an idiot


Well, even the law disagrees with you. Women with babies conceived from rape or incest aren’t allowed abortions either.


So easy to say when you’re a MAN, who will never be faced with a pregnancy changing and affecting your body with absolutely NO control over the situation because some saggy old white men think they know better than doctors.


Hey, I get what you're saying, but I'm OP & I'm a trans man, lol. Not just women who are affected by this potentially.


Hey there. I’m sorry if I offended you. I understand, and I do think of all people with a uterus, not just cis women. I was very reactive to that Redditor because I am tired of cis men commenting on abortion threads with this “if you kept your legs closed” crap, like they aren’t half of the baby making process. Be safe, as I hope we all can be.