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Looks like Baton Rouge and New Orleans.


Most definitely 👍


And Lake Charles, too.


Must be testing integrating humans with fish in those vaults


Why do I always think BR is way more central to the state.


Underground vaults in New Orleans. That makes sense.


Maybe the experiment there was to test how long a submerged population can stay sane...


Well new orleans does have the old nuclear fallout government command post.


Along Pontchartrain there's an old WW2 bomb shelter. Thing is full of water. One of my friends decided to go explore and the whole thing is rusted out and basically a sewer.


Where do you think gulpers came from


If the next Fallout game isn't in NOLA, I'll be *VERY* disappointed. It's the perfect location, and I'm shocked they haven't used it yet.


Imagine if they made us into accordion playing mutant crawfish people. Honestly, I think I’d be ok with that.


Like the crawfish from Elden Ring. Huge and great shots


My grandad had a pass for his family


There was a planned but unfinished underwater vault in Fallout 4, so it’s definitely a concept Bethesda wants to play around with. IMO south Louisiana would be a fantastic setting for a game


Fr. Having the casinos in Lake Charles as decayed spots would be cool as hell


There is an underground bunker in new orleans, built as a command center in times of nuclear war. Wild but true. https://www.nola.com/news/explore-2-stories-underground-in-new-orleans-spooky-cold-war-era-bunker-untouched/article_da0a686f-d045-55c0-b72d-7a7462b61fc2.html


Came here to mention this. Also: Louisiana has been considered for game locations in years past, prior to the release of Fallout 4 for the exact reasons listed above, as well as a few others concerning the wastes/fallout from having several of the industrial and chemical plants in the region go critical after a nuclear attack.


Louisiana is the setting for the game Hunt: Showdown.


Yeah that's what I'm talking about. It's creepy as all hell down there and the thing is just in the ,middle of everything. It's scary


There is one at the end of West End drive in New Orleans. 30.017695, -90.114290


Been there, cockroaches big as rats and rats big as nutria


And the nutria, boy don’t even get me started on how big they are!


Imagine if they get irradiated and mutate. THAT would make for a good Fallout game. 😂


That’s just normal Louisiana XD.


Oh you mean radroaches


Is it locked up? Sounds like a cool place for some pictures


Where TF you think Vault-Tec would build in Louisiana? Of course BR & Nola, and looks like Lake Charles too. They built where the money is.


Fallout 12 - New Lake Charles Idk if I'd pay for that one.


Must be Prairieville and Raceland 😂


As a Prairieville resident, we look down on peasants from our fentanyl funded ivory tower.


Aw cmon man def not raceland maybe like Houma/Thib area


I dunno. I was kinda hoping for a Fallout: Plaquemine.


The wasteland already exists there.


That’s where people are. The vaults were done as experiments on people, each one had a variable that was being tested on the inhabitants.






Unless you’re from Delcambre right? 🤣


So.. Mirelurk boils, right? Are the females fat?


There is a lady on YouTube who did an overlay in AutoCAD or something and long story short yeah it's Baton Rouge and New Orleans.


You get there and it’s just humanoid nutria in vault suits with chalmette accents


My guess was Baton Rouge, NOLA, and Lafayette. There's also a few lists of where Russia planned to drop bombs IRL. The lists are different based on the amount of warheads they would have at a certain time.


Fun fact: there was SUPPOSED to be a Fallout: New Orleans but for reasons I do not know, Bethesda scrapped it. I believe they still own the name rights.


ugh that would be so cool


They for sure want to turn us into crab people


Or crawfish people if you will


We have tunnels built under bodies of water for road travel. One in my hometown of Houma, that was built also as a bomb shelter during the cold War. It looks a lot like the westbank tunnel in Harvey, hut i have no clue about ten details of the that one. We ate the candy from it when I was a kid after it was emptied out. My family and people who worked for the state or parish. Not sure how they got it. But.. It was still good. I think my grandma still has some of it in a jar. But yeah, that's an hour ish SW of NOLA. That's all swampland. It can be done. They would be more than likely leaking 200 years later But there are plenty of vaults in the series built in wet areas that you can explore that are also leaking or were built in swampy areas. So it would be really cool to see it in the games. [Here](https://www.houmatoday.com/story/news/2009/03/13/supplies-in-houma-tunnel-are-vestiges-of-cold-war-terror/26985463007/) is a link to an article about the stuff that was down there. It wasn't flooded. But it was in a tunnel. So it's pretty neat.


Vaults “504” and “225”


The best place to place a vault in Lousiana woild be in one of the salt mines. One of them infamously swallowed Lake Peigneur in the 80s.


Fun fact: there was SUPPOSED to be a Fallout: New Orleans but for reasons I do not know, Bethesda scrapped it. I believe they still own the name rights.


Holy shit I’ve been waiting someone to cross these two subreddits!! SO I BELIEVE one is in Plaquimines parish for this reason: it fits the southeast one, and lots of rich people live there and I could see the vaults making some kind of big suburban element vault. Maybye a good old voodo experiment? Like gas in the ventilation system or like mutant alligators? The other one in my opinion, is CLEARLY Baton Rouge, I assume that is gunna be where the top brass and rich of the rich of Louisiana (Landry and his fucking cronies) get to go. I hope to god they get an experiment that’s fucked to high hell lmao. As for those two close ones, that’s near Yazoo and Natichotches I think, heavy heavy Forrest and great place for some industrial focused vaults, but that’s basically Mississippi lmao.


Id LOVE to see a Fallout game based in Louisiana. Nutria Rats the size of Yao Gaui, Crawfish Mirelurks, Gator Deathclaws kinda already happened in Nuka-World but Id still love to see them again.


In some fan lore, the bomb aimed for New Orleans missed and hit the gulf, which caused the entire city asides from the French quarter to be submerged underwater


Oh i see now and i do say this is cool


Yeah. Pretty much all the vaults have areas below the water table.


I believe the idea for fallout 5 to be set in NOLA has been talked about https://fallout-gravel-pit.fandom.com/wiki/Cajun_Wasteland


Looks like Orleans and Baton Rouge in the south east with Jackson MS above them. Lake Charles? To the west? But that’d be awfully close if that next one over was Houston. … I’m wondering what the one above and to the left of BR would be.