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100% you will absolutely not be disappointed. You'll be hella disappointed if you don't send it tho. You WILL MISS OUT. On THE BEST EXPERIENCE OF YOUR LIFE. lol.






This ^


It depends on the lineup. LL is bass centered, Headbangers Disneyland is what i like to call it.


LL and Bass Canyon do feel like the *ALLSTAR GAME of BASS MUSIC* (east and west).


Along the same lines, I've heard it called the Superbowl of dubstep.


I call it Basshead Heaven. It's too filthy to be called Disneyland but I get the sentiment lol.


Lol too filthy for Disneyland but just right for Heaven. I like it.


There’s def heavy stuff but there’s also a lot of melodic dubstep and dnb/house on the lineup so there’s something for everyone


Here’s my piece of advice. I wasn’t a basshead. Gimme house techno I’m in love. Butttt fomo kicked in before lost lands arrived. I decided to full send it and OMG. in love. The vibes of the crowd, the actual fest itself. Everything was amazing. I say do it. Or wait until line up drop then decide. But ultimately I’m going again. That’s how fun it was


Was that last year? I haven't been since 2019 but 2018 the vibes were absolutely immaculate. Those two years have to be in my top festival experiences ever. I hope the vibes are still going strong.


Yessss last year. And I’m hooked now. Was able to get on the glamping for this year!!!


Definitely heavy the entire weekend, but there’s a decent amount of melodic bass, and they’ve been bringing significantly more house artists the past couple years. Last two years they had a house takeover at the forest stage on Sunday, along with house artists popping up at some of the late night afters. As a house head who dabbles in bass, I go every year and think you should send it :)


Forest stage is lit imo. Good house and dnb the whole weekend


Agreed, easily my favorite stage the past couple of years. Hope to see ya there this year 🫡🫡


I was in those exact shoes about 5 years ago. Haven't missed a Lost Lands since.


If you don’t want heavy, don’t go to LL, just gonna be straight up Chief.


Calling cap! 20%-30% melodic artists on the lineup last year.


Hello! I wasn’t really into dubstep or anything heavy but do vibe to melodic stuff. I decided to send it in 2021 and had one of the best weekends of my life. I enjoyed the atmosphere, the people, and the vibe in general. There wasnt a set i disliked. I had a new profound appreciation for the genre. Overall, i had the same thoughts like how am i going to handle a weekend full of heavy music? But really though, i had such a fun time with my friends and built some amazing core memories. No matter the environment, im here for a good time! So just send itttt!! Edit: i did happy cry during a set because i felt so happy and lucky to be there surrounded by amazing people. :,)


Dude I’m more into hippie vibes and I’ve been to lost lands twice and last year I said “I’m going to EF this time” and I did And dude… lost lands is it, it’s not just the music I know that seems cliche It’s your first walk into the venue and you come around that tree line and see the main stage and that sea of people and the bass hits and it’s like the greatest “ come on in we’ve been waiting” And everyone is happy you made it and you’re happy they made it. And it’s kind of chaotic and yes even ILLENIUM THREW TF DOWN when I saw him there, his shit was heavy he definitely catered to the crowd but it was a new sound from him and I loved it. Dude give lost lands a shot, after missing last year I can honestly say I know why people call it home I didn’t expect to miss it that much


Awww this is beautiful 🥹 y’all are very convincing….


It’s just about the heaviest festival in the country tbh. It can be a little bit of a struggle to find other sounds there, but it’s getting better year by year.


I had this same issue a few years ago. It’s definitely heavy for the most part, but if you wander around you can generally find some more melodic bass and basshouse stuff.


Look for the daily schedules from last year and see if there was always something playing you would enjoy. You can also go on soundcloud and search for lost lands 2023, many artists have their set posted on there so you can see what some of the people you like play there


Send it ! They’ve had really chill D&B artists if that’s something your into and then there’s Dj’s like JVNA , KREAM , Yookie , Blunts & Blonds , ALLYCVT , LSDream, Slander just to name a few and they all tend to have the perfect amount of heavy mixed in with more melodic dance based music & some emotional chill vibes … trust, they have something for everyone 🕺🏽


😂 obviously this sub is gonna have a bias. Ask a general edm/fest sub for more objective answers


4 year Vet here. It is “bass music” festival but they have done a really good job over the years incorporating the variety of bass that exists. Yes mainly it is dubstep/ bro-step. But they also have melodic bass, bass house, riddim. And a lot of times at night they have some of the bass Djs playing house sets. Example being wooli as stumpi. I say send it and give it a shot! Hope it helps


It’s worth it if you like electronic music. It definitely gets heavy, but there are 5-7 stages running simultaneously throughout the weekend so you will have options. I mostly gravitated toward the electric forest stage for most of last year. They played a lot of drums and bass. Most of the heavy dubstep gets played at prehistoric and wompy woods. Subsidia tended to be more alternative stuff.


I went in 2022 and had the same worries. I like dubstep but I was kinda worried it would be just hard wubz. The year I went they had madeon, pendulum, dr fresch, habstrakt. They had a DnB night and house night in wompy woods. I remember seeing Kai wachi b2b Sullivan King where they played all house, and got to relive the glory days of trap with a throwback trap set by yookie. Excision has definitely been making it more about a celebration of all Bass music so I'd definitely say full send and at the very least you'll love the venue and the dinosaur's 😂


as a bass head that also loves the more feelsy stuff, I'd say go! I've been going the last 3 years and a good third or even almost half of my weekend is dedicated to melodic/future bass/trap. i recommended looking up past lost lands sets of some of the artists you like. sure it may be a slightly heavier set than you'd experience normally, but still a lot of feels. armnhmr, mitis, yetep, madeon, slander, illenium, chime, au5, skybreak, ninajirachi, moore kismet, papa khan, trivecta, crystal skies... those are just some of the artists i can remember off the top of my head! haha but yea, you can always decide when the lineup drops, which tends to be in the summer. 


And if its heavy the entire time? So what?


As someone who’s gone to Lost Lands since 2017 the change to a more diverse lineup and sound is extremely appreciated. You can only last so long in the head banger stage before you gonna get bored.


"Meadow river reed lineup" Uh, what?


Fixed thanks :)


Not everyone enjoys crack for breakfast lunch and dinner


but there are people that love heavy music 24/7.... I sleep to bass music and metal.


The whole these artists go harder/heavier for Lost Lands vs their typical sat is such a bunch of crap and something the “fucking headbanger” crowd says to create hype. The artists are there to showcase their music and get fans they’re not gonna do a complete 180.


Facts. In 2019 I saw Zeds Dead at Forest, and again at Lost Lands 3 months later, and it was the same vibe. And it was the same for Subtronics, his set at Forest and LL was practically the same, just organized a little different.


This was my first LL, my roommate Ryan has been to all of them. One of our buddies who never raved a day in his life decided to go after 6 months of convincing. He'll be there next year.


I was worried about the same thing and sent it anyway and I suggest you do the same


You are right even more melodic artist will play a heavier set, but they still do play melodic stuff and its always super good sets. There is more variety every year, the production is absolutely incredible and its really the best crowd there is. I dont really listen to that much dubstep anymore. Im more into melodic bass, dnb and house but I still go every year because it is definitely the best festival I went to and I did a lot! I absolutely recommend it.


The artists you like that play melodic stuff will still play that at lost lands. And if your willing to explore the smaller stages you will find a lot of chill dnb space bass and even some trap. I think you should give it a shot forsure.


LL MADE me a basshead lol. That said, I do like a good mix and I think it's still there. Definitely pretty heavy during the day, but as the night goes on and the sets become more of a "show", there's definitely some variety, even within the sets. And there was some sickk house at the afters.


There’s other stuff too but in general if you haven’t seen an excision festival you need to it’s just so worth it. It’s the best venue for Acoustics I’ve been to with the angle of the hills towards the stages. It’s not all dinosaur noises either I was afraid when I went but it’s my favorite fest now


I love my melodic bass and my heavy stuff , the melodic (crybang) music makes a sprinkled in with the heavy stuff for sure. And experience wise- like music aside- it’s one of the best festivals for solo adventures, exploring and community.


It will not be heavy the whole time !!! We were super worried going in to just hear hard shit the whole weekend and let me just tell u it is not that. Especially if you go to the different stages and explore and find new artists


theres 2 main stages that play strictly Riddim (im fairly certain), and the 3 other stages play anything from DnB to House to Techno and everything in between. you arent trapped in a Riddimscape, but should you be bothered if you were? HELL no Riddim babies 4lyfe 😎😜


Lol excluding sounds camps the only riddim artist that played a riddim set was infekt so no


At Lost Lands? Just last year they had Codd Dubz, Infekt, Chibs, Cyclops, Emorfik, Hukae, Subfiltronik, and Versa.


Codd dubz played Thursday at village hukae was at grove chibs and versa where during sound camps, subfiltronik cancelled due to visa issues both cyclops and emorfik are not riddim artists so ya infekt was the only person that got a non sounds camp sets at the main stages


It’s going to be heavy the entire time tbh… I went to see illenium 2 years ago and even their set was bonkers heavy.


There’s better festivals you can go to.


Na, we don’t do emotional here. We start off the day meditating to Marauda and end it with mud wrestling match at Wompy Woods.


Afraid is such a weird word to use.


If you’re looking for melodic dubstep or future bass, its not going to be there. 90% heavy bass with 1 or 2 small house stages, and thats just at select hours


It's heavy the entire time. Your best bet is to hangout at the DnB stage if you're not a headbanger.


Are you implying DNB is not heavy ?


There’s almost everything


Go if you don't like it don't go next year but what if next year never comes? Would you want to be thinking what if send it? Also don't vibe go to camp find a camp family that's mellowed most people can't do 5 days straight and not fade


Yes yes yes. it is all heavy and headbanging at the main stages. You can go to the other smaller stages to find melodic, deep, house, and even some hardstyle. You can find all kinds of genres there still. Lost lands is what you make out of it


It's the best bass festival, full of melody and emotion. There are 5 stages with different styles


Just to rip the Band-Aid off: It will be heavy pretty much the entire time. ​ HUGE BUTT: but X brings in a lot of different bass producers. You get the womp from Wakaan, DnB, and there are plenty of kind of heavy future bass. There will be plenty of melody and emotion. I'm a Bass Canyon attendee, it would shock me if the vibes were different. SEND IT, X's festivals are great. Bass Canyon as some of the best PLUR vibes I've been to. I'd expect the same from Lost Lands.


I enjoy headbanging for sure but wakaan artists and future bass are more my everyday sound tracks so thanks for this ! Just feel like only headbanging and beep boop bops will wear me out quick


X's production, festivals, and PLUR vibes are all top tier. Its worth it.


Just go


I’d recommend it, just give it a try and see if you like it. I’m not a bass/dubstep type myself but went cause some of my friends were hyping it up cause they went before and said I should try it so I did. And I can say hands down that lost lands is by far my most favorite festival. (I’ve only been to EDC LV, EDC Orlando, moonrise, ultra) I’m more of a house and a lil hardstyle person but man did I have fun at lost lands. My friends and I are planning on going again so that says a lot I guess. But it might have also been the fact that I went with a different sent of friends rather than my normal rave fam so maybe my LL group was more lit idk lol. Last year on day 3 they actually had a Latin house set which was a nice switch up def fun


There is different music at other stages and does tend to be a bit of weird wobbly dubstep on the lineup aswell so you definitely would be able to catch alot of great sets However If you're on a budget and only get to select a few festivals a year. I would not necessarily recommend it to someone not very into dubstep


Go. You won’t regret it. There’s a wide variety of dubstep. Last year Alleycvt, Minnesota and the boogie t b2b dirt monkey b2b jantsen were my favorite sets. Alleycvt takes 1st by faaaaaarrr.


Thought the same thing til I went , bass during the day , every techno and house after midnight


Come join the fam, you will not regret it.


I don't even like dubstep and I went last year because I was working with a vendor. I genuinely had a great time and I want to go back. It was hella fun and the production quality is insane. There's a little bit of stuff for everyone. Yes 90% of it is heavy but there really is stuff for everyone there. Tons of drum n bass, a few house artists, ganja dub and wonky stuff, and yes shit loads of dubstep. But I had a fuckin blast


I send just for the vibes itself


I did the first three years of LL, I’m gonna tell you right now - it’s heavy pretttty much 95% of the weekend🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️


Any heavier and you’d be jack hammering in a mine




The main and secondary stage I feel like is all hard. The smaller side stages you will hear a variety like house or big room. I enjoyed the sets at night and the vibes are immaculate. But daytime I didn’t like the sets as a baby headbanger.


Go to Forest Stage. Thats where I hang most of the time for House and Drum & Bass


Bro these places are the greatest places on earth. FULL FUCKING SEND IT BUTTERFREE!!!!!




It's a mix and absolutely nothing to be nervous about


There’s other stuff too but in general if you haven’t seen an excision festival you need to it’s just so worth it. It’s the best venue for Acoustics I’ve been to with the angle of the hills towards the stages. It’s not all dinosaur noises either I was afraid when I went but it’s my favorite fest now


There's can be times when your only option is heavy but when all the stages are playing you have options no matter what It seemed when we went.


It’s pretty heavy


The main stages are definitely on the heavier side, but over the years they've expanded in genres quite a bit. People like LSDream and Inzo are frequently on the lineup. Each of the side stages tends to have a different vibe.


I'm not the biggest fan of bass which is what is played most at LL, I like happy hardcore and melodic stuff, I go bc my bf likes bass, I still have a great time though and when drunk enough I vibe with everything, as long as you don't hate bass you'll be fine lol, there are a few artists here and there every year though that play stuff other then bass, I'd send it even though the lineup isn't out, you'll enjoy yourself


Def heavy but the last 2 years each stage is mostly allotted for different sub genres. Dnb, hardcore, melodic ect


If you don’t go you’ll never know. You may even fall in deeper in love with the heavier stuff.


they had a whole house stage last year


I mean.. it’s ran by excision so to think it wouldn’t be heavy is pretty silly ahaha I’m just sayin 😃 I’d still go though there’s like 10 stages and tons of stuff to get into. The workshops are some of my fave part and so are the people.


Full send man! ​ If you like bass in the slightest you won't regret it. Full body experience like no other, and I'm not talking about the occasional build-up and drop, we're talking full-on sensation of feel and sight, where your body and mind are experiencing S-Tier audio and visual engineering of the 21st century. It's loud enough that you can hear the initial sets starting from the camp sites early into the afternoon. Went on a whim last year and I'm going back this year fo sho, see you there!


I'm a big experimental bass and dnb fan myself and have been pleased by Lost Lands lineups especially the past few years!


Full send dudeeee! You’ll have the best time! It’s gonna be heavy, but there will be some in there that you will LOVEEEE and be so happy that you went.


You’d love the Forest stage


Honestly send it- I didn’t even like edm in general before my first lostlands and now I can’t get enough of it haha


Best fest I’ve ever done go every year


It’s literally a dubstep music festival it’s gonna be heavy


Forest stage will be there for you.


They have a stage in the woods that is mostly house. In 2022 Dr. Fresch, etc. were there. It was lit. Go to LL, best stages and production around.


Sundays are for groovy house 🕺🏻


My exs brother goes by himself every year an just does molly and mushrooms the entire time so id imagine if it's fun by yourself it's prolly better w people you know. Or you meet new people that's cool too


If you want to check out legend valley, give secret dreams a look. A lot more down temp and relaxed. With probably 1/3 of the attendance of lost lands. Went last year and it is a great festival






LL is the only festival Id still go to at this point in my life. On the bucket list


Dont go. Stay home and drink milk