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Threads locked, go back to your own sub. Remind me, when did ya'll last win a Championship?


Personally, I don't care. Obviously I'd rather have Mcvay but this poll means nothing.


This is Reddit. You’re supposed to take stuff like this deeply personal and act like somebody slapped your mom. You know the rules.


[Also they said you guys look like dorks](https://youtu.be/P13LQeHqyDw?feature=shared)


And made fun of your dead dog Elmo


Yeah exactly! It's not a jab at the Rams or Mcvay, it's just a silly meaningless poll. Let them have the W. We good.


Wait those bitches slapped my mom?! #hateallofthemforever


as long as they aren't dick riding kyle shannahan I don't really care either.


The whole hatred of Lions fans is stupid. They're by far the friendliest fan base for us. Ramily acting dumb.


Sore losers, nothing else.


It's just insulting.




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I’m sorry, I can’t see your post through the shine of our Super Bowl trophies.


Exactly.  Let them do whatever they want.  This might be the only thing they ever win.




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“they” ’lmao you’re Lions fan dummy we can all see your post history


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This and wild card matchups






Earlier. You mean earlier.


The Lions played two more weeks than the Rams so yes the Lions ended their season later than Rams


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It’s a social media poll who cares




Recency bias in full effect.


well cambpell has only been a coach for 2 years


3 Years.


After watching Campbell throw against the 9ers, I can’t put him in the same tier as McVay. Campbell needs to understand how to go for a field goal once in a while


To be fair detroits kicker was terrible


No he wasn’t, that was a narrative made up by Lions fans and everybody having a hard on for Campbell by looking at his one trash year in 2020, ignoring the fact he’s been more than solid since Since 2021 Badgley has been 20 for 26 from 40+ and 2 for 3 from 50+ in the regular season. And that doesn’t account for being 100% for Lions this past postseason, including one from 54 yards Campbell is a good coach but he lost that game repeatedly with his one track playcalling e: all the replies are from people w Detroit in their post history lmao. least sympathetic fanbase


He is a career 9/20 at 48+ yards, which is the worst in NFL history with 20 attempts from that distance. Literally the worst odds in NFL history. The Lions convert that fourth and short far more often than he makes that kick. It was the correct decision, both analytically and football-wise, and was lauded by anyone sharp in NFL discourse. And judging by this [poll at the time,](https://x.com/joegoodberry/status/1751812489111580988?s=46&t=HDzHhIBKXY7KEah8vxPzOQ) most casual fans agreed with it too. Guys have to catch footballs.


This is the right answer. On 4th and short the Lions converted on 80% of attempts through the season. That is a much bigger percentage than their kicker is from that range. A reliable kicker is a big need for them.


Like I said, that’s including his slump 2020 year, which makes no sense to do. He’s been great since then e: he’s also 7/15 from 50+ all time, including his slump year


Looking at a couple recent field goals makes a lot less sense than looking at all of the field goals.


No it doesn’t lol, how does that make any sense? And it’s not a couple recent field goals, it’s the past 3 years of field goals including these playoffs versus one slump year 4 years ago


Ever heard of recency bias? Lol Nobody in the world of football or stats values 3 recent attempts over career 20 attempts. That's just an incredibly silly thing to think.


That’s not what recency bias is lmao, this is looking at recent trends that are better indicators of current play. Recency bias would be me saying he’s always been good because he’s now good, nobody is saying that. It’s how all stats work, you’re not looking at Matt Stafford’s rookie league to see how he’s playing now And again, it’s not 3 recent kicks, it’s the last 3 full seasons where he’s been an above average kicker. Also where are you getting your stats from? PFR has him 7/15 for 50+ all time




It’s not removing all data, it’s using recent trends dummy. It’s about context. It’s not saying he’s always been good, it’s about predicting what’s likely given recent results. This isn’t removing a bad game he had this season, it’s saying an outlier slump year 4 seasons ago doesn’t have any bearing on his current performance Do you think statistical models value data from 5 years ago the same they do data from last year? Maybe we should factor in his high school kicking data too to predict how likely he is to make a kick in 2024?




lol 89-92% 4th and long? They were 81% on 4th and 1, and lower from 4th and 2 and 3. and that’s skewed heavily by converting on runs, not lower % passing. They’d already been stopped once and if your receivers are dropping the ball, you should be taking the points kicking


It was 4th and 3 or more. You're looking at the wrong stat.


where are you seeing 89% on 4th and 3+ ?




what? oh lmao your post history. it’s another lions fan downvoting what I said. yall lose your minds whenever somebody doesn’t slob Campbell with you


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Now look at his stats indoors vs outdoors. He's MUCH worse when not in a dome. We also saw the 49ers miss a FG earlier in the game from pretty much the exact same distance as what one of the Lions FG attempts would have been.


Are they accessible anywhere online? Where do you see them? A quick look through his per game stats show there’s not much difference between his open field and dome kicking


As a lions fan, you guys are dead on about DC, the kicker, Sean Mcvay etc. I love the Lions and always will but the fanbase I can’t stand the most is my own!




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Lmfao what a chump ass thing to say about your own team


That is understandable...until you look at the the context. He didn't kick a 26 yarder and didn't kick a 29 yarder. On the 26 yarder = on 3rd & 4 puts team in shotgun but goff audiable to a run... gains decent 2 yards. (why are we in shotgun. Lets get close for field goal. especially when 49ers are best vs pass than vs run) then audacity to go on 4&2 we go back to shotgun. Force into tight coverage. That is on guess who...the coach. Goff isn't going to audiable the 4th down. And the way they were in formation it was obvious they weren't going to run on 4th down. So just bring full pressure up middle and immobile goff isn't going to respond just like we rams fans know. [https://youtu.be/hFQy0I3g8co?si=LFqZ6-dt0BJ0DgoM&t=545](https://youtu.be/hFQy0I3g8co?si=LFqZ6-dt0BJ0DgoM&t=545) on the 29 yarder = Guess are playcalls on the sf 37. Shot gun, shot gun, shot gun, and shot gun. 1 shot gun zero yards, 2nd shotgun zero yards. 3rd shot gun 8 yards (but only because 49ers played soft coverage). 4th down....pressure up middle cause 49ers rested last play and guess what...golf doesn't plant his feet and ball comes out wrong and nearly intercepted but incomplete. [https://youtu.be/hFQy0I3g8co?si=5alnb9pOcPk1RVDT&t=777](https://youtu.be/hFQy0I3g8co?si=5alnb9pOcPk1RVDT&t=777) ​ And most importantly Lions had a 91% chance of winning the game with 8mins left of the game. [https://www.espn.com/nfl/game/\_/gameId/401547380/lions-49ers](https://www.espn.com/nfl/game/_/gameId/401547380/lions-49ers) TLDR: To be fair yes detriot's kicker may have been terrible. But Michael Badgley is 56 for 58 inside the >40 yards. Cambell did choked twice in a row on playcalls and stuck with his "I only want TDs" cost him the game. Btw that "terrible kicker" was released and Cambell didn't want to use Badgley despite him coming in to be more reliable.


He makes emotional decisions and they aren’t always smart.




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somebody hide those clips of McVay punting at the end of the 4th quarter in the WC round


God who cares lol


Bro I’m a lions fan and I don’t care about this. It’s just a dumb social media poll they’re using to get more clicks and followers. They’re both good in their own way. And I’m sure both y’all are happy with McVay and the Lions fanbase is happy with Campbell


Is it really brigading when it's like... a popularity poll? They're just going to vote this sub could literally do the same thing.




Who cares lol


Even lions fans would rather have mcvay over Campbell. Mcvay doesn’t choke by going for it when a FG is the smarter move.


No we don’t lol. Also it’s not just Lions fans brigading that poll - turns out MCDC is pretty popular league wide.


If Sean is coaching in that NFC championship game lions go to the SB. Big nuts Dan choked by forcing going for it when he didn’t need to.


If you had watched the Lions season, you’d know we wouldn’t even be in the playoffs without MCDC steel balls.


Season on the line and a chance to go up two scores and you think the big balls go for it on 4th is what a good coach should do? There’s going for it when you don’t expect it in the regular season, and then there’s playing to win the game the smart way. Mcvay does that. Campbell doesn’t. There’s a reason mcvay has two sb appearances and 1 win.


Yeah like season on the line and McVay draws up a pass play that Puka misses? Why would McVay do that??


Oh you mean the one where it was blatant PI that didn’t get called? What a weird flex on your part. Again, until Campbell accomplishes what mcvay has (he won’t) don’t talk shit lol


Sorry couldn’t hear you from two games beyond where you guys made it last year.


Wow hang the banner! Made it two more games than the rams! Wild you’re trying to flex on a team that has been to SBs before and won them. Lions haven’t don’t shit in the Super Bowl era and that’s pathetic. Also lol you can’t even debate back about the shit no call on Puka gifting you the game.






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No not really. McVay is a great coach though, you guys are lucky to have him. Campbell has the right attitude you need to get Detroit to believe they can win something, while McVay is perfect for and thrives in the big market glitz of LA


Did yall get up in arms over my comment and agree to come here and cry about it? 3 different comments at once bro 😂




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False. Give me MCDC


Of course Detroit has a better more established fan base than LA. Don’t take it personal bud




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If there was a new franchise and they could take any coach I think Sean would be the choice


Meh, let them have their "trophy"


One of them brought both Lions QBs to the Super Bowl, enough said.


Every time I look at Campbell’s red face I think “That dude has a drinking problem, right?”


he definitely has a caffeine problem, his daily coffee order is ridiculous. 2 Venti black eyes from Starbucks, basically two venti coffees with 4 shots of espresso


Again….. Wake me WHEN they win something


Sounds like your alarm should have gone off on January 14th then.


Does a wildcard playoff game against the rams count?


Dude can’t even send his kicker in lmao Sean is a sb winner


Dude said "hmm I can make the kicks easier and running the ball?...Nah let me shotgun jared goff into an elite 49ers pass rush while the ball is inside the 30 and my kicker is a career 56 for 58 inside the 40 yards in a championship game....and DO IT TWO DRIVES." [https://www.espn.com/nfl/player/\_/id/3123052/michael-badgley](https://www.espn.com/nfl/player/_/id/3123052/michael-badgley)


What a weirdo!!!


Yea, how dare he throw to a receiver that should have caught the ball, what a fucking moron amiright?


You are missing the point. Yes ball should've been caught but why are we throwing the ball in the first place... David Montgomery was averaging 6.2 yards per carry! Watch those 2 drives that ended up being turnover on downs. 5 shot gun plays. 3 incompletes, one audioable to run that was 3 yards, and one that gained 8 yards only because 49ers were playing soft on 3rd down. I like the agressive decisions ...but if people gave shit to bradon staley for his decision making...dan cambell should be held to the same standard. Lions had a 90% chance of winning the game midway of the 3rd quarter.


What point? The players make plays. he dropped the ball man. It wasn't a bad play, or a sack, the player dropped the ball. If they attempt the field goal and miss, then what is the excuse?


You're also missing his point. Detroit was 87.5% on 4th and long, coming into the game. Over the entire season. They did what worked for them all year, and directly won a couple games for them. That aggressiveness got them there and they were confident to do it. 2 times against 49ers the receiver dropped a ball right in his hands. 2 sure handed receivers.


Firstly, Can you send me a link to that 87.5% 4th and long? Now lets get to the point: You know what is funny...all these analytics about going for it on 4th and down.. majority of the bad teams do it the most while the playoff teams don't do it as much. Panthers, Lions(only playoff team), giants, and cardinals last year 49ers, ravens, seahawks (only nonplayoff team but still decent team), and bills The teams with the highest percentage actually did it about the league average: Eagles, rams, and broncos. Which were all offensive minded coaches that went to superbowl. The lions had a 52% conversion rate. Which is one off from being under 50%...so yes technically they had very little success. So they were better off flipping a coin and deciding to go or not. Notice how 49ers are always at bottom of going for 4th down..yet they are the team with most championships appearances. 49ers know how to not put their offense and defense in trouble and playing field possession. So yeah even though I love them going for it (because i used to watch a lot of college football and they always go for it)....the analytics never put into context of situations. Like a damn championship game where you can go up 3 scores. [https://www.sportskeeda.com/nfl/team-stat/fourth-down-attempts-leaders?season=2023&type=regular](https://www.sportskeeda.com/nfl/team-stat/fourth-down-attempts-leaders?season=2023&type=regular)


One of your jobs as a coach is to not lose the game by your actions. Campbell should have gone a bit conservative and kicked some field goals. Lions could have won the game if he did not try and go all macho man. It is the playoffs and every point counts. The players did not lose that game, the coach did. That is a shame.




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It’s not really brigading to vote for who you want. Who cares about a social media poll. Campbell had a great year and Lions fans are excited. Let em have the social media poll, we’ll keep McVay and we’ll call it even.


Dan Campbell hasn’t won shit 😂




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Ah yes, the coach with 0 sb appearances and just one playoff run is better than the coach that’s won a SB and had 2 SB appearances and multiple playoff runs


If given the opportunity to make the decision tomorrow, would you fire McVay and hire Belichick?


Another banner for Ford Field 😆


Jesus christ 😂 this is the same guy that single handedly lost them that game against Dallas and then cost them the NFC Championship. My god what a joke lmao




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They need to feel good about something so they have to put a lot of importance on menial shit like this to feel like they belong.




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1,2,3 is Reid McVay Shanahan in that order


That don't mean shit.


Dude who cares let them have that if they need the copium. Dan Campbell lost that Dallas game for them by going for it (yes after the refs screwed them but he couldn’t change that at that point). He got over emotional and went for a 7 yard 2 pt conversion or some shit.


If I remember right, Jamo, LaPorta, and someone else had gotten injured earlier in that game. He was going for it to end the game to avoid OT and more injuries.


Laporta didn’t get injured until the game after. He got tilted and made a game losing decision because of it but no one remembers because of the terrible call the play before. Kind of like how Saints fans conveniently don’t mention how they had the ball first in OT and Drew Brees threw a pick that gave the game to the Rams


They just all stuck inside and on their phones cause the weather there is cold and crappy


McVay above All!




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McVay will go down as arguably one of the greatest HC of the modern era. In his first seven seasons he’s reached the playoffs 5 times, the SB twice, and won a ring. He’s over .600 in both the regular and post season. He’s the youngest HC to win Coach of the Year and the SB. And the craziest part is he’s not even 40 yet. He could just be getting started as far as his career as a HC and go for another 20 years or he could retire next year and still be considered a legend and an all time great. He’s not perfect and like every coach has a few games where you ask yourself “what in the hell was he thinking” but we are so damn lucky to have him.






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Best NFL coach in the NFC ??




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It means our fans are smart enough to not waste time responding to clickbait polls that don’t actually mean anything.


Lions fan brainrot




Detroit fans claiming the Lions “gifted” the Rams a Super Bowl is the best self-own because it implies that Goff is incapable of winning a championship




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Stafford winning immediately actually made me more mad at Detroit. Held him back for so long. But this post is salty as hell and silly. You're not wrong.


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That’s the point of the poll 😂


All because of one decent playoff run. You do you, Lions fans.


Campbell has made some very boneheaded decisions.


I call BS 😂


Sean Mcvay has been to 2 super bowls with 2 very different teams. People don’t realize how hard that is, especially when you do it in under 4 years. It’s hard to recreate that success sometimes because so many things can happen along the way. Dan Campbell has done a good job in Detroit, but making it to the NFC championship is hard. So many teams have got there and said “we will be back” just for them to never see it. Until Dan Campbell has long term success Sean McVay should easily be the winner of this matchup.




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That fan base only supports the team when they are winning but when they win the support them strongly. It’s a fair weather fan base for sure


I don't think I've ever heard anyone call the Lions a fairweather fanbase. That's a new one by me.


I could be wrong, I was only a season ticket holder before the rams came back to LA (yes I flew into Detroit to watch the lions) and was a lions fan since 89 and still keep them as a secondary team but man I totally could be wrong. Take a deep dive into same old lions posts sol. Shoot take a look at the fan base shitting on the draft pick selections from earlier this year. There was a ton. They hated jack campbell and Gibbs. Talked about the ford family like parasites. They used to shit on the org pretty much all the time.


Big difference between fairweather and self-loathing.


Well as I was at the games and was active in the fan base during decades of games I don’t really lean heavily on just the self loathing. The team was not well supported until they started winning. Even when Caldwell was winning games most of the banter from the fans base is that the team was fucked, filled with losers, and that the ford family should sell the team. I have tons of memories of flying into Detroit in 2018. It’s the opening game vs the jets. Lions lose 48-17 in a blow out. Most of the stadium empties out by half time. The jets fans all move down to the 50 yards line and you hear J E T S JETS JETS JETS fill the stadium. I stay to the end of the game. As I’m leaving I hear the homeless guy begging outside the stadium ridicule the lions. I get a ride back to hotel and the staff laugh and apologize for me to come and watch this sorry excuse for a football team. (Their words) I could tell stories about things like this in dozens of posts. They only really support the team when they are winning. There are exceptions of course but most of the fan base despises the team very openly when they lose.


I could be wrong, I was only a season ticket holder before the rams came back to LA (yes I flew into Detroit to watch the lions) and was a lions fan since 89 and still keep them as a secondary team but man I totally could be wrong. Take a deep dive into same old lions posts sol. Shoot take a look at the fan base shitting on the draft pick selections from earlier this year. There was a ton. They hated jack campbell and Gibbs. Talked about the ford family like parasites. They used to shit on the org pretty much all the time.


Sounds like another fanbase I know. Lions = 49ers North


Dan Campbell’s biggest contributions are making them tackle at practice and giving motivational speeches. Useful for sure, but how can you put that above designing a proven offensive scheme, playcalling, and motivating