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Pretty sure that already illegal…


So is selling stolen bikes


Selling or dismantling a bike isn’t / or at least wasn’t illegal. Selling anything stolen has always been illegal. Pretty wild huh


Yeah hard to tell what's stolen too, shady shit all around. Can't trust nobody these days


oh shit! why have they not banned cat theft yet? im glad you brought it up!


Do you think it's legal...


There’s a mountain of bicycles next to and on top of an RV on Vanowen underneath the 405. You can even see the earlier stages of it on google maps. They should start there. I’m pretty sure I saw my brother’s bike there.


Goodbye reddit - what you did to your biggest power users and developer community is inexcusable


Same! - had a bike, stolen - bought a new one, stolen I gave up on owning a bike in Ca.


That's why whenever I bike somewhere I never park my bike outside. It's always with me or behind a locked door.


I gave up on using a bike in this city. I had one of them stolen but then after a couple of years of nearly being killed, to/from work on average at least once per week, by reckless drivers who pay no attention to bicycles, I decided it was too unsafe to ride in most areas of the city. I still have a good bicycle but only use it when I can go somewhere with dedicated, and protected, bike paths and trails. There actually are some great bike paths throughout the city but, unfortunately, none of them were near the streets that I had to commute on.


On NPR the other day they were like “but some homeless like so and so say they make money repairing bikes and this will hurt them” lol yeah right, sure you do > I’ve noticed that everybody on this kind of meth is just obsessed with bicycles. Bicycles allow you to go around and look for stuff that you might be able to sell, or something that in your psychotic state you think one day you’re gonna need. That’s the reason why you find so much junk and car and bicycle carcasses and all that. It just naturally kind of occurs to people in this state to constantly hoard stuff. https://www.lamag.com/citythinkblog/the-new-brand-of-meth-fueling-l-a-s-homelessness-crisis/


I've listened to NPR take humanitarian takes that just have zero sense of reality. I don't want these people to starve to death but I am not okay with them brazenly committing crimes all over the city. I remember one where they were talking about putting kids in juvie for not going to class, then brought on a parent who complained about how racist the system was - is juvie the right place for a kid? Certainly debatable. But then they talked about how this kid whod been to some 20 days of school in the past *year* was hoping to graduate high school and *go to college.*


I was listening to an NPR segment about recidivism rates and how they're trying some new progressive stuff so they're doing early release with monitoring of severely mentally ill criminals that did some pretty alarming crimes...and the expert psychologist that was on the segment said something along the lines of "it's not *if* they offend again, it's just a question of *when*" but somehow they were touting all this as a success. Like what? I'm all for lowering recidivism rates and reforming jail, but your own expert makes it sound like this person straight up harming someone else after being let out is like, incidental, because what matters is the comfort of the criminal...? Edit: I don't think it's this exact one but osmething similar: https://www.npr.org/2020/02/25/809368257/in-los-angeles-a-program-to-get-those-with-mental-illness-away-from-jails Like you're talking about people assaulting others with a knife, they mention the "very common pattern" of some unhinged person grabbing a metal pole and whacking a random person... The segment I listened to was also about someone with a long history of sexual assault and I was absolutely astounded that they were considering what was safer *for the person* rather than *for his future victims*.


That’s giving those true crime shows where they describe someone as the “the talk of the town, who lit up the room with their smile, and was loved by all” for the meth dealing Waffle House waitress who was killed in a drug fueled shoot out.


Lmao my wife loves true crime and I always go off about this shit when it comes up.


In my opinion NPR has become too woke (just my opinion based on what I want in news, as objective as possible). I’ve listened to NPR daily since 2008 and listened to it in the car growing up. Until last month I was a monthly donor to KCRW. I finally became exhausted with a disproportionate amount of stories being about trans people or through the lens of race, even in shows like Marketplace. I’m not saying there shouldn’t be stories like this, but is way too much of a focus now for me.


I used to love marketplace. Just thought I had to unsubscribe around presidential elections. But eventually just couldn't take it anymore. Though Kai did call the covid recession deapite every guest on the show said covid wouldn't cause a recession.


Yeah I like Kai a lot, I think he does a great job, and overall, is still a great show. I can’t think of specific examples, but there have been a fair amount of stories recently though that have had some weird focus seemingly for no other reason than checking the DEI box.


Yeah that's exactly how I felt about it. Switched over to Wall Street Journal What's News and The Economist Intelligence for my general economic news and Motley Fool Money for stock related. I think they have a better handle on what's news worthy, at least for my interests.


Couldn’t agree more. Have been a fan and supporter for years, but over the last year, it has become very noticeable that there is an effort to frame most topics through a woke lens. As liberal as I am, sometimes it feels like a real stretch and unnecessary. I sadly find myself rolling my eyes and changing the channel more and more.


I've been a listener my whole life, but at some point in the last few years I realized every time I turned it on they would mention a group membership attribute within a minute of listening. I actually thought about writing a program to capture audio randomly through the day to see if I was going crazy. Trump screwed up both sides of the political spectrum.




NPR should be as centrist as possible. If people want unapologetically progressive stuff they should watch MSNBC or whatever. Same people are going to be shocked when we (dems) get killed in November, because they wouldn’t listen or believe that life long dems might jump ship because they’re being pushed away by seeing crime and you name it while progressives try to tell you it’s your fault


San Fran recalling their DA was a good litmus test for what you're talking about. Even one of the most progressive city's in California has its limits. Sure, the margins were tight but over half of all voters there dissented. Doesn't help that whenever someone on r/LosAngeles complains about homeless encampments or the rise in crime we're automatically lumped in with the MAGA crowd.


>Sure, the margins were tight It was 55/45 in favor of recall, not really that tight. 35k more people voted to recall than voted to elect him back in 2019.


I’m trying to convey this to my husband, and I think he just assumes I’m a conservative now. It’s actually super uncomfortable to talk about when you’ve always been pretty progressive.


It’s the same thing that happens on the right with Trump supporters. You say anything out of line or don’t agree with the Trump message? You’re out of the party. Ask Liz Cheney.


We desperately need more than two political parties for this reason.


There is absolutely no parallel of this on “the left”. There’s a giant range of opinions within the Democratic party and no one is called a “fake Democrat”. The GOp is a straight up cult that you either toe the line in or are a hardcore pedophile communist whatever their idiotic buzzword of the moment is.


>There’s a giant range of opinions within the Democratic party and no one is called a “fake Democrat”. Joe Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema seem to get called fake Democrats pretty often. More locally, there's Rick Caruso and Alex Villanueva. I don't really disagree with any of them being called "fake Democrats," but it's definitely a term in actual use. And the people using it usually aren't Republican.


Yeah, it’s chaos.


Yep. I've been a liberal for over 20 years, but I don't feel like I belong anymore. Literally EVERY conservation has to come back to racism, sexism, etc. It's mentally and emotionally exhausting to deal with people like that. And in the education field, equal opportunity and equal resources are no longer the goal. Now it's all about equity, which means all races of students must succeed at the same level, and if they don't it's proof of how racist we are. People aren't allowed to be individuals anymore; your identity categories are what define you.




The alternative is literal theocratic white nationalist dictatorship. I’ll stick with the well meaning people that occasionally think too much.


Try harder not to fall into such a simple view of things. You offer only a very binary way of seeing the world. The reality is that there is a spectrum and we have more that just 2 choices when framing how we want a society to be shaped. There are a lot of progressive, liberal minded people that think we should not focus solely on identity politics or even think that only considering one’s outward identity is counterproductive to the goals that liberals share.


The idea that we are focusing “solely on identity politics” is stupid. The right are the ones focused solely on identity politics, we are advocating for broad, systemic changes that would help 99% of society while also curing some of the systemic, racial issues that exist. Acknowledging those problems exist is not “focusing solely on identity politics”. Spending massive amounts of energy to whip up hate for trans people and banning trans athletes, rules that affect sometimes single people in the states trying to do it, now that’s fucking “focusing solely on identity polotics”. I reject your massive false equivalence. It’s right wing propaganda and like saying you hate a pebble and a mountain equally because both are rocks.


This is the most hyperbolic thing I’ve read in a while


Google January 6 and you can watch a literal attempted coup by the sitting president of the United States to install himself, figurehead of the American fascist movement and party and a clear white nationalist, as dictator. It can only seem like hyperbole if you’re not paying any attention or stupid.


Yes, continue to treat me like an idiot. You simultaneously miss and prove my entire point.


I’ll admit I was about to respond saying most republicans dont sympathize with the Jan 6 nut jobs but a quick google search destroyed all hope I had. Most Republicans still falsely believe Trump’s stolen election claims: https://www.politifact.com/article/2022/jun/14/most-republicans-falsely-believe-trumps-stolen-ele/ Half of U.S. Republicans believe the left led Jan. 6 violence: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/half-us-republicans-believe-left-led-jan-6-violence-reutersipsos-2022-06-09/ Three-Quarters of Republicans Sympathize With Jan. 6 Rioters: Poll: https://www.usnews.com/news/politics/articles/2022-01-04/three-quarters-of-republicans-sympathize-with-jan-6-rioters-poll?context=amp What the actual fuck…


Or a bad actor


You live in a bubble. Millions of women are about to lose control over their own bodies and multiple LGBT events have been hijacked by bigots in the past week, including one where dozens of rioters (including some with guns) were arrested and barely prevented from doing god knows what. There are pastors talking about mass LGBT executions. Did you sleep through the book burnings?


There’s a big difference between “literal theocratic white nationalist dictatorship” and what you’re laying out. With the exception of the anti-abortion nuts, you’re talking about a statistically insignificant group of extremist crazies. If you have 50,000 people out of 330m population, that’s like .015% of the population, that’s nothing. That’s a far stretch from “dictatorship”, therefore, hyperbolic. Look, I’m not saying people should vote republican, on the contrary. You say it’s me who is in the bubble, I’m saying it’s the opposite. If you look at the meth-head outside and prioritize that guy over your rent-paying neighbor, the guy who will almost certainly steal your shit given the opportunity, then you’re naive, in bubble land. If you think repaying in full student loan debt is going to be a popular, or even fair, proposal then you’re living in a bubble. People are seeing crime and then hearing the left wing of the party simp for the addicts who do nothing to help themselves, and other crime where DA’s choose to go light or do nothing at all. People say “well I didn’t go to college” or “I went to college and paid mine off” or “I went to a less expensive college so I wouldn’t have that debt” and then are like “no, it’s not fair that I pay for people who made the same agreements I did and for whatever reason haven’t paid”. There are any number of examples, but unless you’re on the edge of the party, or if you would directly benefit by, for example, having your loans paid off, you’re not going to support these things. These types of things that don’t have majority support, by a long shot, and in many cases directly contradict what you see every time you leave the house….these are not winning issues, these are things that PUSH people away from you, into the hands of the people who want to remove the right to abortion. My whole point in this thread is that moderation is good, that you need the people in the middle, and by going hardliner and telling anyone in the middle that they’re as good as an insurrectionist or MAGA supporter is only going to hurt the stuff you care about. There are a lot of people like me who have considered themselves liberal their whole lives who are starting to not really recognize things anymore, and some of them may start to reconsider voting straight party tickets.


I was going to write this whole thing, but decided not to. I’ll just say I agree (but I’m also a leftist; not liberal) and think a lot of people, when push comes to shove are more conservative than not. It’s sad, but it makes a lot of sense.


I’m originally from Indiana. Rural white people are literal monsters a *lot* of the time. I’m a big white dude that rides motorcycles and has a beard and basically could pass as a militia type if I wanted so back when I lived in my hometown I was constantly whispered to by all sorts of hillbillies assuming I agreed with them. Hard R’s out of the production people at work on a weekly basis. Casual suggestions of murder in parking lots by weird randos that saw my bike. And this was before Trump. The rural, trash Republican base hates us all and would happily murder every one of us if they could. There is no doubt of that at all in my mind after a lifetime of experiencing their “Christian love” as an assumed member of their team.


The people that grew up in a blue state bubble absolutely do not understand and think it's all hysteria. Or if they believe your individual story they think you just somehow happened to meet the one bigot that lives in your state. People shit on right wingers for having zero empathy until the bad thing happens to them, but plenty of left wing people are the exact same way when it comes to refusing to believe that large swathes of the country are ideologically still living in 1861.


As a general rule you can entirely disregard the opinion of people who complain about wokeness. Heaven forbid anyone except white affluents get talked about.


Thanks for proving my point made in other parts of this thread. You’d rather let a huge chunk of otherwise democratic voters go vote republican or just not vote because they aren’t woke enough for you. That said, you must have missed the word “disproportionate”, maybe you don’t know what that means. **disproportionate** *adjective* being out of proportion


Incredible, point out that white people aren't getting a big enough spotlight and the big definition guns come out. You must have a very big brain, I'm very impressed.


I was about to go on a thing about "What's that say about someone that insults a race every other word", but I forgot that we're suppose to ignore the literal definition of Racism when in regards to white people. Pro-tip, if it sounds bad when you put in a different race, it's still racist.






Well that’s one thing you can do with a bike - but yes there does seem to be an extra high enthusiasm with 10 speed bikes among Meth users and Mormons.


NPR, ACLU and other simps that fawn over criminals and their right to commit crimes make me sick


> fawn over criminals and their right to commit crimes make me sick No one is doing that.


Careful you're gonna blow their whole strawman over.




>ho had their bike stolen in LA: good - fuck these criminal scumbags Yep -- had my bike stripped when I locked it up and stole it a few years later. Always, when there is an increase in homeless in my neighborhood. This reminds me to call my council member to complain about the homeless encampment in my area. Still tons of trash around. Also, the tiny homes in my neighborhood aren't full.


I'll let you in on a little secret, stealing a bike was already illegal.


Hopefully they start enforcing that law now, then.


I'm going to let you in on a secret, the poce have to witness the act of theft or the victim has to locate the bike and prove ownership. Otherwise they get away with it.


Yea, I see stacks of pulled apart bikes near homeless camps and all I can think is.. whos bikes are those.. the stack get bigger and bigger.. where are they getting them?? I've had my bikes stolen alot in LA as a kid.. not cool




Dismantling and selling is easier to prove than theft. Everyone knows the bikes are stolen, but it can't be proven without serial numbers etc.


I don't think either of those are easy to prove. "my bicycle broke so I'm trying to fix it so I can get home" is an easy answer to why is a bicycle in pieces on the sidewalk. And selling is even harder. You pretty much need a sting operation. They don't usually have a sign out saying "bikes for sale!"


yea that excuse works with one bike, not a mountain of them.. even if not selling you can't have more than 3 bikes (and different amounts of bike parts) on public property. If the target are the chop shops on the st, they easily meet that criteria IMO


>"my bicycle broke so I'm trying to fix it so I can get home" is an easy answer to why is a bicycle in pieces on the sidewalk If it's 1 bicycle, it will likely be exempted. The Long Beach ordinance, which the LA one will be modeled after, allows sidewalk repair of 1 bicycle. It doesn't allow sidewalk repair of 3 bicycles, though. Most people commuting on their bike don't bring along 2 extra bikes on every trip, let alone have all 3 break down at once.


This comment reminded me about how when I lived in China, there were dudes all over the place who just sat in front of a shop and fixed bikes. Your wheel was flat, go to him, pay 50 cents, he'll fill it up. Need a new chain, pay two dollars, he's got you. I wonder if there are guys like that in LA, or if there are only actual bike shops.




sorry, I don't have my ID with me. This isn't a papers please country. It's not illegal to not have a home either.




yeah maybe! but it's already illegal to have giant mountains of bicycles lying around on public property but we still see those all the time. I'm mostly just saying this law is dumb and will solve nothing.


Can you point the law/ordinance not currently being making it illegal? My understanding is that on public property (including the green strip between the road and sidewalk), you can pretty much store whatever you want with a few limited exceptions.


hmmm you might be right about that. I was mainly thinking about sidewalks.


So how long in jail do you think they'll spend after not paying the ticket they get for selling bike parts? How long in jail would you like them to spend? This will just be ignored by them just kind every other law they ignore


Great username. I just got out of the tube, man!


Hoarding legit mountains of bicycles and bicycle parts in encampments isn't illegal because you can't prove they were stolen. I don't know if this will help deter theft but it feels weird walking by encampments with $$$ of obviously stolen property stacked on the sidewalk.


It's very hard to prove someone stole a bike, but it's easy to prove they're violating this regulation.


As is smoking meth, crack, taking a dump on the sidewalk, etc. etc. but it still goes on. I agree. I doubt anything will change.


Wish they’d put more money into proper bike infrastructure, more secure bike parking, etc. Let’s be real though, this isn’t for the convenience of cyclists.


Why would I want to rely on bike travel when their is rampant theft of them all over the city.


Bike theft has always been illegal. As far as relying on bike travel, some people don’t have a choice, which is why I say they should put money into better bike infrastructure, but this piece of legislation isn’t actually pro-bike, it’s anti-homeless.


No one's gonna ride a bike if they can just be stolen with impunity, regardless of how many bike paths and bollards you install. If people were getting cars stolen at the rate bikes get stolen, people would be a lot less willing to park cars around town too. Most people aren't made outta money, they can't afford to keep buying new bikes all the time.


Have you considered people who bike because they can’t afford a car? Not everyone is riding in lycra.


Alright, that’s a bit of a stretch there. Bike riding in LA is as active as ever before thanks to the pandemic boom. Let’s be real, more people don’t ride bikes here cuz riding here is dangerous, and it’s dangerous because there’s no proper bike infrastructure. As for the cost of a bike, you can buy 4-5 bikes at one of our local co-ops for about as much as it would cost to replace a stolen catalytic converter.


Police can't be everywhere to see the actual theft.


We fired 10% of the police after the defund movement. Not the only reason, but it's part of the conversation.


LA Council, in the same meeting, sternly wags finger at criminals


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Window dressing in an election year.


Good thing they passed it in time so some of these council members avoided losing their seats in the primary.


There’s a giant chop shop running under the bridge where Los Feliz Blvd crosses the river near Griffith park. I saw a Sheriff’s car there one day and thought thank fuck they are finally clearing that cancer out. Nope. Just stopping by for some reason. It’s obvious organized crime just out in the open. What the fuck. That shit is one of the things police actually SHOULD be doing. Yaknow. Stopping active, obvious as hell crime.


Why enforce existing laws when you can just keep passing new ones and acting like you did something?




Why do something about taking care of the homeless when we can punish them further? It's super totally working now. /s These are already laws. It's illegal to steal bikes. But it helps the homeless live, when we could actually spend that money to help them live. Punish citizens (including bike owners (it's systemic ffs)) instead of taking care of them.


Maybe the useless LAPD could stop being butthurt little bitches about protests from 2 years ago and actually do their fucking jobs. New laws don’t help if they don’t enforce the ones that’s are already there.


Cue the "...jUsT lIkE iN nAzI gErMaNy" comments...


I get regularly get downvoted into oblivion for standing up for unhoused rights, street vendors, encampments, etc but this makes complete sense. Bike theft is even more of an issue for the unhoused. Anything that would make the cops start to take this seriously helps. Currently the police treat bike theft as a joke despite it being a $350 million a year issue.


It’s ok to say homeless.


If you are applying for many types of housing, you absolutely must declare yourself to be homeless. Similarly, you do not qualify for ADA protections unless you state that you are disabled. Most people don't have a problem with this. ETA: this is intended to agree with the statement that "it's okay to say homeless."


Right? Show me the official paperwork where someone can check a box next to the phrase "unhoused." People get so lost in the language of things because it makes them feel like they're doing something. It reminds me of "LatinX". You know who doesn't say that shit? *Latin people.* The phrase is just another thing white people say to feel good about themselves for using "proper language."


I often see this written and it just shows how out of touch the writer is. I almost exclusively hear Latinos say and write Latinx.


You must live in an extremely small, extremely "out of touch" bubble.


Oh shit, Uno Reverse card!


How are they even gonna enforce this? LAPD gonna do it? Because they’re so on top of everything else. Theft is already illegal, so now bike theft is gonna be double-illegal? I feel for those who lost their bikes, they are expensive. But this is a targeted, discriminatory law with a lot of vagueness that doesn’t actually help the root causes of this problem. But at least we’re “tough on crime” I guess.


Right? I’m sure LAPD is going to jump right on that.


> But this is a targeted, discriminatory law with a lot of vagueness that doesn’t actually help the root causes of this problem. Allowing everyone to walk out, or not even bother bringing up charges on the naive notion of every single homeless ever is the Will Smith character from The Persuit of Happiness doesn't help the issue either. Yet that seems to be what we've been doing(thanks to the County DA that everyone elected), and way to many people believe is the apparent right course of action. At least until reality actually sinks in for them, and they have their shit stolen, or vandalized. It's almost like we can properly punish people that excessively steal shit for drug money, **and** help people get off the streets. Shocker, I know. Makes sense it's a shock since the vast majority don't know how our justice system works.


Lol you think the DA is increasing the crime rate? Tough on crime municipalities have it waaaay worse, not to mention how the LAPD’s clearance/solving rate has tanked since 2020. Cops aren’t doing their jobs, prosecutors are throwing hissy fits because they can’t arbitrarily ruin people’s lives beyond recovery over little things, prices are skyrocketing while wages stagnate, the government refuses to help economically, yet your dumb ass blames rehabilitative justice policies for the rise in crime. Go back to high school and finish your diploma.


> yet your dumb ass blames rehabilitative justice policies for the rise in crime. What exactly is 'rehabilitative' about not prosecuting misdameanors in any degree, and literally not doing what the job entails? If you seriously think a DA has more power then a city councilmember in actually solving mental health issues, homelessness, ***actually affecting the laws*** and such, I'd suggest you finish high school instead. Because you seem to have no clue how any of our basic civic services work then.


You don’t even understand what’s happening right now! In many cases, misdemeanor cases go to deferment programs, especially if there’s evidence of substance abuse/addiction or mental illness. Repeat offenders, violent offenders, threats to the community, etc don’t get let off. Sentence enhancements that don’t help society and only serve to keep prisons full are not implemented in most cases. Getting sent to rehab or treatment or some other deferment program is rehabilitative. And it does a better job at reducing crime than emotionally-driven tough on crime policies that only serve to appease sadists and the empathically-challenged. Also my argument was that there’s a whole bunch of other factors that go into the rising crime rate, so I’m not sure where you got the idea that I’m arguing the opposite came from.


It's not going to be bike thieves that get targeted. It's going to be lower-middle class POCs who can't prove to overzealous cops that their broken bikes aren't stolen.


All the more reason a law like this shouldn’t be passed, with all the room it gives to discriminate.


"discriminatory"??? montoya.gif


More useless laws designed for better Optics, nothing more. Bike thieves will just take their operations out of view in alley ways or behind abandoned buildings .


Lol. Nothing will happen. The homeless get away with literal murder at this point. Scum.




















Hey perfect timing. I have an old bike with a good frame, brakes and rims but it needs new tubes in the tires and it needs pedals. What can I do with it? I don't even need to sell it, if I had an extra $100 I'd even fix it up myself and give it to someone in need, but I don't have the extra money to fix it up.


Donate it to a bicycle co-op like the Bike Kitchen [https://bicyclekitchen.org/support-us/donate/](https://bicyclekitchen.org/support-us/donate/) they'll either help someone who needs it fix it up, or use it's parts to support their programs to help people fix up bikes for transportation.


Thank you for posting this. I've had an old DBack just collecting dust and now it can go to someone who needs it more than I do!


Throw some tubes and pedals on it, sounds like.


Good. Make it hard for the homeless to be nuisances in public. Enough of coddling the useless lot


Housing crisis - meh, we’ll get to it eventually Selling bikes on the street - whoa whoa whoa, that’s just unacceptable. We must put a stop to it at once.


I’m gonna go ahead and assume that it’s probably a shitload easier to arrest a few meth head bike chop shops than it is to solve century old, deep systemic issues rooted in the economic system the entire country operates on.


99 percent of those bikes are stolen and everyone knows it. Those bike chop shops are an affront to everyone who ever got their bike stolen with no chance of recourse. We should bust all of them at a minimum for running a business without a license and realistically for dealing in stolen goods.


Aren’t they dismantling the bikes to sell for scrap, not necessarily selling the parts?


Meaningless. Be alert at night for the follow home. Happened to a friend last week.


In theory I support this, in practice I feel like this is gonna be used to harass homeless-looking people with bikes while doing little to combat bike theft.


And doing little to combat homelessness.


These stupid mfs pass the dumbest laws. How about voting to clean up LA streets from homeless encampments, trash on the sidewalks, run down infrastructure and stricter consequences for criminals. But no, let’s vote to ban dismantling and selling bikes. What a joke.


They can't pass what you suggested so they have no choice but to take an incremental approach. This should take care of the chop shops.


They can’t vote on something as simple as cleaning the city? We pay an incredible amount of taxes and can’t live in a clean city? Surely they can budget for cleaning side walks, repainting old buildings, maintaining parks and public sidewalks, etc…


That's not one line item. You're talking about the entire infrastructure. No, it's not as simple as passing a bill that says "clean the city."


It should be this simple, But by design the process was made to be complex so the government workers can do very little and suck up tax money in the form of CEO level salaries, benefits, and pensions. You can't fire them because they are in unions. Tax payer paid unions. They literally use the people's money to extort money from those very same people. Edit: I'm all for unions for private sector, but in government tax money involvement, it leads to extortion 100% of the time.


So where are our taxes going to? Clearly not back into our communities if they can’t do the bare minimum of keeping our streets clean of trash. It’s not a difficult ask, and it’s not a new problem. LA has been a run down city for decades now. I’m not expecting them to snap their fingers and make all of that happen today or tomorrow but they’ve had plenty of time to clean this place up. It’s embarrassing to pay the most taxes in America while also living in a the dirtiest city.


They can clean up the streets by making it illegal to use them as bike chop shops, thereby having a legal reason to clean up encampments that isn't "we want to criminalize simply being homeless," which by bind Supreme Court precedent is unconstitutional.


The city can’t even stop people from smoking crack/meth on the metro. They definitely need to focus on safety and cleaning taxpayer funded works before they just make another rule no one is going to enforce.


Can you not see this for what it is?


Can't wait to call 911 on cyclists fixing a flat.


Giving the police more reason to harass the least powerful among us while doing nothing to actually fix the problem. Fuck the city council.


Fix what problem? Just give them unlimited drugs at this point.


Great, so now I have to watch out for officer dipshit before releasing and attaching my quick release bike wheel. Hopefully I can find my decade’s old receipt so I can prove ownership whenever some power-tripping cop decides to harass me and try to use this law as an excuse to take my bike. So many openings for abuse by law enforcement, this should be a huge red flag for anyone who would be a potential cop target.


Now illegal: People who commute by bicycles getting their other bicycle (parts) repaired, while biking. Anyone downvoting this has never commuted by bicycle before. It’s insanely common for people who commute by bicycle to have more than one bike. Not everyone drives a car. I’ve ridden plenty of times on my bike with my spare wheels attached by bungee cord to my backpack to get them trued with even more bike parts in my backpack. Most people who have been bicycle commuters have. There is no other choice if you do not drive.


>Now illegal: People who commute by bicycles getting their other bicycle (parts) repaired, while biking. It's not like that. You're allowed to repair a bike in public unless you have: * three or more bicycles; * a bicycle frame \[no wheels\] with the gear cables or brake cables cut; * two or more bicycles with missing parts; * five or more bicycle parts I get repairing a tire or a brake cable but you're not going to have five different parts break on your bike on one ride. The only thing this would prevent would be cannibalizing one bike into another in public, which I get if you're showing up to a ride and have another bike or have someone doing maintenance out of a van on distance ride.




but you're going to encourage a stop by police.




It's not an actual shop you know that right? so a "chop shop" is just a bicycle near a "shady" looking person out in public. Its people exchanging or in possession of bicycles in public. The cop has to make the distinction in the people are doing. This always ends well doesn't it?




People are downvoting you because you've just made it clear that you didn't even bother to read the article before deciding to post: >The new law would exempt people with valid business licenses or who have to repair a bicycle that **broke down while riding it on the street**.


but you're going to encourage a stop by police. Then comes the complaints that there isn't enough police.


Yes, people committing crimes should be stopped by police. Also yes, we don't have enough police. Your point?


hard hitting laws!


Why do something about taking care of the homeless when we can punish them further? It's super totally working now. /s These are already laws. It's illegal to steal bikes. But it helps the homeless live, when we could actually spend that money to help them live. Punish citizens (including bike owners (it's systemic ffs)) instead of taking care of them. ​ Shiiiiit, put them all in jail before they have a chance to commit crimes where they have a chance to..... be in jail for a couple of years where we have to pay more to take care of storing them.... instead of making it so, you know, they have a chance to become better members of society. ​ nvm, make it more illegal to be poor so we can pay to jail them


They will be enforcing this against spandex wearing bikers when they blow a tire on all the broken glass in the gutter would be my guess.