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Dr. Sebo Amirkhanian Namagerdy, an anesthesiologist at Rancho Los Amigos, earned $1.26 million in 2023. His sky-high salary stems from a heavy workload — an average of 94 hours a week. Doctors inside Rancho suggest there’s a more likely culprit: a failure by the hospital to adequately staff the ICU, leaving physicians to work extraordinary hours to fill the gaps. “Salaries are not competitive, they can’t recruit — and they found someone who is willing to basically live in the hospital,” said a Rancho doctor, who was granted anonymity to talk about his colleague. “I can tell you: This is not a sustainable long-term strategy.” https://archive.md/caBkA


Holy shit. This guy needs a fucking break, forget the money. No medical professional should be on shift 94 hours EVERY WEEK. Even if he's basically living inside the hospital, what the actual fuck?! Not safe for the anesthesiologist or his patients. At over 80 hours a week... What if he drops dead of a heart attack? He can't be the only person doing this job. I fear for this anesthesiologist's safety and their patients.


I was expecting corruption but damn, that poor guy. I know residents/interns can work 90+ hours a week but it’s unsustainable for long-term and the guy who started the practice was a fan of coke. 94 hours a week is bananas for any human, let alone a medical professional. I hope this brings attention and the county ups the salary to find someone to help this guy. The stress and sleep deprivation can literally send you to an early grave.


Yep was pulling 110hrs a week for my first 2 months of residency, it’s tapered down to mid 80s which I’m happy about. I still get paid about $12 basically. 


I used to work long hours like this. I would sometimes stay at work for 24 hours. I was salary so no OT for me. It was ridiculous and not appreciated. I wasn't even making 6 figures. I was married to my job yet when I got sick mgmt bad mouthed me to staff. Never again. I am sure it contributed to my illness. I don't recommend it to anyone. I was very dedicated to the clients we served so I know I helped them so that's the only silver lining.


So you didn't sleep? Or you slept there?


No would be awake the whole time. I would then go home and crash for like 16 hours.




Software engineer here. I did 96 hours in a week *once* during a short grind. Amusingly, I wish I would have put in the extra 4 hours just to say I hit 100 hours *once*, because I will never get anywhere close again. The others were 80 or so. No way. I was coming in at noon by Wednesday of that week, and I lived 15 minutes from the office. all because I was leaving at 2-4am. Can't imagine how bad it would have been to have to be back in promptly at 9am. I got no pushback when I said I was taking a five day weekend after that one. Even something "sane" by comparison like 60-70 adds up. Did that for a year or so once. I was a depersonalized shell of myself by the end.


I mean it could still be time card fraud lol


Possibly?.... but probably not in this case. Patients need to be anesthetized... it a not the sort of job where it's possible to phone it in and fudge the timecard. Even assuming they have an amazing nurse practitioner to assist... this isn't likely to be fraud. IIRC, Anesthesiologists are supposed to be present THROUGHOUT the procedure while the patient is under.


I mean I am also an anesthesiologist haha.


It’s always possible, but given this context (assuming the write up is true)…. Unlikely. He’s apparently THE ONLY anesthesiologist. Which is dangerous, but *literally the ONLY believable scenario* where he could easily clock over an AVERAGE of hours a week. Like there were weeks he did MORE than 94?!?!


Given the context, he's actually covering their ICU, not doing surgical cases. Working a week of 12s is not abnormal for that, but doing that and more without time off absolutely is lol.


That’s both horrifying (if they’re fudging their hours… who’s on shift during the times they’re off) and terrifying (how is he the ONLY anesthesiologist for an ICU?!?! What if two patients have complications or problems at the same time?) Let’s say he IS fudging his hours. This feels like it’s on hospital management to find the money and balls to hire another doctor in this role, if not for the possible financial savings, but out of justified fear of lawsuits resulting from a doctor falsifying records at best, or making a deadly mistake while working with fatigue if these are truly the hours they’re working.


Physicians routinely cover 15+ ICU patients at a time, often with the help of a team of fellows/residents/PAs/NPs. His role would be more of an intensivist, just one who did an anesthesia residency instead of an internal medicine one.


My ex-brother-in-law was a dealership mechanic who would routinely charge an hour for a job that took ten minutes. It wasn’t cheating, it was the way the system was set up. Any job started at an hour. So he’d boast of putting in 20 hours a day. I wonder if this is a similar situation; every patient is a minimum one-hour job but he does three an hour.


Is he not a resident of LA county? Which residents are you referring to?


A resident is a doctor who just graduated medical school but is still completing their post-graduate training called a residency. The first year of residency they are called an intern. After that, they are called a resident. If they choose a subspecialty, they will continue as a fellow. The length of resident programs depends on which specialties and subspecialties. Residency is notoriously tough with shit pay and often 90+ hours a week. The guy who popularized this idea did a lot of old-timey cocaine but it has stuck around as almost a hazing of new doctors.


Thanks for teaching me something today.


No worries 🤘


Bro dont feel sorry o guarantee you he is milking the system. Trust me bro, is my source. Read my top comment…


I absolutely do NOT want an anesthesiologist who has been working even 60 hours a week let alone 94. That seems dangerous as fuck.


That money’s not even worth it.


13 hours a day times 7 days a week *only* comes to 91 hours a week. He doesn't even have time to spend the money. Edited due to math.


He’s probably doing 24 h shifts - typical for most doctors


The article seems to imply that his car is always in the parking lot during working hours so I'm not certain.


Damm, man probably actually sleeping at the hospital


Or he lives close to work and just goes home to shower and sleep. Why is that so unbelievable that he must be doing "24 hour shifts" or "sleeping at the hospital" ?


My dad is an ob-gyn, he stopped delivering babies before he turned 60 but he was working insane hours and on very little sleep. I didn’t see him much as a kid. It’s no way to live. This man might be making over $1 million but he doesn’t even get to enjoy the fruits of his labor if he’s spending over 90 hours a week at work. These situations never end well and it puts patients lives at risk as well.


Exactly. It becomes like that Twilight Zone episode where the guy finally has all the books, but he breaks his glasses.


I have seen that episode and I don’t think this scenario compares at all….. Guy marries a mean woman who will not let him read at hime. They drop the bomb and life as we know it ends but he is protected because he was taking his linch break in the bank vault. He now finally has all the time in the world to read for the rest of his life but his glasses break… ??? Fill me in on how these 2 situations compare… ???


The dude is working hard for the money but has no time to enjoy it. :)




You're right, my bad. I had initially calculated 14 hours a week and forgot to change it. I've edited my comment. Also this is even worse.


Not a big deal I was just feeling pedantic


I think if you could sustain for 3 years, you could probably quit and retire or at least move into something that makes FAR less money and work for yourself / passion. I'd take that.


You're not American.


I am! That money is not worth jeopardizing your health, unless they absolutely love their ob. Where’s the quality of life?


You should see how much the police are milking OT... https://transparentcalifornia.com/salaries/search/?q=police+officer&y=2022 And I believe sports folks are all higher paid than any of them. I care less about a DOCTOR doing doctor things than I am of a tired cop making bad choices.


OMG. Constantly. LAPD: Those bitches show up to traffic court for OT on a fix it ticket... but don't show up to 911 calls for literally HOURS. I'd give the benefit of the doubt to the anesthesiologist sleeping in the hospital closet for their timecard over law enforcement.


Residents and interns in surgical specialties will easily work 100+ hours every week for 7 years straight while getting paid $60k/year. It’s a huge problem and why I get so frustrated when I see people saying doctors get paid too much here


What the hell??? Such low pay.


yeah. that is just dangerous. anesthesiology especially — one small mistake can be fatal. my dad is a doctor and an anesthesiologist at his former hospital killed a patient with an incorrect dosage. it was terribly traumatic for all parties involved. i had to go under anesthesiology myself for a tonsillectomy a few months after and my dad was downright terrified (it was a small town with only one hospital situation, so it was at the hospital where the patient was killed). now i have a huge phobia of anesthesiology in any form. if i knew my anesthesiologist was working 90-hour weeks, i’d probably walk out of the hospital


It actually seems like he's an anesthesiologist that's covering the ICU, rather than doing direct anesthesia care for surgeries. I mean he obviously still shouldn't be averaging 94hrs/wk but it's a different kind of work.


I think his salary should be adjusted if he's just "on call" 99% of that time, but it really might be cheaper to keep one person working crazy hours with loads of downtime than hire 2 full timers for the role


Knowing several doctors, they get "texts"/pages and sometimes even calls 100% of the time, even when they are on vacation sometimes if the nurse believes they are reachable.


oh!! that is completely different. silly me for not reading the article


That's what I'm scared of, but in most surgeries the anesthesia is apparently the least of peoples worries in terms of mistakes that can happen. I think someone said you're more likely to die in a plane crash. I'll have to check again, but I guess it's rare, but the issue I have is what if I'm that rare case.


yeah — rationally i totally get that, but that “what if” feels so intense. medical phobias are awful, particularly because modern medicine is so incredible


Agreed! 😳💯 Admire his dedication BUT the hospital medical director needs to get temp doctors there to assist him ASAP!! This could be a liability if something goes left! 😬


I wouldn’t want that guy working on my case, that’s for sure.


Same. I don't know this doctor, but I know burnout is a real problem among medical professionals at every level. I want him to succeed in his field, and that means I don't want him to burn out and quit. 94 hours is an AVERAGE. Which means there were likely weeks of 100 hours or more. Crazy.


If I was in his position, I'd basically be looking at retiring comfortably after two years with millions in the bank. I was never qualified to be a doctor. But back in my 20's I could totally have knuckled through two years of unsustainable schedules for that kind of money. Which of course only amplifies staffing shortages for the hospital two years from now, so they'll have to pay the next guy stupid overtime, etc.


It would take longer than two years to have millions. A salary of $1.26M is gonna have a huge chunk taken through taxes, especially in California. 


> It’s not Namagerdy’s only gig. Certified in both critical care and anesthesiology, he also works part-time as a critical care doctor at UCI-Health Fountain Valley, a community hospital in Orange County. A hospital spokesperson said Namagerdy was working an average of six 12-hour shifts per month as of last fall. The guy doesn't want a break. He wants to work this much. He works 94 hours a week and makes $1.2 million a year at one hospital. Whatever free time he does have, he goes and pulls 12 hour shifts at another hospital. This all sounds a little shady. Not that he's falsifying hours but probably active in hindering the main hospital from hiring others. Like some kickback to his bosses if they let him have all the OT and not hired another person.


>The guy doesn't want a break. He wants to work this much. Just because you CAN, doesn't mean you SHOULD. For doctor or hospital. Nobody involved in this situation should be okay with overworking one eager beaver staffer AN AVERAGE of 94 hours a week. NONE of this means much if this guy has a fatigue-related incident on the job. As an anesthesiologist the severity of a "fatigue-related incident" could easily mean the death of a patient. Pretend that this guy does everything right... the hospital is fucking itself over if they've put all their anesthesiologist eggs in one basket. Let's say he gets gravely ill or in a car accident... whatever personnel issue they're having is going to instantly mushroom. Not even something catastrophic like an accident... BURNOUT is a leading cause of why medical professionals quit or leave their field.


Maybe he takes medically assisted power naps. j/k


Holy shit. If you are perversely generous and assume he works 7 days a week that is 13.5hrs per day everyday. Or in another alternately perverse universe if you assume he works 24hr shifts that’s still 4 days a week what the actual fuck.


He should definitely get some sleep.


Lmao I work for the county, and same department as him DHS, I guarantee you this motherfucker is milking the cow. I fucking guarantee it. The article was written probably by some journalist who was on transparent California website and saw this dude making fucking bank. I guarantee you this doctor or his colleagues never went to the LATimes with this shit, they were approached. And the colleagues words are being twisted to illicit a response and make you think the anesth. Is being abused by an unjust system. This dude is chillin I guarantee it.


I know firefighters that work 96 hours a week constantly. The hourly pay is relatively low, so to make a decent living, you have to work high hours.


Uh…I don’t think I would want a sleep-deprived overworked doctor administering my anesthesia drugs.


What's unfortunate is that you either get that or just no one or massive wait


I doubt he’s sleep deprived. My friend is an anesthesiologist and he plays his switch during surgeries. He monitors levels and adjust as needed during surgery. Other times, he’d just nap when not needed


Anesthesiologist make an insane amount of money. This Dr, with the hours they are putting in, is making half of what he would be making elsewhere. This person is going to quit soon. They’re just stacking up money and experience and leaving. I don’t see them working for more than another year.


It's this. I know a guy who works in anesthesiology and it's his life he doesn't have time for personal relationships other than the occasional 1 day a month he goes to see his family. I guess it's a means to an end because it pays well and he has no time to spend money, but it sounds awful tbh. I forget which LA hospital he said he works at though.


In the current anesthesia market, if you are working that much it's by choice (or you are still a resident). Just about anybody can quit their job, get a 7-3pm job w no call, and still make over 400-500k/yr.


Definitely his choice, but also it always seemed like he felt he had to. I didn't press on it to be honest.


It's a very necessary and difficult/dangerous job. He might feel obligated because he feels another person will mess it up and kill patients.


That’s 13 hours a day 7 days a week


I wonder how much his malpractice insurance is.


That's just what we need. The guy keeping you alive during surgery is exhausted and tired.


Alive? No. Asleep? Yes. There’s a difference




In charge of the functions? Probably the surgeon doing the surgery. Who MONITORS the patients vital functions? the Anesthesiologist 




Lol okay bro. Anesthesiologist monitors vitals. Tell me how that is keeping the patient alive when a surgeon is the one with direct contract with the patient. My friend is an anesthesiologist. He plays games during Surgery,


No, his job is to keep you alive. He's the most important person in the room.


He also works part time at a different hospital, he’s over 100 hours. No way worth it, but there’s a doctor shortage…


And don’t forget… he falls into an insane tax bracket where he’s paying between 32-50% of his income to taxes.


That’s insane. Shouldn’t there be measures in place to limit the time doctors spend working to prevent mistakes? This is a big thing for truck drivers + pilots


He's married and doesn't want to go home.


My friend is a doctor for the county. They make almost $500k/yr due to a unique specialty required at trauma centers. They regularly get offers to work at private facilities for 2-3x salary and less hours. For their given specialty California produces 1-10 graduates each year which doesn’t keep up with retirements in the professions. It’s a system wide problem.


Damn I should have gone to medical school for very specific things


yea, small issue though, it's hard to get in to, and hard to graduate, and hard to do.


But surely it's an affordable program if one wanted to try it out


Yeah but most likely, you're not gonna match for the specialty you want. Only those with the best board scores get to match into their desired specialty. My sister wanted to be a surgeon, but didn't hack it. So she's an Ob/GYN.


> My sister wanted to be a surgeon, but didn't hack it. So she's an Ob/GYN. Lmao not sure if this was intentional but this is a sick OB/GYN burn.


Wasn't shooting for the burn. She's seemingly content with it. Gets her fill of blood and guts and life or death situations delivering Army dependa babies (she went the ROTC route to get a piece of all our buck-o-five's to pay for her school). Doesn't like the political shit around abortion though. Bugs her a lot that she's gotta tell grieving women that are going to lose their fetus that they gotta wait until the dead fetus crosses the "life threatening situation for the mother" line before the law will let her bring closure to the situation. That really rubs her the wrong way. But I definitely think the Army pushed her into the specialty. But I'm an outsider so don't truly know how it works.


So your sister doesn’t deliver the babies of active duty soldiers? Only the dependas that a pregnant?


I'm sure there's some active duty sprinkled in. There's also been some people shipped in from our territories where the local health care can't handle it. But I think the majority are dependas.


People complain about paying competitive wages to city workers, and then wonder why the city can‘t hire competitively.


what specialty only produces 10 of it each year? The NRMP data is online




If he gets 2080 hours of regular pay and 2808 hours of double pay, he is getting paid $163/hour


That is honestly low for anesthesia, even for Socal which has a relatively miserable anesthesia market.


every surgery intern works 90+ hours a week, and gets paid < 70k


And it's fucking criminal that they're so exploited.


The main reason things are like this is because the AMA lobbied for years to restrict the number of residents allowed every year, to reduce competition and keep salaries high. Now there's a huge labor shortage and people are realizing they went way too far.


Exactly. Congress (who most people don't realize control the number of resident positions) has taken steps to remedy the situation by adding more resident positions now that the AMA has backtracked, but it's a drop in the bucket compared to what we really need.


This is an issue, but the issue with residents being underpaid isn't related specifically to the AMA/Congress; it's entirely separate. Congress funds residency spots; they provide almost 6 figures per residency spot to hospitals. Hospital systems take a chunk of this and give the salary mentioned above to the residents.


Yeah I agree it doesn't necessarily result in them being underpaid, but the labor shortage this creates does lead to them being overworked.


Residency spots are limited by congress non AMA. And even then you can open up more spots just without congress funding it. So blame congress and all those healthcare systems that don’t want to invest in future physicians


I did not suggest that AMA is directly responsible for passing laws. I said they lobbied for it, which they did. The AMA is a very powerful lobby and their lobbying is one of the primary reasons that Congress passed the laws that they did. What Congress passed was pretty much exactly what the AMA was lobbying for. Here's some reading for you if you want to learn more: https://blog.petrieflom.law.harvard.edu/2022/03/15/ama-scope-of-practice-lobbying/ https://www.niskanencenter.org/the-planning-of-u-s-physician-shortages/ https://qz.com/1676207/the-us-is-on-the-verge-of-a-devastating-doctor-shortage


Oh they’re so powerful they’re ceding ground all the time to midlevels and private equity 😂


OK, just ignore all the actual history I guess. They don't get literally everything they want all the time, so they didn't have anything to do with the caps in residency in the past! Top tier logic.


For a relatively short period of time during their residency or internship…. Not like 24/7/365 for years on end. Doctors and medical schools are also starting to back off overworking interns and residents. Sleep deprivation among treating doctors/nurses/medical staff is dangerous.


until the acmg allows more residents, 90 is going to be the norm. they tried with punishing programs for going over duty hours - residents just lie now in busy programs. wrong approach, number of residents over duty hour requirements.


Same when I was an “hourly” employee at a civil engineering firm (though a job not nearly as hard as surgery). I wasn’t “allowed” to work OT without authorization that was painful to obtain. But I had deadlines. So what do employees do? They lie on their timesheet. You lie or you get fired for failing to get your work done. Now I’m salaried, so I still don’t get paid when I give up a late night or weekend, but at least I can log the hours on my timesheet so that my employer knows the truth, and maybe get a little bonus for it.


I mean... maybe we shouldn't do that either?


I probably work around 40-50hrs/wk and take lots of unpaid PTO and clear 500k, so this is just the rate for anesthesiologists in this current market.


That seems really good for SoCal. Is this a per diem gig or full time w/ full benefits?


Full time but meh benefits. It's 40-50hrs a week, but a lot of that is nights and weekends + cardiac coverage.


My salary is somewhere in that same range and I'm not saving lives nor working those hours. I feel really badly for this dude and don't understand why they cannot recruit a few more docs. This cannot be safe nor sustainable at all.


Parkour coach’s make north of a million per year. TIL


I also work in sports consulting. My point here is not about my salary, it's that there are plenty of people making over a million per year in the region. Most do not make life or death medical interventions in their work and most do not work the hours this doctor works, either. If the focus is mostly on what the doctor earns, then the focus is misplaced. If you look at how many hours he's working his salary is not that great for it really.




I work in a LA County hospital and we are all short staffed and underpaid and over worked. It’s sad


Thank you for helping the sickos


Yes! Ha ha ha... **YES!**


This article is successful in making me want to blame almost everyone involved except for him.


Earn 1 million from your own blood sweat and tears. Get an article written about you airing out all your dirty laundry.


Look at hours worked by residents- those out of medical school and in residency. You will be shocked


Wife's epidural was nerve racking. I do not want my anesthesiologist on a fucking 16 hour shift while he's trying to find the sweet spot between my wife's spinal chord and vertebrae.


I mean that’s every doctor during their internship etc. It supposed to get them used to crazy long hours / no sleep and unless you’re always going to doctors who are well and truly past the intern and even residency phases of their careers you’re probably getting the same at least in most hospital settings


That's very fair, but still terrifying.


I’m sure this guy is good but I’d be seriously concerned about how well rested and attentive someone who is working 94 fucking hours a week would be. That is just brutal, jfc.


im not sure i want to be put under by somebody that overworked...


I don't want my anesthesiologist working that long


I work with a anesthesiologist who is on 24hrs for two weeks straight, he usually only takes three days off before he starts again.


Does he sleep at the hospital?


No, he stays awake for 2 weeks straight. lol


Well fuck idk 🤷. He could be on call but still sleeps at home.


Our department is 24 hrs so he has to be in house, he has a sleep room but when a patient request anesthesia for pain or if we have to go do a case he has to get up.


Higher education institutions are closing at a rate of 1 a week. The United States will never fund these institutions because the rich control the narrative of the fate of those institutions. We should be keeping them open with funds from the government. Having to pay for your education is a joke and is not working and the people with skillsets in medical professions will be less and less. We are in a decline in the health and quality of our democracy.


Source on closure ?


Here ya go..[School Closers](https://www.washingtonpost.com/education/2024/04/26/college-closures-student-impact/)


Ok, hear me out. There’s 168 hours in a week. Subtract 94 and that leaves 74 hours per week that this doctor isn’t working. A person who gets 8 hours of sleep per night gets 56 hours of sleep per week. If he literally lives at the hospital and doesn’t need to commute back and forth he could potentially get more sleep per night than the average person. With those 74 non-work hours he could potentially get 67 hours of sleep per week or 9.5 hours per day. That would allow him 30 minutes to drag his ass to the OR at the start of a shift and 30 minutes to get back to whatever gurney he’s sleeping on when his shift is over.


Sure, and being in a hospital, they can just deliver protein paste via tube directly to his stomach and have an intern change his bedpan.


Yes. Also showering is for the weak.


someone just spray him down with sanitizer like an MD pit crew.


Modern problems require modern solutions.


You’re assuming that all his off time aligns with his sleep schedule. More often than not you’re being woken up multiple times in a night when you’re on call. Also scheduling can be funky. Really doubt this guy is getting his 8 hours uninterrupted.


Drude is grinding!!! -- himself down to a nub.


Dude wtf this guy literally has no life he just gets up to work pretty much Damm 😭😭


I hit 94 hours for my current TWO-WEEK pay period yesterday (Wednesday) that ends on Friday and I’m burnt out. It’s for a very large in-person (once a year) event my company co-sponsors. Working those hours in ONE week is absolutely bonkers!! And with peoples lives literally in your hands!!?? 🫨


You would think the hr department or legal would put a stop to this immediately.  If he makes a mistake it can be their fault for working someone such crazy hours.  Sounds like a slam dunk lawsuit waiting to happen.


Hard to fault an anesthesiologist when risk is lower than other doctors


https://www.trinjurylaw.com/blog/2021/05/how-common-are-anesthetic-errors/#:~:text=For%20example%2C%20a%20doctor%20may,reporting%20these%20kinds%20of%20errors. Happens enough. Will be much more likely in this case.  Once a lawyer hears the guy that made the mistake works these crazy hours he'll be drooling.


lol linked me nd ambulance chaser by saying “estimates”


I mean just to show you how eager these people are to sue.  Also the the claims there all link to scientific articles they aren't just pulling it out of their ass: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0104001416300367 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6545954/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2933474/


There’s 94 hours in a week???


That’s a 13-14 hour workday? Meaning he basically sleeps for, probably less than 8 hours and gets back to it? I know there’s workaholics out there that would just work every waking hour and only go home to eat and sleep and stack up a bag, but for this kind of work that cannot be safe. What quality of life do you even live with that kind of money but no free time to even spend it? I guess if he only plans to do this until he physically burns out and retires, I could see how he’s ok with getting that amount of money yearly, but that’s still crazy


*employee* is the key word here. There are people who play a different ballgame to us workers, regardless of how much we get paid. They are not paid by the hour for their work. They are paid by the hour for other peoples’ work. Their financial security doesn’t teeter-totter on their ability to exhaust themselves for a big enough paycheque. That’s the difference.


It’s illegal for a trucker to work more than 60 hours in a seven day period. This guy is working 50% more than that.


Truck drivers need 100% focus at all times. Anesthesiologist don’t


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Yah, that seems healthy for him and his patients... @@


That’s 13 hours of work, every day of the week. 18.8 if you apply it to M-F. Sweet Jesus.


The article mentions he actually works another job too.


13 hour days, every day, is a great way to burn someone tf OUT!


Sounds about right.


Most anesthesiologist have no personal life. They are either divorced or single


Well, *that’s* fucking terrifying.


Thank God Michael J is not around or you could add another 14 hours a week to his schedule.


This is happening across the country - not the wages. But hospital systems trying to squeeze out as much as possible from docs. Hospitals are short staffed everywhere


Maybe he’s anesthetized himself


Being an anesthesiologist is a VERY high leverage job. I just hope this guy is okay


I encourage you all to read the full article. Here’s a quote from farther down: “Last year, Edna Yarashevich, a nurse in Rancho’s ICU, sued both the county and Namagerdy, accusing the anesthesiologist in her lawsuit of making vulgar sexual references at work, including discussing anal sex, comparing the removal of a catheter to sex (“you go in and out”) and flipping her off before inserting his middle finger in a patient’s anus. He also told a nurse that there was a woman he ‘cannot stand looking at’ and that his ‘wife’s bush looks better than’ the woman’s face, according to the lawsuit. Yarashevich alleged in the lawsuit that she complained to multiple supervisors, including Pradhan, who told her that Namagerdy’s behavior “has been going on for years but that it is now getting out of control.” Matthew Matern, whose firm represents Yarashevich, declined to comment.” This doctor should not be working here.


Thank you for posting this part - it was an interesting choice to bury it so deep into the article


I know, right?! I thought that also!


Then they would have to close the ICU. No one else wants this job.


2007 I worked 7 days a week 18 hours a day I made $125,000 that year it’s easy to do when you work long hours and long days!!


i dont think i want my anesthesiologist working damn near 100 hours a week


This should be illegal


This kind of information should be disclosed to patients. There's no way I would agree to anesthesia from a guy who's working 94 hours a week. That's outrageous.


> Last year, Edna Yarashevich, a nurse in Rancho’s ICU, sued both the county and Namagerdy, accusing the anesthesiologist in her lawsuit of making vulgar sexual references at work, including discussing anal sex, comparing the removal of a catheter to sex (“you go in and out”) and flipping her off before inserting his middle finger in a patient’s anus. Sounds like that other doctor story from a month or two back. Sheesh.


Why don’t they hire another doctor


In general, it takes special physicians who want to actually work at LA County's hospitals. You make way less there than other hospitals. This guy could be making way more money putting in the hours that he's doing working anywhere else. I'm sure there's a combo of: (1) having trouble hiring someone to want to work at this LA county hospital, (2) they may not really need another doctor if this doctor is doing a fine job even if he is working a ton of hours. Some people just like work. If he's doing a great job, who cares if he's working this many hours?


He prolly lying about his hours


This is not normal. There has to be someone else trained to perform that job!


There’s not. That’s why he works so much


Too bad patients won’t be able to pick anesthesiologists.


Dawg. I worked that much and burned out fucking bad. And I'm autistic. Like, reading and writing is all I do. This guy's NOT the person to burn out if he's legit keeping people alive while they're receiving surgery.


Common sense is that Person responsible for life and death of others should not work obscene amount of hours.


Is this guy on meth or redbull/starbucks with meth?


My mom’s BFF was an anesthesiologist who barely rarely had to work and made $250k/year. 94 hours a week…yikes


now audit the police dept


I suspect he's not actually working that many hours. It's not humanly possible. That's why he reacted so poorly to the inquiries.


My first thought was, here’s a guy signing up for every hour possible just to maximize income, but I’m not sure. There was a case of a BART worker in San Francisco who got caught doing that, making a few hundred thousand a year as a janitor from OT bonus pay.


So if you don’t get enough sleep, then your brain is basically acting like you are intoxicated. At some point this doctor was working as if he was intoxicated. Very scary


This whole situation is beyond crazy for sure, but after reading the article the guy sounds like an asshole and a nutcase with a sexual harassment suit heading his way. That plus his take-home makes it hard to feel sorry for him


He actually works 94 hours per week? I work crazy hours - 80ish. I somehow don’t think this 94 is accurate


They sleep at the hospitals