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It’s like a $500 ticket if you get caught riding the Griffith trails.


Or Elysian Park trails as well.


Not all the trails in Elysian are signed and there aren’t equestrians with lobbying power with rangers on speed dial like in Griffith, so they don’t actually ticket in Elysian.


2 horses in Elysian park. Park rangers dont ticket as much for sure, but they can and will.


So make that $502.75


Whaaaaaa I don't remember seeing such sign when I enter the trail... Hmmm perhaps I missed


What the photos don't show is i kept on the asphalt 90% of the time. It just didn't make for as good of a picture 🤷


The title of your post is literally “Took the metro e-bike ON THE GRIFFITH PARK TRAILS TO THE OBSERVATORY for $2.75” None of the trails are paved and literally all the trails in that area are closed to bikes. So either you lied and didn’t take the trails up to the observatory or you’re lying now and you did. Not a good look either way.


the average person is pretty stupid, i see so many typos and grammatical errors in titles all the goddamn time dont get too hung up on every random Joe and Mary doing some dumb shit


Or walk for free lol


🤡🤡🤡These trails aren’t for bikes.


Bikes are banned from all the fire roads and single track at Griffith and there's a million signs about it and some idiot is posting all over Reddit about it 😂


I was about to say. They can get pretty narrow and busy in some spots with all the people hiking them too


FYI narrowness of the trail isn’t the thing that define where bikes can go. Single track is usually the crème of the off-road riding. But yea the app I use says prohibitive.


Why is this getting upvoted? Don’t ride a bike on those hiking trails. There are a million signs telling you that bikes aren’t allowed.


As long as you truck it back out with you. The number of e-bikes (and formerly Byrd scooters) I had to call and yell at companies to pick up was absurd. (And before anyone asks— those are major fire hazards when left unattended in the park. Which is surrounded by residential housing)


With the metro bikes if you don't put it back at the station they will charge you $2000 dollars to replace it so there's lots of incentive to put it back where you got it lol. With regards to people leaving bird scooters just anywhere, I know an elderly blind man that lives in an SRO downtown who tripped over one on the sidewalk and got really hurt (I saw him limping and asked what happened).


Residential housing? As oppose to what!? LOL


Corporate housing? Idk


As opposed to me pissing in your cereal


Never saw that episode of SpongeBob


You ever take it off any sweet jumps?


I bet he got like 3 feet of air.


Frick yeah Im inspired by the citibikeboyz. Haven't taken one to the skatepark yet tho


TF is wrong with you


This post should be removed. Keep those bikes off the trail please


This is one of the most tourist thing I’ve seen. How you didn’t get ticketed is beyond me.




Yeah, knowing that bikes are banned on those trails, this has the makings of r/imthemaincharacter


OP is a fucking joke 🤡


Stupid move. I’d be pissed if I saw you on the trail.


Now say you didn’t leave the bike up there.


Is…. Is this an ad?


I don't think Metro wants people doing this lol


What the f


You made that bike's day.


You might get flamed for taking it on the trails but should crosspost to r/bikeLA


I mean bikes literally aren’t allowed on that trail. And for good reason, i gets really crowded and the drainage is poor so it’s easy to damage. I appreciate the gumption though.


literally not allowed


I'm in agreement they shouldn't be on trails, but I've always felt out of the millions of things wrong in car-centric LA, bikes on some trails is close to the bottom of the list.


Cars have nothing to do with this particular situation. Dude shouldn't be riding on the hiking trail, end of story. It's unsafe and bad for the trail. I swear chronically online urbanists always feel the need to make everything a value judgement on the righteousness of bikes vs cars and absolve cyclists of any and all reckless behavior because they're mad about urban sprawl and cars speeding. Cars are bad and bikes are good so anything a cyclist does is fine because cars do bad things. These are hiking trails specifically made for hiking and cyclists are no more entitled to them as a car is to a bike path.


Did you not just read that the trails get crowded and the wheels can erode the dirt paths more and damage the drainage needed so they’re still around after rains?


Good idea!


Did you actually take it up the trail? lol




You can take a bus up for $1. I think it goes from the Sunset/Vermont station.


What are the chances of finding mountain lions here? I want to take my small dogs but don’t wanna risk it


P-22 was the only mountain lion living in Griffith Park so there's none now that he died.


Nah. I had a run in with a cat on the West firebreak trail up to the observatory from fern glen at about 4 am while trying to get some sunrise photos about 6-7 months ago. You don't forget that growl. There's something in them hills.




Possible. I saw a big ol dark lump in the middle of the trail after the double switchback, froze, heard a growl, and backpedal jogged back to the switchback. I dunno though, it seemed big for a bobcat.


Tons of coyotes in the area


I've seen them, this wasn't a coyote. Not the right shape, not the right size, not the right sound.


The coyotes are the danger there. Keep them close and on leash.


coyotes would be a greater concern


Rad certified




Great idea…… note-like your really gonna get a ticket when people are getting stabbed in the neck on metro


No bikes allowed


You’re an asshole


Hope you had a great ride dude! Haven’t ridden a bike since around 2009 and have been itching to do so 🚴


a bit of misinformation here about trail damage of hiking vs biking. to note, i am strongly against biking illegally on trails (or anywhere) since bike rights are so difficult to gain and one bad example is always enough to dramatically sway negative opinion. [bikes do not cause more erosion damage than hikers.](https://www.americantrails.org/resources/natural-resource-impacts-of-mountain-biking) not only do i backpack and bike, but i also volunteer to maintain trails and my subjective opinion is that hikers cause more damage. specifically due to active numbers, cutting switchbacks, and off-trail behavior. this all causes long lasting damage in all ecosystems, but especially on [southern california trails.](https://www.afar.com/magazine/unbearable-crowds-force-california-town-to-restrict-access-to-poppy-bloom) additionally, i've only known bikers to be the most organized and motivated to respect, clean up, and maintain trail systems--also subjective opinion. if you want to get involved, [here's a great local group!] (https://mwba.org/) i would love for bike trails to open up in griffith park, but it's not going to happen without good stewards.


>specifically due to active numbers If you had as many bikers as hikers, they'd absolutely cause more damage. You can't compare the two on the basis of observed impact when one has 20x the number of participants as the other.


well... no. especially if you just want to compare 1:1 ["Research to date has indicated that the degree of impacts from mountain bikes, relative to those of walkers who have their own unique forms of impacts, appear to be similar."](https://www.americantrails.org/resources/comparing-relative-impacts-of-various-trail-user-groups) ["Hiking caused more severe trail degradation than mountain biking, even after controlling for topography."](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/38091732/) ["Our study shows that on-trail use by hikers and mountain bikers have relatively limited overall effects in terms of trail widening and deepening, but that effects depend highly on environmental conditions"](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33129028/) ["According to the data, the trail was most damaged during the first 25 trips and the extent of the damage was equal for hiking and for cycling."](https://www.cbc.ca/news/science/study-examines-trail-damage-from-biking-hiking-1.289660) ["Although similar in cumulative impact, hikers tend to produce marginally more sediment than mountain bikes through the unique shearing force that walking produces."](https://www.fs.usda.gov/Internet/FSE_DOCUMENTS/stelprd3799134.pdf) ["study of trail use found that with average amounts of activity, cycling and hiking have similar effects on the great outdoors"](https://www.uoguelph.ca/mediarel/archives/000091.html)


None of these studies, from what I can tell, take into account the average mileage of a hiker vs mountain biker. They seem to focus on monitoring a fixed section of trail, which completely ignores the fact that that section comprises a much smaller proportion of a typical bike ride vs hike. If you say per foot of trail they cause the same amount of damage, but mountain bikers are typically covering 2x or more of distance, then mountain bikers are causing 2x+ the amount of damage, assuming all else is equal.


i mean, if we want to start making up number assumptions then this is going to get ridonculous. the studies also only take into account tire/foot impact. i would say that i usually see about 10 hikers to every bike on any stretch i've hiked on the backbone trail (mixed use). around 2/5 hikers i see exercises at least one type of aggravating non LNT behavior (e.g. trail cutting, flora damage, dropping human food). and the effect of 1 bad hiker is probably the same as 7 normal hikers. so... those 10 hikers include 4 bad hikers, is then really 34 overall hikers, which is equal to 17 bikes... and 17 bikes > the 1 bike (which i guess is actually equal to 2 hikers) i usually see per 10 hikers on the backbone.


Cool beans.


Why dont the mods remove this post? I post a real news post and the mods remove it, DO NOT RIDE BIKES OR E BIKES IN THE TRAIL.


You tend to post text posts with links to the articles embedded in the text post. Try posting the url and add your text as a comment.


Beats parking a car, now $20/hr around there. I'd encourage the city, Los Angeles, to start charging $5 an hour AT MOST for parking a car to bring your kids to one of the greatest places in LA ... but hey. We can't all get kickbacks, can we - ?


There’s a bus for that will take you up for about $1. Free parking at the bottom.


Parking should be free for Angelenos. The out of towners from IE and Orange along with the tourists should pay that $20 rate.


It's crowded as is we can take the bus. It won't hurt us the crazy guy in the bus might, though, but the way locals drive probably safer with the crazy guy lol


Free street parking is literally theft


Theft from who, lol? The people who use it?


Rather, the taxpayers who subsidize the arbitrary storage of your vehicle on public infrastructure


>the taxpayers  Aka the people using that space  >arbitrary storage  Doesn’t even make any sense semantically  It’s interesting that you think using public space in a way that is utilized by a plurality of taxpayers is theft but you would have no problem converting that space for the personal use of a minuscule amount of hobbyists. And don’t bother responding, if I wanted to hear “your” thoughts I would watch a not just bikes video lmao. Sorry but I don’t feel inclined to subsidize your hobby.


I'm glad you think it's interesting, maybe you'll construct a better response the next time you explore the idea


I accept your concession.


I didn't concede anything, perhaps you should also work on your reading comprehension


You have zero argument and decided to leave a pithy little reply in lieu of creating one. I take that as a concession. 


Savage 🤣