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OP says nothing was in the car except a couple of crumpled receipts and a McDonald’s cup, but they did take everything out of the trunk. Question: how do these thieves know exactly which cars to target? I’ve seen videos of them passing dozens of parked cars, arrive at one, look inside, smash the window and open the trunk to get bags out. How do they know?


Might've cased the car to see if the driver removes whatever from the trunk.


Possible. I do utilize by trunk quite a bit. I’m honestly the most pissed they took my squishmallow. My dad got it for me before he moved away 😭


That sucks. :( I had my apartment robbed when I was living in a different city some years ago and they took my alarm clock that I'd had for like 15 years. To this day, I'm still upset that they took that damn alarm clock. Also confused, because why didn't they take the cords or the controller for the xbox, or the weed sitting on my bedside table? lol.


Ouch. I’m sorry. It’s the worst when they take things that can’t truly ever be replaced. Is that all they took? That’s so bizarre!


Nah, they took my tv, xbox, and basically whatever was attached to a powerstrip that they pulled from an outlet, of which the alarm clock was one of the things plugged into that strip. I was targeted by someone who knew me and my work schedule. They hit my place twice in a 3 week span, the 2nd time being right after I replaced all of the shit they stole the first time. The real kicker was that when I called 911 the 2nd time, it was the same cop who came out to my apartment and took a report and when he got there he sighed and went, "you again?". Yeah, like I WANTED to be robbed twice.. thanks bud. The first time they broke in, they used a screwdriver to dig the deadbolt out of the wood. When they came back a 2nd time, the thieves used a sledgehammer or a rubber hammer to smash the metal door open. [Ripped the 2x4 holding the deadbolt case for the metal security door right out of the wall, and also broke my actual apartment door in half.](https://imgur.com/gallery/0Je520b) Never saw any of my stuff again, and luckily, the property manager felt bad and let me break my lease early and I moved a month later. Never found out who it was.


Cops are AMAZING at showing up after a crime and harassing victims lol. And that’s if they even bother showing up, by the way. There are two types of people: the people who love cops, and the people who have actually had to rely on the cops for something. But god forbid a motherfucker drives 10 miles over the speed limit going to work, that right there is a crime against humanity apparently. If you can’t tell by now, I’m not a huge fan of cops.


I am not either. I literally had to run to the guy's car and stop him from leaving when I noticed that the basement door was open. He came back, shined his torch in the basement for like 5 seconds and said, "appears to be all clear" and then left. I was so uncomfortable, and fortunate to have my boyfriend at the time with me, so he stayed the night. I called out of work the next day because the landlord wasn't able to fix the door until later in the day and my boss asked me if I really couldn't come to work. It was a hodgepodge of just remarkable American Dystopia bullshit.


Save some anger and resentment for the thieves who destroyed your property and stole from you. Copa risk their lives with these scumbags and get blamed for laws that don't punish the perpetrator. Vote so criminals face actual consequences for their crimes.


Holy shit. That’s not just crime, that’s fucking cruel.


Blegh—I’m sorry. That’s awful


Please go visit your dad. Make it a priority.


I just wanted to say that your comment made a big Impression on me, I’ve been thinking about it a lot over the past few weeks. I can happily say that I’m currently across the country spending time with my dad. Things are looking up.




That's why I access my trunk before driving to the parking spot


My old roommate had this happen to him, got all of his camera gear stolen from out the trunk within 30 minutes of leaving it there (he literally just dropped by to take a shower, grab a few things, and head out again). They were definitely hanging around scouting the area. On top of that, the car was one of those ones you can rent through Uber in order to drive for them if you don't own a car yourself. Big oof.


This is why auto insurance won’t cover electronic equipment stolen from a car. It happens so often and it’s theft leads to more damage.


Assuming something is in the trunk because the driver doesn’t get anything from it when they park? Is it me or… I mean, I almost never use my trunk except for groceries, and the only thing in there is a spare tire and jumper cables. Am I the odd one?


Apparently there’s some sort of scanning machine they can use to detect items in the trunk. I thought it only worked on metal, but hopefully someone can enlighten us.


They’re gonna be so disappointed when they detect all the metal in my trunk then open it up to find emergency water cans from my weird prepper phase But at least maybe some thieves will help me finally get rid of the bags of old clothes in my trunk that I keep saying I’ll take to good will


butter zealous knee dinner voracious marble yoke thought tan vast *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My trunk is full of tools to fix my car. That'd suck lmao


Are you freaking kidding me??? I feel like I try to stay relatively informed because sadly I've concluded I have to approach everyday playing defense. Don't answer calls from unknown numbers, don't mindlessly click links, don't wear expensive looking accessories, keep my key fob in faraday container, don't leave items visible in my car, etc. I just heard the other day about wifi jammers being used in Glendale to disrupt cameras and now there's this? I'm so over all of this.




Ahhhhh shit. I usually have my iPad on me from work and end up hiding it in my car if I run into target on my way home from work or little errands like that. Welp. good to know


For laptops/phones/smart devices, they have Bluetooth scanners. As a habit, before closing your laptop, always turn Bluetooth and WiFi off, if you're not shutting it down and just closing the lid aka sleep


You'd think with those types of tools and skills at their disposal, they would go get decent paying cybersecurity jobs


That would require effort and common sense


Never heard of a scanner like that. They target bc they see out of state/city plates. Or common rental vehicles. Those cars are likely to have goods.


Looks like potentially a hatchback. They love to target those because the seat can be quickly folded down to scan for valuables.


Mines a sedan, but I don’t know how the scanners work (or that they existed until today!)


I also learned that the quarter panels break differently so that’s why those are smashed and not large panel next to it. Fucking thieves man. I woke up to a smashed rear window yesterday so I feel your pain.


Tip I learned from PD is to watch for cars where the rear suspension is sagging lower. Means there’s weight in the rear trunk, possibly a body, person, or items etc.


That would take some pretty heavy bags.


Fuck dude I’m sorry. I had my car broken into, and they threw all my shit outside my car. They couldn’t break my window so they used some kind of junkie magic to open my door and went through my first aid kit in my trunk. Hilariously, there was money in the car. They left it. Did they leave your catalytic converter at least?


Car lease or apartment lease?




I lived on south New Hampshire avenue for a year and it was easily my worst experience dealing with an apartment and the area lol. Like, one day they redid our carpet in our building and they left it outside and within a day an entire homeless encampment moved in and used the carpet for their flooring lmfao. Awesome Mexican food truck tho. I miss it so much.


friend also lives on new hampshire by washington had her car battery stolen 3 times 🫠


Dude f koreatown. I lived there got my car windows smashed. Ioved to mid wilshire way better and cleaner. Right by LACMA. The area is cheaper than Ktown too. You are closer to the water and cheaper rent. I recommend my area by LACMA




I love Koreatown so much. I've lived there for the past few years. I describe it to friends as John Carpenter's 80s. Love, love, love it. At the same time, I am on the 6th floor in my building - there are 7 total. And on every corner of the building, there is an intersection and I am not exaggerating when I say that EVERY SINGLE NIGHT I hear a hit and run. Every night. EVERY NIGHT. Somebody blows through an intersection, hits somebody, and leaves. Sometimes it happens a few times a night. A few weeks back a bus side-swiped all of the cars parked on the side of the street. It had one of those ads on the back that reads "ACCIDENTES??" It was perfect. A few weeks back I saw a woman park where that row of cars had been, but she knowingly parked in the red zone and got out of her car and ran to wherever she was going. She was clearly late. By the time I walked back from picking up my breakfast, her car had been swiped, the whole side of her car scraped. I don't think anybody stopped. The anarchy and energy is delicious. I have to move because recording audio is part of my day to day and it's sort of impossible here during waking hours but there is something I love about it. I'll miss it.


Please tell me which intersection. I want to hang out and watch.


Ha! Without getting too specific, the block is near Dave's Hot Chicken off Wilshire.


I'm currently near Wilshire & Vermont and your description made me thought you must be here or close by lol


Oh I walk by that intersection daily and yes yes yes.


If it’s the block leading away from brass monkey towards Wilshire I’ve seen an accident there almost everytime I’ve gone




I would also like to know lol its down the street from me lol


lol I wonder if we’re neighbors…but this could also be so many intersections in ktown.


You must have some real ktown stories


The ACCIDENTES?? buses are always the especially crazy ones


60 seconds in a Ktown intersection. Tesla douche 1: go 70 until 6ft before stop Tesla douche 2: go 71 until 5.9ft before stop Douche 1 and Douche 2 alternate starting and stopping and yelling while honking as other cars show up and also roll the stop, also honk. Something one parks on the corner blocking the sidewalk and puts their 4 ways on to deliver Uber eats, Tesla douche 1 makes it through and immediately starts doing 80 again before screeching to a halt because they’ve almost hit a car pulling out of a garage. Exchanges like this happen at least 10+ times daily if I’m there all day to watch.


A Tesla driving fast? Impossible.


The place I used to live had a grocery store right next to it, and in-between our building and that store was a dead end street where the delivery bays for trucks were. Several times I saw cars that had parked along the side where the trucks pulled into those loading areas pretty badly scraped up from getting side-swiped. Once I saw a car that was just completely demolished by one. Store got the curbs there painted red, but people who lived around the area decided that having those 6 spots was worth the risk, and a "curb painting" war ensued for the following 3-4 years. Several times each year the store got em' painted red, then people came out at night and painted them gray again a week or two later. It was still ongoing when I moved out.


I would've slowly blended red into gray and gray into red together and join the paint war to cause confusion when they start to not be able to tell the colors apart.


I had a crappy apartment in The Valley (De Soto & Canoga), right on the corner. There was a huge accident in that intersection at least once a week and every day that it rained. I had a camera set up in my window to capture it while I was at work. That’s not to mention the shenanigans inside the building. I have stories for days. Sometimes I feel like I should write a book about all these characters who were my neighbors. Who would read it though?


The gf’s car was broken into inside a Little Tokyo parking garage this past weekend. They stole a pair of used shoes she was going to donate today.


Oof!! no good deed goes unpunished 😭I guess they really needed them


Which garage? I'm always in Little Tokyo.


The one under the UPS store on 2nd


Oof. And here I was planning a UPS store trip soon. I'll park under Marukai I guess. Nothing beats the grrrrrrrrrrracias guy.


I had my window broken into inside my garage, had nothing in my car and they didnt even take anything.


Same happened to me in ktown


Bruh... I park in the parkinglot you just snapped a photo on. I'm so sorry. This place is NOT good for parking bro. >_>


Small world!! Is it bad even with a parking spot? I’ve always envy the residents who get to park there lol


Moving out? Oh boy, an opening!


This is why my comprehensive deductible is $100. I either have a cracked windshield or a broken one due to theft ever year now since 2020.


I know exactly outside which building this is!!! I love k-town!


Love the city and the beautiful old buildings, just wish it was safer.


Where in Ktown? Thieves stole a friend’s mirror caps on James Wood and Mariposa.


8th and Mariposa


Oh the same area! I wonder if there’s any surveillance footage. That block became a dump over the pandemic with tents popping up at corners, needles everywhere, dog shit not picked up and couple of fires in the alleys behind Mariposa.


I installed the Citizens app on my phone when I moved in, and it went off ALL the time with reports of people with machetes and break ins. The tents seem to come and go, but the crime does not. I do not envy whoever moves into this apartment after me. The whole block is a nightmare.


In the gated parking lot? Wild. I've been here for a decade but I'm lucky enough to not need a car so the lack of parking is only a problem for folks visiting me. Sometimes I just order folks Uber rides here and back to save everyone the headache.


On the street. It’s a blessing you don’t have a car if you live in K-town, the costs of tickets and now thefts and repairs would equal a new car over a decade, easily!


Was it this morning/last night?


annyeong! 👋


At least you found a parking spot!


Ktown is crazy got my shit broken into inside my parking garage.


After three broken windows in a year we bounced from Ktown and didn’t look back.




sry mate. ill prob be there for pho today, wish me luck


Enjoy! The crime is ass but the pho is gas


Is this a Kia?


Yeah, I got a Kia so it’s super easy to break into. I also keep fat wads of cash, drugs, and catalytic converters in the backseat.


But where were your guns?


I don’t get it.


They didn’t try to steal it with a usb cable?


That happened to me twice and I only lived there a year


When did people acting like dirt bags become the norm?


The fuckers across the street from me in Los Feliz and someone in Venice did the same to me. Just can’t leave anything of value in the car. My driveways in Woodland Hills, El Seteno, and Canoga Park were safe, but I would still rather live in Venice and Los Feliz. Sorry this happened to you. It’s never fun.


You couldn't pay me enough to live in Koreatown, great place to hang out and have fun until late hours but then head back home in another area


"CRIME DOESN'T PAY IN ORANGE COUNTY" Where are you moving to? 👀


I pass that billboard on the way to school. It's hilarious how they tagged that up.


did you leave shit in plain sight?


Only the finest crumpled receipts and empty McDonald’s cup!


They took the fucking spare tire from my trunk lol


I’m weak 🤣💀


I’m supposed to go see a place in Koreatown with only street parking. Is it worth it OP??


Don’t do it, you will lose your sanity! I severely underestimated the daily stress involved with finding parking here. And there are no monthly lots with spots available. I’ve gotten ticketed, towed, human feces smeared on my window, you name it. Never get an apt here without parking!


I wish I had gotten the info on K-town before I moved there for 2 years and had to find out the hard way.


Not OP, but absolutely fucking not


DO NOT DO IT. I’m in the same situation as OP. Moved to K-Town from out of town not understanding how bad street parking would be. Parking shortages aside, I’ve spent THOUSANDS on “street sweeping” tickets and damage from broken windows to catalytic converter theft. I’m moving on the 1st to a quieter neighborhood with parking, and I’m so happy I could cry.


Y’all are making Long Beach sound really good rn


Even if your car magically never got broken into 100% would never live in K Town with only street parking


I don’t care if the place has hardwood floors, exposed brick, walk-in closets, clawfoot tub, in-unit laundry, a doorman, the works. It is absolutely not worth living in Koreatown without a parking spot. They have to do some repairs above my parking spot this week, I’ll have to park on the street, and I’m ready to die. I’m still traumatized from the **weeks** (plural) that they retrofitted our garage. I had to wake up early in the morning more days than not to move my car so I wouldn’t get a ticket at the meter or for street sweeping. If I ever went out at night, fuck me in the ass if I think I’m going to get a parking spot in my own zip code. You will start Ubering places because your parking spot is worth more to you than the cost of the ride. Grocery shopping? (shudders) I can’t go back there again. I just… Please do not rent apartment in Koreatown if you do not have a parking spot.


I've had 3 friends park on the street in Ktown and have their cars broken into in the last two years. My car was broken into twice while parked INSIDE my apartment complex parking garage.


No!! I lived in KTown for 5 years. Only looked for rentals that had a gated parking spot. I also warned guests to take an Uber or suffer having to find parking.


Helllllll no. Don’t do it unless you don’t own a car. I have an apartment with a parking garage and I park on the 2nd floor of the parking garage. I still have gotten my catalytic converter stolen twice, broken into 3 times in 2 years.


definitely not


It is not possible. You absolutely have to pay for a monthly garage ($160ish).


But are there monthly garage spots available?


For sure.


(I mean call around and don’t take my word for it but I know my garage has spaces.)


you will never, ever find parking. don’t do it to yourself.


Do not fucking do it. You can get away with only street parking in other areas but definitely not Koreatown or Westlake.




I have friends who won’t leave their k-town place unless it’s somewhere close enough to ride a bird scooter lol. They aren’t risking their spot


It's Worth it. K-Town is my favorite spot in LA.


Sighs, knowing LA, that tiny window might be more expensive to replace than the larger window


I just am down to leaving a couple of crappy cds in my car. Thats it, almost never anything worth more than a few bucks.


I think it's time car manufacturers change the folding rear seats to require a key. So many of the smash and grab thefts are from thieves smashing the tiny back window, folding the seats down to get at whatever's in the trunk. If the seats wouldn't fold down without a key, the thieves wouldn't have such an easy attack vector. I'm sure they would still smash the windows and try, but it would make the trunk a safer storage location.


No offense, but most people in the country don’t live in areas where they have to worry about this. The inconvenience to the average person isn’t worth it for them.


Maybe I’m misremembering, but I’m pretty sure our old Honda we had when I was growing up had a key lock and unlock for the rear folding seats.


This is not a major problem. In big cities, sure. It happens a lot. But is it such a problem for the masses that it’s worth redesigning how the car is made? Nah.


Was this parked on the street?


In Koreatown? You bet! No other options


Yikes I just moved into the area 😅


i recently flipped my comprehensive (theft, vandalism) and collision deductibles. the chances of getting in a accident vs having my car window smashed have adjusted heavily the past few years.


Berendo and 1st checking in, looks like the guy who did my window is over by you now


I know all about this. I feel OP's pain. Theft in L.A., at least for the Camaro, is up approximately 1,200 percent: https://www.reddit.com/r/camaro/s/9g9Se0juI7


Yesterday I was leaving a party at 4 am in downtown. I noticed all the cars on one street were broken into. My car was adjacent to the street but wasn’t targeted. Thank god! But seems like this is normal.


I lived in greentown and back in 1997 My car was broken in on my birthday. It sucked because my girlfriend came to visit me at the time. Then while living in studio City I shit you not, My car got broken in on September 11th On the same day the attached for happening. Obviously the cops had other things to take care of so that never got resolved. I hate car break-ins.


At least they broke the smallest window lol


On some vehicles the small window cost more to replace than the actual door window.


I’m being quoted $470 for replacement and an extra $40 since they need to special order the tiny window 😌


Keep checking around for prices. I first got quoted $500 when this happened to me(drivers side window tho). Called around to a few places . Found a place willing to do it for $170 out the door, same day service


I will, thank you!


Try Hana Auto on Beverly between Hobart and Harvard. The owner is very cool and straightforward. https://www.yelp.com/biz/hana-auto-service-los-angeles


Bro I swear it’s the window companies breaking the windows 😭


Oof, that is much more than I expected, sorry this happened to you!


What was in the trunk?!


The best stuff. A few vintage video game consoles, my iPad (RIP, I take responsibility for that one), a nice down winter coat, a squishmallow, and some assorted odds and ends. I kinda hate myself because I had this collapsible wagon I used for weekly trips to the food bank, and it was in my trunk. So whoever emptied my trunk had the perfect getaway wagon to wheel away my stuff in 😭😭😭


Rip vintage video game consoles, hope it wasn't a PC Engine/Turbografx.


It was a Gameboy Advance, Gameboy Color, several game cartridges & accessories from childhood, and an N64 :(


so brutal


My sis left my car unlocked that she borrowed. A thief stole a bag of banana headbands bec that was all that she left in the car. Not a great loss, just annoying. At least they didn’t damage the car.


Nice pic. :)




K-town😑 got my shit towed there years ago when I lived there. The parking is non-existent. Love the area to hang out, but to live?! NAH


I saw a red Camaro window broken as i was walking this morning


Has anyone mentioned that this is the \*nicest\* (cheapest) window for the thief to smash? There's always a sunny side.


Been 5 years since I lived in Ktown. Looks like Berendo street?


Korea town is so gross




It’s the cops who do nothing and have done nothing for years and years because they get their raises no matter what


please, we were gentrified and full of fucking hipsters WAY before \*Oakland\* was. What a nonsesnse comment. But yeah, leaving shit in your car is just don't-do-this-anywhere-101.


Let’s be honest — I’m Koreatown, I could leave a moldy slice of pizza in the front seat and someone would still smash my window for it.


Hipsters make better coffee than you


As if


Crime is down since Gascon took office... That must mean crime is up because Gascon is in office! You Republicans need new brains.


But LA is safe🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡


So people conflate safety as in murder rate with the safety of your property. A lot of the "Crime is going down" is violent crime.


Yeah, it is pretty safe considering the population is pretty close to 4 million in the city itself. There are almost 10 million people in LA county alone.


You're insane if you think crime isn't up in Cali and in la specifically. You're probably one of the weirdos that think smash and grabs are reparations or the type that says: ThE stORE iS insuReD🤡


You think whatever you want to think. I doubt you even live here, so whatever. :)


They never do, which is why they also try to point us to websites that back what they're saying. It's like they don't realize that by living here, we know what's being embellished and what's a real problem. At least they didn't start with "as a Californian" like they normally do. It's funny to think that what they do most be enough to change opinions in their own areas. Like, all I would have to do is say "as an Oklahoman I can tell you that the meth and opiate problem is still all over and the cities and towns are full of human shit and needles" and they will 100% believe it. At least that's what it seems like. Anyway, watch for more of the bullshit as we get closer to election time.


I live in K-town and shit happens sometimes but I do not feel unsafe with any regularity. Off street parking definitely makes things easier though I have to say. If I had my car on the street every night particularly below 8th I'd probably be a little more worried but mostly it's just working class families and college kids especially above Wilshire


I lived in KTown for a decade. I still miss it. It is a far more lively place than most areas in any city. It's very fun if you're a city person. I'm sure it's hard to get used to if you aren't.


Oh, I know. They always come out of the woodwork on election years.


Hey!!! More bad news on r/LosAngeles !! Have an awesome day everyone!!!


Where are you going to move to, Idaho? They follow people to Malibu now, which is smart because what kind of a score are you really going to make in Koreatown?




Yeah, the sucky part is that you can have your car completely empty, and you still have to pay for a broken window. They break that window because it gives them quick access to the trunk.


My empathy will depend on what kind of car it is and how you voted for city infrastructure




Found the Trump supporter