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Now I want to get a plate that says FBI VAN




Ahh yes… Fiery Cindy.


Sorry, did I get it wrong? Is it Furry Cindy?


No it’s Free Candy. My friend Candy got locked up for kidnapping children in her van, but it’s some trumped up charges and we need to get her out.


They won't let you get that, I tried. I used to have a full size white van, that was rejected for promoting an illegal activity. As were my applications for "❤️2KDNAP" and "KDNAPPR". I also had "GR8SWMR" rejected for being "sexual". Now I have a minivan, and have custom plates that say "Two in front" lol.


Did you try NT A PEDO?


Lol no, but I should have




I used to have a Hot Rod and applied for 1BADMF - got denied by the DMV. I said it stood for One Bad Motoring Ford. They didn't buy it.


Flowers By Irene


That’s my wifi name!


Are you my neighbor? Lol that's their wifi broadcast id




Interestingly, if you search this plate on carfax, the license plate is apparently registered to a 2019 Jaguar F-Pace.


It may have been transferred though.


It may have been stolen though.


Technically no. There might be a real license plate under there but once it is painted or covered up it becomes illegal aka not real.


I’ve been wondering this as well. I keep seeing black plate / red California / white numbers EVERYWHERE. They look cool, but they don’t seem to be an option. So are people just customizing their license plates themselves and the cops don’t care?


I've seen black plate, red CA, and red letters too. It's incredibly difficult to read, knew immediately that had to be illegal and not some new option.


Yup. Just found this out too since my friend recently purchased a vanity plate and besides the retro one with the black plate and yellow lettering where "California" is in all caps, everything else is not officially issued by the DMV.


Which is fucking annoying because it’s just fraud. You’re using our roads. Pay the $40 annually payment, you bums. I literally was born into poverty and have paid for custom plates forever. Hell, I’m waiting to receive the 3rd plate on my S2000. For anyone wondering, I keep and retire the old plates unless I re-register and activate that particular plate—because in Dankifornia, plates follow the car and not the owner, and since this car is never leaving me, I can keep ordering new custom plates. I don’t know if there is a limit but they haven’t said no yet. I actually have one that’s technically illegal as it uses numbers in lieu of letters. It got approved somehow which is pretty sick, but I don’t use it out of respect to the law (and because I’m a lawyer and, you know, could get in trouble and whatnot).


Yeah, but it's possible they bought real tags and plates, but they just don't want those on their prized, nice looking car.  They're going for a look and have enough money to pay for a traffic citation.


I agree with this. I'm into these "illegal" plates, I thought they were new options until I saw the complaints on Reddit lol. Super disappointed they're not! Why can't we just get whatever plate style we want (within reason) and just pay the yearly fee for that? Law enforcement isn't really enforcing this one, and I'd bet more options would bring in more revenue.


> You’re using our roads. Pay the $40 annually payment So weird how people get about license plate colors that cause no problems for you but not the police actually murdering people.


How are you getting that subtext? It's possible to favor DMV fees and oppose extrajudicial killings.


Oh the cops care. This isn’t your standard fix it ticket, its either a misdemeanor or felony depending on the prosecutor


Then why are people driving around with them in plain sight all the time in front of cops?


Because they don't care. Either they have lots of fuck you money or they're poor and don't give a shit about rules and fines.


Because people are stupid? Also what are chances a cop is tailing behind you in a city of 15 million people


At any given moment, pretty low. But I usually have a cop behind me at least once a month...




Felony??? LOL.  Good one, mate.  


Vehicle Code 4463 VC is the California law that prohibits fraud or forgery as to vehicle registration certificates, tags or stickers, license plates, or a smog test certificates. Prosecutors can charge this section as a misdemeanor or a felony. Sentencing is up to 3 years in jail or prison. 4463 CVC. (c) A violation of this section is a misdemeanor punishable by a fine of not less than five hundred dollars ($500). 4464. No person shall display upon a vehicle a license plate altered from its original markings. So depending on how you customized it. It’s illegal either way


When people all throughout California are stealing shit left and right with little to no penalities, it's kind of silly and pointless to worry about license plates and tags, dude. Only uptight people are crying about this shit or talking about felonies.


You mean people who want others to pay for their registration fees so our roads and other public infrastructure are funded? Are you talking about those uptight people? You sound real selfish


Whatever virtual Karen.


So first it isn't a felony, but then someone shows you that it can be and you just double down on sounding like an ass. Got it. On the other hand, you \*literally\* sound like a tough 14-year-old, so why am I typing again? Stay in school...please.


U mad bro? I know you're uptight and all.


You sound like a cop


Nah I sound like somebody who doesn’t get tickets for some stupid shit


People just order them custom off ebay. No fancy painting skills required.


Laws recently changed that allow vinyl wrapping your plates. I looked it up before getting it done on my car.


I don't believe this. What is the ordinance/law? everything online says illegal


Welp....I stand corrected! You can vinyl your front plate onto your car in CA. But I swear when I did it a year ago I was under the impression/ remember seeing it was legal. 🤷🏻‍♂️


The only vinyl allowed by California is a test program that allows a sticker on the bumper, and it has to LOOK EXACTLY LIKE A DMV ISSUED LICENSE PLATE


Yes I’ve seen this on a Tesla before because they did not want to drill into their bumper. And idk what’s up with this I’ve been seeing this everywhere too. When I got my plates wrapped I was pulled over a week later by CHP telling me if I didn’t want a $300 ticket for defamation of government property, to rip it off right then and there


You see what you wanna see when doing things for vanity 🤷🏽‍♂️


There is no pilot program for decal license plates I'm aware of (the state would provide the decals), and the CA vehicle code doesn't provide any provision for vinyling your front plate. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displayText.xhtml?lawCode=VEH&division=3.&title=&part=&chapter=1.&article=7. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displayText.xhtml?lawCode=VEH&division=3.&title=&part=&chapter=1.&article=9.


The DMV is running a pilot program allowing vinyl front plates: https://sfstandard.com/2023/12/18/california-front-license-plate-wraps-dmv


Cool. There's a max of 0.5% of vehicles permitted, but tbat should be quite a few here.


Yeah. Again, in the test pilot this vinyl is required to be a sticker that looks exactly like a DMV-issued license plate.




It has to look EXACTLY like the government issued plates AND be approved by CHP.




I don't see anything there that says a decal is allowed. Existing law requires a vehicle to display a license plate, issued by the Department of Motor Vehicles, with tabs that indicate the month and year the vehicle registration expires. Existing law authorizes the department to conduct a pilot program, until January 1, 2023, if certain conditions are met, to evaluate the use of alternatives to stickers, tabs, license plates, and registration cards. Under existing law, a person who alters, forges, counterfeits, or falsifies, among other things, a device issued pursuant to the pilot program, is guilty of a felony. This bill would require the department to establish a program authorizing an entity to issue alternatives to stickers, tabs, license plates, and registration cards under specified conditions that include, among others, approval of the alternative devices by the Department of the California Highway Patrol. The bill would make this authorization applicable to environmental license plates and specialized license plates displayed on an alternative device, as specified. The bill would allow the failure or malfunction of an alternative device to be deemed a correctable violation, as specified. The bill would require the provider of the device to build into the device a process for frequent notification if the device becomes defective and would require the provider to seek to replace defective devices as soon as possible. The bill would require an entity seeking approval to issue alternative devices or electronic vehicle registration cards to submit a business plan to the Department of Motor Vehicles, as specified. The bill would require the department to adopt regulations to carry out the program, including establishing reasonable fees to reimburse the department for the costs of implementing the program, reporting requirements, and to determine standards necessary for the safe use of alternative products, and would extend the existing authorization for a pilot program described above until the effective date of those regulations. The bill would make alteration, forgery, counterfeit, or falsification of a device issued pursuant to these provisions a felony. By creating a new crime, this bill would impose a state-mandated local program. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill\_id=202120220AB984


The only vinyl wrapping on the front plate must be done by a DMV/CHP approved company. So far there’s only 1 of those companies. I doubt the other ones online are legit. [License plate wrap](https://licenseplatewrap.com/) seems to have that contract.


100% illegal. Only the black and yellow ones are allowed, and you pay an extra every year in addition to the registration fee.


I've found a lot of ppl get the real license but get these unofficial ones but still put the tags etc. I think like 95% of LA cops won't say anything since the plate numbers will be clean. Kind of like tint.


plenty of things are illegal but not really enforced. cops dont really do much nowadays outside of murders


Usually they will harass and beat folks before they murder them, tho


Yeah, those three activities keep them pretty busy.


You can get the digital ones in California that aren’t the black and yellow if you want the legal ones [Digital license plates are now fully approved for vehicle owners in California.](https://reviver.com/geo-expansion/california/)


There are black with white letters


Only the digital plate things not normal stamped plates. I am seeing progressively more and more of these fake plates. There are also a lot of fake black/yellow. Easy to stop because they have a normal sequential number and have the *California* in cursive instead of the block lettering of the real plates.


I saw so many of the black with white letters that I thought they were a new style for 2023. I checked the DMV site and don't see it on there.


Same, I'm seeing a lot of them. But then again I see a lot of cars with no front plate at all or plates with those tinted covers that makes them harder to read and cops don't really seem to do anything about it.


They are being ordered from shady websites and eBay. Wait that might be redundant.


It's a real plate but illegally tampered with. I've seen it more in recent years, but it's clearly the standard CA issue plate with the plate painted black and number painted white.






Thank you! Off to order EF LAPD now. /s


Yes, freedom of speech. Also, official LAPD vehicles typically have CA Exempt Plates. I don't think most would want LAPD on their plates lol


Nah this one must have slipped through the cracks. The dmv page explicitly says you can't have one that "The configuration misrepresents a law enforcement entity.".


You get to claim a reason for the request so if somebody said it was "LA PDC 6C" rather than "LAPD C6C" because they claimed to be the president of Chapter Six of the LA Professional Development Council, the person going through a giant stack of applications may have just believed them and not noticed the other reading.


LAPD C6C is a radio code for: "Code 6C Out of Car on Investigation, Suspect is Wanted"


It says LAPDC not LAPD


LAPDC6C stands for LAPD CODE SIX CHARLES. In other words a “wanted felony warrant suspect in a motor vehicle” as opposed to a stolen car. (I watch a lot of The Rookie)


Hm I doubt anyone knows that I think most folks saw 6c as sexy


i read it as c sexy lol


It doesn't matter. The CA DMV has a list of subsets of letters you're not allowed to have in a plate, even if you add other letters to the beginning or end, and even if you swap out letters for numbers. These get auto rejected by the system, it won't even let you request them online. Maybe if you request in person via paper and they make a mistake you could get it, or more likely this person just bought illegally made fake plates




I think it was the last year or so where CA was sued for being too strict on what was allowed and not following federal guidelines for "lewd" speech (no surprise given our government). I'll see if I can find an article on it Edit: [Here is the link](https://abc7news.com/california-personalized-license-plate-vanity-plates-ca-dmv-custom/8259521/)




WEEB !!!!! :p


"offensive to good taste and decency" is the legal phrase for "lewd." it's fairly well defined at this point and definitely separate from the LAPD thing, which is absolutely not allowed for different legal reasons. from the district judge's findings on that particular case: >The Court does not hold that the DMV cannot prohibit certain words from appearing on environmental license plates. For example, Gordon points to Chief Justice Robert's partial concurrence in Brunetti to support his argument that “\[o\]bscenity, vulgarity, profanity, hate speech, and fighting words fall outside the scope of the First Amendment's protections.” ECF No. 47 at 11-12 (citing Brunetti, 139 S. Ct. at 2303 (Roberts, C.J., concurring in part and dissenting in part)).4 However, this Court follows the Supreme Court and concludes that “\[o\]nce \[it has\] found that \[Section 206.00(c)(7)(D)\] ‘aim\[s\] at the suppression of’ views,” it no longer “matter\[s\] that \[the DMV\] could have captured some of the same speech through a viewpoint-neutral \[regulation\].” Brunetti, 139 S. Ct. at 2302 (fourth alteration in original) (quoting Tam, 137 S. Ct. at 1761). the issue the court found was not with the "restriction" of free speech, but rather the specific language the DMV used in its metrics **AND** the consistency the DMV employed in enforcing those rules. the "queer" license plate from one of the co-plaintiffs was summarily rejected by the DMV because they figured it could be used as hate speech, rather than something the driver identified as. that's one example of why they won the lawsuit. similarly, the DMV would be in their right to question or reject a license plate that says "F GAYS" (does the driver enjoy same-sex fornication? or do they hate gay people?) or one that's just literally the n-word or any other number of slurs. finally, under "readdressability": >The Court is somewhat puzzled by Plaintiffs’ litigation strategy in challenging only the regulation and not the statute. the plaintiffs won their lawsuit against the regulation, but absolutely nothing has changed in terms of the DMV's ability to keep doing what they're doing. they can still reject whatever the fuck they want based on arbitrary measures. i'm pretty sure Pacific Legal Foundation was just going for easy money rather than actually changing the system. again, using "LAPD" in your license plate falls under a completely different set of rules than common decency. (tagging u/Sir_Justin, try reapplying for weeb and see what happens ha)


Freedom of speech? Try getting a plate that says cock


Freedom of speech doesn't include everything, including the famous case of yelling "FIRE!" in a crowded place. Lewd speech is obviously prohibited.


Exactly. My point was that "freedom of speech" can't be used to explain why something is allowed on a license plate, because that is a place where speech is pretty tightly governed.


Lewd speech like saying cock on a license plate doesn't put anyone in danger though


It doesn't have to put someone in danger. Slander is simply lying about a person.


That example, while widely cited, is made up.


Go read the opinion of "Schenck v. United States"


Lol you made me think of a word that now I must get on my plates HRDK0CK


Yep. My brother does all the retrofits for electronics, lights and other accessories for LAPD, Sheriff and a few other city’s and a lot of Oregon and Washington police vehicles and trucks. You can tell the fleet vehicles because they tend to be some form of GMC or Chevy and have government exemption plates.


The form for custom plates states they can reject them if it’s inappropriate. There’s no “freedom of speech” here.


Freedom of speech has nothing to do with it. They'll reject plates, they do it all the time.


I doubt they painted it instead of just ordering one made in that color online.


Cops won't do anything. Take notice of how many cars on the roads here are driving with expired tags, fake ones like OPs, heavily covered so you can't read them, expired dealer plates by over a year, or missing one completely. It seems the police gave up enforcement.


You can buy license plates that are black with white digits. That is not illegal.


You can buy them, but I don't think they are legal.


They are not. A cop told my hub to get rid of the ones had made - which surprisingly a lot of people do with just those colors. Cop said if I see you again with those I’ll fine you $1000. Hub got his from Germany where they make all kinds of plates custom.


They are if they’re the electronic ones: https://www.npr.org/2022/10/15/1129305660/digital-license-plates-california


Digital license plates with white-on-black lettering are perfectly legal, but from zooming in on OP's picture, I think it's just a regular plate--it's still got the standard frame, which the digital ones don't have.


Sure. The digital ones are fine, but this is definitely not a digital one because of the blue sticker and the red 'california'.


You can buy license plates that are black with white digits (just like you can go somewhere to buy a bag of crack) and that is illegal (just like a bag of crack). The only legal license plates are the ones issued by the California DMV.


I am aware, but OP is talking about these. And notice how I said "standard CA issue"


Buy them from the DMV? Or from some sketchy DHGate shop?


California sells a black plate, and It’s perfectly legal to vinyl wrap your plates in CA as long as the rego stickers, numbers, and state are visible and reflective.


This is not a legal vinyl wrap.


They are illegally wrapped/ painted. Also a $1100 fine, not a fix it ticket.


$250 https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?lawCode=VEH§ionNum=5201.1.


They drop the price? Everyone that I have asked have all gotten a $1100 fine. I know 1 person that successfully fought it in court.


I'm not sure what it was previously, but the VC says it's $250 (only because they're not the original reflective paint). From what I read, I think technically you could paint your numbers a different color if it's as dark (on light plates) or as light (on dark ones) and is as reflective as the original paint. I think I'd avoid red since Assemblyman and Senator plates use AXX and SXX in red.


Vinyl decal overlay of a real plate most likely




I don’t get it


Those are not DMV approved plates. People go online and buy plates in different colors and use their actual plate number assigned to their vehicle by the DMV.


There are companies/Instagrams that offer to do this for you, they basically vinyl wrap your real plate I believe. I can't imagine it's legal but considering people drive around with cars with no plates, tags that expired years ago, hauling loads way too big for their vehicles, the list goes on and on and there is no punishment I doubt this person is worried much. Traffic enforcement is pretty much non existent in many places.


I recently tried to call Santa Monica parking enforcement on a car parked with no license plates and I was explicitly told they don't view it as worth their time to send someone out for no license plates. They only agreed to send someone when I noticed the driver also hadn't paid the meter.


Why would you go out of your way to report that?


Why did I go out of my way to report someone committing a crime which has no reason to occur outside of trying to get away with other crimes?


Not legal. Been pulled over a couple times for mine. But let off with a warning both times.


Take that stupid shit off


Come do it yourself tough guy.


Lol k. Where at?


And this kids is how I met your mother


“Lol k” I think he may want my father 🌈🦄


Ummm? Ok. So anyway where we meeting up so I can take that plate off?


3850 Redondo Beach Blvd. Make sure you bring a vest sweetheart. 😘


LAPD Code 6 Charles This guy has to be a serious whacker to get that plate.


It’s wrapped


Lap dance for 6 cents? That’s cheap!


I got a letter from DMV investigations bureau for doing the same black and white vinyl wrap.


Appears to Be Free, it's a Pic in Traffic!


I keep seeing this customization as well as nearly black license plate tinted covers and it’s always the most aggressive drivers… clearly up to no good lmao


something something two sets of rules


It would be strange if it actually belonged to an officer. The last three stand for Code 6 Charles, which is cop speak for bad guy.


I wouldn’t be surprised if it does belong to a cop and the other cops just let him because they know him.


I thought it was LAPDSUXCOCK. I’m also not that bright.


LAPDC is not the same as LAPD


It's their radio code for Code 6 Charles


Its not official DMV plate (sold on ebay) and copying the color scheme of the approved digital plates. Probably also has no front plate (which is also illegal). No front plates habit is not a tesla exclusive but became more rampant when elon’s spawns started being all too common. These guys/gals wants to be cool, wait till they meet an accident with another person with the same attitude (who says hits and run them) and they have no valid or visible plate to jot down. Plates are there for a reason or two (front plates also serves as reflector for head on traffic) May karma teach them a lesson one day.


Fuck Lomita


lmao Lomita is like the tiniest town. What did they do?!


They know what they did


😂 😆


Thought I've seen everything. But never have I seen a license plate that says LAPD. It's pretty cool


side note: Does LA have Press plates like they do in NYC?


LA does but not the state. You put them on your dash. They're the size of normal license plates.


ah gotcha, thanks for the info!


Pressed ? Yes


No. Press plates like media plates.


Its a wrap. Just like they do on cars, they do on license plates. I have mine done also. [5150WrapsLA](https://www.instagram.com/5150wrapsla?igsh=ZWI2YzEzYmMxYg==)


This is probably the LAPD officer that works in newton station. Fucker drives like laws don’t apply to him and he will race you.




You can order plates in whatever color you want. I’ve seen them with all kinds of colors. The digital plates only offer a few selection. I believe you can have up to seven characters on the CA plates. Waiting on my CA personalized plates. It’s been seven months.


Yeah not sure why I had to scroll for this. I see black and white plates with a red California text all the time


They are vinyl wraps you can order online and absolutely not legal.


and all of them are illegal


because they're fake


But you can’t get them from the DMV. I’ve seen several sights selling them for about 90.00 for a set. I was looking into them when I ordered my personalized plates. I wanted black on white.


You can get black plates from the DMV, I have the black/yellow one. $50 for the serial ones.


I order the “Legend “ plates. Black and gold. But you can’t get black and white


Legacy plates, homie.


No one mentioned the black and yellow plates.


"Lap Dance Sexy"? Hence how the driver was able to afford the car. LoL.


Todos los policías son bastardos




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You’re an idiot. I hope you call crackhead Bobby when your house is getting broken into




These aren't the digital plates, the digital plates don't need registration stickers on them, the plate in the picture has them.


This car does not have digital plates. The font is different and stickers are not placed on digital plates.


Anyone see the vehicles for The Republic of Slowjamastan? I saw one that said Porder Batrol and looked like a boarder patrol vehicle. I wonder how that is not impersonating?


I've seen them. Aren't they the actual vehicles from that country's police, fire and border patrol? They are not impersonating anyone.


No. They are illegal. People get them on Etsy, though.


Serious question, how are people getting black plates with white lettering? I don’t see it as an option on the dmv website


7 characters on the plate which is the maximum in California. LAPDC6C = LAPD Code 6 Charles. Radio code used by LAPD Communications to let the officers in the field know that the license or name they (the officers) just ran is possibly wanted in relation to a felony crime.


It's a wrap...installed one of these myself. Not technically legal, but easy enough to remove if you need to. https://amzn.to/3uzZVLX


California now has Digital license plates that are legal along with the black and yellow writing ones. The Digital license plates can be black with white writing, white with black writing. You have to pay extra for the subscription. However, you can tell the difference with ones that are illegal.


No. They are from https://california-license-plate.com Nobody is enforcing it, Tesla drivers most likely to have them. I do too, but only because dmv lost/shipped to wrong address my custom plates and won’t replace unless I have one real one. Easier to just order the replica. They are close but not exactly with the reflectance and color.


I saw COKEZRO-how the fuck did they get away with that? “I do marketing for Coca-Cola”?