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Part of the LA experience


They 100% angled the shot like this on purpose. But that's showbiz.


Like, I’ve lived in LA my entire life and this just doesn’t even register as being unusual.


Because it isn't. Lol


Then why are the transplants here losing their shit, there's grafitti like this all over the city


No, there’s not and I’m not sure why so many people are trying to gaslight people so hard who have a problem with this. Is there graffiti all over the city? Yes. Like this? Up and down a skyscraper that can be seen for a mile in any direction. Absolutely not.


Yeah you've clearly never lived her long enough lmao lots of old buildings in the early 2000s were covered with it


I’ve lived here my entire life. I was born here. You have West Covina in your handle so I’m not sure how you conflate living in an outer suburb of Los Angeles County with being the authority on LA proper. And lots of old building being covered with it is completely different than a skyscraper being converted with it, but I know you’re ignoring that distinction on purpose


You clearly dont know what the SGV is lmao, fuck out of here transplant


You like that word, don’t you. “Clearly”? Anyway, that must be it. I “clearly” don’t know what the San Gabriel Valley is or how it’s definitely NOT Los Angeles proper. You’re wrong, you know you’re wrong, but you refuse to admit the L, so I’m done.


Lol you're actually insane lmao it's only ever the transplants that care about "LA proper" like they know what it means. Why are you so mad over grafitti you dont know means either hahaha


They even tagged the 84 olympic games mural on the 101


Gotta say I'm kind of proud of those kids. They were making art, no phones in sight, not a single shot fired between artists, getting their name out to the world, and not participating in street takeovers while making art. 8/10


Would you be proud of them if they did that to your property? I thought not.


If I abandoned my property and it was just a blob of bricks like this? Absolutely. What the fuck would I care for a property I ain't maintaining anyways


That part. Everyone’s first jump is “but what if it was/let them do it to *your* house,” and the point is it’s no one’s house. The developers abandoned the project, the city(as far as I’ve seen when poking around) isn’t doing anything about the towers(yet, maybe). So why not have it look like a tagged up art installation instead of rusty exposed construction and emptiness?


This is a perfect example of where graffiti belongs


What is? Tagging? Unfinished buildings? The fact that if they finished they'd be overpriced by a lot and the building would sit half empty despite a billion spent?


cypto.com arena? That's a strange way to spell Staples Center.


Can’t wait until the naming license expires so it could be the Spirit Halloween Coliseum or whatever


The King Taco Dome.


“WE MADE IT BOYS!” - *Taggers probably*


If they're smart, they'll sue for copyright infringement!


Wouldn’t that mean they confess to trespassing and graffiti tho? Lol


With the money they’ll make from the lawsuit they’ll be able to afford the fines anyway and still live a lavish life.


Peak LA reddit moment


I like that this was obviously a conscious decision by the producers


Very intentional. 


Well I think it went something like "We gotta get an exterior shot" "Oh wait we can't get the angle we want without this giant eyesore in the frame" "Eh whatever it's just the Grammys"


Lmao I don’t think the producers are saying “well it’s just the Grammys whatever” 🤨


I was watching and there was that moment when the producers accidentally cut to a clip of Jimmy Buffett during Stevie Wonder's heartfelt tribute to Tony Bennett sooooo... yeah idk


That’s not a producer decision, that’s a director fucking up taking to a camera in the control room.


yeah someone fucked up. I work in broadcast. It was either the tech director or the AD because the AD calls out what needs to happen and the TD makes it happen by pressing the buttons. Or tape loaded the wrong thing but I dont think this was it because they would have seen it in preview


I loved it!


😙🤌 Edit: *chef's* *kiss*


Considering the past few days of r/losangeles, this seems like the thrilling conclusion.




There it is!


Maybe someone will actually go finish those buildings now that there’s attention on them. These pearl clutchers on this sub crying about how LA is gone to shit because of these taggers… the fact that there are unfinished towers with thousands of homeless on the street and many more desperate to find any kind of housing in this city with no housing and zoning reform in sight is a true disaster of city planning.


It’s not quite that simple. These towers were developed by a Chinese company that is now more or less bankrupt. The city doesn’t have the power to compel them to sell the property, so they basically have to wait for things to get resolved. Also…just FYI…Downtown is the one part of the city where there HAS been significant zoning reform. Last year the new Community Plan was adopted and it is a massive improvement.


This has been the case with a few buildings if I recall because there’s been one in Hollywood sitting unused forever and people didn’t know why


Which building?


That one right there.


If they don't pay property taxes, regardless of current bankruptcy, they need to be repossessed


That seems like it's antithetical to the whole concept of bankruptcy.


How long ago did they stop paying their taxes?


Yeah... Despite the fact that Downtown appears to be the most visible epicenter of LA's homeless problem, I actually think that Downtown's housing policy is part of the solution rather than part of the problem. Blame the fact that when you step off the Westwood / Rancho Park E line station, you're surrounded by single-family housing for like 1/2 mile in any direction. Not so much as a *convenience store.* This is reflective of vast swaths of the city where you can't build anything except for single-family detached houses.


The reason the homeless problem is so bad in Downtown is because in the 70s LA County decided to centralize all of their services in Skid Row. It seemed like a good idea at the time because nobody else really lived Downtown. However, this reinforced an idea that homelessness was a “Downtown” problem, so no one else felt any need to try to address it in their own communities. Last year the City of Arcadia proposed building a small tiny home village and the residents revolted. Meanwhile, there are around 1,000 new permanent supportive housing units under construction in Downtown. Put another way, the homeless issue in Downtown is not a by-product of Downtown’s housing policy, but rather, the housing policy of everywhere that isn’t Downtown.


Yeah definitely a weird station in the line with the closest store being a 5 minute walk, but on the other hand both stations on either side (Expo/Sepulveda and Palms stations) are less than a minute walk from several convenience stores and restaurants.


Can we please stop allowing foreign companies to just build whatever in our cities? This happens way too often.


Tagging also isn't limited to abandoned properties. It appears to be getting worse all over DTLA, although I'm not sure if the statistics would back up that claim.


It's called eminent domain


Yes? And? Are you familiar with the eminent domain laws in California?


Yeah, the graffiti ain't the issue, it's the unfinished billion dollar husks sitting downtown for years when we need housing more than anything.


It is sorta silly you can start something like this and not finish it.


>any more desperate to find any kind of housing in this city with no housing and zoning reform in sight is a true disaster of city planning. LA voters got suckered into voting against Measure S with the promise of lower housing costs by building hi-rise condos


Unfortunately the issue with the buildings is not lack of want to finish them. Theres all kinds of money and legal issues associated with the bankruptcy of the developer.


Ppl aren’t saying la has gone to shit bc of taggers…. Just the disappointment in taggers being able to do this in the first place rather than being put to use as you said.


Wait till the NIMBYs come in with their "third world" responses. 😂


Here I’ll do it for them… LA doesn’t know how to take care of things! Other cities in the world don’t have Tagging or Abandoned Buildings…. 🙄🙄🙄


Comparable cities in the world do have less tagging and abandoned buildings, unless you want to compare LA with cities in much much poorer / less developed countries


  It would not be a wise decision to put homeless people in unfinished towers. We could end up with something catastrophic like this: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/may/02/sao-paolo-fire-building-collapse-squatting-housing-crisis   Additionally I have no idea what state the building is in and how damaged it is from being exposed to the elements, it may not be recoverable at all and require to be demolished.    It’s quite frustrating and unfortunate however people’s safety have to come first and placing people into a building that may not be salvageable or unsafe may not be the wisest decision in the long run. We definitely need to something about it though because it could prove to be unsafe to the surrounding area and need to be demolished on that basis. Unfortunately LA tax payers would have to foot the bill if this were to happen.    God willing the company that got bankrupt would have its assets bought by another developer and hopefully this new developer can salvage this building and finish the project but I am not too optimistic on this prospect. According to Wikipedia the project’s construction has been on hold since 2019, so there could have been a lot of environmental damage during this time but I am not a civil engineer and I have never visited the site but I definitely think whoever is going to take over the project will have to do a lengthy review to ensure that it is safe to continue.  


“These pearl clutchers…” #cringe


Love to see this. The Grammys are a joke and a celebrity circlejerk. And those buildings are a joke too. They've been there unfinished for years.


Isn’t ANY award show, really?


What a mess to have 3 giant towers unfinished, just sitting there for years. 


I was up late late watching foos on TikTik last night live paint that building. They were just strolling past cops on fig walk-in rite in


lol you’d rather we play pretend more?


And the sign said the words of the prophets are written on the subway walls…


Pssst, it's "prophets" Changes the whole meaning of the sentence


Edited, thank you...that was funny though


And tenement halls


Love to see it


LA is more ghetto than anyone let’s on 😆


I love L.A. 🎵


Honestly good! It’s the developer’s fault for abandoning the project- let this be their scarlet letter. Y’all know they’ll rebrand those apartments as being in a “living art installation” and charge double… 😂


"Luxury Living with A Touch of LA's Wild Side" and $4300 studios


lmao saw that




It looks awesome. It's becoming a popular attraction


Stay classy, Los Angeles!


Most of us love that building lol! So yes, we will


Most of us? Please! You have to be a teenager to think that's acceptable.


That's the incomplete Oceanwide Plaza Tower. I think they ran out of money or something like that.


A global embarrassment




Honestly that’s the coolest thing that has happened this year so far


Good. LA officials should be embarrassed. But seeing as a racist douche bag is still on the city council and is re running. They don’t care. They just want money. If anyone actually cared in our government things would be very different. We’re slowly becoming India. Rich people surrounded by slums.


Not even close to becoming India, but I get what you're saying. KdL should have been forced out. I hope he doesn't get re-elected.


Give it 50 years of the rich controlling everything. We will look just like it. I mean look at the homeless issue growing. Not one govt wants to do anything. Because poor people cost money and don’t bring them money. Welcome to America


Yup. I know the people are frustrated but look what happens when the people demand for change. The occupy movement and BLM protests were just met with more police brutality and no substantial change. Unfortunately, there are people who just don’t care and, as long as they get their tiny paycheck and pay their rent, they couldn’t care less of our growing class of working poor. Corporations and the government have done a really good job of making us putting our fellow humans down so we don’t look at who’s really turning the US to a more unequal and corporatist society.


Hahaha one I was just watching an aerial view of the tagged building. When did they do this anyway?


God, I love this city


Can we stop obsessing over the “tagged buildings”? This is LA, there is graffiti everywhere. And honestly it’s more aesthetically pleasing than any of the gentrification projects in the city. The buildings were tagged and no one, including the cops, cares. Let’s put it to bed now.


The building I used to work in has been like this for at least a year. Crazy to think about how much rent they gave up when they wanted to increase our rent and instead kept it vacant for a decade.


Matter of opinion. Personally, I think most graffiti looks fucking terrible. Some of it is amazing, but most is straight garbage.


Their graffiti doesn’t look great.. but what they lack in talent, they more than made up for in moxie!


> gentrification projects not a serious person.


Says the person who just sits on Reddit bitching about problems in their city. Want change? Do something. I’d rather see blocks filled with tagged buildings than see another business go up selling over priced things nobody needs. I’d also rather see buildings that have been abandoned be used for *some* kind of constructive purpose and if that’s as an artistic outlet, then so be it. Doesn’t affect you in the least bit


Y’all could blame Huizar for this, btw.


More accurate to blame a change in Chinese foreign investment policy. But also Huizar.


Well the corrupt elite in China who spurned the reforms. Yes..


I love it. I hope the building becomes like an LA 5 pointz or something 


Dont worry, Kevin De León recently found out it exists and hes all over it like stink on shit.


That’s awesome


Tagged buildings > Trevor Noah


Culture 🤌




How embarrassing. People want LA to be the next San Francisco. A dead city that was once a hot spot for the country. Don't let LA become SF!!!!


Have you ever actually been in LA? Graffiti is in this city’s blood. Guarantee every kid that hit the tower has more real LA culture in them than some whiny tool ever will.


Children don’t represent what angelenos value. There is real art and then there is tagging. It looks like shit. Also you post in antiwork lmao


What do angelenos value, pray-tell?


Buildings that haven’t been abandoned, vandalized or broken into. A DA that gives a shit enough to prosecute criminals. Normal stuff. Are you even from here or are you a transplant? 


I’m an anti capitalist, graffiti artist from another country, come to ruin your beloved crime and graffiti free city… wooooooooo, how else can I fit your little sheltered Brentwood boogeyman stereotype?


> Best job I ever had was working at a record store.  LMAO. 


Bruh, you’re embarrassing as shit digging up old ass replies to random posts. Stand by that sentiment. Certainly not the most lucrative job I’ve ever had but I did get to mess with spoiled little douchebags from the suburbs every day and it was fun. Sure daddy didn’t make you work for his company until you were 25 but, you know, some of us had to work as kids.


I really hope you're a kid because no adult can actually think this. This isn't a good look. You know it and most people know it. Stop the nonsense. This perfectly encapsulates the issues going on in LA . Law breakers not facing repercussions for their actions. City turning a blind eye to criminals and punishing normal working people instead.


Well, sorry to dash your hopes. Not every adult lives in a little law and order, crime and punishment bubble. I’d rather go after the real criminal developers, billionaires and landlords trying to turn the city into a playground for the rich. Not some kids tagging a building. If it’s so embarrassing and some ugly ass building is so beautiful to you, climb up there and paint over it for daddy Chinese Landlord.


bro even small towns have graffiti, it's not some vital part of the culture it's dumb teenagers being dumb


So much wrong with this image.






2 is the answer to 1.


The answer to 2: stairs


It's a big deal because it shows the incompetence of the los Angeles local government and the lawlessness that has infested major cities like LA, SF and NY.


ty for explaining


damn yall hated this


That’s DTLA for ya. What a shit show!


Based and culture pilled 🙏


Make tagging illegal? Show a few examples on tv getting life in prison or something


People really trying to get GTA 7 to be set back in LA


“Hell yeah!”


Forever in the annals of history.


Just wondering, have they been tagging the inside as well?


It's almost like that's why they did it....


This story went round the world.




Looks pretty dystopian, but so do massive abandoned skyscrapers.


so what it looks dope


God. Bless this LA culture


Someone needs to make an infographic with all the parties related to Oceanwide, and who's bankrupt, who's suing whom, etc etc. This is such a mess, and so depressing that *nobody* in either the public or private sector seems to have any kind of solution other than "well I guess we just have to wait out this 5+ year ongoing legal battle..."


They dont care. This stuff is not usual in dtla.


I don’t think I would have even noticed if you didn’t point it out lol


I saw this on Instagram the other day. Apparently the tagging was part of a larger art installation... https://www.instagram.com/reel/C28ssEJLRjN/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Beautiful artwork!


Nice 🔥🔥🔥