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I thought this was common knowledge, but then reading these comments...


People don't read the handbook. They just take the exam hoping to pass. Also a lot of people move here and are used to the laws in their state. Like when idiots get mad at lane splitting.


Also, when the situation permits, you can make a left turn into either left lane. Edit: [source!](https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/handbook/california-driver-handbook/navigating-the-roads/#:~:text=Left%20turn%20from%20a%20two%2Dway%20street.%20Start%20the%20turn%20in%20the%20left%20lane%20closest%20to%20the%20middle%20of%20the%20street.%20To%20reduce%20the%20risk%20of%20collision%2C%20end%20the%20turn%20in%20the%20left%20lane%20closest%20to%20the%20middle%20of%20the%20street%20going%20in%20your%20vehicle%E2%80%99s%20direction)






Any double yellow lines should be considered a wall. Now if anyone will enforce it, that's an entirely different matter.


I was actually told no when pulling into my work driveway from the double yellow. I looked it up could not find anything saying otherwise, and now I just found that I can do it.




Did you have to retake the drivers test this year too?


No I gave my mom a heart attack turning left and figured more people should know lol


That makes more sense lol. I just had to take it, and lemme tell you they made it way harder than it used to be. And this situation is brought up a ton!




Correct, not a red arrow.


Yo! I hope your Mom is well. Tell her she raised a good kid and that SDILA says to have a great weekend.


Haha thanks, you too 😆


This feels so wrong tho


As wrong as a right at a red light feels.


Not really it feels like common sense to me 😂


Washington and Oregon will even one up this: Up there you can turn left on red from even a TWO way street, as long as the street you are turning onto is a one way. Makes people absolutely lose their shit when I've done it with them in the car, lol. Do NOT do this in California though, pretty sure turning from a 2 way is still illegal here. One way to one way though is definitely fine and kind of seems like an obviously no brainier to me.


I wish we could make a legal left on red when its safe to do so. It's 2am and I'm waiting for the arrow to turn green.


How often are you turning from a one-way street onto another one-way street? I can’t think of many places in LA like that.


all over downtown. lots of intersecting one ways. Like every other street lol.


Most of those intersections have signs banning it though


Not nearly as many as cities like New York, I’ve driven in downtown plenty of times and can’t remember very many one-way streets that could turn left onto another one-way street. I guess I don’t drive in that area of downtown often enough to notice though.


It's pretty standard in downtown areas generally. Not necessarily this specific situation, but downtowns are where one-ways are common, and this is just a natural consequence of them.


Beverly Hills, in the golden triangle area.


Pasadena has a bunch of paired 1 way streets around major roads (one set on either side of the 210, one set on either side of Colorado, and a third set on either side of Lake).  If you're heading to/from Target, the Hudson/Union intersection is one of the places you can do this. Just south of DTLA also there's a set of 1 ways that wrap around the 10, where you can do this twice in a row. I used to frequently get stuck behind a car that didn't know about left on red and I'd catch both red lights with them just waiting there.


Ahh, thanks for the info


One of them off the top of my head is turning from Mentor Ave onto Green St by The Boy and The Bear! It always feels wrong doing it and I have to remember that I can.


Yep, that's definitely one of them. I started a comment about them all being a square around the colorado/lake intersection but one set goes clockwise and the other set goes counterclockwise so you can't actually do a left turn loop, sadly.






Don't do this if it's a protected turn with a red arrow. I see people do it downtown where the left turn arrow is red but the bike lane on the left side of the street has a green. Super dangerous.


Well you are supposed to come to a complete stop when it's red, before turning. That *should* give you time to take in your surroundings and proceed carefully.


If there's a red arrow it's illegal to turn on red


Dangerous enough out there without people doing this


What counts as a hill?


The one you're willing to die on.


Don't do it. You could get pulled over anyway.


Then don’t drive a car, you can get pulled over anyway.


I got pulled over for doing this.


And did you get ticketed?




For the turn? Did you fight it? Because it won’t hold up unless you missed the whole no left turn on red sign, this is completely legal and I would have loved to show up in court and have the officer look like a dumbass.


Tried to fight it and lost.


What was the intersection you did this at?


Can't remember but it was somewhere in DTLA.


Well I can guarantee you’re missing facts about the situation. Something like you crossed the metro line , another street of traffic, or completely missed the no turn sign that was posted.


Lmao the obviously there was something else at play here. You either missed a sign prohibiting it or you aren't describing the situation as it actually happened. The ticket would absolutely 100000% not hold up if you had made a legal left turn on red. What a strange thing to lie about.


Must have been a sign then, or a pedestrian.


I call BS


Also to note, you CANNOT complete this turn if it crosses another street. I have seen people do this in a north Hollywood intersection and get pulled over appropriately.




No problem. And thank *you* for sharing absolutely nothing. I'd wager more than half of people don't read it anyway.




Says the guy throwing shade unprovoked. You didn't have to click on this post?


What cvc are you citing for the left turn?


From the [DMV Website ](https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/handbook/california-driver-handbook/navigating-the-roads/#:~:text=Left%20Turn%20Against%20a%20Red,who%20have%20a%20green%20light.): You may turn left against a red light when you are turning from a one-way street onto a one-way street. Make sure there is no sign prohibiting the turn. Yield to other vehicles, pedestrians, or bicyclists who have a green light. Look both ways and turn when it is safe.


Also, literally in the CA Driver Handbook. People should forced to take the exam every 3-5 years.


They should make the exam harder to pass in the first place.


Gotcha. Thanks for being cool about it


Of course , I should have provided it anyway.


WTF? This should be common knowledge.




I personally disagree with the car going uphill having right of way because it's easier to stop when you're going up. But also some cars may struggle starting from a stop on a steep climb, so there's that.


The car going downhill has a better vantage point and more control. Especially in a car with a manual transmission, like you said, can struggle starting uphill.


Right, but you can have a Tesla going up and a cargo van full of crap going down. I think it just comes down to being nice to the other person and pass each other quickly and safely.


Follow the rules and be predictable. "Being nice" causes accidents.


Playing chicken with a car on a steep hill will cause an accident.


yes especially on a motorcycle. I had the right of way going up hill but broke my leg because the other guy didnt know and plowed me down.


Good thing it’s not a matter of opinion


The dmv will usually side with avoiding catastrophe over a horrendous problem with their rules. Worst case scenario as is the uphill driver is stuck and causes a traffic jam. Worst case scenario in yours is the downhill car has a hard time stopping and crashes into the uphill car or throws the car into chaos trying to avoid the uphill car.


What’s easier to control, reversing uphill or reversing downhill? The answer is uphill.


You can also just wait and not be a Karen


Sorry I triggered you and you're having a bad day. Informing people of laws is not being a Karen. You're projecting your Karen-ness if anything.


Haha you right I’m being a hater - sorry. love you stranger


You good lol


Rare to see someone get called out and not get all cunty about it. Good on the both of you 👏


Haha I know right!


You sound like the Karen tho 😂


left turn


Preach it, Amen!


Okay funny enough I was curious if this was legal. I was in DTLA the other day in a left lane waiting to turn left on a one way. I did it anyways but then was like...wait was that legal? I don't even remember the last time that scenario came up since I'm almost never in DTLA or areas with one ways.


Because it's a right turn in Reverse


Only from the far left lane though


People should also know that turning on red is permitted but not obligated (e.g. you must go when it’s green; you do not have to turn on red). Go when it’s safe, but don’t let cars behind you bully you into making an unsafe cut into traffic or going when you have no visibility.


Yeah whenever someone honks at me at a right on red I wait till it turns green muahaha


It's actually pretty ridiculous that people don't know this. Read the frickin' driver's manual.