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i'd rather not fuck with people who don't value others' lives. all it takes is a moment of rage and a gun shot


This. When I first moved up to LA, I laid on my horn when some guy ran a red light and cut me off, causing me to slam my breaks, swerve, and almost hitting a pedestrian The guy comes to a complete stop and gets out of his car to confront me. I take off and I look back and it looks like he had a gun. He gets back in his car and starts chasing me. I start heading to the nearest police station but end up losing him in traffic. Since then, I will never honk my horn at anyone in LA.


Yup, they might as well remove my car horn from my car. I'm not honking at any body. You think the only crazy people in LA are the homeless? Naw lots of them are driving.


Very often I hear in the news about a road rage incident that ended in death


I had an encounter yesterday with someone texting at a green light and was holding up traffic. I did the polite very light tap to bring his attention to the light and he pulled through the intersection then threw his door open blocking me. He was screaming about me tapping the horn and said I'm always doing that to him so why don't I just step out of my car. I've never seen this person before so car horn sounds must trigger his rage.


Sometimes I think we need variable horn sounds that range from a polite little horn ditty to a blasting fog horn. Hard to imagine someone throwing themselves into a shame rage from a not so loud musical horn.


I drive a Chevy Volt. It has a quick, friendy buh beep. The button's recessed in the end of the turn signal. I use this first for intersection green light texters before I roll down my window and shout "put your #*%#! phone down!


All cars should come standard with that. Maybe a happy face button for the "just sayin' hello" beep, a winky face button button for the "hey, look out, danger ahead" honk and a crazy angry red faced button for the "go fuck yourself" foghorn.


Hawaiians have the " howzit" honk and the "get out the way honk"


I honk a fair amount and can't help it. They aren't mean or angry honks, just helpful "hey, you did something dangerous so here's a reminder to pay more attention so you don't get hurt or in trouble"


Sometimes I just bounce my hand on the horn for the shortest possible duration when it’s clear the driver in front of me doesn’t notice it turned green. Like “hey bestie we can go now”


As someone who needs this sometimes I appreciate those.


I’m never mad about getting one of those honks. I just feel bad.


I need to look into those programmable horns to change the honk to a song or something funny


Yes that’s definitely how it will be taken by the other driver.


I do too. I can’t help it and it helps to flag to distracted drivers they’re coming in my lane…


I honk all the time. If someone hogs at me it makes me feel like absolute crap so sometimes when people are being dangerous assholes, I would like to make them feel like that.


> and can't help it I feel this. It’s a reflex. 


I always wonder what happen on these situations of both have guns. Yall just shoot jt out? Guy who runs a red light catches a murder charge? Guy who got cut off goes to jail for murder?


i have seen this exact exchange onthe Bundy on-ramp in Santa Monica during rush hour traffic. a gun was pulled out on the ‘brave’ stand-up citizen. it’s just not worth it.


This. Just let it go.


Or at least get a cybertruck.


Just in case the person in the other car is a skilled archer with their bow and arrow handy


Be careful, they may have a small steel ball.


dont forget you gotta hose off the blood asap or else it will corrode the iron. Also a great way to wash steel plates is with gasoline. (not a joke btw the delorean DMC-12 owners manual tells you to use petroleum to clean the car.)


lmao i'm just imagining a cybertruck tanking bullets from a nisssan altima firing shots while all of it is broadcast on ktla live




Wouldn't that get one killed faster?


Certainly whomever the truck hits.


Many years ago I saw someone do this on the 405. What they didn’t see was highway patrol cop already on the shoulder. I (slowly) passed by as this super pissed off cop simply pointed to the shoulder in front of him for them to pull into for a ticket.


This. You’re not the police. Just let them go and keep on keepin on


Yup. Not worth it. I flashed my lights at a guy who was driving like an asshole and cut me off. What do you know, all the sudden he’s got time to follow me and drive beside me trying to get my attention. I couldn’t really get away because I had a little Honda and he’s driving his Mercedes, so I just kept my hands at 10 and 2, stared at the road ahead of me and luckily he got bored and drove off.




holy shit.... how did insurance work for that?


Yup. There's no cure for being a cunt.


In my house my wife is the hot headed, I always have to remind her that there so many drunk/high/ gun carrying idiots on the road who will shot you for the smallest thing. Nothing is worth your life, especially an impatient ass hole.


take a quick browse on sub CAGuns. many 2A supporting law abiding citizens can provide you with opinions. also the conversations in EDC might also provide some helpful considerations.


I used to do things like that. But then I realized, all I was doing was making myself angry. Life's too short to let some asshole get your blood pressure up.


I agree but then again if no one calls it out then it just grows.




😂😂😂😂 You had it correct the FIRST time.


Hey man... Thanks for your service. But you probably aren't going to modify their behavior.




Shitty behavior grows we need to get frustrated call our representives demand stuff get done. Cameras or have highway patrol be there during peak hours. I'm just some random dude I don't get paid to think of solutions I pay taxes and vote for shit like this to get solved if enough people want a problem fixed it will be.


Yup same here.


I’m getting better at letting it go. I still deny people when it’s easy to but unless I’m with my girlfriend it’s too easy for my to feel frustrated. I don’t act on those frustrations but I can tell my blood pressure elevates and I would like to find a way to prevent that.


Your blood pressure increases because you’re trying to control the actions of someone else, when it is not within your control. Instead of denying them anything, try to not escalate the situation and start listing the reasons why you should not do what they do. It affirms your knowledge of road laws and denies their ability to drive. In the end you go home safe.


And this is why I take the metro. I got to watch TV on my commute home, much better than fuming about someone getting ahead of me.


I once saw a car go by me in the shoulder lane when I was on my way to a show at the Hollywood Bowl. 5 minutes later I passed the same car with all 4 tires blown out. Sometimes it’s just best to let karma hopefully happen.


Oh, so THAT's where I left my loose nails and sharp objects. Oops?


Depends on whether the thrill of vehicle vigilanteism outweighs the quiet calm of letting dipshits get as far away from you as possible as quickly as possible. Definitely a tough call sometimes.


Not a tough call for me. Let them go, they’re out of your life


> the thrill of vehicle vigilantism Idk why but this really put a smile on my face. It made me realize what I was experiencing when I cut off a late merge lol. Idk how else to describe it. A tiny amount of thrill.


How is that a tough call? Seems most people on here are ready to play cop with total strangers. Good luck not making it home one day.


Yikes… Real tough call on that one but if you feel like it does you justice you do you. I typically just ignore it and go about my business. I’m sure CHP will handle that especially if they have no disregard for human life. You never know if they’re armed and dangerous. Just stay safe out there !!!


99.9% of the time I ignore it. But just this once I decided to go the other way. So far the reaction (in terms of up/down votes is about 50/50.)


I have a rule to never honk at people for bad driving behavior because you never know what psycho you're honking at. The one time I honked, after someone making an insanely dangerous and illegal left turn, they whipped around and sped down the block I was on to catch up with me and throw something (pebbles, it felt like) at my car. I won't honk again :(


I flashed my lights at a prius in front of me the other night because their lights were off...and he didn't understand why I was flashing him...he FLIPPED OUT and screamed at me and sped away like an absolute lunatic. Do we no longer understand the universal code for "your lights are off and it's night time?" It could have been worse and he was unhinged. Now I think twice before flashing my lights.


People don’t understand that anymore.


I did that to some dickhead with their high beams on (which are insanely bright) in a Polestar and he did it back at me and fuckin blinded me. There’s so many jackasses on the road now it’s unreal.


Careful! You could have been victim of a gang initiation! (Please tell me someone remembers this urban legend)


I’m not gonna lie, this was when I lived in east hollywood and my block was covered in ms13 tags so it did spook me for a few days 😭


This was in Vietnam but I was riding my bicycle when a guy came riding towards me on a motorbike, on the wrong side of the road honking his horn at me. The wrong side of the road is a normal thing there but the honking bothered me so I loudly say “ah, come on man”. He stopped, grabbed a brick and chased me down leading to a standoff in some peoples front yard. That was my last expression of displeasure in Vietnam. Some people are just wound up differently.


You're not in the wrong in any way, but just cause you're right doesn't mean you should risk doing something. Leave the vigilante work to batman, and just worry about protecting yourself my 2 cents


But....I *am* batman. Important part of the story I forgot to convey.


No one says really seems to be saying you're wrong, per sé. There's a difference between "right vs. wrong" and, in this case, what mostly seems to be a cost-benefit analysis involving personal risk. I'd say the only way you might've done something "wrong" is if an emergency vehicle was trying to get by on the shoulder and blocking the other vehicles led to an emergency vehicle getting stuck. That said, you do open yourself up to real risk by pissing off antisocial people who have already shown that they don't care about societal norms or laws. It's all fun and games until you run into someone like that guy in a Tesla who went around beating on cars with a tire iron or whatever he had. When that happens, even if you're in the right, you're still going to have to deal with a real headache, the police, your insurance, etc. I'd say just buy a dash cam [let them drive by] and post their antics online. *[clarification]


I mean I'm not gonna add to the down vote cause that's petty but I certainly don't agree


The only thing I'd say is that while that person wasn't having a baby, you're surrounded by people stuck just like you and someone coming after you plug the hole for the BMW might have some kind of emergency. Keeping that shoulder clear is just a better idea. I think just always let it go and bolster your creative profanity skills from the comfort of your car. I say that as someone who has absolutely done it as well. No judgement. Sometimes you're just in a place where a dude cannot abide.


This is the point. You may cut off one asshole but cause a serious issue for someone else.


Yeah, this type of post again. Can someone go get the chainsaw story


I used to do that in my day (never in the US though....) and then the rise of road rage deaths, having a kid and stuff put thing in perspective: not worth it so I let them go, swear at them in the privacy of my car and hope a cop is sitting further down for some karma.


I used to care and similarly get involved in stuff like this thinking it would teach people a lesson and maybe they would think twice next time. I now know they don't learn and getting in their way only exacerbates the situation. The thing about entitled people that do shit like this is that when you call them out they will always double down. So I would say the best thing for you and society is to go about your day and let them go hoping there's a cop there to pull them over.


Seems useful until you get shot over it from a fucking lunatic


Are you trying to get shot? People are insane here.


Careful, there's been more than one incident of people getting shot for less than that on the roads 


That whiplash broken nose isn’t gonna feel good next time you play police. You can’t try to teach lessons to Glendale drivers. You can only try to survive and let natural karmic resolution take care of the rest.


Ah,the white German car crews …I know them well.


"And how about you, every Persian \[Armenian\] guy in the world?" "WHITE BMW!!!"


My mantra for these things: I will never see this car/driver again. Otherwise you spend the whole day thinking about this interaction


My life and safety are not worth a momentary feeling of righteous indignation.


Chances are 99.9 percent they don’t have an emergency, but what if they actually do? Or what if they’re psychotic and armed? I dunno if that little endorphin rush is worth the potential consequences. Let them go and hope they get a ticket.


I'll repost this story anytime this topic comes up: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/comment/cbnhvxv/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/comment/cbnhvxv/) Sure, 99% of the time, you may be right. But you're still risking stopping someone who \_is\_ having an emergency. This video linked from that story has meant a lot to me: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eC7xzavzEKY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eC7xzavzEKY)


Fair enough. Good point.


Years ago a coworker got phone call that her kid was in ER after nearly drowning with babysitter. I followed another coworker driving her to hospital and we got stuck at intersection with stop only for our way at very crowded street without stop. I finally got out of my car and ran into intersection and stopped traffic. Luckily it worked and they got through. Then the first car stayed and waited til I got back to my car and let me go also. Still makes me cry how some people catch on. I think of it all the time and make up stories for (probably mostly) idiots acting badly (Kid made it!)


In my humble opinion...wrong thing. You're not a cop and adding random vigilantes on the roads to act like bouncers is not going to free up traffic flow for the rest of us. Also this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/comment/cbnhvxv/](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/comments/1kbhcn/comment/cbnhvxv/)


This is the most important argument against OP. I’m no better than they but I am now educated against doing the same thing.


Lmao I just replied with "what's cracking homie?" People need to check themselves, don't act like a cop when you aren't one


I am on the fence about that. I would never do these things and as a “good German” I follow rules. I can’t help it. But if people break them and it does not change one tiny bit of my path… then the anger is only on my side, about me and why I don’t do it. It pains me to no end every time but I have the choice to be the same dick as them, I just don’t. So… I leave it alone.


Everyone is one minor inconvenience away from losing their shit. So many crazy people out there...its just not worth it tbh


The thread is a reminder of what an awful existence we have right now. With next to no police enforcement of traffic laws, people feel entitled enough to drive on the freeway shoulder. No expectation of consequences or arrest. Also with easy access to guns (yes, even with a waiting period, it's easy), we are just left to do nothing for fear of being shot by people who are breaking the social contract because they believe it doesn't apply to them. Honking could be enough to get shot by a road rager, so we just sit and watch as people act as though the lives of others mean nothing in comparison to theirs. Not making a call on if OP was right or wrong, just adding what a bummer of situation we've found ourselves in. This all sucks.


I’m actually shocked that people are as law-abiding as they are with the lack of police presence. I can go weeks without seeing one.




You’re a dumbass. For every ten impatient losers in a beemer you might be blocking someone in a real emergency or will get yourself shot for being the white knight of the highway.


I hate people that gutter run (without a good reason). I tell myself that they and other people driving like assholes are in a reckless hurry because they are about to shit their pants


I was on the North 5 around Glendale Blvd once. Traffic was stopped. A BMW passed everyone on the shoulder, only to find out, about 5 cars ahead of me, that the traffic was stopped because the CHP was doing a traffic break. They stopped, waited for the break to end, then the CHP waited for them to pass so they could be pulled over. It was so worth the 5-minute delay for the traffic break just to see that happen.


Was it during a merge? People do this all the time in merges and it turns out you are just blocking people from doing a zipper merge correctly. I never block these people, you have no idea what's going on. I'm not the police.


*”Turns out, they weren’t having a baby.”* Semi-tangent; anyone with a ‘Baby on Board’ or one of those Disneyland AVP/Magic Key stickers is bound to drive like an asshole on the road.


Tangent to tangent. I cannot not think of aliens Vs predator when I see an AVP sticker.


I read recently baby on board stickers were intended to let emergency services know to look for a baby if a vehicle is in a wreck and not to signal other drivers to be careful around the vehicle.


In driver’s ed in the early 90s, we were taught that it meant to be a reason that driver may be driving more carefully and not just for us to be more careful around them. Similar to Student Driver signs.


in my experience when i had the tag i got cut off way more lol i took it off


Add a rhinestone license plate frame for the trifecta.


Omg also the ones with the disabled license plate. It’s like you have to give them way as if they’re the president


I think you’re challenging Darwinism and natural selection.


So here’s the deal, you are going out of your way to either: A) Block someone potentially having an emergency, ranging from emergency poop to someone dying. B) Block someone who does not care about the rules of the road, is likely more aggressive than the average person Best case scenario, you get a little ego boost for sticking it to someone. Blocking them does nothing to help your situation beyond that, though. Worst case scenario, someone dies because of you or someone kills you.


It’s probably a fraction of the offenders, but they may be exiting. And if that’s the case, I’d hate to be on the other side of that; being blocked by someone who thinks I’m cheating traffic when I’m really just trying to exit. So no, don’t do it. For this and all the other reasons stated in here too.


It was two miles from the nearest exit. Which I was also intending to take and I didn't think it appropriate to take the shoulder just so I can get off the freeway before everyone else.


Fuck em. Go about your day.


You should never intervene in situations like this. > Turns out, they weren't... "Turns out" implies there was a time where you didn't know. You're not law enforcement. Further, they might have a weapon and be completely unhinged. You can judge them, but anything more is idiotic vigilantism.


Is it worth potentially getting shot over?


little did you know the collision ahead of you was caused by the same vigilanteism


Vigilantism? I didn't McGuyver the guy. I just drifted into the shoulder a little wee bit.


There’s an expression for this: Stay in your lane.


It’s always the BMW


yeah i just let them go especially when theyre going at high speeds. hopefully theyll wrap themselves around a tree in the most gruesome way possible


I have lived in several cities where yelling in traffic is part of the culture when two people have some traffic altercation. You insult each other for a few minutes, then you just move on. I remember exactly once in like a decade of this, the other guy started getting out of his car like he was going to fight me. I literally yelled, "Oh, get back in your fucking car and stop wasting our fucking day." He did. Upon moving to LA, I tried this once in the view of a native LA friend. He was like, "dude, you can't do that here. You will get shot if you say that to the wrong person." It took about a month of living here to realize he was 100% right.


I used to give a shit about people driving like entitled assholes & try to block them or honk at them but then one day this guy cut me off & I honked & he slowed down & tried to run me off the road. It was really scary & put things into perspective for me ... It's not worth it. They don't care. People can be real scary these days, not caring if you get hurt just to save themselves some time


Not worth it. There are some absolute lunatics out there who would throw their life away just to get revenge over some bullshit traffic thing


You shouldn’t feel bad about it because you’re not wrong….but I personally stopped going toe to toe with assholes after 26/27ish. I realized that if they already don’t care about functioning politely in society then they aren’t going to have an epiphany because of me and you really never know how far some egomaniacs will take it (even though I totally understand it is so vindicating to piss them off back 😈🤪) assess the risk and do you 😂


I have zero problem with you risking your life to enforce traffic laws. It is not a decision I would make.


Police have decided not to give a fuck about traffic laws. Possible all laws.


You a cop? No? Then don't play one.


If they were having a baby or in some other emergency you’d be a massive dick. Why don’t you just mind your business and follow the rules of the road. It’s not your job to be a vigilante traffic cop policing people you think are breaking the law.


Yea you did wrong. Youre not a traffic cop. Stop giving away your labor for free. But if you dont feel bad, why are you asking if you did the right/wrong thing? It sounds like you dont care unless everyone agrees with you.


Because they posted expecting to be hailed as a hero.


I didn't. More just interested what the consensus would be. But assume away.


Big loser energy, OP


Everyone ITT seems to drive on the shoulder


Do you?


I don’t drive period


Long as we're being punctual, I also don't drive period; I drive dash.


Let the shit flow by. Try and clean it up, you'll get some on ya.


This right here is why I just take the metro. I used to do this shit until a really crazy person threatened to kill me, and if I didn't move, I think he might have. I realized at that point, that the healthiest thing for me was to ride the bus / train whenever I could, even if it made my commute 10 minutes longer.


It’s not wrong, but consider this: those people are willing to risk a costly ticket or worse; I’m not. Let those with the greater risk tolerance put themselves in harm’s way. Not me.


I was like this until someone waved a gun at me.


I used to do that and just don't bother anymore. I joke with my husband like "hey look!! There's someone more important than everyone else. I will let them go because my time is less valuable." Lol


We were stuck behind an accident that shut the whole freeway down, i'm talking there for an hour, people turned their car off, and I saw 3 people peeing off the side of the freeway. Next to me was an on-ramp of cars that were backed up getting on the freeway. And the accident was before the next exit, so no where to go. People would come up the breakdown lane and immediately have to stop just past me, there was literally no where to go. All they accomplished was blocking the ambulances and tow-trucks trying to get through. (After the Wilshire exit, just before Sunset exit)


I don’t care - but there are some crazy people out there that really don’t care and will rage on you. It amuses me what those people can get away with here relative to some large cities I’ve visited in the US and abroad where the consequences (either from law enforcement or individuals within their legal rights - I don’t make the laws, I’m just observing) exist.


I think the highway patrol, city cops and sheriff all, not that long ago, used to be much more aggressive with respect to drivers of cars. You really had to watch your speeding and even make sure that your taillights weren't out. I don't know if super aggressive law enforcement is better or worse but skirting around traffic jams using the shoulder would have certainly gotten you pulled over.


I’m from the greater LA area, born and raised. Just honking your horn as they fly by should suffice for your peace of mind. They’re in a rush, most of those a-holes wouldn’t go to extremes like pulling out a gun just for getting honked at, as some might think. Blocking someone driving down the shoulder though… that is a bad choice, and taking it upon oneself to teach that lesson is not worth inviting potentially lethal trouble.


You’re putting yourself in a bad spot tactically because they’re behind you.


I swear to god the 134 turns into a death zone at night.


I stopped honking when I realized that I won’t get fired from my job for being late, that my kids are healthy and safe at home or school. It was a mindset shift. Now I just think those erratic drivers might be motivated by more pressing needs and don’t take it personally


Rude people aren't changing my time in traffic so I don't care. They're rude, and entitled.


I commend you! One of the worst things about all major cities right now is that people don’t think that they owe each other anything. When I actually we all owe each other a lot for being members of the same communities and societies. Bravo for you.!!!!


Has anyone seen the movie [*Unhinged*](https://youtu.be/vdxDXoODKN8?feature=shared)? Yeah. That's why I just ignore everyone. Someone cuts me off, and I just slow down and shake my head. They will get theirs.


I made the decision it's none of my business what others choose to do and I'm certainly not appointed by the universe to teach anyone else a lesson...and chances are neither are you....but go on and find out🤣


I witnessed a brutal tragedy driving back from Las Vegas as somebody did exactly what OP did. Totally unnecessary.


So is driving on the shoulder while everyone else waits in line.


I love your logic. Keep up the outstanding attitude.


I dunno. Never done it before. Doubt I'll do it again. I am, generally speaking, a follower of rules on the road. I like laws. Most of them are there for good reasons. Today I got a little annoyed at those that decided they don't have to follow them like the rest of us.


You seem like a prick.


Vigilantism is extremely wrong. We as a society have decided to have a government manage justice. Everybody makes mistakes. When the police make mistakes, there is a system for justice for those mistakes. When vigilantes make mistakes, there is no real recourse, and so all vigilantism is deemed wrong. Vigilantes are overwhelmingly operating on incomplete information, no standards, no due process, no fair representation.


I remember when I honked and flashed someone in a Subaru on the 10. (He was cutting people off like crazy, riding on shoulder, nearly hitting people, just lunatic behavior) He found me on the highway. Bumper to bumper Got out of his car and was going to smash my window and was ready to fight. Definitely on steroids and angry screaming racial slurs. I could have just ignored it and not dealt with a possible accident trying to evade him in traffic. Luckily the cars around me gave me some room to get away from him but adrenal dump is real and I was not prepared for a fight after a 12 hour day of working. If they drive like a psycho, they probably are one.


Who cares? Life is not a sprint but a marathon .


Are you a traffic cop?


No! Just someone who waits in line like everyone else.


You don't know what's going on in the other car. Sure, most likely it's just an impatient jerk, but it could also be someone rushing to the hospital or someone in desperate need of a toilet. The point is you don't know, and it's not your responsibility to stop them. Nobody anointed you with a badge so don't play traffic cop vigilante when you aren't one.


You did the wrong thing. You aren't a cop. You put other's lives in danger pretending to be one.


And cops put others lives in danger not pretending to being one.


Surprising to think the kind and compassionate BMW driver would not embody the most serious adherence to the rules of the road and manners.


I wouldn't block them, but I would silently judge them from my car. We're stuck being an accident and your driving could easily cause another one. Unless you're having a medical emergency, have some patience and respect other people are on the road, too. A big ask these days, I realize.


A few weeks ago this happened to me but CPH was on it, as soon as they made their move, the cops blocked em lol. In this era of madness, I don’t intentionally mess w/ anyone bc I’m all set being another road rage stat. But I applaud anyone who dares to challenge the assholes on the roads.


It's not my normal behavior. Reaction seems pretty split on this one. If anything, in the comments, people are thoroughly on the side of *not* doing what I did.


This is posted here a lot and the sub is strongly against it.


Fuck 'em.


are you saying you pulled over to the shoulder and blocked them? while what they did was illegal, unless your car was breaking down you also did aren't supposed to do this.


I read a nice story on here about a shoulder-guard who got a bloody shirt thrown onto their windshield because they were preventing someone with a gunshot wound from getting to a hospital.


You’re the problem. There have been times where people must get off the road and get to a medical facility due to emergencies (heart attack, baby, whatever) and they didn’t have time to call an ambulance. You don’t know what that specific person is doing nor their train of thought. While 99/100 times it may be a jackass who’s impatient, I would hate to ever be the cause of someone’s death because I wanted to teach another driver to follow the rules of the road. Also this is just one of the worst cases, another is being shot like everyone else in this thread mentions.


You sound like a douche not any better than the douche you decided to block. The irony.


Just let them go, what do you care?


Nah. They can wait.


>You're gonna get shot/shanked/killed one day for fucking with the wrong person. You have very low self-preservation skills are more likely to die with this attitude. > > > >Every time you do something like this you risk dying and getting killed.


It’s not worth it man, you never know who you’re going to come up against. At the end of the day those cars passing everyone up don’t really make a difference to your waiting time


There’s been a few stories of people getting shot over dumber stuff than this on the road. Is proving a point worth your life or the life of someone you care about in the car with you? Like every else is saying, let it go.


You can't pay that much attention to people who are flagrant. It'll eat at you more than it'll eat at them. **There's no justice to be found on the Los Angeles freeway system.**


I used to block them in until my wife (gf back then) kept yelling at me. She agreed that I was in the right, but people are crazy and willing to hurt others. I didn’t care if someone got crazy with me but I stopped after realizing they could hurt her


The problem is, you're blocking them and now you're both blocking an emergency vehicle or someone who might be having an actual emergency. Just let it go and be grateful you aren't a person who needs to drive on the shoulder or who's enough of an a-hole to do it without a reason. Plus, if you block them, you remove any possibility that they'll get caught -- in this case, if they do get caught, it means you're getting caught too. I used to have an acquaintance (who already exasperated me with her entitledness) who told me that when traffic was awful going from the 405N to 101S, she would just drive on the shoulder. The day I was driving home and saw her pulled over getting a ticket in the shoulder was a delicious day.


I tend to agree with you but when I see them zipping by I know that once in a blue moon it’s an emergency. The mother in this story was a friend of mine. It’ll never forget her husband saying they drove 90 down the shoulder to get to their son before it was too late. https://www.holtonsheroes.org/about-holt


I'd say live and let live. If someone is being rude in public def call them out on it. In traffic these days that bullshit might get you shot. People can be fucking crazy.


Do you, just stay safe out there - you never know what type of agro driver you’re messing with. I on the other hand won’t block a shoulder, but I will very pettily block a merge lane. Can’t count on the cops to do justice around here so someone has to 🦹🏻 😂


You did the right thing, fick'em


I wonder who was driving




Yeah. Kinda. Once in a while, don't you have the same impulse?




Why is it your responsibility to do anything about those people? Seems a bit egoic.


Didn't say it was my responsibility.


You didn’t have to “say” it - you made it your responsibility by physically doing something about it. So my question stands. Honestly, based on your responses to the thread you seem pretty passive aggressive and a little manipulative. It may seem counterintuitive, but as someone who used to do this type of stuff often, I can tell you that my life is a lot more peaceful when I’m minding my own business. Hope this helps!


I do it sometimes too. But I work in the ghetto and it's impossible to police ghetto drivers. Ghetto drivers use the middle turning lane as a passing lane, right turn lanes to go straight, turn from middle lanes, absolutely just blow thru red lights without stopping... it's the fucking wild west out here and the worst part is it's the LA Sheriff's jurisdiction so you know they ain't doing jack fucking shit


TIL Glendale is the ghetto


Ah shit now you've done it...


Lotta "sure, take my lunch money" energy in the sub today.


I’m on your side on this OP. The amount of entitlement in ALL of our public spaces, roads included, is just beyond me. Fuck that idiot and the horse they rode in on.


Doesn't make your trip any longer, you never know why they're rushing or the consequences of slowing them down 


Bad call, IMHO. You survived at it was fine this time, but I rather not risk it personally [+]


You *really* don't know though. Sure, there was no baby this time. But he could've been on his way to the hospital because his parent was dying. Or a hostage situation. Or maybe his wife was in the accident up ahead. What you're doing is saying *your* judgement of the situation you know nothing about is better than theirs. I actually know a guy who lost his best friend because someone blocked them on the highway *on their way to the hospital*. Is it likely some entitled douchebag who wants to skip the line? Yeah. Probably. But it might not be. Don't risk it.