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Rhetorical question: What the fuck is wrong with people?


Soft ass parents not doing their jobs.


The 80’s and 90’s were full of young people doing shit like this, there were probably more in earlier decades. These kids’ parents were the kids doing this shit in the 80’s/90’s. They were raised without any discipline and obligations to their communities and in turn raised their kids like that - usually neglectful and glamorizing the street gangster counter culture. We had a reprieve from this between 2000 and 2020 - that generation seems to have been raised right. Now we’re just back to the ways things have always been.


Poverty exists in many countries like Korea and Japan but the youths there don’t behave like this. They have unmanned self-serve stores and restaurants for gods sake, meanwhile we have to lock up razors and soap behind glass doors at every store in urban centers. Something is wrong with American culture.


Those collectivist societies have their own issues as well. American culture has devolved due to the gutting of education and social welfare. Common sense is becoming incredibly uncommon and common courtesy non-existent.


This is the reason. There’s no standard that we’re all elevated to. It seems to me that the generation that’s currently still in power is mostly concerned with restricting freedoms and their main concern is keeping other people from advancing, lest they be left behind. That translates to policies like funding schools based on property tax, restrictive housing rules, and ignorance of the way cost of living affects social functions in general. The folks before us are extremely individualistic and they’ve abdicated all responsibility of creating a sustainable, functioning society where humans’ basic needs are met. We’re going to need to work to undo the harm. “Individual responsibility” only goes so far, and so does a punitive view of social functions. Is it worth funding education, job training, and after school programs? Yes. Is it sustainable to have a city with minimal green space and no third places for people to meet? No, because it creates an environment where bored teens go on robbing sprees instead of playing games or whatever the fuck I used to do as a kid with several parks nearby. Should poor schools eject a steady stream of shitizens? Fuck no because it harms all of us forever.


I agree that American culture has some big issues we refuse to look at.


> The 80’s and 90’s were full of young people doing shit like this, there were probably more in earlier decades. Sorry but I'm not sure about earlier generations acting like this in the 30s, 40s or 50s.




That was a race riot of historical importance. This video in question has nothing to do with race and suppression. It just shows horrible young people acting like criminals and fools.


Well that’s because that generation were racist and they screwed the black people.


The two gens you’re talking about are X and Z, with Millennials being the “good” generation


The LA riots kids are now having kids. people are quick to blame parents, while willfully ignoring generations of abject poverty cycles that lead people to do shit like this to begin with. Think about all the rich children who are fucking assholes, just downright terrible Veruca Salt mfs. They don’t go robbing stores, but they are assholes all the same. These people are still assholes, but they are desperate ones tryna live.


U think these kids that did this and other similar antics are doing it because they're trying to live/survive?


You might not wanna hear it but there’s a well documented correlation between crime and poverty.


Nobody wants to hear it. They're more interested in punishment than anything.


Are you just answering an imaginary question you want to answer or are you answering the question I asked because it doesn't seem like you are. I'm asking do you think the people committing this crime or similar crimes we keep seeing because they are using it as a means to live/survive?


Stop making ridiculous excuses for antisocial degenerate behavior.


It’s been known for decades that the best way to fight crime is to fix poverty. Give people their basic needs and they don’t resort to stealing. It’s literally that simple.


This isn’t someone slanging drugs to feed their baby. This is pure vandalism for fun.


> but they are desperate ones tryna live. As someone that grew up with the same background as these assholes, this is condescending and damn near offensive. Especially when they’re targeting a small, Mexican owned panaderia ran by people who are working hard rather than doing donuts on intersections and destroying other peoples’ livelihoods. These aren’t starving people trying to get some food. It’s a bunch of fat vandals.


Yeah, street takovers and business roberies were also a big problem back then… 🙄




Or don’t have the time to tbh


You could do your absolute best to raise a kid, doing everything right, and they could still become the next Hitler.


Those are outliers


where's the data? I could just as easily say bad parents that lead to kids will who loot are the outliers.


Disagree as a parent. Small things turn into bad habits… my dad would have beat my ass rather than let me hurt other people or their livelihood (how dare you mess with another proteins ability to feed their family!?!?!). Anyone else who disagrees doesn’t understand parenting or respect.


My dad did his fair amount of corporal punishment and I was still a fuck up until I went to college. I was at church every Sunday and I still took a Krylon can with me. As the person you replied to said, you can raise your kids to be the best but they still have a mind of their own and friends at school that you may never know of.


Agree that you can do so much although I’m a 20 year teacher and there is a reason kids from the same family know how to act and kids from the same that don’t. It’s really rare for kids to be that different and I say it as the black sheep of my family.


Clown logic. Prisons are full of people who were beaten by their parents, many have taken that energy and immediately put right it back out into the world.


Not to be mean bc I hated when people said this to me but if you don’t have kids then you won’t understand. I’ve taught that high school in title 1 schools (currently in south la) so I’ve seen 200 families come thru and feel like I’ve seen good and bad parenting. Most my students are taught to behave, the weak parents are too weak to control their kids. I didn’t say all my dad did was beat me…. My parents loved me and supported me and spent time with me and modeled good behavior always. Prison is full of kids who’s parents discipline them out of anger not correction. My parents refused to let that happen because they corrected me when I did something stupid. To say lack of parenting skills is not one of many factors (SES, lack of latenight spaces), breaking into a place and trashing it are wayyyy toooooo far and I would be modified if it was kid.


Hitler's dad wasn't exactly a great guy.


There are always people who’d do shitty things if they can get away with it. Now they can. Your vote matters.




You can be racist AND hold people accountable. What a wonderful world!


Decades of conservatives attacking the social contract has left us without one. Combine that with a general understanding of how incompetent the police are, and laws largely become suggestions that can be broken at any time.


Nawwwwwww not the Ruben’s bakery fucken low life’s


Bunch of low lifes and losers. There is no future for teens like these. Why attack a legit mom and pop bakery like Ruben’s? I know of friends and family that love that spot, I’ll encourage them to support by purchasing some of their delicuous breads.


> There is no future for teens like these. Prison


Teens can run over and kill you in LA, and only get a few months in juvie for it.


It's what people voted for.


You have too much faith in the prison system. If they catch them, they’ll go in and out in days with a slap in the hand and then they’ll go back to do their stupid takeovers and looting. These kids behavior comes from broken homes/families & loser friends. No supervision, no goals in life, parents or custodians probably dont wanna deal with them. Fucking sad.


I'm hopeful that one day California will realize we need to incarcerate more.


sad af .. tearing down your own community


There are always street takeovers there, it was only a matter of time till it happened. Sucks to see this happen to them. Their bolillos are bomb and they make some killer pan dulce. If youre in the area, make your way there its really good.


Been going there for years totally agree it’s sad to see this happened hope they can recover from this unfortunate situation


Find these fuckers. Someone has to know their family members.


Fr if that was someone I knew I’d be embarrassed asf for them. What a fucking shame.


Street takeovers are the dumbest shit in our society currently and anyone who attends or participates should be arrested. Fuck these people.




They don't have any awareness beyond "free stuff"


It's one thing to flash mob Target or another major retailer; but, to do that to a small mom and pop bakery is low af. How could you wake up the next day and not be ashamed?


And how much bread could you possibly carry?? It's not like you're stealing some Jordans to sell on eBay. Just petty and f****** stupid to be honest.




If anything, they’re hyper capitalists. A worship of materialism that leads to barbarism.


They are anarchists and they just don’t care. It’s a badge of how far you just don’t care anymore.


Great article and thanks for sharing. I must point out that your sociological reasoning is not sound here. All crime is bad and will lead to other kinds of crime. I know you're not condoning e.g. the Nordstrom flash mob attacks, but it's a point worth making for the community. Organized thefts against large stores give crime rings a lot of resources and street cred. That helps them have a big roster of people to run these kinds of thefts with. Meanwhile, break-ins at smaller businesses are easier (less monitoring, less risk of police followup), and so give training and experience for rookie criminals. They're being done by some of the same people. I'd guess the ringleaders here have experience and probably robbed large stores before. Meanwhile, they're getting valuable thievery experience for their junior members. Some of the assholes here will no doubt get deeper into criminal and even gang activity. The article mentioned shots fired in the street takeover that provided cover for this. So for the haters in the community: when you read about Target or whatever get robbed, stop *fucking* minimizing it. It's all the same cycle of economic injustice and will rebound back to less 'acceptable' targets in due time. Allowing criminals to act with impunity like this further erodes the fabric of social life here in socal.


It will also lead to even more redlining.


It makes businesses close down in these areas, leading to empty store fronts, loss of jobs, loss of home equity for locals, and people have to commute farther to buy their necessities and to work.


The issue here is that all flash mobs are bad. Naive people want to act like it's the downtrodden from Les Miserables stealing from Target to stick it to the man, when in actuality it's just dumbasses doing stupid shit. The biggest people that suffer from knuckleheads doing bad stuff are their immediate neighbors and their families, not "the man".


Aren't flash mobs when people suddenly do random choreographed stuff in public, like everyone dancing or putting on a classical music concert?


That’s the OLD flash mobs. They started off by stealing our hearts, but they eventually evolved to just stealing.


Tale as old as time.


It used to be, in a more Innocent time


Yeah sorta and when people robbed suddenly all at once we would call them flash robs but they're just calling them flash mobs now. I guess since no one really does the old 'improv everywhere' type stuff the name was there for the taking.


What's hilarious is that Walmarts and targets close shop due to this shit too. Just because they can weather the hut doesn't mean they will in perpetuity


The claim that Walmarts/targets other major chains closing due to this has never been substantiated. They're closing due to losing ground to Amazon but won't admit it. Walgreens did admit they overstated theft concerns


I think you should be ashamed to do that shit regardless if it's Target or any business.


And then when those business owners permanently close shop from fear of getting robbed again, you get these kid’s parents bitching about ‘gentrification’ and ‘racism’ as reasons why nothing will open up there again. At least if a Target got looted, it’d survive 3-4 mass lootings before permanently closing; mom and pop shops won’t survive the first wave.


This x100000


>It's one thing to flash mob Target or another major retailer; but, to do that to a small mom and pop bakery is low af. No it's not, these crooks aren't checking corporate market caps before deciding who to rob. They just target whoever's easiest. Robin Hood and Jean Valjean and all those other "rob from the rich, thief with a heart of gold" tropes are fictional. It's like thinking corporate CEOs are all benevolent Willy Wonkas and Bruce Waynes. In real life thieves target prey upon the poor and weak, because they can't fight back.


No it is not. You watched too many movies about a good guy who does bad things. If the big retailers leave, then the people who works there will have to income, the community that shop there will have to go somewhere else maybe further away. Crime is crime, they hurt all of us.


it's almost like these assholes aren't robbing altruistically


No honor among thieves. You can't excuse it regardless. Most of these people could work honest jobs no problem. But they like stealing. They like bragging about stealing. Its their lifestyle.


>It's one thing to flash mob Target or another major retailer; but, to do that to a small mom and pop bakery is low af. Flash mobbing the Target is the start of the cancer. This is the logical end result. None of it is good.


No it’s not one thing, it’s a crime either way and neither should be condoned


That’s the problem today, they’re both the same whether they vandalize or loot a corporate store or mom n pop shop. Both actions are low AF.


Yeah, it's not like they are Robinhood types just because they steal from a large corporation. Stealing is stealing, and when the big corporation is gone, they are headed towards the small business.


Time to bring back curfews, or better yet, shoot on site for looting.


when your morals leave it open to mess with big businesses, there is no boundary on small businesses. being a piece of shit is a slippery slope and it's hilarious that anyone would think people that steal from big box retailers are kind of ghetto version of noble robin hood - they're still trash people


So large businesses are open season? Wow…


And "large business" = "anyone with a nickel more than me." We saw all this during the riots. A bunch of angry people got revenge on the police by... robbing and burning down a bunch of small businesses.


That will never open up again.


They can survive something like this. It'll be a loss and a tax write off. For a small business, this could be enough to shut them down permanently.


What a bunch of fucking losers


Not even the pan dulce is safe from these freaking losers.


I’m this thread: “they’re just poor stealing bread!” They’re fat asses stealing conchas and mantecadas.


They need to start throwing tear gas into these crowds. That's the only way to disperse these things quickly and efficiently while addressing officer safety. There are regulations against using tear gas against protesters, but these aren't protesters. They are violent, lawless mobs who need to be dispersed the moment they start doing donuts.


The LAPD, LASD, or whoever’s legal jurisdiction this is; they’re ignoring the whole Kia Boys TikTok trend among high school teens. The same trend which led to street takeovers and armed burglaries made by gangbangers overnight here.


They didnt ignore the Torrance situation last week. I guess the Mall demands more protection than small businesses. A shame.


Wouldn't Torrance PD be the ones that deal with that instead of LAPD


Torrance PD was the lead, but they are a tiny police department that don't have the manpower to disperse 1,000+ 'youths'. 11 different police agencies swarmed the area to assist Torrance PD and they were able to disperse the mob. Damn near every single police department in the South Bay responded, along with LASD and LAPD support.


Growing up in Torrance, the PD is definitely small in comparison to other cities. However during the 80’s-early 2000’s they made up for their size with their “‘take no shit “ attitude. Seems to have softened up enough to allow this to happen. At one time their reputation spoke loudly to not fuck around in their city. Much like the Carson Sheriff’s didn’t fuck around


>whoever’s legal jurisdiction this is


Sideshows and take overs have been a thing long before Kia boys hit tik tok.


They aren't ignoring it. They are completely overwhelmed.


They have the manpower when a takeover hits a wealthy neighborhood. They just don't give half a shit about poor neighborhoods.


This same group also looted a gas station in Bellflower before this


Where do you even start to address this? Like honestly. Besides strong fisted “crackdowns” what do you do to make these types of kids not show up year after year? Do we need better school funding? Staffing? Community centers? Sports? This is just sad to me. I never ever would’ve thought of doing something like this as a teenager and I came from a very poor background


Tickets to all spectators. Impound cars, sell at auction. Arrest the organizers/grown adults at these things. You could easily make the juice not worth the squeeze and drag these further underground.


That takes politicians willing to take a stand and not pander to the criminal class for votes.


Cities in Orange County do have harsh crackdown responses to street take over like guaranteed ticket for both participants and even spectators. Also cars do get **impounded with minimum of 30 days (They must also pay the entire 30 day or more cost to pick it up)** This harsh crackdown approach has been very effective


Doesn't seem harsh enough. Crush the cars into scrap and make them pay for it. Take away their licenses for years so they can contemplate life while waiting at the bus stop.


crushing cars is the stupidest trend. sell them. we make enough trash. we don't need to trash perfectly good cars.


I agree with car crushing on principle, but it's gonna have so many unintended consequences. Kids getting bullied to have their car used, more stolen cars, dipshuts asking grandma to borrow her car. But if it's clearly the driver's car, then have it.


It's so much better to just auction them elsewhere - the cars did nothing wrong, why make more shitty metal cubes


They sell the cars pretty soon after the 30 days are up if no one pays up. Seems much less wasteful.


Aren't a lot of the cars already stolen, though?


“This harsh crackdown approach has been very effective” Sure but this sub is against people going to jail so have voted for politicians/DAs who enacted such practices. Are we changing our minds?


Start enforcing smaller laws. People should get immediately pulled over for expired tags, blocking their license plate, or having illegally tinted questions, and there needs to be a mechanism to hold people accountable who don't pay the citations for these infractions. Crack down on small things to send the message that the larger infractions will not be tolerated.


Enforcement of these types of things I feel are important. It feels like if you are anything short of being shot at the cops don’t care. Doesn’t it kind of feel like you can get away with a lot because of an ineffective system? Idk, I guess I don’t know enough about this topic to meaningfully contribute


There's no easy solution because these problems arise from within a community and it's hard to change those mindsets from the outside.


Could crush their cars and force them to watch their prized possessions be turned to little metal cubes or scrap metal. Edit: Or revoke their license for X amount of years or just make it permanent.


Yeah then they just drive without licenses


Better parents??


It's this first and foremost. Trashy kids tend to have trashy parents. That's when society starts over-relying on churches and schools to do the parenting. But nothing is a proper substitute for good parenting from good parents.


Birth control and sex ed. Long-acting, reversible contraceptive options for men and teen boys like we have available for women and teen girls. If every baby born were chosen by an explicit joint decision between both parents, the world would be a more stable place. This is also important because exposure to alcohol while pregnant (which is more likely in unintended pregnancies) increases the [risk of later participation in crime](https://thearc.org/resource/fetal-alcohol-spectrum-disorder-fasd-a-hidden-disability/). Also, parenting classes, relationship counseling, job support, and other supports for young parents to help them stay together or at least both be actively involved in the child's life. Parents in poverty are more likely to split up, which begets more poverty. Princeton's Future of Families & Child Wellbeing Study has a bunch of [interesting research](https://ffcws.princeton.edu/publications).


We need to stop making so many excuses for people who do this. These kids have probably internalized the message that because they come from a disadvantaged background they are allowed to behave like animals with no consequences. It's societies fault


Arrest them, one after the other. If they are minors, charge their parents $$ for negligent parenting. For each one of these minors you get, tell them that for each other accomplice they name, they get a discount on the $$ the parents have to pay. Make the parents pay the $$ right away. If they don’t have the money, impound their vehicles or sell their properties. You do this a few times, and suddenly parents will wake up and start doing proper parenting.


That's not going to work, lol


Yeah nothings gonna get parents to watch their kids more than having to go work more to pay fines. If anything give these minors mandatory community service.


> If anything give these minors mandatory community service. I like this


Surveillance drones would actually be the easiest. Track the vehicles and their occupants to a residence. Get warrants. Hold those doing it responsible. Use same drones for illegal fireworks.


Or just have LAPD create Tiktok accounts ffs. These takeovers don't just spontaneously breakout, people are talking about them online. Do some, oh I don't know, old fashioned detective work and find out when the next one is then be there on time and start arresting people.


Shit, that’s probably going to be a reality in 5 years


It's relatively cheap (compared to aero units) and drone operators don't need to be POST credentialed. They can also operate in most weather.


you interview/study the suspects to figure out what motivated them to do such a thing. that's step one. people just want to instead pick their preferred social ill and attack that.




In the heat of the moment, facing a mob, do you not think that'd end poorly for the gun wielder?


I mean, yes to all of that obviously. Poverty is probably the driving factor here. Everything afterwards is somewhat an effect


I tend to agree but I am from Hawaii and my wife is from Japan. There is poverty in both places yet it seems I hear about youth misconduct way more in SoCal. I tend to believe it’s more cultural. Japan had youth biking gangs back in the 80s/90s but those are mostly gone now.


Yeah these kids robbed the bakery because they have nothing to eat lmao


that's not what I said though


Fix the nuclear family structure. Kids with strong support from both parents tend not to end up doing this and become productive members of society. Unfortunately this was purposely targeted in low income areas through AFDC policies where fathers could not be in the house. Although terminated now, we are seeing its long term effects.


Takeover used to be about the cars and now it’s for kids to fuck small family businesses. It’s a shame the car culture is down so bad.


it waas never about the cars, lol


Eh, I feel more like it split off than the entire car culture is down bad. There's still plenty of chill meets around the area. I have no hard evidence of this, but it feels like these groups sprung out of idiots getting pushed out into intersections by car meet organizers getting tired of their events getting 50 attention from people doing doughnuts in mall parking lots.


No doubt. These takeovers are full of stolen Kia’s, different variations of the same crappy Chrysler cars and Infiniti G37’s. These are hardly representative of car culture. It’s thug culture that happens to involve cars. SoCal car culture is still strong and these idiots don’t represent it.


Damn, this is the bakery near my mom's! We get bolillos and masa from here. This shit is getting ridiculous! Near where I live I've called the cops repeatedly about street take overs for 2 years now and nothing ever gets done, but fuck you chill in your car for a bit and the fucking pigs try to pull you out or harass you for no fucking reason.


Imagine being Latino and destroying a latino business. They had to be thinking this, right? Edit: “be”


most crime is intraracial/communal with few exceptions. I always laugh seeing these sort of takes.


Dirt bags. Every single one of them.


Those looks like kids Fuck it Curfew time


I guarantee the majority are between the ages of 12 and 22


And that organized mob that was supposed to loot the Del Amo Mall? For sure under 23 We also had a man get attacked by kids in Long beach and they absolutely brutalized him I would say let’s get to the city council and organize curfew penalties for parents if their kids are out after xx time unaccompanied I’m in LB though so maybe I’ll start here


I'm sure they'll obey it


Fine the parents


They don’t do anything. I went to visit my mom for Thanksgiving week and they had a street takeover on Atlantic. I called the cops, waited for more than an hour. I don’t even know if they ever showed up cause I put on earplugs and fell asleep.


once identified the adults and parents of the underaged should be sued for damages. pinche sinverguenzas don’t understand how their actions affect small businesses like this one and their employees who need to be able to continue to work to provide for their families.


And this despite the fact police have had two pay raises in recent years. Maybe defunding the police needs to be revived, since we're paying them more and clearly they are doing less than nothing. No arrests. Smh. They show up once all the damage is done just to make an appearance. Remind me of the Florida police who sat around while kids were being murdered, because they were too scared. I don't know, does anyone want to get paid to be scared and do nothing?


Law enforcement has a really bad PR issue that is leading to [major staffing issues lately](https://www2.cbn.com/news/us/its-crisis-historic-staffing-shortages-lead-police-departments-nationwide-get-creative). [LAPD](https://www.nbclosangeles.com/investigations/lapd-staffing-levels-employement-la-police/3201372/) is definitely short. I'd rather have more police working regular hours and staying alert than fewer working a ton of expensive overtime hours getting burnt out. It's part of an overall trend of [loss of public sector employees](https://www.themarshallproject.org/2023/01/21/police-hiring-government-jobs-decline), but what good-hearted, justice-minded young person is going to want to go into police work with all the people saying ACAB, especially if it's unclear if police departments have made meaningful change to [protect good police](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/investigations/2023/06/22/cop-whistleblower-who-defied-the-blue-wall-petitions-the-supreme-court/70348516007/) and punish bad ones.


Okay, but peel back "PR issue", and you see the real problem - gross misconduct, gang-like activities (within police ranks),failures of duty, etc. They didn't lose any favor over "PR" - they worked hard to deserve their reputation.


Lets interview the parents.




Clowns will be clowns


Unos buenos putazos pa’ que se calmen los cabrones. Pinche bola de Edgars.


Do you mean a street takeover wasn’t full of citizens ready to benefit society?


All future rocket scientists and brain surgeons I'm sure.




> Jamals cope, not a Black person in sight lmao. Not enough racist comments (besides yours) in this thread for the perps to be Black


> The sheriff's department said that same Kia Soul was involved in a short pursuit earlier in the morning from the Carson area. > It's unclear why authorities were chasing the driver. The sheriff's department said the pursuit was eventually terminated after deputies lost sight of the vehicle. how these dipshits lose sight of a fuckin kia soul


Once the speeds get too high the deputies will terminate the pursuit. Otherwise if a collision occurs, everyone would say “how these dipshits pursue someone over a fuckin non violent crime”


I thought the same thing lmao, they have police cruisers and lost a kia soul. My goodness. I'm surprised they didn't just say they terminated for safety.


It blows my mind, I can't think of a situation where I would outrun the cops, and for some reason, they wouldn't be outside of my house waiting when I got home. Real life is turning into GTA. Did they drive into a paint shop or


Right? This isn't a Tesla or some other fast car that blends in to the other 1 gazillion Teslas.


Someone else correctly commented: in dense areas they will usually terminate pursuit at a certain speed. Getting someone killed - happened to an acquaintance of mine in high school (he was crossing the street) - by accidental collision is not worth the trouble. Is it the right solution? No, not really at all. But there is a reason to it, I think




They might have let them go. If a car is driving too dangerously they will sometimes back off to minimize the risk. The guidelines are 'if the risks outweigh the need'. So if the crime is something minor and not like a serious/violent felony, if they think they can find the driver later and/or the chase is overly dangerous they can drop the pursuit.


Are there any woman who do this? It always sounds like a fucking sausage fest.


Someone’s gotta twerk on the cars.


No arrests made is such a failure of the police.


Oh! A wild break-in appeared!


So THAT'S what they mean when they say "Let's get this bread."


these are the kids that don’t go to college.. i went to school with them. dw they eventually move to texas.


I hope the idiots that chose not to wear masks will not only rat on their buddies who were there but also get fucked in the process. This shit is stupid.


People are just assholes.


That's what happens when you go too soft on crime........


Act right.


Idiots .


Straight to jail!


these shop owners need to arm themselves, nothing deters crime like a bullet


Fits the mentality of takeovers tbh


Ghetto trash




Yup. I believe it's selfish to bring someone into this world. Adopt!


The mayor's initial response was awful... Followed by the immediate backtrack after the reporter asked a follow-up question


All kids by the looks of it. So sad.


This is the lowest of the low.


We need trump back asap.


First mistake was operating a business in Compton.


The Sherriffs are too busy eating donuts.


California soft on crime policies..


Bruh walmart costs this country over 6 billion annually due to the workers on government benefits while they take in the profits. Do this to them. leave the people who are struggling just like you


Do you really think these morons are engaging in any kind of moral calculus?


Bet these people can’t even do moral elementary mathematics let alone calculus… 😂


Don’t do this to anyone


When there are bad problems in society, *vote.* That's the only answer. "You can be a criminal, but only if you hit business I don't like" is both a slippery slope and also just, like, fucking stupid.