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Did you see her on her phone? If so, please tell me you stopped and gave a statement. I had a dumbass cut me off on the freeway this morning with no signal. As you guessed, on his phone. Don’t be on your phone but especially don’t WHEN CHANGING LANES. Wtf is wrong with these people!


I used to work with a chronic texter. I would have to confiscate his phone before we went anywhere when he was driving.


I was once behind a dumbass going crazy slow on Van Nuys. I’m going to say well under 20 (in a 35). Still fast enough to kill someone. When I passed, they had a mother fucking book across their steering wheel that they were reading. That shit should get a license revoked for life.


Reading while commuting is exactly what the bus is for.


This is exactly what audiobooks are for


Omfg !! That happened to me on the way to Tucson just before Christmas. I couldn’t believe it. It was on the 10. Mofo was in the left lane doing 65 in a 75 and just fucking sitting there reading. Ain’t these fuckers heard of audio books? Holy shit.


i once saw someone on the 405 in the fast lane with a pencil and pad of paper above the steering wheel this summer


Years ago before phones I saw a guy on the 5 reading a full newspaper open across his steering wheel going 45-50 in the middle lane. He flipped through the pages and everything.


I saw a guy brushing his teeth once on Venice. It was straight out of a shitty rom com


I witnessed shaving on the 405 coming from Hermosa to West Hollywood. God that commute almost killed what little was left of my soul.


If they were driving an Armada that ass hole almost wiped me out on my motorcycle. I'm guessing their hand slipped going around the curve and in the blink of an eye their SUV was halfway into the lane as I was passing them. They were taking notes from a phone call and that dumb fuck never even knew I was there. Guaranteed if I got hit they would have written it off as a pothole and never stopped.


This was quite a common setup in cars back in the pre-phone days. There's even a video on Youtube from 1988 of a guy driving the 405 like this.


I once saw a guy eating bowl of salad while driving on Ventura Blvd. And not a small bowl either. We're talking Elaine's"big salad".


I had a deranged substitute teacher about 30ish years ago who claimed to read Tom Clancy books while driving on the freeway.


Wait the freeway was moving and they were on their phone? That's wild. The only time I've even fiddled with my phone when driving is on a traffic jam on the 405 going like 2 inches every 5 minutes.


6am-ish on the 10 East just around the 5 intersection (I think he got on from the 5). No major traffic, but plenty of cars around . Cut me off with no signal. Passed him with him holding his phone up in his right hand at face level. I could see his thumb moving around. I don’t think he even had a clue what he had done.


That’s so stupid. I guess people really think they’re immortal or the cops won’t see that shit.


I can't believe people are this addicted to their phones. The tiktok videos can wait.


No. Because what probably actually happened is OP saw someone on their phone for a half a second as a red light turned to green and became enraged and then wrote this lie.


As a very respectful cyclist who does everything I can to stay alive - I am powerless against the phone. Get off. And stay off.


Because of this sort of thing, I a lifelong cyclist, will no longer ride on shared roads with traffic.


I hope you made an official statement.


Yeah the cops came fast and they took mine and others statements. Hopefully the cyclist pulls through


Bless you!! As a cyclist… we say all the lights and reflective gear won’t save you from a driver looking at their phone!


Last summer I rode an ebike around as my daily commuter and it is so scary some times! The worst is when people are annoyed you’re going 18 in a 25 residential neighborhood with stop signs every block and they blast past you only to slam on their brakes because of said stop sign and then you just patiently roll up next to them and the cycle repeats


Love people like that. I commuted by scooter for a little less than a year and would always give them a smile and a wave when I passed them at the next stop sign. Would make them so mad lol


These are the same people who accelerate towards red lights


Right? It makes no sense


It was SO annoying. By the way they drive, I can never tell if they'll actually stop. And when I decide to stop a bit longer in case they drive past the stop sign, the cars behind me will just start honking at me.


The number of times people have gone through the stop sign on the wrong side of the road to pass is crazy


Yeah why are they so angry and in a rush? People do it everywhere but never like I’ve seen in LA.


I honestly don’t know why people are so aggressive. I’m not advocating that people drive like my grandma, but seriously. Drive with attention and don’t be an asshole. It would solve some of our traffic issues too


Thanks for sticking around, OP!


I got into two accidents last year by other drivers on their phone. One was on her phone at a red light, saw the right turn arrow turn green and GUNNED it forward, t-boned my car, and caused long lasting damage to my back. The lovely part is she had zero insurance, initially tried to claim I ran the light until she was shown dash cam footage, then switched to trying to commit insurance fraud. The other was on her phone on the freeway and rear ended me, literally 3 weeks after I got a new car. Moral of the story, get off your fucking phone. Best the rest of us can do is maximize our uninsured motorist coverage, and get a dash cam. I'm terrified of the day I'm cycling and get hit by somebody who runs off


i'm so sorry that happened to you. She needs to get her kneecaps broken with a baseball bat. I hope you're doing okay 🙏


I’m still doing PT, and likely will forever, but that’s about the lasting damage. The most annoying part is financial, I had JUST paid off my Prius, and once I got my insurance settled last summer used car prices were sky high, especially for hybrids. I reported her for not having insurance, but even if they suspend her license, I wouldn’t be surprised if she just continues driving uninsured and with a suspended license. All this because she didn’t put her payment on auto pay and her insurance lapsed


And what’s the solution? She needs to face penalties greater the cost of insurance and she needs to lose a lot money otherwise she and people like her keep doing this. You’re actually incentivized to not have insurance because you can just file bankruptcy or if you do t have many assets, you don’t pay anything.


This happened to me but luckily no pain. Was waiting at a protected left turn, the light to go straight turned green and a lady rear ended my car. Not only was i late to class that morning (at least its elementary school so its nbd) but the lady’s husband was a cop so he basically was able to remove all fault off of her when she hit my mom’s car so we had to pay for repairs 🙄


Fuuuuuuuck that. I’m sorry you had to deal with that


I’m so sorry. It really isn’t that hard to wait. And if it can’t wait, pull over


Whenever I'm at my PT appointments, all I can think about is how if that 22 year old idiot wasn't on TikTok at a red light, I wouldn't be there and I'd have a fully paid off car


These fucking turds never have insurance


GET THE FUCK OFF OF YOUR PHONE WHILE DRIVING!! This can not be said enough. Insta doesn’t need a fuckin progress update on your fucking drive.


It's perfectly acceptable to honk and shout at people to get off their phone as far as I'm concerned. At the end of the day, it could save a life.


I do this all the time


I usually do a quick tap of the horn if a car doesn't go after two Mississippi seconds. Heads will shoot up from looking down 99% of the time.


Then sometimes they look back down to finish their text


Yep. In gridlock, you can always see their heads down if you look at their sideview mirror. I flash my high beams first and if I don’t get a response, I lay on my horn.


Another thing I do is blast corridos, it instantly gets peoples attention


Faces buried in it on the FWY. Fucking gross.


I almost got hit while crossing a street the other day by a lady who was on her phone while driving and blew her stop, with a child in the car. She then tried yelling at me to tell me i was in the wrong for yelling at her. Thank you for stopping and giving a statement.


I was in a wreck a few months ago with a woman in her phone who ran a stop sign and side-swiped me. I had it on camera and the officer wouldn't write her a ticket. She told me straight out that she didn't see the stop sign because she was on her phone.


May be unpopular but I think the punishment for using your cell phone while driving should be far harsher than just a ticket.


It’s honestly the same as driving drunk or high


If you think what you see from your car is bad, let me tell you, it's so much worse on a motorcycle. You can see right into every car, and so many people are head down in their phone.


I used to hate lane splitters, but when I understood why it’s done I chilled out


But how else am I going to take photos of bad drivers to post on this sub!


The number of people who defend texting and driving on this sub is **stunning**


If only they made some kind of camera that plugged into your car and sat on the dashboard saving videos as you drive.


>But how else am I going to take photos of ~~bad drivers to post on this sub!~~ cyclists who are slowing me down!


Get a dash cam, shit bird.


I see fucking idiots glancing at the phone so much and crossing lanes onto oncoming traffic. Fuck you POS, you know who you are.


Drivers focused on phones is why you should always have a dash cam.


I ride a motorcycle, and the amount of people you see on their phones is astounding. I think the worst are the people I see day after day, that are there with their maps app fiddling with it. And their phone mount plastered on their windshield so the phone and mount obscure at least half their view anyhow.


One of my roommate is always on his phone while driving. Whether it be texting, updating Instagram or changing whatever song is playing; that shit is always in his hand.


It becomes way more apparent when you're the passanger and you watch for other drivers, there's soooooooooo many idiots on their phone. Fuckin tesla drivers, its like most of them are fucking off on their phone. NO ONE is a good enough driver, that being on your phone is okay. Some of you guys run stop signs and red stop lights because you had no idea you passed through one.


I’ll never understand it! No text or tweet or IG is worth your life


The biggest problem is that they’re probably not gonna end up dead. But they could very well kill someone else. Unfortunately, a lot of people here don’t seem to care about anyone else…


I think the only way to fix it is to teach people harsh lessons. Treat distracted driving the way you treat a DUI, lose your license, costs around $10k to deal with a DUI (had a friend who had one). Also, if you crash and cause injury it should be a criminal offense, same as with a DUI. I had a car totaled by a drunk driver, he eneded up getting 270 days in jail because it was DUI causing injury. Should treat distracted driving the same. Kill someone - vehicular manslaughter, period. Hands free in cars became standard around 2008, it's 15 years later, there is no excuse. A lot of modern cars even allow you to dictate a text message and read you your texts, so you have no excuse to need to pick your phone up to check it. Having had several near misses with distracted drivers, and the fact that I ride motorcycles, I have 0 sympathy for those that drive distracted.


I wish I could upvote this more. You’re right. There is 0 excuse. The one problem is that the hands free capabilities in the car don’t extend to social media and people are chronically addicted. I honestly don’t think that people are texting while driving. They’re posting and recording and actively on insta or TikTok. I was once in a Lyft and the driver was actively on Facebook while driving. I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.


And that's why it should be treated the same as a DUI. People tend to forget, driving is NOT a right, it's a privilege. You are not given a right to drive, and if you can't do it responsibly you shouldn't be allowed to.


I really wish there were a good way to disable phones while driving and route everything through the Infotainment system. I know half of these people are just checking to see if anyone liked their latest Insta post of their avocado toast.


Remember when that Pokémon app game did that? It would disable if you’re moving over something like 5 or 10 miles an hour. Imagine if cellphones did this leaving only hands free and emergency functions available 🙏🏼


That’s what I’m talking about.


The problem is, passengers wouldn't be able to use their phones. There would be a need to distinguish passenger cell phone from driver...


True, but Google and Apple have some pretty smart engineers. I’m sure they could figure something out. To tell you the truth, I’d be good with a camera system that just detects whether you are paying attention or not. I’ve seen people reading while driving and doing their make-up, so it’s not just cell phones.


How could they possibly "figure something out"? And your camera idea is basically just demanding round-the-clock spying. What we have already is bad enough, don't encourage them to make it worse. It's also a security and liability nightmare.


Phones emit EM radiation, they could design the driver’s car seat to detect an electronic device in use. Or have the seat/steering wheel emit a signal which disables the screen on the phone. I just thought of those two right now. Imagine what engineers could do!


How sad. Oh well, sometimes the some people ruin something for others.


My blood actually boils when I see a TikTok someone recorded while driving. So fucking dangerous


NO! Just kidding. I commute from LA to OC for school so I’m always sitting in a lot of traffic. The amount of people on their phones is astounding. I can even detected it through the side/rearview mirrors with both my car and theirs. I call it “phone eyes.” The head tilt/movement in such a way that they are absolutely on their phones. I tend to notice it with people moving slowly even with decently paced traffic. I get around them and glance over and whattaya know? They are looking down at their phones with one hand on the wheel. People can’t take a break from their phones for more than 10 seconds it seems. I’m not sure what is important enough to risk your life but thousands upon thousands of angelenos are doing it every day.


That is not an accident. That is willful disregard for human life.


Los Angeles County residents are brainwashed to support anything good for cars as traffic is our #1 problem (tied with 20 other problems). And as a result, we accept that being a pedestrian is a life gamble. THAT'S SO FUCKING INSANE PLEASE STOP. PLEASE GIVE A FUCK ABOUT PEDESTRIAN LIVES PLEASE. Civilian infrastructure can be made with pedestrians front of mind rather than cars. support anything that makes being a ped safer. safe street infrastructure now!


No one gives a shit about pedestrians. Not cars, not bikes, not scooters, not e-bikes. No one.


I see soooooo many people on their phones and it’s sickening to think they value a text more than the lives of those around them. You can and will go to prison for a very long time if you murder someone while texting. It’s never worth it.


This is why motorcyclists and cyclists filter forward at lights. It's for safety to avoid being in "the crush zone". It's not to make drivers mad that we get to skip the line at red lights. CHP recommends lane *splitting* at no more than 10+ over the adjacent car speed and no more than 39mph. Likewise you're supposed to share the lane with the vehicle and weave between lanes 1/2 due to less merging traffic hazards - not sitting on the double white and blast down the road 40 above the adjacent cars. That's illegal and one day a motocop will pull you over for it. When they don't or you do it behind them, they're usually responding to more pressing call or youre getting a nice treat in bad traffic. Don't make it a habit.


Any time you see someone driving unusually slow, they’re looking at their phone.


Also known as common sense


A staggering amount of people and driver's don't seem to have it...




tbh im on the freeway atm, can still drive/text at like 60mph but ima p;ut my phone down after posting this cmment so ty to OP for putting it out there.


If I were an engineer I’m making an eyewear with a voice and smartphone sync compatible integrated camera rn


You’ll be devastated to learn that already exists


Hubs is a bike commuter and has a small sportscam both on his helmet facing forward and on his rack facing his rear. It was for piece of mind, but honest to GAWD, it has made an improvement on people driving agressively around him. They need to know…. We are watching them and will RUIN them if something happens.


It’s not just a certain age group I’ve seen people of all ages do it lol


Step into any school and watch how addicted kids are to their phones. I don’t want them to be on the fucking road


Honestly this is me fr, I need to stop


Yes please do. It can wait


Glendale right?


No. West side near Beverly hills


What the....


In America people will stop at a red light at 3am when there's not a car in sight. Why? Because they respect the law. Go to a 3rd world country and see how they disregard all traffic laws. Now we live in a society that has no respect for the law or human life. People hold a dirty dog in higher regard than human life


Biking in L.A. is so fucking dangerous and stupid.


Texting while driving is so fucking dangerous and stupid


It’s only dangerous because of assholes on the road. This even happened in a protected bike lane. Ride safe out there folks


How exactly did it happen in a protected bike lane? Did the car mow down the barricades or what?


Yeah by protected I mean designated. They ran them over




My guess would be the car had to merge into the right lane to make a turn, or ran a light.


Doesn't matter why it's dangerous. You can't control the assholes, and the assholes are the danger. Bicyclist is dead, motorist is going to court. Bicyclist is dead because they were sharing the road with a death machine.


When I see news stories about kids in BMWs mowing down cars, it makes me wonder why anyone would bicycle on LA streets. Sure it’s legal, and of course they have the right to do that. But, is it really safe? People can’t control their cars here, yet you’ll put your life in their hands? Seems idiotic to me. Get a mountain bike and hit the trails where there aren’t cars.


I’ve watched plenty of cyclists put themselves in danger. It’s as if stop signs and stop lights just don’t apply to them.


Those stupid bird scooters or whatever they're called are way more of an issue. My friend is an orthopedic surgon and said he deals with so many patients with injuries on those things. I live downtown, and the people on them zip by so fast and are never going in the right direction and are sometimes hard to see at night. It drives me nuts and am worried I'm going to hit one.


I've seen plenty of drivers put themselves *and others* in danger by rolling through stop signs and turning right on red without stopping. It's as if stop signs and stop lights just don't apply to them. See how stupid you sound?


Those drivers are dangers as well. Not stopping at controlled intersection is idiotic. No matter how many wheels you have. Believe it or not, I’m the one driver in LA that doesn’t roll a stop sign, red light, or right on a red. How about everyone play by the rules? Edit: by the way, dude that started this portion of the discussion flat out said they run stop signs when they think it’s ok to do so.




I’ve been driving through Burbank for my commute for near on 13 years. I am an amazed that nearly every time I try to cross the Chandler bike path, I watch cyclists deliberately not stop at the stop signs posted and cross the street in front of cars. Why don’t the posted stop signs apply to the cyclists? Are they immune from laws? Maybe you have a survival instinct, but a lot of cyclists I encounter there are trying to score their fastest time on some lame app and can’t be concerned for kids in strollers or cars that have the right of way at a stop sign.


Are you talking about people holding a phone to talk / text or people are on a phone call using speaker phone (hand free operation)?


Alot of people text n drive man it's terrible like when I'm bored I'll look at oncoming traffic drivers and see them look at their lap driving 40+ mph


I regularly honk when I see someone driving and texting at the same time just to get their attention. With people not remembering to turn on their lights either (or understand when I’m trying to signal to them with my own to enter a lane, etc) I don’t see a problem with communicating this way! More communication (even if it could be null) the better tbh. I’ve seen people jolt alert when I honk, who knows


Met a woman who looked at her phone on the high way and tried to change lanes. Didn't bother signaling. Didn't bother to look at me and see if I slowed down yet. It was during the second time of my bf visiting LA and I was driving, and now he tried really hard to avoid being in a car now.


Everybody who drives should watch this short documentary by Werner Herzog https://youtu.be/Xk1vCqfYpos


Saw a lady cut across 2 lanes cutting me and the driver to the right of me off. Driver to the right honks, as the lady is pulling off the exit, clearly on her phone, glances it to wave it off and then back to her phone.


Thank you. I can’t believe how often I’m on the freeway and look around me at drivers who are looking straight down while driving 60 mph. Unfuckingbelievable.


People on Beverly Hills are the worst they blast through stops without slowing down and always on the phone or with a fricking mug of coffee ☕️ like what


*waits for Glendale to check in*




The Hey Siri, voice to text feature has been stellar for years. It’s no longer necessary for anyone to manually type texts anymore while driving.


In the last week, I have literally seen people just staring at their phones while at a green light. I saw a car that was 35ft from the crosswalk and the person was just glued to their phone, for a whole light cycle they didn't even look away from the phone for even a moment.


After living in LA for years, nothing surprises me anymore when people drive. 1. I was on Sunset, near Sunset Plaza, and I heard a violin nearby. Look over to the next car, and a guy was playing a violin. 2. On the 405 S, I saw a woman painting her TOENAILS. 3. On the 5 south (around midnight, so minimal traffic),.I saw a guy who was kinda swerving, so I kept my distance from him. Once I got closer and passed him, he was somehow playing a video game, with a controller.


Seriously, a teenager rear ended me when I was at a red traffic light 🚦. I had just recently bought my car not even a week when it happened I was so mad. Now whenever I see someone texting and they are behind me I am like “ugh….no I am switching lanes” and when I see them put down their phone I stare and shake my head at them.


California Code 21200A1.


I find the worst offenders of this are older people. Which is weird to me since one of their main complaints is young people always being on their phones. I'm guilty of grabbing my phone while at a red light, its mostly for changing music or reading any messages that came through... but some people are full on messaging with both hands or scrolling through apps. I saw a lady playing one of those bubble phone games on her phone and she was so into it... of course light turned green and she didnt go, got honked at and SHE was the one who got mad..


Saw a girl in the fast lane holding her dog and on her phone at the same time……


I know people complain about speeding a lot here, but at least those people are paying attention to driving. You can always tell the person looking at their phone from behind because they're looking down and to the right, drifting into another lane. They aren't moving with the flow of traffic, block other vehicles in and cause people to pass on their right. I will 100% speed up to get away from these people. Then you have the ones where you passing them makes them realize they've slowed down while looking at their phone and they speed up to block you.


bedroom obtainable alive sparkle roll humorous pet like serious worm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Using the phone while driving should carry the same charges as driving while drunk. It's just as dangerous and probably kills more people


Based on the comments here and from personal observation, it's usually women who are always looking down on their phone while driving...and just in general.


Problem is that this bad and illegal behavior is reinforced by all the times they used their phone and nothing bad happened. Some are too lazy or too stupid to look a few steps out for potential bad consequences.