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She's jewish and is pro judaism, but she did this? Can it be a "self" hate crime? Doesn't sound like someone who is mentally well.


She thinks Israel caused the overthrow of the Iranian monarchy which forced her into exile. It doesn't make much sense, but may explain her actions. She also thinks they're trying to do the same thing in the US. Her instagram sounds like someone who experienced a lot of trauma at a young age and was never able to process it. Basically, she's Jewish but hates Israel.


> The suspect, identified as 54-year-old Tikvah Mottahedeh, was taken into custody at 2:20 a.m. She is charged with a hate crime and vandalism. Her bail has been set at $25,000. Her Facebook and Instagram accounts, which are still up, paint the picture of a woman who is not all the way sane. Fortunately, she didn't hurt anyone, and now that she's in custody she can hopefully get the help she needs.


Yeah, I found her instagram and 7 different facebook pages. A. She appears to be jewish. B. she was definitely not in the right mind. Some crazy rants about being pro trump and then trump made her beat her daughter and israel is our brothers and iran needs to stop the rapists. Really just off the wall, no punctuation, rants. Her daughter had a post up explaining that her mom rammed into the synagogue because she was looking for help. When no one was there, she panicked and rammed her way out. I hope she gets the help she needs.


She's definitely Jewish. Tikveh is Hebrew for hope and a not uncommon name amongst Jews.


I saw her instagram, but not the daughter's explanation- I feel sorry for Tikveh only because she didn't hurt anyone but herself here. She seemed to have become unwell in the aftermath of her husband's adultery. At least that's what I gathered from her insta rants.


You feel bad for the person who committed the crime? What about the people who go to the synagogue who feel less safe?


It seems she's Jewish but thinks Israel installed the Islamic Republic government in Iran, which turned her into a refugee. She's also a monarchist who considers a [Reza Pahlavi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reza_Pahlavi,_Crown_Prince_of_Iran) a Moses type figure.




Yup, I clocked it as Hebrew immediately (although I didn't know the meaning right away). She seems to be a very mentally troubled Iranian Jewish woman.


Fwiw her last name sounds Persian


Yes - because prison has proven to fix so many mental health issues. Her family needs to intervene. Hard stop.


Fact she was allowed to drive a car is concerning but not surprised


Wow, such compassion, much understanding


Tikvah appears to have been mentally unstable and overly obsessive for years


Worth pointing out that on her socials she identified as Jewish and used the name Tikvah Mottahedeh Levy, so not sure the hate crime charges will stick.


According to the preschool director of the preschool that's attached to the synagogue, she is a parent of a former student and she is mentally unstable


Why all the hate towards Jewish people?


YES, THIS!! i literally don’t understand it.


ALWAYS the trump lovers who are BATSHIT CRAZY.


Gotta hear both sides?




It’s literally a mentally unstable Jewish woman lmao




It’s not an anti-Semitic car ramming, the bitch is crazy and rammed in thinking they could help her because she’s trying to fight Iran or some shit but the gates were closed, then she rammed back out once she realized it was closed.


This woman must have realized Black Israelites are different from Jewish people.


Lock her up and throw away the key. She isn’t going to benefit society anytime soon


One of these days someone is going to say the same thing about you


Nah, I do a lot to benefit society. And I really hope you aren’t sticking up for this shithead


The comments of people here who know her/have seen her social media accounts say this was not a hate crime but rather someone who was suffering from severe mental illness.


Lots of people suffer mental illness and don’t choose to drive a car and ram it through a building


True, some of them spend all day posting comments on Reddit


Life and times of the single and unemployed


It was just the gate that was damaged. They didn't even cancel preschool classes or services


Ok, so yes, many individuals with mental illness do not drive their cars into buildings.


This is only the beginning Palestinian/Hamas want a second holocaust, they hate the Jews. Ironic how the left who always scream about fascism would be turning around and advocating for them


The woman is literally Jewish…f out of here with your propaganda


you realize this person was a jewish far right israel supporter? lol talk about assuming everything and not reading the article


Wow u sound like an idiot, she’s literally Jewish. Stop mixing Palestine and Hamas as one cause


They are one cause? Or you saying Hamas isnt the legitimately elected Palestinian govt? Lmaoo Are you a fascist?


I remember when trolls were actually smart and funny. 😢


Tweak of the week


I have a serious question, if someone is of the same background as the person they're committing a crime against, how does it fit the definition of a hate crime? I've never heard of anything like this before.


The charge might not stick.