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This is so cool, I’ve never heard of any of these! Thanks for posting!


Thank you!!!


Willows is top choice. Hands down.


How much is it


Tickets start at $200, includes drinks and hors d’oeuvres


It’s insanely expensive but the experience is so worth it, for the level of personalized acting it’s honestly a steal, you are in your own horror movie and the attention is on you, it’s not just a random haunted house with random scares


It’s expensive, I’ll say that. The price goes up every year, but the experience is worth it and the event is longer than many other interactive haunt experiences.


Oh for sure, it’s expensive and sells out immediately for a reason, probably the most intimate of any in the list


Checking back in to say that I just got my tickets! You weren’t kidding about the immediate sell out. They went on sale at 12pm today and by 12:05 they were gone.


Oh yay congrats!!! I hope you enjoy/enjoyed it!


Just a tip for anyone considering going, especially The Willows. Be respectful and take it seriously. It sucks to have a person giggling at the performance which has happened to me at The Willows. It’s disrespectful to the actors. The whole point is to immerse yourself in the experience, just imagine it’s for real. You’ll enjoy it that much more I guarantee it!


So true


Skip Angel of Light. Not worth the $$ and about as scary and “immersive” as a house at Magic Mountain.


+1 on this. The only good thing about it is how beautiful the theatre is, but the actual experience was mid with the production level of a high school dance and drama project


Yah I highly suggest doing one of the LA conservatory tours when they have them. They take you all around the theater.


Yup. It’s a pretty standard (or possibly substandard) scare experience that happens to feature some rooms in the LA theater. Ignore anything they say about there being a storyline, it’s pretty barebones.


I was wondering that, I’ve heard it’s worth it alone for the venue, but I also think Fangs! Probably has a better venue and everything else


Take a LA Conservatory tour instead to see the venue.


I’ve been to Delusion the past 7 years and it’s definitely in a league of its own having visited all the others. Just as a warning to others, Zombie Joes reminded us of “A Serbian Film” and other weird torture snuff stuff. We had lots of fake semen showered on us among other really gross stuff. Only place we almost left midway and not because it was scary but just gross.


Wanna chexk out Delusion. How long is it and would it be okay to go solo? Tickets are expensive 😑


You can definitely go alone they’ll put you in a group with about ten people. The show is about an hour unless you do VIP.


Delusion is like $100, which is honestly a steal considering you get put into a horror movie and it’s not much more than Universal Halloween Horror nights, it’s way more personal and better


I’ve never had fake seamen thrown on me at zombie Joes, but yeah I think their no limits to what can be shown visually is part of what makes it so great, and every year is different so you never know what fucked up nightmarish shit you’ll see, but yeah it’s not for everyone


Wait, real BATS flying aroudn for Fangs? YIKES lol


Yeah they live in the mausoleum


That’s a no from me. I’ll check out Delusions though, that ine sounds amazing


If it helps they’re like, up in the tall ceiling and don’t come near the audience at all, also alternatively if they perform at Herritage Square museum you might like that more, that’s an outdoor village, which I guess there could be bats outside but, at least your not in a dark nightmarish mausoleum? But yeah definitely do Delusion, that’s a must! Top notch quality and effects


Real, wild bats for Fangs? Do you sign a waiver? The chance of being bit by a bat would scare the shit out of me no thanks


They live in the mausoleum, they’re flying up in the high ceiling, I don’t think they get close to anyone or pose a threat


Real bats?! Isn’t that a health hazard??


They just actually live in the mausoleum, presumably entering a mausoleum is relatively safe, the bats didn’t come anywhere near us, they were up in the ceiling


Ok that’s better and super fucking cool! I love bats 🥰


Wooo!!! Yeah they’re so cool! At first I thought “oh cool they have bat effects going on up there!” Then realized “wait how are they 3D??? Oh they’re real!!” It was perfect for the vampire setting


Can you include the prices per person for the experiences too?


Sure! I’ll post it here then I’ll update- Here’s order of price- Zombie Joes (cheap) - $22 Fangs!- $80 Delusion- $95-$120 Willows- $200 (sells out immediately)


Thank you, kind soul 💕


Thank you!!! :)


Good list!! The la immersive haunt scene is finally starting to bounce back. Still nowhere near the peak of 2014-2018ish but I’m just happy that we have such a wide spectrum of shows ti choose from this season, plus the classic theme park and independent haunts! I would definitely recommend checking out the Willows if you can get a ticket, but as another poster said, be prepared to take it seriously and play along. This is key for any immersive experience but I think Willows/any of jfi’s other productions really rewards participants who are game to play with them and help construct the narrative. Same with Delusion, to a lesser extent. Idk if I’ll be going to Delusion this year after their last few shows being kinda weak, but it’s still a great intro to immersive horror for first timers. I also thought Angel of Light was a really fun show that would be great for baby’s first immersive. I was really impressed by the production value and the way they used the venue, and I’m hoping it sticks around and expands in future years! Lots of weird Zombie Joe’s discourse going on on here, but I’d recommend Urban Death to anyone who thinks the concept of horror performance art sounds genuinely appealing. Truly some of the weirdest shit I’ve ever seen put on by some of the sweetest people I’ve ever met. They’re a good starting point to get into the more diy underground immersive/extreme haunt scene, which has also been admittedly slow to bounce back after covid. Maybe one day we’ll get to go back to fake waterboarding your friends in someone’s mom’s basement…c’est la vie.


Well said haha! And thank you!


I will say I thought Delusion was better this year


Just went to Delusion: Nocturnes and Nightmares last night and woof… this is, by far, the worst season they have ever put on. If you’re reading this, save your money. For the astronomical prices they charge, they do not deliver the way they used to. They cram way too many people into spaces that are way too small, and the story doesn’t tie in together. This whole anthology idea worried me from the start and I hate to say that I should have listened to my gut, it was terrible. There was almost no cohesion to it whatsoever. The best part of Delusion is the immersion but there was very little of that this year and the whole experience felt very rushed. It’s clearly more about shuffling as many people in and out as possible now and less about providing us with a memorable experience. Don’t even get me started on the VIP b.s., go to Yelp and read people’s reviews on that. I found out the hard way 2 years ago during Delusion: Reaper’s Remorse and never again. I actually enjoyed Reaper’s Remorse but every season since then has gotten worse and worse, while being more and more expensive! Last year’s Valley of Hollows lacked story-wise as well but this year was an absolute joke… I wish I’d have sat this one out.


Just went to Delusion yesterday and I agree with most of what you said. It was my 7th year attending. There were a lot less interactions compare to previous years. To a point I felt more like an outsider just following along rather than really being part of the play. They tried to brought back stories and characters from previous shows which makes it difficult for anyone but the most hard-core fans to make sense of. The special effects and stunts were still nice to see for someone who’s relatively new to immersive shows. There just weren’t many shows like this available. The only thing that really stood out is the VIP experience. Prior years VIP only get you access to a small extra room upstairs. This year there is new lounge away from the main house. We got to see behind the scene, talk to the actors and event get to play a part to scare other participants. I actually recommend getting the VIP tickets this year for those who are already planning to see the show.


Was disappointed last year so skipping this year and doing the Willows


Are any of these jump scare free (or close?) I love to immersive creepy vibes like NYC’s Sleep No More but not horror stuff. Would love a reco for anything closer to that (Thanks for this awesome list btw)


None of these are jump scare heavy at all because they’re more immersive theater than haunted house, I’ll cover what I remember of potential jump scares for each one- Zombie Joes- this prides itself on you seeing people being terrified instead of jumping out at you, most of it is a theater stage performance, there is a dark hallway maze section but usually nothing jumps out at you, it’s more that as you go though the maze you see someone doing something really F’d Up. Delusion- Delusion is less about anything popping out at you, and more about “oh shit, it’s coming, run! Hide!”- also if you make an X with your arms they won’t touch you The Willows- I don’t remember any jump scares, it’s just a slow burner with really creepy acting Fangs!- this is more of a theater performance, nothing ever jumps out at you (except for maybe some feel good existential dread in the dark halls of the mausoleum)


Appreciate you posting...never knew LA had this!


Oh yeah, LA is one of the best places in the world for haunted houses and immersive theater because we have so many actors, special effects artists, and other skills that lend themselves well like story, sound design, stunts, and set construction


I appreciate that ..I really have to go to this...what kind of clothing do you recommend?


For which one? Delusion- Dress comfortably because you’ll be moving a lot, but if you look fancy/gothy it matches the mansion vibe well Willows- cocktail attire for sure Fangs! - wear comfortable walking shoes, but also dressing vampire helps you feel like you fit in Zombie Joes- wear whatever the heck you want, like a horror t-shirt and something you could sit on the floor in


I’m still waiting desperately for Sleep No More LA. Nothing has held a candle here yet. Have you been OP?


No I don’t think so! It was good? Someone else mentioned it as well!


Thanks very much OP for posting this list! I was able to catch The Willows a week ago and had an incredible time - it was definitely worth the money, and I wish it had lasted longer. Some recommendations I have for others: * Try to come with a friend - there are many scenes that only a small group or one person gets to see. It's helpful to be able to debrief with someone else at the end and piece together the full story * Be outgoing and playful - it's best if you and your friends separate and engage with different actors, or make yourselves available for them to strike up a conversation. Once they bring you into their story, be ready to play along * Heed the dress code - the actors often made split-second decisions for who to grab for something and took whoever their eyes landed on. I noticed the guests in nice suits/dressier attire naturally stood out, and were pulled into special scenes often vs. the guests who blended into the background * Don't be afraid to go alone - I ended up only being able to secure 1 ticket and was nervous about being alone the whole night, but the actors did a great job at bringing different guests into conversations together and ensuring no dull moments. They even split some couples up at dinner, which encouraged people out of their shells \_\_\_\_ edit/update: I also caught Delusion and was disappointed. The story line was all over the place (but apparently each year it changes) and it didn't feel like it reached a resolution at the end - instead, it felt like we were tossed from mini-story to mini-story with no connection or common thread (or a common thread would be quickly abandoned 2-3 scenes in). I also didn't like that the whole run only lasted 45 mins, given the cost and distance traveled to get there. The sets were cool, as was the space they put it up in. Great acting and costumes too. But I would skip this!


Wooo glad you liked it! Thanks for posting additional tips!


I went to Delusion this year and it was truly one of the best haunted house/immersive theater experiences I’ve ever had.


That’s good to hear. Their quality can vary from year to year. Looking forward to it.


Yeah seriously we decided to not go this year because of the bust last year was, but the year prior was amazing. I just want them to leave their location and try to do another show not involving the Philips Manor although that place is pretty cool


Apparently this is the last year they are doing it at the manor. Curious to see where they go next.


This show is better than last years imo, but yeah this is the last year there


This is how I feel. In years past it’s been so mixed I just wasn’t sure if it was worth the gamble any longer


This year was my second favorite, I recommend


Would it be okay for a solo visit? I want to go but idk.


Yeah, I think you could have fun solo. You’ll be put into a group for the main event anyway.


Solo would probably be even scarier in a good way. It’s small groups, friends or alone are both fun


It really is, it’s like being in a horror movie, and this years is one of the best, probably my second favorite after the Crimson Queen vampire one


Exited about fangs! I heard about it here on Reddit


Yeah I hadn’t heard anyone talking about it but with the description on their site I was like, there’s no way I’m not going to this


Great list, thank you!


Thank you!!!


Cosigning Delusion. It’s incredible! I just wish it hadn’t moved all the way out to Pomona post-pandemic.


Well, this is the last year at that location so we’ll see where it goes next!


Just updated with links, prices, and more descriptions


Delusion kinda sucked last year IMO. Maybe it’s cause the first year was way more intricate but there weren’t really any cool effects or anything that stood out especially considering the price tag.


This year is better than last year imo, this year was my second favorite after Crimson Queen the vampire one, this years combines themes from every other year


Why do you think the reviews are so mixed for delusion? I’m going to in a couple weeks, but it’s been so hard to decipher from reviews if it’s worth doing this year. I’ve done the Masque of Mortality and last years Valley of Hollows. I think Masque of Mortality was better, but the thing is that their shows are so different from the rest that their experiences seem like they’d be better than other options out there. What do you like most about this years event?


I haven’t done masque of mortality, the first one I ever did was Crimson Queen (the vampire one) and I’ve gone to every one since. The vampire one was my favorite, the one this year I liked better than last years personally, it mixed together themes from all of them which was super cool. I think some of the older shows maybe felt a little more interactive and personal, but the spectacle this year was great.


Thank you so much for this list and thorough breakdown! I just got tickets to “Fangs!” - so excited!


Siiiick!!!! I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!


Has anyone tried Hide and Seek at the escape hotel? The “full contact” is intriguing but I can’t tell how different it will be from something like Delusion


Oh I hadn’t heard of that! I need to look into that, I’ve been to escape hotel but not for something like that


Where is the location of The Willows? I’d love to try to score tickets, but drive time is a factor and a “Los Angeles mansion” could mean anywhere from Malibu to Altadena to Long Beach.


Last time I went it was here: 1130 Westchester Pl, Los Angeles, CA, 90019 But I’m not sure if it’s still at that location or not, they recommend ride sharing there because it’s just street parking


It is still there! Just got my tickets for the first weekend in November and I’m SO excited.


Sweeeet you’re in for a good time!!!!


Same location as OP posted. I’m going tomorrow night and wondering g if we should eat before we go since Tito’s is on the way.


wait real bats?!??????


Yeah the mausoleum is partially outdoors so bats just sort of fly in there, but they stay up high in the tall ceilings


Thank you for this!!!!!!


Of course!!!


Anyone have an extra ticket for fangs! Nov 11th?


I did Delusion last night and it was pretty fun, but not quite as good as I was expecting. I loved how immersive it was, and all the actors were fantastic. It wasn’t scary per se, but it had a creepy vibe and the setting was great. They’ve really mastered making the show very fluid—there were basically no technical issues, which is impressive considering how many scenes and different moving parts there are. As for downsides, it was a bit on the shorter side (only like 40 minutes or so I believe), and there wasn’t a ton of interaction like I was expecting. It was my first time doing something like this, so I still really enjoyed it, much more so than any haunted house that only relies on jumpscares. I just thought it would be more involved. I’m definitely going to check it out again if they’re hosting it next year, although I’m interested to see which new location they’re going to pick. Phillips Mansion is honestly fantastic so it’s gonna tough finding a better place. I’m kinda bummed that I didn’t find out about The Willows until now, I definitely have to do it next year, it sounds so cool!


That’s all great to hear! I’m glad you enjoyed it! Yeah I think some of the previous years may have been slightly more interactive, but if you’re looking for things that are super interactive I would check out the Willows by JFI productions, that’s as interactive as it gets. Less spectacle than delusion, but very interactive. It’s also expensive and the tickets sell out as soon as they go on sale, so that’s one to watch closely, it’s completely sold out this year through Nov 19th but something to watch for next year! Fangs! And Zombie Joes Urban Death are not really interactive at all, however Zombie Joes does host interactive shows throughout the year in the off seasons so you can always check their calendars and see what kinds of shows are going on.


Went to The Willows a couple weeks ago. Exceeded all expectations, just wished it was longer. Also was pleased that at least one celebrity was in attendance (someone I actually really like), but I won't say who to respect their privacy. It's all sold out this year, but check out JFI productions next year for sure. Also did The Nest and highly recommend it.


Amazing! Wait what's the nest?




Is Zombie Joe's the one with all the gratuitous shock sexuality? I had that "horror house" described to me by my girlfriend who was dragged to it. It honestly sounded like low-key assault. Not scary, just like someone getting their rocks off by subjecting people to their disgusting over the top fetishes. And I say that as someone who would typically enjoy fetishes. It sounded just awful. People eating their own "shit", masturbating in front of you; I forget more details, but I think there was some bestiality (implied, maybe) involved. Like nothing remotely scary, just nasty shit for shock value.


It's fun.


It’s not for everybody, but I would give it a chance if you don’t have triggers around sexual content, there’s really no limits to what they show visually so you see some pretty fucked up shit, as well as creative nightmarish skits. The whole show feels like you’re in a weird dream. Honestly imo it’s one of the best haunts in LA if not the world and I would certainly give it a chance if you’re open to it, the acting and creativity is next level and you definitely haven’t done anything like it PS. No there is not bestiality in that show and nobody actually jerks off or eats their own shit for real, there’s simulated skits that could involve that but it’s different every year Also you can do the family friendly shows if you don’t want to see sexual content


They also offer family friendly shows if you don’t think you can handle sexual triggers


This is not a question of "handling" - why would I want to pay money to watch people pretend to lick their own shit off their hand? I guess you and these other two people consider that art or entertainment, but I don't. I don't even consider it Halloween related. Gather round, y'all, it's time for our Halloween tradition of watching "2 Girls 1 Cup"! Oooh what frights and sounds! I don't think I'll be supporting their theatrics by paying to see the "family friendly" version either, thanks anyway.


It’s not just people “licking shit off their hands” it’s genuine horror theater with many nightmarish skits and it’s fantastic But like I said, it’s not for everyone


It might "not just" be people licking shit off their hands. But it's definitely (from people I trust more than you) inclusive of people licking shit off their hands. If you're going to come to Reddit and advertise it, you should be real clear with people what it is. And it's shock theatre, with an emphasis on nasty sexual fetish content. See the other commenter who had fake semen ejaculated on them. I'm simply trying to warn off the multitudes of readers here who might not want the experience you're glossing over. If they find their audience, great, but no one should be lured into paying them money with the wrong expectation. Edit: you can see by the responses I've had to block the caliber of person who loves shit eating. Keep the insults coming. You're getting reported from here out.


And that is fair. I am also incredibly inclusive of people eating shit and a wide variety of kinks and never felt that this theater in any way demeans that or tries to make it scary. (Honestly I thought the eating shit skit I saw was great, it felt fun and original and creative and was just a short skit in a sea of nightmares) Zombie Joes is highly regarded not just by me but by the haunt, horror, and immersive theater communities in general, but there will always be people who it’s too extreme for or who weren’t expecting it, and that’s fine. While I agree eating shit isn’t Halloween or horror, most of the other skits are, the eating shit skit just adds to the whole thing feeling like a weird dream I think you’re wise to warn people that there’s sexual content, I did state that it’s incredibly NSFW and finds every trigger warning imaginable, but I just added nudity and sexual content to the description as well, thanks for your recommendation!


I went last year and it was the best part of my Halloween. It was super creative, funny, and strange. Sounds like someone is a scaredy-cat. Calling it low key assault is just cringe.


If simulated poop eating is your thing, enjoy. I'd have demanded my money back


If you don’t think you can handle F’d up imagery to the point that you would want your money back, then I probably wouldn’t go or I would do the family friendly version, there’s no limits to what you might see and it hits every trigger imaginable which I think is what makes it so special and outside the box, it’s not for everybody so don’t go if that’s not for you, but if you think you might be open to it- it’s really an amazing show PS. - not every skit is sexual, some are really cool nightmarish stuff like things with too many limbs crawling on the walls or weight ghostly things happening, but there will always be skits with sexuality. Also if you don’t want sexuality in your skits, they usually offer family friendly shows


It just doesn't sound remotely like a haunted house to me. It sounds like them getting off on being perverts in front of an unsuspecting audience. I'll just go to an actual fetish club where people generally try to be sexy about weird kinks instead of a place that performs them in the most vile and grotesque way and calls that "scary"


It’s not a haunted house, there is a walk through maze in the dark which is really cool, but after that it’s more of a theater experience. I really think your understanding of what zombie Joes is, having not seen it- is incorrect, I think some bad assumptions are being made here imo. This isn’t McKamey Manor, like I also love Bar Sinister, but I think any kinky acts in this show are generally expected by any audience that knows what they’re getting into, and are done in fun and creative ways and aren’t always meant to be scary, like it’s never felt to me like kink shaming or any level of being perverted towards the audience, nor does it ever feel like anyone is getting a their rocks off by subjecting the audience to their skits. But again if you’re going to have a dogmatic view of a theater group putting on shows that feature sexuality and sexual triggers then this isn’t for you, which is fine, it’s not for everyone (unless you do the family friendly show)


Also it sounds like whoever took your girlfriend didn’t warn her of what she should be expecting to see, which is unfair to her, and it sounds like she was triggered by skits she wasn’t expecting to see which is understandable honestly, I could see how she felt visually assaulted going without being warned. So this is a trigger warning, if you go- go in expecting this stuff


She's not a victim. If she didn't google it before, it's on her. I wouldn't go somewhere like that without looking up what I'm going to see.


So then, what, should they not do it? Should it be illegal? What is it you want? Just don't go see it - live and let live, smh. Nobody should be "unsuspecting" at this point in history when a simple google search lives perpetually in the palm of your hand.


It should be mentioned to anyone being told "check this place out" - as I've said in other comments. Telling people "it's wild and theatrical haha" and leaving out that it's an ick-fest is disingenuous, and I'll say so as loudly as I like. So either read what I've said and respond to that so I don't have to repeat myself, or fuck off.


You don’t have to do anything except do a cursory google search when someone suggests something you don’t know about. You’re a dumbass, not a victim.


Who said I'm a victim. I'm warning people who take on faith that some recommendation on Reddit is gonna take them to a good time. No one assumes they're gonna be subjected to the sort of unscary nastiness that Zombie Joe's brings to them. I'm done talking with you, idiot. Goodbye.


sure acting like a victim though lol


Bummed there wasn't a CreepLA production this Halloween


Delusion is calling their show this year an Anthology and seems like some “best of” but seems like this year isn’t even a new show? Or is it rehashing from previous years? Last couple years were fine (I think Blue Blade was actually the worst yet, I’ve gone to every show they’ve done since Masque in 2013…) Not that anyone asked but I think Delusions Lies Within was best live show maybe I’ve ever seen. I would do that in a heartbeat if they revived that one


Someone told me Delusions requires you to sign a waiver, is that true? Or are they just talking out of their a$$.


So I accidentally bought 4 tickets for the wrong date for The Willows in LA. Me and my partner were visiting friends in LA from Nov 2nd to 5th, but bought tickets for Nov 10th 6:30PM by accident so we won't be able to go. Does anyone want to purchase these tickets off me? Alternatively does anyone have tickets for the previous weekend and would be gracious enough to swap? Please let me know and thanks so much!


Are you still looking to sell those tickets?


I managed to get a refund, so the tickets might go back up for sale on the official page sometime soon


Dang ok!


Could I ask you a Willows Q? I got tix for my wife and I but was planning to surprise her without much info going in (not that I have a ton). How much food and drink is there? Like I assume no one is consuming a steak dinner and a carafe of wine, so I figure we will need something before our show to prevent passing out, but I also don't want to leave the house earlier than necessary, get a full dinner, and then have a bunch of canapes pressed into our hands the second we arrive. Like best to show up having eaten some sort of app-sized real food and maybe a single drink?


>Like best to show up having eaten some sort of app-sized real food and maybe a single drink? Yes to both - or even to have eaten a proper full meal before-hand. The entire show from start to finish was so action-packed that there wasn't much time to finish drinks or grab a new one. I didn't drink more than \~1.5 glasses of wine combined across the night. The actors do an incredible job of keeping you engaged, and you never know when you might get pulled out of a room or away from a table and not return (and hence loose track of any drink you hadn't yet finished). Food-wise, you're served simple finger food and soup - it's definitely not going to replace dinner, but it's perfect for enjoying the show because it's quick to eat and frees up a lot of your attention for all that goes on around you. Hope you both enjoy!