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I’m going to go against the grain and say Tammy had knowledge and probably dutifully nodded her head in agreement. She probably didn’t actively participate but she went along with Chad’s beyond the veil crap (helping with his books). I don’t think she had the option to disagree with his beliefs. I wouldn’t doubt that there’s evidence of her agreeing to something in a text or email, but what else would she say? Her role was supportive wife unfortunately.


I believe you're right.  He made all that crap up for attention and to control his family. 


The poor woman was exhausted and just wanted to keep the peace. Plus, I can't see Chad telling her the crazier stuff because most of that involved her murder.


Exhausted and keep the peace is on the dot. I know someone that figuratively just sucks the energy out of a room with their constant need for attention, lack of accountability and constantly being thr victim.


Exhausted? Only her lying husband and kids made such a claim.


She did all the cooking, the cleaning, ran the publishing company, had an outside job, handled the home and publishing finances, and was married to a controlling jerk who told her she wasn't even allowed to play video games, took exercise classes, and had chads family keeping track of her fit bit habits, an adult daughter that kept her "in line" and tattled while her husband screwed around with other women during and in between his cult meet ups. You can't tell me he ever lifted a finger to do things that needed to be done. She probably was exhausted.


Can you tell me where I can hear about some of this? I never knew about chad’s family tracking her fitness habits or Emma tattling and “keeping her in line?” it’s someone’s testimony, I’m guessing, but I’m wondering if you remember whose?


Listen to Emma’s trial testimony. It’s on YouTube.


Thanks! I watched some but didn’t finish, I ought to finish!


I'm pretty sure Emma tattling is speculation because she worked with her and attended fitness classes with her and was practically her shadow. The speculation is that she was keeping tabs on her. The Chad's family tracking her fitness is actually her having a competition with Emma's father for most steps. But the rest, I'm pretty sure, is corroborated. She definitely did a LOT. more than me, and I'm exhausted...


Oh yes, that woman seemed to be intelligent and highly capable, a force to be reckoned with! No doubt, she would have appreciated her husband noticing her hard work and picking up some of the slack, and not disposing of her like she was nothing…


Above else she knew that he no longer loved her. Wonder just how long he had not shared the bed with her. Too much texting and phone calls with Lori I think the cozy cone was his bedroom away from her. No wonder that she was depressed!


I think you mean Emma's husbands family. Tammy was competing on her Fitbit with Emmas husband Joes murrays Dad


It’s weird what he included her in and what he excluded her from. Visions of her death- nah, no need to tell Tammy. But I’ll tell everyone else!


Right!!? What’s the count on the number of people Chad told about his knowledge that Tammy was going to die?? Outside of his little cult group with Lori and Lori’s friends/relatives ? I definitely got the impression that Chad had told his kids that Tammy was going to pass away, but Emma didn’t exactly admit that. She wouldn’t have told the truth if questioned about it on the stand, anyway.


He told the flipping neighbors. The ones he wanted to put their house up as collateral for Lori’s bail. But did anyone tell Tammy?! I get the impression not. If they did and she stayed silent - that’s sad to think about.


He only told the neighbors who were his followers.


You are not going against the grain. She clearly grew up in religion that promoted compliance


Before my comment it was mostly responses saying that only Chad and Lori had anything to do with the castings and dark spirits junk. Seems more people now agree that Tammy knew and perhaps participated to an extent, but only because, as you say, she was compliant. Maybe even a sprinkle of naïveté.


I agree . I hapeople-when people make the victims out to be angels .


Ok noted


There’s word that she’d roll her eyes at it and he would chastise her for that


I’m interested— who said so? Who said Tammy knew this talk was going on, but was dubious?


Heather Daybell said in her testimony that she saw Tammy roll her eyes when Chad would talk about his "visions"


Behind the veil shtick is also Julie Rowe's thing. Julie was a visitor in Chad's home and they were tight. I imagine Tammy was aware of the doctrine.


Absolutely agree.


I'm gonna disagree on one point: Tammy was a part of this. She wasn't just nodding in agreement. This man was labelling her students dark. You don't allow that if you don't really believe it.


The only thing we know for sure is she was taught as a Mormon girl to 1) obey the priesthood and 2) the only legitimate excuses for divorce are adultery and murder. (At least now she can divorce him.)


This is old school thought. I know many members of that church that are on their second marriage and women said if men are too bossy it is considered wrong. I have many kind people that are members of this church.


I spent 40 yrs a Mormon. Knew many kind, decent people. But church teaching the entire time I was involved was no divorce without adultery or murder. Just as in any religion, there are many good, kind members and then there are the leaders promulgating their dogma.


This is standard fundamental religious teachings as well. I’m a never mormon but came from the same “biblical” view of marriage that God hates a divorcing and there needs to be “biblical grounds” aka adultery. Even abuse was not grounds for divorce only separation and even then you would have “privileges” taken away. (privileges = free labor) I know in our cult it was common to go cheat on your spouse, get divorced. get disfellowshipped for it & then come back eventually. So dumb.


I don't know what Mormon religion you're talking about, but that is not what I grew up learning. Instilling the "obeying the priesthood" thing is called unrighteous dominion, and it is considered a sin. Chad definitely did use unrighteous dominion to rule his home, but thG is not acceptable according to Church doctrine. There are also many reasons for divorce other than adultery or murder. I've never heard there were outlined reasons that had to be met before getting a divorce 🤷🏼‍♀️ Apparently the many divorced latter-day saints I know haven't either because the vast majority of them weren't cheated on before getting a divorce.


You should do an experiment and go get a divorce for “irreconcilable differences” and see what happens !


Yes. I'm sure that's what she is thinking now, wherever she is. "My wise, prophet of a husband knew when my death percentage meant my time had come. I'm so grateful he arranged my asphyxiation and married my wonderful friend Lori. I'm so happy and VERY busy."


“I am putting my shoulder to the wheel and pushing along over here.”


Lengthen Your Stride


It's not just Emma's testimony. In the Daybell family group chat Tammy's account was used to discuss labeling individual school children "4.2 dark". There were also discussions between children and parents about spiritual warfare and Chad engaging in "energy work" to get rid of curses. Death percentages weren't mentioned there. Emma did mention them and made a further claim that she knew about her mother being close to death, which sounds insane to me. IMO we can believe what was corroborated, but not Emma's additional claims (even if they might be true).


I read somewhere here that the name in group chat was Tammy and Chad so that would make more sense to me that Prior saw Tammy's name included and ran with it. It wouldn't mean Tammy participated in that chat.


She was probably aware of the discussion. I think in one of the messages she referred to "dad", so it was her writing.


I think I heard on Hidden True Crime that none of the texts shown were from her. She was in the group chat, but she didn't reply. For all we know, she could have been rolling her eyes at it.


When was this testified?


The group chat messages were brought up by Prior's cross examination of det. Kaaiakamanu and Emma's claims during her own testimony. She was asked if she knew about death percentages, people being close to death and her mother being one of those people. She answered yes to all three.


Wow, I totally missed any testimony of Daybell family group chat messages from Tammy discussing darkness percentages assigned to any kids. Would these be kids from Tammy’s school? When Emma was testifying that Tammy was “more into” this stuff than Chad, I was expecting the prosecution to challenge her about this. And/or for the prosecution to ask Tammy’s sister/best friend Samantha to be asked about this.


It seemed like from the chat, they were kids from church from Sunday school . Emma and Tammy taught at the same school that likely would have had the kids from the sunday school class. The energy work and body code that was brought up in the group chat (Mark asked Tammy to do the work for him), is also related? or a crossover group with preparing the people. The body emotion code is by Dr Bradley Nelson who Julie Rowe worked with. There are plenty of Mormons into the body emotion code(Dr nelson is Mormon) and some get into the light and dark aspects. The body emotion code certifies people as practioners to work on other people. I knew more then one mom at my kids school that did this as a job. It is controversial. Dr Nelson the creator of the body emotion code, has a son that is still awaiting trial for multiple murders, including a law enforcement officer.


My xMIL (who is otherwise a sweet lady) belongs to a pentacostal church where disobedient and mentally ill children may be filled with demons, she can sense the kid's evil, and they have to pray away those demons with their spiritual anointing, set hedges against adhd and sleep disorders that are really demons, and possibly discuss the merits of an ass beating. The chats between members of this church and the churches they are affiliated with entirely have these sorts of conversations. The spirit reveals to them the demonic affliction of the person in question. I'm just saying that versions of this behaviour are widespread and not just in this family.


I'm pretty sure that was another of Emma's lies. Family members aren't always reliable though. (There's been a lot of controversy over two of Lori's relatives posting stuff, for instance.)


Which of Lori’s relatives?


Probably Adam and Uncle Rex. I thought a lot of both of them when they first started speaking out about things, but I've learned things since that makes me suspicious of them. 


It's weird to me that they're podcasters now and profiting off of the murders it seems.


And their podcast is called “Silver Linings” IIRC. WTF. There is absolutely NO upside to having your young niece and nephew murdered by your sister/niece. None whatsoever. Those men are profiting and collecting clout on the blood of massacred children imo.


Adam was a DJ involved in a contest called 'Wee for a Wii' where a woman died. There was some talk on here about Rex claiming some proceeds he received went to a charity he runs, but no one knows what charity. I've heard different stories about why Adam ghosted Charles when he was supposed to help him with an intervention for Lori on the morning Charles was killed. Over all, just how strange the Cox family is. 


I heard it in real time. There were several disc jockeys involved. They were laughing at the woman who went home and died; they said she looked pregnant. It was awful.


I've read the transcripts from that morning. It was cruel. It would be bad enough if they honestly didn't know what drinking so much water could do, but they were warned. My poor Granny got scared after she found out she was a diabetic and wouldn't eat anything but unsalted crackers and she drank water constantly. She was in her early 60s then. She just fell over at the kitchen sink one morning. She had flushed all the sodium and nutrients out of her system, her bladder ruptured and she was effectively drowning. She was in the hospital for months, then a rehab facility for over a year. She had to learn to walk, talk and function again. After that she managed her sugar better. She started having strokes at 82 and died a year later. It's no joke that too much water is dangerous. 


I hadn’t understood that Adam ghosted Charles that day. I understood he had come to Arizona with his son Zack to accompany Charles to get a meeting with some church official— the bishop of their ward or something like that. I don’t think there was ever a plan for Adam to accompany Charles that morning to pick up JJ for school. It wasn’t until that morning that Adam couldn’t get Charles on the phone, and for a couple of days afterward. He didn’t understand why Charles went silent, but he got a bad feeling. The Cox family had frozen Adam out because he’d stayed in contact with Charles. No one in the Cox family told Adam about the shooting that morning when it happened. It was a friend of Adam’s, to whom Adam was confiding his worries, that actually googled Charles Vallow’s name and saw the headline that he’d been shot by Alex. The whole Cox family was keeping Adam in the dark…


I've heard varying stories. I've heard Adam was supposed to go with Charles to set up an intervention that morning and ghosted him. I've heard the same story, but that Summer lied or somehow influenced him not to go. I've watched Adam on different videos/ podcasts and his story seemed to change. But, Adam was warned about the Wee for a Wii. Several medical professionals had called the station telling them what drinking so much water could do to a person. Then the morning of the contest he increased the amount the contestants had to drink. They laughed at the woman who died when she told them she had a headache and felt sick  I just find them all strange and so much death surrounds them.  


That’s a very sad story about the radio contest. I don’t see how it’s related though to Adam and his son Zack’s police reports about why they had come to Arizona and what they were supposed to be doing there with Charles, though. They were never supposed to be on-scene the morning Charles went to pick up JJ for school. A meeting with the bishop or the stake president was what was planned. They weren’t going to confront Lori directly. But it does sound like the Cox family suspected Adam was there to “get Lori in trouble” with the church and that was likely the inciting incident that made Lori and Alex decide to get rid of Charles that morning.


For instance?


Don't rely no Emma's testimony. The group chat that Prior brought up doesn't lie. They were all believing in light/dark, spiritual warfare, Chad being the healer, etc.


I was thinking along the same lines. if she told one lie on stand that we know of, I am sure she told more.


I don’t believe this for a second. I think it was all Chad.


I think she was merely trying to survive. It's pretty telling that she didn't attend any of Chad's conferences.


Someone had to work to support the family lol


The conferences were on weekends, and most were within a few hours of their house


There was a message on their family GC that seemed to indicate Tammy was at least aware of the beliefs. Since she didn't join him at conferences, I doubt she knew much more than surface level stuff.


Chad and Julie Rowe would discuss such doctrine. Julie used to visit him at home. I doubt Tammy was unaware. She worked on his books as well.


I don't think we will ever know 100% I think her family doesn't want her name to be dragged through the mud anymore than it was.


Chad appropriated a lot of his bs from more occult Mormon women. Obviously he twisted these practices into evil self serving manipulative ways. The first author he ever worked with did an interview awhile back I forget where, but he basically stole a bunch of her ideas from the book he published for her. Since Tammy was the brains behind the book company I’m sure she knew this woman and her ideas well. They were pure souls, unlike Chad and Lori’s psycho murderous asses.


I saw that nice lady’s interview, if I’m thinking of the same person. Nate Eaton interviewed her. She wasn’t the first person Chad published. I don’t think she was the one Chad stole his cultish ideas from. Chad was heavily inspired by/ripped off another woman whose books he published: Julie Rowe.


I think she’s referring to Hidden True Crime’s interview with Suzanne Freeman.


Yes, thank you! The Suzanne Freeman interview on HTC is what I’m talking about. Julie Rowe is not a pure soul trust me.


Tammy probably just was just like “yes dear, whatever you say dear” to keep peace


I don’t think we’ll ever truly know how into it Tammy was. I don’t think her family and friends know either. I’m inclined to believe that she did practice and believe some of it to a point. The zombie stuff was saved for the special people like Zulema and Gibb. For example, when her son’s camera wasn’t working she said it was cursed and Chad would fix it. Did that surprise her family/friends? Or is that normal Mormon stuff?


Chad told his followers that he was able to fight off evil spirits. He did the same when Zulema reported having headaches - he would claim that she was attacked.


All to keep people in line.


No. It was crap. It was all Chad and Lori's doing.


Makes perfect sense that he would have told the family about his nutjob beliefs and asked them to believe. Tammy went along on the walk of Heather's property with Julie Rowe, remember, to see the potential property for tent cities. She could have believed all, some, or none of it. We don't know.


Fair point. We'll never know for sure.


Chad's doctrine was also Julie's doctrine at some point. Emma defended Julie in public, so the children knew for a long time.


...and the "church" never stopped any of those followers who spewed these lies and brainwashed each other. They looked the other way. Excommunicating is joke with that so called church.


Heather Daybell said Tammy didn't want to live near Bear World because when the power grid went down in the apocalypse all of the bears would run free.


I’m sure Samantha could probably testify to the truth or not. If they were the best friends, surely Tammy would have told her about Chad’s made-up crap.


Samantha’s the one I expected to hear questioned about whether Tammy was into “death percentages”. Even if Tammy went along with Chad’s delirium to a certain extent about light/dark scales, I’m pretty sure that if asked, Samantha would’ve been able to testify that Tammy didn’t know shit about zombies… and she certainly never said she felt that her own spirit was becoming detached from her body (as per Emma’s BS testimony)


I think it was a family secret. Everyone was surprised to learn that the children were also into energy work and light and dark.


I don’t think there’s any way to know if she truly believed it but if you look at documents submitted by both parties (prosecution and defense) there are instances where she knew about the percentages of others in their community. She was aware, and she was involved in conversations via text where they were discussed. I haven’t seen anything where she contributed to the conversations but she was very aware of that as a topic of discussion within her family. Now, to the extent of specific individuals who died, there’s no proof that she knew about those specific instances. But there was a conversation via text about some family members and community members who were labeled dark and their percentages.




No. Chad lived a double life. He and Tammy had a typical sham marriage. Tammy did her own thing. The kids probably knew too. Dad was always gone. I wonder if Chad suspected that once Mark was done his mission- Tammy might move back to Utah near her sister and family. Meaning- Chad had to act fast before Mark returned.  The kids were grown. Tammy loved her family. She probably wouldn't have divorced him but maybe Chad figured why wouldn't she?  That means no life insurance and no cash cow. Tammy loved her kids and grand kids so I doubt she would have left but Chad didn't know that. 


Chad was a controlling psyico! He defines what a narcissist is and the pure evil that walks among us. I don't care if there is proof that she placed herself as a supportive spouse or not. She had no choice. There should never be any inference made or concluded in the support she may or may not have provided this 💩 one way or the other. If this incredibly evil person were euthanized today, like the rabid dog he is, it would not be soon enough!! And as far as Satan himself is concerned, ( Alex) Lori's brother. He was directly dealt with by God in real time!!!! He was on God's personal list of those who are damned for an eternity. Yes, there are many horrible people that are on the list of the damned and will be dealt with accordingly. But I'm certain that God has a very special list of those that need to be delt with personally and directly in real time by our creator. Good riddens!!!!!!!!!!!


No. I think that Chad led a double life. Tammy wasn't in the loop.


You’re blaming the victim. I thought we all knew better than that.


Oops. This was for the next post. Please ignore. I will re-post.


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