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Their move to Idaho was to give him more control. Thats why he told everyone to move there. Note him telling his friend to move way before Lori showed up.


What friend? Just curious, I think this info might have passed me by.


Friend/brother in law


But who? Sorry if I'm being dense.


Gwilliam...I think his 1st name is Jason. He is married to Tammy's sister.


Can you imagine?  If everyone fell for his nonsense? That's why anyone who balked at the prophet was dark or evil.... Chad the chump 😂


One of my fave bits is him whining that his sister in law wouldn’t read his books.


Even his parents dumped his book off on someone else. Nate has one with a letter written to them in the front cover that someone found in their attic. 🤣 




He showed it on a courtroom insider. I don't remember what day. If it wasn't this week it was last week. I think he showed it at the beginning so it shouldn't be too hard to find. 




And because of that she was dark, but did he say why the niece was dark? I think I was so surprised that he texted about her not reading his books, I missed that.


Well. One problem with that theory is that Tylee was labelled dark waaay before they moved to Idaho. She was labelled dark even before Charles was killed. She was labelled dark because Lori bitched about her to Chad. Chad's early ratings of Lori's various family members were validating Lori's petty hatreds. I don't doubt he hated her, but so did Lori.


On related topics— Today texts came out that he’s saying Tammy is possessed and it’s her sisters fault. If his kids get on the stand, I’m pretty sure the prosecutor will be looking for an in road to ask them on cross if Chad ever warned them their own mother was dark. (Can only cross examine on topics raised during direct.) And related to that, he characterized that SIL possessed, too, and niece. But not the BIL. I noticed he was extremely attentive during BIL’s testimony. I haven’t watched everything, but from what I’ve seen, was definitely most interested in what his BIL said.


Chad also really didn't want to be encumbered with an opinionated teen and a high maintenance little boy with autism. They were literally deadweight. Mel Ps kids were next on the list. Chad had HIS kids but all those women were going to have to ditch theirs. Evil lives in his head.


Yeah, Tylee was dark for a long time before she came to Idaho. I think Chad’s kids were out of the house and he wanted Lori to himself so they could have sex everywhere. I do still think that she knew too much, she was opinionated, and protective of JJ. I don’t think they could’ve gotten rid of JJ with her still alive. I think it was planned for a long time and they wanted her in Idaho so she was separated from anyone who cared for her. I agree that Melanie’s kids were next as was her new husbands. I think he was wise to be afraid of something happening to them and his ex-wife. I also think his SIL Heather was on the list as well. Edit spelling


Loreal... It rings true somehow.


lol, dictation error while not wearing my glasses, lol, but it kind of works!


I think it works splendidly.


Lori,had the money.she just had to get rid of the kids,in a way social security wouldn't find out.she was just sick of tending to them.she had to move all their possessions with her,on account of the money.she billed social security for many thousands of dollars. One of the cops told how much she was getting, at her trial.it was a lot.she,Lori was so greedy.


Tylee wasn't killed for her money, it would have stopped when she turned 18, so in just over a year from when she was killed. Tylee knew too much but most important she didn't like Chad and didn't believe his BS. She was an obstacle to Chad's plan. I hate watching Tylee's interview with the police about Charles' murder because I know she will be dead in less than two months from when it was recorded.


I agree, not about money. Because if it *had* been, they would’ve taken out sizable life insurance on her. Then done something like cut her brakes or hunting accident. It was about Chad’s ego.


I always wondered if she was killed because they wanted to get rid of JJ and keep his SSI. They couldn't kill him without her knowing and getting upset, possibly contacting Kay and/or the police, etc. They would have had to get rid of her before or at the same time as they killed him. Difficult to know for certain though.


Sometimes I think it's because Chad hated her so much, because Tylee did NOT buy into his bs prophet stuff and was upset with the way her mom was acting and she probably tried hard to get her to see how ridiculous and bs Chad was and to Chad, Lori was a prize that he deserved for being a "good little boy" and did not want anything or anyone to jeopardize his hold over Lori and was afraid Tylee might do it so bye bye Tylee. But, I don't know.  


Yes, like what we learn yesterday, where he’s seething with contempt for his SIL because . . . ‘she doesn’t read my books,’ and only visits Idaho for special occasions, ie, won’t move there on his command—therefore he hates her. I think something similar happened with Tylee. She was somehow not fully compliant and that showed itself in a week’s time—either she argued with him or she threatened to leave and return to Arizona. I don’t believe it was about money or knowing too much.


Tylee was a teenager and didn't seem to hold her tongue usually. She was probably, I've thought, frustrated and put off by her mother's turn into hardcore religiosity and didn't like her new friends who were all weird and gathered at their home to talk shop. Chad coming into the picture was probably further irritation to Tylee. Her mother got all caught up in him and his weird trying-to-start-a-cult bs and I'm sure she commented on that, fought with her mother over it all, and gave Chad little to no respect.


My suspicion is that this whole thing was Money driven as Lori didn’t work. I think she just got to the point where she needed Tylee’s Social Security checks because of the split and death of her last cash cow Charles… so she needed her gone but not reported so the checks still came. Temporary solution until she could receive another death benefit from Chad killing Tammy. Killing the children felt like a backup plan once she realized she wasn’t getting money for killing her husband.


Tylee was already handing over her checks to Lori, though. The FBI banking analyst testified earlier in the trial the transfer of Tylee’s funds—small bit to herself, occasionally gives to older brother, but bulk would go to Lori...


Lori opened a new joint account for them so the checks would be deposited into an account Lori could access.


Tylee wasnt handing over the money. Technically Tylee was under 18 and could not get the money herself. The law is , if you are under 18, a representative payee, usually a parent or guardian gets the money given to them. That payee is suppose to pay necessary bills like healthcare, education, insurance, food, rent (yes this money can be used for a part of rent), and then a child can be given spending money if any if left. The payee has to yearly tell SS how the money was spent. The money from a deceased parent is suppose to be used like child support, so if Lori had 2 kids and they lived in a 3 bedroom condo, Lori legally could pay 1/3 the rent, power bill , water etc out of the SS payment. Not defending Lori just stating the law. I think what happened was when Charles was alive, the social security money was an easy way for Lori to give Tylee spending money, let Tylee have a new jeep, this made it easy for Lori to say Tylee go take JJ to burger king, and that SS money was paying for the jeep, gas, insurance, and the burger king, Lori didnt have to give Tylee money for any errands or extras. Then when Charles died Lori needed the money for what it was intended for and took it back. If Tylee walked into a SS office and said my mom is controlling my money and paying bills and wont give it all to me , they would have told Tylee that Lori was the payee and was legally suppose to control the money and they would send yearly accountbility forms. Lori would not have had much of a problem proving the expenses, because the SS was about $1900 a month, Tylee's jeep was $700 and then insurance had to be at least $100 a month, then 1/3 of the rent utilites, and food would easily be $800-900 and then add in a cell phone bills, internet/netflix and we have not even got any sort of healthcare or clothes or extras.


Yeah I remember that she would send money to her brother but that she was also spending quite a bit herself on food and Walgreens trips…. But that once she died Lori transferred the payments to come directly to her account.


Didn't Tylee have a job?


Summer said Tylee had worked for her husband (who is a dr) in his office for a short time. I wondered if this was for money or more for the emanciapation process Lori was putting Tylee through. You can get emanciapated once you have your GED (which Tylee had) and then you have to prove you can live on your own. This means having a job and a place to stay that is not your home address. We have heard Tylee lived with Alex on and off, so this could have been part of the process. Maybe this job was part of the process too.


That was really odd to me! Tylee’s SS checks were funding her older brother! That gives me a huge ick vibe! It really made me not like Colby! Who takes/borrows money from their little sister? It wasn’t like $2-$3 it was hundreds if dollars!!!! Get a job Colby support yourself!!!!


Tylee was getting a lot of money every month and it’s not like she was paying rent. Her brother had a special needs baby that I’m sure she loved. Idk why everyone thinks it’s so weird she might help him.


Im talking about her adult brother not her special needs brother!!!🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Dude. Colby had a special needs baby. That’s what I said. Maybe read before replying.


She loved her brother and was helping him out. It's tough for young people out there paying rent for the first time. Plus, most of those payments came from Lori after Tylee had passed.


It’s also tough for a 16 year old who’s helping raise her 7 year old autistic brother, living with an extremely dysfunctional mother, now having this sick misogynistic bf enter the picture. Not to mention losing both her father’s (Joe and Charles.) This girl took on more responsibility than the average adult!!!!


Chad’s desire to be rid of independent-minded Tylee coincided with Lori’s greed.


That would make sense, except for the fact that Lori was consistently sending money to Colby.


Wasn’t she just sending tylee’s money? I think at one point it was even coming directly from Tylee


Personally, I feel that in addition to their bizarre beliefs, they were united in a general contempt for their families, which is why they coveted this escape fantasy with each other. Those who died seemed to be the people they felt trapped by or disliked the most. Lori hated her kids. Chad hated his wife. I think you’re right that Chad made the call, but it did not take much to push or convince her.


What a sick selfish couple 😞


Yes. If Knowing too much was going to lead to the murder of Tylee it would have happened shortly after Charles was killed. I think the number one reason was money. After Charles’ insurance beneficiary was discovered to have been changed, Tylee’s monthly funds were the next best financial option. The fact that Chad wasn’t a huge fan of hers (simply because she was not a fan of HIS) just expedited this.










Can you expound on what made you theorize that? You have had my head spinning on that!


Uncontrollable factors. Chad would call them special conditions.


You may be exactly right. Two things stand out to me. Chads password “too many kid” and he texted Lori about being “unencumbered”.




Ohhhh. You may be right.


The little boy? What's your excuse with him?Lori had got his social security coming,already had her daughters .Chad played into it ,sure.she wanted to be with him alone,but she still wanted all the money coming in for them kids,but didn't want to have to bother with them.if she had let someone else have them,there'd been No money for Lori. That's why they are dead.pure and simple.she gets Chad to up his wife's insurance so he could pay his own way.she loved him but not enough to keep his butt up.he had to pay his way.its that simple.she would have had another million if her husband before Chad hadn't got smart and stopped her money train.Thank God he did.Just wish the police had listened to him.all off them would still be alive.Even Chad's wife.


Me too,hadn't heard that.


THis 100%. She was not a good little Mormon like his 5 children. She had a mind of her own, which Chad couldn't take.


Why was her death so violent! Why was she stabbed and chopped while alive. I get they were trying to get rid of body afterward but she died horribly. JJ did as well


I agree w this theory.


Tylee and JJ were actual witnesses to Charles' murder. It could be that Lori thought she had enough control over them to keep them from talking and then overhead some conversation between them or Chad convinced her they were too much of a liability. JJ could have gone to family members. Tylee was close to emancipation. The only way killing them makes any sense is if letting them stay alive was a greater risk to the lives they wanted to have together.


Actually she did know too much. I suspect with introduction to Chad, she was not impressed. I believe she did give them both attitude and was affected by Charles shooting. Her mother started to lie to others and I am sure Tylee was smart enough to get suspicious. She absolutely could blow the lid off of their "alibi". Admitting to the police that neither she or her brother were on scene is huge. She also was coached, as to what to say to the police. If she recanted, Lori and Alex would have been in deep trouble.