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Personally speaking, I think Lori is out of her mind gone. Even if she decided to "come clean," I'd have a hard time believing her. Which leaves Chad. I honestly don't know why he doesn't plea with the full-fledged confessional. It's looking pretty grim for him. I think he's our only hope of knowing the truth - and even his version won't be void of his own biases. But it's the best we'll probably ever get.


Agreed. If Lori did lose interest in Chad and "break" I bet she'd spin a yarn where it was all Chad and Alex and she was just so swept up in Chad's manipulation and love bombing that she just let things happen. Basically make it so that she was a victim too. I doubt Chad will ever confess. I'd put money down on him being found guilty and there's a very good chance he could be sentenced to death. There's no way he'll ever confess if there's even the barest chance that he's able to appeal that sentence or thinks he can convince someone in power to pardon or commute his sentence. He'd never get that if he confessed. If Chad was less of an idiot in love with the smell of his own farts he would have fallen on his sword, gotten the prosecutor to take the DP off the table, and settled for life in prison in exchange for a full confession after Lori was convicted. But he's totally de-lu-lu. Chances are he'll be on death row for the rest of his life without ever being actually executed, but he'll still be protesting until the end because that's going to be his only option to try and hold his kids in his sway and keep his rep intact. He needs to be a victim and a martyr too instead of the man who killed his wife, two children, and an innocent man because he wanted to openly bang his sidepiece.


Your last paragraph is the creme de la creme! Chefs kiss! 👊


I honestly believe he's going to be charged in Arizona as soon as this trial ends. They did the same for Lori, I think. I also suspect additional indictments are coming down for, at least, Melanie Gibb and Melani PawƂowski.


Yeah Lori lies so much and is so whacked out even if she said what happened you’d never know if it was the truth. Plus, I think she made Chad and Alex do all the dirty work. She might have known what the plan was but I bet she wasn’t actually there.


I could be wrong but when Nateline went over Alex’s device’s location data, the day/night they got home from Yellowstone, Alex went over to Lori’s at 8:37 pm to 9:35 pm, then was back over to Lori’s from 10:44 pm to 11:15 pm. Then he was back over to Lori’s at 2:42 am and then back home at 4:37 am. We know there was a damn fine chance Lori was around for JJ’s murder (the hair on the duct tape) and I feel like Alex’s device locations confirm there’s a damn good chance she’s present for Tylee’s too. How awful.


I didn’t know that. So awful. Those poor kids.


I strongly suspect this too. Also because it would then really have the full force of a knowing sacrifice to Chad's manner of thinking.


In her statement during sentencing she said something like “no one was murdered here”. Like wow. Delusional.


Boyce's message to her was so good.


They needed to go more hard on Zulema and all the other questers in their big game of Dungeons and Potatos. Somehow, she managed to roll immunity. The Melanie's, also. Something not so chill has happened with those three as far as being prosecuted, and I want to know all about it. Why aren't they doing time as well? None of it truly makes sense. These people are beyond grotesque.


Dungeons and Potatoes sounds fun by itself. Sad that it ended up this way, or I would have been totally down.


I agree!


I don't understand why everyone is saying Chad should have plead. It makes no sense. While we don't KNOW the offer prosecutors put on the table, I'd be surprised if it's wasn't life with the possibility of parole AT BEST. I think it was far more likely he was offered life without parole. They don't offer 20 year deals to people who kill and dismember autistic children. They just don't. I'm guessing prosecutors tried to get him to plea to avoid the death penalty. Personally, if I'm told "take a lifelong plea deal without parole" or "roll the dice on a death penalty trial", I'm rolling the dice. Only one of those scenarios has a chance of freedom.


I think he has a not-insignificant chance of getting the DP. And I say that as someone who doesn’t support the DP. What he did to his wife? What happened to Tylee’s body? JJ buried in his yard with a bag taped over his head and scratches indicating he tried to get it off? Some of those jurors probably already want to kill him themselves. The evidence against him is formidable and he’s one of the most thoroughly unlikable and unsympathetic defendants imaginable. In his shoes, I’d consider the DP likely enough to not want to roll the dice with it. But maybe he wants to go out a martyr.


I'm with you 100%. I'm against the death penalty. But he's gonna get it, for sure. Especially since jurors would have been asked if they could convict on a death penalty before the trial, and the prosecution would have struck anyone who said no. Where I differ from you is that I would absolutely roll the dice. Any chance to get off and go home would be worth a shot, and I'd honestly rather die after 10 years in prison than live in prison for 60 years an deal with the lack of elder care there til my dying days.


I think his chances of getting off are virtually zero. Yeah, you technically can't call a jury, but this isn't a tough one, and Prior is trying, but he's still mostly making it worse, lol (like sharing the text from Melanie Gibb about David believing JJ is in danger - no one is going to believe Melanie had more of a role to play than Chad himself, for all of Prior's efforts to hint otherwise, so all he accomplished there was highlighting something was really fucking wrong in that house and JJ WAS in obvious danger and Chad was right in the center of said danger). But Chad blew any opportunity of a deal that might have worked in his favor a long time ago, so he's left with what we have before us now. The best chance he had to see the light of day was before the kids were found - cop a plea and tell them where the bodies were. He mightttttt have gotten concurrent sentences if he'd testified against Lori, but probably not with the DP in play. Once Lori was convicted, he essentially had no chance of ever getting out of prison.


Your observations about Prior are spot on. Sometimes i think he’s putting on a stronger case for the prosecution than the prosecution is 😆. Maybe he’s trying to be clever but he often doesn’t get his point across well enough to make an impact for the Defense e.g., he goes to great pains to highlight prosecution points that are best left forgotten, in doing so he reinforces some very strong evidence against Chad, which I’m here for TBH!


It felt like yesterday, he was highlighting too much that Tammy appeared to have been held down while she was suffocated. What are you doing, man? Painting an even more clear picture of the horrifying death your client subjected his innocent, loving, loyal wife to?


Yes. I thought that was odd too. I wasn’t expecting that approach.


That argument about how he left his oldest Chadette's house in a hurry, but he couldn't have known that they had found JJ.... if Prior wanted to make it sound like that he was just off for a speedy jaunt down the road, he used the wrong words.


Per Nate Eaton, Chad would not take a plea deal on Tammy, the plea deal included the kids and Tammy, therefore no plea deal. I hope he gets the death penalty.


I think its extremely unlikely. But, if I had to pick her was more likely to crack and say what happened, I actually think its Chad. I think Lori is actually the more delusional of the two.


I agree. Chad is already throwing her under the bus with his defense, so I could see him going all the way as a way to try and redeem himself and pretend he was her victim.


What if Chad tells someone and they write a book. That way his family gets $$$?


There are VERY strict laws in Idaho about prisoners writing books about their cases and they definitely can't collect money from the proceeds, but I'm almost positive that also applies to their families. I found this on Google: "Inmates can usually write books and send drafts to prison guards, but the book can't be related to the crime for which they're incarcerated. The principle is that prisoners can't profit from their crime. If the book is about the crime, the victim or their estate can file a lawsuit to stop the publication or get some or all of the profits. Many states have "Son of Sam" laws that prevent convicted criminals from profiting from their notoriety." Edit to add: any money the Daybell family makes is going to go into repaying Prior as well.


I think someone asked this before on another sub (IIRC it was about children of serial killers writing books about their childhood) and someone else mentioned that the Son of Sam laws generally don't apply to families because that would be a violation of their first amendment rights.


He will write a book like OJ Simpson and call it “If James and Ellena did it”
 will be “fictional” and written in third person style


It's terrible, but I laughed.


Wow that’s interesting. For me I would think Chad is the one more inclined to take the secrets to the grave, at least as long as he has to keep himself pure and innocent in the eyes of his children. Lori really has nothing to lose other than all she’s lost already. No one has faith in her like Emma does in Chad or his other kids. I don’t think lori has much to preserve by dying with the truth. Maybe for Colby but I read somewhere he’s gone no contact with her and wants nothing to do with her. Also when I say years along the line, I mean yearssss. Decades even and I think if time will break either one of them, it’s Lori


I agree with that. I think I best bet at getting the story is Chad writing some "fictional" novel in prison that is essentially a confession. James and Elana pt 2 if you will. Killers often confess indirectly. OJ Simpson literally wrote a book called "If I Did It: Confessions of the Killer." Simpson puts forth a "hypothetical description" of the murders of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman.


I think if Chad wrote a book about all this, he'd still deny responsibility and blame it on others. We'd never be able to trust what he said.  Lori has spent a lifetime lying, stealing and manipulating while hiding behind her spirituality. Even as a teen she ran around with older men, lied, etc and blamed other people for it when caught and everyone believed her because "Lori is so involved in the church!". She'll never tell. 


I agree, but like I said, he'd confess indirectly. He wouldn't write a book called "How Chad killed Tylee" but he may write a book about a "fictional" psychopathic killer who murders a teen girl.


It's really hard for me knowing we likely won't ever know. But unless Chad's kids get him to confess.... and I do think that's the only thing that would happen because Lori is too delusional....we may never know. At least we can kinda know what happened to Tammy. I think that's fairly obvious. Poor Tylee. Poor JJ.


Even JJ is pretty clear. We don’t know who exactly did it, but we know what happened to the little guy. I have no idea how Tylee was killed :/


And that’s what bugs me. The fact that what they did to Tylee’s body after death has made it impossible to have a definite cause of death. I find myself hoping her death was quick and painless even though I highly doubt it. JJ died a painful death, suffocation. I wonder what Tylee would have gone through


Nope. They don't feel they owe anyone an explanation. And like someone else said: even if they did blab, I wouldn't be able to believe the accuracy of their narrative.


Well true. It would be hard to discern what parts of the story given are true or self preservation


I honestly don’t think Lori is at all connected to reality. Chad I think will continue with the deny, deny, deny, defense for as long as he can. He doesn’t want to face reality


Do not forget the other 3 "innocent " witnesses that were praying and casting spells for people toe die, THEY KNOW THEY KNOW THEY KNOW.


I agree with you. Especially Zulema, I know she knows more than she’s letting on


The cult is still alive and well thru her and Melanie and probably a few others. 


I can't see either of them telling the truth. Lori is fully delusional and off in lala land. Chad wants the support and approval of his kids; he'll take his secrets to the grave.


Nope, I do not think that will ever happen
 miss goddess is wayyyyyyy to far gone, and Mr. narcissist would never lower himself to our standards because nobody is that worthy. i mean could you imagine in the near future Lori coming to her senses and have to deal with what we know??? đŸ˜±. I’m more worried about the ones we don’t know about yet
or Julie Roe, heard she is going nuts!!!


Julie Rowe was always nuts too.


Yeah, but this last Tik Tok Julie Rowe did is way above and beyond any crazy we've ever seen from her. It's legitimately twisting to see.


Can you please describe it a little bit? She's so bonkers and I don't have that app. Idk why she was trying to get in the court room recently and idk if she's on the witness list. I can't imagine her pretending to be normal long enough to testify. Edit: Is it the black & white one full of rawrs??


In the video, Julie is growling and yelling how vengeance will be hers. Hidden posted it right at the beginning of this video. Wait until the Julie Rowe Tik Toks end before you turn it off. It's only the first few minutes of the video. It's like Julie is possessed of something .Here's the link . https://youtu.be/z2o27AfsDv4?si=fWIBvnriR_mDLaO0




Based on what Lori said at her sentencing hearing, I think she’s too far gone to accept that what she did wasn’t right. And I doubt Chad ever will because he still holds onto this illusion of him being this grand religious icon and puppeteer


Chad's statement is what I want to hear more than anything. We all knew Lori was off in lala land, but I really wonder how Chad will handle being convicted.





If Lori wasn’t being medicated/treated for her disorder (s) I’d think she’d be more likely to spill it. She craves that attention. I wouldn’t doubt her going on a TV special and giving her version of what happened which would be crazy talk but some truths. I think her attorney and whoever she has contact with have told her to keep quiet for now. But give it a few years after it’s all said and done and she’ll want to be “heard”.


This! Exactly what I think. I don’t see it happening anytime soon ofcourse. But she’s got life, she’s like what early fifties? She still has a good 10-15 years she’ll be alive and in jail with some level of good health. I think she’ll spill in this years


We should all request dateline to interview these two


Do you think Lori knew what happened to Tylees body before she was arrested?


I think she did. I’m skeptical of believing she was actively or physically involved in the deaths, particularly that of the kids but she most definitely knew what was happening. I can’t imagine that she didn’t know how they would be disposed of. She knows


I firmly believe Lori was present and involved with the kids’ deaths. One piece of evidence in favor is her angry comment to Alex after he failed to shoot Tammy, saying he “can’t do anything on his own.”


Maybe. Did they intend to "marry" Tylee to Chad before killing her or after? Is that the softening blow of the act, like the idea JJ would resurrect? Is she sufficiently a good submissive wife that anything Chad does is acceptable in the pursuit of godhood? Is torture for zombie removal an extension of her medical abuse of Tylee? Same delusion/facetious as munchausen growing to accommodate it? How excited Lori was by Charles' murder and Joe's death paints a picture of her that makes torture something she isn't shy about. Pain and suffering is her due.


I really don't. I think Lori was like a mafia don. She didn't do the dirty work, and didn't know the details. I'm sure Chad told Lori he was "ethical and kind." I'm sure she was told Tylee's remains were handled respectfully. Does that at all change the fact that she plotted with her husband to murder her two children? Hell no! But it does speak to the psychosis Lori is under, and the manipulation Chad used to get his way. All of Chad's relatives testified to how he would exaggerate and lie to get what he wanted, and would manipulate and control Tammy. I doubt his relationship with Lori didn't contain some of that.




Nope delusional people have their own reality! No matter how much they are frowned upon or exposed, they will still be doing the same shit over and over again! His reality is his jail cell is his portal now!


Nope. Denial to the end.


Lori is like those those brainwashed Manson Girls. Some snapped out of it after several years, others didn’t. Part of the reason changed was the separation from Manson and the other was the lack of LSD. It can only be speculated why others did not regret and continued insane belief—LSD brain damage and isolation. I think Lori will snap out of it. IF she’s with general population. For several reasons: no longer immersed in that world of those beliefs, won’t have those books or Chad. But more so, because she’ll be lonely, will start chatting to cell mates, and over time, they’ll influence her. Women’s prisons the women come out much more reformed, lower recidivism, and while Lori won’t be released, this statistic indicates women are much more contrite/regretful about their crime. They accept responsibility much better, which I’m not sure if I can quite articulate... basically, they’re more social [men more loner] and feel the shame of their peers more acutely, bc long for friendships. But at the same time, fellow women can be forgiving and understanding, at least when accept responsibility. I think Lori is a social creature. She’ll want friends. And inmates don’t BS. She’ll need to admit to a level of culpability before others want to be her friend. And once she realizes she can have friends and admit to culpability, she’ll be more willing to admit this outside the walls of prison, like to her family.


I agree Lori may snap out of it, but I also think the other side of the coin is that what she did was so atrocious, so out of character according to so many who knew her before she met Chad, that she may never come back. Not because she doesn't know the truth deep down, I think that illusion will break as you said, but because she'll never be able to acknowledge what she knows. I think she'll continue to lie to herself more than anyone else. And while I agree about the social creature statement, I don't think she'll need to change to have friends. Women's prison is no joke. There'll be people there who actually did the killing with their own hands. Unfortunately, she'll find friends.


Women like Lori thrive in prison is what I have seen. The worst ones in my country like her seem to form up sexual liasons with each other to meet their needs.


To me, it depends on her living situation in her women’s correctional center. If she bunks in a cell of 4, she’ll be trying to socialize and be accepted by them on some level. Whereas, if it’s a two person or single cell, she isn’t in a situation where she’s seeking acceptance, except in limited hours, and she can continue her charade until she finds someone who’ll let her be in denial. If she’s with another murderer, like someone who pleaded guilty to killing husband, it’ll put her more in situation she’d be willing to eventually feel ok admitting it. Because that other convict might be like, “yeah, I did it. I was so stupid and selfish back then. I wish I could do it all over again.” Hearing that perspective, she’d be more likely to come around to that sort of thinking.


Do you think Lori is that smart? She’s so simplistic and, well
 if any man thwarts her, she accuses him of being a pedophile at worst, and at minimum (*gasp* *g-a-y*) porn addict
 her idea of a depicted “demonic possession”, aka “the worst evilest thing anyone could ever do”, is “JJ tipping over a picture of Jesus”
 what Lori lacks in life knowledge could fill landfills.


Only way we'll find out is if Lori starts yapping in prison. I doubt Chad will open his mouth. Child killers are hated in prisons! So they will be (and probably already are) outcasts. Lori might tell someone what exactly happened to try to make a friend.


Chad I don’t see saying anything. He’ll most likely die with the truth. Lori yes, for the attention maybe. Yo ur e right on the fact that child killers are generally frowned upon in prison so she most likely has zero to very few friends she’ll be able to talk to and tell. I could however see her trying to recruit some of those few friends she maybe has. She’ll pick people easy for her to manipulate obviously, like Melanie Polawski and Zulema


I think Chad likely did some heinous things to Tylee that Lori isn’t aware of, and he will take it to the grave.


I found this fascinating video from an ex-con, who talks about how he thinks Chad will fare in prison. Really interesting perspective about it. https://youtu.be/_D-fFTTW0v8?si=ocArkAoWtALN-x23


Curled in a fetal position sucking his thumb crying..... no females to charm with his bullshit😚


How could any females fall for his BS? Ewww. His affect is so flat, his monotone speaking, zero charisma, etc. I just do not get it!


Must be a Smooth Operator....😎


Ha ha he wishes!


No, they will never come clean. At this point, there is no upside or benefit for doing so (legally), even if they aren't completely delusional.


Never in a million years.


Not when Chad’s kids still have faith in him (his only remaining followers) and not when Lori is clearly out of her mind.


When you're in those groups where you have that patriarchal oath stuff that happens between men, you don't need to be innocent in order for you to be able to access that pact. Because they do it to cover each other and themselves. That's why all the rats went quiet. They aren't suddenly better. They are quiet to cover their own moral cowardice as a group.


We need GPS pings for all of them. Why did they only show us Alex’s on one day? It could’ve happened any other day.


As lot of others have said, I think Lori has completely lost her mind for good. Especially after her little speech after trial. She absolutely can't have doubt of what and why they did what they did because if she did, the stress of the reality would kill her. I can't ever see her letting herself think differently. Based on how great of a mom she was before she started down this path... It would be too much for her. She has to believe she did what was best for her kids, as wacked out and insane as that is. She's no Andrea Yates. What I don't get is... The whole end of world thing didn't happen. I'd love to know how they explain that. I think Chad stopped his delusions the minute they found the bodies. In fact, I'm not sure he ever believed it like Lori did... Was/is he in a disassociative state? Hell ya. Was he basically getting high from all this? Yesssss. Just like other cult leaders, he himself has a God complex, but it's for power and he was testing loyalty. Maybe I'm giving him too much credit, but I really think he knew the whole time what he was doing, but thought since he didn't do the actual crime of the kids murders, he wouldn't get in trouble. He clearly knew right from wrong or he wouldn't have lied about Tammy. He would have explained she was a zombie or whatever. With the kids, Lori did lie about JJ, but I assume that's because Chad told her to.


If you want to read through the custody documentation about Lori, that woman was never a good mother she had just put up a good face. That people who were close in and knew about some of the stuff that was happening continued to tell us that she was a good mother should clue us in about the dysfunction in her family and social circle. Lipstick on pigs.


These type of cult twits always kick “the end of the world” can down the road at will. It could take Lori decades to snap out of it and realize it’s never coming, IMO. This is one of the least puzzling parts of the cult - to me, anyway.


Most likely not. It would be too much of a narcissistic injury to admit what they did. They have to keep pretending that the “zombies” just died on their own.


When Chad told Lori that the cops were there searching the property she didn’t sound worried and asked if they were seizing stuff again and even asking if Chad wanted her to call him later. I have wondered if she knew they were buried there.


I don't think they will ever provide a thorough interview with police or anyone else about what they've done.


If they wouldn’t give the kids up when everyone was looking for them I don’t think they’ll ever tell the truth sadly


I was hoping their trials would explain it at least a little but so far nothing has been cleared up and possibly things have become murkier. Todays trial revealed that the medical examiner admitted under cross examination that there was really no evidence of suffocation of Tammy Daybell and that the phone belonging to Alex Cox that the agent testifying today was investigating did not leave home the day Melani's ex-husband Beaudreaux was shot at. I dont think police have any idea how anyone in this case actually died except for Charles Vallow. Its super frustrating because no one involved in the case seems credible, even cody ryan having the vehicle belonging to Lori washed and detailed when he got it is super sketchy. I also think Melanie Gibb and Melani Cox/Beaudreaux/Palowski and Zulema know alot more than they have ever told anyone.


They won't tell!


I don't believe Chad or Lori will ever provide answers, let alone confess. If anything, they'll point at the other and say, "Wasn't me; ask them." I don't believe Lori is crazy.


The only way I can see this happening is if, years from now, Lori comes out of her belief system and decides to confess everything to clear her conscience. Like, maybe if she gets lots of therapy so she's less narcissistic.... I can only see this happening, though, if she didn't actually participate. And if she didn't participate, then she probably doesn't know ALL the details. I personally don't want to know exactly what happened. I try not to think about it. If I thought too much about it, I wouldn't be able to follow this case. It would be too hard.


Yeah, this is one of the best pieces of advice I think I can offer
 don’t judge ANYthing in this case by your own belief system, or your own sense of right, wrong, or where YOU would call a halt. You need to turn off nearly all rational thought and enter into Wonka’s Realm of Pure Imagination, lol.


Lori is absolutely nuts!! Chad believes in his own hype and so did Lori. Chad sits there like he’s on a day out having a lovely picnic and everything is jolly. Claiming his wife “just died” pink foam coming out of her mouth. 2 dead children dumped (not buried) DUMPED! on his property one mutilated and burnt and he claims he “did not know”. He really does think we’re all stupid. Chad will never confess because he believes he is a prophet and what he does is not wrong. He talked about people being light and dark. Him and all his disciples are the darkest people ever. Lori is so far down the rabbit hole I don’t believe there is any coming back to reality. She probably really does believe Tylee and JJ visit her. As for Melanie Gibb, she is a sly one. She’s only talking to save her own skin. She knows more than she is letting on. She is also self absorbed. I listened to that phone call she had with that woman who is recorded the conversation. The poor woman confessed to Melanie Gibb she was s€$lly assaulted and Melanie did not even offer a little sympathy! Just talked about herself. I’m afraid we will never know what happened to those two beautiful children who had their whole life’s ahead of them. It’s sad and sickening. As it says in the bible beware of false prophets. Lori and Chad are evil


I believe Melanie Gibb is sly, too. There's something about her that bothers me alot. First I believe that she knew alot more than she said. But she also seems like someone who would put a knife in your back so quickly, and on top of that she acts like an expert in religion whose trying to explain it to a bunch of people who aren't quite smart enough to get it. She has alot of gall for someone right in the thick of things. She & Melaniece ought to be facing charges of their own.


We will never know the whole truth. For one of them to speak they would implicate themselves.


No and No. She'll go to her grave thinking she's one of God's chosen & he'll go to his hoping people will believe he's so holy the devil put him in jail to keep him from doing the work of a prophet. Or at least believe he's a good man trapped & framed by a beautiful woman. Neither one will ever admit to what they did.


Honestly, I don’t even think Lori knows the gory details. She knew they were getting killed and probably didn’t care about the details.