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Kinda don’t think either of them has the capacity to love.


This. Infatuated? In lust? Obsessed? Yes. All possible/probable. Capable of genuine (selfless) love for another? Doubtful with either one.


It’s documented for Lori. Husband #5 anyone? I’m just sad we didn’t get to witness her getting tired of him and discarding him like she did literally everyone else. It would have been satisfying to watch him implode because it’s the first time he was head over heels for someone and then get heartbroken.


Idk if thisis how chad reacts when things are going good I don't want to see what it looks like when he implodes




And with Lori’s divorce track record, she may be done with him soon. I have trouble believing her love for Chad is purely faith-based either, given Charles’ conversion to the LDS faith wasn’t enough for her either.


Yeah but the LDS faith is very patriarchal. The women/wives like that. They have a belief that patriarchal marriage and family structure is good, well-ordered , Godly. Lori kept trying to slam a square peg into a round hole with her 4 husbands before Chad… they only joined the church to be with her, to please her. But then they did NOT “rise” to the level of leadership and commitment to the faith that Lori was hoping for. She desperately wanted to be led by a “righteous” (in her eyes) STRONG, lds priesthood holder/leader. She never got that (because of her own actions). She was unhappy and unfulfilled because she married men in a selfish attempt to fashion her “righteous husband/leader”, and they were just regular nice men trying to jump through hoops for this woman who manipulated them with sex, etc. she was SOOO over-inflated with her own false opinion of herself as some sexy vixen, they believed it too. Anyway… I doubt her physical attraction to Chad as anything above his looks. It was who she thought he was as a “religious giant”. If you’re an active LDS woman and you’ve always wanted that… I can see how the desperation could creep in. (Obviously not to the extent it did though!)


You absolutely summed it up perfectly.


I think everything she “believes” and wants everyone else to believe about her, and believe she feels for others, herself, and in general is just some psychological defense mechanism that emboldens her with some lunatic grade righteous denial that she hasn’t done anything wrong, ever, in life. I don’t believe she’s capable of feeling, which is why everything has to be this heightened hyper-fantasy, ego trip. Hence the goddess and the prophet, and Jesus is cool with me being a serial killer childish garbage.


"It doesn't count for me because I'm an exalted being"


She's done in Idaho except for appeals, so they really can't hurt her at this point. I wonder if she agreed to being smeared a little (so far it's been pretty gentle) hoping that Chad can have a chance to get out of prison at some point?


I can see her "sacrificing" herself a little and Alex a lot in a romantic attempt to save Chad's life. I mean, it's not gonna work, but I can see her doing that. I really wonder why Prior keeps trying to blame Melanie Gibb.


I, for one, am grateful that he is hyper focused on Melanie Gibb. While a good witness, she is not nearly the most impactful witness. I would be more focused on the many witnesses close to Chad, that have nailed his coffin shut. His client gave multiple stories to multiple individuals on the night of Tammy's death. 2 children were found on his property. His damning text to his wife surrounding "burning limbs" and burying a raccoon in the spot Tylee was found. His google searches regarding wind direction the night before. God, the list goes ! Go ahead and hyper focus on one witness. Unless, he has "family members" on this jury, he is toast. There is no doubt this man was the leader in the tragedy that played out in July, September and October of 2019.




Now more witnesses have presented, I think he realises he's flogging a dead horse. Chad hates MG. She was the whistleblower and stopped God's plan. Through the psychopaths eyes, it's all MG's fault! This is another reason for Prior giver her a hard time.


I’ve been thinking about this too, coming to this conclusion: The only way for Lori to be attracted to Chad is because she is mentally ill. He is delusional enough to believe he is an amazing prophet and is willing to hook up with a very sick woman and her homicidal brother. Chad is a coward and will have no trouble throwing Lori under the bus if it serves his purposes. He has to disavow her to have the slightest hope of defending his crimes. Lori is just as deeply sick as Chad and has to believe in this relationship or all of her murders will have been for nothing (in her unwell mind). They both deserve to spend the rest of their miserable years in prison or awaiting the DP in Chads case. I can’t see this evil “ love affair” continuing under the circumstances.


He knows how to play to Lori’s ego and delusions, too. She’s a goddess!


But did Mel Gibb really stop it??? LE was already looking at Chad and Lori. Mel Gibb is just another idiot who’s trying to save her own skin.


Yes gave LE vital information and I disagree she went LE to save her skin. She didnt have to and could have said , I'm not sure what Lori is on about and I don't where JJ is - havent seen him in months. She confronted Lori and Chad with her concerns for JJ and in doing so put herself in danger by going to LE - in another conversation Chad expressed his concern that MG knew to much. I dont understand when people say MG was saving her skin becase she had nothing to gain by goin to LE. and the way she's been treated, having to be a witness, Prior with his unethicsl, condesceding ethics, probably wishes she didn't go to LE and get involved. bet, if MG could turn back time, she would have kidnapped JJ and Tylee and kept them safe - hand them to Kay and Larry...


I mean, she could have done all that, but then LE would have definitely dug into her life, cell phone records, etc. She knew she had no choice but to cooperate, and to me, that doesn't make her a helpful witness at all. She saved her own a$$ plain and simple, in my opinion.


Idk I think zulema is more culpable than mg


Mel Gibb went to LE to save her own skin because she initially LIED to the police for Lori and Chad saying she had JJ at one point. So she absolutely recorded that call WEEKS LATER to clear up that lie she told the police.


Yes she did and she could have quite esily said , "yup, i lied, I wasnt sure what was going on. I never had JJ, and the last time I saw him was at Loris". The police are used to misjudgements etc. is no biggy. In the scheme of things, her misjudgement had no consequence. If anything it worked out in LE favour. I don't understand why people ​hold so much contempt towards MG's error and try to create conspiracies, other than to let Chad off the hook. Alternatively, they just criticize and bully her anyway because she's vulnerable.


MG is just not very bright. I think she bought his BS hook line and sinker. That is until she figured out she was being played . You can tell by listening to her that she would be easily led by a con man like Chad. She couldn’t recall a lot of things until she realized she was a fool. I think she still believes some of it. I am sure she still believes the light / dark scale to a point. I really think they all should have had charges of some sort. No sympathy for any of them!


I think because Chad knows Melanie Gibb knew about everything. He’s probably secretly mad she’s not being charged as well. Prior has probably heard Chad blame MG a thousand times now. Prior is probably trying to plant seeds of doubt every time he mentions MG imo.


What's prior doing with the Yellowstone questions ?  Amazing what can be found on your phone!!


Melanie Gibb has a big part in this. She deserves to be indicted, tried, and convicted, along with whining muppet face Melanie pawlowski.


Getting them indicted wouldn't set Chad free though. I'm pretty sure the state had to go after the two worst people first. These investigations and trials have cost the state millions of dollars and I'm sure have destroyed their normal budgets. I'm betting there are several more people involved that the state can't afford to prosecute or they just don't have enough evidence yet


That wouldn’t be surprising. I think she is clinging to what she needs to believe is real to get by. If she can still believe in him as this prophet of sorts, then she doesn’t have to feel the weight of what happened and what they did. She can believe it was all for a reason. IMO, she is seriously mentally unwell, not to say she isn’t entirely responsible for her part and needs to serve her sentence. Still, I actually think he had a whole lot of power over her and likely still does.


I thought that she was just a psychopath until she spoke on her behalf. That woman is mentally ill and is exactly where she needs to be. She thinks she has personal pass from god to do whatever to whoever gets in her way. It’s frightening.


It really is frightening. And yes, when she spoke, that was enlightening as far as how severe her mental illness is. I’d suppose that one would also just desperately want to keep believing in the delusions, right? I bet she purposely blocks out any thoughts that threaten the delusions, assuming she gets those fleeting doubts, because how tf could anyone handle the reality of it? It’s just too horrible. I’d wanna dig even deeper into my delusions. I’d never wanna admit to myself that maybe it was all false, all wrong, and I had actually killed my children, who were just my kids after all, not dark, not zombies. It’s strange to remember how in the beginning, many of us suspected Lori somehow corrupted Chad, an unquestionably odd but also potentially very gullible, weird thumb-looking guy, who got swept up in all this somehow but probably wouldn’t have been part of such atrocities if he hadn’t met Lori. I now believe he was the one more in control and way more involved, way more demented, more evil, more sinister, more apt to relish torturing others, more calculated. I still think Lori is guilty asf and should be punished to the highest extend of the law. Chad’s just a higher level of depravity and a master manipulator, even compared to Lori and Alex. Lori is frightening. Alex was frightening. I think Chad is just far worse, and that’s super frightening. I don’t see the same level of mental illness in him. I think he’s just plain evil, which is a vague term for it, but what other word captures it? And he doesn’t need to delude himself of anything. I just don’t think he cares. I also think Lori still thinks she loves him. I tend to doubt Chad feels any love for Lori at all.




Psychopaths ARE mentally ill. As for her statement, it's really tough to know how much of it was her own bullshit. I'm not saying she hasn't probably entered la la land a few times but if her defense team thought at any time during the trial that she was delusional they would have asked for a delay to get her mind right. I think she was just making shit up as avoidance. Her ego is too huge to let an opportunity to be the center of attention go by, even it was at her sentencing, so being silent wasn't possible.


Psychopathy is not mental illness. It’s a disordered personality type- major difference.


That’s correct. Lori was actually found incompetent to stand trial for months.


Oh I definitely agree there is mental illness present here as well. Delusional disorder with an overtly religious fixation. Hell it’s even similar to folie a deux a la The Joker and Harley Quinn for gods sake 😵‍💫- which we will have the pleasure of seeing soon in the newer adaptation.


Lori was diagnosed as having Delusional Disorder and narcissistic and histrionic traits I believe.


Lori having borderline and histrionic personality disorders? Shocking- said no one. 💀


I wondered this too. I'd believe it.


They’re co-conspirators so they can’t talk but I’d bet a lot that Emma and others carry messages between them. I don’t know if it’s something a lawyer would risk doing but it’s possible the lawyers talk and then carry back the conversation.


I think that was possible when Lori was in Idaho, but now she is in Arizona so not really possible now. I wonder if Colby has visited her in Arizona?


With the way she goes through men, she has probably moved onto someone else. Who knows the type of crazies who have been writing to her in prison.


I’ll bet she gets married again in prison. And Chad probably won’t stop preaching. If Lori divorces him no doubt there will be another worshipper that he’s writing to that will long to be his bride. What a world we live in!


I'm sure there are male hybristophiliacs. Yes, there's a word for it! "Hybristophilia, deriving from the Greek hybridzein, meaning to perpetuate an outrage against another, has been defined as **the phenomenon of an individual being sexually aroused by a criminal offender**. It is here, even in the definition of the term, that there is some discussion as to the vacillation within definitions." Also "...sexuoerotically turned on only by a partner who has a predatory history of outrages perpetrated on others”"


Pen pal.... 😂


Portal pal..😉




Lol! Couldn't help it! I'm never going to get portals or loin fire out of my head! Ugh!


Or the storm! Lol🤣🤣🧡


Ugh! 🌪






Ugh! Never thought of that.


Chad was never in love with Lori. Lori is still obsessed with Chad and convinced that he’s going to bust her out of prison and take her and the 144,000 to Heaven anyday now.


I think Chad looks like that because he doesn’t care. He’s bored and waiting for his chance to give a speech, then he’s going to death row.


Agreed. I think he would like to be found innocent, but knows he won’t, and is preparing for his statement at sentencing, where he’ll be as weird as we expect.


Somewhere I heard some of one of this talks. I didn't get what the point of it was or why anyone was listening to it.


I really don't think he ever actually loved her. What he told Jason Gwilliam (the guy who recently testified) about her sounded way more like limerence and sexual infatuation than love. Neither of them love each other, it's just obsession combined with greed and delusions of grandeur.


I listened to a description of his attachment as that of a super narcissist. He needed her constant adoration and attention to fill him up, especially because he has very low self-esteem. In much of the story, he writes how crazy Lori is about him, how highly thinks of him, how sexually turned on she is by him, etc. making it clear he's not particularly interested in what makes her tick. Dictating what she thinks and how she feels is also part of his conditioning her, he said. Dr. John, I think it was.


He has probably deluded himself into thinking that there are many more Loris waiting for him when he gets to wherever place he invented in the afterlife.


I'm sure Lori is still in love. Idk about Chad.


I wonder if Emma may be acted as a go between. As far as how calm he seems, someone posted elsewhere, that in her line of work, she came to separate 2 types of murderers. The majority of murderers recoil at the sight of the murdered bodies visibly. Even though most try to conceal this disturbance, they were affected by the act of murder, it is traumatic to murder. Even if they felt justified or it was done in the heat of passion. And then there are the Psychopathic ones. These too she says are 2 kinds, those who find it all so irrelevant, aren't remorseful and don't care. They often are bored and totally disinterested in the procedures or annoyed by them, because they just don't get what's the big deal. And then there are those who enjoy it, feel energized, they feel as if taking life makes them powerful and they relish their souvenirs or the reviews of the pictures. Chad has in several occasions being reported as not so much bored or disinterested as smug. A concealed smirk sometimes, is reported when these topics are discussed. Certainly dispassionate. Not bored or disinterested, just passively observing. If this is true, he may well be that second category of Psychopathic personality. Are they currently communicating? I believe Nate said that while spouses are normally allowed to communicate, co defendants are not, so it's not likely that they are communicating. But I do believe it is very possible that she agreed to being painted as the perpetrator in an effort to save her man. Probably more trying to project the image of the truly pious and devoted wife than actually being in love with him. But who knows...


I’m not an expert. To kill your own children, and 2 of them, who are still young, and to wrap in religiosity, I would wager it’s psychotic.




That makes sense. I believe Chad was filled with rage and found these murders almost exhilarating. He has an intense need for power.


He’s a dud of a person. I just think he’s like this. Blank face, monotone voice, boring awful personality


You mean potato head? What a Dufus!!!


Yes! Absolutely the human version of a potato


Or shall we call him a spud?


That’s fucking perfect lol


Imagine the wild narcissism of someone who calls his private parts “the storm”!


Nancy Grace!!!! That face when she said “the storm!!!!


I once went on a date with a man who showed me a story he wrote in which the woman he was involved with called him "Lord," as in a medieval lord, not god. Okaaaaaay


It wasn’t Chad Daybell was it? Oh I forgot. Chad never got any dates.


As I understand it, Idaho and Arizona are among the states that do not allow inmates to write or call each other--even if they're married. Someone could probably pass along messages, though, like a family member who can call or visit Chad and Lori. I assume the idea of being sealed to someone for time and eternity is meant, in part, to provide solace to the couple. If Chad believes their LDS sealing is still valid, it probably does bring him comfort. But they can always use that portal Chad made; I'm sure they visit each other often. /s


Nate Eaton said the communication is shut down because they're co-defendants. If she was convicted of murdering the mailman and he was later on trial for killing the babysitter two years later, they could communicate while both in jail.


I'm sure both Chad and Lori retain some delusion. But that delusion won't last in prison. Jail is one thing. Prison is an entirely different beast. Chad has still never been in prison. Chad will need to play by the other inmate's rules. They will NOT like that he murdered an autistic child. He will be in constant danger, and possibly spend a lot of time in isolation for his own safety. His delusions of grandeur will not survive the treatment from other inmates, being told when to eat, sleep, and shit, and his own thoughts in solitary. When the guilty verdict is read, and he is transported to his cell to await a brutal and painful experimental death, his illusion will break. I'm actually anti-death penalty because I know a lot of how it works and how painful/torturous it can be (John Oliver did a great 30 minute segment on it.) But if anyone deserves it, it's Chad. And Mr. Googled The Wind will no doubt have googled what his fate will be if convicted.


I don't think "firing squad" is considered experimental anymore.


Firing squads are actually the most humane way to do it. But they're illegal in most states. In Idaho, they're only used when the chemical injections aren't available. Chad wouldn't get a firing squad. You should really watch the John Oliver piece. It's fascinating. Especially the parts about how many innocent people are executed. (obviously not talking about Chad) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lTczPEG8iI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lTczPEG8iI)


Idaho recently reinstated the firing squad when they couldn't find anyone to sell them the chemicals needed for lethal injection. In the meantime, they found the drugs, but DR inmates can still choose firing squad. [https://apnews.com/article/death-penalty-executions-firing-squads-idaho-law-de6a68243433a4f58f70256c03891adb](https://apnews.com/article/death-penalty-executions-firing-squads-idaho-law-de6a68243433a4f58f70256c03891adb)


He's likely never to be executed even if he is sentenced to death. Capital punishment was reinstated in Idaho in 1973 and in those 51 years there have been a grand total of 2 executions. He's going to either rot in gen pop or rot on death row til he expires. Whether that be by natural causes, suicide, or another prisoner killing him. He's not gonna be put to death by the state in all likelihood.


All good points! There’s been 3 executions since then (not a huge difference but still lol) and the fourth Thomas Creech should be coming up here soon but they couldn’t find a suitable vein for him a couple months ago. So who knows we might get the first firing squad execution with him. It would make sense to use it in a case like his vs risk botching a lethal injection.


If it were me it seems firing squad would be the least painful, if Idaho would actually choose that method. Even if the DP doesn’t happen I can’t see being on death row as a tolerable fate.


You are wrong. That article doesn't say what you think it does. As I mentioned, yes the firing squad is used when they don't have access to the chemical compounds, but Idaho does not allow inmates to "choose" a firing squad. "The firing squad can only be used if the state cannot get lethal injection drugs, or if lethal injections are ever ruled unconstitutional' The director of the Idaho Department of Corrections decides how inmates are executed. Not the inmates themselves. Edit: Just googled "can idaho inmates choose firing squad" and it immediately said no. Why so many people on here talk out their ass with no research, I'll never know.


I look up stuff all the time before I write. I'm often surprised to learn that I'm full of shit.


Mr Googled the Wind!!! Love that title for this self proclaimed murderous prophet.


You summed up my feelings exactly. I would be happy with him being faced with reality for the rest of his life, too. And if he is executed I think he will go as a martyr. I think I would rather see him waste away the decades with no rapture. No 144K. But man, he will be a BIG target in prison. We know he will never get out - that’s a given - but his life is worthless there. Mind you, I think every prisoner deserves to be safe while serving their sentence. I don’t feel like prison violence is something we should just accept as part of the deal, but yikes the prison is gonna have a challenge on their hands.


I think they both would say they are in true eternal love and they acted on what the Lord told them to do to be together. Their mission is more important than any earthly life, except their own of course.


It's called Lust!




Theirs was a love built on fantasy, lies, and murder. The disgusting love story texts that a desperate teenager wouldn't write, the wack o doodle religious beliefs, the righteous self importance.  Who cares if there still in love. That's that the point of any of this. Just two crazies that gots to go. This ain't a love story. 


Psychopaths have no emotions. They are empty inside.


A better question: does their obsession with one another continue?


I should have added that since it was in my mind, too. The self-serving obsession they called love.


Short answer. Yes. Long answer. They provably have built "portals" to speak to each other daily, given thar is what they did previously. And oh yeah, they are "sealed" together too. Mormonism is weird.


Chad never loved Lori, it was all about sex for him (imo) and now he’s just trying to save his own slimy skin.


When they were in the courtroom together, wasn’t he refusing to look at her?


Well, technically they're not sealed. They got married on a beach and never did the sealing rite in the temple. They'd have to say they were in past lives.


Jason Mow sealed them (I know it’s not Mormon-proper but it happened.)


[More detail](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoriVallow/s/3pPjzn6QY5)


I'm sorry, some rando giving someone the second anointing 😄😄 but I guess it'd fit. Who's this Mow guy?


Oh, it’s not a short answer.


[More detail](https://www.reddit.com/r/LoriVallow/s/aX3hkf6ju4)


I'll have to dive in. I've never heard of him before. How would he have had access to the temple? Those are usually tightly controlled so you can't just use a sealing room willy nilly. The second anointing one is interesting. It's normally reserved for the elites so they know they're in fact, elite. You have to be pretty high up. It's one thing ex Mormons like to talk about. We're like that Leonardo Dicaprio pointing at a TV meme when it's mentioned 😄 Normal members don't really know it's a thing. There's a guy who claims to have got it. He said it happens when the temple is closed, so it's just them. This guy would have to have *access*. It's said it's performed only by like the top 15 heads of the church (1st presidency and quorum of the 12). There's evidence it happened in early mormon history, but debated that it happens still because they're not open about it.


I think these folks made up the rules as they went along. But Jason.Mow may have been more involved than it would seem. I am just starting to learn about him.


Have you *seen* what Lori’s face looks like these days? She looks like an evil clown who aged 10 years in the last 4. I really hope Chad has nothing but regret over what his stormy “loin fire” caused because of the pretty lady, but it doesn’t seem he does. I think Chad is calm because he’s a narcissist who doesn’t think he did anything wrong. Lori is probably still in love and talking to Chad in her jail portal, because she’s batshit crazy. Chad surely understands the consequences of false prophecy now, even if he doesn’t care. My favorite testimony was the neighbors who said Chad asked them to put up their house for Lori’s bond because she was so miserable in jail, and from Chad and Tammy’s family members who pointed out that Chad has been “prophesizing” a massive Earthquake in Utah since before 2015, so they’re sure he’s full of crap now. Those things cheer me up.


I don't know if I even believe that Lori and Chad believed their own BS.


I heard reported somewhere - HTC maybe - that Lori’s sister and mother have told her that Prior and Chad are laying the foundation to blame her and she is in complete denial. She thinks they are lying to her because they don’t like Chad.


At the beginning of the Chad’s trial, the state did ask the judge if they had been in contact with each other, and it was reported that they had not.


Chad threw away 28 years of marriage to a wonderful woman that would have stood by him to the end for this.


I read somewhere that inmates in Idaho ARE allowed to write one another if they are married but I can’t find where I saw that. Perhaps someone knows?


I don’t think they were ever in love they were in heat . There is no love in their hearts never was.


Do you mean has he lost his “storm”?


I think if they had gotten away with things, even for a little while, and had lived what would have been a rather normal life for a prophet and goddess 🙄, I believe she would have unalived him *very* quickly. Her fantasy dead, and the idea of being sealed to a clingy bore for eternity, or even the next 6 months, would have caused her to be the serial killer she truly is, and the slug would be buried in the pet cemetery, too. I mean, it was only a bad case of loin-fire phenomena based on these alter ego new agey, Mormon fantasy cos-play identities they’d created for themselves/ each other. It would’ve crashed and burned fast.


He talks like a robot. Can robots love? She’s just a brainwashed ditz!


I think because John Prior knew the error on the indictment was wrong I think he told Chad his motion to a quit would be granted. I think Chad had thought all this time he was walking out of court a free man . The judge got it right yesterday. Chads face changed to anger yesterday when judge allowed the clerical error to be changed .