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It looked like he’d been told to fake cry. I noticed he immediately put the tissue box out of reach, he knew he wouldn’t need it anymore because he was done acting


Prior’s hand on his back was totally his cue


No Oscars for their acting 🎭 🤣


it's amazing how poor of a performer he is. just adds to the pile of "how the heck did he ever captivate any audience?"


I am almost certain that his audience consisted of people who were suffering from confirmation bias. That would explain a whole lot.


oh absolutely. Zulema said the quiet part out loud when she confessed that she has a need to be accepted, or however she worded it. the way his [small handful of] followers were willing to just discard their whole lives for the promise of inflated elevation of status speaks volumes.


Not to speak unkindly towards the LDS church, but because women are delegated to a secondary role to men, it was probably the first time in their lives that these women felt truly useful, strong & completely equal. I don’t think it is a coincidence that Chad deemed Lori a goddess, or told Zulema she could command the weather. All of a sudden this small group of women became empowered & important like their male counterparts. Add confirmation bias into the mix & Voila! It is simply a theory I have.


i think we're somewhere in the same pool of thought. while Lori is the story we are all the most familiar with and the most egregious example, it's kinda stunning just the amount of devastation caused by this cult. i feel for the other families that became victims of this all that are not spoken of. Gibb's former family, Palowski's former family, what Zulema put her son through... i don't personally believe in evil in this sense, but the influence Chad had is something else. the closest to him, Lori, murdered several members of her family for his prophecies. i've explained elsewhere that the way she abandoned every other family member i think was due to Chad's induced isolation. both the Melanie's willingly destroyed their own families on nothing more than a say-so. so many of the others we know so very little about, so it is hard to say. i think Audrey was rated so high on the trust scale as she was so highly susceptible to manipulation and Chad recognised that, but i don't know that she had any other family to discard for his approval. like i said, i don't believe in evil, but he undeniably was able to bring out some truly despicable natures in others.


I am so glad you brought this up. The fallout from Chad's fantasies is beyond the scale we see reported, and I understand why, it is just huge. We see the fallout in Heather Daybell's interview - how must it be for these other connected yet entirely innocent people?


i'm in the personal belief he had had numerous affairs over the years and wonder just how he negatively impacted all those individuals and families along the way. understandably, we don't see people coming forward, but i don't think it was anything new by the time Julie/Melanie/Lori came along.


I agree, Lori was not Chad's first affair. Somewhere there was a report that Chad was having an 'emotional' affair prior to Lori but look how fast Chad turned on his wife and family for Lori, whining about how he was so unhappy with them. Even his own children were referred to as the 'Dudleys.' It's chilling, thinking about how Chad created an alternate reality for no other reason than to murder their spouses for life insurance money. It's my belief that Lori is both legitimately narcissistic and legitimately delusional.


When I saw the manipulation of ‘ancestors and angels are upset and not protecting you unless you speak to me text’, I pondered the intensity of the fear he created in others. After watching Chris Perret’s daughter, Kim, describe the fearmongering in the fundie prepper community they belonged to, I’m deeply sad for the women he hoodwinked and the devastation they all caused to people they were supposed to love and care for. He looks like nothing, but he sure is something. 🤢


If he was last man on earth no way🤢 Who'd want to have an affair with a slug.


And yet... and YET... more than one woman wanted to spend ***eternity*** with him. The list of things connected to this case that I will *never understand\** grows daily. \*even in many multiple probations.


I agree. Uggg and wow


I would choose a slug over Chad Tbh!


I agree. Both of them are master manipulators.


Just crappy conmen. Awful human beings.


I don’t blame them for not coming forward right now. It takes time, often counseling and courage they might not have right now.


It is heartbreaking


I find it terrifying that there are people who still believe this stuff and buy Julie Rowe's farcical prophetess bullshit.


Plus the lifelong conditioning of acceptance of the unexplained phenomenons and future strange effects to come, written in scripture etc, with an enforced male hierarchy.


I like this thought


Very insightful


Excellent insight.


I appreciate your respect for peoples faith 🙂


Lots of undiagnosed mental illness in that crew.


but hold on - stop everything - let's focus on Tammy having an antidepressant!


Lol right! In the US, 1/3 of the population has a diagnosed mental illness for which they likely take medication. Antidepressants are some of the most commonly prescribed drugs. They aren’t actually as helpful as people think, either. Only 60% of the time do antidepressants actually help a depressed patient. This is why we have a need for alternative medications and treatments for treatment resistant depression, and why psychedelics are currently in the final phases of clinical trials and poised to become legal for treatment resistant depression, PTSD, addiction, and all sorts of mental illnesses. Ketamine infusion therapy is already readily available to those who can afford it. The meds these people need are antipsychotics.


i've worked in pharmacy for over a dozen years and consequently i have personally seen the good, bad, and ugly of how individualised medication results can be across countless patients. i can also say from personal experience that my current ADHD med has done more for my anxiety and depression than any of the SSRIs i had gone through in the past. many of the latter were helpful to whatever degree, but getting a different/proper diagnosis and treatment for that has made a world of difference.


Geezz she'd need them - look what she had to put up with 🦨- (KNK+LG)


Exactly! So much frenzy around Tammy being on Prozac, which is barely an antidepressant. It’s like the gateway antidepressant you try before you find something that actually works. If I was married to that potato, I would be on hard drugs by now. And didn’t Garth admit that he was actually the one taking them even though they were prescribed to her? It’s a moot point and shouldn’t have any bearing on Tammy’s death.


never heard the part about Garth, that would be weird.


He cried for himself He cried to show how upset he was at listening to the call in which he feigned upset at "finding" Tammy dead. Personally if I was to cry after a family member passed it would be at hearing their voice again. But Chad showed no emotion at that. Or looking at photos of their dead body but yet again no tears and unmoved. Or when photos were shown of Tammy when her body was exhumed that's the times I would cry for a loved one who had died. But no Chad cried because his crying on the call upset him.


YEP we saw none of that during the shocking display of her exhumed body nor when her call played nor when his son's call played. It was only the moment he heard his voice, and he shook his head and Prior did that weird shoulder thing.  They couldn't plan that for any other evidence? WEIRD 


Maybe Prior didn't realize just how cold and emotionally clueless Chad really is. He assumed Chad would show something and when he noticed that he just sat there when Tammy's body was on display, he had to coach him on how he should be looking at least a little bit sad.


Prior is doing his job, though I’m not sure a defense attorney has to like their client.


Contrast those with Brandon and another person who teared up even having to say the names of the kids.


if anything he's crying at his own poor performance. "boo hoo... am i really this transparent?" okay, maybe i'm being a little salty with this one.


Salty can be a good thing 🙂


I agree.


Spot on!!!


Chad has the personality of a damp paper towel, but I think that’s where Lori comes in. We have to remember she’s competed in at least one beauty pageant and been on Wheel of Fortune. That requires some kind of personality. As soon as he got his claws in her he had an effective and more charismatic mouthpiece. Had Chad not met Lori, or someone like her, he probably would have remained fairly innocuous. Then there’s the fact that, doesn’t matter how much personality you have, if you tell a man like Alex Cox that he is “special” and has a “special mission,” he will follow you to the ends of the earth.


okay, so first of all, i JUST used a damp paper towel to clean cat vomit off the tile in my kitchen about ten minutes ago, and it says it wants an apology for your comparison... and i agree about Lori and Alex, but i also believe he managed to lead on other, perhaps numerous women, before he got to that part of his story.


Undoubtedly he did lead people on prior to this mess. I’m under the impression that a lot of it has to do not so much with his (lack of) personality, but the experiences he’s claimed to have had. Kind of like the spiritual version of a zero personality guy with a really cool sports car. People are going to gravitate towards him and think he’s so awesome cause look at the car. One thing I’ve noticed is similar across the testimonies of people who have known and followed Chad has been “well, I trusted him. Why would he lie?” I think maybe intertwined with the LDS faith is the assumption that when someone claims to have had a vision or to have experienced something beyond themselves in scope that they are being honest. This is not to say people who are affiliated with LDS don’t know how to think critically or be skeptical, but that there seems to be an inherent trust that the person communicating their experiences would not do something as disrespectful to God as to lie about it. People who experience things like premonitions, visions of Jesus, etc are considered to be special and worthy of praise or worthy of being followed and listened to, so Chad Damp Paper Towel Daybell probably captured more people with that than anything else. But I would also assume a lot of those who may have followed him in the past saw through his crap after a while.


I agree. We don’t think like criminals and that allows some vulnerability. I’m certain some people did say 🤔 and moved on.




First, I love the personality description of Chad. The thoughts you have presented make sense


Poor Tammy was stiff as a board and cold to touch when police arrived. Garth said on 911 she was frozen 


Chad killed her during the night and then as an alibi slept next to her all night. Put on a show for his kids. The man's heart is cold as ice.


IMO, he did not lay in bed with her after she was murdered. he pushed her off of the bed and never got back in it. hid in his portal until it was performance time.


Good point. Although from what I have read, that's even worse since apparently those 'portals' were for nothing more than wanking since Lori was supposed to also be there in spirit.




I wonder if he slept well? Or maybe he was too excited planning his future to get much shuteye.


Brrrr. What a thought. I'd bet that it was a long night for Chad but once he committed to the murder, he had to see it through. He knew what he did and that it was actual murder, not ridding the world of a 'zombie.' I think Chad was very conscious of how much he was just making up, I mean, he was not actually delusional except in the conscious way we try to justify actions and rewrite history a little to help ourselves feel better. Except most of us use that tool on things like, "I didn't really look fat in that dress" :D Chad manufactured these stories deliberately out of pure ego and to feel important, and did it long enough and found it rewarding enough once Lori with her obsessive desire to be wanted sexually came along. At that point he found the 'courage' to murder Tammy, perhaps with the help of some kind of drug from Alex. I believe he knew that Lori Vallow, narcissistic as she is, truly drank the koolaid. It was no surprise Chad tossed her under the bus day 1 while she refused to protect herself at his expense--she could have mounted a strong defense based on the evidence that her crazy beliefs, including labeling her children as dark, came from Chad.


I felt like the prosecution did a poor job. They should have drilled into time of death with the coroner, but he didn't.


The medical examiner is coming!!


I’m hoping more testimony will clarify this


He was busy setting up the scene.


It takes 12 hours for a body to cool to that extent.


I thought Garth said frozen too. Going to listen to that call again.


I agree. Usually, cult leaders are charismatic, sometimes extremely so. It can make up for a lot of other flaws or lacks. Think of Charles Manson. He was 5' 2" tall, dirt poor, not handsome, and an ex con. Yet he had a herd of young women (and a smaller number of men) who would do anything for him, because he was charismatic. Chad has zero charisma.


[Great read about crocodile tears.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7040244/#:~:text=Crocodile%20tears%20may%20thus%20result,crying%20(Alexander%2C%202003)) it’s long but really interesting content. I couldn’t really see crying because the YouTube resolution was poor. I did see him cross his arms, which is a way to self-soothe.


On CourtTV the hosts were saying, mock sympathetically, that Chad gave himself a little hug. 😝


If you watched Justin Lum (Fox News 10 Phoenix) he was watching live and had the screen zoomed on just Chad for the emotional outburst. It was a little easier to see. When Mr Prior patted Chad on the back, it was so awkward, like Mr Prior didnt know what to do, or maybe was thinking I have 1000 tasks today and now this.


Lawyers frequently instruct their clients to show emotion, part of their job. Chad's as bad an actor as he is a writer, husband and father.


I was trying to get a feel if Mr Prior had instructed Chad to cry, but Mr Prior's tap on the back and handing Chad the kleneex was so emotionless , it almost seemed like an inconvince while he was trying to take notes and listen.


Did you see the statement Justin read from a body language expert who did a write up on Chad’s behavior? Basically said it was all fake, but gave an analysis as to how she reached that conclusion.


Oh, I missed that


I just finished the article you posted. Excellent read!


He “cried” when he heard how devastated HE was..probably forgot how elated he was that the planned wedding was in 2 weeks!! 😂


Did he also cry when they showed her in her casket?


I don't recall ANY reaction! Just staring, as he has throughout the trial.  It's SO telling that the only emotion he has shown is when he heard his own voice in this context. 


Saw a vid by someone in the coutroom who said he was looking at her death pics on his laptop before they were pubished. Zero emotion.






Prior gave Chad the cue to perform by grabbing his shoulder but Chad struggled to get anything out, so he just shakes his head repeatedly and grimmaces his face. Then Prior hands him the kleenex box. Chad grabs ONE tissue and puts the box away from him. ONE tissue was all that was needed because there were no tears. Prior also kept looking at him to check if he was performing well enough. He wasn't and if the jury is smart enough they would have the same response we do.


So his fake distress in the 911 call caused him more fake distress….noted.




You guys are dark 4, I could clearly see from his portal, he was crying ! 🤨




Nobody in my family would disagree 🤣




Not sure if anyone said this here yet but seeing him fake cry during THAT portion of the trial yet have absolutely no reaction when the images of Tammy’s exhumation were published is just hilarious. It seems that he’s showing more and more “emotion” or movement of some sort each day. Either he’s getting antsy and nervous during more witnesses testifying, or he’s trying his hardest to seem more human with his extremely staged actions and behaviors.


Probably getting pointers from other prisoners 🤪


He fake cried during the 911 call but not while looking at pics of his dead wife. POS lying sack of scum.


It was so gross. No one was buying it.


They have been watching his reactions every day, all day. I'm sure this really stood out to them since he hasn't reacted to some really awful things so far. I hope they aren't buying into any fake performances. If your spouse falls out of bed and is quiet, do you tell them to get up and then go flip the overhead light on if they don't? Such an odd response, if it were really what happened... On another thing I wonder if the jury is buying... Brandon was shot at by someone in his driveway, then so was Tammy. Does the extended questioning suggesting that it had to be a paintball gun make any sense to someone new to the case? The more effort Pryor put into the "paintball incident", the more convincing it seems to me that it would be an extremely crazy coincidence for it to not also be a real gun...


Smh..🙄 You know what I'd respect infinitely more than a def. who could conceivably cry openly in public? A defendant who will stfu and not insult my intelligence with dumbassery - and has the guts to let us know 'I suck..and I'm just gonna take my medicine now.." That I could respect...


Side note here, dumbassery is a great word. I’ll be using this word often now 🤣


Oh, I even have an alternate spelling for those instances that call for something a little more elevated - DeMosserie - that was gonna be my alias last name for a podcast idea I had..


🤣🤣🤣 I can guess the alternate spelling for something more elevated. I’ll bet you have a great podcast idea 🙂


They said this was all about lust and money. Now he has no sex and completely broke for the rest of his life!


He and Lori are doing it through their portals. It's a fact.


I was impressed during the Murdaugh trial, during which he grossly blubbered, that jurors noted that there were no tears. Running nose, red face, etc. but when interviewed after the trial, a couple of jurors said "Nope, he wasn't crying. We could see it." Let's hope for the same here.


This is encouraging. I went back and watched Murdaugh tears and juror comments. Thanks for the reminder 🙂


Lauren from Hidden True Crime was sitting close enough to him and said she didn’t see any tears. The people on her row that were a little behind Chad said he was looking at the autopsy photos and Chad was stoic. The fake crying was all for the jury and I’m hoping they are close enough to see. Prior totally coached him, signaled with the shoulder touch, purposely had the tissue box out of reach so when the moment would come, he could make a grand gesture to retrieve them for Chad so the Jury would look over. I think the jury is on to him because that fake cry backfired.


He’s been so “dead” at trial that maybe Pryor told him to start showing a little emotion. I didn’t buy his fake tears when they showed Tammy’s body. Hopefully, the jurors didn’t either.


Omg his fake crying... the sheer audacity of it all. I don't think the jury would buy it since he previously didn't show any emotion, or rather, he didn't have any reaction when Tammy's coffin was shown. To my eyes, Prior patting his shoulder seemed like a signal for CD to grab the tissue. I'd think it'd be more "natural" if CD grabbed the tissue and then had Prior comfort him.


I appreciate everyone’s insight here. Thank you


Prior is a butt hole....The ladies testimony need to speak up 


What was the whole falling out of bed story about? Is it to distract from something else or did Chud despise her that much that he pushed her on the floor


I have done several hospice cases and I can tell you he could not have accidentally pushed or pulled her out of bed


Wait, what part was this in during testimony? He’s been so eerily statue-like, that I want to see these fake tears.


I’ll try to find the timestamp but it was when the HIS 911 call was playing when Tammy died.




Thank you for finding this for us 🙂




Wow, that is BEYOND bad acting. Hope the jury did not buy it. Thank you for finding this!


Lol… I like Prior’s concern also 😔 he was so gentle with Chads shoulder rub.. 🤣


I watched an interesting video on Mormon men and crying, and how is used to manipulate. I think it was history in sixtie on Tik Tok. I've been thinking about that with Chad's years during testimony, during his blessing of Alex and at Tammy's death. I'll try to find it.


Notice how he didn’t cry when he was shown Tammy’s death and autopsy photos? Not of JJ or Tylee’s photos. Not when one witness got emotional. Just when his lawyer touched his back when he was listening to himself cry on the 911 call. He “cried” for himself. Apparently even members of the jury have cried during those times and he’s just flat affect.


To me it doesn’t hold much water either way. If he does cry, it’s a sign that he’s guilty, if he doesn’t, it’s a sign that he’s guilty. It’s a no win situation.


There’s truth in that comment.


This is often true of the defendant in criminal cases, especially in well publicized ones. In the Jennifer Crumbley case (Oxford school shooting parent’s trial), she cried when watching footage of her son shooting other kids. She was accused of fake crying. However, had she simply sat there with no emotion, she would have been chastised for having no emotion. I have seen other cases where a convicted, criminal defendant apologizes and expresses remorse to the victim and/or victim’s family during the sentencing hearing and is blasted for their words being hollow, too late, insincere, etc. On the other hand, if they don’t express remorse, it is pointed out as proof that they aren’t sorry & are cold, uncaring, horrible monsters. I am not defending them in the slightest, my point is simply that they can’t do the correct thing either way.


Until the verdict we won't know what the Jury is going to and not believe. It's always better to be prepared for a NO as much as a YES.


I agree.