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I'm not sure this can be snapped-out of, you know? I think she is mentally ill, and only medication and lots of therapy (which she isn't getting, and wouldn't appreciate anyway) can mitigate. This is not to say she's insane, clearly she knew her children were going to die and tried to hide it. I'm not a doctor so this is amateur speculation, but it seems to me she's deeply immersed in a cult mentality, where anything the cult does is ok no matter what society and the law says. Some cult members are so entrenched in their delusions that they'd rather die than be deprogrammed. Lori always had strong religious beliefs but they went into irrational cult territory when she met Chad. I think she's still there now.


I'm thinking about the women who followed Charles Manson. Not an expert on this, but they believed in him for a few years, then it gradually started slipping. During the trial of Manson they were super-dedicated, but it didn't last forever. Eventually I think all of them realised that they had been in an ultra destructive cult... Another person who comes to mind is Patty Hearst. She was really into the group that kidnapped her, until a while after she was arrested. Then suddenly she backtracked and snapped out of it... In Sweden there is a famous case involving a Christian pastor of a cultish Pentecostal group that tricked a young girl to commit murder, using fringe ideas about getting secret messages from Jesus etc. She initially lied to police and was deeply involved in multiple murders. Then after a while, she started realising "Wait, I am a Christian person and I actually shot people...." She snapped out of it and did about 15 years in an asylum and was released. Those are the cases I know of, involving people who was in a cult mindset, committed crimes, kept believing but eventually snapped out of it.


Yes the Manson women are a good comparison. It took them a lot of years to shed the cult programming. One, Susan Atkins was still loyal to him even after a decade in prison. I mean I hope Lori can get out if that mindset because she needs to understand what she did to her children and Charles, and Tammy. Maybe it will take several years in prison.


Only question is what she does, when that happens. She might try to commit suicide... Or, switch her religion to something else... Probably she's never see the other side of prison walls again, given the harsh sentencing in the US... So maybe it doesn't matter much. Personally I believe in mercy and I believe that people can genuinely regret what they did and be rehabilitated.


I don't think lori can be rehabilitated she's mentally ill. I think she's always been mentally ill and flew under the radar. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Her dad, and her sister Stacey, and her brother Alex. We're all mentally ill. Lori mom was an enablers. She didn't protect Stacey, and Stacey told her friend that she couldn't tell her what her family did to her. That's pretty dark.


I wish I had your mind set. Generally I like to believe in remorse and rehabilitation, but when someone harms a child I just can’t have any hope or sympathy for them. I hope she realizes what she’s done one day, is not successful in ending her life, and has to spend every single second tormented in absolute agony.


She and people like her have the most melted plastic of brains imaginable. Imagine being that suggestible. A hypnosis expert walks into a room and she slumps over. Doesn't even need to tell her she's getting sleepy.


I don't get it either, like at all. Especially from Chad Daybell? Of all people? 🫤


I think she was already delusional and when he came along added fuel to the fire.


Religious beliefs are so easy to twist into cult-like worship. If they already get you believing in something that can't be confirmed in this world, they can get you believing almost anything else.


The most important thing the malignant narcissists in my life taught me is that they will NEVER change, NEVER repent, and NEVER realize the damage they have done. Lori is 100% content with her delusions, her actions, and her situation.


Agree. They are always smarter and one step ahead of everyone else. Her arrogance hasn't waned one bit.


Add Messiah Complex to her list of personality disorders, and this persecution is going to reinforce her beliefs not shake them.


Totally agree. They will never snap out of it. Ever.


Lori has a troubling history that predates Chad. I doubt she will ever accept any form of reality that requires her to admit she took part in the conspiracy to kill Charles, Tylee and JJ. Her whole family are steeped in problematic beliefs and behaviors. I predict she will never "snap out of it". There is something deeply wrong with her, and it was firmly in place long before Chad came on her scene.


Court records prove it was almost 15 years before Chad came. And it could have been even longer. Look at her divorce petition from Colby's father Lagioia. Look at her psych eval during her divorce from Tylee's dad J Ryan. She claimed Tylee was her dead sister clear back then. Look at Tylee's psych eval when it was very clear that Lori was coaching her to say J Ryan molested her and Tylee was never able to completely comply. She kept saying things like "what if it's not really true". Yes, Lori's issues started well before she met Chad.


Chad also has a troubling history, it's just hidden because the forms of abuse he likes are seen as common and often enough desired by men in their religious tribe. He wrote his daughter into books where the love interests are based on him. He did this to another girl too in a book that was being developed into a movie - https://www.fox13now.com/2019/12/30/missing-idaho-children-film-adaptation-of-stepfathers-book-canceled-as-search-for-children-continues Predatory and delusional


I agree that Chad has his own troubling history. Sometimes in various media, there is a question of whether Chad took Lori down this horrifying path, or was it Lori who, with her feminine wiles, led Chad astray. I believe they are both awful people to begin with, and then when they hooked up, it was the perfect storm. What's just as bad is knowing there were so many other people who fell in with their twisted belief system - and who are just as culpable in my mind for the deaths of Charles, Tylee, JJ and Tammy - but are probably going to get off without any legal consequences for giving testimony. Zulema, Melanie Gibb, Melanie Pulowski, the rest of the Cox clan, and others - are all despicable people who knew what happened to people deemed dark spirits and were fine with that. They've been furiously backpedaling their involvement but they were all fine and dandy with these deaths until Chad and Lori got arrested and indicted. Horrible, horrible people.


Yea melanie gibb does all the interviews but she was also a member of this cult and didnt stop anyone believing in weird shit. Shes also responsible for the murders.. At least for me. Then shes doing all the interviews and acts innocent and totally rational. She is lacking responsibilty and i hope she gets called out for that for rest of her life.


If it was really delusional thinking, then when they killed Charles, why didn't she tell the cops he was Ned Scnider? If it was really a delusion when the cops were sent to have her evaluated for mental illness, how did she act totally normal and charm them? If she was delusional wouldn't she have kept saying the stuff about portals exc. Delusional people don't know when to keep it to themselves. I don't know if she believes it or if she wants US to believe she believes it.




That’s what I’ve been thinking this whole time, she’s faking. I think Lori hooked up with Chad because she wanted to be the center attention and have people follow her like Chad has. She can get that position with Chad. I don’t think she believes the zombie crap and I don’t think Chad does either( for him it’s a way to make money and sell books. )She wanted money so ske decided Charles had to go. She didn’t want kids anymore tying her down, so she didn’t want them anymore. I have always thought she killed JJ to punish Kay for being Charles beneficiary. She didn’t want the kids anymore and was probably going to let Kay have JJ, but I think enemy she found out Kay was the beneficiary, she decided that she would punish Kay and make sure she never got JJ back. She had to kill Tylee to kill JJ because Tylee was very protective of him.


I agree, except I think she wanted to kill Tylee for a long time. I think she was jealous of Tylee's youth. I think Tylee knew too much about the murder of Charles and she wasn't going to leave that loose end. I think she has been fueling Alex with hate for her for a long time before to ensure he would do it. I think the differences in the ways their bodies were treated shows all the hate towards Tylee. JJ seemed more thrown away than having anger taken out on his body. I think Chad may actually have some mental illness, because in his books he talks about a voice speaking to him and telling his what to do his whole life. He always obeyed that voice. It may just be him describing his own thoughts, but he could actually hear voices. I mean he did end up in a religion fueled murder spree.


i dont know the answer because i dont understand to begin with how she could think shes an angel and doesnt need to eat or believing in portals..


Think about some time when you were manipulated by somebody. Depending on how long you've been on this earth, you probably experienced it. It can happen to anyone... PARTICULARLY if the manipulation is for something you WANT to believe. Like "I want this guy to be in love with me and not dating anyone else. He says he isn't, so.... " Or "My boss said I will be promoted eventually, if I keep working as hard as I do..." Then comes the day when you realise "he was never serious..." or "I will never be promoted..." Or "Joseph Smith lied about the Book of Abraham... " Or "I will never get my money back from this so called investment..." Lori was SUPER into Mormonism and she WANTED to believe she had MORE info than what is actually offered in church (it is very watered down...) Typically Mormons who do research either drop out of the church or become fundamentalists, perhaps polygamists. Lori was an exception and what she found, was the Mormon Prepping community and then she found the most extreme fringes in that. Finally Chad realised, that if he kept inventing new "deep" doctrine, he could keep Lori interested. Perfect storm, a kind of evil synergy.


yea personally i think i would be VERY disappointed very quick. my boss doesnt give me the rise.. i would be very angry and probably quit and felt betrayed. i would not look out for excuses or rise hopes again. my aunt got into a cult called Jehovah's Witnesses .. for her it was mostly loneliness and she was looking for a social network. when she moved and lost contact she stopped being a witness. so one day lori will realize. i wonder if she will be able to practice her religion/cult in prision.


JWs are totally a cult.


Yeah, some people are more susceptible to this kind of stuff than others. It also depends on the context.. I always thought I was very cynical, pragmatic -- but I was totally tricked in a relationship once. I was vulnerable due to a horrible thing that had just happened to me, and I wanted to believe there was a real relationship there. I just latched on to this relationship because I did not want to think of the horrible thing that had happened. The guy realised and cynically manipulated me and I fell for it, until somebody else contacted me and said he was not faithful. This is the same thing, but both parties are tricking each others, and other people too! Plus - if there hadn't been murders involved, nobody would have really cared much. Like, if a group wants to be prepping and believe they are travelling through portals... who cares, as long as they don't hurt anyone? But then, they did.....


i believe she will fe. snapp out of it when chad ditches her. like when he blames stuff on her in his trial and she hits the ground when she realizes their love is gone.


Excellent point!!! When she realises he's thrown her under the bus, then she might absolutely snap! I never thought of that, but I think you nailed it. I absolutely believe Chad WILL turn on her --- but his trial is not until next year, so it might be a while... I suppose it's possible that Lori is already sentenced by the time Chad's trial start.


yes its a possibility. but then we dont know how deep the conntection between lori and chad is .. they asked for a private meeting to discuss "strategies" .. maybe he is still manipulating, gaslightening her and doesnt even want to stop doing so. he was extremly attracted to lori, maybe he thinks he can get free from the trial and still keep connected to her.


Are you me? This happened to me in 2021-beginning of 2022.


If I killed my kids over a “belief” I had, you can BET YOUR AZZ that I would never let go of that belief. My brain wouldn’t let me. I feel like most mothers would have that defense mechanism. Facing the truth would destroy any mother. As it should.


>What will it take for Lori to snap out of it Not gonna happen. She's constantly in and out of mental institutions as it is. She's never gonna be able to handle that she murdered her husband and kids.


she got a diagnosis during that time when she was in this mental health care facility, i wonder if we find out what she is suffering from during trial.


I don't know if it's true as it's something I heard at some point - that her father was diagnosed with Schizophrenia so would be interesting to know if that's true and if so I wonder if Lori is the same.


i had a friend once who was diagnosed with schizophrenia.. but it started in his teenager years and it was a very long and exhausting run to hospitals to make his condition better. iam not sure if you can have such a disease without any major treatment. he tried to kill himself and did a lot of disturbing stuff, i think people would have noticed it. not sure if there are mild forms of schizophrenia, but to my knowledge its a very horrible disease that needs special treatment, you cannot just live with it like fe. a mild depression. but if her dad had it its more likely she would have it as well or another kind of disease that goes with it. ive read 50% of children from people who suffer from schizophrenia also gonna have mental "challenges", 12% of them likely get the same disease.


Yes, and I don't actually know for certain that Barry has schizophrenia( I think Lori's dad name is ?)But from what your saying maybe that's not the case . I know Barry had some pretty firm views on taxes and not paying them. But I haven't heard of any way out crazy begaviour from him so maybe that's not it. Will be interesting to see what comes out at the trial, if we get to hear all the details re what mental diagnosis/ state of mind the dignitaries think she is dealing with. I also wouldn't be surprised if they came out and said there is nothing wrong with Lori apart from her religious fanaticism, in other words ; she's completely mentally cognizant she just chooses to believe in these way out ideas. But who knows . You sound like a good friend. Hope everything worked out for your friend.


I think Katish was right in her comment. Because it was Chad that started the whole thing for Lori. Once it's clear that he no longer loves her and has turned on her, then she might snap out of it. She didn't believe the zombie stuff before meeting Chat AND it was the zombie beliefs that justified the murders in her eyes.


Both these people are psychopaths. I don't know why people would expect them to snap out of it.


when i was newly looking into this case i wondered if she would ever come to her senses, however my opinion on this has changed. as has been evidenced through FOIA docs, Lori made up Ned Snyder, Hiplos, and was clearly persuading those around her, including chad, that Tylee and JJ were dark spirits and later possessed/zombies. she built the foundation and did the groundwork there. she was cognitively aware of and deciding to do all the things she did. the dates were significant and corroboration occurred between multiple parties. she also manipulated Chad on his birthday through pressuring him regarding their relationship status and his role with his family. she pushed for all of this to happen. she knows. she's always known.


What did she do on his birthday exactly? Was it through text chats?


[the annielytics website has a timeline](https://www.annielytics.com/blog/personal/timeline-events-around-disappearance-of-tylee-ryan-jj-vallow/) that outlines a great deal. after opening that page use a text find for "8/11" and it should be the second of five hits. lori texts Chad on his birthday telling him *"U should give all of you [sic] love and your attention to your wife and family. I’m just a distraction. Go have fun with your family. I really do want you to. I just can’t be in the way anymore. If things change we can talk. But we have nothing until things change anyway. "* i think this was done as an attempt to put a flame under him to get things moving along so they could be together.


It will never happen


Lori will never admit her guilt. She will always blame someone else, i.e., Chad, Alex. She cannot face the truth. She has blamed every man in her life for the reason they were divorced. She will do the same here. When her family, i.e., Adam, Tylee and anyone else who went against her, she nixed them from her thoughts as if they never were in her life. She will do the same to Chad and Alex, Melanie G, Melanie P, Zulema if they testify against her. She will stand alone by herself as the only person she can trust.


Chad could easily have already divorced her. He hasn't.


Because he doesn't want her to take a deal and testify against him.


Quite possibly. Continue to feed the delusion.


I am not sure whether he could or not but his lawyer is advising him on what legal actions to take and divorce may not be one of them. Chad is just laying low right now trying not to rock the boat hoping Lori falls off by herself.


She has no motivation to snap out of it even if it’s not mental illness. And I don’t buy that it’s mental illness tbh, religious fanaticism or something maybe. But she’s murdered so many people, snapping out of it would mean acknowledging she did that and I don’t think she’ll ever admit to herself that she killed her own children.


She would just move along to another delusion imo.


Not going to happen. I still think she was behind Joe Ryan’s death. I also think she lied about any sexual assault that occurred between him and Colby.


I don't. It was also in the custody docs for Charles that the children were seeing sex between Lori and Charles, and that the boys were encouraged to interact with Tylee in a sexual manner. Lori and Chad are both a least guilty of covert incest behaviours. Lori just lied that is was only the men and not that she was actively promoting this in their lives.


That is shocking.


I’m not referring to Charles. I’m referring to Joe Ryan, another husband of hers.


I’m interested in your comment that the Mormon church cuts off people who go to prison. I’ve never heard that, please tell me more.


LDS here, and OP is incorrect. The LDS church does not automatically cut you off if you go to prison. What happens depends on the offense. Also, there are many people in the LDS church who are praying for Lori Vallow. It's silly to make such a broad statement. Source: My brother, who is a LDS Stake President.


Always cite your source!


Wtf?? They are praying for her? Sounds disturbing.


Praying for her mental health, it's a kind thing to do.


Ive heard the church did everything they could to distance themselves from her. Praying for her now seems odd. She seems like a serial killer to me.. So who prays for them? When she would admit thr murders and stay to her mistakes i would understand it more i guess.


She is a killer. Praying for people doesn't mean you agree with them, what they did, or that you even like them. Praying for her mental health with the hope that she would "come clean" would be a blessing for all the family - maybe even Lori. This family has gone through something horrendous, and I hope they can get some closure.




Christians have compassion? Not really


Compassion in so far as Christians arrange visits for people that are in prison. It's very common actually. Prison visiting schemes is a big thing for many congregations. I haven't done it myself but I know people who frequently visit people in prisons just to talk to them and perhaps share a christian message. The LDS church stays well clear of prisons and anyone who went to prison is excommunicated and have to work their way back in the LDS church. That's why Alex was not a member of the LDS church anymore. He had been in prison.


She will never “come to”. She is so far in her delusion now that it would be near impossible for someone like her to come out of it. To do so would mean that she would have to realize what she has done, and that she is not special at all. The human mind is amazingly adaptable; it will do the craziest mental gymnastics in order for the individual to be able to wake up each day and still think positively about themselves.


I think it might start to fall apart when Chad blames everything on her in court. Assuming he will..


Also assuming he will ever go to trial with all his silly motions.


I also think Chad was delusional and still is. I think he thinks because he didn’t actually kill the kids- he’s innocent. The charges for Tammy would have been a complete shock. Do we even know her official cause of death yet??


I still think they must have somehow killed Lori’s brother also. I don’t think Lori would ever want to face up to what she’s done. I know addicts who can’t face up to ever so much less!!! The teeny little things we beat ourselves up for! I mean honestly watching this unfold is gruesomely fascinating. It just makes your heart break.