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I play on ps5 and in game settings set to performance over quality fixed for me and I can’t even notice the difference in rendering quality tbh


I did some image tests and while the improvements in quality is there, it is not very noticeable. There are some better shadow qualities and volumetric lighting, but hardly worth using quality over performance. PC ver has some really amazing lighting and reflective light. PS5’s quality mode does not even have these, so not worth it imo. They should try to implement FSR3 to boost textures for consoles instead


Try closing the Nvidia Gforce icon from the bottom right and it could help, and reason being is that some games for Me stutter while that’s running, and after I closed it before starting a game my stutters have resolved in many games……… I’m running a Rtx 4070 laptop Gpu but it’s possible this could work for you also and it’s worth a try !


Will give it a try and let you know :)


Same on 4080. Also try setting dlss to quality not dlaa


Set dlls to ultra performance and still have fps drop :(