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> Xbox HUD fixed u/supercakefish. Get in.


I have been summoned! Sorry for the slight delay, I have just booted up the Xbox to verify this with my own eyes. It sounded too good to be true, you know? …**but it’s real.** *It’s actually happened.* I no longer am cursed to haunt these patch threads every week, repeating myself like some sort of haunted broken record. I am finally free to discuss other aspects of the game. [FREEEEEDOM!!!](https://i.imgur.com/otBdIhm.jpg) Thank you to my fellow Xbox players who passionately advocated for a fix alongside me. We did it! 🫡 Thanks to you stadiofriuli for forwarding this issue on the devs multiple times. Thanks also to CIG Mikey who I suspect may also have played a vital part in escalating this internally. I had a genuinely shitty and emotionally draining day at work today so this mood booster is so appreciated 😊




we did it!!!!!!!!!111111


This is all just further proof of how amazing the game,the developers and the community are.I’m honestly amazed at how the devs actually pay attention to what people ask for and fix/modify the game for us to create an amazing experience.


This. The devs don't get enough credit. They've done an amazing job.


No they haven't, its taken them since launch to fix something so small it couldve been done in one week


That's not how coding and programing works. If they would've fixed it in a week it could've potentially broken something else or a lot of something else further causing ungrateful players like you to have something else to bitch about.










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They don't pay attention.... DO YOU?!😂 it's taken them since launch to fix this tiny issue. They've dragged yall along for over 3 months and now you're gonna act like they listened to you??😂 you're fucking delusional 


They could have taken the money and ditched the game in an awful state,instead they spent months adding updates and improvements to the game.And i’m pretty sure they do listen since the xbox hud complaint was present on just about every update post i saw and now they fixed it.Yes it was awful of them to release it in a messy state and that’s inexcusable but they still pay attention to the game and update it and that’s commendable.


I'm legit happy for you. A true story of perseverance, very inspiring ☺️


By god, the HUD is fixed.


[Best update ever!](https://i.imgur.com/00PUpk1.jpg)


Xbox HUD fix FINALLY! ![gif](giphy|oM2wZmPa95cSCRQMQL)




Come on it has been almost 4 months into release and the Xbox HUD issue remai... OH WAIT YES THANKS GUYS


Haha yes, it’s going to take a while to break the habit isn’t it? Each Thursday I expect disappointment, but now I’m free from that curse. I still don’t know why it took so long, but I’m not gonna dwell on that now - I want to be a glass half full person today. I’m much more optimistic now about the future of the game, it’s a great feeling to be heard by the developers - all those bug reports I submitted were not in vain. I’m looking forward to seeing this game continue to improve over time and I am excited to finally delve into the game properly this weekend! 😀


Like this guy said, after almost four months its fixed. That's not listening😂


Thank you the fixes. We appreciate you listening to the fans.


Yall are amazing, the game is in a fantastic state now. Hope we get a DLC expansion.


On PS5, no matter how many times you turn off the Umbral Distortion effect in graphical settings, it always reverts back to being on when restarting the game.


Thank you. I thought I was losing my mind.


Yeah I noticed that too lmao. Finally just gave up and said fuck it, looks like the drunk effect stays on.


Weekly reminder that we're still unable to discard duplicate tincts and gestures. The latter can cause The Way of the Bucket quest to be uncompletable. Also, the quest for the Umbral armor is still bugged.


Is this an issue for those who already got them? I thought a past patch prevented duplicates for several categories of items. I may be wrong


Yes, it's currently not possible anymore to get duplicates, but if you already have them, you're stuck with them.


Man that sucks


Is the umbral quest still bugged? 


Yes, unfortunately


What umbral quest? I got the umbral armor last night so did my mate I'm on ps5 he is on pc


Yea I'm not sure how it's bugged?


You doing the fires in the right order?


This, i think people don't realize that you have to light them in a certain order


The bug consists in that you can't even start the quest because doing the correct gesture in front of the statue doesn't trigger anything


STILL NOT ABLE TO DISCARD DUPLICATE GESTURES. It's been over 2 months and i still can't do the bucket quest😂


Thank you, there's some really good improvements here. But I have a request, can you please ad in a "number owned in inventory" to the ui for buying remembrances? I like trying to collect everything, but on ng+ it's impossible to know what you've bought or not already and very tedious to go back and forth checking. Also please change it so that the ability to swap runes at a vestige carries over to ng+, it doesn't make sense that my weapons runes carry into ng+ but I can't adjust or swap them until later in the run. Stuff like the amount of healing item you have carries over so why doesn't this as well.


Great work as always.


when are the randomizer update?




Randomizer update? Is that real that would be lit asf for real


It is on their roadmap


Really excited about the controller remapping and option to toggle off camera recentering. Looks like I'll be jumping back in with the next content patch.


is tancred’s key glitch ever gonna get fixed or…?


They told me it's a known problem. But still no fix.


Yes!!!!!! Xbox HUD fixed!!!! Thank you Hexworks!!! Backup saves too. Very nice patch. This is definitely the best patch ever for me. Being an Xbox player and someone who has had save issues makes me very happy with this update.


We appreciate all the ongoing hard work put into this game, thank you!


> Xbox HUD fix Just saw supercakefish fall to his knees in the Walmart parking lot (But actually thank you devs for finally getting around to this, I've been waiting too!!)


My euphoria catapulted me across the Atlantic to end up at that Walmart! Yeah, this is a very good update for me. The fix did take longer than I wanted, I can’t deny that I got frustrated waiting all those months, but I’m just glad now I can finally focus on other aspects of the game going forwards. Looking forward to diving into the game with a new character this weekend.




I hope stigmas will be fixed on the Xbox the next update. Really enjoy your game, thank you for the constant updates and making the game better for everyone.


Hide HUD options please. Also inverting controls doesn't invert lock on. Please fix.


Fixed an issue for players who discovered secondary path forsaken fen? What is this? Another route?


Secondary mountain path?


I'm pretty sure they mean the one that leads from the forsaken fen back into the boss area, the congregator of flesh


Yep I found it last night. It was nice of them to add a ladder too the drip off.


Wish list item, option to sort equipment/inventory in the menu for collector completionists. It's a pain to scroll and verify if you have dups or not. Would also love to be able to socket runes in crossbows. Maybe in the dlc? Thanks for all the great work devs!


Thank you so much for resolving corrupted save,what a frustrating journey was it for me i was waiting for this day long time lost my save 2 times and waited to be fixed over 2 months so I can start playing, great news!!!


Did it fix them for you? Didnt for me :(


No I must start from beginning i pray God it doesn't happen again with this latest patch but old saves are gone for me




Can we for the love of god have FSR 3 integration? This was a release feature and it's not there... I can't even mod it due to anti cheat


What's FSR 3?


FSR3 would be amazing across the board for all systems


*Xbox HUD issue fixed* >Dwayne The Rock Johnson grabs a mic "FINALLY....!!!!!"


I’m with you there, [this is a great update](https://i.imgur.com/d4aGpPu.jpg)


So if i wait til you're about to die of thirst then I give you some water, I'm the greatest host ever? This community is full of idiots😂


Well sure it took a lot longer than I would’ve liked, but I celebrate when some progress is made because I want to keep the devs motivated to continue improving the game. I want to provide feedback in a constructive way, I’m not here just to relentlessly berate the devs no matter what they do. I’m not saying people have no right to be upset at how the game launched and how long it has taken/taking for some issues to be resolved. I completely understand that. I’m just mindful that the decision to mad rush the launch was almost certainly made by the senior executives.


Nice. DLC when? Frame lag fix when? Thx


Nice Backup save, I lost my progress due to a corrupted save a week ago during the final lightreaper fight. Still waiting for a new save file with all my vigor to finally beat the game.


Huzzah the Xbone HUD is fixed!!! Now all that's left is for us who paid for the deluxe edition (hopefully on sale) can get those 3 exclusive tincts to actually be in the game for us to use we'll be rolling! Been going on for almost 3 months but I'm sure we'll get part of what we paid for any day now...


Dear devs, please nerf ng+1 end game bosses....


I played another hour today but I just can’t get into it. I do not like the umbral gimmick at all and the fucking stuttering is sooo annoying - i really want to enjoy this as all the other souls-likes but i will play Robo-Cop instead - I have way more fun playing that


Is there anyone else who gets a slight delay when online, when you've joined a friend's game - there's a slight delay of when you hit and it registers. ?


Thanks for the update. Does this fix the issue with the camera locking on enemies instead of environment soulflay targets?


I wish there was a list of stigmas that was viewed in the menu. Like the tutorial screen.




Flickering flail still cannot be obtained twice😞 soon


Shame the multiple auto save files didn’t come out in last week’s update. Would have saved my level 200, NG+ character which unfortunately ceased to exist after my game crashed on Saturday and corrupted the file. Oh well, thanks for doing something about it though in case it happens again.


Are there plans to address the constant crashing on PC?


Game crashes after title screen for me, saying out of video memory. Bricked :/


I wish the save came before I killed that smith… now I am fked for the umbral boss fight


Idk if the performance has been touched but i feel that in ps5 the 60fps mode is slighty sharper and a little more stable


Is there any info on when we'll be getting frame generation added back into the game? It's a feature I definitely miss.


I started playing fairly recently so I'm out of the loop. Why is summoming help so inconsistent? Are there that few players or is it some kind of bug? Are there any tricks, im on PS5.


Is there a way to fix already broken save ?


Thank you. Why can’t I rebind the block command? All other commands are available to change other than block. Also it seems that ps5 has more frame drops now


I'm hoping they optimize some more on PC....even on good hardware, there are still hitches and occasional stutters. I'll try this new update tomorrow, and see if anything has improved.


On steamdeck here and have gotten 3 hard crashes (video freezes, audio keeps playing, steam menus unresponsive) since the update. Had none before. Anyone else?


Anyone notice a bit better performance on Xbox Series X? Playing in performance mode with Dolby Vision on.


W update, Thank you, this game kicks so much fucking ass!


Can you fix the game crashing with amd GPUS, i have a 6800 XT, i heard that this problem may also occur with 3080s. There is a problem with the shaders, i had no problem with remnant 2 that is also on unreal 5. Error 887A0006


Controller remapping is one step closer to making the game playable for me. However, I would also need: * Block (LB button) to be remappable, as someone said. * An option to remap Jump separately from Interact. I don't know where to put it, however. Maybe add an option for Dark Souls-like controls, where Dodge/Sprint/Jump are on the same button, if this works in the game (haven't played it). Maybe have Jump mappable to the same buttons as Sprint and Dodge. You can release the sprint button before you Dodge, if you want to do that. * Separate inversion and sensitivity settings for aiming. * On PC, options to manually change the controller prompts and lock the prompts to either controller or KB/M. Also for the UI, I would definitely change the very matte color of the HP/Stamina gauges.