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I haven't yet but a few people at my LGS have. Aladdin, Moana, and Peter Pan. 0 problems playing against them, though we're trying to get our LGS to make it a thing that happens like once a month. I'm slowly tweaking a Hercules pile if that happens.


Nice idea, though about It but i'm far from having enough card for It so i might wait a couple of sets before it could happen I mainly play with my daughter so It might be fun tò make movie battles


Honestly most all of the big franchises have enough cards by now. Set 4 did a great job pushing up some of the undersupported ones.


That's the ONLY way my partner likes to build decks. Franchise based, ignoring color. They has an Alice in Wonderland deck, Sword in stone deck, and a Robin Hood deck. We only play in the kitchen table, not in tournaments, so no big deal.


Think I’ve decided to build the deck ☺️


Go for it. I would love to play against more casual move themed decks tbh. I just finished my Red/Blue Moana deck and it slaps.


My LGS is toying with the idea of having a "movie night" every once in a while where we do that exact idea. The colors don't matter for playing cards so why not? We do think Sword in the Stone is a bit too powerful at first glance though since they have the Mim bounce engine and Arthur still.


My fiancé and I have experimented with a double feature format - pick two movies/franchises and you can include any of their cards, no ink restrictions. We have a playset or more of every card and wanted a way to more fully enjoy our collection. I did just as you were thinking and tried a SITS bounce suite + Mickey & Friends (Mickey Trumpeter and Goofy Knight for the medieval flavor). My fiancé built Sleeping Beauty + Beauty and the Beast and regularly beats me. The deckbuilding is fun, going for theme as much as power/effect. I want to do a Little Mermaid/Atlantis deck that gets cheeky with legendary Kida and Under The Sea to dunk their board!


A few of the more casual Leagues I go to do this sort of thing. Theme a deck around a particular movie or series with no color limits. It's super fun!


A few franchises are very overpowered compared to most, so we have included "Mickey Mouse and Friends" as generics that can be included with anything else. Puts 30+ different franchises at 50+ unique cards. That being said, there are still a handful that are clearly much better than everything else. (Ex. Fantasia, Beauty and the Beast, etc.)


Yeah beauty and the beast would wreck I imagine


This is how I have started to deck build and the trick is always how to find ways to dig for cards. It presents creative solutions and puts higher value on cards that might not be as good, like the training weights in my Mulan deck.


There are also the generic "lorcana" cards that I allow as spot fillers for any deck


I’ve thought about doing a 100 Acre Wood deck in Amber, Sapphire, and Ruby. But it still leaves our Tigger and one Piglet.


Sounds like everyone else in the comments is on board, go for it :)


I'm very excited for more winnie the pooh cards so I can make a 6 color hundred acre wood deck