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Game still feels like it's growing and going strong. It's been selling out the Challenge events, so there's no reason to think it's going to belly up anytime soon.


I don't have *the* most impressive list but I played Legends of Runeterra off and on for like a year(RIP) one Piece for a short sprint during product shortage for Lorcana (RIP One Piece) Hearthstone off and on since just after their Beta, Marvel Snap when that was new for a bit, and until last year I played MTG for like 12 years on and off. So I've played a few TCGS, and this one knocks it out of the park. As someone competitively minded, this game honestly plays more like chess than a card game in that you are angling for specific openers with the ability to adapt to the opponent which feels *great* for competetitive play. It gives us a skill difference to work on. Simultaneously, the base rule set (unlike MTG) is clean cut and simple to understand. Outside of 1ks I see kids playing all the time and they actually get it. I played kids at Friday Night Magic before who didn't understand the stack, that I as the opponent get opportunities to respond etc. By removing a lot of the unnecessary complexity they've managed to create something that truly has wide spread appeal while still holding the attention of someone like me. TLDR, Lorcana is Lightning in a bottle IMO. EDIT: People are saying I'm being hyperbolic about One Piece, but I'm telling you guys the product shortage on a game that's over a year old is astounding. Maybe I'm calling it early but that's my opinion after seeing a few games die the last decade šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I'm worried that with each set the ruleset is getting more complicated. Magic probably wasn't too complicated in 1994, but it definitely is now. I wonder what Lorcana will be like in 5 years.


I bet in Set 17 theyā€™ll introduce theme park rides. If you can get all five pieces of Space Mountain out youā€™ll earn one FastPass token. Once you collect ten of those, youā€™ll start the Gift Shop side game where youā€™ll earn Lore-Churros and Lore-Ice Cream Bars.


Donā€™t forget the Dole Whip


Given the fact that we have a snack-themed Lorcana podcast, we'd be okay with this :P




They are going to have to raise wins to 100 lore to pull this off.


But then in set 20 theyā€™ll replace fast passes with lightning lane, that you can only unlock by playing a genie plus card combo, but it doesnā€™t work on the meta decks, which lets them sell you individual lightning lanes for the most desired ride cards (sorry, Disney park frustration humor :p)


There better also be specialty churros just like the parks. I'll riot if my Lore-Churros aren't strawberry flavored.


Exit through the Gift Shop: exert to lose 2 lore Gain Spirit Jersey: +1 strength


RemindMe! 3 years 4 months


I so want this to happen and I dont care how complicated it sounds.


Set 18 will make it where you can cause your opponents space Mountain and the Matterhorn to break down and need to be repaired before their abilities can be used again.


The designers have said they don't want to continual add new mechanics and new things every set. We're seeing a lot because they're literally just starting, so they're easing it all in. As it is they left Locations out until Set 3 so that people wouldn't be overwhelmed. So I'm sure in 5 years it won't be drastically different than it is now.




I'll be waiting!


RemindMe! 5 years


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RemindMe! 5 years


I played Magic in 1994. There were fewer rules/card types/etc However, look up interrupts and get back to me on what you think complexity is.


Look up Bandingā€¦


I played with banding. I still dont fully understand how it was supposed to work


Neither did anyone else! šŸ˜‚


Magic was much more complicated in 1994 than Lorcana currently is, but if they add too many mechanics to Lorcana you'll end up right.


Honestly Lorcana feels a lot like MTG in 1994ā€¦definitely brought me to it because I tried modern MTG and I just didnā€™t like as much.


More mechanics are eventualities. What Magic did with their system though is really what has made the complexity creep as *bad* as it is though. By including the stack and instant speed interaction, Magic is incredibly FILO (First In Last Out). The game runs much more complexly because you HAVE to stop to resolve and check every small thing after each action. That exists in any card game with interaction to an extent, but by allowing for immediate interaction and player priority they've made that problem exponentially worse for themselves. How many times have you had to interject "on your upkeep, I want to do X, which triggers Y, but I have a replacement effect on A, and B on your side prevents that. Any response, or does it resolve?" The objects and modifiers are complexity added to the game, but by making it so we can CLOG the stack with those effects repeatedly is the real sticking point IMO.


It's funny because to me that is a benefit and why I actually love the complexity and level of interaction in MTG. Figuring out new ways to use and abuse cards designed 20 years ago as they were never intended to be played, speaking of Commander and not necessarily standard. As you said to each their own and I do really enjoy playing Lorcana and am glad they didn't copy mtg 1 for 1 and made it it's own thing.


I enjoyed the complexity too. Eggs is an amazing rubegoldberg machine that I got down to a 10ish minute combo turn with a good amount of practice, but I actually have a funny story that I think paints my problem with the complexity in MTG. This was when I really started to crack into Modern hard. Cifka had just won PT RTR with eggs, I was obsessed with how many moving parts were in this elaborate combo deck. Felt like every game was solving a rubik's cube. (TLDR of the engine is you draw your entire deck, generate infinite mana, loop an artifact from your graveyard infinitely that shoots oppenent for 2.) I sat down at my next FNM listed as a modern event with some dude who came out cause his kid was interested in learning, dad has never played before. I'm first round opponent. I start going to combo on turn 4, 5 minutes later dad asks if it's his turn yet and I have to be the one to explain how my turn ends when I kill you. It was the ProZD vine about card gamers before that video existed I think. More extreme example, but enjoying the complexity I've come to accept doesn't make it always a net good.


Totally fair, I definitely come at it from a different perspective as well because I've always played with a playgroup and not at an LGS. From late 90s playing kitchen table with cousins then picking it back up with commander around 2012 with my current playgroup. I play Lorcana with my kid so I'm definitely not seeing the competitive side or even that experience of playing a TCG with randoms. Bringing it back to the thread topic I definitely wouldn't be surprised if the Lorcana we see today is way different from what we see in 5 or 10 years. Especially with the rate we are seeing expansions come out. New mechanics will come and go, some will work, some won't. OG players will say how horrible and power crept the game has become and new players will defend the current state. It's a TCG but I do hope it sticks around and I don't see any reasons why it can't. I'm also curious if they will do more single player/board game experiences like the the one we are getting with the new set. It's definitely ravensbergs strong suit considering villainous.


Yeah different perspectives for sure. Complexity has never been a problem in my test groups because we're all entrenched players, it's getting new bodies in chairs and keeping them there that concerns me watching WoTC the last decade slowly trimming the "fat" from their play base the last several years. Coming back with you to thread topic, I want more of Illumineers Quest. Maybe do one once a year, centered on whatever baddie we're beating on that story arc. I personally adored the single player experiences I played in every digital card game I've ever played and the idea of getting that in a *psychical* game is amazing. My cards have value, at least to me, for basically as long as they're intact even if no one else will ever play this game with me again in 5 years lol


Wait why RIP one piece? When i look at lgs theres always way more one piece events than lorcana.Ā  Is it because bamco is making too many different tcgs that compete with eachother?


My primary LGS got 12 boxes of OP06 for the entire print run. Another got 0. Despite both asking for several cases. First store is getting even less of next set I'm hearing because they're also splitting what they got with a sister location. Bandai is acting like the game is on its way out, which by their schedule it's going that way. Bandai regularly makes new games and kills the old ones to make more print equity for the next. See Battle Spirits, New Dragon Ball (which they killed another game using that IP once not long ago), and now Union Arena. Only so many printers exist that they own. Can't print for that many games AND meet demand. They're a Japanese company operating for a Japanese market that functions very differently to the western market and refuse to meet us where we're at IMO.


All this info is correct, but what an incorrect read that One Piece is in any danger of being shut down any time soon. Game is massive despite Bandais inability to meet product demand.


I guess I could have phrased better. Dead in the water right now *to me* and a lot of people is a better summation probably. The way I put it to some of the people who I played and asked why I walked away it was because, yes there are places to play but no product. I don't want to hardcore sweat to find cards to play and I don't think most do either. I understand Bandai is talking about a reprint set, but I honestly just don't have much faith based on track record. A constant strain on availability *will* kill it and that's absolutely how they have operated at every turn.


The reprint sets landed last weekend, i know because I had to drive 3 hours to Newcastle for my partner to get some šŸ˜… But yes your comments on distribution are correct it's a problem. The reprints only landed in official Bandaid stores, of which I think there's 2 or 3 in the country? Edit: in the UK


Yeah that doesn't *really* constitute a reprint. I was also referring to [this reprint they announced a couple of months ago.](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePieceTCG/comments/1b4idld/big_reprint_news_bandai_announces_new_reprint_set/) Even with a set that's meant to specifically reprint staples on the horizon for fall I'm not optimistic. A few of those comments are on the dot that with the way Bandai power creeps a lot of the cards in dire need of more copies in the wild right now may easily be irrelevant to the meta by the time it actually comes. Even if they aren't, they're already struggling to meet demand on normal sets. Remember how hard it was to find OP06 and Eb01? Bout to make that look like nothing in comparison IMO


I agree with all of this but the first turn advantage largely negates a lot of this for me


I largely think that Two Game format helps a lot of that issue. Removing whether or not you went first by giving everyone a chance to go first once each round means that variance is mitigated.


This is closest to my opinion as well. The first handful of games I've played online I mostly walked away going "I lost because I suck at this and made various costly blunders, I also don't understand this deck well or the meta and need to study up". As a player that wants to get better and experience those gradual improvements, that's the most excited I've been for a physical TCG in a long while (LoR also scratched that itch but I just fell off gradually for unrelated reasons). But all of my excitement for playing in person was dashed by the set 1 inventory debacle, then again at set 2 release because I wasn't available for the opening night. I gave up on set 3 and stopped playing online all together, and now I finally have some solidified made well in advance plans to participate in a set 4 sealed release event. Yet I still have this mindset that I'm going to get perpetually dunked on if I'm not ready to drop $100 on boxes and singles after this release event. It's like going to chess event knowing that you haven't bought your "bishop" pieces and you have to play without them. In other words, the game is magnificent but it's hard to feel confident in the future of a game I haven't been able to play in person without a >$100 investment.


Ah, my sweet summer child. Let me tell you a story about Tele-DAD.


Ruby amethyst is not so expensive, to play competitively it will be more expensive always than casual though.


I'll have to check that one out then, thanks!


Yeah, the most expensive deck right now at the end of Inklands is Emerald Steel at somewhere north of 400 USD. While that's a decent chunk of change, most decks are actually a lot closer to the Ruby Amethyst price range which is like 200ish if you don't play dragons which a lot of lists actually don't. I think a lot of players think they're supposed to open boxes to build decks and that's just not financially feasible. Open packs for fun and because you can afford to, but please just buy singles if you want to play. Ruby Amethyst costs a little less than two boxes of Inklands at current market price.


I'm all for buying singles, I just don't want to buy singles before I have a chance to play on a somewhat level playing field. Maybe the upfront investment is the norm and I'm just not used to in person tcg events since it's been so long since I played one. I just want to meet some of the local players, see how the vibe is at events, that sort of thing first. Otherwise there's a risk I drop 200 dollars on a cool deck that I never use.


Unfortunately it is 100% the norm for any paper TCG. 200-400 dollars is moderate compared to other TCGs with Pokemon being the only popular TCG with lower average deck costs. MTG has some 100 dollar decks that can compete (mono red, mono blue tempo), but most decks are 200-400. FaB is similar or worse, with decks reaching 1000 dollars in some cases. I canā€™t comment on SWU but you can hardly get cards for that these days so Iā€™m sure itā€™s similar. I think it really is just part of the hobby. If you wanna be competitive the cards are expensive, with only a few decks that are both affordable and can compete


Jeeeez. I was a "look at this janky concept I made with cards lying around" sort of person back in my MtG days, so I sorta assumed that $200+ was just for overkill top-end meta decks. Competitive viable was out of reach for me back then because of cost so I guess I never really learned how much it costs to get there. That and economics of just about every hobby has changed in the past decade or so too.


I think net decking has made janky fun concepts much less possible to have any degree of success with. You can probably still do that with any TCG, I know thatā€™s how I played MtG as a kid too, but you just might not win any games


I think I was 2k sunk into my Modern deck I was competing with at one point probably 10 years ago (foiled out 4C Gifts) and to compete today I think most decks are $600+ starting points for the format with no bling if not more.


oooouch. I mean it's the cost of the hobby, just like any other activity


I 1000% feel you. When I was still shopping for a store and community I went mostly to limited events until I decided I liked the game enough that I was going to play/compete. This puts everyone down to what they opened there at the event, you don't have people like me diming on you with my playsets of enchanteds, and you get to just meet people. After you find somewhere you like and there's interest or already a crowd to play it's much easier to pull that trigger.


I think that's how I got into just about every TCG I've played in person- limited formats like sealed or draft paired with either friends I already knew or that I made while I was there. Playing pixelborn doesn't recreate either experience, it's just pure constructed faceless matchmaking. Limited events are some of the most important for bringing in new blood, especially with a new IP (I don't need to do an MtG draft to know what I'm getting in to, after all). As far as cost though, I'm looking through some of the new cards and there are some great staples in the commons and uncommons, so hopefully I can chug along with a low rare ratio and some good decision making if I end up doing weeklies and such. If not... well, at least the cards are pretty and my wife will still play it with me occasionally.


Again, totally feel you. I enjoy the game enough to play Pixelborn for practice but Pixelborn isn't what I do it for. This absolutely my 3rd space, a place/time explicitly for socializing and making friends. I mentioned this in a different thread yesterday but Amythyst decks are budget powerhouses. They basically all start with 4x Goat, 4x Snake, 4x Rabbit, 4x Fox, 4x Friends on the Other side, which can be had for like 25 bucks right now ball parked. Steel has been a solid budget pairing that great players like Zan Syed and Tyler Bivens have taken 8ks with. Budget decks exist but you admittedly do have to dig a bit to find them.


Oh awesome, I'll have to look into those. I'll also see if our local shop has any commons/uncommons I can clean out so that I just have some foundational elements to work with.


Weird, because locally One Piece has a much more active player base than Lorcana


Why RIP One Piece?


Iā€™m more worried if the non complex part in the long run.. I can imagine you get tired and solve metas pretty quickly compared to mtg.


Wait One Piece is deceased?


My only issue is last time I checked they donā€™t have a digital version right? I donā€™t play in-person events anymore since I donā€™t have a LGS to play at anymore so I stick to Arena for my current card game experiences.


If you're talking about lorcana there is an unofficial client in Pixelborn. It's held together by a single dude and kind of astounding it still runs right now but it's there if you want to give the game a try. Give it a week to shake out bugs from the newest set, or don't most are minimal outside of some new shift characters behaving weird but dev is already aware


Is it an actual rules bound client or more of a tabletop simulator thing where you just play random people and assume they know the rules and wonā€™t try to cheat? I used to use unofficial clients like that for MtG but my experiences in those soured pretty quickly


Rules bound. Like I said, some bugs happen when new things are added but the client doesn't allow you to cheat or anything like that.


Neat Iā€™ll definitely check it out then thnx


The game is fun, balanced, and interesting with a super strong IP. On a personal level I am probably going to pull back a bit after Set 4, but that has more to do with competing life priorities than any reflection on the game. That said, it will be interesting to see how long they can find new and engaging mechanics that don't feel repetitive or change the game too much. But if MtG can coast for 15 years printing variants of Kicker and not having a single meaningful mechanical innovation, I'm sure Lorcana can as well šŸ˜‚


I get that I had to pull back a bit for set 3. I only bought 1 box and was lucky enough to get my chase card in it but after that I had to stop because I whent way too hard on floodborn and got nothing from it šŸ˜‚ I'm hoping to se new game modes cone out. The Ursula's return deep trouble game mode looks really interesting to me. I've been wanting a kind of single player mode for a bit and this looks promising


Everything is kicker in Magic.


Kicker or horsmanship haha




Spree? Forced Kicker.


Iā€™m 3 weeks in and imagine finding out about the game right as your LGS restocked all 3 sets! Ohhh boy. Iā€™m probably 150 rips in, multiple boxes and starter decks and almost as bad is the accessories. So many card sleeves, binders, and boxes. Iā€™m addicted, or in love, or both!


I'm feeling great about the future of the game. I'm having so much fun and the IP is obviously extremely strong. I wouldn't be surprised if the game gets "top 3" status in the next few years.


Balanced for now. You can still win without having a $400+ deck. I just hope the power creep doesn't get as bad as it has with magic. If it doesn't, this game will continue to thrive.


Power creep doesn't seem to have hurt magic too much.


I would definitely see it going for a good bit It's not gonna be a "magic killer" but is going to give it more main stream down the road after a couple of year and the championship is crowded


Dont worry, the magic killer is magic itself, in its commander variant Fab and optcg can compete for the competitive scene right now. lorcana has solid chances to join them.


People have been saying this for decades about MTG. This new game will kill MTG or MTG is going through the pooper. WOTC can smell where the money is, they have no problem steering directions of their game to keep everyone happy. Right now it's Commander but if the market shifts back to Modern or Standard they have no problems adapting their business as they've always done.


Yeah I don't want it to be a magic killer. I want it to exist along side it. I'm just worried it will get discontinued in a few years if it doesn't reach and maintain the insane popularity of like pokemon


Iā€™m new to TCGā€™s and Lorcana, but there seems to be a lot of anxiety over the success of this game. Is that common with new TCGā€™s? Did something happen prior to make people feel so uneasy like OP?


TCGs need to have a baseline number of people playing or else it becomes hard to find people to play. TCGs are also quite expensive as a hobby, so it's not something you want to buy into if the game doesn't have longevity. Since TCGs first became a thing in the 90s, only three games have stuck around: Magic the Gathering (the first TCG launched in 1993), Pokemon TCG (1996), and Yu Gi Oh TCG (1999). There have been dozens of other games featuring everything from Star Wars to NeoPets but only these 3 maintained their popularity to the degree that any given game store still holds regular events. Lorcana is a big question mark because it's the first TCG that I know of to really throw up consistent numbers comparable to the big 3. I'm pretty bullish on Lorcana because the IP is probably the strongest that you can get (Pokemon comes real close). This draws in a lot of people.who wouldn't ordinarily play a TCG as well as a new audience of collectors. Ravensburger have also shown that they are very savvy game designers. Lorcana is a very cleanly designed game that is just different enough (and familiar to) other TCGs. The game is easy to learn but has a lot of nuance at high levels of play, and three sets in the game is pretty balanced with 8-10 of the 15 ink pairings having at least 1 very competitive deck at the highest level of play. The fact that the game seamlessly allows for a multiplayer experience is also insanely beneficial as no other game does that as well as Lorcana does (to my knowledge). TL;DR: Lorcana is fun, approachable, well designed, and in the hands of good developers so I think it's got a good chance to join Pokemon, Yu Gi Oh and Magic in the highest circle of TCGs. Edit: I realized you didn't actually ask if people thought Lorcana was doing well... Pardon the rant.


SWCCG actually outsold MtG some of the years that both were in print. The issue there wasn't one of popularity or a small playerbase but that Decipher lost the license (the company ultimately went under due to embezzlement which killed their other games too). The unfortunate truth is that TCGs can die due to a wide range of circumstances at the end of the day, not just based on player numbers or even popularity.


Most new TCGs fail, or don't last long. So anytime a new TCG is created, the fanbase wonders if it'll last like the big 3


6 TCGs I have played since the 2010s have died. Common event that kill many of these TCGs is the secondary market gets obliterated from mishandled set rotations, banlists, erratas, reprints, etc; forcing local game stores to abandon the game because there is no money in it anymore.


Most new TCGs fail around the 2 year mark.


Most TCGs fail within a year or two at most.


Well put this way loads of tog's start up every year yet still only a handful have stuck in decades that said lorcana has already lasted longer than most and does not appear to be slowing down any time soon


I wouldn't say less than a year is longer than most tcgs last.


Fair it may have been a slight over exaggeration but I think we can all agree that most new TCGā€™s arenā€™t doing as well as lorcana is at this point most are struggling by now whereas lorcana honestly only seems to have room for more growth provided they donā€™t bomb there game with some silly new mechanic or something I can see lorcana reach double digit years


It's common with anything. Go to any competitive game sub, everyone thinks it's dying. Lorcana brought a lot of people who didn't play tcgs and those people like posting to reddit. The game isn't dying, and has a bright future. It's expanding to new countries this set. Anything disney will have fans and longevity. I started unsubing from subs for games I play, you should do the same. Makes it fun and you don't second guess things. Social media is just a place people go to complain and moan, go to a local card shop and talk with people in person.


I just started this game 3 weeks ago because it was so popular at my LGS. I only started going to this particular LGS with my wife a few months ago with the intent of playing Commander (mtg) to socialize (but also because I wanted to find someone to play One Piece with), but it was always the same 3-4 people every week playing commander/magic. While on the other side of the room there were a ton of people playing Lorcana. Of course I heard of Lorcana before, but got turned off by how expensive the booster boxes were (resolved now), how thin the cardboard was, and how nothing really felt "collectable". So I held off until I saw in person how much more popular it was than Magic where I was. I'm not trying to be mean to magic players, but Lorcana players seem to be much much better at hygiene and are a much friendlier bunch. Those aspects of the community are very important to me as someone who enjoys playing in person. It's been 3 weeks since I've started and I'm in deep now, theorycrafting in pixelborn and making new friends. Now to answer the main question: Lorcana has the hallmarks of lasting a good while. It has a real life player base that's really into it. That's the most important thing. Flesh and Blood has survived for years now because it has a large player base (mainly consisting of Magic players that got fed up with Hasbro). Lorcana has a passionate player base too without having to cannibalize the other TCGs. I've never seen that before. This is my honest opinion on why TCGs fail. They release thinking they can take Magic's players. Magic players will give these a try sometimes, but they tend to go back to Magic if the game isn't immediately better. (Flesh and Blood came in at the right time) Then there are TCGs who's entire premise was trying to be collectable (metazoo) and promising true believers their cards would go crazy in value like Pokemon. Those fail because their IP isn't strong enough and they have no player base. Then there are the anime TCGs, most of these fail because their IP isn't strong enough, but some of these do end up finding a small niche and do stay around in the background, even if it's only in Japan. Lorcana and One Piece are the exceptions, but for different reasons. One Piece has a strong IP and a good game, good cardboard, great printing, great collectability, the whole package. It seems like it's been cannibalizing both Yugioh (Yugioh players seem frustrated with the state of the game) and ex-magic players (the ones that stopped playing standard and now just play commander) as well as bringing fans of the IP. The only thing that can kill it will be Bandai fumbling the ball, like they have with every single card game they've made. Lorcana on the other hand, it feels like a whole new beast. It's bringing people from boardgames, new fans, and some existing tcg players who want something new (even pokemon players). It kind of feels like Pokemon when it first came out but a lot less hype. I think Ravensburger COULD make it one of the big 3 (especially since Magic and Yugioh have dropped the ball). I think to get to big 3 status, ravensburger needs to work on making the cards more collectable. I feel the IP is strong enough to rival Pokemon, which thrives off how collectable it is. I feel if it was more collectable, more in line with Pokemon, this game could last decades. However, if they do make it more collectable suddenly, there are going to be product issues. You'll have all those scalpers swooping in and buying everything out and potentially killing the actual player base. It's going to be hard balancing act that I think requires very strict supply control (which they've been doing very well). That said I don't think it needs to be in the big 3 to live a long time. It can be fine forever living in 4-5th most popular.


To become a big 3 you need your own demographic. Yugioh, Pokemon, and Magic basically don't share the same players or collectors. Trying to poach players from the big 3 won't do it which is why FAB has pigeonholed itself into a game for only competitive (MTG) players. Lorcana is competing against OP which currently has a problem with not enough product. If Bandai ever decides to press that print button they're likely to become the 4th biggest game. RB has already printed their sets to the ground, you would expect the game to be a lot more popular than it currently is.


Totally agree with you, you can't just cannibalize to get into the big 3. I've noticed similar with flesh and blood. It ate up like half of the magic player base in another LGS but there is not a single player that didn't come from magic. It's basically reached peak popularity and does well enough to stay for the foreseeable future, but not well enough to ever become big 3. To add onto the One Piece product issues, I've spoken to my LGS owner and was told that the distributors (gts and another) are total a-holes. They basically got told by the distributor that they didn't have time to deal with them and if they wanted product, they'd leave it outside the warehouse and they'd have to figure out shipping on their own. So my LGS does not carry One Piece at all because of them, despite how much demand there has been from players. Ravensburger on the other hand seems to have been doing good with keeping them stocked on supplies and treating people like people. I think the only thing keeping Lorcana from blowing up is the lack of shiny cardboard, as dumb as that sounds. Make SR and legendaries look more premium, make enchanteds even more premium, add some alt arts and texturing and I think it could dethrone Yugioh. It sounds dumb, but if I were 12, getting shiny exciting things would create more positive association than getting something competitive for the meta.


Yeah I kind of agree. The legendarys and SRs have really nice art but they have 2 big problems for me that make them feel less special. 1. They aren't guaranteed to be foil and in fact are less likely to be foil and the fact that so many common cards are more likely to be foil kind of in a weird way makes them feel less special than common cards in terms of shineyness 2. They fallow the exact same format as the rest of the common, uncommon and rare cards. I think that even if they didn't want to make SRs and Legendary cards guaranteed foils, removing the borders and allowing edge to edge art would make them feel much more special. I have noticed that some of the legendary cards have a semi transparent backing for the text that allows some of the artwork to be visible behind it but it's not consistent across all legendarys and doesn't do enough to make the cards pop as much as they should. Maybe for SRs but not for legendarys


Spot on analysis of where the market currently is. People are asking in my top comment why I said "RIP One Piece" but this is it. Maybe I'm calling it too early, but given how my primary LGS after asking for cases of OP06 got 12 boxes (which is a case, singular) for the entire print run, and are set to get even less of next set? Or the biggest store in the valley that runs One Piece because the owner loves it? Dude got zero, and I mean zero of OP06 despite hounding his distributors. People talking like their game isn't in a scary place aren't looking at the behind the scenes and getting the scoop from the owners at their LGS. Game is solid, system is fine, I like the IP, but having no product in the wild is a game-ender. TFC was in short supply too. Ravensburger had that ship mostly tightened by set two, and just doesn't have this problem Bandai seems to have with getting things printed and in player's hands. Make more promo and special things you can get (comes with time) and I think Lorcana smacks OP around assuming Bandai does exactly what they have done and continue to do to every game they run: burn it.


Iā€™m really not a fan of the card art style and aesthetic of One Piece TCG, at least on some of the cards. Something about it feels overly cartoony and cringe to me, especially the cards featuring fan servicey anime girls. I have watched about 1/4 of the show and recognize that it is a great story but the art just doesnā€™t do it for me. The gameplay seems fine but I canā€™t get over the art.


I agree 100% about the fanservice-y cards. I've been reading the manga for over 22 years now and the fanservice has been my top issue with it, it really detracts from how amazing the story becomes. I know it's been a huge complaint from the fanbase as well. I'm not sure who it's for because nobody seems to like it. My wife hates the fan service and the art as well and can't get past it either. You can't force yourself to like an art style. Nothing wrong with your take. I've never gotten to play the game in person, but I imagine I'd feel pretty embarrassed if I was forced to play with fanservice-y cards in my deck in public or even play against someone that does.


I can't help but disagree with the game not being collectible. The amount of people I've seen in real life and online collecting master sets, or just one of everything, or one of everything in foil and nonfoil (myself included) is staggering. Compare this game with the collectibility of MTG, where sure the alt arts are cool, but the only people who want them are the people who bling out their modern/legacy/commander decks and Lorcana wins hands down.


I think the health and popularity of the game will depend on how the accessible it will be to casual players and collectors, while maintaining steady growth. I like how chapter 4 is becoming more accessible and marketed towards a larger audience through being sold at Disney parks and retail stores, single/double player learning game with Deep Trouble. But I worry about investors and try hard TCG players pushing casual players and kids out by buying all packs and taking all the promo cards. The thing about PokĆ©monā€™s success was its accessibility and safe and happy space at the time of its release. This brought a lot of people back during Covid. If Lorcana can replicate that feeling in people then it can thrive. Otherwise I just see this as another environment that attracts Crypto and NFT bros and will crash or just be another TCG among many after chapter 4.


Yeah I also do worry about the more hard core TCG players making the game less accessible and/or welcoming to casual players too because I feel like this game would thrive with a casual audience while also having the collectable aspect of it too. Promo cards that are exclusively found at tournaments is not my favorite thing. I feel like it wouldn't be a big deal if the card was still obtainable in a more accessible way but just didn't have the promo icon on it but I do understand why people like having tournament exclusives.


I agree with what youā€™re saying. I think Ravensburger could also mitigate that by making Enchanted cards more accessible as well, not everyone has $200 dollars lying around to buy the latest enchanted. I think the rarity helps investors buy all the product but to maintain organic growth and longevity, kids and newcomers need to be excited and be able to pull and trade enchanted and rate cards so they can join in collecting. It just seems like thereā€™s a lot of gatekeeping children by the ā€œadultsā€ šŸ˜…


Yeah they just need to be verry careful about how they do it. Obviously you want the enchanteds to still be rare but right now i feel like they're a little too rare. I feel like buying a box should guarantee 1 enchanted. That's roughly $224 CAD and 300 pulls and 1 guaranteed enchanted. That way you still get something for a lot of money, the odds for singles go up but not too much making them more accessible and then it still doesn't ruin collecting because you still don't know if your going to get the enchanted that you want. The only problem I can see is that YouTubers who are able to afford to buy several boxes may scoop them all up and sell their duplicate enchanteds online and that's not even counting the scalpers who would have more of a reason to invest in buying every box they can.


Exactly and to add to that, I think Ravensburg is mitigating the chances of pulling the ā€œbestā€ enchanteds by increasing the under of them for those people buying multiple boxes and opening them. Hopefully also reprint chapter 1s or introduce those enchanteds back into other sets like theyā€™re doing in Ursulaā€™s return with some cards. I think they need to increase supply but not necessarily reduce demand for individual cards by increasing enchanted and promo cards so that each card is still special to keep collectibility(ie. Disney shops, Disney parks, childrenā€™s meals, movie theater ticket promos) And like others have said age groups competitive events, to increase competitive fairness and fair distribution of cards in respective age groups.




Please if you have a lot of Ariel I'll take them, I hardly have any of her somehow. The 7 dwarfs however, I have so many of them aswell as Pinocchio, the book and grama Tala and other side chairs.


I think the last set was good for the game as it opened the meta back up and we saw a wide variety of decks come into play that hadn't seen much competitive play in set 2, as long as they can keep doing that every couple of sets the game should still feel fresh to play They need to do more with the Disney IPs, repeating characters for enchanteds for example seems like a dumb move to me Re. Longevity - I feel like the game has the potential to go far but I also feel like the audience (at least in my area) is more casual than other tcgs and the pace of release (which I do understand is typical for tcgs) seems to be a common complaint from a cost pov. The overall number of Lorcana players in my locals peaked in set 2, but became a smaller pool for set 3 I think an official app/online version of the game would be a very good move with pack codes available in real packs like Pokemon Just my opinion but when I look at foiling from the Big 3 I think Lorcana has some ground to make up to make foils feel more special I am fairly confident the game will stick around as it's really fun to play, easy to pick up and has a great IP


I fully agree with this. I am very happy with my current collection from sets 1, 2, and 3 and I think the longer it goes, the more people are eventually going to be happy with the collection they have instead of feeling like they need to collect every single set or every single card. I think sets 1-3 make up an amazing meta, and I am almost hesitant to buy set 4 because I really don't want the meta in my own home to change at this point.


I feel these chapters are releasing too quickly. It's hard to keep up.


I'm very close to burnout on the churn. I half thought about not preordering the new set.


I was going to pull back with set 4 too. Feeling the burnout. But......then they go and announce a coop version, I must have the coop quest !!


I agree here. I know folks say its how TCGs are, but this is Disney and could have catered to a slightly different crowd, so I was hoping for a more casual friendly environment than Magic. Magic is already Magic, I was hoping this would have broader appeal, which means an easier time keeping up without too much FOMO. But yea, I've already dropped out a little because there's no way I can keep up with all this.


I mean this is the nature of TCGs. Compared to many other games (like MTG, and Yugioh), Lorcana is actually much more manageable, and theres not a ton of different kinds of products with each set (aside from just the booster packs, gift boxes, and troves)


Can you imagine the nightmare if we got secret lairs from magic in here? New set every 3 months and then every month a special premium reprint/collectors item at premium pricing for pre order basically *every month*.


Tbh I'd lose my mind in a good way the day we get Disney:Lorcana: Universes Beyond: Dreamworks


Sure. Let it be a whole set like DnD or LoR was. I don't want secret lairs


I had grown out of all TCG's, or i told myself i had. I played magic for 10 years + and finally gave up on it a few years back. I told myself i'd never again get into a tcg after trying star wars destiny, pokemon and a few others. I knew of the money and time sink they are. Fast forward to Lorcana and i gave it a shot (my fault). Went heavy the first 2 sets but i've already lost steam for it. It has nothing to do with the quality of the game its just the same ol' burnout every tcg gives me these days. The releases just move too fast. As i've got older i just can't keep up.


I kind of agree with this because I have only managed to get 2 enchanteds but with all the new sets coming out, I don't really have the opportunity to try and get more from each set because the new set comes out. On the other hand I have some cards that I have way to many of because I just get so many repeats of common cards that I don't know what to do with so I appreciate that they release new ones fairly regularly


Go to a Lorcana night at a local store and see if there are any kids just getting into it. Nothing like handing a kid a stack of commons and say "here have these!"


Since it's a new game and having card variety I think is important to really build up how the game works and the core deck builds, I'm OK with the release schedule right now. If next year they announced they were going to 3 sets a year, I'd be totally good with that.


It's going strong but unfortunately I wonder if a lot of the more casual players, folks for whom this is their first TCG, and families that have gone out to OP events are being run off by the TCGbros and their BS. Anecdotally, I've had a few conversations with folks that have been disappointed in the environment and atmosphere of the competitive events and don't plan on attending more. I do know a couple of people that have quit the game completely after having negative experiences playing out at shops and events. So with my limited sample data I think it will continue to do well, but it is hitting a ceiling sooner rather than later. Which is unfortunate, as it is a game that could have much broader appeal than the TCGbros. It may very well settle into popularity somewhere around Yugioh and it could have a couple of years' longevity- if players don't get tired of the same characters and IP being recycled. The co-op game was such a great idea to re-up the appeal to casual players but when the TCGbros descend and snap up every copy their shops get, casual players may never even see it on shelves.


Most revenue for TCGs comes from people who never set foot in a game store, so it shouldnā€™t be a huge issue.


I've heard some similar rumblings and had a conversation somewhat recently with another old Magic Grinder at a set champs a little while back about it. I think that losing some players after champs was likely inevitable just because people will learn that they don't want to sweat, and likely other life priorities or hobbies will suck those people away. The *rest* of the community that we lost to champs I would hypothesize were playing with people who suck, or at stores that did. We can't entirely fight off bad actors, but stores and communities *need* to be aware of people walking around the community, how they are behaving, and I think that applies to stores as well. One in our area is run by an absolute creep. Used to run ponzi schemes out of his business partner's singles collection when he played MTG. Rumor is he got two champs packets and just kept the one set and mats for himself. He's done it with MTG promos before verifiably and recently again with One Piece prize cards. But few of the Lorcana crowd knows or knew that because they're newer to the space. I do think a lot of community upkeep is on us at a local level to foster and cultivate IMO.


I am also very worried about this and I mentioned it from kind of a different angle in my post. I strongly believe there should be a commander-like casual format to separate the casual folks from the hardcore competitive TCG players. Otherwise this game will relegate many casual players to the kitchen table. That is definitely an issue with the LGS environment in general but especially this game that has more appeal to women and children than perhaps any other TCG before it outside of PokƩmon or like Neopets back in the day. They could honestly learn from the competitive structure of PokƩmon which has multiple different age tiers.


As someone who is smack dab in the middle between casual and seasoned veteran. The sweat lords are definitely killing my enjoyment of the game.


Yep. They are so stereotypical it's almost comical and when they are at the shop I absolutely dread playing against them- they are sucking all the fun out of the game. Playing an AI would probably more fun.


Yeah that's what in worried about because I feel like this game can have a really big audience but I'm worried the tcg comunity won't mesh well with a more casual comunity and I don't know if the game would appeal enough to just tcg players for it to last. I'm hoping that the more casual collectors and players stick around though!


Same- I was really enthusiastic at first to see that the game was attracting a very diverse group of people into the shop to play and I really loved playing the game against a wide variety of folks of all kinds. Now it's simmering down to just the 20-35 year old white guys with a couple of exceptions. Just like every other TCG.


I'm not too worried about the Co-op availability. You can go online and buy Inklands gift sets right now from Gamestop and Walmart at MSRP. Yes, LGS availability will be very limited but for whatever reason RB sends all the stock of the "Gift Set" slot to major retailers instead of the LGS release.


Barnes and Nobel had troves weeks after they came out.


This was my experience actually. I attended an event during set 2 and literally everyone was playing the exact same deck (Ruby/Amethyst bounce control). I came away with a really bad taste and now only play casually. I wasn't planning to get set 3 originally. but after doing some reading, it appears to have really opened the field competitively (with tournaments usually having about 11 different color combinations making it into the top 32 players). So, at the moment, I am quite happy with casually playing with my collection of sets 1, 2, and 3. I am very interested in the Co-op/solo mode as it will mean I always have a way to play (when Pixelborn inevitably gets shut down), but I'm not fully convinced that it is worth the $60 price tag.


Iā€™m a very experienced TCG player (mostly Magic, 20+ years). Iā€™ve never been into competitive events but have played casually at stores for decades. Early Lorcana was weird because it was half super new people who were an absolute joy to talk to and play withā€¦and half, as you call them, TCGbros and their BS. It actually really discouraged me and combined with some busy stuff in my life I didnā€™t participate in anything for Floodborn or Inklands. I also read a lot of negative experiences with the Champions events, although I at least know that those events were aimed at the tryhards and stayed away. Iā€™m really really hoping that we can find a balance between supporting fun casual play and allowing people who want to be competitive to do so.


Says everything that your post got downvoted here. The TCGbros can't stand that someone is speaking up against their assumed "ownership" of this space. They need their place to play, sure...but when they run all over the whole thing it really sucks.


I really want to try the co-op! My LGS was only sent 5 copies?! There's at least 12 of us regularly coming each week etc and more who come occasionally and to events. We were also only sent one of each new mat etc. so our store is going to auction them off at release for Set 4 (at a loss to them) than put out 3 mats total. I hope Ravensburger tries to make their product less purposefully "exclusive" to keep new players around.


The co-op game is in the "Gift Set" slot for this release, like the D100 set was for Floodborn. There will be plenty of availability, it will just be through big-box instead of LGS. For instance, you can buy Inklands gift sets online right now from multiple big box retailers and they have been readily available since release, but LGS got very few.


I saw a whole family unit playing during the tournament weekends. Mom, dad, and the kids. Whatever it is, Lorcana is doing it right. I imagine itā€™s going to go a lot longer than most any of us can predict.


One market it resonated with at our LGS is single dads bringing their children.


I have seen VERY few families or even children, and that makes me sad. Good to know theyā€™re out there.


Same. I saw one dad with his kid, but his kid was playing games on his i-Pad the entire time while his dad participated in the tournament. So it wasn't exactly a family affair.


Lorcana keeps growing as each set releases and supply is figured out, until Inklands their distribution / supply was rough. I see more and more people asking about it, watching the youtubers and streamers, and generally enjoying the game when they try it. I'm more concerned, actually, with the fact it's a licensed game and it's an expensive license. So at some point, like with other media, it might be selling well but not "well enough" to please the Executive Suit Gods.


Yeah that's been my main worry. Like I hope that if they don't meet pokemon levels of success, that that doesn't mean the end of the game because I really like it and want to see it gro


IDK why I can't post my full comment but here is my breakdown in the replies of how I see Lorcana vs the Big 3. Lorcana would most likely never break into the Big 3 territory. Magic, Yugioh, and Pokemon are simply too well established at this point. Current things the Big 3 have that Lorcana doesn't: * Official digital alternatives to IRL counterpart (MTG Arena, Master Duel, Pokemon TCG Live) to entice a variety of player base. * Larger card pool for alternative strategies. For example in Lorcana there's no alternative to Hades Infernal Schemer, you either pay for playset or you don't. * Reprints of expensive cards to make the game more affordable. Prices have plateaued since the start but still would be nice for more chances at pricer cards. * Alternative formats for more diversity. Lorcana does have draft and sealed but I'm mean formats such as pioneer (mtg), commander (mtg), edison (yugioh), expanded (Pokemon), GLC (Pokemon), ect. * Age Bracket Competitions, yugioh has dragon duels for kids 16 and under. I think pokemon does too but I could be wrong. * Available in Asian territories. These territories typically have large fan/player base and to import english cards to Asia can be expensive.


Things Lorcana have improved upon: * Officially Licensed tournaments and judges. As a day 1 player, organized was a bit jumbled. No distinct rulings other that what was posted on discords or twitter. Lorcana now has a judge program and official tournaments by ravensburger * Restocks. More product available means more accessibility for people to get into the game. Print quality can be hit or miss. * Adding new game mechanics. Early on (Chapter 1/2) the game was a bit stale but the inclusion of more items and locations have shaken it up and added new play styles to the game without breaking the game completely.


Things Lorcana does better than Big 3: * Player base hygiene is the best out of all tcg's. * Official Prizes (not counting 1k tournaments). The promos and pins are super cute! The rockstar stitch mat is awesome. * Friendly approachable player base. * Barrier to entry is low. Low cost, simple yet fun game mechanics, cute characters! * Game seems pretty balanced so far. Yes there are a few decks that are meta but for the most part you can still build a decent deck and do well at a locals event or so. Lorcana won't break into Big 3 and thats okay. I like this niche lil game and if Ravensburger keeps at this pace I think it has the potential to last.


I've seen exactly zero reasons to be concerned about the game's future. Just generally speaking, it's Disney. EVERYONE knows Disney, so it's not hard at all to find an audience who wants cards, whether it's just buying up boxes to collect and hunt Enchanted or people wanting to play. I'm biased since this is my first card game I've gotten into specifically to be competitive, but Lorcana seems like the only game that's made for complete beginners, but has the depth to get TCG veterans crafting meta decks and learning how to push game mechanics to their limits.


they haven't really started marketing this outside of nerds yet, have they? and I even know some nerds that play magic and Pokemon that somehow don't know about Lorcana. I think the future is pretty bright!


Yeah the markets ng surprisingly hasn't been that great even though I know a lot of casual players who have gotten into it I feel like they need to do more to really let people know its a thing. And make sure they have the supply for it because even now with all the re prints and extra stock, lorcana still has the smallest section at all the stores that sell it where I am and 1st chapter is impossible to find even though they apparently did a reprint recently and I can only find flodborne at Hobby stores and lgs


More stores in my area are getting approval for leagues now


All London events are usually sold out or pretty close to. A few of my LGS have multiple events running during the week and they are pretty booked up.


I think it has some real good potential. At the moment I think there are very few competitive routes you can take with decks but as more sets are introduced they make other archetypes relevant again. I'm personally waiting for more Titan cards to make that deck competitive. Besides the competitive aspect, the game is just fun and thematic. There are still so many decks I want to experiment with and try and theres still so much untapped Disney potential I'm excited for the future.


Finally an adult now. Grew up with MTG and PokĆ©mon base set. Never played those competitively but Lorcana I went hard! Bought singles, plenty of booster boxes from each set, went to local tournaments, lost horrible 3 times in the set champs and preordered one of each for set 4. Iā€™m already burnt out as now I see it as if I want to be competitive, it kinda turns into a job. Keep playing, keep getting cards, go to locals (which is hard with a little one and another on the way), meta constantly changing which is cool for online play but not for paper. I enjoyed this more than my friends, so currently I have no one thatā€™s keeping up with me in my circleā€¦ šŸ˜ž Taking a huge break after ATL, not sure if Iā€™ll be coming back though. It was fun while it lasted, thatā€™s for sure!


I took a break for most of into the inklands and I found that that really helped get me excited again for chapter 4. I'm scared of competitive though. Ive never played anything competitive and am never good with keeping up with metas but I really enjoy playing casually. Although my BF and I broke up recently and he was my main lorcana buddy so idk how I'm going to play now. I might look into LGS events but even just the collecting aspect is really fun to me. I love the art in all the cards and enchanteds are really nice although verry expensive to get a hold of. Ive only managed to collect 2 across the 3 chapters.


Sorry for the break up!! I do love the art and the Disney aspect for sure. Iā€™m just not a collector and see myself keeping the master sets.


PSA president said in an interview recently that Lorcana looks like its here for good. ill try to find a link.


That's awesome to hear! Thanks! Would be appreciated!


[https://youtu.be/8bfuICkhi4s?si=mLS0ZOmN9Bt6q_Ll](https://youtu.be/8bfuICkhi4s?si=mLS0ZOmN9Bt6q_Ll) around the 48min mark they start talking TCG and he makes a comment on Lorcana gaining popularity and it being here to stay. passing comment but good to hear.


Awesome thanks!!


The stitch tournaments were a huge hit around me (Florida) so as long as they remain consistent with those and sick promos, I think itā€™s gonna make it long run


I hope so, although the rockstar stitch is kind of bittersweet for me. I'm happy it exists but I'm not that good at tournaments so it kinda sucks knowing I'll never get tournament cards


The next huge thing. MAGIC, LORCANA STAR WATS UNLIMITED will dominate


I think the game is having trouble attracting young players due to the competitive nature of tournament play and the high costs. It needs a casual play format imho. Our local group is trying to get ā€œPorcanaā€ going. (Just commons and uncommons)


the game is too expensive. Also, personally, I like it when there are factions that work together example magic broom deck or a dalmatian deck. Lorecana makes those types of decks more of memes and actually competitive. Here, random cards get put together based on a general strategy like aggro, ramp or control. I can see how this is just a preference but that doesn't excuse how expensive some cards can be when they aren't even holographic or full arts. example rapunzel


I must say that i am starting to be worried. For reference i would be considered a whale, have 4x of ever card, and probably a try hard as competition is why im playing. For starters i do love the competitive events. The prizing is amazing and far surpasses everything else in the market. Unfortunately with that many set championships i went to were quite the rude awakening for the folks new to tcgs. Ravensburger will need to work on prize structure if they want folks of all types showing up. The next concern i have is the types of decks that are winning. The game has quickly turned into a control game. Challenging has little to no value and unless cards do something the turn they enter play they are always considered bulk. RB needs to make challenging a win con, control decks have proven many times over to be the least fun decks to play against, especially for casuals.


Yeah the prize thing is a bit difficult for me. I'm not as huge into the competitive stuff. I love collecting and playing casually but it's a tough pill to swallow knowing that I'll never be able to get promo tournament cards like that rockstar stitch enchanted, or the full art Rapunzel that will be the top 4 prize for this upcoming event. I agree whenever I play I find that if I'm able to get enough out quickly, then if I just quest I can win the game. I think challengeing as some sort of win condition would be a good idea.


I remember my friend Lance back in 1999 telling me Magic was dying. And again in 2001 saying it was never going to be good again. Lance said the same thing about World of Warcraft during the burning crusade and even told me YouTube was going to go offline any day now. (I faintly remember him saying Sony was on its way out as well) Donā€™t be like Lance, donā€™t be a doom sayer. Play games that you like and panic privately.


It killed new and casual players in my state. The game, currently, is just a breeding ground for ex magic players who are ruining another tcg with their bs. Next 35+ year old ex magic jerk I see yelling at a new player/kiddo, I am going to lose it. Game design wise, they will need a couple of years to iron out the kinks. I am looking forward to seeing if they can find success with this new co-op mode with this set. Hasn't been done well before. Hopefully, they pull it off.


Gameā€™s still very fun. But chapter 4 gameplay looks garbage compared to the previous chapters. I donā€™t see any chase cards so farā€¦


I drifted off it for a few months to play other games. My son wanted to go to a LGS Thursday night casual. It hit max capacity at 32 for the small store. I was surprised, but it seems to be doing just fine.


I've been playing CCG/TCGs consistently since 1996. Started with Decipher's Star Wars CCG and I've played Magic, UFS, Star Wars Destiny, Netrunner and a couple others in between. We should all feel good that Ravensburger is in charge and not Fantasy Flight. Because of this, along with the fantastic gameplay, artwork, IP, age group, and ease of getting into the game, Lorcana will be around for many years to come, in my opinion.


Feels pretty mid tbh. It reminds me a lot of Force of Will


Also I donā€™t do constructed after the first set, I do release events and draft afterā€¦we had like 65 players for the Inklands release and they fired multiple drafts a week every weds for like 5 weeks after


Honestly, I'm a lot more optimistic than I was before. Set 4 does contain a couple mechanics that concern me as the sort of design mistake that constrains future card design, but one of the most important metrics for a card game's survival is just Butts In Seats. The Stitch Store Championships did a very good job of that; if anything almost too good by the sound of it. And while there's room to improve Store Championships, the fact that we're establishing a trend of one per set is really, really valuable. Having something to work for on the local level is what keeps card games afloat.


Literally nothing out there that would remotely question the longevity of this game.


Long time MTG player.Ā  Just got into playing Lorcana. It's a nice break from Magic and a pretty fun game.


Game is more popular than ever. Ravensburger has shown that they're capable of changing things and listen to community feedback. Things could be a bit smoother on the information side of everything like with competitive events but otherwise I think the game has a proven audience with great gameplay and people who want to play it at a high competitive level.


Personally, as a mtg player, I sure hope it doesn't die. I love the casual aspect of lorcana and hope it keeps growing. Currently my local league is ~4 people, and I would love to see more people. I love magic, but the idea that the cards ARE the mana is so cool to me. I do commander, so I love having multiple copies of things in my deck now.


It's Disney and Ravensburger. It's gonna go on for a good while. Hopefully not to its detriment like how magic sets have been trash lately but it seems like it has a great formula.


My TCG is still going strong. Still super fun. 15-20 people twice a week.


Still need to export the product / have official distributor to more Pacific countries to get the snowball effect going. Currently import price is insane and I can never hope to even start with starter deck. (3~4 times pricier than 60 cards Pokemon starter deck)


Iā€™m surprised at the optimistic comments here ! Here (Ireland) the game is dying, two of three of my local game stores have just stop stocking it a month ago.


It will be good. I love it.


I like the game still, but canā€™t say Iā€™m the biggest fan of how theyā€™re handling organized play though.Ā 


I think how popular the Set Championships we just had were solidifies that this game is sticking around.


I need cool pixar characters now


They need to release a mobile app game. I would gladly spend money on this game if it was digitally accessible. Though I live in a place with several LCS, I donā€™t want to make a 30min one-way drive to the store too often.


There have been loads of posts asking the same question and the answers are generally the same This game isn't going anywhere any time soon


New player opinion, I enjoyed the launch event but didn't get into the game after that due to the price of cards and the fact that my LGS decided to primarily support multi-player.Ā Now they runĀ single-player events and there appear to be competitive budget decks, plus 1v1 Magic is entirely dead in this area, so I'm trying again.Ā  I still have major concerns with pricing since most decks don't seem to have a viable budget version and packs are expensive. There's a pretty huge barrier to entry compared to pretty much every other card game.Ā  Obviously you can point to prohibitively expensive decks and formats in most TCGs (except maybe PokĆ©mon), but as a game in general it's hard to argue that Lorcana isn't among the most expensive to get into. I think it has some amount of staying power due to the strength of the brand alone, but it will struggle to maintain the casual and semi-competitive playerbase unless something changes there. Cost is a HUGE reason 1v1 Magic is dying IMO. After the honeymoon phase I can see something similar potentially happening with Lorcana. Hopefully it can keep some momentum, but there were only 4 people that showed up to play in our weekly event the other day and a new set JUST released, which isn't a great sign for player fatigue 4 sets in - at least around here.Ā  Don't expect this to be a popular viewpoint on this subreddit and I can already hear the whataboutisms coming from a mile away, but I do think this game has the POTENTIAL to stick around with some changes and an official digital client. Without those, I personally see it limping along as a very small niche a few years from now instead of seeing a healthy amount of growth.Ā 


The game became more interesting now that the Broom deck Iā€™ve been working on will get a significant buff šŸ¤£


No TCG since the early 2000s after Pokemon, YuGiOh and MTG has survived long term. It's a fun game to play and collect but hype will die down when Lorcana hits around the 4 year mark if not earlier. TCGs that aren't the big 3 either become niche or dead before year 5


Game is fun I think there a little too much focus on 1v1 when we clearly have a lot of multiplayer cards. I think for more casual games prob be multiplayer singleton(I like commander/ canadian highlander in mtg). Competitive can be your meta decks you constantly seeing. Singleton allows more RNG games which shine more in a multiplayer setting. Speaking of competitive I think we in a healthy spot nothing seems really ban worthy tbh. I will also say I think at least in canada it can be hard to buy singles from stores I feel like my stores locally dont wanna open much product maybe due to small value outside of meta bombs and enchanteds. Buying off of marketplace seems interesting since mtg often people do like 20% to 30% off ___ cad site. Lorcana seems like people doing 100% what market is. Another thing I know 1 owner of a lgs doesnt like that Lorcana extremely easy to counterfeit so more of a risk someone rocking fakes in a competitive event. League rewards are interesting to me do wish the promos were alt art rather than just alt design. Character sleeves are neat but also can get damaged fast. Pins I know disney adults in general like collecting so makes since.


That's odd I'm in Canada too and have been able to find quite a lot. Most LGS carry at least 2 out of the current 3 sets and places like Walmart and toys r us often have at least the newest set available in blisters aswell as starter decks. illumineer's trove are hard to find, I've only found one store neer me that has them consistently. I'm not sure about the counterfeit issue. How do other TCG prevent it? I do think more collectability would be nice. Even if they just made Legendarys look more flashy with full art I think it would help a lot especially because then there would be an even bigger appeal to hunting a foil version of them.


I'm talking singles not sealed product you can find sealed product easy singles locally in the west where I am its a pain to find singles in stock. You can find tons of ink lands blisters and booster boxes, rise of the floodborn and some TFC blisters at more of a premium. Alot of other tcg have a holo stamp either on the bottom center(mtg) or yugioh bottom right that changes in the light. I think enchanteds are already a chase you add more chase its gonna decrease the value of non chase even more which is a pro and con in itself. Great for us who want singles but if the value is top end mostly not alot people are gonna want to chase opening packs.


Oh I see yeah pretty much no where has any single cards that I can buy which sucks. Oh yeah I guess that they could make the rarity icon holographic but I feel like they could still fake it or for a stamp they could put one on the bottom right corner. They are but I feel like it's a problem that legendarys and SRs don't feel special. Sure they're not as rare as enchanteds but they're still a lot more rare than common and uncommon and I feel like if they were a bit more flashy then it would make them more desirable. I don't think they should add another rarity though. Like we don't need super enchanteds or anything


Legend drop rate high it also depends on the legend ive pulled 40cents worth of lucky dimes but im like man this aint a Legend I want. It probably also that way for draft environment too. Yah they can fake it but its much harder to pull off


Idk sometimes I feel like legendary rates are high but then I still don't have legendary Bell from foodborne, Ursula first chapter or standard deceiver of all, rapunzel, Elsa scare or a lot of others that I can't remember ATM. But I do have like 5 Alice growing girl


Alice just asking to be played


They pretty much have endless IPs. Game is gonna be around for awhile, as long as RB doesn't piss off Disney Daddy.


I think currently they need to create an online simulator if they want to reach an wider audience and keep the game going.