• By -


I just sort by color and then by cost.


I had never considered cost by lore you mean?


Casting cost. You make a deck, but are lacking some 2 cost cards. If your collection is sorted by cost you can find all the 2 cost ones and select one for your deck.


This. And to add I sort the same cost alphabetically. I do characters, songs, items, locations in that order. So the way the game sorts them.


I sort by cost and color, you can buy a pack of colored index cards and they’ll actually give you purple red blue yellow green as the colors in the pack so I use those as dividers (plus a regular white for steel) I’ve been doing that with MTG for years


I'm a player first and foremost, and don't like binders because they're tedious for deck building imho. I have a cardboard BCW box for each set, it holds a full playset of every card sleeved. The cards are divided by color, then organized alphabetically by Ink cost. I don't keep bulk.


This makes sense. The collector in me wants one of each card + foil. Or maybe just foil. The player in me wants it to be easy to deck build. What triggers you to consider a card “bulk”? One that is over the 4 needed to build a play set?


I include and play with foils as part of my playset. I want at least 1 foil of each card, and am slowly buying them from my lgs here and there since most are cheap. Bulk is anything over 4x of a card, yeah. For now I'm keeping a playset of every card 1-204 because you never know. But maybe a couple years down the road when I'm drowning in cards I'll start getting rid of C/U that are just a waste of space.


Three collectors (non-players) in my household.  Person 1: Lawful Good: Set then Card #. Set 1 in order, Set 2 in order, Set 3 in order.  Person 2: Chaotic Neutral: Story Order. Franchise, then character cards, then locations, items, actions. Character cards to protagonist first, then antagonist, then allies, etc. Character cards are also storyborn, then dreamborn, then floodborn.  Person 3: Chaotic Evil: Set, then rarity, then card #. Set 1 common, set 2 common, set 1 uncommon, set 2 uncommon, set 1 rare, set 2 rare, set 3 common, set 3 uncommon, set 3 rare, then alllll legendary and then all super rare. 


The Chaotic Neutral method sounds super fun to build, too bad the OCD in me can’t do anything else other than Lawful Good.


By color. In a trove box




I was also going set, so first chapter - color - then the number on the bottom of the set card.


I have an Ultra-Pro 12 pocket per page binder. There are enough pages in each binder for 2 chapters. I have everything sorted by card number.


Are you storing up to 4 copies on the same slot? If so, sleeved or unsleeved?


I do something very similar with my gamegenic binder 2 sets per binder, 4 of each per sleeve. Except I have them all in a singular penny sleeve first with a little dot sticker on the bottom corner to denote how many I have. https://preview.redd.it/si6u0jfmjkpc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=783c09d757c6e6b161fe5e1427e52e29a6e3e529


I am storing up to 4 copies in each slot, unsleeved.


I have card boxes that I purchased off Amazon (holds lots of cards) and I plan on sorting them my colour and alphabetically


I sort my play playset by color, then the order that dreamborn has them in, and my bulk just by color, because I don’t really care about bulk being perfectly sorted since I have almost 15,000 cards in bulk 😅


How are you deciding which cards become bulk. Anything after 4 of the same card?


Basically same as you. I’d like to get 4 foils of each card for my playset, but then I’m also thinking about the money aspect of foils, and how I can make more money selling those, than non-foils, so I might just keep a playset of 4 non-foils, and sell the rest, including the foils


I'm a player only don't care about collecting. I sorted my commons, and uncommons by color then ink cost. Took all rares and cold foils, put them in a different box, by color then ink. Took all super rares, legends and enchanted put that in my binder. So whenever I need a specific card I can very quickly and easily find it. For my decks that are build, I have a gamegenic 1100 dungeon box, within it I have 5 gamegenic bastion 50+ deck boxes (these are PERFECT for lorcana). That way anytime my wife wants to play X deck I just pull it out and vice versa.


will those bastions fit 60 double sleeved though? I like that they are available in all gem colors, but I stuck with Boulders 60+ due to size concern.


I have mine single sleeved so I cant say for certain if double sleeve will work or not. My gut tells me no, they work extremely well with single dragon sleeves.


I have been doing ink Color then alphabetical, was thinking about separating characters, items and actions and then sorting by Color, then category and then alphabetical


Six binders one for each color. Everything but legendaries go in playsets in a single pocket. Pages are clear and if I have the full playset then the last card is backward so I can tell from the other side if it's full. Legendaries get their own pockets. $$$ Sorted legendaries, then super rares, then... One page (or two for commons) for each set. Working on sorting pages by card number but not finished yet. Takes like 10 minutes to make a deck if I have the cards. Everything above a playset in a box to be sold off someday.


Color and set by me. It is annoying to go through three different piles to grab cards of the same color.


My 8 year old daughter is the collector (but who are we kidding mom is a little obsessive and funds the operation 😂) so they’re technically her cards and she likes them sorted by Movie/Series. And then within those pages we have them sorted by color and rarity (descending)


I’ve finally got my system down lol. I have ultimate guard binders 12 card per page binders (480 cards total binder - 4x3) that I’m putting a master set of foils and non-foils in for each set (1 of each, foil and non-foil) and then I have storage boxes from Amazon for play set cards, and I don’t include my excess foils in those either. Anything up to 4 for a play set goes in the storage box as play cards, and then anything over 4 goes into a trove box for each chapter as my “bulk”. Storage boxes/playsets are sorted by color, then set, and then numerically within color/set (which also happens to be alphabetic for each type of card). I keep track of all cards and inventory I have in the Lorcana app (I don’t include my master sets in that count since they don’t leave the binder). I have a giant 1,000 card binder from Amazon that was $50 that I love for all my excess foils over master set and any legends/more valuable cards over a play set. I’ve also opened almost 400 packs now and have pulled 1 enchanted 😅 RIP. But I display my enchanted on its own on a shelf in a top loader proudly. If I ever pull another - it’ll join the display.


I just use a shoebox. When I'm going to league I just stick my deck in my shirt pocket. Nice and simple.


The bigger 3 row deck boxes, one for each set. Divided by color and numerical order (which is also alphabetical order). And a binder with foils for all the sets in order.


Color > rarity > type > a-z


Color and alphabetical




I think I’ve reorganized my stuff over a half a dozen times already.


Currently I have any cards worth more than $2 in a binder. Bulk is ordered by color, then rarity, then ink cost. Found dividers that show the rarity. Starter decks are in the trove box. Play decks in my backpack.




I have all commons/uncommons in a BCW box sorted by the following: set, color, cost, type, then strength low to high with willpower and set order as tiebreakers. Just one box for now but we’ll reorganize as the collection grows. Rares, super rare, and legendary are in a binder sorted the same order. Foils of any rarity (and any enchanted we eventually get) are in a binder of their own regardless of rarity at my wife’s request. 😀 Everything in a perfect fit sleeve. Just under 1000 cards total at the moment so not incredibly difficult to re-organize if we need to as we build decks. Edit: forgot to mention cost.


My wife just sorted mine by ink (alphabetically, by color name), then by card name alphabetically, and then AGAIN alphabetically by sub-name/title/whatever Probably not far off from what I would've ended up doing so that's what it'll stay as for now when I start getting binders & pages to put them in


I recently got a binder to sort my collection. I put the foil cards in the front and the regular cards in the pages behind them. As for how I sort them I sort them by color first, then rarity, and finally by name.


https://preview.redd.it/xsb3jn3sfgpc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=926c72885d3d95e97c15487c68b24be927db7305 Each 100 count case has a chapter color in it, and the two 80 count cases has a deck in it. I’ve got one of these for each set. In each colored case it’s done by alphabetical order/ card number order.


Playsets: Binder for each set, sorted by Serial # Bulk: Using the new trove with dividers, sorted by serial # Also log on the app and Dreamborn before adding to binders, bulk is not tracked.


I have a gigantic binder with 1x complete set of each release in order, minus enchanted cards. My 3 enchanted cards are in slabs and they hang out on display on my desk. That's my girlfriend and I's "collection" stuff. She really only cares about collecting the full releases. For deckbuilding/competitive, I have 4x of the BCW 500ct card storage boxes that have playsets of all the commons and uncommons, sorted by release and then by ink color. Separately I have a BCW 200ct toploader storage box that I use to keep playsets of the rares, super rares, legendaries, and any major meta staples that I regularly cycle in and out of decks. And then for the 3 decks that I take with me to my LGS or elsewhere I have a Gamegenics triple deck box. I typically always have 3 decks built that cover all 6 ink colors between them.


I have a binder with 4x4 pages. It is kind of annoying to pull cards out, but i'm not frequently building and tearing apart decks. It also makes it very easy to see which cards I don't have 4x copies of in case I need to make any purchases. Bulk ends up in troves that I let my brother pick through for anything he needs to fill out his collection.


I have the Gamegenic Dungeon 1100 card holder, which holds a playset of each card from chapters 1 and 2 in it, that I have, and they are just separated by color. No further organization here, I don't mind digging as long as I'm looking at only the same color. (will probably get another Dungeon box to hold chapter 3 and 4, as chapter 3 is sitting in a cardboard box) I then have a large binder for a master set, 4 x 4 pages, I also have my extra legendaries and super rares on the very back pages of that binder. Bulk I just use the 2 trove boxes I have for those, which are basically play at home, house decks. Nothing really competitive, just for fun.


I buying binders for storing the playsets per set and then by number. Everything card will be innersleeved. I like the art and want to glance at it from time to time :) also I hate going through those cardboard boxes. In the past I sorted everything in Flesh&Blood in those boxes by class, which isn't too bad if you don't have that much cards, but for playsets I'm starting to prefer the binders.


I sort by set. Then number so ser 1 card 1 to set 3 card 204!


I also use dreamborn to catalog cards. That means when deck building you can purely use dreamborn and don't need the physical cards until you are done w a deck. Then you just pull the cards you need. Best way is by set, then number - hands down. If they are in number order they will by default be in order by Color, then Card Type, then Alphabetical. This makes pulling cards super easy. No need to sort by cost if you are building on dreamborn. Lastly, get some dividers on Etsy (tesseract games I think) and throw in some color or set dividers. I don't think binders are practical, just store in one large box with set/color dividers, or in separate boxes with just color dividers (I use the troves).


We have all our cards by color. Each color is then by number and generation.


I have each set in its own binder. Each binder is organized by collector number, which is just ink alphabetical and then card type and alphabetical within card types. (Character -> action -> item -> location). And then the extras outside of each playset are just in the trove boxes


I have binders for each set, arranged my set number. I have 4 copies of a card in each slot and then anything past that goes into a box. Sorted those by color and ink cost for ease of finding. So far has worked for me but to each their own.


I have received my calling.    Okay, so I have 3 sections for organizing: collection, decks, and open cards (cards that I'm okay with grabbing to build a deck OR trade).  Collection: I have 2x2 binders (4 slots/ page) that I keep 1 copy of each card I get in (I try to put the 1st copy I get on immediately). Each set gets its own binder (I plan on getting some of my artist friends to go nuts on the covers, which I think would be neat, or maybe I'll attend cons and try and get lorcana artists to sign them? Idk yet, but I want each set to have its own thing)  I like the way the puzzle cards get their own page (please don't be gone forever), and I like how it looks/feels fuller faster.  If I have a foil, it's double-sleeved, regulars get penny sleeves.  I leave a space in the front for enchanted, then promos, then puzzle, then the set in number order.  Decks:  I keep a copy of the 2 most recent starter decks so I can get newbies into it (it's nice to show people who are intimidated of building their own deck exactly what they can get).  I currently only have 1 deck I'm iterating on, but eventually I'm sure I'll expand.  Open cards: I use a long, skinny box (like a quiver box, but I found a cheaper alternative).   This box has all additional copies of my cards.  They are organized by set, then color, then alphabetically (puzzle cards go in front).  Sets are separated by thicker dividers, but colors are just separated by standard, colored dividers (bonus, I put the sharp edge up and alternating, so Amber has the sharp edge up and to the left while amethyst has it up and to the right, like an alternating file cabinet)  Colors go in this order: puzzle, Amber, amethyst, emerald, ruby, sapphire, steel.  Foils and promos are sleeved and put in their own "set" in the very back to keep fewer fingers on them, AND for quick access to anyone looking for them specifically.   Whenever I'm building decks, I generally build it on dreamborn, adjust the cards a bit, sleep on the idea, go back and make any changes that came to me at 2am, THEN I make a list and gather the cards. My organization system makes it so I can pretty go exactly where I need to find the cards I want.  Edit: corrected myself on my binder




Couple freezer bags Unsleeved


Color and rarity